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Fracture: Episode II

By Greggums
Created: 2021-10-24 09:42:04
Expiry: Never

  1. Originally Published December 16th, 2012
  3. >You are now Fluttershy.
  4. >And you are currently the happiest mare who has ever lived.
  5. >Still hopping up and down with joy, you turn to Twilight and let out a stream of
  6. Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you *squeeeeeeeee*
  7. >Twilight also has a large smile painted across her face, and she rest a hoof on your shoulder.
  8. >”Fluttershy…Please relax, you’re still recovering from the spell.”
  9. >Oh yeah, you had forgotten about that.
  10. s-sorry Twilight. I’m just so excited right now!
  11. >”I can see that. Now,” she lights up her horn and a small necklace materializes up from the floor.
  12. >”Take this necklace, and say the incantation into it.”
  13. >You stare at her, dumbfounded.
  14. Do I have to say it?
  15. >She stares daggers at you; ”If you want to keep them, then yes.”
  16. >You sigh. You can’t risk losing them, not when you’re this close to getting Anon.
  17. Twilight is best pony.
  19. >A soft magenta glow envelops the necklace, and it morphs into a shape that resembles your Element.
  20. >”Okay, how are pretty magic tricks going to help me get Anon”, you think to yourself.
  21. >Buck thinking, you’re going to ask
  22. T-twilight…this is a pretty n-necklace and all, b-but how i*mumblemumblemumble*
  23. >”What was that Fluttershy?”
  24. How*mumblemumble*
  25. >”What?””
  26. *mumblemumble*
  27. >Uh-oh.
  28. >You can see the rage building up in her eyes, and there are licks of flames taking life in her mane.
  29. >Her mane turns into a full inferno as she levitates out over the crowd below you.
  31. >No; she’s joking right? Twilight would never destroy something she’s worked thi-
  32. >Is it warmer in here?
  33. >Your voice escapes you as you see a large fireball form above her head.
  34. >Oh horse-feathers.
  35. >She’s getting ready to drop the ball onto the crowd.
  36. >Speak!
  38. >The flames die out as you finish your query, and Twilight alights upon the platform.
  39. >”I’m glad you asked. ”
  41. >”As I was telling you when I first performed the spell on you, they may manifest with changes in body or personality…”
  42. >She drones on for about twenty minutes, going into detail on all the ways that they could have gone wrong, taking care to use personal examples.
  43. >But being Kindness, you pretend to listen until she gets to the part you really care about.
  44. >”..And that was the last time I ever played with Winona…But I digress; the necklace gives you subconscious control of the mass you see below you.”
  45. >She beams with pride on her lecture.
  46. >You, however, are too busy fiddling the necklace around between your hooves to notice.
  47. Can I put it on? I wanna get to Anon as soon as possible!
  48. >You unhook the clasp and are about to put the charm around your neck when Twilight floats it away from you.
  49. >She looks slightly disappointed as she sets the necklace back into the ground.
  50. >”Were you even listening when I was talking about Caramel you silly filly?”
  51. Umm…yes?
  52. >You scrunch up your face and direct your eye toward the ceiling.
  53. >You are a worse liar than Applejack
  54. >”Well,” her demeanor softened slightly at your lie, ”you should know that you need to train with it first.”
  55. T-training?
  56. >”Why yes! You wouldn’t want them to accidentally…”she stares right into your eyes “…kill Anon would you?”
  57. *eep!*
  58. >Dangit. She was right.
  59. How long will it take to train me?
  60. >Twilight swipes her hoof back and forth through the air, performing calculations on an invisible chalkboard.
  61. >”One day at the most; but it will definitely be worth it ‘Shy.”
  62. >She reaches her hoof out to you, holding it up for a bump.
  63. >You pull back your hoof; “It better be worthwhile”, you think.
  64. Let’s do this.
  65. >*hoof-bump*
  67. >You are now Anon.
  68. >The cinnamon roll you had been eating is now laying on the floor, the icing congealing on the cold wood.
  69. >The big bag that Pinkie had brought is collapsing under your weight, and various syrups and frostings are squeezing out of the open end.
  70. What the hell is happening to me?!
  71. >I don’t know man, I just woke up a few minutes ago! Brain?
  72. >I don’t know right now…just go to sleep and maybe the pain will be gone when you wake up.
  73. Okay.
  74. >You slowly crawl over the paper sack, each movement adding a little more to your pain.
  75. >You hit the sugary puddle at the end of the bag and scramble hopelessly to get a footing.
  76. Dammit Pinkie.
  77. >Ignoring the pain coming from Anon Jr., you carefully lie down on your stomach and push off the bag with your feet.
  78. >It feels like a Slip-n-Slide that’s covered in algae.
  79. >You hit small dips in the floor, and it sends hot needles of pain throughout your body.
  80. >You struggled to contain the screams; if BananaHush heard you…you shuddered as your mind flashed back to her list.
  81. >After what seemed like an eternity, you made it to the stairs.
  82. >You climb up the stairs, mindful of both the cast and the slippery liquid covering your hands.
  83. >Climbing up the third step, your cast brushes against the first.
  85. >”Oh shit. What if FLutterbutt heard me?!”
  86. >The front door flies open, easily brushing aside the huge bag of food.
  87. >The pink mane was the first thing to catch your eye.
  88. >The pain and fear keeps your voice from coming above a whisper.
  89. fuck.
  92. >Thank Celestia; It’s only Pinkie Pie.
  93. >”Well who were you expecting?”
  94. >How is she doing that?
  95. >I don’t know…just ignore it.
  96. >You can see her struggling to stifle a laugh.
  97. >”Anon…why are you covered in syrup?”
  98. >Your mind flashes back to her a few hours before, covered in chocolate.
  99. >”You’re one to talk, Pinkie.”
  100. >But due to the pain, all that comes out is
  102. >You hope she understands what you’re saying
  103. >”Are you feeling alright Anon?”
  104. >Nope. Onto Round 2.
  105. >”Pinkie…I need you to get me to the hospital.”
  106. >Once again, all that comes out is
  108. >Realizing the situation is hopeless, you point at her and the door, praying she understands that you want her to leave.
  109. >Instead, she walks up to you and smells the sticky mixture that coats your abdomen.
  110. >”hmmm….Lemon drops…IKNOWHOWTOFIXYOU”
  111. >She rushes into the kitchen, leaving behind an air of frosting and a pink energy trail.
  112. >Kinda like if she were a LightCycle.
  114. >Your vision is filled with the grain of wood on the step.
  115. >But your ears…
  116. >Brassy crashes and a staccato bass-line as boxes, pans, and cabinets are thrown and smashed around.
  117. >”Don’t *crash* worry Anon *boom*, I’m almost *twang* done!”
  118. >Celestia? Why do these ponies torture me so?
  119. >”We’re not torturing you Anon! We just wanna help you out!”
  120. >”She’s doing it again Brain.”
  121. >I know.
  122. >”What does ‘I know’ mean? What are you two talking about?”
  123. >Suddenly the crashes stop, and a powerful smell fills your nose.
  124. >”All do~~~~~ne!”
  125. >Oh Celestia it smells like Tabasco and rotten milk.
  126. >Pinkie flips you over onto your back, and then sits you up against the wall.
  127. >She then sets Gummy onto the stairs, and puts the edge of a plate into his mouth.
  128. >Wait.
  129. >Where the hell did Gummy come from?
  130. >Nevermind; what the hell is on that plate?
  131. >It’s a neon purple powder, and it glows ever so slightly.
  132. >And it’s source of the horrible smell.
  133. >”Now Anon,” Pinkie says while readjusting your head, ”Don’t you worry one bit! I used to do this for Granny Pie all the time!”
  134. >Somehow, she grabs a hoofful of the powder and begins aiming at your face.
  135. >A confused look fills her face ”Then again…Granny did have arthritis, glaucoma, and allergic reactions to her false hip.”
  137. >PainTranslator.exe is running smoothly.
  139. >She’s pulling her hoof back…
  140. >”Oh well. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRIBA!”
  141. >The powder hits your face, burrowing into your eyes and nose.
  142. >The smell makes you throw up a little, and then the world fades into black.
  144. >You are now Pinkie Pie
  145. >Anon is laying in front of you, some vomit on his chest “Eww.”
  146. >And he is barely breathing.
  147. OH NO!
  148. >You can feel your mane and tail begin to straighten out.
  149. >A greyish form begins to materialize in the corner.
  150. >”What if you killed him?”
  151. No; I can’t kill Anon! WHATDOIDO?WHATDOIDO?
  152. >Maybe you should check his pulse.
  153. OH YEAH!
  154. >You hold your breath and focus intensely on your left hoof.
  155. >*popopopop*
  156. >Neat, isn’t it?
  157. >You lose yourself in your new fingers for a couple seconds, then remember that Anon needs your help.
  158. >You prod his wrist with your new index finger, and feel a strong pulse.
  159. Okay…he’s fine.
  160. >The grey figure is taking on a stronger body, developing hooves and eyes.
  161. >”If he’s fine, you should leave him. Don’t you have work to go back to?”
  162. >You can hear the hints of malice and sadness in its voice…it has always scared you.
  163. >You rip the plate out of Gummy’s mouth and throw it at her, the plate cutting a clean path through her middle.
  164. No! I’m not even gonna give him the chance to die. NOW GET OUT!
  165. >A smile pops up on the grey mare’s face, and then she disappears into a cloud of smoke.
  166. >You turn back to Anon.
  167. >His breathing has strengthened a little, and his pulse hasn’t dropped.
  168. >You stare at Gummy, who looks at you with you can only assume to be a frown.
  169. Don’t worry Gummy; He’ll be fine. Now help me get Anon to his room…He’s gonna be sleeping for a while.
  170. >Placing Anon’s head onto Gummy’s back, you grab his legs and begin to slowly carry him up the stairs.
  172. >You are now Fluttershy.
  173. >It is also the day after you started training with the necklace.
  174. >You have learned well and trained hard, and Twilight now feels confident enough to let you have the necklace.
  175. >She has a smile on her face as she pulls the charm out of the ground.
  176. >”Well Fluttershy, this is it!” She carefully lowers the glowing object into your hooves, and you can feel your excitement building.
  177. >”Wait! I think you have to say the incantation again; the magic might have worn off.”
  178. >She’s sweating profusely, and there is a nervous blush on her face.
  179. >”Sweet Celestia…this mare is a massive narcissist.” The thought makes you smile a little.
  180. >Anon had taught you that word when he first got to Ponyville.
  181. >He used it describe Rainbow Dash and Rarity.
  182. >And you weren’t about to risk Anon over another mare with a giant ego.
  183. Twilight is best pony.
  184. >She lets out a relieved sigh. ”It should be working now.”
  185. >Liar. It was working fine before.
  186. >Oh…who cares. You were going to use the buck out of this necklace and make Anon your lover-boy.
  187. >As you went to put on the necklace, Twilight’s hoof grabbed onto yours and kept you from hooking the clasp.
  188. >”Oh great. Do I have to say another incantation?” You roll your eyes as think.
  189. >”Wait! I forgot to tell you about the Exit Phrase!”
  190. >You can almost feel your ears bleed a bit at her outburst.
  191. W-what’s an ‘Exit Phrase’?
  192. >”It better not be ‘Twilight is best pony’” You were really getting tired of it.
  193. >”Sad to say, but there may be a time were you will need to destroy them. The Exit Phrase is a word that will activate said destruction.”
  194. Meaning?
  195. >You can hear a loud *crack* as Twilight’s hoof slams into her forehead, aided by magic.
  196. >It was the rare and dreaded ‘Level 5 Tacticians Facehoof.’
  197. >But that is a story for another day.
  198. >As she pulls back her hoof, she tells you “Come up with a keyword to destroy them should the occasion arise.”
  199. >You think for a minute, then whisper the password into Twilight’s ear.
  200. >She rolls her eyes and then whisper to the necklace in turn.
  201. >But then you remember how they were made.
  202. W-will I be k-kept from being destroyed?
  203. >She responds with: ”As long as you wear the necklace, you will be safe from the Exit Phrase.”
  204. >Feeling reassured, you put on the necklace and march towards Anon’s house with your army of ethical abominations.
  206. >The townsponies ran screaming or stood quietly as you marched through town.
  207. >Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon stood there laughing, making jokes about how you were the head of Prance’s new army.
  208. >Normally, you would run away and cry in a corner, but not today; today was too important for useless crying.
  209. >Using the necklace, you sent a “soldier” to go take care of them.
  210. >You stopped your “Prench Army” and watched as he chased the two fillies into a corner.
  211. >He was panting heavily, with a devious grin on his face.
  212. > He fumbled between his hind legs and stopped when he grabbed hold of a long and hard rod.
  213. >He reached forward, grabbing at Silver Spoon.
  214. >Diamond Tiara could only watch in shock as she saw a crowbar connect viciously with Silver’s jaw, dislocating it.
  215. >He dropped the crowbar and ran back into the group, at which point you had started them marching again.
  216. >Within minutes, you were at Anon’s house.
  217. >Instructing the rest to wait for further instructions, you walked inside, slowly closing the door behind you.
  219. >You are now Anon.
  220. >The intense pain you were feeling earlier is now gone, and you seem to be in your bed.
  221. >The world looks like a fuzzy blur, and you feel kind of happy.
  222. >In the corner of your, you can see a pink blob with a green triangular object sticking out of its top.
  223. >”Okay Brain; who was here went I went to sleep?”
  224. >Dude…look at my Cerebellum…it’s so weird man.
  225. >”He’s not going to be of any help. Penis?”
  226. >Penis has been knocked out for a while man…he’s such a lightweight.
  227. >”Okay…time to use manual recall.”
  228. >You comb your mind for a few seconds, and then mumble out a guess.
  229. Izzat you Pinkie?
  230. >She rushes into your field of vision as soon as you say her name.
  232. >You can’t help but chuckle at her happiness.
  233. Ssslow down a bit; I can barely understand you.
  234. >”Oh! Sorry.”
  235. >She comes into focus, and you notice her eyes are almost bloodshot, her mane is less poof than usual, and her face has salty lines of dried tears.
  236. >And for whatever reason, Gummy has a red “X” painted on his back, like some kind of weird nurse’s cap.
  237. >’Pinkie~~~~~~~~~ you got some ‘splaining to do~~~~~~~~~~!’
  238. >Good point Brain.
  240. >You raise up on one elbow with Pinkie’s assistance.
  241. Pinkie…what the heck isss going on?
  242. >Her smile drops into a frown as she starts talking.
  243. >”Well, I thought I would some of Granny Pie’s Sooper Dooper Pain-go-bye-bye Powder.”
  244. >Oh Celestia that name. You chuckle a little, and Pinkie laughs as well, probably out of sympathy.
  245. >”And I guess it wasn’t made with other creatures in mind, because you blacked out like INSTANTLY.”
  246. >That doesn’t sound fun.
  247. >”It wasn’t fun at all! You were barely breathing.”
  248. >She leans over and gives you a hug, “But I’m just glad I didn’t kill my friend.”
  249. >You return the hug, and wonder why it’s raining in your house.
  250. Thank you Pinkie. How long have I been out?
  251. >”What do you mean ‘out’? You’ve been asleep for about a day! You’ve been in your bed the whole time!”
  252. Well; it could’ve been worse right?
  253. >Just as you finish talking, you can hear the creaking wood of your staircase.
  254. >Who the hell would be coming to visit?
  255. >You turn to Pinkie, who looks just a bit happier than she did before.
  256. Hey Pinkster…can you go check who that is…and do you remember what to do if it’s “her”?
  257. >She raises her hoof in salute, almost knocking Gummy onto the floor.
  258. >”Yup! You can count on me Sleepyhead!”
  259. >She hops out of the room, and you lay your head back onto the pillow.
  260. >There is silence, and then a loud thud.
  261. Pinkie?
  263. >A pink mane passes through the doorway, but it’s not the one you hoped for.
  264. >”Hello, my love.”
  265. >You react on instinct when Fluttershy’s voice hits your ears.
  266. Not my fetish. Get the hell out of my house.
  267. >You feel your jimmies rustle slightly when she laughs in response; she sounds dead serious.
  268. >”Oh, I’m not here for that.”
  269. >You rise up your elbows, and look at Fluttershy.
  270. >Everything about seems different: all the spaghetti seems to have left her body, and she’s wearing this bitchin’ glowing necklace.
  271. Then what do you want?
  272. >She meets you gaze and develops a smug grin. ”I’m here to give you a choice.”
  273. >Well this is new.
  274. >”You can come with me and we can live happily ever after with a life of hot monkey-pony sex…”
  275. >She trails off and looks at you, expecting a response.
  276. >Might as well humor her.
  277. And if I refuse?
  278. >Not saying a word, she opens up the bedroom window and motions for you to look outside.
  279. >You slowly get off the bed, still feeling woozy from whatever the hell Pinkie gave you.
  280. >You keep your eyes locked on her as you head towards the window, then break the stare in order to look outside.
  281. >You’re shocked into sobriety as you see what’s standing on the ground outside your house.
  283. >It’s like a scene from the darkest and most twisted nightmare you’ve never had.
  284. >A sea of Fluttershys, Flutterguys, Cuttershys, and Futashys are in formation in front of your house.
  285. >And they all stare at you; a carnal hunger burning white-hot in their eyes.
  286. >You can hear what sounds like rain, but they sky is bright and blue.
  287. >Oh god that’s nasty.
  288. >”I know Brain…I know.”
  289. >You turn back to Fluttershy and calmly ask her what is going on.
  290. WHAT THE FUCK?!
  291. >She just smiles at you. “Twilight made them for me…as insurance.”
  292. >Ignoring your shocked look, she continues talking.
  293. >“That is what you have to look forward to if you don’t come with me. I will set them all after you, and they won’t be as gentle as me.”
  294. >It’s a catch-22. No matter what you do, you’ll end up
  295. >Fucking Fluttershy.
  296. >”I will get what I want either way. All you have to do is choose the intensity.”
  297. Hmmm…
  298. >”Hey Brain?”
  299. >Yeah Anon?
  300. >”We need a plan. FAST.”
  301. >Alright. But you have to trust me on this. Deal?
  302. >”Deal.”
  303. >You turn back to Fluttershy, and begin act out Brain’s plan.
  304. Fuck you, ya’ chartreuse bastard!
  306. >Fluttershy takes a few steps back. ”Very well.”
  307. >Glancing out the window, you can see the pink and yellow horde rush at your house.
  308. >Pushing Yellow Quiet out of the way, you rush downstairs and begin barricading the front entrances to your house.
  309. >”DAMMIT BRAIN!”
  310. >Trust me man. You’re gonna be fine. Now untie Pinkie; you’re gonna need her help.
  311. >You untie Pinkie and throw her up the stairs.
  313. >Feeling confident in the single chair that’s holding the door closed, you run back upstairs to continue your escape plan.
  314. >Flutters is being pinned by Pinkie, who looks at you like you’re playing a game.
  315. >”Now what do we do Anon?”
  316. Grab her. We need to run.
  317. >You grab the duo and jump out of the window.
  318. >If it wasn’t for Pinkie and her wonder drug, you would be on the ground crying.
  319. >But instead, you’re sprinting down the road into town, Pinkie tailing close behind with Fluttershy in her mane, and an aerial squad of Flutterrapists chasing after you.
  321. >”Well what now Brain?”
  322. >Glancing over your shoulder, you see one clone that has rocketed ahead of the pack.
  323. >And she’s rapidly closing the gap between you and safety from horse-rape.
  324. >Okay; I’ve got it.
  325. >Your Brain goes silent for a couple seconds, and the mare behind you is getting ever closer.
  326. >”Well!?”
  327. >BananaHush’s necklace is probably what makes her the leader of the group. You need to grab it, and then you can send them out of town.
  328. >”How is that going to work?”
  329. >Give it a second. It’ll come to ya’.
  330. >You fall to the ground with the force that the lead clone struck you with, and you feel your back being viciously dry-humped.
  331. >Since your Brain didn’t explain much of the plan, you reach up your thumb and hope for a plum.
  333. >Pinkie, still thinking it’s a game, throws you the necklace and begins laughing when Fluttershy struggles in her mane.
  334. >You rip the mare off of your back and turn her around so that she faces the crowd.
  335. >You grab the necklace out of the air and close it around the Fluttershy clone’s neck.
  336. >The other clones are getting dangerously close now.
  337. >Time to use your skills at impersonating voices.
  338. >With the army of clones but a few meters away, you hold the wriggling clone in front of your face, put on your best Fluttershy voice, and yell
  340. >The clones all stop in their tracks, and a soft magenta glow begins to envelop the necklace.
  341. >The glow then spreads out over all of the clones.
  342. >”FUCK!” You turn to see that not only is Fluttershy the one swearing, but she is covered in the glow as well.
  343. >Strangely enough, the clone that you are holding is the only Fluttershy that isn’t glowing.
  344. >The silence is quickly cut through by a maniacal laugh from Fluttershy.
  345. >You sit quietly as all of the glowing Fluttershys explode, spraying blood on the surrounding area.
  347. >You sit quietly for what seems like hours, pondering the moldy plum your plan turned out to be.
  348. >You look at the spot where Pinkie had sat, covered in blood.
  349. >Her mane had straightened out completely, and she ran away crying; not in her usual “I’m a fountain” fashion either.
  350. >You had goofed. Hard.
  351. >The clone-
  352. >You might as well call her Fluttershy, seeing as she’s the only one left.
  353. >Fluttershy sits calmly beside you, waiting a while before breaking the silence.
  354. >”Nice job, Anon.” There wasn’t any spite, nor rage or sadness. It was said as if it was a fact, and that’s what hit you hardest.
  355. >You turn to respond, but instead start to analyze the new Fluttershy.
  356. >She isn’t exactly a perfect copy of Fluttershy: her voice is deeper, breathier, and more confident; her eyes are a shade of minty green.
  357. >But aside from that, she could easily pass for the deceased original.
  358. >You get up to talk, having finally found the words to say.
  359. Well, we should probably get to Twilight’s house. I’ve got a lot of stuff to explain to her by the look of things.
  360. >Fluttershy stands up as well. ”What about Pinkie Pie?”
  361. >You can feel the rain start up again. She had taken care of you, fed you, and you had repaid her with a bloodbath of one of her friends.
  362. I don’t know.
  363. >Fluttershy leaps up and hugs you, and you cry shame-filled tears into her mane, not caring that most hugs with the original Fluttershy ended up with you getting molested.
  364. >But this one is different; she kept her hooves above your waist. It was a nice change from the old one.
  365. >”We’ll go find her later. But for now, you’re right; Twilight has to know what happened.”
  366. >She floats off of you and grabs your hand, and the two of you head toward the library.
  369. >You are now at Twilight’s tree/library/house, and according to the new Fluttershy, it’s also a war shelter/museum/lab.
  370. >And she mad bro.
  371. >Remember how mad you were when Frieza tried to kill Goku, even though Goku let him live?
  372. >She’s about a hundred times angrier than that.
  373. >The rest of the Mane 6 (heh, horsey pun.), are just shifting around nervously.
  374. >Well, the ones that showed up anyways.
  375. >Nobody has been able to find Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow flew off to find a bar as soon as she saw the new Fluttershy’s eyes.
  376. >After Rainbow escaped, Twilight magically locked down the Library, trapping you, NewShy, Rarity, Applejack and Spike inside, and then forced you to explain what happened.
  377. >And explaining what happened only served to add fuel to her flames.
  379. >Wow.
  380. >She walks towards a stick of quills and parchment on a nearby table, her towering inferno of a mane leaving scorch marks on the ceiling.
  381. Twilight, c-can’t we j-jus-*mumble*
  382. >Fluttershy has jammed her hoof into your mouth, effectively halting the flow of words from your mouth.
  383. >Hey Anon, I’m just going to play the worst case scenario for ya’, okay?
  384. >”Is this how it all ends;” you mumble, Fluttershy’s hoof still stuck in your mouth, ”raped by Fluttershy while Celestia burns us all to a crisp?”
  385. >As you prepare to start pleading with Fluttershy, you see her throw a noodle at Twilight, striking her right between the eyes.
  386. >Fucking Fluttershy, now you’ve done it.
  387. >But instead of the fiery death you were expecting, the noodle seems to have calmed Twilight down.
  388. >wat.jpg
  390. >The flames in Twilight’s eyes and mane have now died out completely, and she’s staring daggers at Fluttershy.
  391. >”We don’t have to tell Celestia about the noodles, do we Twilight?”
  392. >Okay, now this was just getting bizarre.
  393. Noodles?
  394. >”I WAS FRAMED!”
  395. >Fluttershy just smiles, ”Well why don’t we have a vote then? We can either tell Celestia about BOTH incidents, or we can keep quiet about them.”
  396. >Applejack and Rarity look more nervous than ever before.
  397. >Twilight still looks unsure.
  398. >”Spike’s vote will count for both Pinkie and Rainbow, seeing as they’re not here.”
  399. >As soon as she mentioned Spike’s vote counting double, Twilight grew a confident smile.
  400. >”I say that we tell the Prince-”
  401. >”Did I forget to mention that this would be an opportunity to study the social and behavioral effects of cloning?”
  402. >Twilight leaps onto Fluttershy, and you can almost see stars in her eyes.
  404. >That’s 1 vote Quiet, 0 votes Death.
  405. >You ignore Twilight slowly licking Fluttershy’s face and turn to Applejack.
  406. Well…what’s your say on this?
  407. >She clears her throat, ”Ah don’ believe in puttin’ anypony to death, regardless of what they done.”
  408. >She takes off her hat and fiddles it between her hooves.
  409. >”Nah it don’ mean I’m okay wit what you ‘er Twi did, but Ah say we give dis new Fluttershy a chance.”
  410. >2 votes Quiet.
  412. >All that’s left is Rarity and Spike.
  413. >Okay man, you’re not going to like this new plan.
  414. >”Why not Brain? Is Rarity getting killed too?”
  415. >Nah, it’s nothing like that. But you might not be getting any new jeans.
  416. >“Ohhhh.”
  417. >You turn to Rarity with a smile on your face and say
  418. So what do you say? I’ll keep quiet if you do?
  419. >Much like the night when you first found out, her eyes turn to pinpricks and she begins a nervous stammer.
  420. >”Y-y-yessssss let’s n-n-n-not t-t-tell anyponyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Ssssssspik-k-k-k-k-k-ke?”
  421. >Spike’s eyes turn into little red hearts. It’s kind of adorable, how much he likes that mare.
  422. >”Yeah! Let’s keep quiet.” he says with a dreamy tone in his voice.
  423. >5 votes Quiet. You’re in the clear.
  424. >Twilight lifted the force-field around her tree and the person/ponies that didn’t live there all began to leave.
  425. >Applejack went home by herself, you walked back to your house with Fluttershy, and Rarity left with Spike as her escort.
  426. >When you got to your house, it was a wreck.
  427. >The front of your house looked like Swiss cheese, with holes the size of Pegasi, legs, and…other appendages.
  428. >True to her namesake, Fluttershy just stares shyly at the ground and says “Sorry about that. If there’s any way I can repay you, just let me know.”
  429. >You look at your house, then back to Fluttershy, then back at your house.
  430. Would you mind if I stayed at your place for a while? Just until my house is fixed?
  431. >She looks up at you and replies ”Sure.”
  432. >As the two of you walked entered Fluttershy’s cottage a few minutes later, you felt your heart sink.
  433. >You had just asked to stay at the home who has attempted your rape on multiple occasions.
  434. >You prayed that she was different as you went to sleep.

c: April Fool

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