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Fracture: Interlude in Pink.

By Greggums
Created: 2021-10-24 09:47:05
Expiry: Never

  1. Originally Published June 26th, 2013
  3. >A strong, cold wind rustles your mane and rouses you from your half-conscious gallop.
  4. >You lock your legs and lean onto your back hooves, kicking up big swirly dust clouds as you stop at the edge of the cliff, getting a quick view of a far-down lake before leaning back towards safety.
  5. >You are Pinkie Pie.
  6. >And you are on top of a mountain.
  7. >And for once, it’s not because of those Yoke peppermint patties.
  8. >You feel like you’ve been running for days, and when you look at your hooves you see that your feeling isn’t far off.
  9. >Each hoof sports a few cracks and chips, and some of the fissures leak a small red pool onto the soil beneath you.
  10. >You can feel the adrenaline begin to wear off as the pain starts to rear up in your hooves, so you fall over painlessly onto your side.
  11. >Is it painless because of a pain-cancelling spell?
  12. >Is it because fuck you you’re Pinkie Pie?
  13. >No; your exclusive diet of sponge-cake, marshmallow, and Jell-O has transformed a good percentage of your body into a cakey shock absorber.
  14. >You pound you’re your hoof against your chest, which gives of a hollow metal sound.
  16. >You proudly and painfully exclaim to your friendly national demi-god.
  17. >A few minutes later, after the pain has ebbed and your leg has stopped throbbing, you begin to remember why you ran here….
  18. ….
  19. Oh well. Not like I really need a reason to run a comatose marathon, right?
  20. >You turn your gaze directly at the nor/mlp/0nes.
  21. Right?
  22. >A deep, throaty chuckle comes as an answer.
  23. ”Silly mare, just because you deny it, doesn’t mean it no longer exists. ”
  24. >An inky fog materializes in front of you and more laughter is coming from its core.
  25. >A ghostly leg protrudes out of the cloud, and the rest of the mist swirls behind it and gives rise to a more tangible grey mare.
  26. ”It still happened, and no matter how much you wish otherwise, you’re the one who made it happen.”
  30. >That…thing was back.
  31. Leave me alone. I’m not in the mood for this.
  32. >The shadow mare responds with a small smile.
  33. ”Oh, but that’s exactly why I’m here my dear Pinkamina!”
  34. >She disappears for a split-second before rematerializing by your side.
  35. ”…so that you can see the grim truth of it all.”
  36. But I didn’t do anything!
  37. ”Exactly!”
  38. >Her grin widens, revealing gums studded with dagger-like teeth.
  39. ”You could’ve gone back to work, made a few extra bits, and left Anon to his fate; it would have been just like one of those ‘humanrape’ stories you love so much.”
  40. Stop it.
  41. ”But you didn’t. You stayed at his house and did nothing.”
  42. Stop.
  43. >You look away to avoid her gaze, but you can feel her press against your side.
  44. ”And by the time you finally snapped
  45. out of your love-struck stupor and could’ve acted, the necklace was already around the clone’s neck.”
  46. >You feel her hooves dig into your shoulders.
  47. ”And who was the one who threw the necklace to Anon?”
  48. >Your vision clouds as hot tears fill your eyes.
  49. >You can feel her breath as she whispers in your ear.
  50. “Who killed her best friend?”
  52. >You whip around to face her, ready to bellow out a stream of foul language, but you stop yourself before you could further break character.
  53. >She was gone.
  57. >You search frantically, desperate for a sign that she was there.
  58. >But all you find are your bloody hoof prints leading up to your outline in the dust.
  59. >What if she was never there?
  60. >What if you imagined the whole thing?
  61. >What if you were…loco in the coco?
  62. >And with that thought, you go cold. Being loco in the coco makes absolute sense. Only a crazy person would kill their friend.
  63. >The realization scares you.
  64. >And when you were scared, you would think back to Granny Pie, and how she told you to laugh away your fears…
  65. >…and how Granny Pie’s much younger Doctor colt-friend told you when the laughter doesn’t work, you should run.
  66. ”It’s not going to work.”
  67. >You hear her voice, and fight the urge to turn and look at her.
  68. ”You can run as far and as fast as you like…”
  69. >”I wonder...”
  70. “And you could even split your hooves from the effort…”
  71. >”She would have to be standing right on the edge.”
  72. “But the blood on them will never be yours.”
  73. >In one fluid movement, you turn and leap at the shade.
  78. >You focus all of your weight and will into your right shoulder, hoping to knock her off the mountain.
  79. >You can see it all play out perfectly in the moments before you make contact.
  80. “Silly mare.”
  81. >You pass cleanly through her, like she was nothing more than air.
  82. >And as your hoof leaves the earth, you turn around with the hope that you might still be able to grab her.
  83. >But like before, she was gone.
  84. >The wind rips past you, trying feebly to slow you down as the lake rushes up towards you.
  85. >In the moments before breaching the water, a voice, her voice, sounds in your mind like a stray thought.
  86. “I would never leave you alone. I am you.”
  87. >You strike the surface of the lake head-on.
  88. “I can help you make everything go back to the way it was.”
  89. >A cold blackness starts to wash over you, numbing the impact.
  90. “And once we get the real Fluttershy back, we can make Anon ours.”
  91. >And then nothing.

c: April Fool

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