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Old Request: Fluttershy has a Sad

By Greggums
Created: 2021-10-25 20:08:42
Expiry: Never

  1. Originally Published March 8th, 2018
  3. >"What?"
  4. >Fluttershy stares at you, confused
  5. >You are Anonymous
  6. >For the past 8 years, first thing in the morning, every single morning, a yellow horse has been trying to guess your fetish
  7. >You've cunt-punted her far enough to set a few records, but she still comes back
  8. >You even learned the sacred art of appleslap in an attempt to dissuade her, but she just came back for more
  9. >You honestly just want it to end
  10. >So you decided to try something different today, and caved in
  11. That's my fetish, Fluttershy; thigh socks. Especially when they do that little indent thing.
  12. >You take a sip of your coffee, waiting for your assault to come
  13. So, what now?
  14. >"Y-yes! I..."
  15. >Fluttershy drops her gaze to the ground
  16. >"I..."
  17. >And with that, she walks away
  18. Huh. Should've done that years ago
  19. >You go back inside and make a bagel, dancing a little as you spread the cream cheese
  20. >Today is a good day
  21. 1/?
  23. >One week later in Equestria
  24. >This has arguably been the greatest week of your life since moving to this saccharine horse land
  25. >Without Butterstutter forcing you awake with her inane fetish guesses, you've actually been able to get a decent amount of sleep
  26. >Your boss stopped docking your pay for showing up late, too
  27. And look! I even have some extra money left over this week!
  28. >You dangle your bitbag in front of Spike
  29. >Three bits clack against each other inside
  30. I'm basically rich!
  31. >"Easy there, Filthy Rich!" Spike laughs as he pushes your bag away
  32. >"So you're sure you haven't seen Fluttershy, Anon?"
  33. Spike, please. The next time I see that yellow demon it'll be too soon.
  34. >"Alright, just let the girls know if you do see her. Nobody's heard from her in a week, and we're getting kinda worried."
  35. >Spike hops down from the threshold and waddles his way back to town
  36. Haven't heard from her in a week?, you ask yourself
  37. >Could it-
  38. >Nah
  39. 2/?
  41. >2 Weeks Later in Equestria
  42. >Wake up
  43. >Do the Triple-S
  44. >Sit down for a nice, heathy bowl of Scootaloops
  45. >"Stays crunchy, even in Milk!", the little mascot cheers
  46. >As you lift the spoon to your mouth for the first bite, you hear a knock at your door
  47. Ugh
  48. >Trudging over to the door, you slide on your cuntpunting waders from the coat rack
  49. Goddamnit Fluttershy, I thought I tol-oh.
  50. >Standing outside your door is not Fluttershy, but one of those other horses, the purple one
  51. >"Anon? Why are you wearing waders?"
  52. Uhh
  53. >Shit, why ARE you wearing waders?
  54. Bit of a leak in the basement, but I've got it under control.
  55. >Twilight stares at you with a look that says "You dumb monkey, I built this house for you. It doesn't have a basement."
  56. >"Rrright. Anyway, Anon, I just came over to let you know how Fluttershy is doing, since you two were so..."
  57. >She cocks an eyebrow
  58. >"Close, and all."
  59. Eugh. So what is it? Was she trapped in the bathroom by a spider again?
  60. >"No, thankfully. She's just really REALLY sad. Won't even get out of bed, poor thing."
  61. >What
  62. >"I'm absolutely certain she'd cheer up if you went to visit her though!"
  63. >Yeah no
  64. Maybe another time Twilight. Got a busy day ahead in the basement!, you say as you shut the door.
  65. >You head back to your Scootaloops, ready to savor the delicious crunch
  66. >But they feel soggy in your mouth
  67. 3/?
  70. Come on, come on....
  71. >You rush downstairs and throw open the door
  72. >But no one is there
  73. ARGH!
  74. >You slam the door and head to the kitchen, taking a seat at the table and holding your head in your hands
  75. >It's been a month since Fluttershy holed herself up in her house
  76. >And it's been a week since you've been waking up to phantom knocks at the door
  77. >Sometimes you even hear her voice outside, but it always ends up being Pinkie or one of the other girls asking you to visit
  78. >It almost makes you feel bad for her
  79. I don't feel bad for her.
  80. >The house is silent around you
  81. I don't! That little molester made life hell for me and my wallet! I'm glad she's gone.
  82. >"But then why do you feel so alone?", the house responds with its quietude
  83. I'm not alone! I can make new friends! She wasn't even a friend, she was just the first pony to find me in this world!
  84. >...
  85. Fuck you house, quit judging me.
  86. >...
  87. >...
  88. >You stand up violently, sending your chair a few feet behind you
  90. 4/?
  92. >You don't know quite how you managed it, but your aimless walk led you right to Fluttershy's cottage
  93. ...damnit.
  94. >The shutters are all drawn, and no lights are on
  95. >Discord is in the backyard trying to get one of the bears to jump through a flaming hoop
  96. >You turn around, hoping nobody noticed you walk up yet
  97. >"Hellooo, Anonymous!"
  98. Holy shit! H-hey Discord.
  99. >In front of you floated Discord's head
  100. >His neck was stretching to where his body stood in the backyard
  101. >"So you've finally come to pay Shy a visit! Oh, happy day!"
  102. >His smile seems to stretch beyond his face
  103. >Fuck, gotta get out of this
  104. >You put on your fakest smile
  105. Y-yup! Just here to pay a visit!
  106. >You march your way up to her front door
  107. Knock knock! Oh gee, well I guess she isn't home!
  108. >The door creaks slowly open
  109. >Discord stares at you, Cheshire smile still plastered on his face
  110. WELP! I'll just pop in to make sure if she's here, then!
  111. >You step inside and close the door, maintaining eye contact with Discord the whole time
  112. >The lock clicks into place, and then silence
  113. >After a few seconds, you hear a whoosh noise as Discord moves away from the door
  114. Hah. Sucker.
  115. >You reach for the knob, only to find it isn't there
  116. >In fact, the entire door has been replaced with a mural of a door
  117. >Shit
  118. You damn luney toon, you hiss under your breath
  119. 5/?
  121. >Taking a breath, you find your nose assaulted by the smell
  122. >A musty mix of stale air, B.O., and old take-out containers
  123. >If it wasn't a smell you were familiar with, you'd probably had thrown up
  124. >Instead, you crack the windows to let some fresh air in.
  125. >It's the least you could do.
  126. >You try to head out the kitchen door, but it too is replace by a mural
  127. >An irritated Discord with a sign reading "Not 'till you talk."
  128. Shit.
  129. >You head back into the living room and park yourself on the couch
  130. >From upstairs, you can hear the faint noise of television
  131. >Taking a deep breath, you muster the courage to head to her room
  132. >You tread lightly on the steps, slinking your way up
  133. >With each step your apprehension grows
  134. >When you reach her door, time seems to slow down
  135. >The faint television noise is a dull roar in your eyes
  136. >You reach your hand up to knock, but something stops you before your knuckles touch the wood
  137. >You turn around, hoping to shimmy out of a win-
  139. ...
  140. >You can hear a shuffling inside the room
  141. >"Twilight? Twilight I already told you I don't want to go outside.", the voice says as it opens the door
  142. 6/?
  144. >You hold still, hoping her time spent in front of the t.v. messed with her vision
  145. >"Anon?"
  146. >Well, there goes that plan
  147. >You turn around to face the object of your...something
  148. Hey, Shy. Twilight said you weren't feeling too good, so I thought I'd drop by to see how you were doing.
  149. >"Oh. I'm doing...fine."
  150. >Fluttershy adjusts a blanket draped over her back
  151. >You cough
  152. >"Would you like to come in? I'd like someone to hang out with for a bit...if that's okay with you?"
  153. Uh....sure.
  154. >Against your better judgement, you walked into her room and took a seat on her bed
  155. >The floor was covered in pizza boxes
  156. >She sits next to you on the bed and wraps herself up in more blankets
  157. >The t.v. was playing an oldie called "I Love Lyra."
  158. >Lyra was busy at the soda factory, racing back and forth to keep bottles from breaking on the floor.
  159. >She didn't remember she was a unicorn until her hooves were loaded up with bottles though, and ended up dropping the lot of them
  160. Heh.
  161. >"Yeah."
  162. >The silence returned, painfully loud
  163. >You had to say something
  164. So, Flu-
  165. >"Anonymous I'm sorry if I bothered you these past few years."
  166. >What
  167. 7/?
  169. >Your emotions swirl in your gut: a mix of rage, relief, and disbelief
  170. You're...sorry?
  171. >You must have laid the venom on a bit thick, because she winced a little when you spoke
  172. >"Yes. I should have noticed a long time ago that you weren't happy with what I was doing, and I'm sorry. You don't have to forgive me, I'd understand if you didn't."
  173. >There's a lot you want to say in this moment
  174. >A million scenarios playing out in your head, all perfect in their own ways
  175. >But you know what you've really come here to say
  176. I forgive you, Fluttershy.
  177. >She seems to brighten up a bit at that
  178. >"Th-thank you, An-"
  179. But I have one question for you: what was your endgame with all those fetish guesses?
  180. >"Endgame?", she asks, confused
  181. >She turns off the t.v. with a soft click of the remote
  182. >"I guess at first I just wanted to be your friend, but then I just...I don't know."
  183. >Her voice falls as she continues talking
  184. >"And when you told me your fetish I was so excited at first, but then I realized I didn't have a plan for what to do after."
  185. >The room goes silent again, aside from Fluttershy's cracking voice
  186. >"And then I realized just how much of your time I must have wasted, and all those new d-doors you had to buy, and...", her voice dies out, a stifled sob in the back of her throat
  187. Well if it makes you feel any better, I kinda miss having you bug me.
  188. >She looks at you through her tears, confused
  189. >"W-why?"
  190. >You scratch the back of your head
  191. I don't know, you've grown on me, I guess.
  192. >You draw her close and turn the t.v. back on
  193. Don't read too much into it.
  194. >She stays solid for a moment, wary, but slowly begins to rest her head on your shoulder
  195. >The soft weight makes you feel a sense of...something
  196. >But it's a something you could get used to
  198. 8/8

c: April Fool

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