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By Greggums
Created: 2021-10-25 20:23:56
Expiry: Never

  1. Originally Published March 23rd, 2018
  3. I'll be putting story notes on the bottom as soon as the Adventure is finished
  4. -----
  5. >A Day of Possibilities in Equestria
  6. >Be Anon
  7. >Wake up
  8. >Do the Triple-S and head downstairs
  9. >Settle in for a bowl Appuljax
  10. >tap-tap
  11. >You open the door
  12. >It's the yellow menace, Fluttershy
  13. >She's wearing a sombrero, with maracas in her wings
  14. >She gives them a shake
  15. >"Arriba! H-hola, ese. Ees...umm"
  16. >She shakes the maracas again
  17. >"Was....umm"
  18. >Her wings droop
  19. >"Oh fiddlesticks, where was I going with this again?"
  20. >She stares at the floor and begins mumbling to herself
  22. What do?
  23. -------
  24. Rules:
  25. 1. No rules
  26. 2. This will be a slow adventure
  27. 3. Yes.
  28. ______
  29. >Unlucky for Fluttershy, you know a bit of Spanish
  30. >From high school
  31. >9th grade
  32. >10 years ago
  33. Arriba Fluttershy! ¿Cómo estás hoy? Parece que tienes otra arriba suposición fetiche esta mañana. Dime, ¿has dormido todavía? Sé que a veces te quedas despierto toda la arriba tratando de pensar en un nuevo fetiche y siempre te sientes arriba todo el día siguiente.
  34. >She stares at you
  35. >She scratches her head with a maraca
  36. >"I-is that a yes for the sex?"
  37. No.
  38. >You close the door and go back inside to eat
  39. >Your cereal has gone soggy
  40. >You throw it, bowl and all, outside the window
  41. >"OW!"
  42. >You want to look outside to see if they're hurt
  43. >But you're also pretty hungry
  45. Who did you hit? What do?
  46. ___
  47. >You recognize that purple and over the top yell
  48. >It's Rarity
  49. >She's sitting down, rubbing her flank
  50. >You really want to get some more cereal
  51. >But she does make your clothes for you
  52. >You decide to ask if she's okay
  53. You okay, Rar?
  54. >"I'm fine, I suppose. I was coming over to drop off your new pants when something hit me. Ow."
  55. >Oh right, your cereal bowl
  56. >It's half-buried in the ground behind her
  57. >She's still rubbing her flank
  58. >A lightbulb goes off in your head
  59. Well Rarity, try to look on the bright side!
  60. >"Bright side?"
  61. Yeah, just think of how much worse this could have been if you actually laid off the bonbons this year!
  62. >"Laid off the bonbons? What's that sup-"
  63. >She stops rubbing her flank
  64. >She gives it a poke
  65. >It jiggles
  66. >She turns a suprisingly deep shade of red
  67. >And raises her hoof, probably not for a high five though
  69. What do?
  70. ___
  71. >You raise your fist for a bump
  72. >So nice of Rarity to take appreciate your genius
  73. >-THWAK
  74. >Ow
  75. >You can see Rarity's ass jiggle a bit from the blow
  76. >She sees you staring
  77. >She turns even redder and smacks you again
  78. >THWAK
  79. STOP!
  80. >She rips a tree branch down with magic
  81. >Using it to cover her ass, she runs off
  83. >Ponies stare at her as she goes by
  84. >Then trace her path back to your house
  85. >They don't seem to happy
  86. >You close the window
  87. >Could have gone worse
  88. >But now your face hurts
  89. >Your only cereal bowl is dirty and covered in butt particles
  90. >And you're still hungry
  92. What do?
  93. _____
  94. >You give up on the quest for cereal
  95. >You begin the quest for Sugarcube Corner
  96. >Ponies who saw the Rarity incident glare at you
  97. >Probably just jealous of your humor
  98. >You get to Sugarcube Corner
  99. >Pinkie opens the door before you can even touch the handle
  100. >"Hey Nonny-nonny!"
  101. >She whisks you into a seat before you can get a word in
  102. >She gropes you as she does so
  103. >No one seems to notice
  104. >You do though
  105. >Damn ponies
  106. >"Here's a menu! I'll be back in a minute for your order~~!"
  107. >You read the menu
  108. Donut + Coffee; Cream and Sugar
  109. - 2 Bits
  111. Chef's Special: Pinkie's Ass + Sausage (Human)
  112. >Those are the only items on the menu
  113. >Tough Choice
  114. ___
  115. >You've never ordered food by yourself at a diner
  116. >You always went with your dad
  117. >Or, occasionally, your uncle Horsefucker
  118. >Plus, this is a diner in another dimension
  119. >Is this "coffee" the same as what you call coffee back home?
  120. >You don't know
  121. >You flag dow-
  122. >"Having trouble choosing, Nonna-llama?"
  123. HOLY HELL.
  124. >She looks a bit upset
  125. I'm just having trouble reading the menu?
  126. >She cocks an eyebrow
  127. >"Oh you silly billy, no need to read when Pinkie Pie is at your side! You'll get a Chef's Special."
  128. >She takes your menu
  129. >"Wow! I sure rhymed a lot back there, huh?"
  130. >She heads back into the kitchen
  131. >Surely, she doesn't mean to serve you her ass
  132. >Right?
  133. ____
  134. >A minute later
  135. >The food comes out
  136. Oh god
  137. >Two pink globes rest on the plate
  138. >They look a bit furry
  139. >Each has three balloons painted on
  140. >Or, at least, you hope it's painted
  141. >Resting between them is a rather suggestive looking sausage
  142. >You instinctively pat yourself to make sure it's not your sausage
  143. >Safe
  144. >Pank is looking at you eagerly
  145. >"Aren'tcha gonna try it?"
  146. I'm not sure where to start.
  147. >How would you eat an ass anyway?
  148. >Heh
  149. >You slice off a part of the right cheek and take a bite
  150. >Pinkie is staring a hole into you as you do so
  151. >The taste is indescribable
  152. This is amazing!
  153. >You wolf down the rest of the meal
  154. >She giggles
  155. >"Thank's Anon! I just knew you'd like Pinkie's Sass!"
  156. >Sass?
  157. >Oh thank god
  158. You need to work on your writing, Pinkie.
  159. >"What do you mean?"
  160. ...nothing. Thanks again!
  161. >You pay for your meal and head out
  162. >You are no longer hungry
  163. >Your face is still a bit sore
  165. >You have gained a Hole
  167. What do?
  168. ____
  169. >Full of good food, you decide to take a trip to the spa
  170. >A nice massage should help you digest
  171. >And take your mind off your face pain
  172. >As you walk to the spa, you see Rarity jogging around the town
  173. >She looks like she's been running for hours
  174. >Ain't no amount of wiggle will cure that jiggle though
  175. >Soon, you arrive at the Spa
  176. >Bulk checks you in
  177. >Apparently, you're going to be with a new masseuse
  178. >You do the usual spa do-ery and put on a towel
  179. >You lay on the table
  180. >Through the face-hole, you can see a pair of yellow hooves
  181. >Oh no
  182. >It's Fluttershy
  183. >"Greetings, Mr. Moose, are you ready for your massage?"
  184. >Weird, she's not acting nervous at all
  185. >"Thank you for putting your antlers away before we began, they could have gotten in the way"
  186. >Ah
  187. >She doesn't know it's you
  188. >You could have some major fun with this...
  190. >Your face is still a bit sore
  191. >You still have 1 Hole
  193. What do?
  194. ___
  195. >Fluttershy begins her massage
  196. >She's pretty good
  197. >As much as you hate to admit it
  198. Mmmmm...
  199. >But as relaxing as this is, you have a duty
  200. >A duty to make this mare as uncomfortable as possible
  201. >You remember the Hole Pinkie stared into you
  202. >You grab it and try to place it under Fluttershy
  203. >But it turns red and snaps back into your hand instead
  204. >Fluttershy has started work on your shoulders
  205. >Developed to a mighty hunch by years of shitposting back home
  206. >"Oh my! You have so much tension here, Mr. Moose!"
  207. >It feels great
  208. >But you can't let yourself be lose this opportunity
  209. >...right?
  211. Inventory
  212. -Hole (1)
  213. -Clothes
  214. -Wallet
  215. ___
  216. >You throw on a moosey accent
  217. >This massage is worth having
  218. >Plus maybe you can get some dirt on her in the process
  219. >You use your well-honed social skills to ply her for info
  220. So, do you come here often?
  221. >Smooth
  222. >"Oh no, I just finished my training yesterday. You're my first client!"
  223. >First customer? Interesting
  224. >You feel the tension in your hunch go away as she kneads your shoulders
  225. First customer? But you're so gooooood at this~mmm
  226. >A small moan escapes your lips
  227. >You see Shy shuffle her legs
  228. >"Oh stop, you."
  229. >This is getting bad
  230. >Any longer and you might actually find yourself enjoying this
  232. What do?
  234. Inventory
  235. -Hole (1)
  236. -Clothes
  237. -Wallet
  238. ____
  239. >A quick bit of mental gymnastics confirms you do have enough to pay for the spa trip
  240. >And this sinful massage
  241. >Oh baby
  242. >Your mighty hunch has been kneaded down into a shape nature intended for you
  243. >You gain 3 inches in height!
  244. >Unfortunately, you also gain a few inches down below...
  245. >"Time to massage your front, Mr. Moose."
  246. >Oh no
  247. Any reason why?
  248. >"Well there was soo much tension on your shoulders that it must be affecting your front as well..."
  249. >She reaches a hoof under your stomach to begin flipping you
  250. O-oh
  251. >This is bad
  252. >If this were Aloe or Lotus, they'd be polite and ignore your accidental growth, or wait till you calmed down to continue
  253. >But this is Flutter"Put your dock in my sock"Shy
  255. What do?
  257. Inventory
  258. -Hole (1)
  259. -Clothes
  260. -Wallet
  261. -Boner(Temp.)
  262. ___
  263. >You quickly shuffle your hands around beneath the towel
  264. >Fluttershy notices this
  265. >"Mr. Moose! Please restrain yourself!"
  266. >Using her wings, she pulls your hands from the towel
  267. >And then she flips you over
  268. >"Now pl-...Anonymous?"
  269. >You nervously swallow
  270. Hhhheyyyy...
  271. >Her wings shoot out farther than you've ever seen before
  272. >They even twitch a bit
  273. >Without another word, she rips the towel from your crotch....
  274. >To find nothing
  275. >No shaft, no balls.
  276. >Smooth like a Ken doll
  277. >"B-but the dick! Where is the dick?!"
  278. >You shrug
  279. Dunno.
  280. >She huffs in frustration and reluctantly finishes the massage
  281. >She may not be happy, but you feel great
  282. >As you get dressed, you readjust your Hole
  283. >You head outside
  284. >It's midafternoon
  285. >You hike up your pants to seize the rest of the day
  286. >But as the cloth brushes your crotch, you noticce a problem
  287. >Your wang is missing
  289. Inventory
  290. -Hole (1)
  291. -Clothes
  292. -Wallet (20 Bits Remaining)
  293. ___
  294. >Being dickless isn't a good look for you, so you decide to head to Twilight's
  295. >If anyone knows where your dick is, it's probably her
  296. >You hope
  297. >As you head to the treecastle, you can see Rarity still jogging around the town
  298. >Determined mare, that one
  299. >You can just barely hear her heavily panting as she plods along
  300. Heh.
  301. >You get to the treecastle, and knock on the door
  302. >-knockknockknock-
  303. >"Just a minute!"
  304. >You hear faint steps from behind the door
  305. >You also hear a faint fluttering behind you
  307. Inventory
  308. -Hole (1)
  309. -Clothes
  310. -Wallet (20 Bits Remaining)
  311. ___
  312. >You turn to see what's fluttering behind you
  313. >"Hey Anon!"
  314. >It's Rainbow Dash
  315. >She drops down between you and the door
  316. >"I've been looking for you all morning! What happened?"
  317. Oh you know, ju-
  318. >You feel a rumbly in your tumbly
  319. >You need to find a toilet
  320. >At this moment, the door opens
  321. >It's Spike
  322. >"Hey-hey, Anon! What's up?"
  323. Not much, can I just go i-
  324. >Rainbow Dash gets between you and the dragon
  325. >"Woah now, I was talking to him first!"
  326. >The rumbly feeling gets worse
  327. >You need to get on that porcelain throne
  328. Excuse me, gu-
  329. >"Um, I think he knocked before he started talking to me, thanks."
  330. Rainbow? If you could move, I have to-
  331. >"Well I was talking to him last, so he should finish talking to me first."
  332. I-
  333. >"Now now, Dash, we shou-"
  334. >Fuck this
  336. >You yell
  337. >Spike and Rainbow stop arguing and stare at you
  338. >You feel a brown sensation in your pants
  339. >You hear a yellow scream in the distance
  340. >You force your way past the two
  341. >You get to the toilet in time to save your pants, but your underwear has fallen
  343. Inventory
  344. -Hole (1)
  345. -Clothes
  346. -Wallet (20 Bits Remaining)
  347. -Soiled Underoos
  348. ___
  349. >You dump your undies in the trash and exit the bathroom
  350. >Rip, Underoos
  351. >Spike and Rainbow are still by the door
  352. >Spike is waving his arm in Rainbow's face
  353. >And Blue Fast is a surprising shade of red
  354. Hey Spike, have you seen Twilight?
  355. >"She's upstairs, Anon. Why?"
  356. >He starts snapping by her ears
  357. I just got a bit of a minor magic emergency. No big deal, I hope.
  358. >Spike is starting to put pencils in Rainbow's face
  359. >"Okay, dude. I'll be here if you need me."
  360. >You turn and head up the stairs
  361. >Inside the main library are Twilight and Starlight
  362. >They are chatting about some magic stuff
  363. Hey, Twi, can I ask you something?
  364. >"Hmm? Oh, just a second Anon. Have a seat!"
  365. >You take a seat
  366. >As you sit, you notice Trixie next to you.
  367. >She looks a bit shook up
  368. You okay, Trixie?
  369. >Trixie snaps up and adjusts her hat
  370. >Weird that she's not wearing her cape though
  371. >"Hmm? Oh, yes, Trixie is uhh...fine."
  372. >"SHH!"
  373. >Starlight and Twilight shush you in unison and get back to reading
  375. Inventory
  376. -Hole (1)
  377. -Clothes
  378. -Wallet (20 Bits Remaining)
  379. ____
  380. >It's been a hot minute
  381. >Twilight and Starlight are still deep in conversation
  382. >Trixie is still sitting and waiting patiently for something
  383. >And you're still dickless
  384. >Might as well have some fun
  385. Psst. Trixie.
  386. >"What?"
  387. >You cradle her face
  388. I never realized how gorgeous and purple your eyes are...
  389. >She gets a faint blush
  390. >"E-excuse me?"
  391. >You draw her in closer
  392. They're so much more purple than Twilight's...I get hard just thinking about them...
  393. >Her blush deepens
  394. >"I-I-I"
  395. >Her hat starts slowly lifting up off of her head
  396. >She quickly pulls it back down and readjusts it
  397. >"STOP IT! F-f-lattery won't get you anywhere, you jerk."
  398. >"SHHH!"
  399. >Twi and Glim seem a bit more peeved now
  401. Inventory
  402. -Hole (1)
  403. -Clothes
  404. -Wallet (20 Bits Remaining)
  405. ___
  406. >You stand up
  407. >Take in a deep breath
  408. >And yell
  410. >Twi and Glim stare at you, mouths open in shock
  411. >You make large, sweeping gestures with your hands
  413. >You make an exaggerated motion to your crotch
  414. >Then repeat it to make your point
  415. >On your way back up, your hand smacks off Trixie's hat with a *paff
  416. >"M-MY HAT! DON'T LOOK!"
  417. >Naturally, you look
  418. >Glimmer gasps
  419. >Twilight chuckles
  420. >Trixie's scrambling to try and cover up her horn
  421. >But you see it looks different
  422. >It's not blue, and it looks fleshy.
  423. >Good News: You have found your dick
  424. >Bad News: It's somehow Trixie's horn
  426. Inventory
  427. -Hole (1)
  428. -Clothes
  429. -Wallet (20 Bits Remaining)
  430. ___
  431. >To reassure yourself, you pat your crotch
  432. >No horn
  433. >The relief you feel is short-lived, since your dick is still on Trixie's forehead
  434. >"Soo, I didn't know you two were a couple?"
  435. >Twilight waggles her eyebrows suggestively
  436. >Glimmer chuckles
  437. >You roll your eyes
  438. >Trixie somehow manages to turn an even deeper shade of red
  439. >You explain your day and how you dick disappeared at the spa
  440. Can you help, please?
  441. >Starlight surrounds your 'horn' in her aura
  442. >It stiffens a bit
  443. >Gross
  444. >"Well, it seems like your 'horn' replaced her horn somehow"
  445. No shit.
  446. >Glimmer glares at you
  447. >"But, I can't seem to find where her horn went"
  448. >Trixie leaps at Starlight
  450. >Twilight steps in at this point
  451. >"Okay, I can place a kind of beacon on it from here. All I need is for you to show me your Hole, Anon."
  452. >From outside you hear air whipping by very fast
  453. >And then a soft *pomf*
  455. Inventory
  456. -Hole (1)
  457. -Clothes
  458. -Wallet (20 Bits Remaining)
  459. ___
  460. >Obliging, you show Twilight the Hole
  461. >Her eyes sparkle as she prods its edge
  462. >"Fascinating..."
  463. >She snaps back from her daze
  464. >"Do you have any bits?"
  465. Yeah, sure.
  466. >You hand her a bit
  467. >She takes the bit and casts a spell on it
  468. >Then she drops it into the hole
  469. >After a moment, you feel your wallet vibrate a little
  470. What the hell?!
  471. >Twilight claps excitedly
  472. >"Hah! It worked! It worked! Now the principle should be the same with Trixie."
  473. >Before she can react, Twilight plucks a hair from Trixie's mane and repeats the procedure
  474. >"OWubwubwub"
  475. >Trixie vibrates a little, then stops
  476. >A big smile spreads on Twilight's face
  477. >And she passes out, tongue hanging out
  478. >Glimmer rolls her eyes
  479. >"Anyway, as you get closer to Trixie's horn, wherever it is, she'll start to shake more and more."
  480. >"What?"
  481. Great!
  482. >You scoop Trixie up and turn to the stairs
  483. >But you freeze at the top
  484. >At the door, you see Fluttershy tangled up in Spike, Rainbow Dash, and a load of pencils
  486. Inventory
  487. -Hole (1)
  488. -Clothes
  489. -Wallet (19 Bits Remaining)
  490. -Trixie
  491. ____
  492. >When Fluttershy sees you, she squeaks with joy
  493. >"Oh thank goodness Anon, I was worried Rainbow Dash had seduced your sweet monkey di-"
  494. >Her joy turns to despair when she sees Trixie under your arm
  495. >She grabs some pencils from Dash's hair
  496. >"L-let go of m-my man, you wh-meanie"
  497. Fluttershy, I'm holding her.
  498. >"Last warning."
  499. For what?
  500. >You hear a whizzing noise, and find yourself against the wall
  501. >A pencil is sticking through your shirt into the wall, just barely below your armpit
  502. Fluttershy, what the hell!
  503. >"She's brainwashed you, my love!"
  504. >Ugh
  505. >You don't have time for this
  506. >You pull away from the wall and remove Trixie's hat
  507. >You scratch behind her ear, causing your member to rise on her forehead
  508. >Grody
  509. >You then take aim and yank her tail
  510. >"AAAAH~!"
  511. >A torrent of "goo" surges from her horn, blasting the unsuspecting ButterHush out the door and into the street
  512. >You can hear her mindlessly babbling in ecstasy
  513. >Gross
  514. >You pick up Trixie again and replace her hat
  515. >She seems embarrassed for some reason
  516. >And then you walk out the front door to find her horn
  518. Inventory
  519. -Hole (1)
  520. -Clothes
  521. -Wallet (19 Bits Remaining)
  522. -Trixie (On Cooldown: 2 Posts)
  523. ___
  524. >Passing by the goo coated pony, you head onto the road
  525. Alright, where to first?
  526. >You jostle Trixie a bit
  527. >"Ahb..aaaaaaa...."
  528. Applejack's it is!
  529. >You make your way to Sweet Apple Acres
  530. >Rarity seems to have stopped her jogging, since you don't see her while you walk
  531. >She did manage to run a small path into the dirt, though
  532. >Trixie makes a "wubwubwub" noise now and then as you head to the farm
  533. >Applejack doesn't seem to be anywhere on sight
  534. >Granny Smith is napping on the porch
  535. >Trixie's "wubbing" increases ever so slightly
  537. Inventory
  538. -Hole (1)
  539. -Clothes
  540. -Wallet (19 Bits Remaining)
  541. -Trixie (On Cooldown: 1 Posts)
  542. ___
  543. >You approach the porch
  544. >Granny stays asleep as you get closer, mumbling something about timber wolves and apple bandits
  545. >Trixie's wubbing increases slightly
  546. >Her face has also lost most of its redness now
  547. >"Anonymous? Wubwubwhhere have you taken Trixie? Have you found her horn yet?"
  548. Not yet, but I think it might be somewhere on the farm. I was going to ask Granny if we could take a look around.
  549. >Trixie tries to squirm away
  550. >"Why ask? Let's just find it and get back to Starlight already!"
  551. >You tighten your grip on the blue mare
  552. Granny? Graaaanyyyyy Smiiiiith....
  553. >She continues snoring
  554. >You poke her
  555. >"mhmmem, cornflabbing timber"
  556. >Loads of help, this one is
  557. >You poke her harder
  558. >"MHEHHE-oh hello dearies, are you here to visit Applejack?"
  559. >"Trixie doesn't wubwubwubwant or need t-"
  560. >You clamp your hand over her mouth before she says anything else
  561. No, Granny, we were uhhh wondering if you had seen anything strange lately, like Timber Wolves. Twilight wants us to look for droppings and stuff
  562. >"Well, can't say I have, but if it's for a friend of Applejack's, then you're welcome to take a look around. Just lock up after yerselves."
  563. >You and Trixie beam with excitement
  564. Thanks, Granny!
  565. >"Mman mrammy!"
  566. >You now have access to the farm!
  568. Inventory
  569. -Hole (1)
  570. -Clothes
  571. -Wallet (19 Bits Remaining)
  572. -Trixie
  573. ___
  574. >You figure that the best place to start your search will be the Crusader Clubhouse
  575. >Those fillies somehow always manage to get a hoof into weird situations
  576. >Inside the Clubhouse, however, you see none of the Crusaders
  577. Huh. Must be busy.
  578. >You set Trixie down and the two of you begin to search the clubhouse
  579. Find it yet?
  581. >She vibrates hard enough to throw her off balance for a moment
  582. >"My horn! It must be near!"
  583. >She starts digging deeper into the art supplies and toys
  584. >From outside, you can hear a familiar chant
  587. Inventory
  588. -Hole (1)
  589. -Clothes
  590. -Wallet (19 Bits Remaining)
  591. -Trixie
  592. ____
  593. Aw crap. hide!
  594. >You grab Trixie and dive beneath the art supplies
  595. >"Anon! Please, now is hardly the time for this!"
  596. What? Now shh! The girls are going to find us if you're not quiet.
  597. >You hear the -clippy clop- of tiny hooves coming up the ramp
  598. >"But weren't we given permission by the elderly one to look around?"
  599. >The door creaks open
  600. >She has a point, but you're already hiding, so you figure you might as well commit
  601. shhhhhh....
  602. >The noises stop
  603. >"Alright girls, let's go over the facts!"
  604. >Oh right, they said something about investigating earlier
  605. >"Fact 1: My sister was out jogging when somepony poked her butt!"
  606. >That one must be Sweetie Belle. She's squeaking mad.
  607. >"Fact 2: Rarity doesn't have a watch, so we don't know when the poking was done."
  608. >Scootaloo, she sounds calmer than Sweetie, but just as serious
  609. >"And Fact 3: Whoever did poke your sister was blue, and we know that since they left behind their horn!"
  610. >Trixie begins WUBBing intensely beside you
  611. fucking way.
  612. >She bursts from the pile of arts and crafts and rips off her hat
  613. Oh no
  614. >The girls scream and run, but they aren't fast enough to avoid another tidal wave of "goo"
  615. >Your mouth opens in horror, but no screams come out
  616. >Trixie collapses to the floor
  617. >" horn"
  618. R-right!
  619. >You grab Trixie and her horn and race from the treehouse
  620. >As you near the gate, you hear a loud
  622. >And the fast thudding of angry hooves
  624. Inventory
  625. -Hole (1)
  626. -Clothes
  627. -Wallet (19 Bits Remaining)
  628. -Trixie (Cooldown 4 Posts)
  629. -Trixie's Horn
  630. ____
  631. >While you're sure you could explain it was Trixie that covered the CMC in "goo", you decide that it still wouldn't change their response too much
  632. >So you run
  633. Dammit Trixie!
  634. >You haul ass to the other side of town, trying to find a place where you can escape the Apple Family's Wrath
  635. >Twilight's House? No, AJ would probably head there first
  636. >Rarity's? She doesn't like you right now for some reason
  637. >As you pass by Fluttershy, blowing bubbles in the puddle of "goo", the perfect hiding place comes to you
  638. Of course!
  639. >You adjust your grip and Trixie and beat feet to Fluttershy's cottage
  640. >You hop the fence, confident no one would find you here
  641. >"Anonymous! Twilight's house is back that way! I need my horn back to do my performance!"
  642. You'll still get to your show on time, maybe! This is all your fault anyway!
  643. >You throw the door open and slam it behind you, collapsing to the floor from exhaustion
  644. >The thundering hooves of the Apple clan pass by without stopping
  645. >You and Trixie heave a sigh of relief
  646. >You are safe
  647. >-thump thump-
  648. >...Or maybe not
  650. Inventory
  651. -Hole (1)
  652. -Clothes
  653. -Wallet (19 Bits Remaining)
  654. -Trixie (On Cooldown: 3 Posts)
  655. -Trixie's Horn
  656. ___
  657. >You peek out the window to look for the source of the thumps
  658. >And are greeted by a brown ass
  659. Eww
  660. >The ass begins talking
  661. >"Excuse me, I'd like to ass you a few questions."
  662. What?
  663. >The ass turns into a more recognizable face
  664. Oh, hey Discord! I'm just
  665. >"Running away from Big Mac because you ejaculated all over his younger sister and her friends?"
  666. >Yes
  667. No.
  668. >He laughs
  669. >"Don't worry Anon, I could really care less. What I'm more interested in..."
  670. >He snaps his fingers and Trixies hat comes off
  671. >Your pants come down as well
  672. >"...Is how you plan to consummate your union with Fluttershy while your love-tackle is busy with another mare?"
  673. Well, it
  674. >You feel your voice stop in your throat
  675. >"Again, I don't care how. But I would be willing to remedy your little situation if you do me a favor."
  676. >Starlight already said she would offer to fix this
  677. >But the evening is coming fast, and you'd rather not see your dick try to perform magic
  678. >What to do?
  680. Inventory
  681. -Hole (1)
  682. -Clothes
  683. -Wallet (19 Bits Remaining)
  684. -Trixie (On Cooldown: 2 Posts)
  685. -Trixie's Horn
  686. ____
  687. >"Oh joy! You'll do me a favor!"
  688. >Discord dances with glee
  689. I never said that.
  690. >"Sure you did! You implied it in the reply to the last post."
  691. ...Post?
  692. >Discord frowns
  693. >"Nevermind. Look, all I need you to do is tell Starlight that real communism would have worked."
  694. >He snaps his fingers, and you feel a shuffle in your buffle
  695. >Your dick has returned!
  696. >You open your pants to check on your big little boy
  697. >And see Trixie's horn
  698. Why!?
  699. >"To make sure you do it right. Chop chop!"
  700. >Another snap of his fingers
  701. >And you're in front of the Library
  703. Inventory
  704. -Hole (1)
  705. -Clothes
  706. -Wallet (19 Bits Remaining)
  707. -Trixie (On Cooldown: 1 Posts)
  708. -Trixie's Horn (Attached to you)
  709. ____
  710. >Fluttershy is still absent mindedly babbling in the goo
  711. >Which by now is more mud than semen, really
  712. >You and Trixie walk into the Library
  713. >Spike is angrily picking up pencils
  714. >"Why do I have to pick these up? Rainbow was the one who touched them last."
  715. Hey Spike.
  716. >Spike stays staring at the floor, collecting pencils
  717. >"Hey Anon. Star said to tell you she'd be upstairs when you got back."
  718. >Excellent
  719. >You and Trixie make your way up the stairs
  720. >You push open the door of the library
  721. >Twilight is still passed out on the floor
  722. >Glimmer is sitting by the table, drinking some tea
  723. >"Hey guys! Did you find her horn?"
  724. Well...
  725. >You had spent all day hunting down her horn
  726. >And now the window opens for you to get it removed
  727. >And to get your dick back where it belongs
  729. Inventory
  730. -Hole (1)
  731. -Clothes
  732. -Wallet (19 Bits Remaining)
  733. -Trixie
  734. -Trixie's Horn (Attached to you)
  736. Alrighty gang. It's been a wild day for Anon. How will his adventure end?
  737. I'll do one or two more "Choose" style posts after this, then close the adventure with a normal style green.
  738. ______
  739. We found it, but I think real Communism would have worked.
  740. >Glimmer sets down her tea
  741. >She starts massaging her temples
  742. >"Did Discord tell you to say that?"
  743. >No
  744. Yes.
  745. >"Ughh"
  746. >She trots off to a small pile of books, carefully looking through them
  747. >"I swear, I don't even know what he's getting at with that. I've never used a Communism in my life! Whatever they are..."
  748. >She stops at a book with a red cover, flipping it open with her hoof
  749. >"Okay, now where's the horn?"
  750. >You drop your pants
  751. >"Ah. Well don't worry Anon, I'll fix your horniness in just a second."
  752. Hehe.
  753. >She rolls her eyes
  754. >"Oh shut up. Trixie, your hat please."
  755. >Hat meets pants on the floor
  756. >"This won't hurt Trixie, will it?"
  757. >"No." She casts the spell, magic enveloping both your horns
  758. >It hurts like hell
  759. >But you finally have your dick back.
  760. "I missed you so much!" You and Trixie cheer in unison, trying in vainly to smack lips to your respective appendages
  761. >Starlight seems annoyed
  762. >"Yeah yeah, now if you'll excuse me I'm taking the fainting goat here to the doctor."
  763. >Starlight unceremoniously drags Twilight out the door and down the stairs
  764. >You decide to stop trying to suck your dick when your neck starts to hurt
  765. >Trixie looks like her tongue is about to cramp
  766. So, that was fun, I guess.
  767. >You rub your neck, to relieve the pain and the awkwardness of having your dick stuck to a magician's head for the past few hours
  768. >Trixie clears her throat with a -heHMM-
  769. >"Anon...Trickthie'th show thtarth in a little bit. In cathe you want to thee it, that ith. I could care leth if you come."
  770. >She doesn't really look at you while she asks
  771. >You wonder why that is
  773. Inventory
  774. -Hole (1)
  775. -Clothes
  776. -Wallet (19 Bits Remaining)
  777. _____
  778. >You already spent most of the day with her
  779. >What's another hour going to do?
  780. Sure.
  781. >"Eckthellent! I thall thee you there!"
  782. >She pulls something from her hat and throws it at the floor
  783. >Smoke fills the room
  784. >You hear a yelp and a thud from outside the window
  785. >You shrug
  786. She'll be fine.
  787. >You help Spike pick up a few pencils before you head out
  788. >You decide to invite him along with you
  789. >A small crowd of ponies is gathering near the town square
  790. I guess that's where the show is, huh Spike?
  791. >You should have asked for directions
  792. >But luckily, it turns out to be for Trixie's magic act
  793. >You could tell by the big portrait of her face flanking the stage
  794. >You drop a few bits in the admissions bucket and look for a seat
  795. >One says "RESERVED FOR H.M.D."
  796. >How that name caught on with the ponies, you'll never know
  797. >So you sit there
  798. >Spike waddles up and takes the seat beside you
  799. >"Thanks for bringing me, Anon."
  800. No prob, dude.
  801. >The spotlights dim
  802. >A firework explodes in the sky, a picture of a pony doing a "shush" gesture
  804. >A cloud of smoke appears of stage, and Trixie appears in the center of it
  807. Inventory
  808. -Hole (1)
  809. -Clothes
  810. -Wallet (10 Bits Remaining)
  811. ___
  812. >None of the ponies raise their hooves
  813. >So you decide to raise yours
  814. >Your hand, not your hoof
  815. >Trixie does a flourish with her cape
  817. >She sets the brim of her hat lower to shade her eyes
  818. >You swear you can hear a pony faint as you head onto the stage
  819. >Trixie twirls her hoof around
  820. >"Now, what is your name?"
  821. But you know my name.
  822. >She lets out a little laugh
  823. >"Sounds like we have a bit of a lush here, folks!"
  824. >The crowd laughs
  825. >It wasn't even that funny a joke though
  826. >"But don't you worry, you, The Great and Powerful Trixie has a surefire cure for intoxication!"
  827. >Another wave of her hoof, another cloud of smoke
  828. >And this time, a box appears on a table
  829. >It's got a hole in the front, and two on the side
  830. >And a split across the center
  831. >"Please, if you would enter the box?"
  832. Uhh, okay?
  833. >You and Trixie head over to the box
  834. >Trixie opens the lid
  835. >Inside is Fluttershy
  836. >Trixie's voice falls to a harsh whisper
  837. >"What are YOU doing in THERE?!"
  838. >"Umm...w-waiting for Anon to s-split me down the middle?" she stammers back
  839. >Trixie shuts the lid and looks at you
  840. >The spotlights hide it from the audience, but there's a glimmer of panic on her face
  841. >"What do?!?"
  843. Inventory
  844. -Hole (1)
  845. -Clothes
  846. -Wallet (10 Bits Remaining)
  847. ___
  848. >You have an idea
  849. Don't worry.
  850. >You give Trixie a thumbs-up
  851. >"I don't know what that means!"
  852. >You turn the table around
  854. >You open up the box
  855. >Hoist Fluttershy up by her withers
  857. >You hear gasps and ooo's from the crowd
  858. >"How did she get there?" "Magic, I guess." "Wow!"
  859. >You shoot Trixie a raised eyebrow
  860. >Trixie returns it
  861. >"N-nono, I said SPLIT in half, Anon." Fluttershy stutters
  862. >"It's all the same to the blade, dear" Trixie replies
  863. >You and Trixie fix her into place
  864. >Close the lid
  865. >Fluttershy is threatening to shake the box off the table
  866. >From under the table, you grab the blades
  867. >You hand Trixie one, keeping the other for yourself
  868. >You take your places on either end of the box
  870. >The crowd is murmuring excitedly
  872. >Everypony moves to the edge of their seats
  873. >"NO I'M N-NOT!"
  874. ONE...
  875. >"TWO..."
  876. >"THREE!", screams the crowd in response
  877. -SHINK-
  878. >"OH GAAhahahaa..." Fluttershy passes out
  879. >The crowd gasps
  880. >You and Trixie pull the box apart to show she's separated
  881. >Then push it back together and remove the blades
  882. >You throw open the lid, unfortunately destroying The Hole Pinkie gave you in the process
  883. >And hoist out an unscathed Fluttershy
  884. >How Trixie did this trick with actually sharp blades is beyond you
  885. >But the crowd is loving it
  887. >Trixie calls a first aid pony to take Fluttershy off the stage
  888. >You head back down to your seat
  889. >But Trixie stops you at the steps
  890. >"So, do you wanna help with my next illusion?"
  891. >You'd never put on a show before
  892. >But you don't hesitate to answer
  893. Sure!
  894. >You were feeling adventurous today anyway.
  896. FIN
  897. ---
  898. Story Notes: So this was a bit of a first for me in many respects. I've never run a CYOA, and I'm still fairly unfamiliar with how to present choices in an intriguing manner, as you could probably tell. Guess it's a good thing I don't DM for my rpg group, then.
  899. Since /mlp/ is a relatively slow board, Flutterrape especially so, I tried to blend together responses that didn't directly contradict each other as seen in the encounter with Rarity being checked on and then made fun of. (I was hoping that somebody would suggest checking on Rarity at some point during her furious weight-loss jog around town, however it did lead to the CMC being covered in goo, so I guess some good came from it.)
  900. As for Discord, I had intended him to fix Anon and then warp you to Fluttershy as soon as Anon got fixed to give her the dock, but I figured that attaching Trixie's horn to Anon's crotch would maybe open another window of choice.
  901. I think ultimately the blending lead to the slowing of responses near the end. But nevertheless, this certainly was a fun learning experience to have. And a rip roaring excuse to bump the thread while providing some kind of content.

c: April Fool

by Greggums

Trixie's Machine

by Greggums

Delectable Scrotum

by Greggums

Fracture: The Breaking of the Shaft

by Greggums

Fracture: Anon in Zoo-Land

by Greggums