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/Sun/ Archive Changelog

By Enonnnymous
Created: 2021-11-02 02:40:15
Updated: 2024-01-21 19:19:21
Expiry: Never

This is a changelog for


>Removed all instances of "-none-" from the notes column
>"Anon the manwhore" was missing ) from the links
>Removed "Just (Be)cause" (1/2) (2/2) for being off topic (thanks moonbro)
>Added the comic to "You're a faggot" (thanks moonbro)
>Added "101 Spells for Big Alicorns and Little Fillies" by LobosNumber5 (Moonbutt Man) to recent stories
>Moved "Celestia, Luna and Hide'n'Seek" to One shots above 1000 words
>Moved "Celestia and pizza" to One shots above 1000 words
>Moved "Eternal Love" to Oneshots above 1000 words
>Added link to this changelog at the bottom
>Added link to /sun/'s tag on ponerpics


<Add more of Wiggy (Chuck)'s stories and shorts.
<Add more stories and shorts from other writefag's bins.
<Add word count to short stories under 1000 words
<Maybe move the writefags over to the first column instead of being the second. Idk that's a lot of work.
<Link more writefag's pastebins to their names for user convenience


>Moved "101 Spells for Big Alicorns and Little Fillies" from 'recent stories' to 'Shorts over 1000 words'.
>Added "need... MOMMY" to unfinished stories.
>Added "Yandere Celestia Mommy Wife" to recent stories.
>Added "Dommy Celestia Shitpost" to recent stories.
>Added "Honored Under the Sun" to ongoing stories.


Same as above.


>"Honored Under the Sun" renamed to "Dancing in the Sun" (as per Author's request)


>Moved "Yandere Celestia Mommy Wife" to Finished Stories.
>Added "A Picture on Her Flank" to recent stories.
>Formatting for dates on story updates/additions will always be in "Appeared in /thread/ on (Month) (Year)" OR "Last updated (Month) (Day), (Year)." The reason for this is because /sun/ threads generally last about a month, so given that you were looking for the thread that the green appeared in, you can just search desuarchive by that month.
>Moved links to this changelog and the """art archive""" to the top of the archive and changed formatting a little.
>Added a link to "Celestia Waifuism" because it serves as an archive for Fimfiction stories that are similar in nature to what is in /sun/.
>Changed the description of the archive at the top a little.
>Added dates for the old archives in their links.


>Added "Just A Ball" to recent stories.


>Added "Sunday Breakfast" to finished stories, as per request.


>Added "We Share Everything" to Ongoing stories.


>Moved "A picture on her flank" to one-shots <1000 words
>Added "Moments in time" to recent stories


>Added the revision of "Just a ball" and moved the original to the notes section of that entry.


>Added "Supper with the Sun" to recent stories.


>Added "Pet Suns" and "Celestia's Visit", as per request from the author.
>Moved the 2021 /sun/ collage from OP to the archive.


>Added "Golden Feather" to on-going stories (sorry it took so long)
>Moved "Dancing In the Sun" and "We Share Everything" to unfinished stories from on-going/recent stories as they were not updated for over a year.
>Moved "Just A Ball", "Equine Physical Exam With Dr. Anon", "Moments In Time" to One-shots >1000 words.
>Moved "Supper with the Sun" to Finished stories.


>Added "Icarus" to recent stories.
>Replaced the image url from desuarchive to ponerpics source. Original source


>Added "Vacation Vocation" to Oneshots >1000 words
>Changed Adjudicant's name to Shitcunt (the name he uses when posting)


>Added a note at the bottom of the archive.


>Added links to the Momlestia thread and story archives.


>Moved Icarus by Dumoney into one-shots over 1000 words.
>Added Morning Visitations by PKAnon to recent/ongoing stories.

/Sun/day-Celestia Archive

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