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Motherly Instinct [big sis Fluttershy x Anon]

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2020-10-21 16:52:16
Expiry: Never

  1. Archives:
  2. ----------------------------
  4. >Be Fluttershy.
  5. >Your little brother just fell off his bike.
  6. >Mom's patching up his knee, and you're eavesdropping on them.
  7. >"It's just a scratch, Anon."
  8. >Just a scratch?? You can see blood on the floor!
  9. >He looks like he's holding back tears, and it doesn't look like mom cares at all.
  10. >You feel bad for him. Whenever you used to get hurt, it was all hugs and kisses.
  11. >But with Anon, it's always the same thing. 'No crying', 'toughen up', and 'go to your room'.
  12. >You can't even remember the last time she gave him a hug.
  13. >Even if he's a boy, you can't imagine this being the right approach for a seven year old.
  14. >"There. Try not to mess up your knee again so soon."
  15. >You hear a sigh from your mother, noticing tears flowing down Anon's face.
  16. >"If you're going to cry over this, Anon, then do it in your room."
  17. >He runs past you, hand covering his face.
  18. >This cold treatment was clearly affecting him. He kept acting out, getting into all kinds of trouble.
  19. >Your mother also did have a point, these accidents were becoming increasingly common.
  20. >A realization hits you suddenly, accompanied by a cold throb in your chest.
  21. >Could he be hurting himself deliberately... for attention?
  22. >Hearing him slam the door to his room, a wave of guilt washes over you.
  23. >Being his sister and his senior by six years, you've always felt a sense of responsibility towards him.
  24. >What kind of adult would he turn out to be if he grew up feeling unloved? A shut-in? Addicted to drugs? In prison?
  25. >Walking up to his door, you hear crying on the other side.
  26. >That does it. Kids his age need affection, and if your mother was going to starve him of it, who else was going to pick up the slack?
  27. >You can only hope it would mean something to him, coming from you.
  28. >Shaking off your doubts, you knock on his door.
  29. "Anon?"
  30. >"Go away!"
  31. >Tempted to just leave him alone, you open the door, revealing him laying face down on his bed.
  32. >Closing the door behind you, you sit down beside him.
  33. "Anon... can we talk?"
  35. >"I told you to go away..."
  36. >He's sitting up now, awkwardly hugging his knees.
  37. >You feel relief. If he really wanted you to leave, he'd have yelled at you by now.
  38. >Noticing the bandages, you find a topic of conversation.
  39. "So... what happened?"
  40. >"I fell."
  41. "Just like that? You just fell?"
  42. >He shifts his eyes.
  43. >"My bike hit a rock."
  44. >Deciding not to push further on this, you smile at him.
  45. "Does it still hurt?"
  46. >"No, well..." Noticing your smile, he looks away, apparently unsure what to make of this conversation.
  47. >"...a bit..."
  48. "Is it like, little throbs, whenever your heart beats?"
  49. >He looks up at you, surprised.
  50. >"Y-yeah... exactly like that..."
  51. "I hurt myself like that once."
  52. >You raise your elbow, tapping it twice with your index finger.
  53. "Here. Stumbled and fell right on it."
  54. >"Did... did it hurt, bad?"
  55. "Oh yes, really bad. I walked very carefully after that."
  56. >A brief smile flashing on his face, he returns to looking troubled.
  57. >"W-what did mom... how did she..?"
  58. >Seeing his adorable curiosity, any shred of apprehension had now disappeared from within you.
  59. >You tap your leg, motioning him to sit on your lap.
  60. "Come here... I'll show you."
  61. >He complies, looking awkward.
  62. >Seeing his nerves getting to him in the form of a blush, your heart takes an unexpected leap.
  63. >Acting without thinking, you wrap your arms around him.
  64. >One hand on his lower back and the other holding the back of his head, you squeeze him into you.
  65. >His body twitches in surprise, but he doesn't try to pull away.
  66. >Resting your cheek on his head, you feel tremors starting to rock his body.
  67. "It's okay, Anon... it's okay to cry, every once in a while..."
  68. >Hearing him starting to sob as he returns your hug, you squeeze him tighter.
  69. >You thought you were the one doing *him* a favor, but you couldn't ignore the constant fluttering in your own chest.
  70. >Could this be the motherly instinct you kept hearing about on those animal channels?
  72. >Taking a bite of your pretzel, you peer into your notebook.
  73. >This math homework was pretty difficult, but you had to do it. Your dream career depended on it.
  74. >Your mother walks over to the kitchen table, coffee cup in hand.
  75. >"How was your day, honey?"
  76. "Oh, it wasn't bad..."
  77. >It could have been better. You found a stray cat on your way home from school.
  78. >It hissed at you when you approached it. That rejection of your kindness hurt.
  79. >"Where on Earth is your brother?" She sounds pissed. "He should have been here an hour ago."
  80. >You can tell she thinks he's in some kind of trouble.
  81. >It's been a week since your talk and he hasn't caused any trouble since, so you doubt it.
  82. >The front door opens, and a rambunctious whirlwind of energy storms in.
  83. >"Flutty, look!" He kicks off his shoes and runs towards you.
  84. >He's a complete mess. Covered in dirt from top to bottom, but he's beaming.
  85. >He holds out his hand, presenting something.
  86. >Your heart skips a beat. It's a daffodil.
  87. "F-for me..?"
  88. >He nods vigorously. "Do you like it?"
  89. >Taking the flower, you give him a quick hug.
  90. "Oh, Anon, I love it."
  91. >Daffodils didn't grow within city limits, so finding one must have been quite a journey.
  92. >"Great, I'll go get some more!" He runs away, heading outside.
  93. >Your mother pipes up. "Wait, Anon... dinner..."
  94. >He's already gone.
  95. >"What's gotten into this boy?"
  96. >You chuckle inwardly.
  97. "Yeah... I wonder."
  98. >"That sure was nice of him... but I didn't think he was the type."
  99. >That comment annoys you somewhat.
  100. "Maybe you just never noticed."
  101. >She tilts her head, looking confused.
  102. >"Fluttershy... do you know something?"
  103. "Yeah, you know what, mom? Maybe-"
  104. >You pause, looking at the daffodil in your lap. Nobody's ever given you a flower before.
  105. >You realize that by telling mom... this could all end.
  106. >That can't happen. She ignored his needs at every turn for years. She blew this herself.
  107. >Anon is yours now.
  108. >You put on a fake smile.
  109. "Maybe he's, uhh... an aspiring... florist..?"
  111. >Placing the bundle of fresh daffodils into a vase in your room, you leave your homework for later.
  112. >There's no way you can concentrate on that right now.
  113. >Falling down on your bed, you reflect on the day's events.
  114. >Anon's rapid turn-around had taken you completely by surprise.
  115. >Just a week ago, he was constantly getting into fights and taking stupid risks on his bike.
  116. >Now, he was scouring all around the area for hours on end, picking flowers for you.
  117. >Hugging your covers, it feels like your heart is trying to escape your chest.
  118. >Besides the initial hurdle of awkwardness, this had taken barely any effort on your part.
  119. >Just some carefully-chosen words and occasional physical contact, this was bare minimum stuff.
  120. >But it had completely changed your brother almost overnight.
  121. >Realizing your power over him, a scary thought hits you.
  122. >What if some unscrupulous girl had swooped in on him before you did? Would he have been a complete doormat?
  123. >Could that still happen? Could you still prevent that?
  124. >You squeeze your covers, this time in anger.
  125. >Your mother had left him completely open to exploitation.
  126. >Unforgivable. She doesn't deserve as charming a son as Anon.
  127. >Noticing the clock on your wall, you see it's past his bedtime.
  128. >Picturing him alone in his bed, you remember something else your mother always neglected.
  129. >Walking to the door to his room, you knock and turn the handle, pushing the door back.
  130. "Anon?"
  131. >Lights out, he's already in bed.
  132. >Not fully asleep yet, you walk over and give him a nudge.
  133. >He mumbles something before opening his eyes. "...Flutty?"
  134. >Not finding the words, you lean down, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
  135. "Just... wanted to wish you a good night."
  136. >"T-thanks..."
  137. >Seeing the blush on his face, you regret not having done this already.
  138. "Sweet dreams..."
  139. >Closing the door behind you, you take a deep breath, calming your heartbeat.
  140. >Would he grow up emotionally balanced if you did this routinely, every night?
  141. >You have no idea, but it's worth the try.
  143. >Finally you're done with all this homework.
  144. >Feeling tired, you decide you might as well turn in for the night a bit earlier than usual.
  145. >You change into your nightgown and head for the bathroom to brush your teeth.
  146. >Heading back, you see Anon in his pyjamas standing outside your door, looking nervous.
  147. >"Can I, uhh... s-sleep with you tonight?"
  148. >Not having it in you to deny such a request, you smile and give his head a pat.
  149. "Of course."
  150. >Opening the door, he walks in.
  151. "Did you brush your teeth?"
  152. >He nods, still looking uneasy.
  153. >You get under the covers of your bed, holding them up for your brother.
  154. "Come on, then."
  155. >He gets under the covers without saying a word, laying down facing you, but avoiding eye contact.
  156. "Is something wrong?"
  157. >"Mom got mad at me today..."
  158. "Why's that?"
  159. >"She said I was outside for too long..."
  160. >You have a feeling you know what he was doing, but you have to confirm it.
  161. >Something's clearly bothering him, and mom getting mad was definitely not it.
  162. "Were you picking flowers again?"
  163. >He recoils in surprise.
  164. >"Y-yeah..."
  165. "Anon, you don't have to keep doing that..."
  166. >"B-but..."
  167. >He's fidgeting; blush clearly visible despite the lights being off.
  168. >"I... I just heard that..." You hear him gulp.
  169. >"I heard that girls will marry you... if you give them enough flowers..."
  170. >You feel like you were just kicked in the chest.
  171. >Squeeing inwardly at his innocence, you resist the urge to hug the life out of him.
  172. "It's... a little more complicated than that, Anon..."
  173. >"Really?" He looks determined now. "What else do I have to do?"
  174. "Well... usually you'd have to ask the person you-"
  175. >"W-will you..?" He interrupts, stammering adorably. "...m-marry me?"
  176. >That's another kick in the chest, and this time you give in to your urge to squeeze him against you.
  177. >You can't turn him down. After all the effort he put into his words, it just wouldn't feel right.
  178. "Maybe I will, Anon... maybe I will..."
  180. >You've always been a morning person, but this morning you don't at all feel like getting out of bed.
  181. >It's not that you're sick, though maybe "sick" is an accurate enough description of what you're feeling right now.
  182. >Waking up to your little brother snuggling up to your chest was really something else.
  183. >It's been ten minutes since you woke up, and all you've done is just watch him and listen to his breathing.
  184. >This was stirring up a flurry of emotions you didn't know how to deal with, but at the same time didn't want to end.
  185. >The only thing worrying you now was that your heartbeat would wake him up, since his face was pretty close.
  186. >Taking a deep breath, you feel like you're enjoying this a little bit too much. This wasn't about you, after all.
  187. >Then again, isn't this how nature works? Animals take care of their young because they get things in return, right?
  188. >What did that British TV guy call them again... endolphins?
  189. >You spare a thought for your mother, wondering what could be wrong with her.
  190. >Screw it. If mom doesn't want Anon's endolphins, it wouldn't hurt anybody if you took them.
  191. >The doorbell rings and Anon springs up, startling you.
  192. >He jumps off the bed and runs downstairs.
  193. >"I'll get it!"
  194. >Always impressed by his energy, you change into your regular clothes.
  195. >Heading to the bathroom to wash your face, you hear some chattering downstairs.
  196. >Anon must have a friend over.
  197. >That's fairly rare, and it probably means mom isn't home. Otherwise he'd be outside already, as he usually is.
  198. >You should go introduce yourself, and make some breakfast while you're at it.
  199. >"Cool house, Anon!"
  200. >Halfway down the stairs, you freeze up.
  201. >Isn't that voice a little bit too... squeaky?
  202. >You sneak towards the kitchen, carefully keeping yourself out of sight.
  203. >"I know, right?"
  204. >Hearing some more commotion, you peek into the living room.
  205. >Your face falls as your suspicions are confirmed.
  206. >It's a girl.
  208. >Hiding behind a tree, you catch yourself biting your nails.
  209. >You can't quite make out what they're saying, but they look like they're having fun.
  210. >Too much fun.
  211. >This girl's clothes are a little bit too revealing, and she has a ponytail.
  212. >Is she trying to show off her neck?
  213. >"Look, I found one!"
  214. >He found what?
  215. >They're mostly just staring at the ground, like they're looking for something.
  216. >"Whoa, you're really good at this!"
  217. >You gnash your teeth. Now she's complimenting him.
  218. >Warning signs are flashing in your eyes.
  219. >Is she trying to control him? Was she going to turn him against you?
  220. >Or; does she just like Anon, with no ulterior motives?
  221. >You gulp. Somehow that option scares you even more.
  222. >You can't keep watching this. You have to leave.
  223. >Running back home, you draw out the cutting board in the kitchen.
  224. >Grabbing the biggest knife in the drawer and a cucumber, you prepare to start cutting.
  225. >Everything is fine.
  226. >*THUNK*
  227. >Anon is only seven years old.
  228. >*THUNK*
  229. >Seven year old boys do not have girlfriends.
  230. >*THUNK*
  231. >She's not even all that cute!
  232. >*THUNK*
  233. >Surely he wouldn't pick HER over... over...
  235. >"Flutty?"
  236. >You almost scream in surprise, dropping the knife on the floor and painfully banging the cutting board with your knee.
  237. "FUUUU-eeerr, uhh... A-anon?"
  238. >He raises an eyebrow at you.
  239. >"Are you... okay?" He looks down at the mess on the floor. "I thought you didn't like cucumbers..?"
  240. >Not coming up with a response, he just shrugs and helps you pick up the pieces.
  241. >You notice the girl behind your brother, staring curiously at the scene.
  242. "Who's your... uhh... f-friend?"
  243. >She smiles and waves innocently at you.
  244. >You attempt to return the gesture.
  245. >"My classmate, Sweetie Belle."
  246. >Smiling manically, he slams something on the kitchen table.
  247. >"Look! Isn't it cool?"
  248. >It's a jar, full of squirming insects.
  249. "We're getting an A for sure!"
  250. >Your face blanks.
  251. "Oh... a school assignment... r-right..."
  253. "See, there's another one."
  254. >With Anon sitting on your lap and the area's insect encyclopedia in front of you, you're going over his findings together.
  255. >"Yeah... it does look pretty similar."
  256. >Wrapping your left arm around him from behind and flipping the pages with your right, you rest your chin on his shoulder.
  257. "You found some of those, too."
  258. >"Whoa, you're right!"
  259. >You feel utterly ashamed over how selfish you were earlier today.
  260. >"Did I really find nothing but beetles? They all look so different."
  261. "You should try looking in the trees, next time."
  262. >You squeeze him tighter.
  263. "Just be careful, if you climb them..."
  264. >Even if he does eventually grow distant, that's a long time from now.
  265. >Not that you'd let that happen without a fight.
  266. >Reaching the last page of the book, you close it with a thud.
  267. >"Yeah, yeah, I'm always careful."
  268. >You give his sides a tickle, eliciting a short laugh, before wrapping your arms around him again.
  269. "Alright, it's bedtime."
  270. >"Aww, already..? Can't we watch those animal shows together?"
  271. >You're starting to wonder if he's learning how to tempt you.
  272. "Sorry, but you have a long day of bug-finding ahead of you tomorrow."
  273. >He stands up and frowns, disappointed. "When did you become my mom?"
  274. >You bring your knees up to your chest.
  275. >He didn't sound entirely serious, but was there truth in those words?
  276. >That wasn't really the plan, but if that's how he feels...
  277. >Waiting until he's in bed, you walk into his room.
  278. >Leaning down towards your brother, you deliver the routine kiss on his cheek.
  279. "Good night..."
  280. >This level of intimacy wasn't awkward anymore, but you still feel like there's one thing left unsaid.
  281. >Something essential that you've never heard in this family.
  282. "I love you, Anon."
  283. >Seeing the pause in his eyes, you walk back towards the door.
  284. >"L-love you too, Flutty..."
  285. >Swallowing your emotions, you turn off the lights.
  286. "Sweet dreams..."
  287. >Closing the door behind you, you get the feeling that he'll grow up just fine.
  289. >Putting down the final box with a thud, you wipe the sweat off your forehead.
  290. >Your sister is moving out to start her college education, and of course you volunteered to help.
  291. >You're happy for her. Or at least that's what you're trying your hardest to convey.
  292. >A pair of lips make contact with your cheek.
  293. >"Thanks for the help, Anon. This would've taken all day if it wasn't for you."
  294. >No forced smile could withstand this pressure, so you look away towards the nearest window.
  295. "S-sure... nice place, this apartment..."
  296. >Her leaving was a lot harder to accept than you thought it would be, once that fact was staring you in the face.
  297. >"Yeah..." She grasps your hand. "It's missing something important, though..."
  298. >You raise your eyebrows, trying to read her face.
  299. >"Could you... stay... for a bit?"
  300. >You had no idea how much you wanted to hear those words until she said them.
  301. "Of course! Should I help you unpack?"
  302. >Your renewed vigor falls back down as your sister sits down on the sofa in the middle of the room.
  303. >Sitting down next to her, she surprises you by leaning her entire weight on your side, pulling you down into a lying hug.
  304. "F-flutters..?"
  305. >You can hardly breathe with how tightly she's squeezing you.
  306. >"Anon..." Your heart stops at the sadness in her voice.
  307. >"I'm really going to miss having you around..."
  308. >You feel intense relief, knowing the feeling's mutual.
  309. "I, uhh... was going to tell you the exact same thing, actually..."
  310. >"You'll come visit, right?"
  311. "Sure, it's not that far..."
  312. >"If mom keeps giving you a hard time, you can sleep on my couch."
  313. "Thanks, maybe I wi-"
  314. >"You can be here all the time if you want."
  315. >You pause, surprised by how tempting the offer was.
  316. "Well... it'd be pretty cramped..."
  317. >"I don't mind..." She flashes you a playful smile. "...and you did say you were going to marry me."
  318. >You would have hidden your face behind your hand in embarrassment if it weren't locked in the embrace.
  319. "S-so... how about I set up the TV..?"
  321. >School's over for today, and you're at a crossroads.
  322. >You could go home. It's less than ten minutes away on foot, and it has all your stuff.
  323. >Or... you could use the city's public transport system.
  324. >Your sister is only twenty minutes away by bus, and it's already been a couple of days since you saw her.
  325. >Her voice resounds in your head.
  326. >>"You can be here all the time if you want."
  327. >The bus arrives and you get on.
  328. >Screw "home".
  329. >It doesn't even feel like it anymore, now it's just a place where you get nagged on.
  330. >>"...and you did say you were going to marry me."
  331. >You gnash your teeth.
  332. >She's not the type who finds joy in teasing others, yet she keeps bringing up this one thing you said as a kid.
  333. >It's not like you didn't mean it at the time, though the implications were lost on you.
  334. >Even now, if a girl exactly like her came on to you...
  335. >You gulp, mentally blocking the rest of that thought process.
  336. >You've often wondered how your sister has managed to stay single for all this time.
  337. >Her beauty wasn't lost on you, and you're the last person who would ever complain about her personality.
  338. >Losing yourself in your thoughts for the remainder of the trip, the bus comes to a stop at your destination.
  339. >Finding the apartment, you knock on her door.
  340. >You freeze up, realizing the lack of purpose behind your visit.
  341. >What the hell are you going to say if she asks why you're here..?
  342. >She had almost ordered you to visit regularly, but showing up like this still felt weird.
  343. >Just... knocking at a girl's place... who's home alone... for NO REASON AT ALL...
  344. >You feel very self-conscious, suddenly.
  345. >The door opens, and your sister's head peaks out.
  346. >"Anon?"
  347. "OH, uhh... I just... wanted to..."
  348. >She grabs your hand and pulls you in, closing the door behind you.
  349. >"I was about to text you... I'm glad you're here."
  350. "Are you... okay?"
  351. >"No."
  352. >Her hair's a mess, and you can see make-up on her face.
  353. >She takes a deep breath, fidgeting with her fingers. "I... need your help."
  355. "Okay, so... you took a job..."
  356. >She's sitting on the couch, hugging her knees.
  357. "...as a model? Did I hear that right?"
  358. >She nods.
  359. >"I was... recommended. By one of my friends..."
  360. >You are flabbergasted. Not that she landed the job, but that she accepted.
  361. "And you said you'd do it?"
  362. >"I... I just... heard how well payed it was... and I answered without thinking..."
  363. >You scoot up against her side.
  364. >You think you know where this is going, but you'd rather hear her say it.
  365. "What's the problem, then?"
  366. >"Just a little... n-nervous... camera and all..."
  367. >'A little nervous' is selling it short, she looks like she's about to have a panic attack.
  368. >With her already leaning into you, you wrap your arm around her shoulders.
  369. "When do you start?"
  370. >"Day after tomorrow..."
  371. >You try your best to sound upbeat.
  372. "Well, you know me! How can I help?"
  373. >"I don't really have any, uhh... g-guy friends..."
  374. >"D-do you think I... look the part?"
  375. "Yes."
  376. >She looks surprised at how quickly you responded.
  377. >You're surprising yourself, even, but you feel like you owe her the effort to sound sure of yourself.
  378. "Honestly, yes. That's the last thing you should be worrying about."
  379. >She hugs your arm, hiding her face from your view.
  380. "I've never told you this, but I've had guys ask me for advice on how to ask you out."
  381. >"Really..?"
  382. "Yeah, more than once. I had no idea what to tell them, though..."
  383. >Looking more at ease, she stands up.
  384. >"Okay... wait here, I'm gonna... umm... j-just wait."
  385. >She walks into the bathroom and closes the door, leaving you clueless.
  386. >Fifteen minutes pass and the door finally creeps open.
  387. >She walks out, and you almost drop dead on the spot.
  388. >She's wearing nothing but a black bikini, but you're more enamored by her face.
  389. >Noticing both eyelids and lips colored darker than you're used to, your heart starts racing.
  390. >"This is, umm... more or less how I'll look..."
  391. >She's holding a camera.
  392. >"C-could we practice a little? I think it would help... if you did it."
  394. >Your sister is laying on her back on her bed, posing right in front of you.
  395. >Holding the camera in front of your eye, you place her in the middle of the frame.
  396. >Her hands are splayed out at her sides, one knee pointing up towards the ceiling.
  397. >You snap some pictures while carefully adjusting your pants.
  398. >She stretches her hands behind her head.
  399. >"Does this look... okay?"
  400. "Great! I mean... yes."
  401. >Moving on her side, she faces you, looking straight into the camera.
  402. >You almost drop the device at the sudden eye contact.
  403. >"How about... this?"
  404. >You snap some more pictures.
  405. "If you would... s-smile at the camera?"
  406. >The edges of her mouth softly turn up, driving up your heart rate.
  407. >Continuing your snapping, you're starting to wonder how much more of this you could take.
  408. "Is this going alright? I mean... how are you feeling?"
  409. >"I'm not sure, actually... this isn't as hard as I thought it would be."
  410. >She turns on the bed, camera pointing straight down her body.
  411. >Looking up at you, her smile now seems more genuine.
  412. >You continue immortalizing the scene, hiding your blush behind the camera.
  413. "Alright, I think you're getting the hang of this..."
  414. >She sits up on the bed, looking curious.
  415. >"Can I see..?"
  416. >You move the camera away from your face, flipping through the options.
  417. >Finding the image gallery, you sit down on the bed.
  418. >She wraps her arms around you from behind as you go through the images, resting her head on your shoulder.
  419. >Trying your hardest to ignore the feeling of her pressing against your back, she seems completely focused on the camera screen.
  420. >She only seems to press harder the further you get through the collection.
  421. "That's the last one."
  422. >You feel disappointed that you didn't snap more. A lot more.
  423. "So, this job... think you can do it?"
  424. >You hear a deep breath.
  425. >"I... think so."
  426. >She plants a kiss on your cheek before letting go.
  427. >"Thanks, Anon."
  428. >You gulp, your face on fire.
  429. >The lipstick really made the contact feel more permanent.
  431. >"You must want *something*, Anon."
  432. >You're walking through the local mall together, looking through shop windows.
  433. >Your birthday is only days away, and your sister just got her first salary.
  434. "I mean... not really."
  435. >Not anything that can be bought with money, anyways.
  436. >"Don't be shy..." She grabs hold of your hand, leading you through the crowd.
  437. >"I have no idea what to do with all this money."
  438. >Actually, now that you think about it, you WOULD like every image the agency has ever taken of your sister.
  439. >Not that you hadn't already found a bunch on the Internet...
  440. >Your sense of shame kicking in, another possibility occurs to you.
  441. >Is it still possible to buy indulgences for your sins? Because BOY do you have some bad ones.
  442. "I'm serious, Flutters, I can't think of anything."
  443. >She leads you up against a wall, not letting go of your hand.
  444. >"Come on, what do teenage boys like these days?"
  445. >She flashes you one of her motherly smiles.
  446. >"Video games? Skateboards? Or..."
  447. >Her grip on your hand tightens.
  448. >"...something else?"
  449. >You swear, if only for a moment, you saw her smile change slightly.
  450. >What could you possibly ask her for at this point?
  451. >It had taken you some time to realize it, but she had single-handedly rescued your entire childhood.
  452. >Even now, she continues to happily offer you refuge from your mother.
  453. >This time, you squeeze her hand, trying not to blush.
  454. "I think... I already have everything I could ever want."
  455. >Wondering if you had gone too far, you're relieved to feel her lean against your side.
  456. >"You never stopped being adorable, Anon."
  457. >Not coming up with a response, you remain silent for a couple of seconds, still holding hands.
  458. >"Alright, I'll find something myself, then."
  459. "But..."
  460. >She wags her finger in your face. "No buts."
  461. >"I won't have my little brother go without a birthday present."
  462. >You sigh as she gives your head a pat, inducing a nostalgic trip to your earlier years.
  463. "Fine, then. If you insist."
  465. >It's been a long couple of days, but the wait is over.
  466. >Your birthday is finally here.
  467. >Getting off the bus, you can't help but wonder what your sister bought you.
  468. >You knock on the front door, which swings open within seconds.
  469. >"Happy birthday, Anon!"
  470. "Than-HNNG"
  471. >She cuts you off with a rib-crushing hug, only letting go to allow you to gasp for air.
  472. >"Come on, I need to show you something."
  473. >She drags you into the kitchen, pointing you towards a full-sized cake with your name written on it in frosting.
  474. "Did you... bake that?"
  475. >She nods, blushing slightly.
  476. >You're not sure why that gesture is so touching.
  477. >Probably because your mother would always just buy some cheap pre-made garbage from the store.
  478. >"Okay... let's leave that for later." She drags you into the living room, pointing you towards the couch.
  479. >"Sit down."
  480. >As you sit, she immediately joins you.
  481. >"Okay, I have your present."
  482. >Looking around, you don't see anything.
  483. >"I had to think about this a lot, actually..."
  484. >You shrug inwardly, figuring this must be some kind of surprise.
  485. "This really isn't necessary, Flutters. That cake alone probably already makes this my best birthday ever."
  486. >"Nonsense, Anon. I'm doing this because I want to."
  487. >You swallow, not knowing which way to look.
  488. >"Besides... I think you'll like it."
  489. "O-okay... so... where is it?"
  490. >She moves closer. "Close your eyes."
  491. >Waiting a couple of seconds with your eyes shut, nothing happens.
  492. "Is this some kind of-"
  493. >Your lips are assaulted without warning, something wet and fleshy intruding into your mouth.
  494. >Your eyes shoot open, revealing your sister's face, closer than it has ever been before.
  495. >Sitting on your lap and wrapping her arms around you, she prevents you from pulling back.
  496. >Your heart racing like never before, every fiber of your being is stunned.
  497. >She pulls back, releasing a heavy breath.
  498. >Her body falls into yours, retaining the hug as your adrenaline equalizes.
  499. >"There... my first kiss... that's your present."
  501. >Still silent, you stay transfixed on the long strands of pink hair so close to your face.
  502. >"W-well?"
  503. >Jolting in surprise, you try to think of a response.
  504. "I... uhh..."
  505. >"Did... did you like it? Should I have bought you something instead..?"
  506. "N-no! I mean..."
  507. >She sits up on you, hands on your shoulders.
  508. >"So... you did like it..?"
  509. >Gulping massively, you manage a nod.
  510. >She falls back into your chest, breathing a sigh of relief.
  511. >"Good... I was getting worried... that you'd be mad..."
  512. "Me? Mad? At you?"
  513. >That very idea felt unthinkable. You would have laughed if you didn't know she was serious.
  514. "You know... you could probably stab me through the heart and I'd still give you the benefit of the doubt."
  515. >"D-don't say that, Anon." She sits up again, looking at you, dejected. "I'd never do that."
  516. >Noticing the heavy thumping in your chest, you say the first thing that comes to mind.
  517. "You already have."
  518. >Staring into each others' heavily blushing faces for a couple of seconds, you shift your eyes and decide to break the ice.
  519. "Man... that cake sure looked good."
  520. >"Y-yes!" She swiftly stands up.
  521. >Walking into the kitchen, you both sit down and start nibbling on cake slices.
  522. >This cake has four layers. It must have taken boatloads of effort to make.
  523. >You hear a fork clang on the table. "You know, Anon..."
  524. >Looking up, she's blushing again.
  525. >"This doesn't have to be just a birthday thing..."
  526. "You... you mean..?"
  527. >"Y-yeah..." She squirms in her seat.
  528. >"We could do this again... if you're a good boy..."
  529. >A good boy? That's a fairly odd choice of words.
  530. >You put down your fork, realizing she must be attempting to steer the conversation somewhere.
  531. "What do I have to do..?"
  532. >She reaches into her pocket.
  533. >"Just..." She puts her hand on the table.
  534. >"Keep coming over."
  535. >Taking her hand back, she reveals a shiny, metal object underneath.
  536. >It's a key.
  537. >"W-whenever you want..."
  539. >It's been a while since you last went straight home from school.
  540. >In fact, it's been a while since you went straight anywhere else but that apartment.
  541. >Your visits to your sister have become daily at this point.
  542. >You've yet to see any sign that she doesn't want you around, and there's really no place you'd rather be.
  543. >If there's a mutual benefit to these visits, why not keep going? There's nothing odd about this at all... right?
  544. >As much as you wished it didn't, the feeling persists.
  545. >Her displays of affection had long become a normal part of your life, but she'd really taken them to a new level since your birthday.
  546. >You take an involuntary deep breath as you remember the feel of two tongues mashing together.
  547. >You try to focus on the cityscape flying by through the bus window.
  548. >Damn these intrusive thoughts. It was getting hard to concentrate with this popping up every time your tongue touches the roof of your mouth.
  549. >But what was nagging at you far more, was that one thing she had said.
  550. >>"...my first kiss..."
  551. >Gnashing your teeth, you've gone over the implications in your head many times over.
  552. >'No guy friends', she had told you.
  553. >Your adult sister, the professional model, with a demeanor lacking in any intimidation.
  554. >Is the entire male population blind, or is she simply too shy?
  555. >Neither option makes any sense, especially since you know for a fact that your sister has an active circle of friends.
  556. >If her shyness was at fault, it must be more crippling than you ever imagined, yet it doesn't seem THAT bad.
  557. >The very uncomfortable thought occurs to you that she was now, perhaps unknowingly, resorting to using you to fill *that* void.
  558. >How long could that go on, if you let it?
  559. >The idea that you might be standing in the way of her happiness was unbearable.
  560. >Maybe you're just overthinking this, and there's a much simpler explanation.
  561. >The bus comes to a halt, and you step off.
  562. >Either way, you can't be at ease until you know.
  564. >You're about to knock, but then you remember... she gave you a key.
  565. >Fishing the key out of your pocket, you turn the lock, pushing the door open.
  566. >Seeing nobody, you remove your shoes and hang up your jacket.
  567. >A smell catches your attention, and you hear some commotion in the kitchen.
  568. "Flutters..?"
  569. >She walks out of the kitchen, wearing a brown apron.
  570. >"Oh, Anon, you're here! Just in time..."
  571. >She's looking more sheepish than usual.
  572. >"Welcome... h-home..."
  573. "Welcome... what?"
  574. >You didn't quite catch her greeting, with her voice trailing off like that.
  575. >"N-nothing! You must be hungry, right?"
  576. >Stomach growling, you can't argue with that. Besides, you know that smell.
  577. >"It's lasagna... your favorite, right?"
  578. >She knows you too well.
  579. "Thanks... you're the best."
  580. >Walking into the kitchen, you help yourself to a big serving, chomping on the cheesy delicacy with utter delight.
  581. >"You can have all of it... if you want..."
  582. "Mwuh-?"
  583. >You swallow the contents of your mouth, clearing your airways.
  584. "What? You don't want any? But this stuff is great!"
  585. >"You need this food more than I do, and besides..."
  586. >She starts twirling her hair with her finger.
  587. >"...after all that cake, I'm watching myself... since, you know... my job, and all..."
  588. "R-right..."
  589. >The realization hits you. She made all of this, just for you.
  590. >Is there something in your eye?
  591. >Blinking twice, you return to the feast in front of you.
  592. >You leave some leftovers, not managing to finish everything in one sitting.
  593. >It also didn't feel right to leave nothing while your sister was probably staving off hunger, whatever her reason.
  594. >Walking out of the kitchen, you see her on the couch, sitting with her laptop.
  595. >Remembering your worries on the bus, you figure this would be as good a time as any to start this dreaded conversation, somehow.
  596. "Studying something..?"
  597. >You were actually somewhat curious about University-level material, so you might as well start there.
  598. >"Yeah, I have this *awful* math class..."
  600. >Apparently you blinked, and suddenly it was completely dark outside.
  601. >It's uncanny how quickly the time had passed by, just chatting with your sister.
  602. >Your sister shuts her laptop, letting out a short yawn.
  603. >"It's getting pretty late."
  604. "Yeah... almost midnight. I should go."
  605. >Standing up halfway, she grabs your hand, stopping you.
  606. >"It's pretty rainy outside, you know..."
  607. >Looking out the window, you see a slight drizzle.
  608. "A bit, yeah."
  609. >"You should stay here, for tonight..." She gives you her trademark smile.
  610. >"Since it's Saturday tomorrow... and I wouldn't want you to catch a cold."
  611. >You really don't even have to think about it.
  612. "Sure."
  613. >You're about to lay down on the couch, but again, her hand stops you.
  614. >"Isn't this couch is a bit, umm... small? You've gotten pretty tall, after all..."
  615. >It looks like it would fit you perfectly. There's no way she can't see that.
  616. >Your heart is now starting to beat for real.
  617. >She stands up. "Come on."
  618. >Leading you into her room, she turning the lights off and closes the door behind you.
  619. >If size was her concern, this bed wasn't much better than the couch.
  620. >Before you even noticed, your sister had stripped down into her undies, moving under the covers.
  621. >Suddenly feeling out of place in all these clothes, you do the same, leaving only your boxers.
  622. >You join her, laying your head on the bed's only pillow, facing her.
  623. >"Just like old times, right?"
  624. "Y-yeah, I guess s-"
  625. >Like on your birthday, she interrupts you with a kiss, the tongue invasion lasting an irritatingly short time.
  626. >"Good night, Anon."
  627. >She cuddles up against your chest.
  628. >"Love you..."
  629. >Recovering from the surprise, you are reminded of the conversation you completely forgot to have with her.
  630. >Looking back over the day, your worries now seemed absurd. If this is really what she wants, who are you to tell her otherwise?
  631. >Resting an arm over your sister, you lower your voice.
  632. "Good night, Flutty... love you too..."
  634. >You wake up to the Sun peaking through the curtains, gently illuminating the room.
  635. >Noticing the covers are gone, you look to your left.
  636. >They're all on her side. She must have tugged them over at some point.
  637. >She's facing away from you, her long, pink, wavy hair all over the place.
  638. >You can't imagine how much effort it must take to maintain all this hair.
  639. >Looking lower, you can see her bare shoulder blades jutting out noticeably, just above her bra strap.
  640. "Morning."
  641. >She doesn't even move. Usually she's up at sunrise, but the schoolwork and the modelling must be tiring her out.
  642. >It's really hot in this closed room, so you stand up and open the window.
  643. >"Anon?"
  644. >She's sitting up on the bed. Her hair is a complete mess, but she doesn't seem to notice.
  645. >"Did you sleep well?"
  646. "Yeah."
  647. >Better than you have in a long time, actually. You feel completely refreshed.
  648. >"That's good."
  649. >She stands up, reaching for her shirt.
  650. >Something's not right. Her movements are too slow.
  651. "Are you-"
  652. >She loses her grip on the shirt and falters, seemingly losing the energy to stay upright.
  653. >Panicking, you quickly move over and catch her by the shoulders.
  654. "F-flutters? Hey!"
  655. >"Sorry, Anon... I'm fine."
  656. "Really?"
  657. >Throwing her arm around your shoulder, you walk her out of the room without bothering to get dressed.
  658. >"Anon... I can walk by myself..."
  659. >You're not convinced, considering how much she's slagging.
  660. >And damn, she's really light.
  661. >"I just get dizzy sometimes... when I stand up too quickly..."
  662. >That sounds like a load of bollocks.
  663. >You walk her into the kitchen and pour her a glass of water.
  664. >"Th-thanks..."
  665. >You take out the lasagna and pop it into the microwave oven, figuring it'll do for breakfast.
  666. "Are you sure you're fine?"
  667. >"O-of course I'm sure..."
  668. >A long, awkward silence passes, until you hear the ding of the microwave bell.
  669. >You're surprised by how hungry you are, after everything you ate yesterday.
  670. >Looking at the lasagna and then at your sister, you freeze up.
  672. >How in the fuck did it take you this long to put two and two together?
  673. "Flutters..?"
  674. >She looks up, immediately averting her eyes.
  675. >Grabbing a fork, you slam it and the lasagna dish on the table in front of her.
  676. "Here. You eat it."
  677. >"W-what..?"
  678. >Probing her reaction, her eyes shoot open, she gulps, and she shies away from the table.
  679. >You fucking knew it.
  680. "I'll just go buy a sandwich or something."
  681. >"B-but, Anon... I was... I said..."
  682. "What? That you're 'watching yourself'? When was the last time you ate?"
  683. >"W-well, umm... a day..? Or, umm... t-two, maybe..?"
  684. >Firmly planting a hand on your face, you sigh and sit down next to her.
  685. "Why? Just... why? Is this about your job?"
  686. >She looks down at her feet.
  687. >"Yeah, I mean... I just thought, you know... if I'm not careful, what if I get... f-fired?"
  688. "So the solution is to eat... nothing?"
  689. >You're trying your hardest to keep your tone from being hostile.
  690. "Fuck your job, then. Quit. No amount of money is worth this."
  691. >She's still avoiding eye contact.
  692. "Hell, I'll even get a job and help pay the rent, since I'm here all the time anyways."
  693. >"A-anon, you really don't have to-"
  694. "Or is there something else?"
  695. >Her eyes widen in surprise, and it takes you a second to get why.
  696. >Fuck, you didn't think this through.
  697. >There's only one other possibility, if her job isn't the only thing she's concerned about.
  698. >You didn't want to go there, but it's too late to back down.
  699. "I-is this about a, uhh... a potential..."
  700. >Damn it, how the fuck are you supposed to word this?
  701. "...c-courtship?"
  702. >Again probing her reaction, you see her fidget and look away, blushing rather heavily.
  703. >Of course that's what it was.
  704. >Ignoring the stinging in your heart, you feel like you have to say something, for her sake.
  705. "Y-you know... I think anyone who wouldn't d-date you is an idiot..."
  706. >You take a big gulp.
  707. "...I definitely would..."
  708. >In the resulting silence, you realize you forgot to include the 'if you weren't my sister' caveat.
  709. >"Y-you would..?"
  711. "I-I-I'll be right-"
  712. >Your thigh hits the door on the way out of kitchen, almost causing you to fall over.
  713. >Strapping on your sandals near the front door and grabbing your jacket, you prepare to leave.
  714. >"Wait, Anon..."
  715. "S-sandwich..! Yeah, just gonna..."
  716. >You leave the apartment, hurrying outside to the nearest store.
  717. >Quick walking matching your heartbeat, you feel like you just fucked up majorly.
  718. >You could've added that one sentence to the back of that awkward silence; 'if you weren't my sister', and you'd have been golden.
  719. >But you didn't. You were about to, but that look on her face tied your windpipe into a knot.
  720. >What was that, even? Surprise?
  721. >No, she was blushing too hard for that. Relief?
  722. >That doesn't fully fit, either. She was fidgeting the whole time, and her eyes were glistening.
  723. >Why were her eyes glistening?
  724. >Fuck, you are way too attentive for your own good.
  725. >What are you even worried about? She's not mad at you. She's never been mad at you in your life.
  726. >Realizing you can't rationalize away your cold sweat, you enter the store.
  727. >You grab a sandwich, slam some coins on the counter in front of the clerk, and leave as quickly as you entered.
  728. >Bacon and eggs. Decent enough.
  729. >Sitting on a bench next to the store entrance, you take your time with the sandwich, enjoying the warmth of the morning Sun.
  730. >Watching the bustle of civilization in front of you eventually calms you down.
  731. >You're fine. You must be. All you did was try to reassure her, like any decent brother would.
  732. >Would she interpret this the same way?
  733. >The cold sweat returns in full force.
  734. >Maybe she did at first... but could your hasty retreat have blown your cover?
  735. >You take a deep breath. The stakes are WAY too high for comfort.
  736. >You can't think of a better way to destroy your life than for your sister to push you away.
  737. >The wood beneath you shifts and you hear some creaking, causing you to almost jump off your seat in surprise.
  738. >"H-hey, Anon..."
  740. "Hey... are you okay, walking outside?"
  741. >You should've known she'd find you. She knows the area better than you.
  742. >"Yeah, I ate the leftovers."
  743. >She's smiling at you like you didn't just literally flee from her presence.
  744. "That's... g-good."
  745. >You are genuinely relieved to hear that, but you still look away, anticipating some kind of lecture.
  746. >Instead, you feel hands touching, causing a twitch to travel up to your shoulder.
  747. >"You shouldn't be worrying about me, you know. This was just a one-time, umm... scare."
  748. "How does one even go without food for that long? Doesn't it hurt?"
  749. >"Yeah, sometimes..."
  750. >You've heard horror stories of anorexic models before, and they're very much not reassuring.
  751. >How are you supposed to not worry about her after she nearly fainted on the floor..?
  752. "You're sure you're okay, right?"
  753. >"Yeah." She giggles faintly.
  754. >"I'm still hungry, though..."
  755. >She squeezes your hand and your heart with it.
  756. >"...and there's really nothing to eat back home, so..."
  757. >She flutters her eyelids at you and pauses, an ocean's worth of confusion hitting you all at once.
  758. >You think you get the idea, but why is she gesturing so hard for you to say it?
  759. >And are her eyelids painted..?
  760. >You're getting tired of analyzing every little detail, so you figure you'll just go with the flow.
  761. "D-do you... want to, uhh..."
  762. >Her face hasn't moved at all, despite you struggling to get through the sentence.
  763. "...g-get something to ea-"
  764. >"I'd love to, Anon."
  765. >She stands up off the bench, pulling you along with a surprising amount of energy.
  766. >"Come on, I know a good place."
  767. >Dragging you along by your hand, strands of her hair brush against your face.
  768. >Lemons. You don't remember that smell from when you woke up.
  769. >Had she done her face and hair, not to mention eating, in what... fifteen minutes?
  770. >Damn. Being quick is one thing, but this is nuts.
  771. >You do a double-take, pieces of information falling into place inside your head.
  772. >Did she just rope you into asking her on a date..?
  774. >One thing you like about your sister is that she likes to keep things simple.
  775. >Whenever you were feeling down growing up, she'd just give you a hug, often without warning or questions asked.
  776. >Now, when going out to get some food? Nothing an outdoor hamburger vendor in a park can't fix.
  777. >You have to wonder how much of this is fueled by her aversion to talking to strangers, but you can't complain.
  778. >Not when she's beaming so much, looking like she's just happy existing with a burger in hand.
  779. "Are those anchovies really that good?"
  780. >"Oh, yes. Very." She holds out her burger in front of you.
  781. >"Here, take a bite."
  782. >You pause, looking at the bite marks, face heating up for some reason.
  783. >You take a bite, feeling the odd mixture of fish and beef.
  784. >Not your cup of tea, but you're not averse to the taste.
  785. >You swallow your bite, holding your own burger to her.
  786. "H-here, then... it's only fair."
  787. >Your sister smiles and scoots closer on the bench, taking and quickly swallowing a small bite.
  788. >"Thanks, Anon. You're such a sweetie."
  789. >That corny compliment always got your blood pumping a little faster, coming from probably the sweetest person alive.
  790. >Really, what the hell were you thinking, getting so stressed out earlier?
  791. >Whatever the opposite of stress is, she is that personified.
  792. >Her beauty on full display in the Sun and her yellow tank top, you can't help but stare a little.
  793. >Trees rustling above you and the pond in front reflecting the distant cityscape made this a very calming scene.
  794. >One you could probably stay in forever, if you had her beside you.
  795. >A pair of geese land in the pond, swimming like they're glued together.
  796. >You can't actually tell, but you're guessing that's a male and a female.
  797. >"Look, Anon." She leans on your shoulder.
  798. >"Isn't that cute? I wish I had some bread."
  799. >You chuckle, cocking your eyebrow.
  800. "...really?"
  801. >You rip two pieces out of your bun, throwing them towards the geese, who are quick to gobble them up.
  802. >"O-oh... right."
  804. >Noon arrived before either of you noticed how long you had sat on that bench.
  805. >It was a half-hour walk back to her place, but you didn't mind in this perfect weather.
  806. >She knew a path mostly free from the droan of car traffic and other pedestrians.
  807. >Walking such a long way through nature was odd, when you knew city life was so very close by.
  808. >"Hey, Anon... this was fun, wasn't it..?"
  809. "Yeah, definitely."
  810. >That's an easy question to answer.
  811. "I could do this every day."
  812. >"N-not the burger, though... that's a once-in-a-week thing for me... o-or less."
  813. "Heh, yeah, I get it, your job'n'all. As long as you don't overdo it."
  814. >You hear a gulp, and wonder if mentioning that was a mistake.
  815. >"S-sorry about that... it was a stupid-"
  816. "If you're fine now, you're fine now."
  817. >You pause your conversation as someone walks past you.
  818. >"It, umm... I'm glad to know that you'd worry about me like that, though..."
  819. "Come on, Flutters. Of course I would."
  820. >Yet again your hands touch, this time her grip is softer.
  821. >"No, I mean, it really... made me happy."
  822. >You pause, wondering what this rhetorical repetition could mean.
  823. "...it did?"
  824. >"Yeah... i-if I'm being honest, you've been the most important part of my life, umm... for a while now..."
  825. >Your heart rate shoots up, and you hope your hand isn't sweating too much.
  826. "R-really..?"
  827. >She's looking straight ahead. Definitely blushing, but otherwise comfortable.
  828. >"Yeah... and even more so, recently."
  829. "M-more so?"
  830. >You really wish you had the composure to be more specific.
  831. >"Yeah, and... you know... I wouldn't mind, umm... you know..."
  832. >NOW she's doing her hair-twirling, though your composure isn't any better.
  833. >"We could do this more often... and other, umm... 'couple things'... i-if you want to..."
  834. >You're stunned. A taser couldn't have done the job better.
  835. >"Come by after school on Monday... t-take some time to think about it."
  836. >She briskly walks away before you can stop her, leaving you a wide-eyed statue on the pavement.
  838. >Arriving home, you notice the car isn't in the driveway.
  839. >Good. That means mom is away.
  840. >You hide your shoes and head into your room, needing some thinking space.
  841. >It's been an hour since you parted ways with your sister, and you can still feel your pulse coursing through you.
  842. >It's in your ears, it's in your toes, it's even in your eyelids.
  843. >She told you to 'think' about this.
  844. >Think about what, exactly? An actual, romantic relationship?
  845. >You fall on your bed, trying not to breathe too hard.
  846. >Well, at least the escalating intimacy now made sense.
  847. >Had she already been treating you like a boyfriend since your birthday? Or longer..?
  848. >You're not sure how to feel about that.
  849. >Weird?
  850. >Used?
  851. >Excited?
  852. >Aroused?
  853. >Okay, yes, the last two definitely fit better than the first ones.
  854. >What was there to think about, really? None of the girls you've ever looked at twice came close to matching her.
  855. >Attractive beyond belief with a similarly appealing character, your sister is the catch of the century.
  856. >Even you at seven years old seemed to perceive that in some way, having basically proposed to her that one time.
  857. >And now the shoe is on the other foot.
  858. >Sister or not, you'd be insane to reject her.
  859. >The thought of rejecting her was actually painful, you hadn't really considered it until now.
  860. >You know her, and she'd be destroyed. No way could you do that to her.
  861. >That's not really an option, then, is it?
  862. >You take a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself for the road ahead.
  863. >You are going to visit her after school on Monday, and you are going to welcome her advances.
  864. >It's only ever made your life better, after all.
  865. >Well, you sure took your time to think about this. All of five minutes.
  866. >The clock on the wall is telling it's five o'clock.
  867. >And it's still Saturday.
  868. >Fuck. The wait might actually kill you.
  869. >You shake your head and sit in front of your desk, opening your laptop.
  870. >What does the internet have to say about this..?
  872. >Two day's worth of research into incestuous relationships on the Internet had left you with a single, simple thought.
  873. >The Internet can go fuck itself.
  874. >You yawn, eating some bread in the kitchen.
  875. >The big day is here, all you need to do now is wait for school to finish.
  876. >You had considered showing up at Fluttershy's prematurely to give off some vibe of confidence, but you decided against it.
  877. >There must have a been a reason for why she picked this date, after all.
  878. >Besides, she's still slightly taller than you, so why bother acting macho?
  879. >"Anon..?"
  880. >Fuck. You weren't expecting her to wake up yet.
  881. >Your plan to strategically avoid your mother had been going great, only for it to fall apart now.
  882. >"Where the hell have you been?"
  883. "Good morning to you too, mom."
  884. >"Haven't I told you not to disappear for DAYS on end-"
  885. >You walk towards the front door, tuning out her voice.
  886. >You're not listening to this, so you might as well just bail now.
  887. "Sorry, school's starting. C'ya."
  888. >You leave before you can even hear her response.
  889. >You're half an hour early, but you're fine with waiting anywhere else but "home".
  890. >Considering how bitter your mother had gotten over time, you were really lucky to have had such an amazing sister.
  891. >Maybe you should tell her that.
  892. >The hours crawl by agonizingly slowly.
  893. >It's not like you could focus on schoolwork, so you tune most of it out.
  894. >The bell finally rings and you rush out like neverbefore.
  895. >Finding the bus stop, you get on, swallowing your stress.
  896. >The bus starts its route, and the stress comes right back up.
  897. >How exactly are you supposed to do this?
  898. >Your breathing gets more labored with every stop the bus covers.
  899. >You try to go over some things you read on the Internet in your head.
  900. >'Showing is better than telling', someone had said.
  901. >What does that even mean?
  902. >Looking out the window, you notice dandelions growing on a green patch nearby.
  903. >You do a double take.
  904. >Of course!
  905. >You press the exit button. You have a detour to take.
  907. >You step off the bus and head into a familiar house, two wild dandelions in hand.
  908. >Fuck, you can't believe you're actually doing this.
  909. >This is like something out of those stupid Spanish, thirty years old soap-operas.
  910. >Finding the door, you pause in your tracks.
  911. >There's that cold sweat again.
  912. >You had somehow managed to make this even more stressful than it had to be.
  913. >The idea was that these flowers would do the talking for you, but somehow they just seemed to only pile on the anxiety.
  914. >Your sister did seem to like them... way back when you were a kid, at least.
  915. >Standing in front of the door with the flowers held to your chest, you shake off your doubts.
  916. >You just have to knock. This'll work better if she's the one to open the door.
  917. >Three short bangs resound through the wood, and suddenly you start breathing through your mouth.
  918. >Fuckfuckfuck, you can hear her coming.
  919. >You take a deep breath and swallow, trying your best to not look like a nervous wreck as the door opens.
  920. "F-Flutters!"
  921. >"Hey, A-"
  922. >Her eyes trail downwards and she brings a hand over her mouth, muting a still-audible gasp.
  923. "I, uhh... I just thought..."
  924. >You look away, unsure of yourself.
  925. >"A-Anon..."
  926. >Looking back at your sister, your heart nearly gives out as you notice a tear running down her cheek.
  927. >You gulp and hold out your hand, remembering a similar moment a long time ago.
  928. "For you..."
  929. >Much to your surprise, she walks straight into you instead of reaching for your hand.
  930. >She squeezes you into a hug, this one distinctly different from any you can remember.
  931. >You've never had someone resting against you like this, as if you're the bigger person.
  932. >You've never felt someone shaking while sobbing into your shoulder.
  933. >That's always been you, and the other person has always been your sister.
  934. >Dropping the flowers on the floor, you wrap your arms around her.
  935. >She always seemed to know what to do, back then. And in retrospect, it wasn't very complicated.
  936. "D-do you like them..?"
  938. >This reaction was unexpected, to say the least.
  939. >You sometimes forget, as much as your nerves tend to get to you, your sister has it worse.
  940. >She's still buried in your arms, holding you while you lean your back against the wall.
  941. >She looks fine now, though you can't see her face.
  942. "Uhh... you're okay, right..?"
  943. >She places a hand on your chest and looks up, directly into your eyes.
  944. >There are no tears. Just a reassuring smile.
  945. >"Yeah, s-sorry... I'm just... happy."
  946. >God, you have no idea how to respond to that.
  947. >You had expected the stress to leave after passing this checkpoint, but you're still as nervous as ever.
  948. >"How about you?"
  949. "Wuh-uhh... me?"
  950. >She presses her body against yours, your foreheads touching.
  951. >"I can feel your heartbeat, you know. It's pretty fast."
  952. >Blushing hard right in front of her face, you avert your eyes.
  953. "It's just, uhh... b-big change, you know."
  954. >She re-positions her arms above your shoulders, taking charge of the hug.
  955. >Mild disappointment hits you momentarily.
  956. >You hugging her, as opposed to the other way around, had been a nice change of pace.
  957. >"Nothing's changed. I still love you exactly as much as I did yesterday."
  958. >Noticing your eyes moving around wildly, she forces sustained eye contact by laying a hand on your cheek.
  959. >"I want you to be comfortable, Anon. You know I'd never do anything to hurt you, right?"
  960. >You manage a nod, and you notice her expression change. It's not one of the motherly looks you're used to.
  961. >Those had never forced a brick into your stomach, like this one seemed to be doing.
  962. >Her hand trails along your jawline, stopping at your chin.
  963. >"You trust me... right?"
  964. >You swallow, never having had to exert this much effort just to speak.
  965. "Ri-"
  966. >A familiar feeling of warm wetness hits the inside of your mouth as you are cut off by the joining of airways.
  967. >Fatigued by the constant stress, you allow yourself to melt into the sensations.
  968. >You feel like you can finally relax.
  970. >It had taken your sister quite some time to pull her tongue out of your mouth.
  971. >She realized she was pinning you against the wall, and actually apologized.
  972. >You would've thought it was cute if your head hadn't been a wasteland of organized thought at the time.
  973. >"S-so, do you want something? Food? I can make anything."
  974. "Nah, don't bother. I ate in the school cafeteria."
  975. >It's only been a couple of hours, and things are already back to normal, relatively speaking.
  976. >Not that you can't still sense some lingering tension.
  977. >She sits beside you on the couch, ignoring the daytime garbage on the television in front of you.
  978. >Neither of say anything, and things quickly get awkward again.
  979. "Are your classes going okay? And... work?"
  980. >She fidgets, uncomfortable for some reason. "You don't have to worry, really..."
  981. >This was a very typical answer for your sister, engineered to cause the least amount of trouble possible.
  982. >You're not satisfied, though.
  983. "Come on... working alongside school can't be easy. If I can help with anything, I'll do it."
  984. >"That's sweet of you, Anon. But both my classes and my work are very flexible."
  985. >Damn. The last thing you want is to be useless, most of all to her.
  986. >"There might be one thing, though..."
  987. >That catches your attention.
  988. >"It's a new look. Not something I'd usually consider doing, but... I might... if you like it."
  989. >Your blood circulation kicks up a gear.
  990. "O-okay! Sounds... easy."
  991. >She affectionately flicks your nose.
  992. >"Alright, but no camera this time. There's only two judges I want to impress."
  993. "There's... two?"
  994. >"Yeah..." She scoots up against your shoulder, pointing a finger at your left eye.
  995. >"...this one..." She points her finger at your other eye, flashing you a suggestive smile.
  996. >"...and this one."
  997. >Floored, you watch your sister stand up and walk towards the bathroom.
  998. >"Wait here, then. I'll be right back."
  1000. >You can't even tell how long you've waited by the time she finally walks back out.
  1001. >One eternity? Two?
  1002. >However long it was, it became worth it the moment she stepped out.
  1003. >The first thing you notice is her hair, separated in long twintails, hanging over her front.
  1004. >She's wearing a green, two-piece bikini, but these are quite a bit more revealing than the previous ones.
  1005. >The upper piece is basically just two triangles connected by a thin string tied up in a knot.
  1006. >Her breasts typically don't look all that prominent in her normal attire, but now, they stick out like balloons.
  1007. >The apparent difference is unbelievable.
  1008. "It's... uhh..."
  1009. >She holds a finger to your lips, shushing you.
  1010. >"You don't have to say it yet... if you don't mind..."
  1011. >She leads you into her room and sits on the bed, looking at you with half-lidded eyes.
  1012. >Oh god, the makeup. Your nerves are back.
  1013. >"Front or back?"
  1014. >Right, her hair.
  1015. "B-back... I guess."
  1016. >She flips her twintails behind her shoulders, giving you an unobstructed view of her front.
  1017. >Stretching her hands, your sister lays down on her back, making a show out of rolling into several poses.
  1018. >The transitions are seamless, and she looks perfectly comfortable.
  1019. "You've, uhh... gotten better at this."
  1020. >She pauses and sits up, waving you over, slight blush first now appearing.
  1021. >"Want to know why..? I'll tell you."
  1022. >You sit down and she immediately throws an arm around you, hugging your side.
  1023. >"In the studio, when they're taking pictures of me..."
  1024. >She leans further and lowers her voice, whispering into your ear.
  1025. >"...I always imagine it's you behind the camera. It makes things easier."
  1026. >Ignoring your speechlessness, she falls on her back, pulling you with her.
  1027. "Really..?"
  1028. >Your sister sits back up without answering.
  1029. >"You know... those strangers in the studio have seen as much of me as you have, and I don't think that's fair."
  1030. >She points at the knot tying her top together.
  1031. >"I-if you want to pull this string... I won't stop you."
  1033. >You sit up, not believing your ears.
  1034. "A-a-are you sure?"
  1035. >"Yes... go ahead."
  1036. >Your hand twitches.
  1037. >Reaching for your target, you grab the silky string, slowly pulling.
  1038. >The knot undoes itself and you let go, allowing the strings to fall down.
  1039. >She's holding the loose top against her chest, but her bare back alone is diverting major bloodflows towards a specific area.
  1040. >Your sister looks at you over her shoulder, blushing smile adorning her face.
  1041. >"I was never going to model like this..." She throws the top on the floor and turns around.
  1042. >"...but I guess I can make an exception... for my boyfriend."
  1043. >Your eyes are wildly alternating between her chest and her face.
  1044. "Is that... m-me..?"
  1045. >She giggles before throwing herself on you, pinning your back on the bed.
  1046. >"You silly... you're so adorable, I-I could just..."
  1047. >Your mouth opens on instinct, allowing her to finish her sentence through action.
  1048. >You spend some moments in a deep kiss, noticing your sister slowly but surely getting more aggressive in her tongue movements.
  1049. >Your freeze up as her thigh brushes against your crotch, the unexpected contact causing you to gasp into her mouth.
  1050. >Your sister pulls back, strands of saliva breaking in the process.
  1051. >She's breathing really heavily just above your nose, her face noticably brighter in color, but no less eager.
  1052. >"Don't you think... it's hot... in here?"
  1053. >It's not. The room is fairly cool, actually.
  1054. "Y-yeah... I guess so..."
  1055. >You take off your shirt, as she looks about ready to do it for you.
  1056. >Now panting audibly with an unrestrained grin on her face, she reaches a hand down and tugs at your pants.
  1057. >This is getting really out of character for her.
  1058. >You awkwardly shuffle your pants down and kick them off the bed as your sister leans toward you so far that your lips touch.
  1059. >Kissing you again, she grabs your hand and lays it on her hip, right on the knot tying together her bottom piece.
  1060. >She breaks away, her breathing now even heavier.
  1061. >"P-pull it."
  1063. >You are awkwardly holding the string, laying on your back with your sister straddling over you.
  1064. >"You have no idea how many guys I've turned down, because I was waiting for this..."
  1065. >She picks the rubber bands out of her hair without breaking eye contact, allowing her pink locks to fall into your face.
  1066. "Err... ahh-I, uhh..."
  1067. >She lays a hand on your cheek and strokes your erection through your shorts with the other, shutting you up immediately.
  1068. >Your heart was nearing its limit, but seeing that loving smile back on her face calms it down somewhat.
  1069. >"I love you, Anon. If you let me, I'll show you how much..."
  1070. >You take a deep breath and pull on the string, allowing it to be expelled to the floor by your sister.
  1071. "O-okay..."
  1072. >Your pathetic attempt at a response doesn't seem to faze her as she drops to your side.
  1073. >Laying down on your shoulder and pressing her chest against your side, she pulls on your last article of clothing.
  1074. >You swiftly respond by kicking your shorts off the bed, airing out your desperately attention-craving member.
  1075. "A-are you s-sure about-"
  1076. >Your sister reaches down and grabs your erection, causing you to gasp at the initially cold contact.
  1077. >Using her soft hand to gently pull your skin up and down, she leans her head towards you.
  1078. >"Let me worry about the details." She pushes your arm in between her breasts, releasing a breath directly into your ear.
  1079. >"You just... relax."
  1080. >You breathe deeply, genuinely trying to calm yourself, but her hand movements are only piling on the pressure.
  1081. >It's piling on surprisingly quickly, despite your sister's slow pace.
  1082. >Whether it's because of the artful way she's massaging your erection or just the novelty of an unfamiliar hand, you're definitely not going to last much longer.
  1083. "Fff-Flutt-"
  1084. >She ignores your warning and ups the pace, tightening her hold on your arm while again leaning towards your ear.
  1085. >"Shh... just relax..."
  1087. >Bursting like a dam while gripping the covers below, you shoot several strands straight on your stomach.
  1088. >You quickly come down from the high, head swirling with electric tingles.
  1089. >Regaining your focus after a couple of seconds, the first thing you see is your sister sitting over you, doing... something.
  1090. >Is she... licking the back of her hand?
  1091. >"Heh, I made a bit of a mess here..."
  1092. >Oh. OH.
  1093. >Face heating up, you're about to sit up, only for her to stop you.
  1094. >"Don't be ashamed, Anon... just stay there and let me take care of this."
  1095. >You silently comply, not really sure what she meant.
  1096. >Your body jolts upon feeling a wet streak drag along your stomach.
  1097. >Not believing your senses, you stare blankly at the ceiling as her tongue takes several more strokes against your skin.
  1098. >Her mission accomplished, she lays her head on your shoulder.
  1099. >"So... how do you feel?"
  1100. "My head's a bit, uhh... f-fuzzy..."
  1101. >She starts tracing patterns with her finger on your chest, looking as if she's expecting you to elaborate.
  1102. "N-not in a bad way... I mean... I just, sort of got this, uhh... t-thing... that..."
  1103. >You swallow, not knowing yourself where you're going with this.
  1104. "Good. I feel good."
  1105. >Your sister giggles under her breath, delivering a quick kiss to your cheek.
  1106. >She turns her head up, joining you in the staring contest with the ceiling. "That's all I wanted to hear."
  1107. >A minute passes, and a trickle of confidence builds as you steal a glance at her distracted face.
  1108. >You can't just stay passive forever, can you..?
  1109. >Making sure she's not looking, you smack an awkward kiss on her cheek.
  1110. "Thanks... I love you."
  1111. >You swear you heard a quick inhalation, also noticing her knees moving up towards her chest.
  1112. >Worries that you'd fucked up somehow are quickly dispelled by your sister's completely flushed expression.
  1113. >"C-can I ask you something... p-personal..?"
  1114. >You nod, noticing the edges of her mouth turning up.
  1115. >"H-how long until, umm... it... is ready again..?"
  1117. >You take a moment to contemplate the question.
  1118. >Given the lustful look she's sending you, it probably won't be long.
  1119. "M-maybe, uhh... a couple of minutes."
  1120. >Deathly afraid of disappointing her, relief hits you when her expression turns more playful.
  1121. >"Minutes..?"
  1122. >Your sister grabs your wrist and presses your palm against her breast, massaging your inner thigh with her other hand.
  1123. >"How about now?"
  1124. >Tingles travelling all over your body, you can barely think of an answer whilst fighting the urge to squirm.
  1125. "Ahh... I'm n-not sure ifmmf-"
  1126. >Her tongue probes far into your mouth, coaxing yours into a wet embrace that you instinctively welcome.
  1127. >How does she always manage to catch you off-guard with these surprise interruptions?
  1128. >She puts more force into the kiss as she moves her hand from your thigh to your member, sending a jolt up your body.
  1129. >Is this really the same person you grew up with? She's always been touchy, but never anywhere near this direct.
  1130. >She pulls away with a heavy breath, experimentally running her fingers over your rapidly hardening semi-erection.
  1131. >"How many minutes was that?"
  1132. >You detect a rare hint of smugness in your sister's voice.
  1133. >And for good reason, you suppose. Your semi is now standing fully rigid and stern, feeling no hint of soreness.
  1134. >She was a lot gentler than you've always been with your death grip, so that probably explains it.
  1135. >Her posture shifts on top of you, allowing your hand to slip away.
  1136. >It doesn't. You can't bring yourself to tear your hand away from such a perfect mammary gland specimen.
  1137. >Hand on your cheek, she looks into your eyes while grinding on your erection.
  1138. >"I'm ready, Anon. Are you?"
  1139. >You were about to respond, but you manage to stop yourself.
  1140. >She's just going to dive into your mouth the moment you open it, isn't she?
  1141. >Getting a borderline too-bold idea, you figure you might as well try to beat your sister at her own game.
  1143. >Raising your head off the mattress, you lock lips with her, tongue creeping in only as far as you dare.
  1144. >Not feeling any reciprocation, you pull away, immediately worried you'd overstepped your boundaries.
  1145. >You feel the beat of a heart that isn't yours through the hand still on her chest, prompting you to finally let go.
  1146. >She looks stunned. Like her face froze after you pulled away.
  1147. >Fuck, was she actually not planning to catch you off-guard this time..?
  1148. "Uhh... s-sorry, I just..."
  1149. >Your sister digs her hands under your back, pressing your bodies and lips together.
  1150. >You're not sure if this is a kiss or an attempt to rip your tongue out of your mouth, but you're relieved either way.
  1151. >Without breaking the kiss, your sister shifts her body again and reaches back, directing your tip to prod at her entrance.
  1152. >You tense up in anticipation as she pulls her mouth away, forced by a mutual lack of breath.
  1153. >She slowly starts lowering herself down on your shaft, making your breathing even more labored.
  1154. >Hearing sharp gasp-moans as the warmth creeps further down your length, you awkwardly wrap your arms around your sister's back.
  1155. >Stopping once the bottom is reached, she buries her face in your neck, masking a series of barely-audible whispers within every exhalation.
  1156. >"I love you... I love you... I love you..."
  1157. >You tighten the hug, your palpitating heart almost overwhelmed.
  1158. "F-Flutty..."
  1159. >You begin carefully thrusting, surprised by the intensity of the pleasure brought by the smallest of movements.
  1160. >She brings her face up, looking into your eyes. "K-keep going~"
  1161. >Wiping the sweat off your brow, she rests her forehead on yours.
  1162. >Both of you breathing too hard to lose yourselves in more tongue-wrapping, your lips only brush together.
  1163. >Given the situation, the eye contact is almost like a kiss of it's own.
  1165. >Getting ahead of yourself, you perform three overconfident thrusts, pulling halfway out each time.
  1166. >Your sister releases warm puffs of air into your face in the same rhythm, a moan escaping alongside the final one.
  1167. >Stopping immediately, you only just manage to not finish right then and there.
  1168. >That was dangerously close. Not to mention too soon.
  1169. >"Anon... are you close?"
  1170. >You gulp, anxiety gripping you. Are you really that transparent?
  1171. >Seeing your reaction, her expression turns compassionate, a look you're all too familiar with.
  1172. >"Hey, don't spoil this for yourself, okay?"
  1173. "W-what?"
  1174. >"Relax. We have all the time in the world after this."
  1175. >Your sister leans to her side, flipping you on top of her.
  1176. >"Don't worry about anything silly, like..."
  1177. >She rocks her hips underneath you, clearly teasing.
  1178. >"...pulling out."
  1179. >Playfully pecking your lips, you notice her cheeks turning red again, to speak nothing of yours.
  1180. >"G-go ahead. I'm yours."
  1181. >Her breathing now heavy with anticipation, she drops her hands on the bed above her shoulders, palms pointing up.
  1182. >A moment's silence passes, and the world around you goes out of focus as your inhibitions vanish.
  1183. >You grasp her hands and prod your tongue into her mouth, fingers locking.
  1184. >Thrusting at a pace higher than previously, you are surprised to find yourself no longer edging the brink.
  1185. >Deciding you can afford to go even faster, your sister tears away from the kiss and releases a low, erotic moan.
  1186. >"Aahhh, ffffuuuck..."
  1187. >Did she just swear? You'd pinch yourself if your hands were free.
  1188. >Taking your time to enjoy her whimpers over the slapping noises of the intercourse, you eventually notice yourself edging closer with every thrust.
  1189. >Deciding to heed your sister's words, you maintain your pace, noticing her legs locking you in position.
  1190. >Groaning, you explode inside, the orgasmic high lasting throughout several more thrusts.
  1191. >The downswing somehow manages to be even more intense, ending with everything going black.
  1193. >A body's worth of limp weight rolls off of you, leaving you a sweaty, panting mess on the bed.
  1194. >What the heck just happened?
  1195. >You were expecting him to last maybe five more seconds, not... however long that was.
  1196. >Looking to your side, your brother doesn't seem conscious, though he's facing away from you.
  1197. >Still shaking, you get off the bed and out of the room, walking into the bathroom shower.
  1198. >The cold stream isn't making you any less hot and bothered.
  1199. >You adjust the temperature down to the coldest before it gets icy, but it's not working. It's still so warm, down there.
  1200. >Remembering your brother's unsure face after his first time initiating a real kiss, your arousal spikes.
  1201. >Reaching a hand between your legs, you gasp upon contact.
  1202. >Having already been brought close to the brink, it doesn't take much for moans to start slipping out.
  1203. >Your hand movements soon forcing you on your knees, you replay the entire scene in your head.
  1204. >Once you get to the part where he released his animalistic instincts, a boatload's worth of tension leaves your body all at once.
  1205. >Not managing to hold back a loud moan, the waves hit harder than expected.
  1206. >Losing your footing, your thrashing foot kicks a bottle of shampoo out of the shower.
  1207. >Awkwardly staggering back to your feet after recovering, you turn off the water and dry yourself off.
  1208. >Stepping out and looking into your room, Anon hasn't moved an inch.
  1209. >You've been wreaking havoc on his nerves all day, in hindsight. Poor guy deserves a break.
  1210. >Noticing the dandelions on the living room floor, you pick them up and place them in a familiar vase in the kitchen.
  1211. >Old memories warming your heart, you breathe deeply.
  1212. >This plan had worked better than you could have hoped for.
  1213. >You would have preferred to somehow ease him into this, but sometimes a push is needed.
  1214. >Resting your chin on your hand, you stare at the flowers.
  1215. >A smirk hits your face, recalling another old memory.
  1216. "He's really mine now, mom..."
  1218. >You wake up in your sister's bed, blanket covering you.
  1219. >The first thing you notice is that you're naked. The second thing is that you're alone.
  1220. >"Hey."
  1221. >A shocked yelp rushes through your teeth as your upper body dashes forward into a sitting position.
  1222. >Heart pounding against your ribs, you hear an outbreak of giggles beside you after a moment's silence.
  1223. >It's her. She was laying right next to you, in a blindspot.
  1224. "Wuh... wha... Fluh..."
  1225. >You're still too shocked to form a sentence.
  1226. >Turns out that you're really fucking jumpy after waking up naked in someone else's bed.
  1227. >The fact that you just violated the most taboo of all taboos probably doesn't help, either.
  1228. >"S-sorry... I... pfft-"
  1229. >Sitting up herself, her giggles escalate into a full laughter.
  1230. >A couple of seconds pass and her fit has no end in sight.
  1231. >Her head falls on your shoulder, gripping your arm while still convulsing.
  1232. >"You... you're just... too..."
  1233. >She's not having much success forming sentences, either.
  1234. >Looking in her direction instead of staring away in embarrassment, the lingering shock melts away.
  1235. >You've never seen your sister so outwardly cheerful.
  1236. >She would always hold back her voice in situations like this. Now, she doesn't seem to care at all.
  1237. >Catching her infectious laugh off her sparkling face, you begin chuckling yourself.
  1238. "Wow, you really got me."
  1239. >"S-sorry... I shouldn't... pfft... be laughing..."
  1240. >Finally getting a handle on herself, she takes a series of deep breaths, eventually culling her laughter.
  1241. >"That wasn't on purpose, I swear."
  1242. >That much was obvious. Jump-scare pranks have never been her thing.
  1243. "It's fine. How long was I out?"
  1244. >"A little over three hours."
  1245. >Damn. That means it's late.
  1246. >You sigh, figuring all good things must come to an end.
  1247. "Alright... I should get going, then."
  1248. >Her grip on your arm tightens, holding you in place before you even start moving off the bed.
  1250. >"You don't have to leave... i-if you don't mind."
  1251. "Well, mom will get pissed..."
  1252. >Laying her head on your shoulder, she cuddles against you.
  1253. >"You don't have to accommodate her, you know... mom will get mad no matter what you do."
  1254. >You gulp, not expecting this kind of blunt response.
  1255. >That's been your suspicion for a long time, but confirmation from your sister provided an uncomfortable sense of finality.
  1256. "What's her, uhh... deal, anyways?"
  1257. >Your sister's face loses its luster, showing a hint of sadness.
  1258. >"Don't take this the wrong way, but... I think I was, umm... the favorite..."
  1259. >Looking away while hugging her knees, she mumbles something apologetic.
  1260. "What do you mean..?"
  1261. >"She always spoiled me, and I looked up to her for a long time. Until I noticed how she treated you..."
  1262. >That must've been the day she effectively adopted you.
  1263. >The day you jumped off your bike at full speed in the vain hope that your mother would care, only to get something even better.
  1264. >"S-sorry, I should've noticed earlier..."
  1265. >Seeing her biting her lip while avoiding eye contact, this seems to be bothering her more than you.
  1266. "It's fine. You would probably have been my favorite, too."
  1267. >"Don't say that, Anon..."
  1268. >Taking the following silence as your cue, you lean against your sister, the sides of your heads touching.
  1269. >"You're really not... mad, at all?"
  1270. >You chuckle, trying to dispel the tension.
  1271. "No, you raised me better than that."
  1272. >Amusing as it was to watch the blood flow to her face, a yawn cuts you off.
  1273. >Falling on the pillow with a thud, you decide there's no reason to leave. Half your stuff is already here, anyways.
  1274. >Laying on your back, you feel the warmth of bare skin pressing against your side.
  1275. >"You know..."
  1276. >She reaches a hand across your chest, bringing her lips up against your ear.
  1277. >"I'm not tired yet. Are you?"
  1278. >Suppressing another yawn and blinking the mist out of your eyes, you turn to look at the face next to you.
  1279. "Uhh... no. Not at all."
  1281. >Having run yourself completely out of breath, you stumble inside your sister's apartment, huffing and puffing.
  1282. >You don't see her anywhere, so you head straight for the shower.
  1283. >Quickly rinsing off all your sweat, you step and out get into the change of clothes you brought earlier.
  1284. >Deciding you were too sedentary, you've taken to regularly going outside for jogs, as well as some push-ups before sleep.
  1285. >Your sister goes to all these lengths to maintain her modelling body, so you figured you should make some kind of effort yourself.
  1286. >Regardless of what she says, like hell are you worthy of her as you are now.
  1287. >Stepping out of the bathroom, you hear some scribbling behind the bedroom door.
  1288. >She probably heard you turning on the shower, so you knock once and open the door slowly.
  1289. "Hey, Flutters. Studying something?"
  1290. >Sitting on her desk chair, she's gnawing a pencil quite vigorously.
  1291. >She's a mess again. Wildly unkempt hair and not wearing any pants was a pretty surefire way to know she hadn't left the house today.
  1292. >Looking at you with a pencil still in her mouth, she at least looks happy to see you.
  1293. >"H-hey! And yes, I have exams soon..."
  1294. >Well, that explains it.
  1295. >Sitting down on the bed, you note pieces of clothing strewn about, some more blush-inducing than others.
  1296. >"Sorry about the mess... it's hard to do anything with these exams hanging over my head..."
  1297. "Still looks better than my room, no worries. When are the exams?"
  1298. >"N-next week."
  1299. >Back to gnawing her pencil, she doesn't look very sure of herself.
  1300. "Are you nervous?"
  1301. >Your sister nods, laying the pencil down on the desk.
  1302. >"I don't know what I'll do if I... f-fail..."
  1303. >You're really not a fan of seeing her so stressed out, but what can you do to help?
  1304. >Apparently being an aspiring veterinarian means you have to learn some really difficult stuff.
  1305. >A synapse sparks in your head.
  1306. >You can't actually help her study, but you're pretty sure you can help solve the other side to her problem.
  1308. >You gulp, not sure how to broach the subject.
  1309. "W-well... if you want to take a break, maybe I can help..."
  1310. >Your sister tilts her head inquisitively, not getting the insinuation.
  1311. >Trying to keep the blood out of your face through sheer force of will, you take a deep breath.
  1312. "With, the-uhh... the stress."
  1313. >"How do you mean?"
  1314. >The question forces your eyes to the ceiling, the floodgates to your face breaching.
  1315. >Of all the times for her to be oblivious, why did it have to be now?
  1316. "I mean... I could, uhh... you know..."
  1317. >A giggle cuts you off, followed by a hand on your thigh as your sister stands off her chair and sits against your side on the bed.
  1318. >"I know what you mean, Anon."
  1319. >You deadpan, not sure whether to curse your sister's sense of humor or your own gullibility.
  1320. >"Thanks, but you don't have to go that far. Just having you here makes me feel a lot better."
  1321. >If words can kill, these definitely came close.
  1322. >Still, you're not ready to let this go yet, since she's probably just probing your intentions.
  1323. "Well... it couldn't hurt, right?"
  1324. >She looks puzzled, not expecting you to press the issue.
  1325. >"Umm... are you sure you want to..?"
  1326. >You've already left her hanging once, which is bad enough, but the thought is arousing enough in and of itself.
  1327. "Yes. You don't?"
  1328. >Blood gathers on your sister's face during a moment's silence, before she leans in and gives you a kiss on the cheek.
  1329. >"Oh, I never said that..."
  1330. >As if performing a magic trick, she pulls off her panties and kicks them on the floor without even standing up.
  1331. >Feet still touching the ground over the side of the bed, she lays down on her back, giving you the perfect view of your target.
  1332. >Getting down on your knees on the floor inbetween your sister's spread legs, you take a deep breath.
  1333. >This isn't nearly as nerve-wracking as your first time, but you can still feel a lingering doubt in the back of your head.
  1334. >Is this even going to work?
  1336. >"Umm... you should try to-EEP~"
  1337. >The first contact wasn't very ambitious, but a simple, vertical stroke of your tongue was apparently enough to cause a reaction.
  1338. >Thank god the porn hadn't lied to you.
  1339. >You probe inside to sample the taste, finding it somewhat salty, but otherwise neutral.
  1340. >"Hnnngh... I guess... you know what to do..."
  1341. "This, right?"
  1342. >You ram your appendage inside and stroke upwards repeatedly, taking slightly different trajectories each time until you find what you were looking for.
  1343. >"Unnf-AAAAH~"
  1344. >A hand grabs the back of your head as your sister stumbles around, pushing you further in.
  1345. >Accepting the encouragement, you rapidly flick at your sister's bundle of nerves with the tip of your tongue as if your life depended on it.
  1346. >Remembering some instructional videos you watched, you decide to up the variety, suckling on the throbbing nub.
  1347. >As if you just flicked a switch, her entire body begins trembling, releasing with it a long series of erratic moans.
  1348. >Sitting up, you decide to take a look at the culmination of your efforts.
  1349. >Panting up into thin air, your sister's extremities continue twitching for a couple of seconds, her body eventually going limp as her moans die down.
  1350. >You didn't think you'd finish her off this quickly (if at all), but you're not about to complain.
  1351. >"Ah-Anon..."
  1352. >She offers you her hand, which you take, pulling her up into a sitting position.
  1353. >"Thanks..." She pecks your cheek with her lips. "Now I actually feel like studying some more."
  1354. "C-cool! Also, I was thinking... if you need more of these, uhh... breaks, I could, you know... stay."
  1355. >"What, you mean, the entire week..?"
  1356. "Yeah... and I could fetch groceries, cook, whatever gives you more time to study."
  1357. >She pauses, considering the proposal.
  1358. >"I'd really like that."
  1359. >She leans sideways, hugging your arm.
  1360. >"In that case, this might be a good time to tell you..."
  1361. >She tightens her grip, breathing into your ear.
  1362. >"I'm on birth control, so, umm... don't be shy."
  1364. "You're going to miss the bus if you don't hurry."
  1365. >It's your sister's big day, at long last.
  1366. >She stands off her chair, hastily packing things into her bag.
  1367. >"I know, I know... I'm going."
  1368. >Taking several deep breaths, she walks towards the front door.
  1369. >You hand her a sandwich, doing your best to sound reassuring.
  1370. "Just breathe, okay? You'll be fine."
  1371. >"I-I-I know, I justEEP-"
  1372. >She stumbles on a stray shoe, falling halfway to the floor with a squeak before you catch and pull her back up.
  1373. >"S-sorry! I just, umm..."
  1374. >Having her basically in your arms already, you give her a hug.
  1375. "Seriously, I've never spent this much time studying for anything in my life."
  1376. >Frequent stress-relieving "breaks" aside, she's been holed up in her room almost non-stop over the last week, buried in her books.
  1377. >If she fails, the entire endeavor of higher education is pointless.
  1378. >"R-right..."
  1379. >Getting ready to leave, she's frantically looking over some notes scribbled in her notebook, making sure she has everything memorized.
  1380. "Well?"
  1381. >Her eyes dart around between you and the notebook, before she sheepishly packs it into her bag.
  1382. >"O-okay, yeah... I think I'm ready."
  1383. >Opening the door to the outside world, she takes a step through the frame before turning around to face you.
  1384. >Hanging on the other side of the frame, you wait, wondering why she hasn't walked away already.
  1385. >"Anon..?"
  1386. "What? Did you forget something?"
  1387. >"Yeah, just one thing."
  1388. >She leans over, giving you a peck on the lips.
  1389. >"Whatever happens... thanks."
  1390. >She rushes away before you manage regain your composure, leaving you frozen by the door.
  1391. >Shaking the blush out of your cheekbones, you swallow a gulp of air.
  1392. >What's it going to take for you to get used to this..?
  1393. >She's probably out of range already, but you decide to respond, just in case she hears you.
  1394. "L-likewise..!"
  1397. Archive:
  1398. ------------------------
  1400. >You can't sleep.
  1401. >Every time you close your eyes, you see the same thing.
  1402. >Blue eyes.
  1403. >Pink hair.
  1404. >That smile.
  1405. >You can hear her, too.
  1406. >Like a faint echo in your head that won't go away.
  1407. >>"Eat your vegetables, Anon."
  1408. >>"Don't be late for school, Anon."
  1409. >>"Watch out for the traffic, Anon."
  1410. >You feel your face burning, the kiss she gave you last night still fresh in your memory.
  1411. >Nothing's touched your cheek since. Not your hands, and not this pillow, either.
  1412. >Not even a scratch when it was itchy.
  1413. >What the heck is going on with you? This never used to happen.
  1414. >*KNOCK* *KNOCK*
  1415. >You freeze up, shifting your eyes to the luminescent clock on the wall.
  1416. >She's here, an hour to midnight.
  1417. >Every single night without fail.
  1418. "C-come in..."
  1419. >The door creeks open, partially lighting your room to reveal your sister.
  1420. >Your heart stops at the sight, a common occurrence lately.
  1421. >Her yellow pyjamas, decorated with butterflies, look the same as ever.
  1422. >Except she didn't do the top two buttons on her shirt.
  1423. >Her hair is flowing more straight down than usual, and it looks damp.
  1424. >Because she just got out of the shower.
  1425. >Like every other time.
  1426. >"Are you okay?"
  1427. "W-what?"
  1428. >She leans over you, her hand touching your forehead.
  1429. >"You're not sick, are you? You feel warm."
  1430. >The tingles all over your body suddenly turn into sparkles.
  1431. "N-NO... I'm fine."
  1432. >She gives you one of those heartstopping smiles of hers.
  1433. >"You know you can tell me anything, right?"
  1434. >You swallow some guilt as stealthily as you can manage.
  1435. "I know... I'm fine, really."
  1436. >"Alright then."
  1437. >You brace yourself as she leans down, landing a kiss on your cheek.
  1438. >"Good night, Anon. I love you."
  1439. >Your heart restarts itself again as she turns to leave.
  1440. "WAIT."
  1443. >"Yes?"
  1444. >She spins herself to face you again, strangely light on her feet.
  1445. "Uhh... I... I just..."
  1446. >What the hell do you say?
  1447. >You can't actually tell her, can you? What if she ends up hating you, like mom?
  1448. "I feel weird... I guess."
  1449. >"Weird?" She sits on the edge of the bed. "Good weird or bad weird?"
  1450. "I don't know. Just weird."
  1451. >"And you can't sleep?"
  1452. >If only it was just that...
  1453. "Yeah... s-something's wrong, I just don't know what..."
  1454. >You pull the sheets over your face, avoiding eye contact.
  1455. >"Say no more."
  1456. >She slips under the covers, laying her head on the pillow next to you.
  1457. "F-flutty..?"
  1458. >Shoulder meeting shoulder, you instinctively move away, only to be met by the wall on the other side.
  1460. >Not wanting to look like you're avoiding her, you stare straight up, her breath hitting your neck.
  1461. >"Oh my, you look tense."
  1462. >You flinch as she reaches a hand over your chest, gently pulling you into a hug.
  1463. >"There, better?"
  1464. >NO.
  1465. >"Now, tell big sister what's bothering you. Maybe I can help."
  1466. "I DON'T KNOW."
  1467. >Liquid starts pooling in your eyes, the hug breaking through your every barrier.
  1468. "I-It's like, I have to get away when I'm near you, b-but WHEN I DO... I-I have to get back."
  1469. >You hold back a sob, burying yourself in the embrace.
  1470. "What's happening to me..?"
  1471. >A couple of unbearably silent seconds pass.
  1472. >"Oh, Anon..."
  1473. >Her grip around you tightens, your face touching her chest.
  1474. >"It's nothing to worry about. You're just growing up."
  1475. "Th-that's it? You're not mad?"
  1476. >"Of course not. I'm glad."
  1477. "W-why? I don't get it..."
  1478. >She rests her chin on your head, her body bunching up around you.
  1479. >"Because this means I can help."
  1481. "What? How?"
  1482. >Finally getting the courage to look up, you see a blush on her face, even through the darkness.
  1483. >But she's also smiling.
  1484. >"Well, if you can fall asleep while I'm still here, then there's no problem, is there?"
  1485. "I... I guess."
  1486. >She lifts your chin with a finger, staring into your eyes.
  1487. >"How do you feel right now? Sleepy?"
  1488. "Not really..."
  1489. >She leans forward, your entire body tensing up as she softly places her lips against yours.
  1490. >"How about now? Anything?"
  1491. "I... I don't... what was-WAIT."
  1492. >You DO feel something.
  1493. >Something STIFF.
  1494. >You quickly roll out of her embrace, realizing it was poking against her.
  1495. "S-SORRY... i-it just happened to-"
  1496. >"It's okay."
  1497. >She shushes you.
  1498. >"You trust me, right?"
  1499. "I-"
  1500. >Your voice cracking, you settle for a nod.
  1501. >Her smile widening, she silently pulls the covers up to your necks.
  1502. >You dare to look, seeing her squirming around under the sheets.
  1503. "W-what are you doing?"
  1504. >"Just some things..." She turns back to you, pulling on your shorts.
  1505. >"Can I..?"
  1506. >Well... you DO trust her.
  1507. >Lifting your lower body, you tug your pants down to your ankles yourself.
  1508. "Is that it?"
  1509. >She pulls on your shorts.
  1510. "W-wait..."
  1511. >"You don't have to be ashamed." She whispers, her voice reassuring. "It's perfectly normal."
  1512. "A-are you sure..?"
  1513. >She nods.
  1514. >"Animals have this, too. I've seen it."
  1515. >Well, in that case...
  1516. >Pulling your shorts down, you kick them and your pants away, freeing your feet.
  1517. >You gulp, something else freed as well, and brushing against the covers.
  1518. "O-okay... what do I do?"
  1519. >"Nothing."
  1520. >Pulling you into another hug, she adjusts the sheets again, making sure you both stay fully under them.
  1521. >Both of you on your sides facing each other, this hug feels different.
  1522. >Her left hand is squished under your body, curling up over your lower back, pulling you into her.
  1523. >Her right is draped over your other side and threaded up to your head, her palm pushing it into her chest.
  1525. >You're basically locked in place.
  1526. >But it's a good place.
  1527. >Couldn't you have done this without taking off the pants, though?
  1528. "Uhh... FluAAAH-"
  1529. >You gasp, a sudden wet and HOT feeling enveloping every nerve ending you didn't know you had, and then some.
  1530. "Hnnggh... w-what is... what..."
  1531. >This time, YOU squirm around, every new movement providing an indescribable new sensation.
  1532. >"Shh..."
  1533. >She shushes reassuringly, her arms squeezing you tighter.
  1534. >"It's okay. Calm down."
  1535. >Breathing through your mouth, you force yourself to stay still.
  1536. >"Let me..."
  1537. >She slowly grinds against you, providing the feeling in longer, more even doses.
  1538. "Wuh... whoa..."
  1539. >You begin meeting her motions, the embrace getting tighter with every thrust.
  1540. >"There... how do you feel?"
  1541. >She stops, letting you do the moving.
  1542. "I f-feel... weird."
  1543. >"Good weird... or bad weird?"
  1544. "GOOD! But... what is this..?"
  1545. >"It's my special way of saying I love you when I don't have the words."
  1546. >Your heart falters, her walls moving faster around you.
  1547. "W-wait..."
  1548. >Warning bells sound in your head.
  1549. "S-something... coming..."
  1550. >She kisses the top of your head, not stopping.
  1551. >"Just let it happen. It's okay, I promise."
  1552. >Your arms move around her, doing their best to pull you closer together.
  1553. >Some kind of end feels close, every passing moment adding to the intensity.
  1554. >But she said it's okay, right?
  1555. "It's... it's..."
  1556. >A single involuntary thrust sparks an explosion in your lower body, sending dizzying waves of pleasure into your head as you spasm in her arms.
  1557. >Responding with little thrusts of her own, it feels like you're being pumped.
  1558. "Hnngh-"
  1559. >Waiting for your spasms to stop, she rolls you on your back, keeping your bodies joined.
  1560. "W-whoa... I... that was..."
  1561. >"You feel better now? Think you can go to sleep?"
  1562. "Y-yeah... I think..."
  1563. >Your eyelids drooping, you see one final thing before the slumber takes you.
  1564. >Blue eyes.
  1565. >Pink hair.
  1566. >That smile.
  1567. >You don't feel weird anymore.

Anonymous (Twin Sister Applebloom)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Big Sister Scootaloo)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Tipsy Turvy (Older Sister Gilda x Anon)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Shining Armor x Twilight Sparkle)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Gilda Green for /irt/

by OniiChansFables