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Floor Trap

By scraggleman
Created: 2021-12-25 14:16:44
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Anon.
  2. >You've been living in Equestria for about a year now.
  3. >A few months ago you got a roommate.
  4. >her name is Floor Bored
  5. >She really fun to hang out with.
  6. >enjoys the same kind of shows and vidya as you.
  7. >Not a whole lot you disagree on
  8. >accept maybe hygiene
  9. >like the current pair of panties she has on have been on for almost two weeks now.
  10. >And the smell...
  11. >That smell just drives your dick crazy
  12. >You make excuses to go outside before the smell drives you to mount her.
  13. >Recently you're finding you need to get out more often.
  14. >those pheromones are getting stronger.
  15. >It's not that you don't find her extremely attractive, you really do find her to be the hottest thing on four legs.
  16. >You just don't your first time with her to result in prison.
  17. >But tonight you got it all figured out.
  18. >You're gonna get some of that super fancy Ramen from that place on the other side of town.
  19. >Your sake and sake drink set were delivered a few days ago.
  20. >You are now on your way home with Midori Days, a weird romance anime about a girl who turns into her crushes hand.
  21. >Tonight is going to be an amazing, albeit weeby night.
  22. >You get home to your apartment
  23. >Your roommates scent welcomes you back
  24. >Followed by Floor herself
  25. >keep it together man, You've kept it together this long, you can keep it together for another hour or so.
  26. Hey Floor, ready for the fanciest anime night of your life?
  27. >"Yeah I am!"
  28. >She seems pretty excited
  29. >maybe she even knows whats happening tonight.
  30. >That's perfect no surprise last minute rejections
  31. >Not that she really would, no offense to her but she does seem pretty desperate for a good dicking.
  32. Do you mind staying in your room for a bit so I can prepare some stuff?
  33. >"sure, I was just gonna masssss... farm some dungeons anyway"
  34. >subtle as always.
  35. >You call up the ramen place to have them deliver your order as you set up your beverages and get the TV all set up.
  36. >You grab some cushy blankets from your closet when you hear a knock on the door.
  37. >A unicorn carefully levitating two bowls, two sets of chopsticks and an order slip.
  38. >"Is this the Anonymous residence?" He asks looking up from the slip.
  39. It sure is
  40. >"Good, your order comes to 65 bits"
  41. >As you get your money out he brings the food over to the table where you placed tonight liquor.
  42. >You pay the delivery pony and tip him a nice 25 extra bits, on account this fine fellow hlping you make tonight perfect.
  43. >Thank you sir, and may I say I hope your night goes smoothly.
  44. Thanks my man, you have a good night too.
  45. >You shut the door and call for Floor
  46. >She opens her door to reveal a most tantalizing sight
  47. >She is wearing nothing but her underpants
  48. >granted everyone around here usually wears nothing
  49. >But Floor almost always has some manner of clothing on
  50. >her hoodie in the cold months and a tank top in the hot months
  51. >but almost always some manor of undergarments.
  52. >the one time she wore your boxers was pretty hot.
  53. >Floor trots over to the couch and hops under the blankets.
  54. >she worms her way around until she can finally poke her head out from underneath.
  55. >She looks so cute under that blanket.
  56. >you join her under the covers and hit play to start up the night of weebish delights.
  57. >you both slurp down on the bomb ass ramen laughing at the show you put on.
  58. >during the quiet moments she rest her head on your shoulders
  59. >even if you don't have sex tonight, it would still be a pretty amazing night.
  60. >You move on to the sake
  61. >you're making sure neither of you get too drunk, but still drunk enough to all the nasty things you wanna do
  62. >You learn Floor is something of a giggly drunk
  63. >Just one more thing on the list of reasons you love her.
  64. >She stops giggling and gives you the look
  65. >you know the one.
  66. >"I know whats going on anon"
  67. You do?
  68. >"I-I do... I've been waiting for this for a w-while."
  69. >her nervous stutter is doing things to you right now
  70. >she throws the blanket off the couch and pushes you back gently
  71. >she unzips your fly and pulls out your raging boner.
  72. >she sizes it up for a while before taking it into her mouth and and swirling her tongue around the tip.
  73. >shit
  74. >this isn't quite what you had in mind.
  75. >you better act fast or your gonna blow your load in the wrong hole.
  76. Floor wait!
  77. >she stops and looks at you.
  78. >you take this moment to grab her shoulders
  79. >wha- what are you doing
  80. >In you gently push her back as she did you
  81. >she lets out an cute little squeak
  82. >She lands on her back, hooves in the air
  83. >before she can get up you move yourself over her
  84. >she looks a tad frightened
  85. >you gently kiss her on the head
  86. >seems to have calmed her down, as she's now looking at you with a look of trusting serenity
  87. >you kiss her once again on her snout
  88. >you slide your hand down her floofy chest, turning off to her side as you reach her belly until you get to the lining of her panties
  89. >you put the other hand into position as well
  90. >You look at her face once more
  91. >she's ready
  92. >your dick is about ready to blow
  93. >you better hurry
  94. >You gently pull off her panties and-
  95. >oh fuck
  96. >That's a dick
  97. >But... mares aren't supposed to have penises
  98. >what do? WHAT DO?!
  99. >"Anon?"
  100. >You look up into Floor's face
  101. >"What's the matter?"
  102. I-I thought... You... uhhh... I mean
  103. >It dawns on Floor what's wrong
  104. >"y-y-you thought I was a m-mare?"
  105. B-but your panties!
  106. >"my panties?" Floor seems confused again
  107. >"Anon... these are briefs...
  108. >You examine them more closely
  109. >sure enough they are briefs
  110. >This kind of shit is why you had to repeat kindergarten
  111. >"Anon..."
  112. >you look back up into Floors eyes
  113. >"I will gladly be your mare"
  114. >what
  115. >Floor finishes pulling off his-
  116. >HER!
  117. >HER undergarments.
  118. >You just gotta keep pretending Floor is a mare to get through this
  119. >"D-do be gentle though"
  120. >Your dick isn't quite as excited as it was before but it hasn't lost too much steam
  121. >You get into position to make the plunge
  122. >"wait!"
  123. >Floor reaches into the cushions and pulls a bottle of lube from under them.
  124. >He- SHE! she gently drizzles it's contents onto the tip of your dick
  125. >"o-ok now we're ready"
  126. >You take a deep breath and let out a hopefully inaudible "no homo"
  127. >You press into Floor's ass
  128. >Floor's insides are tight
  129. >Each movement you make inside him- HER-
  130. >...
  131. >FUCK IT
  132. >Those anons on that Jamaican Bobsledding forum were right.
  133. >you are a HUUUUUUGE faggot.
  134. >There is no denying it now, You had your dick in another dudes mouth and now have your dick in said other dude's ass
  135. >but by god is it wondrful
  136. >Each thrust forces a moan or timid squeak from Floor.
  137. >Seriously though, who could blame you for thinking Floor was a mare?
  138. >Those sounds are much too feminine to be a stallion.
  139. >And Floor isn't exactly... gifted.
  140. >It's at full length now and it isn't much bigger then yours.
  141. >You notice Floor seems to trying to hold back from cumming.
  142. >Oh hell no
  143. >Floor may have tricked you into some serious homosexuality but you are not coming first and looking like a chump.
  144. >You start pounding harder and deeper into his ass
  145. >"Anon! Ah! p-please s-s-slow A-AH down! you're hur-hurting me"
  146. >He may be in pain but that doesn't mean he isn't loving this right now.
  147. >You can see him twitching down there
  148. >you keep pounding until finally Floor can' hold it in anymore
  149. >With a sharp gasp he fires his load
  150. >His open mouth catching some of his own juices
  151. >probably not what he planned but he doesn't seem disgusted by it.
  152. >Your partner now fulfilled and perhaps a little sore you return to a steady hump for a bit.
  153. >Now it's your turn to shoot your goo
  154. >you gradually pick up the pace but you're careful not to go as hard as you went before.
  155. >firm but gentle thrusts until finally
  156. >huh... you didn't know blowing your load in someones ass made that kind of sound.
  157. >definitely just as messy as your hentais though...
  158. >You both take a moment to catch your breath
  159. >"Was I good mare anon?" Floor asks
  160. Actually... yeah... you were amazing.
  161. >Floor still has your semen all over his face.
  162. >Despite how totally gay tonight was, it was even better then you hoped somehow.
  163. >you wouldn't mind doing this again
  164. Come on, lets clean you up
  165. >Your roommate follows you into the bathroom
  166. >Floor may not be the mare of your dreams, but with a tight ass like that who's complaining?
  167. >The End

Hearth's Warming and Christmas

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Wallflower's Hearths Warming Surprise

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Cipher's Harrowing Holiday

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Sunny Flare's Shocking Baggage

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Anon gets creamed

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