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My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 1

By SiM-Orphans
Created: 2020-12-03 06:24:24
Expiry: Never

  1. Chrysalis Domination
  4. Posted on Apr 8th, 2014
  5. Copied on Apr 9th, 2014
  8. >your name is Anonymous
  9. >not that anyone seems to call you that anymore
  10. >the yellow pegasus on your chest, as well as the white unicorn you're using as a pillow, refer to you as "Master"
  11. >you stroke Fluttershy's pink mane idly, her warm hug and the rise and fall of Rarity's breathing setting you at ease
  12. >your ruler, Nightmare Moon, seems to delight in picking the most insulting pet name she can find for you
  13. >you find that a little sweet, in its own twisted way
  14. >she calls you "ogre" the way you might've called your Labrador "doofus" before you got pulled to Equestria
  15. >you accrued another name from the creature down in the dungeon earlier today
  16. >for some reason "prey" didn't resonate with you as much
  17. >maybe it was the way that the insectoid alicorn had hissed it
  18. >maybe it was the predatory gleam in her green eyes, or the way her tongue had run over her fangs afterwards
  19. >all you know is, you weren't a fan
  20. >the day hadn't gone how you were expecting it to, at all
  21. >which was a shame, it had started off so well...
  23. >you'd woken up to Rainbow Dash's stray feathers tickling your nose
  24. >her wings were splayed out across the bed, as was her habit while she was asleep
  25. >she hadn't moved from your embrace though, she was still wrapped in your arms, snug against your body
  26. >clearing your throat gently, she lifted her head up, wings folding back to her side on instinct as she rapidly blinked the sleep away
  27. >you released her from your hug and she hopped off the bed
  28. >reluctantly, but she knew the rules by now
  29. >you gave her a passive wave and she trotted silently back to her room, peeking in to see if Octavia was up yet
  30. >a quick freshening up later, and you stood in front of the full-length mirror, dressed in your work armor
  31. >stepping out into the castle proper, you made for the main entrance, eager to get morning rounds over with
  32. >instead, a guard stood at curt attention outside your door
  33. >he saluted and passed you a scroll marked with a crescent moon insignia
  34. >orders from the top
  35. >"Report immediately to the Southern Dungeon. Ascertain the threat and possible benefits of the prisoner to the Crown. Exercise caution in speaking to them. Do not fail me. ~NMM"
  36. >you weren't sure why she always ended her written orders to you like that
  37. >maybe it was just how she was familiar with you, like "Sleep well, I'll probably kill you in the morning"
  38. >so down to the dungeons you went
  39. >there were just a pair of guards waiting for you at the door
  40. "Just the two of you? There are supposed to be minimum two guards for each prisoner,"
  41. >you start to brush past them
  42. >"Sir, yes sir. We were stationed here to guard the prisoner."
  43. >Huh... just the one? Surely there was space for one more in the main dungeon, odd that they had this one secluded
  44. >Anyway, you pushed open the door, the guards following close behind as you made your way down the corridor
  45. >a passive glance or two at the cells told you this part of the castle hadn't been used in months
  46. >Through the next door, though, was quite a different sight
  47. >hanging by her forehooves, a spanner bar holding her hind legs apart
  48. >ring around her neck
  49. >you'd never seen a pony quite like this before
  50. >you marched up to her, though your guards hung back by the entrance
  51. >you brought one hand up to her body, running it over the black armor-like skin on her flank and feeling her softer middle... thorax, you supposed?
  52. >you quickly withdrew it as her head snapped up, reaching for your dagger as the changeling queen hissed
  53. >her eyes met yours and you felt the familiar tingle of magic slipping over you instead of into you
  54. >the two of you stared for a few seconds as she recast the spell with the same effect
  55. >holy shit she was really going to go for a third try
  56. >the effort actually made you laugh, reaching forward and slapping her before she could muster up another bolt of magic
  57. "Whatever that was, quit it."
  58. >there's no malice in the words, you just honestly hated wasting time which is what all magic was to you
  59. "Now. You ever been captured before? Got a rough idea of how this goes?"
  60. >she glowers at you but stays silent
  61. >you count off on your fingers
  62. "Name, species, position, do you know why you're here, what makes you think you're a match for the Lunar Empire, etc. etc.?"
  63. >the black bug-queen just glares at you
  64. >you smile back smugly
  65. >this goes on for a bit, until it's obvious she's not going to say anything
  66. "...O... kay then. Guards, how long has she been here?"
  67. >"Ah... five day, sire."
  68. >you glance back at the prisoner as you make for the door
  69. "Alright, well, I'm sure you'll be hungry enough to talk in another five. See you then!"
  70. >you actually have the door open and one foot out of it before you hear her mutter
  71. >"Chrysalis. My name is Queen Chrysalis of the Verdant Hive."
  72. >well, you smile
  73. >that's better
  74. >you stay where you are, not bothering to turn around as you talk to her
  75. "Aaand?"
  76. >she pauses for another second
  77. >"I am the Changeling Queen, ruler of my brood of drones."
  78. >you spin on your heel, striding back to her with the same casual demeanor
  79. >dangling the reward of food over prisoners' heads was never your favorite method of coercion, but it was damned effective
  80. "Well, Chrysalis, it is just a delight to meet you."
  81. >you'd need a mop if there was any more sarcasm dripping off the word "delight"
  82. "My name's Anonymous, and I'll be your interrogator for today. So, what brings you to the scenic Canterlot Dungeons?"
  83. >Chrysalis rattles one of her chains experimentally, but it's still holding fast
  84. >you grab an emptied rations barrel and pull it over so you can sit on it
  85. >"I came to this land seeking to end what you now threaten me with: starvation."
  86. >well
  87. >no wonder your starvation bluff worked so well
  88. >normally pones at least put on a show of strength for a day or two before they started begging for you to come back
  89. "And you thought you'd come to Canterlot for that? Not that you wouldn't have been caught eventually, but why not go to Ponyville or Appeloosa, someplace with, I don't know,"
  90. >you pretend to cast out for the word
  91. "a, farm?"
  92. >to your surprise, this time she's the one that laughs
  93. >"You think I didn't try? The width and breadth of the land is covered with despair; the only place with even a morsel of love to sate my hunger was here."
  94. >what?
  95. >you decide to try and interpret that statement while she's answering more questions
  96. "Whatever. So where's the rest of the hive? No soldiers dumb enough to follow you in here?"
  97. >she looks a bit shaken at that
  98. >but she regains her composure quickly
  99. >"What few drones were not wiped out by the famine were too weak to disguise for long. I may have failed to fetch them food, but I will not let them be harmed due to my mistake. They are hidden; you will not find them."
  100. >you'd almost forgotten what a ruler who takes responsibility for their mistakes sounds like
  101. "I think you're confusing me with some other interrogator."
  102. >you hop off the barrel and pace back and forth in front of her
  103. >it made you feel like a supervillain when you got to do this, but you have too much fun with it to care
  104. "See, I'm not here to bludgeon you half to death and maybe pick up some answers along the way."
  105. >she watches your walk with a dubious glare
  106. >she's probably used to being on the other side of this
  107. "I'm just here to collect some information, make a few notes, and report back to the Boss Mare."
  108. >you jab a thumb at the ceiling
  109. "You work with me, prove to me that you're worth keeping around, I'll figure out a use for you and we'll come to an agreement. Or..."
  110. >you draw the thumb across your neck, then point it at the guards on the other side of the door
  111. "You fight me, and the only use I'll find for you is target practice for the guards after pulling your wings off."
  112. >another noncommittal shrug before reclaiming your seat on the barrel
  113. >her face has lost a little bit of its color
  114. >which is impressive given that it's pitch black
  115. "So. First deal. Tell me where your drones are, and the orders will be to capture instead of kill-on-sight."
  116. >she bites her tongue, mulling over her options
  117. >"You will honor your word?"
  118. >if this were another common pony she wouldn't have the luxury of your patience
  119. >but you can accept a little hesitation for her to decide the fate of her people
  120. "A man is nothing without his word. Don't lie to me, and I won't be made a liar."
  121. >she sighs, obviously not persuaded by that alone
  122. >then again, what choice does she have?
  123. >"...the caves near Trotston, about three miles south. Tell them their queen's black chitin has been broken, they should come quietly."
  124. >you nod, keeping your face neutral
  125. >the guards probably wouldn't have thought to check there for another month
  126. >thank the Moon for cooperative prisoners
  127. "Good choice. I'll send the guards out to fetch them in a moment."
  128. >you kick at the food barrel you're sitting on a couple times
  129. >it lets out a hollow thump
  130. "First, though, let's talk about getting you some food."
  131. >you lean forward expectantly, hands on your knees
  132. >this was what you actually enjoyed about dealing with prisoners: getting to know their ins and outs, what they liked and what they did
  133. "Tell me, Chrysalis... what would you say your special talent is?"
  134. >she gives you a blank stare before her lips curl into a devilish smile
  135. >if she wasn't restrained five ways from Sunday, it might've concerned you
  136. >"Why Anonymous, don't you know? I am a changeling. We all share a common talent."
  137. >there's a flash of green as fire licks up her body, engulfing her
  138. >you never really considered spontaneous combustion to be a "talent"
  139. >when the flames subside, however, you're looking at a near-perfect copy of Nightmare Moon, hanging where the changeling was chained
  140. >you very nearly started looking for the keys when your boss's voice bellowed to be released at once
  141. >the only thing that stops you is the eyes
  142. >you normally feel your chest tighten when you meet Nightmare Moon's gaze
  143. >but the pone chained up in front of you has those same green eyes as before
  144. >you pause, then put the key back in its place and give her a slow clap
  145. "Bra-fucking-vo! Guess I should've known from a name like 'changeling', but still, well done. I think that's worth a meal."
  146. >she lets out a little huff, obviously disappointed that you saw through her
  147. >still, the promise of food does seem to placate her a bit
  148. >you stride over to the door, leaning out of it to talk to the guard
  149. "You. Send a platoon to the Shimmering Caves outside Trotston, tell them to bring harnesses. Capture ONLY. If I hear someone 'accidentally' offs a prisoner, I'll see to it they 'slip' into a knife wound or two. Oh, and bring our guest some..."
  150. >you look over your shoulder, curious
  151. "Carrots? Apples?"
  152. >for a starving pone who's being offered food, Chrysalis sure has a weird way of showing appreciation
  153. >she's glowering at you, like you just made a joke at her expense
  154. "Uh... meat?"
  155. >she scowls harder
  156. >you turn back to the guard
  157. "Eh... have Octavia bring me a dignitary's sample and send that platoon out."
  158. >the door closes with a click and you turn around, confused
  159. "...What? That was the deal, talent show for some food. In case you forgot,"
  160. you reach up and rattle a chain for emphasis
  161. "you're a PRISONER."
  162. >whatever rapport you'd built up had apparently just gone out the window
  163. >she lets out an almost-feral hiss of rage
  164. >"Betrayer! Liar! You promise me food and offer me dirt and flesh! What of your word?!"
  165. >you frown
  166. >reaching up and over, you give an overhead chain a tug
  167. >the ring around her neck tightens as you hold it for a few seconds, her hooves thrashing in their bonds
  168. >when the anger in her eyes gives way to panic, you let go
  169. >and then give it one more tug, as she's breathing in, just for a second
  170. "First, another reminder: you're the prisoner. That crown counts for fuck-all down here. Show respect."
  171. >she only coughs in response, still staring daggers at you
  172. "Second: If you don't like the food I offer, you can go right back to fucking starving."
  173. >you wag a finger at her like you would a dog who crapped on the carpet
  174. "Third: you ever accuse me of breaking my word when I haven't again, I'll have you playing Cassandra in the middle of Canterlot Square, telling ponies all the tales they won't believe about how cruel I am to you."
  175. >you don't particularly care that she has no clue what you're talking about
  176. >she engages you in another staring contest
  177. >makes it almost a minute this time
  178. >"...I cannot sustain myself on crops or grains, meat or water. I devour love. All else to me is as ash and seawater is to you."
  179. >Octavia pushes the door open as she finishes speaking, bearing a tray of meats, cheeses, fruits, veggies, and breads
  180. "Well then, I hope you enjoy the finest ash and clearest seawater Canterlot Castle has to offer,"
  181. >you sneer
  182. >Octavia just stares at you, stoic as ever
  183. >your shoulders slump as you turn to her, happy to see your favorite maid
  184. >"I brought the food you requested, Master. I took the liberty of preparing an array of drinks, as well. Will this be sufficient, or do you require more?"
  185. >you give her a smile, though it feels like it takes a lot more effort than usual
  186. "No, as usual you've been a great help. I think this is all I need at the moment, go practice that Adagio for tonight."
  187. >Octavia's reserved, grateful smile drops so fast you have to pause and wonder if there was some way your order could be construed as an insult
  188. >you turn around just in time to see a sickly green light arcing off of Chrysalis' horn
  189. >she licks her lips as it fades away, the moment cut short
  190. >"Mmm. Now that was a nice snack,"
  191. >she smiles to herself, oblivious to everything else
  192. >you're actually stunned for a moment
  193. >you grab an apple from the tray and cross the room in four steps
  194. >pinching her cheeks, you open her jaw by force and stuff as much of the apple in as she can fit into her mouth
  195. >actually a bit more than she can fit, really
  196. "Chew it."
  197. >your voice is like ice
  198. >she doesn't even hesitate, choking as she tries to bite off a chunk
  199. >you push more in as soon as she has the first bite off
  200. >and more
  201. >and more
  202. >you make her chew the whole thing, core, stem and all
  203. "Swallow it."
  204. >her eyes are beginning to water now
  205. >you just hold your fingers over her nose and push her mouth closed with both hands, staring in her eyes the whole time
  206. >she gulps, the apple forming a visible lump as it travels down her throat
  207. >you reach behind you for the next piece of food
  208. >a tomato
  209. >down the hatch
  210. >after the fourth piece of food, you turn back to Octavia, who is back to her stoic stare
  211. "Did I not say to practice that Adagio?"
  212. >she nods once and takes off, moving at a quicker gait than usual
  213. >you reach over and grab one more piece of food
  214. >a raw filet of fish
  215. >you roll it up and push it unceremoniously down the changeling's throat, not even letting her chew it
  216. >she gags a few times on the meat as she gulps it down, but manages to finally get it past her esophagus
  217. >you step back, still fuming, and survey her
  218. >tears are running down her cheeks, but she's quiet other than the occasional cough
  219. "...If you're as starved as you say you are, I suppose I can see why you would think that was a good idea."
  220. >she opens her mouth to speak, whimpering
  221. >"Please, I needed-- it was so delectable... Without love I'll shrivel up and blow away! I'll make it up--"
  222. >your hand lands on half of a cantaloupe
  223. >her mouth closes so fast her teeth clack
  224. "Let me reassure you, it was not."
  225. >you shout for the guards, and they come running
  226. >you gesture to the plate full of food, including a raw steak, a decadent treacle, a pineapple, and some plums, among others
  227. "I will be back after my rounds. She can eat it in any order she wants."
  228. >you stare into her eyes, so there is no mistake
  229. "If I find one rind, one pit, one crumb uneaten, I'll pull her wings off myself."
  230. >you turn to the door and storm out, slamming the door open
  231. >just before you close it again, you clear your face, look back, and with the most saccharine-sweet smile you can manage, give her a thumbs up
  232. "Enjoy your lunch!"

SiM Orphans - Statement of Purpose

by SiM-Orphans

My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 1

by SiM-Orphans

My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 2

by SiM-Orphans

My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 3

by SiM-Orphans

My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 4

by SiM-Orphans