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My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 4

By SiM-Orphans
Created: 2020-12-03 06:28:07
Expiry: Never

  1. Chrysalis Domination pt. 4 - Potion Sales Pitch
  4. Posted on Apr 8th, 2014
  5. Copied on Apr 15th, 2014
  9. >the apothecary is a rather full-rumped zebra, short but squat
  10. >you look over your shoulder at her
  11. >you can see her mane, pointed straight up, behind a crudely painted wooden mask
  12. >she just stares expectantly, seemingly taking no notice of your bare ass or the fact that you're mid-rut with the ruler of the land suspended in chains
  13. >either she took lessons from Octavia in the ways of stoicism
  14. >or she's just this used to the madness that is Canterlot Castle
  15. >you turn around with a cough and beckon her over
  16. "Zecora. Thank you for coming, I have need of your knowledge. Do you have any potions that deal with matters of... love?"
  17. >she nods, seeming to understand
  18. >with a flourish she pulls out a huge array of bottles and tubes, bowls and plates from her saddle pack, laying them all at your feet
  19. >"This herb can be taken with your meal; it turns your stallionhood to steel. If instead duration you lack, on this hydra heart you snack."
  20. >this sounds like a sales pitch, and you wave your hands to try to stop her
  21. >you really did mean love, not sex aids
  22. >but apparently she's so practiced (or so enthralled with the subject) that she doesn't even notice
  23. >"this powder spurs a powerful need for mares to sup upon your seed. If teats of bounty you desire, use milkweed root and phoenix fire."
  24. >this seems like it's going to go on a bit
  25. >"To conjure rut is this salve's goal, works on stallion, mare or foal (but in four hours, if still you yearn, perhaps to me you should return)"
  26. >...
  27. >it's like a lewd Dr. Seuss
  28. >"sensitivity, texture, size; capacity or completion's prize. Filly-foolers, colt-on-colt, none can argue with results. Whether rider or the steed, I'm sure I can fulfill your need."
  29. >she stops and takes off her mask, scratching her chin with a hoof
  30. >"Or if instead you need a mate, I know of mares for a decent rate. Or stallions (I am judgement-free)! Er... why was it that you summoned me?"
  31. >she gives you an embarrassed grin
  32. >you shake your head, exasperated
  35. "That's... huh. While not what I asked, that is interesting."
  36. >you'll keep the one that induces lactation in mind for if Celestia starts feeling motherly again
  37. >but back to your original point
  38. "I asked if you had any potions that dealt with love. Not lust."
  39. >she stares for a moment at the ceiling, then opens up a small pocket on one side of her bags
  40. >she passes you three vials of liquid
  41. >two glass and shaped like a heart, one filled with red liquid, the other with gold
  42. >the last made of pewter and ringed at the neck with a black vine covered in thorns
  43. >she points to the first, the amber liquid
  44. >"The first is called Felicity. It makes you a lover of all you see. Even in this eternal night, with Felicity, your day is bright."
  45. >she nods at the next, the rose-colored glass
  46. >"Cadenza's Tincture is on the right. It fosters love upon first sight. Use utmost caution; few can bend, that potion's outcomes to their end."
  47. >she doesn't bother pointing to or even looking at the last of the three
  48. >the light airiness of her voice is replaced with gravitas
  49. >"Those two I charge for; this, I do not. I'd rather it should be forgot. Heartbreak and sadness in equal parts, it freezes passion, hardens hearts. Its cruel effects you cannot rewind. Beware the sorrow of Potion Nine."
  50. >you remark on how small they are
  51. >watered down, they may last you the week
  52. >you'll probably need to request more when she has the opportunity
  53. >she shakes her head, chuckling at you in her strange accent
  54. >"I see that you are quite astute. But all these potions you must dilute. In water they all work quite well, though alcohol can strengthen their spell."
  55. >she begins to pack up her collection of containers
  56. >you cough pointedly and reach down for the hydra's heart
  57. >she offers you a coy smile in return, but doesn't stop you
  58. "These will do nicely, Zecora. You have both the Empire's thanks and mine."
  59. >you sign a release for the funds and hand it to her before she turns for the door
  60. >"Though I find the process crude..."
  61. >she remarks just before she shuts the door on you
  62. >"Congratulations on that brood."
  63. >...well THAT was cryptic
  64. >no no, you'll stand for a bit of oddity, but anyone would notice that tone of voice
  65. >it's the 'I'm-telling-you-so-so-later-I-can-say-I-told-you-so' voice
  66. >you look over at Chrysalis Moon
  67. >she's glowering at the door the zebra just closed
  68. >that pretty much seals it
  69. "For the sake of your gag reflex, you'd best hope this isn't a problem you caused."
  70. >you jog to catch up with the mare
  71. >she's halfway down the cell block when you manage to stop her
  72. >turning around with the mask down again, she regards you passively
  73. >"That hydra's heart should last you days; if you used it all, I would be amazed."
  74. >ha-ha-fuckin'-ha
  75. "What did you mean about my brood? What brood?"
  76. >she turns her head so that the mask points from you to the only occupied cell
  77. >Diggin Bones is sitting there, looking like he'd welcome death as a change of pace
  78. >now that he's not doubled over, you can see that his stomach is bulging with lumps
  79. >unless he's taken to eating stones instead of prison rations, that wasn't his doing
  80. >he rubs both hooves at what gut he can reach and moans
  81. >the guards just roll their eyes and smack a weapon against the bars
  82. >"Quiet down, dissident."
  83. >Zecora lets out her odd melodious chuckle
  84. >"He must have enjoyed getting filled, if of course he had free will."
  85. >she looks back up at you
  86. >the mask rotates as she tilts her head
  87. >"Are you surprised to learn his plight? T'was you who gave it to him, right?"
  88. >you look back at him and he lets out a resigned sniffle
  89. "No. Well, I mean, yeah. But I thought she'd just... feed... not... huh."
  90. >you don't know how changelings breed
  91. >killing him might actually be a minor mercy at this point
  92. "Are they going to go all Alien on him?"
  93. >you realize that's a bit outside of her frame of reference
  94. >let's rephrase
  95. "Do they... eat him? And how did you know she was a changeling?"
  96. >"Changeling chitin is a must, for crafting my Illusion Dust."
  97. >she seems to be appraising Diggin's condition
  98. >"An uncomfortable birth is all that entails, so long as the clutch is only males,"
  99. >she explains
  100. >"but a future Queen must get her start, by feasting on another's heart."
  101. >future queen?
  102. >that sounds like leverage
  103. >so either you get a hostage and a condemned pone dies a painful death
  104. >or you get a litter of future soldiers and have to find him a spot in the guillotine line
  105. >...
  106. >you can't bring yourself to actively hope that a newborn child chews through a grown pony's chest
  107. >but you can totally reflect on how convenient it would be
  108. "Zecora, I'd like a few more moments of your time."
  109. >she whickers and shakes her head
  110. >"Alas, your Queen has called me too, demanding many a sundry brew. Would this evening be ideal, perhaps over a hearty meal?"
  111. >eh, you work fast, but you doubt you'll need to know every detail about these bug-ponies before sunset
  112. >you nod, scratching your head
  113. >"Very well, it is a date. Come at 7, do not be late."
  114. >she strides for the stairwell
  115. >no matter the circumstances, Boss Mare doesn't like tardiness
  116. >she has enough time to flick her tail up as she looks back at you though
  117. >wait
  118. >did you just get hit on?
  119. >fuck, today is weird
  120. >no, actually, it's probably just that particular zebra is weird

SiM Orphans - Statement of Purpose

by SiM-Orphans

My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 1

by SiM-Orphans

My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 2

by SiM-Orphans

My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 3

by SiM-Orphans

My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 4

by SiM-Orphans