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My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 3

By SiM-Orphans
Created: 2020-12-03 06:27:12
Expiry: Never

  1. Chrysalis Domination pt. 3 - Trial Run
  4. Posted on Apr 8th, 2014
  5. Copied on Apr 15th, 2014
  8. >"Your notes on the captive are enlightening. Forgo the morning patrol for this day. Explore the viability of a changeling army for use in the conquest of neighboring countries, or suppression of the endemic revolts. Do not fail me. ~NMM"
  9. >you read over the note again
  10. >you mouth the words "enlightening" and "forgo the morning patrol" silently
  11. >it's practically a glowing love letter from a pony like Her Highness; she didn't even write any death threats
  12. >you decide to skip the helmet this time, handing it to a passing guard with orders to have it delivered to your room
  13. >down the stairs, through the doors, past the guards
  14. >halting at the entrance, you look behind you at the empty cells
  15. "...I believe I told you to have that dissident caged here before I returned,"
  16. >you arched an eyebrow at the guard
  17. >he salutes smartly, but casts a glance to his side where his partner should be standing
  18. >"Sir, we have encountered a... difficulty, sir. Private Aegis should be back shortly with the tools, sir."
  19. >tools?
  20. >you shake your head and push past him
  21. >...well... that would explain it
  22. >the hapless earth pone you had left with the queen stares up at you
  23. >his expression is like you'd just beaten his wife to death with his parents' remains
  24. >horrified and heartbroken
  25. >he lets out a muffled moan and squirms against his bonds
  26. >but a thick, translucent green ichor holds him fast
  27. >his hooves are cemented in place under thick layers of the stuff, and his muzzle is stuck to the floor as well
  28. >a dab smeared across his back had managed to catch his tail
  29. >the poor bastard, to add insult to injury, is posed in what could only be described in "face-down, ass-up" position
  30. >you came down here expecting to find a shell-shocked pony
  31. >you wouldn't have been entirely surprised by chunks and pieces of a shell-shocked pony
  32. >but this
  33. >holy shit, whatever this is
  34. >Chrysalis is watching you with a smug smile on her face, her hair even more tousled than before
  35. >she hasn't moved from where you left her
  36. "So. I take it your meal was satisfactory?"
  37. >for the barest moment you see her start to answer honestly
  38. >she gives the poor pone before her a derisive look, even gets the first syllable out
  39. >"It..."
  40. >she flinches as she realizes the mistake she's about to make
  41. >and just like that her face is a mask of appreciation
  42. >"...was delectable. What love he harbored for his family and wife was tender and sweet. I would that he had more of it to give."
  43. >a diplomatic answer if you've ever heard one
  44. >which of course leads to the obvious question:
  45. "Liked it so much you decided to glue him to my floor, hm?"
  46. >she squirms for a second at your tone
  47. >mental acrobatics are always fun first thing in the morning
  48. >"Ah... how could I do such a thing? He... did it to himself! Another demonstration of my prowess."
  49. >well...
  50. >there certainly was no way she could have done this locked up as she was
  51. >so either she coerced him to cement himself here
  52. >or she forced him to
  53. >either way speaks volumes about the extent of her power over him
  54. >still, not the answer she knows you're looking for
  55. "You know what I mean. Why is there a pony stuck to my floor?"
  56. >you tug at an overhead chain, and the bond around her neck tightens
  57. >not enough to stop her breathing, but enough to make it difficult
  58. >"Because..."
  59. >she's scanning the room, everywhere but your eyes, hoping for an answer
  60. >"because..."
  61. >you tighten it a bit more, and she tries to move her hooves to her neck on instinct
  62. >the chains just rattle in response
  63. >"...I'm sorry..."
  64. >she chokes, trying not to use too much breath as she says it
  65. "For?"
  66. >her eyes start to water again
  67. >at least you can trust her tears more when they come from pain than regret
  68. >"...making a mess..."
  69. >you give her a second to go on
  70. >not picking up the hint, this one
  71. "And?"
  72. >"...and... forgetting my place?..."
  73. >ooh, good answer
  74. >not what you were going for, but good answer
  75. "Aaaaand?"
  76. >"and..."
  77. >her eyes widen as they flit around the room more rapidly
  78. >"and..."
  79. >a bit more pressure, and her throat's completely closed
  80. >she mouths words, but without breath she can't get them out
  81. >you let her struggle for a few seconds more
  82. "Sorry, was that last bit 'sorry for trying to worm my way out of a punishment for my own actions'?"
  83. >she nods desperately, finally meeting your gaze
  84. >you hold out a bit longer, tapping your finger to your chin in thought
  85. "Well! Good to know you're taking responsibility. That's all I needed to hear."
  86. >and you let the chain go
  87. >the black bug-like queen coughs and gags, sucking down stale dungeon air
  88. >the guards come in while she's still gasping, bearing chisels and hammers
  89. >wordlessly they set to work pulling the goo-covered stallion from his prison
  90. >you pay them no mind
  91. "So. Let's not beat around the bush, hm? You've proven to have some worth to the Empire; enough to keep you around, if circumstances are right."
  92. >she nods, obviously disgruntled at being thought of as a tool
  93. >at least she knows better than to voice that displeasure
  94. >the guards finally free the stallion's back legs and he flops to the ground with a muffled 'oomph'
  95. "Let's discuss some circumstances."
  96. >she still huffs a bit when she breathes, but she's in control of herself enough to nod cautiously
  97. "How do you bend your brood to your will?"
  98. >she looks at you nonplussed
  99. >you've gotten to know her hesitant look when she's forced to say something she finds unpleasant
  100. >this isn't that
  101. >nor is it confusion as to how to interpret your question
  102. >this is something new
  103. >"How... what? I don't. They just do as I tell them."
  104. >you give her the look that precedes a strangling session
  105. >all it earns you is another look of bewilderment
  106. "Bullshit. Everyone has a motivation. I refuse to believe your insects are 'loyal to you with their very lives' because they're bored."
  107. >it's like she's never even thought about this before
  108. >she shrugs, an impressive feat all on its own in her chains
  109. >you decide to try a different tack
  110. "You've never had a rebellion or an uprising? No changelings going rogue? Horseshit."
  111. >she just shakes her head, still trying to grasp the concept
  112. >you can't tell if she's just that protective of her hive, or whether she's genuinely confused
  113. >well, fear for her life seems to have worked pretty well so far...
  114. >you draw your dagger and cross the room
  115. >behind you you hear the changeling queen's previous meal break his front hooves free
  116. >but all of your attention is focused on applying just the right amount of pressure to the blade at Chrysalis' neck
  117. "So if I were to deem you worthless and end this discussion right now..."
  118. >the tone of your voice is actually more curious than threatening
  119. >she looks into your eyes, a hint of fear behind them but no more comprehension
  120. >"...The hive would die. I've probably no females left, so with no successor, the contract is null. They would just stop."
  121. >you furrow your brow in confusion
  122. >contract? Successor? "stop"?
  123. >you back the blade off from her neck
  124. >you're not certain about all of that, but from the sound of it, you can't just wrest control of them from her
  125. >any more than someone could wrest control of your little ponies upstairs from you
  126. >the only way they'd manage that is if they controlled you
  127. >so...
  128. >you sheath the dagger again and sigh
  129. "I suppose I can understand that. Their loyalties lie unwaveringly with you."
  130. >the guards finally have Diggin's mouth free
  131. >not that he says a word once he's up
  132. >he just waddles behind the guards out of the room
  133. "So then where do your loyalties lie?"
  134. >there is only one right answer to this question
  135. >but forcing her to mean it when she says it will be a trick
  136. >you send the guards out with instructions to fetch the apothecary
  137. >it would be nice to manage this without using her tinctures
  138. >but if you must, you'd rather have her on hand and prepared
  139. >"My loyalties lie..."
  140. >you hear the Royal Voice behind you
  141. >"...with whoever holds the key to my bonds."
  142. >even knowing it's coming, the sight of Nightmare Moon bound and chained gives you a second's pause
  143. >she bares her fangs in her usual sadistic grin
  144. >"How about you, my pet? Are we so dissimilar?"
  145. >her leathery wings flit and adjust themselves
  146. >"Do you not serve out of obligation? What loyalty do you really owe?"
  147. >you approach the Princess of the Night silently
  148. >her impression is really spot on this time
  149. >you stare down her lithe form, the midnight black of her coat, the gentle curve of her withers
  150. >it's really quite... accurate, you try to remind yourself
  151. >you'll play along for a bit
  152. "...I serve..."
  153. >you brush a hand to her face; she flinches slightly
  154. >the last few times she's felt your touch to her cheek, it hasn't been so pleasant
  155. >this time, though, you simply stroke her cheek and then reach upwards
  156. >you trace a finger along the sharp points of the crown
  157. "...the one who is best for Equestria."
  158. >the starry cloud of her tail wraps around your waist, pulling you closer
  159. >"How noble..."
  160. >she grins, as your hand moves to her chest
  161. >you can feel her breathing, shallow and fast
  162. >"And what is best for Equestria?"
  163. >both of your hands are on her thighs now
  164. >even if she wanted to, there's no way to deny you what you're planning to do
  165. >"Agony?"
  166. >she pulls you closer still, your eyes locked together
  167. >"Strife and struggle?"
  168. >your hand reaches between her legs, the tip of your fingers soft on her lips
  169. >"...Punishment?"
  170. >you brush her lips with your own and plunge your middle finger home
  171. >her gasp isn't due to shock this time
  172. >your finger is caught in a velvet vice, struggling to pull it in even as you withdraw it
  173. >you repeat the motion, pressing in further this time, the withdrawal slower than before
  174. >she huffs as you pump her with your fingers, palm massaging her clit
  175. >"Admit it. what's best for Equestria... it's you."
  176. >even beneath her dark coat you can see a blush forming
  177. >you never take your eyes from hers as you fingerblast your "Queen"
  178. >at the second finger she starts to squeak with each intrusion
  179. >her hips thrust toward your hand, and each time you pause she lets out a plaintive little whine
  180. >it's always cut short with another squeak as you start in again
  181. >at one point you pull completely out and her whole body strains forward, desperate to follow the source of its pleasure
  182. >you bring the sopping fingers to her mouth and she suckles at them greedily, tongue wrapping expertly around them
  183. >you return them to their rightful place, earning you a moan of pleasure
  184. >you can hear her breath hitching as the pace of her thrusts picks up
  185. >which is your cue to stop, pressing a finger against each lip to spread her as you pull away
  186. "Discipline."
  187. >her eyes roll back down, denied the crash she was expecting, confused by your voice in her ear
  188. "What's best for Equestria is discipline. Not just a punishment, but a lesson."
  189. >you press one finger just above her clit, barely touching it
  190. >no amount of bucking brings her any closer to release
  191. "You're trying to coax my love for her out of me."
  192. >her face, still flush with need, takes a darker look as you call her on her plan
  193. >and then her eyes roll back into her head as you grind you palm against her, a spurt of cum jetting onto your hand
  194. "This lesson is: if you want my love, like all the others, you will earn it. Show me that Chrysalis the Changeling Queen is loyal to me. Not Celestia. Not Nightmare. Not my pets. You."
  195. >you conjure up every bit of self-loathing you can and spit at her, before loosening your belt
  196. >she's caught somewhere between shock and confusion as you drop trou
  197. >you plan to make the word "hatefuck" an understatement
  198. >...just as soon as you deal with the potion maker who was just ushered in
  199. >well
  200. >this is a little unfortunate
  201. >haven't these guards ever heard of discretion?
  202. >"Greetings, lustful alien beast. I was told you had need of my expertise?"

SiM Orphans - Statement of Purpose

by SiM-Orphans

My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 1

by SiM-Orphans

My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 2

by SiM-Orphans

My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 3

by SiM-Orphans

My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 4

by SiM-Orphans