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My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 2

By SiM-Orphans
Created: 2020-12-03 06:26:05
Expiry: Never

  1. Chrysalis Domination pt. 2 - After Lunch
  4. Posted on Apr 8th, 2014
  5. Copied on Apr 15th, 2014
  8. >evening
  9. >or as close to evening as it gets in Nightmare Moon's kingdom, anyway
  10. >you've finally finished rounds in the neighboring villages
  11. >you had to put down a minor skirmish in San Palomino, that took some time
  12. >the green mare leading the opposition showed some promise though
  13. >maybe she'd try to lead a siege on the castle; you loved it when new "heroes" came to break themselves against you
  14. >you leave that little hope in the back of your mind as you make your way down to Chrysalis' dungeon
  15. >as you pass the empty cells, you hope stuffing her like you did wasn't lethal
  16. >it would be a shame to have her die before you discovered what all she could do
  17. >then again, a creature that can't follow your orders or survive its punishment isn't worth keeping anyway
  18. >the two guards look shaken as you pass them, reaching for the door
  19. >one salutes and unlocks it, but neither look in if they can avoid it
  20. >a quick scan tells you why
  21. >the platter you'd left with her is barren
  22. >instead, her stomach bulges at the middle, pulling her whole body forward to strain against the chains holding her forehooves up
  23. >that's not half as interesting as what lay on the ground before her
  24. >a pile of blue orbs, dripping in a thin green liquid, each egg a little bigger than your fist
  25. >she looks at you dazed and struggles to pull herself more upright, but with a groan she sags back to her slouch
  26. >"Urp... please.. no more... food... mercy..."
  27. >her face looks pale again
  28. "For a creature who can't feed on meat or fruit, you sure packed away that tray of stuff,"
  29. >you reply, approaching the pile in front of her
  30. "What's all this though? Trying to hatch a few helpers while I was out?"
  31. >she watches as you reach down and pick one of the pale blue things up, wiping the green sludge off of it
  32. >you look it over, turning it about and holding it up to the light
  33. >"I could not help it... you forced me..."
  34. >she whines, still looking a little ill
  35. >that sounds dangerously like an accusation to you
  36. >you toss the egg back and forth between your hands, now that you've gotten a feel for the weight
  37. "You must be mistaken. All I forced you to do was make the choice between a belly full of food"
  38. >you reach forward and pat her bulging gut for emphasis, rubbing it with one hand
  39. "and a belly full of lead. Never said anything about laying eggs."
  40. >she watches as you chuck the blue shell over your shoulder
  41. >it lands on the dungeon floor with something between a crunch and a splat
  42. >nothing in her face changes, so you reach down for another egg, crushing it under your fingers
  43. >for a Queen willing to risk her life but not her army's, she doesn't seem to care about your casual infanticide too much
  44. >then it hits you
  45. >these are probably barren, if she's been hanging here without interaction for almost a week
  46. >you restrain your facepalm and stand back up, looking into her eyes
  47. "Well, no matter. I'll have them sent down to the kitchen and you can have a nice omelet for breakfast tomorrow."
  48. >that earns you the look of revulsion you were hoping for
  49. >you summon a guard, and set him to the task of collecting the changeling's futile attempts at a brood
  50. >when he leaves for the kitchen, you order him to return with a barrel of apples and a prisoner
  51. >under your breath, you tell him to choose one marked for execution
  52. >that way, you reason to yourself, if things go south all you've done is saved the effort of tying another noose
  53. >when he's on his way, you turn back to the queen and approach once more
  54. >you can tell she's still itching to sink her teeth into you
  55. >but now it's at least tempered with a bit of caution
  56. >she doesn't need to say a word, you recognize progress when you see it
  57. "So... it's been a bit. Where were we?"
  58. >you tap your finger on your chin, trying to remember
  59. "Oh, right. You were giving me reasons not to turn you and your hive into a delicacy for the gryphon chancellor and his entourage who'll be visiting next week."
  60. >you hold your hand out, offering her the chance to speak.
  61. "Come up with anything?"
  62. >"I..."
  63. >she looks you over, but this time it's not like a wolf sizing up a deer
  64. >more like an artist taking in her subject
  65. >there's a flash of green flame, and suddenly you're looking into a mirror
  66. >well, a funhouse mirror
  67. >she's managed to miss some of the finer details on your armor
  68. >and you're sure you don't look THAT fat
  69. >well... you have been sharing more cupcakes with Pinkie lately...
  70. >but still, there are subtle differences that tip you off quickly
  71. >"I can be your double. Take on the tasks you are disinclined to tackle yourself."
  72. >you ponder that a moment
  73. >it would be nice to spend more time on your own tasks
  74. >patrols and enforcement take up a lot of your day
  75. >but you shake the thought from your head
  76. >the guard comes back with the food you requested, and you roll the barrel of apples up to where Chrysalis-as-you is hanging
  77. >you pop the top and grab a single fruit, taking a bite from it as you wave a hand across your throat
  78. >she reverts to her black, overstuffed form
  79. >you take a second bite before stuffing the rest in the changeling's mouth
  80. >she whines like a scolded dog as it touches her tongue
  81. "Nice thought, but my job's not bad enough that I'd delegate it to you or anyone else. Eat it and then try again."
  82. >she just lets out a hiccup as tears form at the corner of her mouth
  83. >you sigh, exasperated
  84. "What, again? Do it or I'll have the guards feed you the whole barrel."
  85. >she sniffles but bites down, chewing another chunk
  86. >you'd think she was trying to swallow sandpaper, the way she struggled with it
  87. >but after five agonizing minutes, she gets it all down
  88. >her gut gives an ominous rumble as she pants, struggling to come up with another use for herself
  89. >"I...I can..."
  90. >she bathes in green fire again
  91. >Celestia, or at least a chubbier approximation, is in chains before you
  92. >"...pleasure you..."
  93. >she practically whispers
  94. >hmm...
  95. >now that's a bit more like it
  96. >you pick up another apple, but step close enough to get a good look at the pudgy copycat
  97. >there were still some minor details off
  98. >your fingers brush her neck; no tight black collar around it
  99. >they pull through the waving corona of her mane; she's still wearing her crown
  100. >you circle behind her and trace your palms down her sides
  101. >not as thin as you know her to be
  102. >you squeeze her waist and she lets out another little "urp" of discomfort
  103. >but as your hands sink into her soft, pliant assflesh, it's indistinguishable from the broken mare upstairs
  104. >you spread it apart, admiring the... craftsmanship, we'll say, of that powdery white ponut
  105. >as you come back around to her front, she follows you with her eyes, now looking more earnest than afraid
  106. >pressing one hand on her inner thigh, you lean in close, inspecting her shimmering eyes, flush cheeks, flattened back ears, pouting lips...
  107. >she makes her move suddenly, lips mashed to yours
  108. >you feel her straining into the kiss like she'd been without affection for months
  109. >you don't break it immediately
  110. >it's definitely not how Celestia does it
  111. >far more tongue (it's reaching for your tonsils)
  112. >but it's certainly not unpleasant
  113. >it's only when you feel that familiar slipping sensation around your temples that you stop
  114. >you open your eyes and meet Chrysalis' green orbs with a look that completely encapsulates the actual words:
  115. >'...really? Again?'
  116. >backing off, you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand
  117. >"I... sorry? I didn't mean to--"
  118. >you backhand her in mid sentence
  119. >holy shit, was there something in her saliva?
  120. >the tips of your lips and top of your tongue feel cool, almost numb, like too much mint
  121. >under different circumstances, admittedly, you'd like that
  122. >not when she's trying to cast some sort of spell on you though
  123. "Okay, we're done here. Guards, fetch the whip. Obviously we--"
  124. >"No! No, please! I can do more, I just... I lost control for one second! I NEED some love, and you won't give me ANY!"
  125. "So the smartest course of action is to directly disobey me?! What the hell even is that spell?"
  126. >she's sobbing now, but you don't doubt she can cry on demand if the need suits her
  127. "Answer me you fucking roach!"
  128. >she hiccups, tears spilling onto the dungeon floor
  129. >the guard comes trotting up, a coiled whip in his mouth
  130. >you snatch it from him and begin to unwind it, circling to her back
  131. >"Please, I'm sorry! Really I am! I'll never try to touch your mind again!"
  132. >...
  133. >that stops you in your tracks
  134. "Touch my mind. You have a spell that lets you manipulate peoples' minds?"
  135. >"Yes! How do you think my people force others to give us their love?!"
  136. >you wind up and snap the whip, the blow landing across her shoulders
  137. >she lets out a hiss of pain, fresh tears rolling down her face
  138. "And you thought you could use it on me?!"
  139. >you snap it again, and a thin line of green runs down her back
  140. >again, and the line on her shoulders was an X
  141. >"T-tell me... you w-w-wouldn't... do the ssssame."
  142. >she doesn't bother trying to turn and look at you
  143. >you bring the stinging weapon down again, this one leaving a lash near her rump
  144. >you hate that she's not wrong
  145. >so you channel that hate into another swing
  146. >she howls this time, but apparently she's resigned to her fate
  147. "...Why didn't you lead with 'I can make people my puppets', if you're so fucking good at it?"
  148. >you puff a little; you really need to stick to that exercise regiment
  149. >a few good swings shouldn't take this much energy
  150. >"Because it w-worked... ssso well on y-you..."
  151. >you ought to give her another lash just for having the gall to be sarcastic
  152. >but the implications of having a puppet master in your employ are starting to catch up to you
  153. >you glare at the back of her head, then coil the whip up around your arm
  154. >making your way to the door, you beckon the prisoner in
  155. >the guards shove the terrified stallion through the door and slam it behind him
  156. >what a bunch of cowards
  157. >at the sight of the thing chained to the floor and ceiling, the stallion starts trying to back away
  158. >he doesn't know what she is, but he knows danger when he sees it
  159. >you drag him back to a place in front of the love-tick
  160. "This is your last chance."
  161. >both of your captives look terrified
  162. >you look over at the grey pone
  163. >he has a pickaxe cutie mark
  164. >but stranger things have happened, so you lean in and ask anyway
  165. "Do you know how to juggle?"
  166. >he shrinks back, looking terrified, before resigning himself to his punishment as he shakes his head
  167. "Good."
  168. >his eyes snap open in surprise as you turn away from him
  169. >you pull three apples out of the barrel and roll them over to him
  170. >he almost has his mouth around one before you speak
  171. "Touch those before you leave the room, and I'll make YOU eat the whole barrel."
  172. >that threat's been working really well today, you think
  173. >pointing at him with your thumb, you stare up at her
  174. "Show me a juggling act worthy of the Wrangling Brothers."
  175. >there is no sign of negotiation anywhere in your voice
  176. >there is no hint of doubt as to what the alternative is
  177. >she gulps and screws up her concentration, a wisp of green light flowing from her horn to his ears
  178. >sweat pours down her face as she forces him to his feet
  179. >you can see him struggling to move his hooves anywhere else
  180. >but slowly, mechanically, he gathers the red fruit up
  181. >he tosses one into the air, then another, catches the first
  182. >it's like watching a robot play catch with itself
  183. >the stallion almost manages to pull away at one point
  184. >but a flash of green and he's back to doing her will
  185. >you throw a fourth apple at him without warning and she incorporates it into his act
  186. >the same with a fifth
  187. >she even gets him to take a few bites as they arc through the air
  188. >eventually he's tossing nothing but cores, still in perfect rhythm
  189. >now that, you muse, is something worth reporting about
  190. >you clap slowly, looking over your shoulder at the straining queen
  191. "Enough."
  192. >the grey stallion drops to the floor in mid-toss like a lifeless marionette
  193. >the apple cores scatter every which way, one landing in his purple mane
  194. >Chrysalis looks to be on the verge of fainting
  195. >slapped around, stuffed full, whipped... she's had a rough few hours
  196. >you'd almost feel bad, if it wasn't entirely her fault those things had happened
  197. "How many can you control at the same time with this?"
  198. >"...I have not tried but three. Given time, I--"
  199. >you hold up a hand, and she goes silent
  200. >and here you thought she'd never learn
  201. "Can you hear what they hear? See what they see?"
  202. >"So long as I keep them near."
  203. >you nod, turning a few ideas over in your head
  204. >a spy that can manipulate other spies
  205. >you smile at the thought of goading a mare like Bonded Courage into trying to face you using her friends as puppets
  206. "...and your whelplings from the caves?"
  207. >she hesitates, knowing you won't like the answer
  208. >"They are loyal to me with their very lives, but they do not share my powers of control. Only illusion."
  209. >disappointing, but all information is good information
  210. >you sigh, and she stammers a bit
  211. >"B-but! They can be made to look like anypony! Surely you could find a use for them!"
  212. >even after today, she still gives a shit about her subjects?
  213. >you might have to bring Celestia down to meet this pone
  214. >show her how real rulers behave
  215. >you settle for a nonchalant shrug
  216. "We'll see. Oh, can you cast your spells while changed?"
  217. >she nods eagerly, transforming into a pink alicorn you don't recognize, her matted purple hair fluttering as the same ill-looking green magic she'd used before flowed from it
  218. >you smirk and she transforms back, not needing your order to do so
  219. >you pace a few more minutes, thinking about other uses for her
  220. >a groan from near the door stirs you from your pondering
  221. >the grey earth pone is awake again
  222. >you look over at Chrysalis
  223. >her mouth is actually watering as she watches him climb to his hooves
  224. "The fuck did you do?"
  225. >you look down at the dazed pone, who just shakes his head as you frown at him
  226. >he meets your gaze cautiously, then looks around, stammering as he realizes he's in trouble
  227. >"I... I don't... huh?"
  228. >you reach down and pick up the core in his mane by the stem, dangling it in front of him for him to see
  229. "Didn't I tell you not to touch these?"
  230. >he can't even seem to get sounds out anymore, just moving his mouth incoherently
  231. >you shake your head, acting disappointed that he can't follow such a simple instruction
  232. >maybe when you first arrived here, you'd have felt bad about this sort of deception
  233. >but seeing as how he was on the chopping block either way, you can't be bothered to show him too much sympathy
  234. >picking up the lead to his neck clasp, you pull him over to where Chrysalis stands, tying the leash to the spreader bar
  235. >to his credit, he at least waits until you're done tying to try pulling away
  236. >"Wait... please, I. I don't... I didn't want to..."
  237. >you roll your eyes and point at the changeling
  238. >she's almost too enraptured with him to notice you talking
  239. "Told you, that was your last chance. She listened, so maybe you should stay here and learn from her."
  240. >you look up at her
  241. >you still don't quite get how the whole "love eating" thing works
  242. >but judging from the look on her face, he'll do
  243. >you take the precaution of shortening the chains on his hooves
  244. >no sense letting her mind-control him into a position where he could let her out
  245. >you make your way towards the door, considering how best to word your memo to the Boss Mare
  246. >as you shut the door, you catch a bit of their conversation.
  247. >"Hello, little one. What is your name?"
  248. >Ah... uh... Diggin' Bones...?"
  249. >"A strong name for a handsome stallion... tell me, Diggin... who do you love?"
  250. >you shut the door behind you
  251. >yeah
  252. >you may send a guard in with a mop before you meet with her again tomorrow
  253. >one less noose to tie

SiM Orphans - Statement of Purpose

by SiM-Orphans

My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 1

by SiM-Orphans

My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 2

by SiM-Orphans

My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 3

by SiM-Orphans

My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 4

by SiM-Orphans