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My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 5

By SiM-Orphans
Created: 2020-12-03 06:28:52
Expiry: Never

  1. Chrysalis Domination pt. 5 - Hatefuck
  4. Posted on Apr 8th, 2014
  5. Copied on Apr 15th, 2014
  8. >Anyway, before that little interruption
  9. >you recall you were in the middle of administering some -iscipline
  10. >on your way back in, you point at the purple-maned pone struggling to massage his stuffed stomach
  11. "Fetch me if something crawls out of him chewing on his heart,"
  12. >the guard nods and stands at attention
  13. >you get most of the way through the door before leaning back out and looking at the other guard
  14. "Oh, and by the Moon and Stars, knock next time. Have some courtesy."
  15. >you slam the door behind you, giving the black mare in chains a beatific smile
  16. >she's shifted back, but her thighs are still slicked from your ministrations
  17. >that won't do
  18. "When did I tell you to change back? I don't remember that."
  19. >she gulps and wordlessly shifts back, your ruler physically imposing as ever even in those heavy chains
  20. >after a moment's hesitation, she tests the waters
  21. >"Did she... was it... what did she say?"
  22. >if Nightmare Moon ever sounded that meek, you'd kill her without hesitation
  23. >you're pretty sure she's incapable of that sort of softness and timidity
  24. "Don't worry about that. None of your concern."
  25. >you take the hydra's heart from the table, looking it over
  26. >it's dried and rubbery, and smells a bit like swamp
  27. >but if you can't trust a masked foreigner peddling drugs, who can you trust?
  28. >you rip a chunk of flesh off and pop it in your mouth
  29. >it's tough and surprisingly spicey, so you talk while you chew
  30. "Now. There are two ways out of this for you. Learn or fail."
  31. >you put the rest of the heart down and reach overhead, swinging the chains through hooks and holders
  32. "Failing is easy. Just say the word and I'll stop. Then I'll squish you under my boot like any other bug."
  33. >you manage to get two lengths wrapped around each other and you curse under your breath
  34. >the other dungeon is nicer, they have this whole setup on levers
  35. "I'd rather not do that. I still hold that you could be an asset. I'd much rather you learned."
  36. >you manage to get the ties untangled and set back to work letting slack into the lines
  37. "Do you remember what you're supposed to learn?"
  38. >she recites it, almost word for word
  39. >a little haltingly, but she manages
  40. >"If I want love, like all the others, I have to earn it. I have to be loyal to you. Not anyone else. Me."
  41. >you let the chains go, and the tension holding her neck and forehooves up disappears
  42. >she crashes to the ground, front legs weak from six days' worth of neglect
  43. >your belt buckle clinks to the ground in front of her
  44. >when she looks back up at you, she has to stare past your cock to meet your gaze
  45. "Good. Let's begin."
  46. >The Princess of the Night is licking your balls
  47. >sure, it's just a shallow copy of her
  48. >but as she kisses and huffs her warm breath on them, suckling on one, occasionally running her tongue along the underside of your shaft
  49. >you couldn't give a damn about whether it's the "real" Nightmare Moon or not
  50. >she kisses around the base, leaving a ring of wet marks as she slobbers on your knob
  51. >you run a hand through her murky hair and grab it tight
  52. >you give it a tug and guide her lips to the head
  53. >and as she starts to slurp on you
  54. >you focus all of your concentration on remembering everything she's responsible for
  55. >the personal slights, the degrading names, the menial tasks
  56. >you blame her for the crop crisis and the frequent uprisings
  57. >as her tongue swirls around your member, you rage at her disinterest in anything other than pain
  58. >while her lips are gliding over your shaft, you're fuming about the rampant corruption among the guards
  59. >Chrysalis-as-NMM gags a little, and you don't know whether it's because you're facefucking her or because your disgust is that bitter
  60. >you pull out of her mouth, a thin rope of saliva connecting the two of you
  61. >she looks up and you open-palm slap her
  62. >it's her fault you're like this
  63. >you were never like this before you came here
  64. >...were you?
  66. "Celestia."
  67. >you walk around behind her, giving her a sharp slap on the ass in passing
  68. "I said Celestia!"
  69. >there's a flash of green fire, and the black creature is replaced by her sister
  70. >not just the cooing white mare upstairs, either
  71. >this is Celestia when she was a Princess
  72. >you take your place behind her, yanking her tail up roughly
  73. >there is no warning, no need to go slow
  74. >you drive home in one thrust, eliciting a startled shriek from the solar ruler
  75. >as you withdraw, there's little resistance
  76. >the mare looks back to you, doe-eyed
  77. >fuck her
  78. >fuck her and her weakness, her carelessness, her complacency
  79. >you ram her again and she winces
  80. >over and over
  81. >every time she flinches, you think to yourself, "good"
  82. >every hiss of pain or squeak as you slap and grope her soft, plump behind is completely justified
  83. >despite herself, you can feel a wetness as you thrust, a familiar milking sensation
  84. >a yank on her tail earns you a harder squeeze
  85. >as does another slap on the other cheek
  86. >you dig your nails in as you think about how for a thousand years, she'd been idle, doting on her precious subjects until they became weak and helpless
  87. >a loud groan and a spray of mare-cum signals her crossing the line ahead of you, the needy pull of her pussy soon coaxing a generous helping of your seed into her
  88. >Chrysalis huffs, her borrowed white wings slowly folding back in from full spread
  89. >"M... may I--"
  90. "No."
  91. >you wander back around to the table, measuring out a few drops of the red potion which you dump into a liberal goblet of wine
  93. "Octavia."
  94. >you hold the pewter container up, wondering what it would do to the shackled pone
  95. >"Wh-who-"
  96. "The maid."
  97. >another flash of green light, and your faithful servant is chained up, a line of tears down each cheek to drop onto her uniform
  98. >ignoring the tears though, her stoic expression is spot on
  99. >damn but that hydra heart works fast
  100. >any other day and you'd need to pause and recover
  101. >you stomp back and shove her onto her ass
  102. >bending over her, you move yourself into position, then pin her hooves under your hands
  103. >you lean in, and...
  104. >and you...
  106. "Fuck...fuck you. Twilight."
  107. >the flames don't even tickle as a purple unicorn stares up at you, wide-eyed and terrified
  108. >you thrust into her, telling yourself that the real Twilight wouldn't have that pleasure undercutting her suffering
  109. >you focus on how pathetic she is
  110. >how for all her knowledge she couldn't find one of the million answers that would've stopped her own enslavement
  112. "Pinkie Pie!"
  113. >you don't even break pace anymore
  114. >sociopathic simpleton, too focused on frivolity to recognize the world falling apart around her
  116. "Applejack!"
  117. >stubborn, pig-headed, obstinate bitch
  118. >too self-absorbed to even learn to bow when it became obvious you were in charge
  119. >you feel her release against you, and you groan as you come dangerously close to peaking again
  120. >you lean back, releasing her front legs
  121. >and as soon as the bug pretending to be your slave rises to one elbow, you grab her and roll her over
  122. >you run your prick between those two plumped up cheeks, the mix of pre and her own juices coating her puckered ponut
  124. "Rarity."
  125. >the marshmallow pone lets out an un-ladylike whine as you stuff her backdoor
  126. >self-absorbed, egotistical, undeserving noveau riche
  127. >not even worthy to lick your boots
  129. "Fluttershy."
  130. >you grab a handful of the pink mane as soon as it materializes, tugging it viciously as you pound her ass
  131. >she squeaks with every thrust, though the barest of smiles on her face reminds you
  132. >reminds you that this is not your Fluttershy
  133. >but god do you hate the way she simpers, the way she appeases, the way she lets you dictate every facet of her life
  134. >you didn't even need to have her enslaved to do that, she's such a weak-willed coward
  135. >you feel her whole body shiver, that has to be at least orgasm number five
  137. "R-rainbow Dash!"
  138. >you pin the sky-blue pegasus' wings to the ground as you near the home stretch, and she lets out a squeal far more pain than pleasure
  139. >willfully ignorant, unmotivated, utterly self-important waste of feathers
  140. >what a top
  141. >fucking
  142. >cunt
  144. >you can't take it anymore
  145. >a second round of your jizz coats her insides as you let out a primal shout
  146. >the pounding in your ears seems to ebb and suddenly it's a lot easier to hear her pants, her coughs, her sniffles, her groans and moans
  147. >you blink a couple times
  148. >holy shit, that may have been a bit much
  149. >you put your hand beside "Rainbow Dash"'s hoof and push yourself up to your knees
  150. >time for the payoff
  151. >you stagger a little bit as you make your way to the table where you left the goblet
  152. "On your hooves."
  153. >you make your way over to the dripping multicolored mare, her legs still separated by the spanner bar
  154. >she crawls exhausted to all fours, exhausted and scared
  155. "Did you get so much as a whiff of love?"
  156. >you growl, staring down at the pegasus who refuses to meet your eyes
  157. >she just shakes her head
  158. "And now the all-im-fucking-portant question:"
  159. >you hold both hands out to her, offering her to answer at her leisure
  160. "Why?"
  161. >"Be...because I wasn't me."
  162. >you scoop the goblet up and carry it back to her, clapping your free hand against the back of the one carrying the wine
  163. "Excellent. So let's rectify that."
  164. >you bring her chin up to look at you
  165. >she's waiting on you to give her the go-ahead
  166. >that's what you like to refer to as "improvement".
  167. "Take your own form, Chrysalis."
  168. >her name has barely left your mouth and she's back to her true self
  169. >you bring the chalice to her lips and she gulps it down like it's the last water in the Saddle Arabian desert
  170. >when you tilt it up for her to get the dregs, she actually pushes her nose into it, lapping at every drop she can reach
  171. >when you're satisfied she's gotten what she can from it, you take it away
  172. >you can tell it's not sitting quite right with her
  173. >she wants more
  174. "Was that not enough?"
  175. >the right answer to your question is obvious
  176. >the correct one is irrelevant
  177. >"It was what you gave me. What more could I ask for?"
  178. >and that
  179. >deserves a reward
  180. >not much of one, don't want to spoil the deposed queen
  181. >but you brush her hair aside and give her an affectionate peck on the cheek
  182. "Good answer."
  183. >you've never seen pupils dilate like that
  184. >you don't know whether it's the drugs or the beginnings of Stockholm
  185. >but whatever the cause, it's good news to you
  186. >so why aren't you elated?
  187. >you walk down the cell block, past the egg-pregnant stallion, and climb the stairs with the distinct feeling you should be happier
  188. >oh well... time to see whose skulls need bashing

SiM Orphans - Statement of Purpose

by SiM-Orphans

My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 1

by SiM-Orphans

My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 2

by SiM-Orphans

My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 3

by SiM-Orphans

My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 4

by SiM-Orphans