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My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 6

By SiM-Orphans
Created: 2020-12-03 06:29:38
Expiry: Never

  1. Chrysalis Domination pt. 6 - Sprawling Odyssey part 1
  4. Posted on Apr 8th, 2014
  5. Copied on Apr 15th, 2014
  8. >your name is Sprawling Odyssey
  9. >you are a bronze unicorn mare, being led in chains to what you assume is the execution chamber
  10. >the guards on either side of you stare straight ahead as they lead you down the stairs to the main cell block
  11. >you try to slow a bit as you round a corner and see a few familiar faces
  12. >Delirium, charged with seven counts of disturbing the peace, looks between the bars at you
  13. >she looks... bored?
  14. >Sparkle Shine looks like he's expecting a thrashing any second, eyes darting around his cage
  15. >the guards shove you to get moving again
  16. >Frostweaver turns his head to glare at you from the far corner of his cell
  17. >you jump when a blue pony lunges against the bars
  18. >she growls and barks like a hound as you pass
  19. >and then you're here
  20. >a wooden door is all that stands in the way of your doom
  21. >the guard knocks on it, and its swings open easily
  22. >you're shoved inside, tripping over the chains and landing face-first with a weak "oomph"
  23. >you look up and around just in time to hear the door slam behind you
  24. >a few things catch your eye
  25. >the pools of green liquid, some thin strands dripping from the ceiling
  26. >on the far table sit a collection of bottles, a few empty, along with a chalice and a bottle of wine
  27. >and of course you can't ignore the towering creature in black and purple
  28. >you can't make out his features, but from the way he stands, you'd have to guess he was smirking
  29. >none of that can compare with the thing in the center of the room though
  30. >chained by the neck, standing imperiously before you, is...
  31. >Princess Celestia?
  32. >her smile is warm and gentle, and for a moment it makes you forget all the atrocities of this forsaken place
  33. >you move to approach her, unsure how you'll fight the brute to get to her
  34. >but he doesn't move to stop you
  35. >he just watches as you trot to bow before Her Radiance
  36. >sweeping low, your horn almost touching the floor, you look up at her
  37. "Princess. I... I don't know why they have allowed me to bask in your warmth once more, but hail."
  38. >she beckons you closer and you obey without hesitation
  39. >up close her smile seems sadder, more resigned
  40. >"Sweet mare, now is no time to bow; I am Princess no more. I am here as a final comfort before you meet your fate. That is all."
  41. >the hopeful little smile you had vanishes
  42. >she's given up?
  43. "My... my liege?"
  44. >she lets out a resigned sigh and nods to the armored creature you passed
  45. >"The mercy he has shown me is to keep me here, alive, that I might soothe you on your way to your fate."
  46. >your shock is quickly giving way to anger now
  47. >how dare that... that THING keep the rightful ruler like this?!
  48. >your horn mirrors your anger, a glow starting at its tip
  49. "Well then, I'll show him mercy as well, and make this quick!"
  50. >"Wha- no!"
  51. >you turn and fire a bolt of concentrated hate at him
  52. >it slams into his chest and
  53. >does absolutely nothing
  54. >his smirk turns into a frown as he starts to advance on you
  55. >"Wait, please! Do not harm her, she does not know!"
  56. >the abomination slows, still glaring at you
  57. >he looks over to your leader and huffs
  58. >"Fine. That was her one, though."
  59. >you can't help but feel a swelling adoration for your ruler alongside the fear and hatred for her captor
  60. >when you turn back, she's staring at you intently, like you'd just done something very interesting rather than very stupid
  61. >"Little one, I'm sorry. But I am resigned to my use here. As should you be."
  62. >you stare into her eyes, not wanting to believe she's defeated like this
  63. >but before you saw her, you were resigned to your fate
  64. >you're quickly growing that way again
  65. >"Let me comfort you. Close your eyes, now, and think of they that you love most. Pick the one for whom your heart calls. I will let you see them and bid them farewell."
  66. >you never knew she had such a power
  67. >but you obey without question
  68. >how could you deny a boon from your Princess?
  71. >you are Anon, and you are doing your best to keep a straight face
  72. >luckily you've had some practice with the last few pones you've had brought down
  73. >the mind-control magic Chrysalis uses was annoying when she'd try it on you
  74. >but you're definitely beginning to see the appeal
  75. >to her credit, even without it she's a masterful actress
  76. >as she puts her silver tongue to good use, you appraise the scrawny mare she's working her wiles on
  77. >she's a tiny little thing, long legs and ears, thin little body
  78. >you catch a flash of her purple eyes as she levels her horn at you
  79. >this trick works better, you find, when you're here to draw their hate
  80. >it disappears into nothingness against your chest
  81. >and just like usual, "Celestia" begs your mercy
  82. >you can see her licking her lips at the adoration rolling off of her victim
  83. >but she holds back
  84. >discipline
  85. >the only love she's allowed to take is when she's in her true form
  86. >the last little pone who had their love drained before she completed the... procedure... had gotten a drop of Potion Nine on the tongue and sent back to their cell
  87. >it was an informative experiment
  88. >the guards had needed ear plugs for the two days before she was executed, she wailed so loud
  89. >next time, you told Chrysalis, you would give her a taste instead
  90. >that was almost three weeks ago, and she's been a perfect little pet since
  91. >the small-framed little unicorn closes her eyes and sits obediently, waiting for her Princess to ease her mind
  92. >the captive alicorn princess doesn't hesitate to deliver
  93. >instead of the gentle golden glow you know Celestia possesses, an ill-looking green forms around her horn
  94. >it wafts into Odyssey's ears, and with a flash of green fire, a pearl-white stallion takes Celestia's place
  95. >when she opens them, she can hardly contain her glee
  96. >her eyes are tinted green, unable to see the little inconsistencies and errors in her disguise
  97. >the longer it continues, the less she'll care about what "he" looks like
  100. >you close your eyes, obediently, and picture your beloved Stoic Sewman, his marble coat, his strong hooves, his soft eyes
  101. >Celestia's magic washes over you, a powerful force
  102. >it feels... off, somehow, but as the spell takes hold you reassure yourself
  103. >it's just the strain of her captivity, a voice reminds you
  104. >"Darling?"
  105. >your eyes snap open
  106. >Celestia is truly a goddess, to be able to grant you this
  107. >you don't know how
  108. >you don't CARE how
  109. >he's here
  110. >you fairly bowl him over as you rush to him, throwing your hooves around him
  111. >it's been so long; you had heard he was captured a week after you left to join the resistance
  112. >but here he is
  113. "Stoic... Oh Stoic, sweet Celestia thank you, I thought I'd never see you again!"
  114. >"No distance could keep me from you, sweetness."
  115. >his eyes are the greenest shade of blue you've ever seen them
  116. >it must be the tears in your eyes that make them seem that way, yourself tells you
  117. >he leans in and kisses you, forcefully
  118. >moreso than you're used to
  119. >the way you've always wanted him to, a voice says, and you can't help but agree
  120. >it's the passion of a couple separated by years and miles
  121. >somewhere in the back of your head, someone points out that this is a strange thing for your executioner to allow
  122. >but it's buried under a layer of pleasure as his hooves slide lower, pulling you close, so very close
  123. >you have to break the kiss for air, finally
  124. >unbidden, a question leaps from your throat
  125. "Where have you been, loveliness? I'm so glad to see you, but how...?"
  126. >he looks taken aback
  127. >you've never seen a more handsome blush, or heard a more endearing stammer
  128. >"I, er... that is, I've been fighting the good fight, you see. Resisting, being covert..."
  129. >you nod, not comprehending but willing to accept
  130. >"But I simply had to see you again,"
  131. >he leans in for another kiss and you happily oblige
  132. >who could turn down a handsome buck like him?

SiM Orphans - Statement of Purpose

by SiM-Orphans

My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 1

by SiM-Orphans

My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 2

by SiM-Orphans

My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 3

by SiM-Orphans

My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 4

by SiM-Orphans