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My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 7

By SiM-Orphans
Created: 2020-12-03 06:30:28
Expiry: Never

  1. Chrysalis Domination pt. 7 - Sprawling Odyssey part 2
  4. Posted on Apr 8th, 2014
  5. Copied on Apr 15th, 2014
  8. >this part always weirds you out
  9. >it's not that you don't appreciate the technique
  10. >it's more that you can see why ponies fall for it, even without the hypnosis
  11. >her change is so slow, so gradual, that they don't even notice
  12. >or maybe they do notice, but they don't care
  13. >they convince themselves that their special mares and stallions have always been so tall
  14. >always had a horn, or wings
  15. >they've always been this creature underneath the thin shell of their bodies
  16. >sometimes they'll get a look on their face that you can take a bit of pleasure in
  17. >a brief spark of confusion, of recognition
  18. >"This isn't right," they'll say, or "Have you always...?"
  19. >you watch as Boring or Emotionless or whatever grows taller, a gnarled horn sprouting from "his" head
  20. >his legs grow pitted, deepening into holes that riddle his hooves
  21. >a swollen piece of anatomy grows between her legs as the Verdant Hive's queen reclaims her true form
  22. >and you smirk as Odyssey frowns up at the thing casting a shadow over her
  23. >"Darling... when did you get... so tall?"
  24. >her eyes shut, tightly, but another tendril of green wraps its way around her head from the creature's horn
  25. >"Sssssh, now, love. I've changed a bit, but so have you,"
  26. >the voice is always the last thing to go, but the stallion's voice slowly fades to leave only your pet's
  27. >"You're so empty now, dear,"
  28. >it causes a blush to rise over the slim unicorn's features when she whispers
  29. >"what say we fix that?"
  30. >you step forward, finally assured that nothing can pull your captor from her spell
  31. >she blushes furiously, but nods, her eyes glued to the black segment of body jutting from underneath her beloved
  34. >in the back of your head, a tiny voice is muttering that there's something wrong with this whole picture
  35. >but you can ignore it
  36. >you're just so elated to see your lover again
  37. >you couldn't care that the years have made him taller
  38. >you did love the gentle white of his coat, but this shiny black look is so fetching
  39. >his wings, oh, you'll have to mend his suit
  40. >but with his new horn, goodness, the magic you two could make together
  41. >it seems a little magic-making is on his mind, too
  42. >"You're so empty now, dear... what say we fix that?"
  43. >you can scarcely do more than nod, and blush
  44. >well
  45. >maybe you can do a little more than that
  46. >as he guides you under him, you feel like a young filly again, newly in love, exploring your bodies for the first time
  47. >and he responds in kind; you can feel strong hands against your legs, squeezing, stroking, rubbing
  48. >you feel a cooling sensation as his lips touch your flank
  49. "Mmm~, darling, of all your changes, I think this is the one I love most,"
  50. >you coo, lips brushing against the strange new organ
  51. >it doesn't take much coaxing to bring the ovipositor to bear, a copious dribble of green pre leaking from it as your tongue rims its flared opening
  52. >hehe, it's making your tongue kind of numb
  53. >above you, your lover lets out a groan of approval; he must have been pretty pent up
  54. >you look behind him and frown at the sight of your sweetness spreading your flank wide
  55. >he's showing off your intimates to your captor?
  56. >it niggles in the back of your head, but you trust him with your life
  57. >shouldn't you also trust him with your body?
  58. >you give another slurp and another giggle as you feel the insides of your cheeks growing numb too
  59. >enough
  60. >you've waited seven years, you'll have him now
  61. >you open as wide as you can, your lips wrapping around the opening, and lean forward
  62. >the monster behind you gives a chuckle as you coat your mate's egg-layer with your saliva
  63. >you're rewarded with a gout of liquid, which you happily gulp down
  64. >the cooling slime drips down your throat and you welcome it
  65. >it's so... strange... but so good
  66. >you feel a finger trace along your slit, and you hesitate a moment
  67. >it really doesn't seem quite right, being shared like this
  68. >but no, your voice insists to you, Stoic would never do anything to betray your trust
  69. >you feel your tail lift as you spread your legs
  70. >back to the task at hand
  71. >he's really backed up, it feels like, so you try to back off a bit to talk
  72. >there's a strange tickle in your throat
  73. >you didn't even feel it slide down there
  74. >at your voice's request, you reach up, hooves kneading and massaging his over-full egg sac
  75. >slowly, almost painfully, you watch as a bulge begins to form near the start of his stallionhood
  76. >it feels like the wrong word to describe it
  77. >but you're too focused on the bulb making its way to your mouth for such thoughts
  78. >it rests on your lips
  79. "Mmmmaaaagh?"
  80. >your mate bucks his hips and the object pops past, into your mouth
  81. >you try desperately to swallow, tears starting to form as you let out little gagging sounds
  82. >once, twice, and...
  83. >it squeezes down your throat
  84. >you can sense the bulge as it travels
  85. >and then, you can almost hear it as well as you feel it
  86. >plop
  87. >it's in!
  88. "Agghn~,"
  89. >you coo, and your love leans down to meet your gaze
  90. >he smirks and turns to your warden, saying something you can't quite catch
  91. >ooh, here comes another one...!
  95. >yes
  96. >this is what you were born for
  97. >this is what you've always been meant for
  98. >your hive is growing with each little orb that stupid cunt between your legs swallows
  99. "She will give you no trouble now,"
  100. >you inform the human
  101. >it takes you a moment to notice your transgression
  102. >...ah, Master."
  103. >you let out a carnal moan as you feel another future hatchling plop from your bulging sac into her gut
  104. >these mayfly-minded mares make wonderful incubators, you muse
  105. >and maybe, you hope, the extra feedings he's been allowing you
  106. >er
  107. >that you've been taking
  108. >will pay off, and you'll hear this mare's death-screams giving way to a greater miracle
  109. >as another stray thought makes itself known, you sooth it with a gentle touch of magic
  110. >no no, he's always had fangs and worn a crown
  111. >you look over to your... ugh... Master
  112. >were it not for that divine drink he feeds you so often, his demands of your deference would drive you to kill him
  113. >...
  114. >even the thought of his reaction to you trying that gives you pause
  115. >instead, you lean over the unicorn as she suckles on you
  116. >that brute may lay claim to the most suited of her... areas...
  117. >but that does not preclude a second spot of egg-laying
  118. >you kiss on one of the mare's flanks, leaving little nibble-marks
  119. >then the other
  120. >your tongue traces out your next target carefully...
  122. >you let out an unrestrained gurgle of pleasure as you feel the alien digits slide into you
  123. >had Stoic really managed to control such a ferocious beast, that he could command it to pleasure you like this?
  124. >you try to thank him by gulping down another of her brood
  125. >but after nearly a half-dozen of the things, you're starting to feel a bit full
  126. >you paw gently at your lover's still bulging piece, feeling a little sick as you watch egg number seven slide down into your mouth
  127. >you give a weak groan of protest as it too pushes past your esophagus
  128. >the stirring deep in your loins by that monstrous creature draws a stronger groan from you
  129. >"Oh... are you feeling full, darling?"
  130. >you turn as much as the tube down your throat allows, nodding to him as you wipe at the tears that each of her eggs forces out of you
  131. >"Alright, my sweet, just one more then..."
  132. >you try to shake your head, that'd really be just too much
  133. >but it seems your body won't let you move that way
  134. >curious
  135. >well, whether you want to or not, you feel his last come pressing against your lips
  136. >nothing for it now
  137. >you open as wide as you can, and it doesn't seem to take as much effort this time
  138. >straight into you... mostly
  139. >it lands and you feel the whole pile of eggs shift in your belly
  140. >oof
  141. >but at least it's over now
  142. >you feel the long nozzle slip past your lips as your mate stands tall over you
  143. >you gasp for air; how did you manage all that without passing out
  144. "Ohh~... sweetie, I... I feel so full... I'm glad I could..."
  145. >you take a moment to gather your thoughts
  146. >glad you could be such a good incubator for his darling spawn?
  147. >your head-voice suggests innocently
  148. >yes, that sounds about right
  149. "...could be your egg-holder... but I don't think... I could swallow another one~!"
  151. >you and your changeling breeding tool look at each other
  152. >'she can't swallow another one', she says
  153. >it's probably sets a bad precedent to share a laugh at somepony's expense with a creature you're using as a slave
  154. >but you can't help but chuckle and neither can Chrysalis
  155. "Well, 'Sewman', shouldn't you be a proper gentleman?"
  156. >Chrysalis' grin is absolutely predatory
  157. >she takes one more nibble on the not-so-thin mare's flank before raising the ovipositor and stepping carefully around
  158. >"Don't worry, my little clutch-cunt, you just lay there and relax,"
  159. >you help her guide her thorax into position
  160. >staring at her stabbing clumsily around the mare's rump is definitely not conducive to you planting your own seed inside your shared victim
  161. >"I'll do aaaall the work this time."
  162. >Chrysalis whispers into the brainwashed pone's ear
  163. >you've primed the little thing quite enough
  164. >time for the main attraction
  165. >the green goop slathering her target spills down onto your shaft
  166. >ooh, tingly
  167. >the mare's juices mixing with it keeps you from going completely numb, but it's definitely a lighter sensation than you're used to
  168. >"Ready?"
  169. >Chrysalis asks breathily
  170. >neither you nor your pet waste time waiting to hear a response
  171. >ovipositor and member both stuff into her at once, eliciting a shriek
  172. >you spread the little pony's cheeks to allow more egg-shaft inside
  173. >Chrysalis nibbles at her ear, her own thrusting falling out of sync with yours as her sac undulates
  174. >you can see the outline of the first egg moving towards its target while you jackhammer the mare's muff
  175. >damn, it skeeved you out the first few times you saw it
  176. >but you have to admit, you think as it presses against Odyssey's balloon knot
  177. >that's kinda hot
  179. >oh god
  180. >your brain is fucking melting
  181. >you thought you were done when your lover pulled herself from your throat
  182. >while he was repositioning, the thing she was sharing you with had withdrawn his hand, leaving you longing for release
  183. >apparently that isn't going to be a problem
  184. >Stoic was never one for dirty talk, so hearing him call you her "clutch-cunt" perked your ears up
  185. >the moment you felt that pressure against your little cinnamon starfish, it had you on edge again
  186. >a sensation like warm liquid being poured between your cheeks preceded the now-familiar numbness, your face burning red
  187. >what has gotten into him now? Taking charge of you like this?
  188. >"Ready?"
  189. >your love's breath is hot against your ear
  190. "YeeeaaAAAAAHN~!"
  191. >you barely get the first syllable out before your face gets shoved into the dungeon floor
  192. >you're so full
  193. >SO full
  194. >you don't need to look to see what the creature's changed his hand for
  195. >you can feel it pumping away inside you, slamming into you with reckless abandon
  196. >and just above it
  197. >ooh
  198. >a now-familiar pressure of something a bit bigger than your hoof pushing at your backdoor
  199. >teeth on your ear
  200. >breath on your neck
  201. >hands holding your hips
  202. >you close your eyes, just focusing on how much you can feel
  203. >shouting encouragement and direction in between an incoherent babble of ecstasy
  204. >every touch, every pinch, every caress
  205. >as your beloved squeezes another bulb inside you, you wail like a harlot
  206. >"Such a good hatchery..."
  207. >you go half-blind with an explosion of colors as you go sailing over the edge
  208. >the stiff rod in your snatch swells in response, and you can hear the thing's labored breathing as it paints your walls white
  209. >another egg inside of you
  210. >how
  211. >you don't even
  212. >fuck
  213. >"Ooh, I think she liked it!"
  214. >"I wonder if this one even needed my spells to be convinced to bear my young?"
  215. >your mate and his beast chuckle to themselves as you lay there in a pool of muddled green and white
  216. >"May I...?"
  217. >"Eh... sure. You did well enough."

SiM Orphans - Statement of Purpose

by SiM-Orphans

My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 1

by SiM-Orphans

My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 2

by SiM-Orphans

My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 3

by SiM-Orphans

My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 4

by SiM-Orphans