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My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 8

By SiM-Orphans
Created: 2020-12-03 06:31:20
Expiry: Never

  1. Chrysalis Domination pt. 8 - Sprawling Odyssey part 3
  4. Posted on Apr 8th, 2014
  5. Copied on Apr 15th, 2014
  8. >for Sprawling Odyssey, the peak moment of this little triste is when that last egg slides into her and she moans her way to orgasm
  9. >for Chrysalis, it's now, as you allow her a little snack as reward for her obedience
  10. >but for you, it isn't the feeling of release as you cum inside the addled mare's sopping box
  11. >not that you're one to turn that opportunity down
  12. >but the part that does it, for you?
  13. >it's right here
  14. >you watch as the warm fuzzies the egg-stuffed mare is feeling get sucked out of the very air
  15. >you can actually see her eyes lose their green tint
  16. >her whole posture changes
  17. >and when she looks up, free of the magical fog in her mind
  18. >there's Chrysalis
  19. >not her precious Princess Celestia
  20. >not her adoring husband
  21. >but a bug, towering over her, ovipositor still dripping with the green slime she's filled to the brim with
  22. >that look of terror and despair?
  23. >that's why you choose the worst offenders to be brought down here, offered up as sacrifice
  24. >to see them build their hopes up so high, to convince themselves that even in their darkest hour, their loved ones are with them
  25. >they'll believe any lie, accept any punishment no matter how severe
  26. >they lie to themselves that they're doing the right thing, opposing you and Nightmare Moon
  27. >they lie to themselves that they'll escape once they're caught
  28. >they lie to themselves that they're called to something greater, that in the end they'll win
  29. >but they can't lie to themselves when they wake up with a belly full of eggs, while the creature who laid them sucks away every trace of happiness and love
  30. >Odyssey begins to blubber as the sparkle in her eyes dims
  31. >"S...Stoic?"
  32. >oof
  33. >deep in denial, this one
  34. >Chrysalis finishes her meal, and you snap a lead to her collar
  35. "Guards, take this one away. She's seen her use."
  36. >you walk over to the table, squeezing a few drops each of Felicity and Cadenza's Aire into the chalice along with the usual red wine
  37. >"Stoic? Darling?"
  38. >she's actually straining at her leash
  40. >holy shit, did Chrysalis leave her hypnotized too long?
  41. >she can't seriously be this delusional
  42. >you carry the wine to your pet, who gulps it down greedily, seeming to enjoy the diluted potion even more than pure love from its source
  43. >the guards finally get the hysterical pone out the door
  44. >she puts up a surprising struggle for someone who can barely move for how full she is
  45. >the last thing you hear before the door slams is her crying her stallion's name
  46. >"Stoic, please! Don't leave me yet! Don't le--"
  47. >...
  48. >you like it more when they're angry
  49. >Chrysalis finishes the last of her drought and sits back, panting in relief as she feels the raw love-fascimile crashing through her veins
  50. >the trembling in her legs lessens after a few seconds
  51. >you'll have to order a few more bottles, and step up testing on the older drones
  52. >her tolerance to the stuff is starting to get expensive
  53. >"Ahh... I think she may be the one,"
  54. >she mutters
  55. >three batches have hatched so far
  56. >all males
  57. >maybe she'll be the one to bring a successor to term
  58. >it's not an exact science, but ponies with a deeper love seem to be better incubators
  59. >or maybe it was ponies with love for lots of others?
  60. >shit, you need to stop smoking before your "chats" with Zecora
  61. >anyway, Chrysalis seems to like that one's chances
  62. >you'll make a note to retry Odyssey if she winds up hatching males
  63. >either way, the army grows
  64. "Chrysalis."
  65. >her lax smile fades as you grab her attention
  66. >"Yes, Master?"
  67. "Question for you..."
  70. >you march back towards the stairs to the castle proper
  71. >a bronze hoof juts through the bars, reaching for your leg
  72. >"Please! Please, where's my Stoic?! I just... let me back in! I'll take more eggs! I'll do anything, just let me see him again!"
  73. >you look over at her
  74. >lying to her would do no good
  75. >so you lean down to look her in the eye
  76. "You'll see your husband..."
  77. >if you look out at the gallows by the western wall
  78. "if you hatch a strong brood from those eggs."
  79. >you lying sack of shit

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My Little Slaves - Chrysalis 1

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