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[NSFW] NN - A normal BOI M3 part 3

By GreenReaper
Created: 2020-12-04 00:04:21
Expiry: Never

  1. >The abandoned cafe is well secured
  2. >Some cultists are heavily armed with assault riffles outside
  3. >Luckily, you are a Saint, so that means that you don't give a shit!
  4. >You ram a big ATV to the entrance, crushing whatever resistance they could have
  5. "Come on norman, go go go!"
  6. >"Let's blow these assholes!"
  7. >You two get in the first basement
  8. >Guys were expecting you
  9. >Norman and you take cover behind two pillars
  11. "Norman, get ready!"
  12. >You throw two smoke grenades to the area
  13. >The enemies can't see where you two are
  14. >Both attack up front, killing 6 cultists
  15. "Change! Cover me!"
  16. >you two swap the main weapon, Eight Days style, and you move forward
  17. >Norman sends lead to the scattered enemies, and 5 more come from the lower level
  18. >Norman takes cover, and all the enemy fire is focused on him
  19. >You sneak and take one enemy as human shield
  20. >Using your shotgun, you take out 4 more cultists
  21. >There's only 3, and they kill your shield
  22. >Before taking damage, norman takes out the last enemies using his guns akimbo style
  23. "Come on, we have to push through!"
  24. >Norman takes a flash grenade, and throws it to the alleway to the sub 2nd floor
  25. >A few screams come from low, meaning they are blind
  26. >Since is a straight road, you use the shotgun to take another 5 out
  27. >When you are about to open the metal door, you see something in the bull's eye
  28. "RPG!!"
  29. >You and Norman retreat, but the blast was too strong: both fall as the door is blasted away. Behind there's 23 cultists
  30. >You two cover at the sides of the door
  32. >Norman and you rise the metal door and use it as cover
  33. >Norman shoots the MG, trying to mow down as many as he can
  34. >After a moment, 15 cultists are together
  35. >You take your two UZi's and destroy them
  36. >After that, you throw a flashbang
  37. "Take cover!"
  38. >A white flash goes off, and the cultists are blinded
  39. >Norman goes head on to the enemies
  40. >Bad move since 10 more appeared from the door taking to the last floor
  41. >The enemies retaliate, and Norman evades the shooting MC Hammer style
  42. >One bullet passes close to his hips, and his pants fall off, showing his penis
  43. >All the cultists stop as they stare the big member in confusion, and Norman hitting a guy in the forehead with it, leaving a mushroom shaped mark
  44. "Haha, I though you didn't brought the Penetrator"
  45. >Norman recovers and steals one of the cultists's pants
  46. >They look like parachuting pants
  47. >Before they react to a guy taking some pants, you take the last 8
  48. "Alright, we are free to go"
  49. >"Great. I'm tired of the goddamn cultists in the goddamn basement"
  50. >When Norman goes to the second metal door to the sub 3rd floor, an explotion opens it
  51. >Norman is out!
  53. >The crazy cultists are making a last stand by agrouping 3 psychos with a RPG!
  54. >You swap the MG with your Saint Brand Dubstep Gun! (tm)
  55. >A few shots later, they are dancing to the raving techno music
  56. >You use Saint Brand Malt Liquor to revive Norman
  57. >"Agh, fuck that hurt"
  58. "Come on man, boost me!"
  59. >Norman assumes position, and boost you for a small jump forward
  60. >Your bracelets shine, and you hulk punch the last cultists
  61. >BLAM!!! The entire place gets coated in blood!
  62. >"That was awesome!"
  63. "This is how Saints fight!"
  64. >Yeah! High five time!
  65. "Take the rockets. We are blowing this shit up"
  66. >Norman takes the RPG and both of you go to the last floor
  67. >A maniacal laugh sounds all over the room
  68. >Some candles light up, and a priest appears
  69. >He made crazy surgeries to his body: his shoulders are plates of metal, and his bald head is bleeding while sporting two big goat horns
  70. >His bare chest has serious cuts that read "ironic"
  71. >>"Why you two dare to disturb our underground lord's slumber, you plebs?"
  72. >"Your "lord" tried to murder me, and I'm going to return the favor!"
  73. >>"You have no bussines here!"
  74. >He rises a machete, cuts himself, and splats his blood on the floor
  75. >From the small drops, big humanoid figures rise
  76. >>"Lord Scott, give me strenght to defeat these mainstream sluts"
  78. "Alright, let the good times roll!"
  79. >You take out a burst rifle, and shoot the humanoids
  80. >They look very weak, since one hit makes them explode in small drops of blood
  81. "Woah, and I though satanic priests were more original than that"
  82. >>"My blood followers were summoned only by me!"
  83. "Well, nah. Either dark priests or parasites monsters do that"
  84. >>"I was the first on doing that!"
  85. "No. How about you bring your zombie army so we get the cliches done? You hipster posse"
  86. >>"I am a true hipster priest!"
  87. >"Yeah, right. And you won't blow up!"
  88. >Norman shoots a rocket to the priest
  89. >He got a direct hit!
  90. >The priest recovers quickly, and his machete shines red
  91. >Norman is reloading the RPG, but before he shoots it again, the priest slashes the air, creating a red crimson wave
  92. >Norman gets hit, and the rocket goes to the roof
  93. >BUM! The entire top falls, and 2 floors crush him
  94. >A red shine comes from the rubble
  95. >Norman and you take cover
  96. >> *BLAM* "Rocks won't stop my lord's duty!"
  98. "Norman! Retreat!"
  99. >Carrying his damaged body, Norman goes to the entrance
  100. >You shoot all the rubble, rising lots of dust
  101. >>"A dirty tactic for a Saint"
  102. "At least I don't pray for my own damnation"
  103. >You shot to the priest, but the dust cloud is too big
  104. >You go into the cloud with your shotgun equiped
  105. >A few moments later you found him
  106. "Eat lead you fuck!"
  107. >A straight shot to the face, but he barely flinched
  108. "You have to be fucking kidding me"
  109. >The priest grab you, and stabs you with his machete
  110. >The armor managed to save you from instant death
  111. >He throws you away
  112. >>"Do not cry Saint. I'll soon join you to my troops"
  113. >Before he strikes again, a barrage of bullets hit his back
  114. >It's Norman!
  115. "Nolan! Hold on!"
  116. >>"You?! The curse of my blade should have killed you?!"
  117. >"Next time don't leave medical equipment lying around!"
  118. >You manage to run away
  119. >The priest starts to scream, but his screams aren't human anymore
  120. >He runs towards Norman, slowly turning into a demon
  121. >He jumps, and Norman points the RPG at him
  122. >>"ROOOAAAAARRRRR!!!!!"
  123. "And boom goes the dynamite"
  124. >Norman shoots the RPG into the demon's mouth
  125. >The monster swallows the projectile, and his body explodes
  127. >You are Norman
  128. >After a battle through the first circle of Hell, you manage to rise victorious
  129. >Maybe you are happy that God gave you a Saint to protect you
  130. >A walk deep in the last floor, you see a small strange box
  131. >It looks like a bad puppet: the arms, head and legs are just pasted onto a wooden box
  132. >You take it and open it
  133. >It has a human heart, and a gruesome vibe comes from it
  134. >You don't need to add two plus two. This is his heart
  135. "Let's go Nolan. We got what we need"
  136. >As you two return, the rubble moves and the priest rises, full of bloody bruises and cuts
  137. >>"You think you can stop him?"
  138. >You and Nolan turn back and shoot him with your pistols
  139. >The priest falls, and you two reload
  140. >He rises again
  141. >>"M-my Lo-rd will kill you"
  142. "God fucking dammit" *takes out two colts*
  143. >"Just die already!" *pulls out golden Desert Eagle*
  144. >You two unload all the bullets into his chest, destroying whatever flesh and bone is inside
  145. >The priest falls, and doesn't move
  146. >You stay for a bit, but confirming he is gone, you leave again
  147. >Or it was before your foot hits his machete
  148. >You grab it, and a twisted idea comes to your head
  149. >You walk up to the body of the priest, and chop his head off!
  150. >Back at the surface, you throw his head in the reciclable can of the cafe
  151. >"Remind me to never piss you off"
  152. "Too late, I'm already pissed"
  153. >you two get inside the ATV, and go back to HQ
  155. >In HQ, purple and Sunset are at the entrance
  156. "Sunset! You are alright!"
  157. >Before you can give her a reassuring hug, she kicks you in the balls and punches your face
  158. >You fall on the ground
  159. "Ow! The fuck was that for?!"
  160. SS: That was for punching me asshole!
  161. >She starts to kick you
  162. N: Wait! Sunset, stop!
  163. TS: The agents explained it to you! It wasn't his fault!
  164. SS: I don't give a shit! Let me kick him!
  165. >Nolan grabs her and starts carrying her away
  166. SS: Let me go you idiot! I'm not done with him!
  167. >Nolan carries Sunset inside the building, and you are left with Purple
  168. "Ugh... And I though her kicks hurted when she used boots, heels are a bitch"
  169. >"Sorry, when the agents told her what happened she didn't took it so well"
  170. "I could see it Purple. She kicked my balls"
  171. >You stand up
  172. "Come on. Nolan took the item inside. We have to go"

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