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Mama's Girl (Twilight - Incest - Lewd)

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2020-10-21 17:02:53
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Twilight Sparkle
  2. >And you can't believe you finally did it!
  3. >It wasn't even that hard, really
  4. >You just used a benzine solution to scrape the ink off of an old photo ID you found in the cupboard, and then used your custom hyper-precise printer to replicate a fake one for yourself
  5. >Officially, you're Midnight Shiney, a 21-year-old girl, and old enough to drink alcohol and gain entrance into L'arracher, Canterlot's most upstanding lesbian bar
  6. >As you step through the double doors and into the glowing-pink main room, your entire body starts to tingle
  7. >Well, one place in particular
  8. >You're really glad you wore the extra-strength panties today, because they're about to weather a monsoon
  9. >At fifteen years old, you're still a kissless virgin
  10. >In fact, you've never even been able to admit your attraction to women, let alone act on it
  11. >Hell, you haven't even held hands with a girl
  12. >But that's all about to change
  13. >You're gonna find a pretty girl and hold her hand all night long!
  15. >Your mouth begins to water as you scan the room
  16. >The air is clouded with cigarette smoke and clouds of vape, the smells combining into something almost like an aphrodisiac as you inhale them
  17. >The place is already crowded, filling your vision with the nubile bodies of women in their late twenties, most of them wearing only enough to meet basic public standards
  18. >Your eyes nearly roll back in your head in pleasure as you begin to make your way deeper into the club
  19. >Occasionally, some girls glance over at you, but they don't seem to take much notice
  20. >Now that you think about it, you probably seem kinda plain, dressed in your school uniform and looking like a fifteen-year-old
  21. >They're probably terrified to look at you, now that you think about it
  22. >The last thing they want is to be considered a pedophile
  23. >You'll show them you can be mature
  24. >C'mon, Twilight, time to put those seduction books you read to good use
  25. >You turn around, spying a white-haired biker chick sitting alone at a table
  26. >Casually, you slide into the booth next to her
  27. "H-hey, babe."
  28. >The biker chick just stares
  29. >"Uh... yo, what the fuck?"
  30. "Something w-w-wrong, sweethear? If there is, I c-can make it all g-g-good again... heh..."
  31. >She stares
  32. "W-with my tongue."
  33. >She stares really hard
  34. "On your p-p-pussy."
  35. >Biker-chick blinks, then stands up from her table
  36. >"Yeah, nope, I'm not going back to jail. Do you have any idea what women's prison is like?"
  37. "Hey, w-w-wait! I'm g-grown up, I promise! Watch!"
  38. >You glance around the room, noticing a gleaming stripper pole just a few feet to your left
  39. >This is your chance!
  40. >Sure, you have no idea how to actually pole dance, but how hard could it be?
  41. >You'll rock that pole and show her that you're old enough
  42. >Jumping up from your seat, you sprint to the pole and grab ahold of it
  43. >...now what?
  44. >You start awkwardly bobbing up and down, holding it with one hand while the other begins to fumble with the buttons of your vest
  45. >Maybe if you take some clothes off, the other girls will notice you!
  46. >You start spinning in clumsy circles, finally getting your vest off
  47. >Next you unbutton your shirt, letting everyone in the room see your purple tummy and your training bra
  48. >This... this feels awesome!
  49. >You close your eyes, rocking to the place's ambient music...
  50. >And that's when you hear it
  51. >The voice you'd never expect, or want, to hear in a place like this
  52. >"Twilight Sparkle! What on earth are you doing here!?"
  53. >You open one eye, dreading what you'll see
  54. >Your mom is standing ten feet away from you, staring at your dance routine in horror
  55. >And she's only wearing a bikini top and booty shorts
  56. "M-m-m-m-mama?"
  57. >Velvet just stares at you, beyond horrified
  58. >A second later, she realizes how much of her own body is exposed, and tries to cover more of her breasts with her hands
  59. >"Twilight! You know you shouldn't be in a place like this! This is a--"
  60. >You start freaking out, immediately curling into a little terrified ball at the base of the stripper pole
  61. >The biker chick from earlier just shakes her head, as if to say "not even touching this one," and leaves
  62. "I'm s-s-sorry mama! I promise I'm n-not like this! I'm r-r-r-really not! Please don't hate me, please d-don't hate me, please don't hate me..."
  63. >You start grabbing at your hair, trying to think of an explanation
  64. "I'm j-just trying to do research for m-my, uh.. .s-school project! On lesbian c-c-culture! And then I, uh... saw this p-pole and my, uh... s-shirt fell off..."
  65. >Nearly everyone in the bar is staring at you now
  66. "I'm j-just so lonely! Please don't h-hate me! I'm j-just... s-so lonely..."
  67. >You start to cry, in front of everyone
  68. >Velvet, for a moment, can only stare
  69. >And then her motherly instincts kick in
  70. >Not caring that she's just a forty-year-old woman dressed like a rave slut, she sprints to your side and wraps her arms around you in a warm, comforting hug
  71. >"Of course I don't hate you, Twily. I never would. Let's just... let's just get you out of here, okay?"
  72. >The moment her arms circle you, you lean into Velvet's embrace, trying really hard to stop from crying
  73. >You can't, but you feel yourself beginning to calm down as she pulls your body against hers
  74. >Since you're about a foot shorter than she is, your head ends up resting against her barely-covered breasts
  75. >She's so warm and soft; even if she's your mom, it feels indescribably good to have someone else touching you
  76. >Acting like they love you...
  77. >You nuzzle your face against her chest, wishing you could stay like this forever
  78. >Unfortunately you can't, because you're currently sitting in a weird family-issues heap in the middle of a lesbian nightclub
  79. >"Come on, sweetie. Let's go home."
  80. >Velvet takes ahold of your hand, helping you to stand
  82. >Together, the two of you talk out of the club
  83. >You keep yourself pressed against her, finding warmth and security with your face on her chest
  84. >She leads you to her car, which is parked just outside the place
  85. "I'm s-s-so sorry..."
  86. >"You've got nothing to apologize for, sweetie."
  87. "W-what I did was g-g-gross... and w-wrong..."
  88. >"No!"
  89. >Velvet grips your hand, squeezing it
  90. >"There's nothing wrong with you. Here, let's..."
  91. >She sighs
  92. >"Let's go get ourselves some dinner and forget this happened, alright? I'll take you to that Hibachi place you love."
  93. >Kisses your forehead, and you feel your crying beginning to subside
  94. "O-okay," you sniffle
  96. >But when you get into the car with your mom, a very obvious question starts to tickle the back of your mind
  97. >As Velvet pulls out of the club's parking lot and into the darkened Canterlot streets, you nudge her shoulder
  98. "Hey, m-m-mom?"
  99. >"What is it, sweetie?"
  100. >Her voice is gentle and motherly, but you can hear the slight tinge of nervousness coloring it
  101. >She knows what you're going to ask
  102. "Why were y-you there? And, um, w-why are you dressed like..."
  103. >Velvet blushes furiously, trying to turn herself in such a way that shields her skimpiness
  104. >"I, uh, well, you see, sweetie..."
  105. >She lifts a hand to her mouth, starting to chew her hails
  106. >On her wrist, she's got a bracelet that reads "Bad Bytch"
  107. >"I was, you know..."
  108. >Velvet sighs, and you notice that she's blinking back tears of her own
  109. >"I've been... lonely. Since the divorce with your father. I thought I'd try something different, and I liked it. A lot. I'm... sorry if that upsets you. I love you just as much as I ever have. I just... I was so lonely..."
  110. "I... I'm sorry, mom. I didn't know."
  111. >You curl up in the carseat, tucking your legs against your chest
  112. >She's been lonely too?
  113. >You sneak a glance at Velvet, your brain trying to process what you just heard
  114. >She's like you?
  115. >How much of what you've felt-- the confusion, the shame, and the guilt --has she been going through too?
  116. >Your eyes trail down her body, and you realize that her right hand is resting on her thigh while her left grips the wheel
  117. >With shaking fingers, you reach out and take ahold of that hand, squeezing it like you would when you were little
  118. >Velvet looks surprised, for a moment
  119. >Then she squeezes you back
  120. >"You know... how about we just go home, sweetie? How does that sound?
  121. >You nod
  122. "I'd l-like that."
  124. >At some point, you must have dozed off
  125. >When you wake up, you're alone in the car
  126. >There's nothing around you except darkness, and the sound of something scratching at the roof of the car
  127. "H-hello? Who's there?"
  128. >"Onii-chan~"
  129. "What?"
  130. >"Oniiiiiii-chan~"
  131. >Something large, dark, and with too many legs skitters past the window
  132. >Immediately, cold sweat drenches the back of your neck
  133. "Please! W-who's there? I d-d-don't want any trouble!"
  134. >You try to scoot backwards in the car, but there's something behind you
  135. >No... multiple somethings
  136. >Dozens of chittering bodies press against you, scrabbling against your bare skin with their horrible feelers
  137. "N-no! Help! S-s-someone help!"
  138. >"Onii-chaaaan~"
  139. "NOOOO!"
  141. >"Twilight!"
  142. >Velvet shakes you awake, staring at you with concern
  143. >You glance around wildly, your heart hammering in your chest
  144. "O-oh, I... I m-must have had a bad dream."
  145. >Velvet smiles at you, wiping sweat from your forehead
  146. >"Well, we're home now, sweetie. C'mere."
  147. >She hooks one arm under your legs and one under your shoulder, lifting you up into the air
  148. >The strain is evident on her face, but she bears your weight
  149. >"Just like when you were little. Remember?"
  150. "H-hah, yeah..."
  151. >You lay your head on her shoulder and let her carry you inside
  153. >There's something cozy and safe about being in your own living room after such a chaotic day
  154. >And that feeling is intensified tenfold while your mom's holding you
  155. >As you curl into the warmth of her embrace, you wish you'd never have to leave
  156. >She runs her fingers through your hair, cooing to you in a way you haven't heard since you were five
  157. >"So? Whaddaya wanna do, sweetie?"
  158. "H-huh?"
  159. >"We've got the whole night to ourselves, now. Since, you know, neither of us have a date..."
  160. >She's blushing a little now
  161. >"We could have our own little date night, right? Just the two of us. If you want to, of course..."
  162. "Y-yeah! Definitely!"
  163. >You give Velvet a little squeeze
  164. "I, um... I've h-honestly kinda missed getting to spend time w-w-with you."
  165. >"Aww."
  166. >She kisses your forehead, and your entire face starts to tingle
  167. >"I've missed being with you too, sweetie. I'm really sorry we drifted apart."
  168. "N-no! It's not your fault at all! I w-w-was kinda of, um..."
  169. >You lay your chin on her shoulder, looking at the ground
  170. "I was k-kind of avoiding you. I thought if you found out t-that I'm... y-you know... that you'd be upset."
  171. >Velvet lays her hand on your side, gently rubbing along your body
  172. >"Upset? Sweetie, there's nothing wrong with the way you are. In fact... I'm kinda happy to hear it."
  173. "R-r-really?"
  174. >"Of course. It means I'm not alone anymore. It means we can... we can figure this out together."
  175. >In the darkness of your living room, you can see Velvet smiling as she holds back tears
  176. >"And besides, no matter how you are, I'll always love you."
  177. >She kisses you again, on the cheek this time
  178. >"No matter what."
  179. >For a moment, you can't think of anything to say
  180. >You feel breathless, and your head is swimming
  181. >She's being so nice to you...
  182. >You can't even remember the last time anyone was this loving towards you
  183. >When you try to speak, your tongue feels thick and heavy in your mouth
  184. "I, uh... y-you..."
  185. >"Hmm?"
  186. "Y-y-y-you want me to make dinner!? For our d-d-d-date! It c-can be a dinner date, I mean!"
  187. >Smooth
  188. >"You'd make dinner for me?"
  189. "I, uh... I c-c-can try..."
  190. >"That sounds great!"
  191. "C-c-cool. I'll j-just, um... s-stand up now..."
  192. >You plant one foot on the floor, then the other, and begin to pull yourself up
  193. >As you do, though, your hand trails across your mom's chest, pressing against it to balance yourself
  194. >Due to the skimpiness of her bikini top, you can feel all the warmth of her breasts seeping into your palm
  195. >Her skin is like silk against yours, and you swear you can feel little goosebumps along her curves
  196. >Velvet smiles, not seeming to mind that your practically groping her
  197. >"What'll you make?"
  198. "I, uh..."
  199. >Shit, that's a good question
  200. >The most complex thing you've ever cooked is a Hot Pocket
  201. "W-well, uh, I c-c-could..."
  202. >You glance over at the kitchen, wondering what might be over there
  203. "...uh..."
  204. >Quick, Twilight, think of a food you like
  205. "P-Pop Tarts! I could make P-Pop Tarts!"
  206. >Velvet just stares at you for a moment
  207. "I m-mean, uh..."
  208. >She throws her head back, laughing hysterically
  209. >"Pop-Tarts? That's our fancy dinner?"
  210. >You start to wring your hands
  211. "I, uh... I c-can do better! I'm sorry..."
  212. >"No! No, that's fine! Pop-Tarts are fine!"
  213. >Velvet clutches her stomach, laughing so hard she's crying
  214. >"There should be some in the pantry," she says, wiping tears from her face
  215. "O-okay..."
  216. >Velvet watches you walk into the kitchen, still clutching her abdomen as little giggle-fits rock her body
  217. >"Good Lord, Twilight... I love you so much."
  218. "I-I love you too! A l-lot!"
  219. >You make a little kissy-face at her, which makes Velvet giggle
  220. >She returns it, blowing you a kiss
  221. >Your heart flutters, and the place where she kissed you earlier still feels tingly and warm
  222. >Turning your back to her, you attempt a walk halfway between "sexy strut" and "excited skipping"
  223. >Unfortunately, the end result ends up making you look you're walking while trying to carry a water balloon between your butt cheeks
  224. >Your sock-clad foot slips on the kitchen tile, and you go spilling to the ground with a *smack*
  225. >"Twilight! Are you okay!?"
  226. >She jumps up from the couch, ready to rush in and help you
  227. "I'm f-fine! Just f-fell, heh..."
  228. >You stand up and brush yourself off
  229. >Your entire body is coursing with nervous energy, and not just from almost busting your ass
  230. >She cares about you so much!
  232. >You hum a little tune to yourself as you return to the living room with a plate of freshly-toasted brown-cinnamon Pop Tarts
  233. >As you enter, you pause to flick off the lights, shrouding the room in darkness
  234. >"Twilight?"
  235. "I t-thought it might be more moody this way. Y-you know, for our d-d-date..."
  236. >Velvet chuckles
  237. >"That's my girl. So romantic~"
  238. >She crosses her legs, scooting to one side to make room for you on the couch
  239. >You place the plate of Pop Tarts on the table, then head over to the TV
  240. "You w-wanna watch something?"
  241. >"Sure! What're you feeling?"
  242. "W-well, uh..."
  243. >The palms of your hands are strangely sweaty, for some reason
  244. >But you know the perfect movie to throw on
  245. >It's one she used to show you all the time when you were a kid
  246. >And best yet, it's easily the best romance movie ever made
  247. >Sure, this date's with your mom, but...
  248. >It still feels right to put on something romantic, especially with what the two of you have been through lately
  249. >You reach into the DVD drawer beneath the TV set and pull out your old, battered copy of The Princess Bride
  250. >Velvet beams when she sees it
  251. >"Good choice, sweetie."
  252. "I k-know, right? It's b-been so long since we've seen this."
  253. >"It has, hasn't it?"
  254. >You slide the DVD into the player, then return to the couch to sit with your mom
  255. >She's left you an entire square of it to yourself, but you don't care
  256. >You sit right up against her, resting your head on her shoulder
  257. >Velvet smiles, and wraps her arm around you
  258. >You snuggle into her side, breathing in the clean, flowery scent of her perfume
  259. "I m-miss doing this..."
  260. >"Me too. I can't believe I haven't held my baby girl in so long."
  261. >She rests her head atop yours, nuzzling your chin
  262. >And then the movie starts
  264. >From the first few minutes, and the first "as you wish," Velvet's eyes start getting misty
  265. >She sniffles a little, pulling you tighter against her
  266. >Neither of you say anything, but you're pretty sure what she's thinking
  267. >Mostly because you're thinking the same thing
  268. >You don't want to ever drift away from her again
  269. >In fact, if you could, you'd sit in this little embrace forever, with your head on her shoulder and the gentle rise and fall of her chest next next to yours
  271. >Halfway through, you're starting to drift off
  272. >As much as you love this movie, you're just too damn comfy to fall asleep
  273. >Plus, the thought of falling asleep in Velvet's arms makes you so happy you could cry
  274. >Just as your eyes are starting to close, though, Velvet takes her arm from around you and starts to fidde with the straps of her bikini
  275. >When she notices she woke you up, she glances over at you
  276. >"Sorry, honey."
  277. >She slips a finger under both the bikini's cups, adjusting them
  278. >"This is just a... a little uncomfortable."
  279. >You sit up, awake now
  280. "Oh. S-sorry."
  281. >"Not your fault. I can't believe I thought this horrible getup would be a good idea."
  282. "I d-dunno, I think it l-l-looks really good on you."
  283. >You speak the line before you realize how weird it probably sounds
  284. >Velvet glances over at you, her face unreadable
  285. "I m-mean, you pull it off well! Because your b-b-body works really well for it."
  286. >That didn't make things any better
  287. "Just, y-you know, it makes you l-look really, uh... n-nice. Not like s-sexy or anything. Well to other people p-probably but, you know... j-just nice. You look nice."
  288. >You can feel your face burning with embarrassment now, so you just shut up
  289. >Velvet stares for a second more, then her face breaks out into a smile
  290. >"Awww. You really like this?"
  291. "Y-yeah! You look great!"
  292. >"You sure? I was a bit worried about it. But if my little girl likes it..."
  293. >She strikes a quick pose
  294. >"Then that's good enough for me!"
  295. "Y-yeah..."
  296. >You cross your legs, not sure what to do now
  297. >Velvet stares down at her bikini top, frowning
  298. >"Still... it's starting to chafe a bit..."
  299. "Oh, n-no! It's totally cool if you w-want to take it off! I'm j-just glad I got to see it, you know."
  300. >"You're sure in a flattering mood tonight," Velvet says with a bit of a cheeky smile
  301. "Yeah. I'm r-really happy."
  302. >You give her a nervous smile
  303. >She reaches over to touch your face, returning it
  304. >"Me too. Now, time to get out of this horrible thing..."
  305. >Velvet raises her hands to the bikini's ties
  306. >"Oh, wait, what am I thinking? All my things are upstairs. Bleh..."
  307. >She's about to stand, but stops
  308. >"I really don't feel like going upstairs. It, uh... it wouldn't be too awkward if I just took this off, would it, sweetie?"
  309. "J-just took it off?"
  310. >"Yeah, you're right. I don't want to gross you out--"
  311. "N-no!"
  312. >Your outburst seems to startle her
  313. "I m-mean, uh... it wouldn't gross me out. Your m-my mom. I don't have any problem s-s-seeing your body. It's r-r-really nice. N-not in that way, of c-course! Just, you know... you always look pretty and... it w-won't bother me!"
  314. >Velvet raises an eyebrow
  315. >"You're sure this isn't gross? Because if you want me too, I'll change."
  316. "It's n-not gross."
  317. >"Ha, alright."
  318. >In one quick motion, she unties her bikini and lets it fall away from her chest
  319. >Her breasts, free of their confines, flop down against her chest like two huge, smooth scoops of vanilla ice cream
  320. >You stare for a second, then tear your eyes away when you realize what you're doing
  321. >They're... they're so big
  322. >Like you know they would be, but... damn
  323. >You can't help but feel a little jealous, thinking of how your own barely qualify as A-cups
  324. >Velvet breathes a sigh of relief, stretching out on the couch
  325. >Which, of course, just makes them jiggle
  326. >"Good Lord, that feels good..."
  327. >You stare
  328. >Oh sweet sapphic gods, do you stare
  329. >Your cheeks are burning, and a sheen of sweat starts to form on your forehead
  330. >"Dear? You okay?"
  331. >Velvet raises her arms to cover herself
  332. >"Really, if I'm making you uncomfortable..."
  333. "N-not uncomfortable! Fine! I f-feel fine! Just... r-really nice tits... I m-mean, uh... n-n-nice that IT'S, uh... time for d-dessert? Y-yeah!"
  334. >You turn around to sprint in the kitchen, trying to get away from the conversation before you say something even stupider
  335. >Unfortunately, your balance hasn't improved at all since the last time you visited the kitchen
  336. >The second your foot meets the tile, you're going down
  337. >And going down hard
  338. >You land face-first, smacking the ground with so much force that the pots hanging above the stove rattle
  339. "O-ow..."
  340. >"Twilight!"
  341. >You hear the clack of your mom's shoes on the tile as she sprints into the kitchen
  342. "I'm f-fine... ow..."
  343. >You roll over onto your face, feeling a nice bruise welling up on your cheek
  344. >Velvet crouches next to you, scooping you up in her arms
  345. >"Are you okay, baby? What hurts?"
  346. "H-here..."
  347. >You gesture to the bruise on your cheek
  348. >"Awww... c'mere, sweety..."
  349. >She cradles you against her chest, her naked tits pressing up against your neck
  350. >Immediately, your heart-rate skyrockets
  351. >You're sweating like a dog now, and your tongue feels so thick that you can't form the words to thank her
  352. >Velvet strokes along your cheek, cooing into your ear
  353. >"You gonna be okay?"
  354. "Y-yeah... I... g-guh... s-so warm..."
  355. >You let her hold you for a few more seconds, wishing you could just melt into her embrace
  356. >But then she picks you up, helping you stand
  357. >And those wonderful, pillowy breasts are gone from you
  358. >For now, at least
  359. >You tear your eyes away from them before you start to stare again
  360. "S-some icecream. I'll g-get us some, uh... y-yeah..."
  361. >You slink over to the freezer, dishing out some icecream for the two of you
  362. >But before you head back into the living room with Velvet, you rub an ice cube over your face
  363. >It doesn't do much to cool you off, unfortunately
  364. "C-calm down, Twilight. That's your m-mom out there. S-s-stop trying to make things w-weird! It's not like that's the f-first time you've ever s-seen boobs..."
  365. >It is, actually
  366. >But if you don't lie to yourself, you'll start feeling like a loser and probably cry
  368. >When you return to the living room, Velvet's curled up on the couch again
  369. >She has her shoes off now, with her bare feet propped up on the table
  370. >The only thing she's wearing now is her pair of booty shorts, which are barely more than a pair of panties made out of denim
  371. >You can even see the lacy hem of her underwear poking out around her waistband
  372. >"Uh... Twilight?"
  373. "Y-yeah, mom?"
  374. >"Any reason you're carrying half a dozen ice-cubes?"
  375. "N-no reason..."
  376. >You rub the handful across your forehead one last time, toss it aside, and sit next to her
  377. >Almost out of habit, she reaches her arm out and wraps it around your shoulders
  378. >You lean against her bare chest, resting your head on her shoulder
  379. >She hums contentedly, giving you a little squeeze
  380. >...
  381. >You're pretty sure you're about to have a heart attack
  382. >You're nearly the climax of the movie now; Wesley's paralyzed, but they're trying to drag him through the castle
  383. >Velvet has this whimsical, silly smile on her face
  384. >"I forgot just how much *fun* this movie is. Good choice, Twi."
  385. >She gives you a motherly little shake
  386. "Y-yeah..."
  387. >Your tongue feels too thick to speak, and you hope Velvet can't feel how hard your heart is pounding
  388. >Her naked breasts are barely two inches from your nose, looking male and milky in the dim light from the TV
  389. >You gulp, and slowly let your face start to slide down your chest
  390. >If you do it slowly enough, she'll just think you're getting sleepy, right?
  391. >Your cheek descends lower and lower down her body, until it reaches the smooth curve of the top of her right breast...
  392. >Velvet shifts underneath you, as she yawns, and your mouth ends up right on top of her nipple
  393. >"Ah~..."
  394. "S-sorry! Didn't mean to... a-ah... oh my g-god I'm s-so sorry..."
  395. >Velvet just laughs and pats you on the back
  396. >"Don't worry about it! C'mon, Twilight. You really think I'm bothered by you touching me?"
  397. "We... n-no... but..."
  398. >"C'mere. No reason to make this weird, baby girl."
  399. >She grabs you again, and pulls you into her lap
  400. >"Well... not any weirder than it already is, I guess."
  401. "Y-yeah..."
  402. >You try really, really hard not to stare at her tits
  403. >But you're unsuccessful; those soft vanilla-ice-cream scoops just won't let you look away
  404. >"What's up?"
  405. "N-nothing! Just... I w-wish I looked that good..."
  406. >"Aww. You're perfect just the way you are, sweetie! But I can understand being a little jealous~"
  407. >She wiggles her shoulders, letting her breasts jiggle in front of your face
  408. "W-whoa..."
  409. >"I know, right?"
  410. "They're a-amazing..."
  411. >You're fully aware of how perverted you're being, and you can feel the blush burning on your cheeks
  412. >But you can't stop yourself
  413. >They're right there, so perfectly, geometrically soft
  414. >Velvet curls her arms around you, pulling your face against her neck
  415. >"Heh. Don't sell yourself short, sweetie. You've got more than you give yourself credit for. I've walked in on you in the shower enough times to know, haven't I?"
  416. "H-heh... I should really l-learn to start locking d-d-doors..."
  417. >Somehow, even in all this weird, sexual insanity, Velvet's able to immediately calm you back down
  418. >You nuzzle your face into her, taking a deep breath of her perfume
  419. >It smells good in a way that transcends its flower fragrance
  420. >She smells safe
  422. >The movie plays on, and your overwhelming sexual frustration begins to fade
  423. >Who cares if she's naked?
  424. >Or if she's irresistibly attractive, enough to make your barely-pubescent loins scream?
  425. >Ultimately, just being held like this is better than anything else
  426. >You snuggle up against her, letting out a happy little sigh
  427. >She coos in your ear, then rests her head on top of yours
  428. >Up on the screen, the movie is finally reaching its climax; together, Wesley and Buttercup ride into the sunset as the narrator's voice fades in
  429. >'Since the invention of kisses...'
  430. >Velvet reaches up to her face, wiping away a single tear
  431. >"It's so beautiful..."
  432. "Yeah..."
  433. >Velvet sniffles, and you're surprised to realize she's almost crying
  434. >"T-thank you for showing me this, Twiley. I think I needed it."
  435. >She wipes her eyes with the back of her hand, sighing
  436. >"I wish I knew what it was like."
  437. "What w-w-what was like?"
  438. >"Oh, nothing. Just... it must be wonderful, you know. To have someone who cares about you like that. Who'll do anything for you."
  439. "Y-yeah..."
  440. >You curl into a little ball in your mom's lap
  441. "It's is p-pretty great."
  442. >"Oh? You have someone like that?"
  443. "Of c-course I do."
  444. >You lift your head, looking Velvet in the eye
  445. "It's y-you, mama."
  446. >Velvet just stares at you, stunned, tears brimming in her eyes
  447. >For a moment, the two of you can only watch each other, both of you wrapped in the other's embrace
  448. >And then the kiss happens
  449. >You're not sure who started it
  450. >But both of you wanted it
  451. >And so you find yourself with your mouth pressed against hers, her lips flushed and quivering under yours, and her cheeks stained wet from her tears

Anonymous (Twin Sister Applebloom)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Big Sister Scootaloo)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Tipsy Turvy (Older Sister Gilda x Anon)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Shining Armor x Twilight Sparkle)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Gilda Green for /irt/

by OniiChansFables