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"I hate Rainbow Dash" by Gilda

By kqaii
Created: 2022-01-11 11:58:07
Expiry: Never

  1. original author is Anon
  2. ---
  4. >I hate Rainbow Dash
  5. >I hate how she's still playing second fiddle to that lame Princess and not on the Wonderbolts
  6. >I hate how I didn't make the preliminaries for the Equestrian Games
  7. >I hate how I gave up on competitive flying
  8. >I hate how I got this lousy job waiting tables
  9. >I hate this sleazy bar
  10. >I hate Fiona for being sick that one night
  11. >I hate my boss for throwing me on stage and telling me to 'wing it'
  12. >I hate how bright the spotlight was
  13. >I hate how impressed everyone was when they heard me sing
  14. >I hate how my boss insisted I sung at his larger club
  15. >I hate how he doubled my pay and I couldn't say no
  16. >I hate how I've spent more time in front of a mirror these last few months than I have my whole natural life
  17. >I hate how good I look in some of these show dresses
  18. >I hate how great I felt when the boss said I looked 'fabulous'
  19. >I hate how that word is a compliment now
  20. >I hate how much my heart pounds right before I step through the curtain
  21. >I hate how amazing I look in the spotlight
  22. >I hate how enraptured the audience becomes as my voice crescendos
  23. >I hate how I've been approached by more than one big business guy looking to get me to work for them
  24. >I hate how much I love this scene, despite it being against everything I stood for years ago
  25. >I hate that griffins and ponies alike actually want to be around me
  26. >I hate that I don't mind how much I changed
  27. >I hate that I can admit its for the better
  28. >I hate how everyone says they envy how talented I am
  29. >But most of all?
  30. >I hate that I can't enjoy this for all its worth, because she's not there to share it with
  32. >I miss you....I wish you'd wander into my show someday and see how much I've changed
  33. >I hate that you may not recognize me...

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