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[SFW] Week with the Dazzlings - 4

By GreenReaper
Created: 2020-12-04 03:06:15
Expiry: Never

  1. >Thursday, most of the week is gone by now
  2. >You wake up realizing you are spooning Aria
  3. >Quietly, you enjoy being close to her, her warm being a nice welcome to life again
  4. >While she has a bit of muscle, her body is really soft
  5. >You put your head closer to her, and take a good sniff of her hair. Lavender
  6. >While you want to call in sick and enjoy a bit of spooning, you need your meat
  7. >You nudge her a bit, and she wakes up
  8. "Morning cutie"
  9. >She jumps out of the bed
  10. >"Did you were spooning me?!"
  11. "If it is of any consolation, my dick was far from your bum, and I only smelled your hair this time"
  12. >She throws her pillow at you. It hits your face
  13. >"I always knew you were a pervert. Now get your ass out of bed, I'm late for workout"
  14. >She leaves the room huffing while you giggle quietly
  15. "Hehe, every week the same"
  16. >You leave your bed and do your morning routine as always
  17. >As an agreement when moving in, the Dazzlings asked you to Sonata to cook once a week (well, more like Adagio and Aria. They said Sonata needed to do something so she couldn't do nothing dumb)
  18. >You go to the kitchen, and see an entire mess of stains and spilled food
  19. >Yup, Sonata made breakfast
  20. "Morning girls"
  21. >"Morning anon..."
  22. >Poor Adagio, looks like Aria gave her the slip and she has to clean the kitchen alone
  23. >"Anon! Anon! Look what I did!"
  24. >She shows you a heart-shaped pancake. It's a bit burned
  25. "Oh? Did you really did this yourself?"
  26. >"Yup! I know I always make juice or tea, but I wanted to surprise you today"
  27. "Aww, that's sweet. Thanks Sonata"
  28. >You pat her head and grab a bite. Is a bit hard, but the taste is fine
  29. "Hey, this is good"
  30. >She giggles
  31. "Well, I'm off to work. You gals see what you can make for lunch"
  32. >"Maybe we should ask for takeout if Sonata will leave the kitchen like this again"
  33. >"No fair dagi! I can cook too!"
  34. >"If the firemen come here, the tax is on Anonymous"
  35. "Deal"
  36. >You leave your apartment, and go to work
  38. >Work today is an interesting day
  39. >Everyone did their stuff until lunch, then everyone got ready for the party
  40. >It was a great idea: everyone is socializing, and Filthy looks a bit more cheerful
  41. >Meanwhile, you were on your own, but for a reason
  42. >Pepperoni pizza! Hotdogs! Cheeseburgers!
  43. >You were stuffing your mouth with glorious meat to the point only small holes were visible
  44. >"Anon, you doofus, now how will you swallow all that?"
  45. "Hmmpfthuffhuff!" (I got a plan!)
  46. >You lift with bravery and determination your most useful beverage in this course: cheap soda!
  47. >You lay on the floor and let the sugary drink fall through the holes, making the mush blander
  48. >All your friends are laughing and filming your feat. Aria will make you run everyday and Adagio will force veganism for a year, but fuck it if this wasn't worth it!
  49. >You manage to finish the large bottle and the food in your mouth
  50. *Gulp!* "Ahhh! I missed that"
  51. >*Growl~~~!*
  52. "Oh, crap. I need to-"
  53. >"Hey anon, come here. We are having a small speech for the boss, and you should give it"
  54. "Now? But I need to-"
  55. >Before you could protest, your colleagues take you to the stand
  57. >"Now Anonymous will give you a speech for this party boss, bring him here"
  58. >Your colleagues give you a slip of paper and a microphone
  59. >You are on the spot now
  60. "Shit... Hum, here I go"
  61. >Everyone is gathered, ready to listen
  62. >You read the little speech. Damn it, Barbara wrote this. Is filled with innuendos and dirty jokes. Expected from someone who has been thirsty since her 15's
  63. >Fuck this, time to improvise
  64. "Dear boss, we are thankful for let us gather all here. The food was awesome, and I had a lot of fun with my friends. Really, you are really the man"
  65. >Looks like they bought your bullshit
  66. "Yeah! Now let's raise our glasses to-" *blergh*
  67. >Oh no
  68. >Everyone is looking at you funny
  69. "What I meant to say was: let's raise our glasses and-" *whiff*
  70. >Oh crap
  71. >"Anon, are you-?"
  72. "I need a bathroom, sorry!"
  73. >You sprint to the bathroom, but Barbara didn't took fine you changing the script
  74. >"Be careful anon, don't trip"
  75. >She puts her leg in the middle of your run, making you fall on the mobile printer. You farted and shit your pants so hard, you proppel to the door
  76. >You friends were bringing a cake at the same time. You landed in there
  77. >Everyone is laughing now
  78. >"Hahaha, see anon? I warned you"
  79. "Oh, fuck you Barba-" *Blergh!!!*
  80. >That was the last push your stomach could resist. You vomit, and the propulsion made the slippery platter slip you to the stairs!
  81. >The fall wasn't pretty
  83. >"Ahahahaha!!!"
  84. "Damn it Aria, stop laughing! Ouch!"
  85. >"B-but this is just- ahahaha!!!"
  86. >Back at home, you are recovering from the hits. At least you got free tomorrow, and you don't have to work on weekends. Long rest at least
  87. >Adagio is tending to your wounds
  88. "Ow! Careful!"
  89. >"Don't move so much anon, you received quite the impacts"
  90. "This is all Barbara's fault. Fucking thirsty bitch"
  91. >"I still don't understand why didn't you read the speech. It couldn't be that bad"
  92. >You give her the speech that was cramped in your pocket
  93. "See for yourself"
  94. >"Oh.... Oh! OOOHHHH!!! This is like when we were in Paris"
  95. >"That phase of yours? Ugh, I though you left it behind"
  96. >"I did, but this woman didn't. How old is she?"
  97. "Like 68"
  98. >"Looks like she never got some"
  99. "Speaking of some, can I get some food"
  100. >"Here! Hope you like it anon!"
  101. >Sonata comes in with a plate of rice with cheese
  102. >"Sorry I didn't make something tasty, but Adagio told me you needed something soft and Aria said this is simple and soft on the stomach"
  103. "Well, I like it. It tastes nice. What did you have for lunch?"
  104. >"Hamburguers"
  105. >You look at Aria
  106. >"You were the one who couldn't eat meat, not us"

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