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[SFW] Norman goes to the movies

By GreenReaper
Created: 2020-12-06 01:15:04
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Normal Norman
  2. >At the cinema with Naomy Nobody (Blueberry Cake to her friends)
  3. >While you two broke up, she is really nice to hang out
  4. >Nice attitude, calm sense of fashion, really humble demeanor
  5. >Plus, making her happy means her brother won't break your face because you made her little sis sad
  6. >"Thanks for taking me to the movies norman"
  7. "Don't mention it. It was a boring day anyway"
  8. >"Well, it's still a nice gesture. As a thank you gift, you can pick the movie now. Popcorn's on me"
  9. "Cool. Go ahead then, I'll see the catalog"
  10. >Naomi leaves you alone as you see the movies
  11. >Action, horror, romance, comedy, drama
  12. >"Hello darling"
  13. >You turn around, and see the Aryan Beauty
  14. "Ar-! I mean, Rarity! H-how are you?"
  15. >"Why, I'm fine Mr. Normal. I have a complain though"
  16. "And what is it?"
  17. >"Well, I asked the girls to see a movie with me, but they didn't arrived yet. I'm afraid I'll probably see the movie alone"
  18. >Oh shit
  19. >This is the chance of your life!
  20. >You can have a date with the Aryan Beauty
  21. >Wait! Your hormones are defeated by your fears!
  22. >If you leave Naomi alone, Timothy will destroy your face
  23. >What are you going to do?!
  25. >Come on, you can't lose this opportunity
  26. >This is it! This is the moment you waited all your life!
  27. "Could you excuse me for a second?"
  28. >Without waiting for an answer, you run outside the cinema
  29. >Looking around, you find another dude that looks like you
  30. "Hey, you!"
  31. >He notices you
  32. "Yeah, you! I need to talk to you!"
  33. >After a small run, you catch him up
  34. "Man, I saw you with magic chick and wub girl. I need to ask you a favor"
  35. >"Dude, we barely know each other. I saw you in the cafeteria, but we never talk"
  36. "I know, but you are the only one you can help me now. There's a girl I like, she is alone now, and it's my chance to impress her. But I can't leave my friend alone"
  37. >"So you want me to hang out with your friend while you are with that girl? I'll do it, but it's going to cost you"
  38. "Okay, but let's talk about that later. We have to hurry"
  39. >After grabbing the guy, both meet with Rarity on the line
  40. >"Oh! Norman, good to see you"
  41. "Yeah. I see you picked a movie now"
  42. >"Well, the movie just came out. May as well don't miss it"
  43. "Good"
  44. >"Who is the man with you? One of your friends?"
  45. "Well, he-"
  46. >>"My name is Regular Reggie, miss. Nice to meet you"
  47. >He just shake her hands
  48. >"Nice to meet you Mr. Regular"
  49. >>"Likewise. If you excuse me, I need some sodas"
  50. "Let me help"
  51. >Both of you separate from Rarity
  52. >"okay man, where's your homie?"
  53. "Yeah, she is over there"
  54. >He raises an eyebrow
  55. >"Wait, "she"? You are leaving your girl for another? Dude, that's cold"
  56. "I know! Just do this for me!"
  57. >>"Norman!"
  58. >Naomi saw you and it's coming to your direction
  59. >>"Norman, where were you? I had the popcorn for a long time. At least you chose the movie?"
  60. "Well, something came up, and I called my friend to be with you. He is-"
  61. >"Common Conan. Nice to meet you, miss?"
  62. >>"Naomi Nobody"
  63. >Wait, why did he changed his name?
  64. >"Well Naomi, guess we'll hang for a while. I think you should be going man, your "appointment" won't wait for long"
  66. >He sounded dissapointed, but who cares? You have Rarity now!
  67. "Okay guys, see you later"
  68. >"See you around dude"
  69. >>"Until next time Norman"
  70. >You hurry to see rarity
  71. >Luckily, she was next in line
  72. >"One fo-"
  73. "Two for the same movie please!"
  74. >"Norman? I though you were with your friends"
  75. "Nah, I needed to... go to the washroom"
  76. >"Oh"
  77. "Plus, I though you will have more fun if you could hang with somebody"
  78. >"My, how generous. You really are a nice friend"
  79. >Friendzoned, but that's bullshit
  80. >When this is over you two will be a couple
  81. >The girl behind the counter charges $20 and gives you the tickets
  82. >An european movie
  83. >After entering the theater, maybe you will admit you made a mistake
  84. >Is french, so you can't understand shit. No subs either
  85. >Also, you can't make a move
  86. >It's about a love during WWII
  87. >You at least gave her your handkerchief to dry her tears
  88. "Excuse me, I need to refresh myself"
  89. >*snif* "Didn't you went before?"
  90. "I had too much soda, sorry"
  91. >You leave her seeing the movie
  92. >Outside at the hall you sigh
  93. >Man, this is a fucking bore
  94. >You see the other rooms
  95. >Many more entertaining movies, but you can't leave Rarity for long
  97. >You see around the hall. They added a pinball game
  98. >That should do it
  99. >While the movie sucks, you still have to return after a bit
  100. >A game of pinball at least takes enough time like making a trip to the john
  101. >You put a quarter in, and it grants you three balls
  102. >Anyway, you burn them quite quickly
  103. >Three lives aren't enough to get used to real life physics
  104. >At least the last ball managed to get a small bonus
  105. >Well, the boring part must happened already, so you return to the theater
  106. >You couldn't understand a lot, but the main idea was understandable
  107. >Guy went against germans, girlfriend's a jew, she escapes the camps, dude gets shot
  108. >Both reunited on the battlefield, he speaks his last words
  109. >Rarity is almost broken to tears
  110. >The rest of people starts hugging, some kissing
  112. >Well, it's now or never
  113. >Since everyone is crying, you must follow suit
  114. >You start to remember all the sad events in your life; easy after you moved from Philadelphia
  115. >The friends you left behind, your old school, and now the many problems Rarity's friends always put you in
  116. >Tears come from your eyes, and you reach a tissue
  117. >You pass some to Rarity
  118. >"Darling?"
  119. "You need them as well"
  120. >She takes it and clean some of her face
  121. >"I though you didn't like the movie"
  122. "I don't"
  123. >Both your eyes meet, a gaze of determination on yours
  124. "But I like way less see you cry"
  125. >"Norman?"
  126. >You get closer
  127. "I'll be there to protect your smile. I don't want to see you cry"
  128. >Both faces are very close now
  129. "I'll be there always to support you Rarity"
  130. >She looks surprised
  131. >"W-why would you do that?"
  133. "I'll do it because I love you"
  134. >You move for a kiss, but then...
  135. >*Splash*
  136. >"Oh! Sorry darling..."
  137. "No, it's ok Rarity, it's just soda. Anyway, where were we?"
  138. >She smiles, and both are ready to try again, but...
  139. >*Chomp*
  140. "Ow! What was that?"
  141. >The bites starts to be more frequent, and you scratch your right thigh
  142. "Why so many?"
  143. >"Are you feeling well Norman?"
  144. "No! Something is wrong with my pants!"
  145. >The movie ends and lights are back
  146. >If the film wasn't an horror show, it is now
  147. >Your right leg is black, full of ants
  148. "Ahhhhh!!!!"
  149. >You run to the hall trying to get rid of the ants
  150. ----
  151. Meanwhile, at the hall
  152. >"You though it was a good idea to postpone fumigation miss Montage?"
  153. >>"Do not worry Mr. manager, what's the worst that could happen?"
  154. "Ahhhh!!!!!"
  155. >You run around like a madman with a black leg full of ants
  156. >People is shocked, and some start to film with their phones
  157. >"You are fired"
  158. >You remove your pants, but worst case scenario happens
  159. >The ants reached your legs, and they are still trying to collect the syrup of the soda
  160. >In a desperate attempt, you throw your body to the fountain, and the bites stop
  161. >Problems didn't
  162. >The girl of the cinema jumps at you
  163. >"You asshole! This is your fault! Now I don't have a job!"
  164. >Between the shaking, the splashing, and the fast movement, you couldn't see anything
  165. >Trying to grab something, you feel a thing in your hand, so you use all your strenght to hold onto it
  166. >It was a mistake
  167. *RRIIIIIPPPPP!!!!*
  168. >"KIAAAAAA!!!*
  169. >You get a better feel, and notice is a type of cloth
  170. >You dry your face with it, and notice is the girl's uniform! And her bra!
  171. >Covering herself, she runs away screaming as the security mall arrives
  172. >The water makes their segways slip, and some shot their stun guns by accident
  173. >The water of the fountain got electrified
  175. >The only thing floating is your fried body
  177. >"AHAHAHAHA!!!"
  178. >Your friends are still laughing at the video, but you ignore them
  179. >In fact, you ignore everything
  180. >Your beanie is extended to cover all your face, and you walk with a cane to feel your surroundings
  181. >You find your locker, and you rise your beanie to see before anyone see your face
  182. >"Hey, antboy"
  183. >Fuck
  184. "Yeah?"
  185. >It's the guy that looks like you
  186. >"Haha, look: I won't ask what happened. I just came to tell you I had the best day of my life yesterday. The movie was awesome, Naomi is really fun, and I would charge you for my help, but the video made me smile like a man out of prison. Here"
  187. >He gives you his number. It has his real name: Luca Crew
  188. >"Lucky for the homies. If you ever do any shit, legal or not, call me. I'm in"
  189. >He walks away laughing
  190. >"Darling"
  191. >Crap, this is getting worse
  192. "Hello Rarity"
  193. >"I just wanted to apologize. If I haven't spilled that soda, that would have never happened"
  194. "Don't worry, it wasn't your fault"
  195. >"What do you mean?"
  196. "I overhead the manager. One of the employees skiped fumigation. Ants took over without anyone notice"
  197. >"Oh, how unfortunate"
  198. >You find your books, and close your locker
  199. "Well, it was nice to see you"
  200. >You were going to pull down your beanie, but Rarity stops you
  201. >"Wait, before you go, I would like to invite you for dinner. This Friday at my place?"
  202. "I got humilliated internationally. You still want to be with me?"
  203. >"Call it compensation. Besides, we can see movies at my house without any ants or spilled sodas"
  204. "Oh! Well... haha, yeah, I accept. It's a date"
  205. >"Alright. Until friday Mr. Normal"
  206. >As she walks away, you have the biggest smile on your face
  208. End

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