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Hidden Strike

By Batbooper
Created: 2022-04-22 22:26:44
Updated: 2022-04-23 23:44:39
Expiry: Never

  1. >Just another evening in nocturnal town of [spoiler]fuck what is this place called again[/spoiler]
  2. >Hanging out the house with your bat friend Hidden Strike .
  3. >She will not seriously leave you alone since you keep giving her tropical fruit every time she is over
  4. "Hey hidden what would you do if I didnt have any fruit for you? The store was out today."
  5. >Hidden looks at you in shock, then in disbelief, finally in sadness.
  6. >With her tail tucked against her backside, she slowly leaves your house
  7. >Feeling bad for her you get up to stop her, but you are too late as she has taken to the sky disappearing
  8. >You do not see her the following night
  9. >Two days later you wallow in your favorite chair with a bottle of booze in one hand
  10. >-You want Hidden back. You will make sure there is fruit, even if you have to break into houses in Baltimare just to get enough of them.
  11. >Taking your fifth swig of Night Guards finest has dulled your senses. So much so that you dont notice what just happened in your kitchen.
  12. >What you do notice are the warm forehooves of Hidden wrapping around you and her nuzzling your chin
  13. >"You dont have to worry anymore Anon, if you dont have any fruit for me I will make sure there is always enough for the both of us."
  14. >Looking over at your kitchen table you spy a basket filled with various tropical and non tropical fruits
  15. >You shed a tear while hugging your friend.
  16. [spoiler]You did not notice the box of condoms on the table until it was too late though[/spoiler]
  18. >It is late in the afternoon
  19. >And here you are cuddling your human
  20. >Purple strands of mane and tail draped across him . Your limbs holding onto him and your frame braced against his side.
  21. >It was just a few days ago when you surprised him at home
  22. >It took you a while to amass all that fruit, but filly was it worth it.
  23. >You helped him from his chair back to his bedroom and cuddled with him all night.
  24. >You woke him with a kiss near sunset and then things got a little heated
  25. >After some rough tussling and advanced make out action by yours truly, his clothes were off and you went to work.
  26. >And you made him scream until he liked it.
  27. >That colt loved it. Repeatedly. Told you many sweet things. Your beautiful purple eyes. How your fangs really sink deep. The heat from your...the feel of your .....your cuddly wings.
  28. >You give him a peck on the cheek before moving up to nibble on his ear
  29. >He wraps an arm around you and stirs from his slumber.
  30. >A hand runs through your mane and your lips meet his.
  31. >Momma and poppa might be shocked when you introduce him, but he will grow on them.
  32. >Oooh look what’s growing right now
  33. >Night shade is going to be even more jealous when you tell her you don’t need to stay in the barracks anymore.
  34. >After another bat romp and breakfast though. Your human comes first.
  36. >You and Hidden are in the forest outside of town
  37. >2 weeks into your relationship and you have no regrets
  38. >The sun had just set and many critters are either going to ground or coming out
  39. >Hidden and you are looking for some cock out here
  40. >Your purple haired marefriend disappears into the bush as you ready a spear
  41. >Feathers begin erupting from the cover of bushes. Loud clucking and branches breaking are heard. A chicken lizard breaks cover, running as fast as its two feet can carry it.
  42. >Aiming with your left hand , the spear is launched with your right. The spear impacts into the bird quickly knocking it down and dead in the open.
  43. >Walking over to it you remove the spear and grab the chicken.
  44. >Surveying the area for a minute you see Hidden with a choked out chicken in her mouth merrily trotting over to you.
  45. >You congratulate Hidden on her catch and then show her yours.
  46. >Hidden stamps her hooves in approval and nods her head to you. You follow her lush behind through the forest and to the rear of your house.
  47. >Hidden drops the chicken on a stump and you do the same and place your spear on the ground.
  48. >Hidden " Lunch is going to be great Anon" She places her hooves upon your chest and gives you a good smooch. "And after that maybe we can have some dessert".
  49. >She drops down and trots off smacking your nose with her tail. Before she goes inside she gives you a wink and then disappears.
  50. >Grabbing a knife you had on your belt you go about gutting the chicken and then bringing in the meat
  51. >Around midnight Strike is sitting next to you finishing off her skewers. Her tail is wrapped around your side. As you are finishing your meal Hidden lays her head against your shoulder and rubs a hoof on your thigh.
  52. >HS:" You know Anon chicken isnt the only thing I want to devour at this table".
  53. >You lean down and kiss her.
  54. >Hidden returns a light kiss. Looking into your eyes half lidded, she nibbles on your bottom lip.
  55. >You push the bench back giving Hidden all the opportunity she needs, and she straddles your waist.
  56. >Thinking to yourself the luckiest man on this planet, her tongue invades your mouth, and your shirt hits the floor.
  58. >On patrol inside your assigned town of Hollow Shades
  59. >Thigs have quieted down a bit from a few months ago
  60. >Those were some wild times. Never thought you would see and fight some of those spookies that you did. Or the amount of bad ponies either.
  61. >That brings you to your destination of the Inn which is now reopened
  62. >Your cousin links up with you in the bar. She tells you the inside hoofball about the goings on and the surprises you had not seen.
  63. >After she jokes about a few things from her action packed times you tell her about your beau.
  64. >She is really focused on your accounts and tells you that she has been lonely for a long time. One of her team had also lucked out with a man. And she was the happiest they had ever seen with him in her life.
  65. >You remember your Man telling you something about the crystal kingdom........oh yes that’s it
  66. >You excitedly tell her about a program that he came from and if somehow they could help her find her a beau as well.
  67. >Your cousin hugged you tight, crying on your shoulder. She told you through her tears that she would do it. She wants a companion for all her adventures to share her life with. You promised her you would do what you could to help her with her happiness. She had left soon after to return to Canterlot.
  68. >That was earlier this night. With the sun up you are sitting by Anon telling him what to write on a letter. You can’t write well but he can.
  69. >"And make sure its addressed to Princess Luna...and at the end we say PS Men are needed in Canterlot and Old town....and extra PS Thank you Night Mother for Anon and everything."
  70. >Anon scritches behind your ear as he finishes with the letter before sealing it in the envelope.
  71. >You give him a kiss on the cheek and a swat on the butt with your wing as he exits your home to drop the letter off at the post office.
  72. >Hidden you are a happy Mare. But other Mares need to be happy too. Bats first [spoiler]Just say no to griffons[/spoiler]
  74. >Here you are laying in the grass with your rear hooves in a pond
  75. >Anon lays beside you with his feet in the pond holding your hoof
  76. >Fireflies buzz about and small nocturnal animals make joyous sounds around
  77. >Anon listens to a story you tell about your sister, Syringa, who had just become a member of the night guard in Old Town. She was stationed by your parents and had written to you about visiting her and your parents.
  78. >Anon, after looking a little hesitant, agreed to join you. Your grip tightened on his hand and your smile broadened. This night is going so well.
  79. >And just like that it seemed that the whole world had a huge ripple go through it.
  80. >Your senses feel more full and you feel like you would in the waking day. Looking to your right Anon seems almost in shock viewing everything now until his eyes lock onto yours.
  81. >This isn’t a dream now is it? Fresh air, hearing sounds in real time, that warm hoof in your hand…..
  82. >Your eyes bug out for a second but return to normal as you take in fully Hidden for what seemed like the first time. Memories assault you mind and everything comes back. All the days and nights you had shared together as friends and then as lovers. It now seems real in your head and the mare before you is even more lovely than what you remember.
  83. “Hidden it is you isn’t it”
  84. >Without pausing you grasp her with your free hand , dragging her close to your body. She looks at you with those beautiful purple eyes that are watering. You share a breath with her and then kiss her. The warm, the taste….
  85. >Yesssssss
  86. >You feel the warmth radiating off his smooth skin with your lips and tongues intermingling. His hands caress your mane and your hooves stroke his chest.
  87. >Nothing will interrupt this, nothing.
  89. >? Ahem. Ahem….. Hidden Strike.
  90. >You shoot up from your position with Anon only to be looking at a Bemused face.
  91. >”Night Mother, oh um I was just Anon and I”
  92. >Luna chuckles “Calm thineself my child, we come only with good intentions”.
  93. >Anon sits up and grabs onto you from behind in a hug. You squirm not too much and relax after a second with at least having the ability to converse with Princess Luna face to Face.
  94. >Princess Luna sits onto the grass placing her forehooves underneath her barrel
  95. >Luna “I assume you may both be curious why I am here”
  96. >You and Anon nod your heads in unison
  97. >Luna “We decided to watch your dreams after reading reports from your unit. In the waking world you are full of despair but as can be seen in thine dreams you are verily content. And looking here now we can understand” Luna Pauses “Hidden we presume this Man is the reason for both”
  98. >Anon’s grip on you tightens. “Yes Night Mother, Anon is the reason for my happiness and sorrow”
  99. >The tall blue horse looks at you expectantly
  100. “Uh... Night Mother the same can be said for myself for Hidden. In my dreams this connection I know is real but when I wake up it takes all my willpower to do what I need to during the dat. The only thing that keeps me going is Hidden”
  101. >You kiss Hidden on the head
  102. >”Anon you may address myself as Princess Luna henceforth. Anon you are not in Equestria are you?”
  103. “No Princess Luna I am on Earth” You sigh “So far away from the mare I love”
  104. >Hidden brings a hoof up to your hand and you hold onto it as if she may disappear if you do not
  105. >Luna “So it seems this issue is different than that off another man in Equestria, but perhaps could become the same” Luna looks away for a minute before regaining eye contact with both of you. “I will console with mine advisors who came about the other man to find what could be an answer” “But I shall leave you now. Enjoy the time you have”.
  106. >And with that Luna stood up and prepared to leave
  107. >Hidden wrestled free from your grip rushing over to the front of the Blue Horse
  108. >Hidden throws herself into Princess Luna’s chest thanking her and promising to do her best for her
  109. >Luna extends her wing in a hug around Hidden, Luna looks at you while whispering a few words to Hidden. After the brief hug Luna turns around and then vanishes.
  110. >You walk over to Hidden who focus remains on where Luna was.
  111. >You grasp Hidden in a bridal carry and lug her back to the pond side to enjoy what little remaining lucid dreaming you have left
  112. >And for the first time you hear a real “EEEEEE” come from Hidden. IF only this could last.
  119. >Oh buck. Here you are lying in the barracks bay on your bunk, your sheets are soaked, and your squad mates are all grinning at you.
  120. >Quickly hopping off the bunk you rip the sheets off and try to get out of the room before
  121. >Pine “By the sounds of it your dream stallion really rocked your world”
  122. >Juicy “He must have been huge, Hidden you gotta introduce me to the other dream hunks”
  123. >Fresh ”Why don’t I get dreams like that?”
  124. >With your face beet red you make your way out of the room and down to the laundry room. Quickly scrubbing the sheets in the wash basin and then hanging them to dry. A minute later you are in the shower making sure your squad leader doesn’t get a whiff of what happened.
  125. >You wouldn’t mind having more of those type of dreams with Anon, buuut you don’t like having to zipp around because of them. This would be so much simpler if he was here and not wherever he is.
  126. >After the shower you head back to the barracks bay. All the girls are out of the bunks and prepping their gear for the evening. Following suit you make sure your hoof guards and chest armor are in good condition. You check your daggers and spear. Spending a few minutes sharpening the daggers and then checking the balance and heft of the spear.
  127. >Fresh brings everyone Dinner [spoiler] so good it beats description [/spoiler] and buses the empty plates back to the kitchen when everyone is done.
  128. >Your Squad Leader enters the bay and all of you come to attention before being waved back to rest
  129. >Rock Thunder, the greying stallion sports a short red mane/tail, his grey eyes scan the bay and a silent Fresh squeezes behind him back to her bunk.
  130. >Rock “Mares tonight for duty Alpha team will continue to patrol the streets of Hollow Shades. For tonight if you encounter anything you cannot handle you need to wake up Steam Light’s squad for backup. “
  131. >A few groans emanate from Juicy and Fresh. Rock rolls his eyes.
  132. >Rock ”Bravo team tonight we are on mop up duty for PHEER. They had cleared a cave of Faeries earlier, and it is our DUTY to make sure that it is truly clear. Pine make sure you bring the container”
  133. >Pine “Yes SGT”
  134. >Rock locks eyes with you “Also Hidden it’s good to see you are out of that funk. Mares we begin tonight in half and hour …be ready”
  135. >In unison “For the Night Mother!”
  136. >Rock departs the room.
  137. >Pine Wheel approaches you as you are donning your gear. Her long, light green, mane bounces as she comes to a stop. Yellow eyes scan around as she playfully slaps your barrel. “Hey Hidden look I wasn’t trying to be mean earlier, its just its good to see your mood improve. And if you ever need to talk again I will always be there for you”
  138. >You frown breaks into a smile, which Pine returns then giving you a light hug before going to don her gear as well.
  139. >Fresh Press is once again helping Juicy Plot fit her skirt part of the barrel armor. That Mare I swear has the biggest behind I have seen on a bat that is in shape. Fresh gives Juicy some encouraging words before the skirt finally fits into place. Juicy shoots back a snarky remark as Fresh easily dons her armor.
  140. >A short time later you and Pine head out with the Squad Leader in direction of the hilly outskirts of Hollow Shades.
  146. >Having arrived at the mouth of the cave. Rock orders you and Pine to scout the outside of the knoll looking for possible exits then to report back.
  147. > Pine takes off to the east and you head on the west side of the knoll searching and finding no signs before linking up with Pine and then returning to Rock. You both report no exits.
  148. > Rock” Here is how this will go down. I will be taking the center marching in slowly demonstrating my presence. While this is occurring Hidden you will be on the left and Pine you will be on the right. Both of you stick to the shadows. If I am attacked only attack if it comes from your side. If you are attacked in the shadows make it known and I will come to your aid. And remember if there are really Fae here DO NOT talk or do anything with them besides knock them unconscious. Pine when and if this occurs bottle them up and keep a tight lid on them.”
  149. >Pine nods her head and pats the bottle attached on her rear barrel.
  150. >Rock slowly starts forward into the cave. You and Pine melt off in opposite directions in the shadows of the cave. Two chemlights light up Rock as you hear his prominent hoof steps march down the tunnel. If Alpha team were here you would worry Juicy’s giant ass would be smacking into every stalagmite.
  151. >Your group slowly moves forward. Checking your daggers, they are at the ready in case you need to use them. Pine’s spearhead was coated black prior to coming out and you can imagine she has It gripped tightly in her wing waiting for action.
  152. >Fifty meters in the tunnel opens into a large chamber that is thrice as wide as it is tall. The only sounds are Rocks hooves and…is that buzzing.
  153. >You veer off to the far left and hear the lightest of conversations.
  154. >Getting closer and the voices stop. Did it just get lighter in here? Looking forward a Two Toned Purple haired PHEER agent is standing next to three stalagmites that nearly circle each other but leave an opening towards your direction. Huh? Who is She? She appears to be looking at it before waving you over.
  155. >Something is odd here. Why didn’t you know about PHEER being here? Pine is out there someplace and you hear hooves still marching in the center of the chamber.
  156. >You slowly make your way forward to the agent who smiles. You peer at the formation of stalagmites before you.
  157. >Purple Bat? ” Go-o ahead and ta-a-tke a c-clo-oser l-l-look rock right th-tere you are s-s-safe”
  158. >Either she has a stutter or something is wrong here. You also notice she has no armor ice axe or gun…
  159. >As you slowly slip a dagger out something bumps into your behind sending you tumbling forward into the stalagmite center. You scream out. White light fills your vision and you collide onto the ground going forward muzzle on the ground with your hooves underneath you. Smooth Hidden real smooth.
  160. >Rolling forward your vision clears. Quickly turning around a Pink haired Pegasus stands before you. In front of a short cave wall. This cave just got a lot smaller and you feel a breeze behind you. Moonlight illuminates the walls and there is no sound except for the pony in front of you.
  161. >You call out for Rock and Pine but you hear nothing, you don’t smell them either. You do smell a strong copper smell.
  162. >Pink Haired Pegasus? “I es-sc-aped asss w-ell, w-eeee ne-eed to w-rok t-gethor”
  163. >She looks like a PHEER agent as well without her ice axe or salt gun, and she is walking towards you. Her gait is strange as she appears to walk forward and back and shaking, there her neck just snapped and drool runs down her chin.
  164. >As she closes the distance your daggers are in place, hoping she really isn’t a pony, you jump to the wall cave bouncing off landing on her back, slashing her wings off and then leaping backwards.
  165. >The pony? Runs forward out of the cave, her gait changes to running on her back hooves. Her forelegs have changed to arms with claws. A long series of wild cat/lizard/pony screams are heard along with the sound of broken branches as it disappears out of sight.
  166. >Looking down you see what looks not like wings but cut pieces of albino skin that vibrate for a second before staying still. You kick the pieces out of the cave. Keeping you focus on the outside of the cave for what seems like a half hour waiting for the creature to return but it does not.
  167. > You go to the cave walls after sheathing your daggers and do what you have been taught. Closing your eyes you try to press your hooves through the walls. It’s just rock and dirt walls. Where are you?
  169. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  170. Meanwhile back in the larger cave
  171. >Rock hears your scream and charges towards where he heard you. Rock sees the Purple Haired Bat smiling “E-yH sorr-ry I tri-ppped ima c-lultz”. She titters while her neck bends at an odd angle. And just like he always pictured he would have treated his ex-wife, Rock smashes his axe through her chest hearing an insane alien like scream as the illusion falters. The pony slowly turns into a severely bleeding skinwalker on the floor.
  172. >From his right he hears “n-n-oo not y-yo-uyou ach”. Out of the Corner of Rock’s eye comes an Orange Haired bat barring her fangs about to strike his neck.
  173. >Just as the fangs graze his neck a spearhead pieces its barrel with blood and gore splattering onto the cave ground. Pine proceeds to smash the orange haired pony’s head into a stalagmite until it slowly changes into a skinwalker as well.
  174. >Rock “Pine where is Hidden”
  175. >Pine “I don’t know I heard her scream and now I don’t”
  176. >Rock smashes his hoof into the stalagmites breaking them into two “BUUUUUUUUUUUCK”.
  177. >With blood in his eyes and fire raging through his veins, he proceeds to slam the broken stalagmite pieces into the faces of the skinwalkers. The creatures spasm in pain until they collapse in death on the ground.
  178. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  179. >Knowing you are by yourself now you fall back on training. You mark the cave end with your Platoon’s insignia. Three lines through a crescent. You also mark the trees outside the cave, breaking all low branches on the opposite of the cave sides to make a smooth approach and a rough exit. It is quiet out here. The moon is out and a stream runs right by the cave. You take a long drink.
  180. >At least you have your three guavas you were saving for your mission snack….where are they? Dammit Pine. Sniffling. Those would have hit the spot.
  181. >Ok left or right. You spy more trees to the right and decide to follow the stream that way going upstream.
  182. >Some nocturnal creatures are out. Through your walking you hear many insects and some rodents.
  183. >Looking up you swear the moon is moving on its own. And the stars look so different and there are so many. I will say it again where are you Hidden?
  184. >…………………………………
  188. >Two days later you wake in your makeshift dugout that you made near the stream. You created it after the moon dropped and the first bits of sunlight started to appear. You have been eating mainly insects and grass. Not a very good diet, but you can survive for a long time like this.
  189. >Dusk is turning into darkness and you make your way out of the dugout. You had spotted a few houses around yesterday and decided to spy on the inhabitants. And to your surprise they looked like that your Anon.
  190. >Could this be where you find him? But how big is this place and how many of these Man are there? Oh you hope this isn’t fruitless.
  191. >Speaking of fruitless you have been without fruit for three days and you are not happy about that.
  192. >Grabbing a few water bugs and taking a creek drink settles your hunger and thirst for the moment.
  193. >You decide to head further upstream
  194. >A few houses are illuminated with torches or lamps as you continue your trek.
  195. >Two hours go by and you must have passed about six houses.
  196. >This is depressing. Hmm..what would your squad leader do? Find an abandoned home and get comfy…or is that what Pine Wheel would do?
  197. >You spy a smaller cabin coming up on your left about 100 hoof steps away from the stream and the lights are off. Ok why not here. You stalk towards the house surveying the area. Nothing is moving out here and there are no close houses or lights to illuminate you. On the back patio you spy many carved wood statues.
  198. >You approach the back patio and see one of the statues that makes you jump back. Oooh that looks familiar. Is that a pony? It looks like an Earth Pony with glasses wearing a bodysuit?
  199. >This has to be a sign. A good one. You test the door and it is locked. But a window is not which soon allows your entrance. You entered the main room with a couch and what looks like a comfy chair. You listen for anything, it is quiet. You smell something lightly familiar and FRUIT you knew it.
  200. >In the kitchen you find a few bananas and apricots. With all the precision of a land monster at a buffet the fruit are wickedly destroyed, but the peels find their way into the garbage. You take a drink from the sink then decide to check the rest of the house. Finding one bedroom and a bathroom. This place is cozy and with no one here…
  201. >All right this is a hot shower that you needed. You try to make it quick but this mud and grime has to go. You do a little happy dance in the shower and reluctantly turn off the water after a few more minutes of relaxation.
  202. >You towel off and finally can use the toilet like a civilized pony.
  203. >Afterwards making your way to the big room you take the comfy chair and relax for the first time in a few days. Being content your eyelids droop drifting off to Slumber.
  206. ------------
  207. > You are Anon coming back from a long day of work. Your great boss decided you needed to stay a little later to finish up his work load before you could go home. And then you had to go to Hill City because a customer wanted to buy one of your wood statues. Which was another fiasco due to them wanting to haggle you down to $20 and some homemade jerky.
  208. >You are tired and worn out. Parking your truck outside the house you trudge up to your front door unlocking it and shutting it on your way to the kitchen. What a retarded day.
  209. >You check your answering machine for messages, but have none.
  210. >Sighing you slip out of your boots, shirt, and pants before falling onto the couch. With your eyes closed you reach out for a blanket and wrap yourself in it. You fall asleep soon after
  211. ………
  212. >You are cold and shivering but don’t have the energy to stand up to go to your bed. Its so cold in here.
  213. >Something warm and with fur climbs on your torso.
  214. >Oh no a cougar finally made it inside, hopefully its one of those ones like on /an/ where it keeps you around for company. Yeah or a quick death either are good right now.
  215. ??? “Anon”….”A-n-o-n”
  216. >You feel a rapid set of kisses all over your face. Ooh Ms. Googar you do care. With a smile you wrap your arms around your aggressor and kiss her when her lips meet yours.
  217. >Opening your eyes sets you into shock.
  218. >Those eyes, those purple eyes from your dreams.
  219. >Heart keep pounding damn you
  220. >The kiss breaks and she giggles
  222. ----------------------------------------
  223. >You are Hidden Strike. Anon came home in a daze, which is good because you were too comfy to realize he was in the house until he landed on the couch. You watched him sleep for a while. He really looked cold and you couldn’t take it for long. You decided it was now or never. Slipping off the couch you snuggled on top of him.
  224. >And here you are looking down at him, giggling at how cute he looks.
  225. >Resting a hoof on your chin and tracing circles on his chest you wait out his mental chess game.
  226. “Hidden is it really you?”
  227. >His hopefulness makes your stomach feel like its full of butterflies. You are going to show him. >Scooching up you bury your chest tuft into his face and rub the sides of his head with your forehooves.
  228. >The patented mare anti-panic procedure works like a charm and his breathing relaxes, his hands are on your back and his face is brushing back and forth through your tuft. You still got it Hidden :)
  229. >And just like that he is out asleep.
  230. >You scooch back down lowering your head underneath his and drift off to sleep as well.
  231. ------
  233. >You phone wakes you up, out of the best sleep you have had. Grabbing the phone off the floor and oh yeah Hidden is here, you answer. Your Boss is pissed and wants to know when you are coming in. Looking down at Hidden you smile and tell him not today. Your Boss tells you not to come in tomorrow then either, and to pick up your check on Monday before hanging up on you.
  234. >Dropping the phone you lay your head back down. Hidden kisses your chin and resumes cuddling you. Ah screw it you are sleeping in.
  237. >You wake up in the afternoon. You keep ahold of hidden and bring her to your bedroom , tucking her into bed. One of her eyes flitters open.
  238. I am going to the store for a few minutes, just get some more sleep I will be back shortly. Hidden closes her eyes and smiles, as you turn around you feel a swat to the ass, and a set of giggles.
  239. >And so you went to the store to stock up on food for the both of you. Hidden was getting some more sleep so you didn’t worry too much about her being bored.
  240. >Once you are back and the kitchen is stocked you check the clock. 6pm and Hidden is awake. You get to work in the kitchen making a seafood delight leaving her some chopped up fruit that she devours while watching you cook.
  241. >It doesn’t take long and you both enjoy the meal.
  246. >The sun has set. Here you are joking with Hidden in the kitchen. She has been telling you about her squad mates and the time they fought against the griffons and later the spoils they found at the griffon camp. Which included multiple paintings and these shirts that had the phrase “no fat chicks” on them.
  247. >You love to see her laugh, it fills you full of joy. Something has her attention now though. She put down her drink and starts to trot to the front door.
  248. >Glass breaks up front and hidden runs back to the living room donning her gear as fast as possible
  249. >You grab your lever gun and cock a round in the chamber. Looking down the hallway to your front door you hear what sounds like a neighbor?…but not your neighbor.
  250. >??? “Anon you have to help me out here, my car broke down and a bear broke my leg.”
  251. >”Dammit Steve why the hell you come over here, Nick is the retired surgeon”
  252. >??? “Come on Anon remember that time last year, you owe me”
  253. >You haven’t even talked with him for two years this is bullshit.
  254. >Hidden rushes to you side
  255. >”Anon don’t trust that its not who you think it is”
  256. >She places her head against your hip. You want to trust her, and not this charlatan outside who owes you a new mower.
  257. >”Ok Hidden lets just..”
  258. >The backdoor window is smashed in making you and Hidden jump.
  259. >Oh no it’s the feds they are onto us.
  260. >”Hidden I think we need to make a run for it”
  261. >You move to the kitchen and put some fruit in a small bag before putting a shoulder sling over your shoulder.
  262. >Hidden follows you as you go to the front door. It doesn’t look like anyone is out there.
  263. >opening the door you look/aim around and see the truck door open but nothing else. Jogging to the side of it you aim inside and see nothing but a destroyed steering wheel and ignition system.
  264. >Turning to Hidden you are about to ask her if she sees anything. She gasps and pulls you back towards her.
  265. >Something had popped out of the truck bed. It stands up on its legs and looks like your neighbor Steve with long spindly arms and sharpened talons about to slice your face off. Your rifle is up faster than you can think and you put a round into its chest knocking the creature onto its ass. It screeches in a metallic creaturely sound in pain. In the tree line outside your cabin you can hear more screams.
  266. >Hidden pulls you back towards the rear of your cabin and back towards the creek.
  267. >As you pass the cabin you can hear your house being torn up from the inside. You let a bullet rip into the window and hopefully into the side of one of those creatures in the house.
  268. >You follow Hidden, running alongside the creek heading south.
  269. >In the distance you can hear those same screams echoing.
  270. >Passing by some houses you hope those creatures do not bother them. Only to your horror do you hear a shotgun blasting and then silence.
  271. >You don’t stop and neither does Hidden.
  272. >Those inhuman screams do not die out prompting you to keep going.
  273. >You are running for your life, adrenaline pushes you farther then normally where you would have quit minutes ago.
  274. -------
  277. >SGT Rock paces back and forth on the cavern floor mumbling curses while CPL Pine, SPC Fresh, and PFC Juicy watch the Unicorn mage commence a magic ritual adjacent to where SPC Hidden had disappeared
  278. >Unknown symbols to the Lunar Guard Squad are glowing on the floor and on the single stalagmite that was unbroken
  279. >A green Earth Pony stands close to the Unicorn handing him supplies when asked and talking through what will happen when the magic ritual is complete
  280. >Rock” Lancer Would you hurry the heck up, Hidden could be dying as we speak”
  281. >Lancer “You need to learn patience, something that is not taught in the Lunar guard”
  282. >Rock stops pacing. If glares could kill, Lancer would be dead.
  283. >Lancer “What we are about to create is one way beacon between our reality and where your Guard was dropped off. If she is still alive then she will have a few hours to return. This is a very intensive magic ritual Rock, and I cannot guarantee she will return even if she finds the beacon”
  284. >Lancer goes back to work on the inscriptions, Rock huffs something about the Solar Guard then resumes his pacing curse routine.
  286. ---
  289. >Hidden sees the trees that she made the return marking on. Grabbing Anon by the sleeve she runs back into the cave with him. Moving a wing up to her lips she blows lightly, Anon takes the hint and remains silent. A minute later the inhumane screeching can be heard nearing, going by, and passing.
  290. >You look down at your rifle. One Round left. Without ammo its just a club, better than nothing.
  291. >Hidden tests the walls seeing if anything had changed since was last here. Nothing has. She sighs and walks over to Anon pressing her head into his hip and wrapping a wing around his side. Anon wraps his left arm around her holding her. You remain in this position.
  293. >A deafening roar can be heard outside followed by a cacophony of the inhuman screeching.
  294. >The sounds of flesh meeting bone can be heard continuously for a while. The cacophony of sounds grow nearer to the cave. You raise the rifle realizing you have one shot and need to make it count. Hidden stays by your side with her daggers ready.
  295. >The arm of a skinwalker, unattached, is thrown into the wall nearest the cave entrance. You can hear the inhuman screaming die down in numbers, but the roaring, the roaring you have heard only during the blackest of nights is right outside the cave.
  296. >By moonlight a large hairy form is battling with two skinwalkers. The first skinwalker’s limbs are entangled around an outstretched hairy limb, with the beast’s other arm rapidly striking its body.
  297. > Gulping down your excessive saliva, your rifle braced against your shoulder, you take aim at the melee outside the cave.
  298. >An inhuman scream rapidly increases in volume into the cave as you see a skinwalker’s pallid face appear to the side of the beast. Sensing an easier prey, it charges into the cave with rapid speed. It’s taloned limbs outstretched, you make what you hope is the best decision, re-aiming to the skinwalker’s face you fire your last round. It drops onto the ground.
  299. >Hidden descends onto it slashing its legs whilst you proceed to butt stroke what remains of it’s face to pulp.
  300. >The cacophony dies outside, and your rifle’s stock is cracked.
  301. >The beast from outside is larger than the cave ceiling, it has to bend its neck down as if it was center for a basketball team coming over to dinner, comes into the cave before slowly making its way towards the both of you.
  302. >Within the moonlight fully illuminating it you can now make out the beast. Mother fuckin bigfoot looking grumpy as shit.
  303. >You drop the rifle and put your hand on Hidden’s back.
  304. “Hidden its not worth fighting him, put the knives away.”
  305. >Hidden gives you an extremely worried look before sighing and doing what you asked.
  306. >As she does so you fish out an apple.
  307. >Bigfoot has stopped within four feet of you. He gives a few low grunts.
  308. “Hey easy there bigfoot we are not a threat to you. See here is an apple, you gotta like these right”
  309. >You slowly outstretch your arm with the fruit. Just as quickly as you can see the fruit in your hand, a hairy palm swipes it and plunges into is his Maw. One and two mighty bites is all it takes for the bug guy to down the apple.
  310. >Bigfoot looks at you, then Hidden, and finally behind you. He gives off a series of light grunts and hoots.
  311. >You look to Hidden.
  312. “Do you know what he said”
  313. >Hidden “I was going to ask you the same thing”
  314. >Bigfoot gives a few more hoots pointing at the cave wall.
  315. “Hidden don’t hate me for this”
  316. >Retrieving the second of the last mangos, you hand that over to Bigfoot. He annihilates it, spitting the large seed onto the ground. What looks like a smile can be seen on his face as one large hairy arm grabs you, and the other grabs hidden.
  317. >Hidden yelps out in surprise
  318. >Just as you are about to plead to Bigfoot that the both of you do not want to become forest brides, Bigfoot crashes through the wall? A large rush of air is felt in this process.
  320. >Wow it’s bright out here. Bigfoot drops you and Hidden on the ground. You are in a grassy field with a forest to your front and wide open sky behind you. A gentle breeze rolls through the valley. Butterflies meander through the grass.
  321. >Hidden is covering her eyes with her wings. “Anon I think we left your world”
  322. “Is this yours?”
  323. >Hidden “Im not sure”
  324. >In the short distance from a brook of trees pops out a light purple pony with long dark purple hair.
  325. >??? “Oh my gosh new friends”
  326. >She barrels towards you and oh no non no no no. She is on two legs with the face of pony and a body close to a human.
  327. >Hidden see her and screams latching onto you. You hold on, this is a nightmare.
  328. >Bigfoot looks at you both puzzled and then at the incoming thing.
  329. >With one free arm you grab the last remaining mango chucking it at Bigfoot.
  330. >Hidden sheds a tear for the last mango
  331. “Bigfoot make it stop, not this place, where she lives not here”
  332. >Bigfoot looks at Hidden as he once again demolishes a mango.
  333. >Bigfoot grumbles and spits out the seed. Hidden and you are once again grabbed. And another rush of air is felt with the light of day instantly disappearing.
  337. -----------
  338. >The ponies nearest the ritual center leap back as a large hand then an arm carrying a familiar pony comes through followed by a large ape attached to it carrying a smaller Man.
  339. >Both are dropped on the floor.
  340. >All of the Lunar Guard ready their weapons in defensive stances
  341. > The beast grunts and looks at Anon with his paw out. Anon shakes his head from left to right. The beast roars before turning around and disappearing. But not before the remaining visible arm flies the bird directly at Anon, and then it is gone.
  342. “Yeah love you to big guy”
  343. >All is silent. A pin drop could be heard.
  344. >Juicy struts up to Lance “That monkey must be huge”
  345. >Lancer “Too bad he didn’t stick around I could really go ape if you know what I mean”
  346. >Juicy runs a hoof down Lancers foreleg and whispers [spoiler] loudly[/spoiler] “You could be my giant monkey”
  347. >They look at each other for a moment then together trot off to the opposite side of the cavern.
  348. >The Green Pony looks to the retreating Lancer and then Anon.
  349. >The Luna Guard welcome back Hidden in a group hug. All is well , happy, and silent in this reunion.
  350. >And then a chorus of wet slapping sounds echo from where the two ponies had disappeared
  351. >??”Oh yeah gimme that big monkey dick”
  352. >???”Oh buck your tighter than a Breezy”
  353. >??”Just like that Im close”
  356. >Rock puts a hoof on his face “Ok she is back down to PVT now” Rock looks over at Anon “I take it you are with Hidden?”
  357. >Hidden returns to Anon’s side and wears a content smile
  358. “Yeah I am, and I would like to keep it that way”
  359. >Hidden “SGT Thunder…Anon doesn’t have a place to stay. Even if it means my pay is docked can he stay in the barracks with us. He used to be in a different guard to so he could help out on missions”
  360. >Rock appraises Anon rubbing his chin “We will be needing a new team mate soon enough, if you are up to it we have a spot for you”
  361. >Knowing this is your opportunity, perhaps only opportunity, you leap for it. “That would be great and I will do my best.”
  362. >Rock ”We have an extra room you can take in the barracks. You can have a day off to acclimate, but the next day I expect you ready to start training”.
  363. “Of course SGT and thank you again”
  364. >Hidden hugs Anon, Pine and Fresh daww at the site, Juicy and Lancer return to the group.
  365. >Lancer “Come along Mous we need to get back before Steam Light assumes we were screwing around again”
  366. >Mous “Why does this always happen, it can never be a simple mission with you”
  367. >Lancer “Don’t worry Mous with me around it will always be interesting….say how would you like to wear an ape mask?”
  368. >Mous “Oh buck you”
  369. >Lancer “That’s the plan”
  370. >The duo walks out of the cave leaving the full Squad plus one man
  372. >In a Month’s period
  373. >Anon had received a crash training course from SGT Rock and CPL Pine Wheel. Turns out knowing how to fire a gun doesn’t translate well to using polearms and pony tactics.
  374. >These spears that they use are five feet tall. They are a short spears to you, easy enough to use with a shield. And so you did the job of the Lunar Guard in Hollow Shades.
  375. >The majority of the time you patrol through the town. You have been assigned with Hidden, Pine, and Fresh a number of times. Juicy had been transferred to the day guard. It is weird seeing her in town during the day with those huge shades and huge ass parked in the marketplace, but she must enjoy it. Fresh has told you she can sometimes hear her from down the hallway in the Solar part of the barracks getting railed.
  376. >Overall you like the squad. SGT Rock Thunder is gruff but a fair Stallion who looks out for the team, and will always take charge and the heat for mistakes. CPL Pine Wheel is very knowledgeable, and can spin her spear like no ponies business. SPC Fresh Reecho is a very talkative and morale boosting pony, she even picked out a fae that had been disguised as a chair outside the barber shop just be reeing at it.
  377. > And then there is Hidden your beau. What can you say but you feel like a new man being with her. Sure you had to leave your old life behind, the loneliness was killing you though and so was your social life. Hidden and you have gone out on a few dates. She took you out to a restaurant in town called the Stolen Oat and afterwards you both relaxed at a pond that was lively with all the night time critters [spoiler] It seemed like a dream[/spoiler].
  378. >Patrolling is pretty easy enough. Keep an eye out for trouble. Talk with the locals. That’s most of it.
  379. >One night SGT Thunder and CPL Wheel nabbed two hooded ponies trying to abduct somepony near the school house. Those two hooded ponies were quickly sent to the Baltimare jail for questioning and eventual trial.
  380. >The only other patrol to note was the raid on one house in the village. Receiving a tip that the Solar Guard collected at the Marketplace your squad had set up a perimeter [spoiler] with 2 bats not much of a perimeter[/spoiler] around an outskirt cottage.
  381. >SGT Thunder, CPL Wheel, and you busted down the front door to find a pony in his home. You were tasked with keeping him detained while they tore through the place. When it looked like nothing was found, and the cottage pony was complaining the highest CPL Wheel’s hoof caught on a rug, dragging it to reveal a cellar door.
  382. >You then binded the cottage pony while they searched and eventually found quite a bit of contraband. To include a few esoteric books, same hooded uniform on the 2 abductors, and a list of names/locations for the entire town.
  383. >You were told to carry the contraband back to the barracks. SPC Hidden and SPC Fresh escorted you back, where you compiled the contraband into an evidence room. A while later SGT Thunder and CPL Wheel arrive with a severely worse for wear cottage pony. You heard the Solar Guard also gave him a walloping.
  384. >The cottage pony resided in the holding cell until the Platoon Sergeant arrived from Baltimare. His escort shackled the pony and took him back to the Baltimare compound. SFC Alba Moon congratulates your squad. SGT Thunder is given a traditional Lunar Guard honor by the Platoon Sergeant, the Lunar Boop, before the PSG’s escort departs.
  386. >Just a few morning ago after patrolling. Hidden snuck into your room with a chesiree grin. SGT Rock didn’t want any fornicating in the barracks even though that seemed like a different standard than the Solar Guard had.
  387. >You were pressed up against the wall with your shirt off. Hidden leaned up with her hooves pressed on your chest, licking and nipping your pectorals. Your hands are busy massaging her wingpits. She clumsily undoes your pants with her fore and aft hooves. Looking up at you with those beautiful eyes and face blush red. You stop your massaging in time.
  388. >Hidden uses her wings to propel her hips into yours, locking her aftlegs around your back, her forlegs over your shoulder, and her lips pressed into yours.
  389. >She hungrily sucks your face, scraping her fangs against your lips. Her hips gyrate against yours, and thank goodness you were not wearing briefs otherwise they would be soaked. Placing your hands underneath her supple rear lifts her up the inch you need for your sexes to align. Wasting no time Hidden gives your harder self the full mare depth tour. Repeatedly smashing her hips against yours.
  390. >Just as pent up as she is you really dig your hands into her flanks and give her your own rhythm of thrusts. If you wanted to be quiet this is not what should be happening.
  391. >Hidden breaks the face sucking “Anoooon yes oooh by the night mother breeed me”
  392. >She attacks your shoulder and neck with licks and nips while you relentless pound her tight mare pussy.
  393. >You think she has already came once and boy are you close to blowing a load in her. You can feel the tightness in your balls.
  394. “Hidden Im going to come”
  395. >You bite down on her ear as you pummel that bat butt as hard as you can.
  396. >She starts a low “eeee” which turns into a louder”EEE”
  397. >Stars fill your eyes as you unload into her womb, but not daring to stop pounding.
  398. >Hidden squeezes you with all her limbs, clamping down with her marehood, and sinking her teeth into your neck.
  399. >You scream like a man dying and cumming at the same time.
  400. >And just like that she removes her fangs, you cease thrusting, and you both tumble onto your bed.
  401. >Hidden snuggles up to you telling you how much she loves you and how she want to be with you forever. You give her your own set of promises of forever love, and end it with a kiss before you both fall asleep in each other’s limbs.
  404. >With your first pay check combined with Hidden’s it looks like you both can afford to mortgage out a house on the outskirts of the town
  405. >A real estate pony with a lizards tongue shows you both a few empty houses. After some haggling on Hidden’s part you end up with a cottage with two bedrooms.

Tribes Researcher

by Batbooper

Derp at your Door

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Hidden Strike

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2 Bats 1 Human

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Unit V

by Batbooper