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2 Bats 1 Human

By Batbooper
Created: 2022-04-22 22:29:19
Updated: 2022-04-23 23:44:58
Expiry: Never

  1. >Been working all day at work
  2. >What a shit day. Oh well tomorrow will be better, right?
  3. >When you open the front door you can hear the mares that you are hosting talking in the family room.
  4. >The earth and equestria pact allowed the migration of ponies to Earth will stipulation for their general welfare among other things.
  5. >Seeing as you were a single dude who was desperately lonely you volunteered for the migration program.
  6. >First you had to fill out this large questionnaire that you thought you failed. After you sent that throuh the mail a week later you received a letter notifying you with your roommate matches.
  7. >And soon after that they arrived at your doorstep with their little luggage bags and all smiles
  8. >They had lived with you for about a month now.
  9. >They didnt work jobs but they helped around the house. Shoot they cooked and cleaned without complaints. Even kept the squirrels out of your garden and your neighbors away.
  10. >Sure your utilities are up and your grocery bill went through the roof, but you enjoy being around them. Even though you are up at somewhat different times then you are.
  11. >You close the door and walk into the family room.
  12. Ok whats going on you tw-o_o...
  13. I uhhh wow Cream.
  14. >Your grip the wall to keep your balance.
  15. Mellow....
  16. >What is that smell. Inhaling deeply its a little musky but by gawd is it great.
  17. >Mellow and Cream Puff look at eachother knowingly sustaining wicked grins. And then face you with the same grins.
  18. >"Mr. Anon look at how cute Mellow looks.
  19. >"Thats nothing check out how hot Cream looks"
  20. >Trotting up to you and circling around like sharks with a taste for blood. Their tails drag againat your hip. Both giggling in tune with each other.
  21. >They never have been this friendly before. Looking at the kitchen all the fruit is gone. A calendar you have on the fridge has today marked in a circle with lots of hearts. Wait its spring and the temperatures have been quite pleasant.
  22. >Mellow and Cream grab onto opposite sleeves dragging you over to the couch where you slump down and they jump up.
  23. >Oh Anon you are in trouble
  26. >Mellow grabs a bowl that was perched with on an end table, setting it down between her hooves. She goes face down into the bowl coming up with a wedge of pineapple speared on a fang.
  27. >On your left Cream has done the same thing with two cherries.
  28. >They continue to giggle pressing hooves into your side, drawing their muzzles closer to your face bearing fruit.
  29. >Their eyes bear a mischievous plotline that your mind is slowly unraveling. Mellow strikes first with the bit of pineapple brushing your lips. Not wanting to be rude to Mellow you open your mouth only to have her tongue brush the pineapple inside your mouth then drag down across your lip. She giggles then goes back down to her bowl
  30. >Chewing and then swallowing the pineapple, Cream presses both of the cherries past your lips. You teeth drag them off her fangs. She gives you a light peck on the lips and goes back for more fruit.
  31. >This goes on until the last bit of fruit is pressed to your lips by mellow. But it wasn't fruit. Mellow wraps her lips around yours pressing her tongue in between to explore your mouth. Cream makes a trail of kisses from your chin down to the collar of your shirt. Using her hooves she drags up your shirt, interrupting the kiss you had with Mellow. Burying her chest tuft into your face as she drags your shirt up and over your head. Mellow drags the shirt off your arms as cream rubs her chest tuft across your face.
  32. >Looking up invites Cream to attack your mouth fangs dragging across your lips and tongue dancing across yours. Mellow comes in from side nibbling on your ear and running a hoof through your hair. Cream breaks the attack trailing kisses down your chin and neck. Exploring your chest with her tongue and nipping at will. Mellows hoof presses your face to her mouth resuming her oral exploratory adventure with you. Oh damn Cream is nibbling on your nips, your brush your hands through her mane. Their giggling has not stopped.

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