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Anon in Saddle Arabia's pony prison, chapter 3

By Wand_of_Inferno
Created: 2022-05-01 07:33:31
Expiry: Never

  1. <Previously, on ‘Anon in Saddle Arabia’s prison’!
  3. >”Musul Mare, are you ready to lose?”
  6. >Wait… something is shining in the sand
  7. >You walk towards the shining item and investigate it
  8. >…It’s a… camera?
  11. >Anon shows you a few photos from the terrorists' ponies
  12. >They are group photos taken from different angles, from below and even from above
  13. >Hmm, the photographer must be a Pegasus or a unicorn to get those high angles
  14. >That is… weird since every terrorist that you have seen so far were all earth ponies…
  17. >A couple? Sleeping together? This is the perfect chance to use your new spell!
  18. >Nothing can go wrong!
  22. Be anon
  23. >Be waking up from a dream you can’t remember
  24. >Why are you so bad at remembering dreams?
  25. >You bet you could remember someone in the dream…. But who was it?
  26. >Eh, whatever… guess it wasn’t very important
  27. >Damn, it feels like you were asleep for days
  28. >You yawn from the good rest you had and stand up in the bed looking around the room
  29. >Short Fuse is at the desk reading and organizing some papers and Pancho is sitting down in a chair
  30. >Fuse takes notice of you waking up and turns to see you
  31. >”Oh Anon, good morning! I got a surprise for you!”
  32. “Good morning Fuse, what surprise?”
  33. >”Yeah, well… you were asleep and I didn’t want to wake you up, so I checked some papers from the prison’s cells and finally found a perfect cell for you and Pancho!”
  34. “That’s good Fuse. When did you wake up?”
  35. >”Oh… well, I heard the alarm at 6 A.M and turned it off. Then you… umm, were asleep and I didn’t want to wake you up so early, so I moved out of the bed and I used the bathroom to take a bath.”
  36. >You look at your clock; it says its 7:10 A.M
  37. >Where are your pants and prison uniform?
  38. >…Oh there they are, neatly folded by Fuse’s chair
  39. >He must have folded them for you, how sweet
  40. >You stand up and walk for your clothes
  41. >Fuse takes notice of you picking up your clothes
  42. >”If you want, you can take a bath in my bathroom. I don’t mind”
  43. >Damn… you almost forgot to take a bath
  44. “Thanks, are there any towels I can use?”
  45. >”…Use the orange one; I use that one for my mane, so is no problem. I have already eaten so you don’t have to worry about me. And I don’t want you to hurry but… breakfast ends in 20 minutes”
  46. >Your belly growls demandingly
  47. >It wants a sacrifice
  48. >Welp, gotta go fast
  49. >Maybe they have chili dogs?
  50. “No problem, I’ll bathe quickly”
  51. >Short Fuse glances at Pancho
  52. >”What about Pancho?”
  53. >Oh shit, boxes can’t take baths
  54. >…
  55. “He is afraid of the water; he prefers to bathe with… the rays of the sun!”
  56. >”The sun?”
  57. >Fuck, that was dumb; there is no way he’s going to believe that
  58. >”Well, some prisoners have problems and… I wouldn’t be surprised by that, I’ll take your word for it. Go ahead, take a bath, Anon”
  59. >…Nailed it?
  60. >Well, whatever… it worked somehow
  61. >And with that, you walk to Fuse’s bathroom
  62. >The lock clicks satisfyingly behind you
  63. >You take a look at yourself in the mirror
  64. >You have some saliva on your cheek…
  65. >Could it be that Fuse was drooling on your cheek?
  66. >…
  67. >Nah, must be yours
  68. >You place your clothes on the toilet and remove your underwear
  69. >Time for the shower
  70. >But before you enter the shower, Fuse knocks on the door
  71. >”Anon! I’ll be in the nursery, so after you eat breakfast can you go there, please?”
  72. “Sure! No problem, I’ll see you there”
  73. >”Okay!”
  74. >And with that, you turn on the tap of the shower and step into the blissfully warm water
  75. >This is heaven… it’s a shame you need to take this shower so quickly, or else you’ll miss breakfast
  76. >…
  77. >Hey, how are you going to find the nursery? Fuse never told you where it was!
  78. >Ah damn it, you’ll guess where it is later
  81. Be Bright Light
  82. >Be waiting for the warden to come and help you with the morning paperwork
  83. >You already ate your morning salad with water so there was no problem waiting for him
  84. >Nothing like a healthy breakfast for a healthy day in the prison!
  85. “The warden is taking his time… like always”
  86. >You’d bet 10 bits that he’s dressing again
  87. >Which outfit will be this time? Last time he used some weird white priest costume
  88. >This pony and his hobbies… He’ll never find a marefriend with that attitude
  89. >Or a coltfriend, one never knows…
  90. >You giggle at that thought
  91. >Knowing the warden, he would use some cute wedding dress for the wedding
  92. >Someone knocks at the door, derailing your train of thought
  93. >Must be Fuse… finally
  94. “Come in”
  95. >And there he is, wearing one of his nurse outfits… pink again? This pony…
  96. >He really looks like a model, someday you’ll ask him how many costumes he has in his closet
  97. >”Good morning Bright! How are you this wonderful morning?
  98. “Morning warden, I’m fine. I woke up early to check up on the paperwork, and see if everything was in order. How about you, warden? How did you sleep last night?”
  99. >Fuse shifts his weight awkwardly
  100. >”F-fine, like a foal!”
  101. “Hmm, I hope whatever happened yesterday went away. You were worrying me”
  102. >”I tend to be nervous sometimes, sorry about that Bright. Now, about the paperwork”
  103. >He magically lifts a few papers
  104. >”This time there won’t be so much paperwork, I got help and finished fast and all we need is to check that everything is correct and wait for Anon so we can give him his medical checkup”
  105. “Another checkup, eh? I hope he can handle the syringe and won’t be scared”
  106. >It’s been a while since the last checkup… 2 weeks ago, the last pony cried for the rest of the day after he had been given his vaccinations
  107. >But hey! Nothing a big lollipop and a little kiss on the wound can’t fix!
  108. >”I don’t think Anon can get easily scared about a syringe, he already helped me twice today! And saved my life twice…”
  109. “Twice? The first one was in the kitchen, but the second one?”
  110. >”well… hehe…. I was doing my welcoming act on the rooftop and… I accidentally slipped and when I fell, Anon caught me in time”
  111. >Again with the dangerous acts…
  112. “Warden! You need to stop doing welcoming acts that are so dangerous! Ever wondered what could have happened if you hit the floor in that moment?
  113. >”Well… I…”
  114. “No you didn’t! I bet you wanted to land in some graceful pose…”
  115. >At this point, Short Fuse is just looking at the floor in shame
  116. “Fuse, please… I tell you this as a friend, please be more careful. Your actions can have consequences”
  117. >”…I won’t do any more dangerous acts from the rooftop, that’s for sure”
  118. >You give him a smile and a little hug
  119. “Now, let’s see the actual paperwork while we wait for Anonymous”
  120. >”Sure!”
  121. >You did the right thing; maybe this chat will help Fuse in the future
  122. “So, who helped you with the paperwork yesterday?
  123. >There it is again, the nervous warden… looking around quickly as if someone were listening
  124. >”A-Anon did, I forget to tell him about the good points system, and wanted to help me all night”
  125. “All night!? Tell me you didn’t stay up late again!”
  126. >”I won’t tell you if you don’t want then… heh…”
  127. “Warden…”
  130. Be Anon
  131. >Be leaving Short Fuse’s room/office with Pancho in your left hand
  132. >Only 10 minutes left until breakfast ends
  133. >Time for some good food!
  134. >You start walking faster towards the mess hall
  135. >Not running, just walking faster. It always works better
  136. “So Pancho, did you sleep well last night?”
  137. >”…”
  138. >Pancho doesn’t respond, as usual
  139. “Oh right, you can’t talk… unless…”
  140. >You murmur some words without moving your lips, making Pancho ‘say’ something
  141. >”Gee mate, next time don’t leave me sleeping on the floor! I wanted to be sleeping with Short Fuse too! He got da booty! Ten out of ten would slap butt! Mamacita…”
  142. “Oh Pancho, you are so silly and dirty… like me! But Fuse is a male”
  143. >You keep murmuring, continuing your ‘conversation’ with Pancho
  144. >”Remember what Cousin Incognito once said: ‘in a war every trench is useful!’ Sí!”
  145. >This is what happens when you don’t eat. You really need to eat something
  146. >Good that no one is listening to this conversation
  147. >You finally arrive at the mess hall, just in time too!
  148. >Breakfast was nearly over
  149. >The mess hall is kind of empty, not many inmates around this late in the morning
  150. “Here Pancho, keep this chair occupied for me”
  151. >Pancho doesn’t say a thing as you place him at a table
  152. >You roll your eyes and act as his voice again
  153. >”Ya! Just go for your food and stop wasting time! Vamos!”
  154. >This time you run for the trays
  155. >Lattore the chef notices you and greets you
  156. >”Hey, Anonymous! Good morning! I was wondering when you would appear for your morning meal!”
  157. “Morning Lattore, yeah I oversleep today but at least I didn’t lose breakfast”
  158. >”Good, good! Well, for today’s breakfast you can choose between a healthy green salad with spinach or a classic sandwich with scrambled eggs! Ah, and the drink, you can choose between milk, coffee, water, or juice!”
  159. >Choices, choices…
  160. >The salad is nice but isn’t going to fill you much. So, let’s go with the eggs
  161. “I’ll take two sandwiches and some milk”
  162. >”Oh, two sandwiches? Well, that would be twice the cost of points, but I bet you’ve got plenty of points to waste after yesterday! Do you have the point card?”
  163. >Point card? What?
  164. “Umm… I…”
  165. >Lattore suddenly burst out laughing
  166. >”It’s a joke I always make to new inmates! Don’t worry, you don’t need a card! I’ll just take a note and that’ll go out of your account”
  167. >Lattore gives you a plate with two sandwiches, the milk, and a few napkins
  168. >”Enjoy your meal!”
  169. “Thanks Lattore, say… where is Fray?”
  170. >”He already helped me and is in the library reading some novels”
  171. >A dragon in a library could be dangerous… one sneeze and…
  172. “Well, maybe I’ll see him later and chat with him. Thanks for the food Lattore!”
  173. >Lattore waves at you as you go back to your chair
  174. >You sit and place your plate on the table and start eating
  175. >Pancho just stays still in his chair as you start eating the first sandwich
  176. >Of course he stays still, he can’t move unless you help him
  177. >The eyes you drew on him seem to stare at you, following you when you move
  178. >It’s like if he wanted some food
  179. “Hey Pancho, you want some?”
  180. >You start murmuring again
  181. >”The air and the sun are my only food Anon, alas… if I were someone different I could get used to some food. I would like to be a chicken!”
  182. “Yeah, I could call you private Cock or something, and you’ll be my little pet in this prison! Man, the adventures we could have…”
  183. >You munch your food and finish the first sandwich
  184. >…
  185. >Stopping the silliness for a moment, you still don’t know where the nursery is
  186. >Maybe an inmate or a guard could tell you, isn’t that hard to ask where it is
  187. >”Oi, hello”
  188. >You heard a feminine voice from behind you and turn to see a Pegasus with a prison uniform
  189. >Oh, is the pony from before! The one who helps Fuse… what was her name?
  190. “Oh hi, I remember you from yesterday but can’t remember your name…”
  191. >You use your napkins to clean your mouth and hands
  192. >”Nice to meet you, I’m Yarn Feather. As you might know, I’m the warden’s personal assistant”
  193. “I’m Anonymous. You can call me Anon for short”
  194. >She gives you her hoof as a greeting and you shake her hoof
  195. >”The warden told me to tell you where the nursery was and escort you if you want”
  196. “Sure, just wait until I’m done with my food and we can go”
  197. >Yarn Feather spots Pancho and greets him too
  198. >”You must be Pancho, nice to meet you too!”
  199. >She lands a hoof on Pancho and pats him a little
  200. >Welp, Yarn must have heard that Pancho doesn’t greet from the nurse…
  201. >Yarn sits down at Pancho’s side while waiting for you to finish
  202. >”Are you a kind of creature that doesn’t speak much?”
  203. >Damn, she’s speaking with Pancho
  204. >”…”
  205. >Pancho doesn’t respond to Yarn
  206. >”Oh, you are the mysterious type, aren’t you?”
  207. >”…”
  208. >Still no response
  209. >You’re starting to worry
  210. >If this keeps up, she might discover that Pancho is just a box...
  211. >…Maybe you could speak without moving your lips and-
  212. >No… you can’t, you have food in your mouth! Damn it!
  213. >”Both you and Anon got peculiar names, you know? It’s the first time I’ve ever heard of someone with those names… But you Pancho, you really are something”
  214. >She is giving bedroom eyes to Pancho…
  215. >Is she flirting with him?
  216. >You finish your last sandwich and drink all of the milk in your glass
  217. “Ah… well, I’m done with my food! Now we can go, Yarn”
  218. >Yarn Feather stands up and gives /another/pat on Pancho’s back and picks him up with one wing
  219. >”Well, follow my lead! I hope you don’t mind if I carry you to the nursery, Pancho!”
  220. >…Pancho has been kidnapped by Yarn
  221. >Oh boy
  222. “This is going to be a long day”
  225. Be Yarn Feather
  226. >Be with the most interesting creature in the entire land of Equestria!
  227. >Oh, also with Anonymous
  228. >You were escorting both of them to the nurse’s office
  229. >Maybe you could chat with Pancho and learn more about him?
  230. “So, what did you two do to get in prison?”
  231. >Anon is the first to speak
  232. >”Let’s say that we were running from the guards and… things went downhill… literally. I used a cart to get away from them and crashed with another cart full of lettuces. Then I fell unconscious, some hours passed, we went to a trial and here we are now, enjoying life”
  233. >So these two are some seriously dangerous inmates? Unf, you like that
  234. >”What about you? What did you do to get here?”
  235. “Well… I’m here for kidnapping cats…”
  236. >”So a thief?”
  237. “Hey! It’s not my problem that they look so cute… Okay, sometimes I tend to grab stuff that isn’t mine… but I give it back!”
  238. >”So that’s why you picked up Pancho?”
  239. >You turn a little shade of red in your cheeks
  240. “Maybe I just thought that Pancho was some interesting creature… speaking of, hey Pancho, what creature are you?”
  241. >”…”
  242. >Pancho doesn’t say anything as seconds past by
  243. >A strong silent type...
  244. >Unf
  245. “Come on, don’t be shy! I’m your friend now! Just say a word, any word that can describe what species you are! Please!”
  246. >You heard a raspy voice. That voice was coming from behind?
  247. >”Cheeki Breeki!”
  248. >You gasp and stop walking. Was that voice… Pancho!? He… He finally spoke!
  249. >He spoke to you before anyone else in the prison!
  250. >Anon doesn’t count, he knew Pancho before they came here
  251. >Pancho must like you!
  252. “A-ANON! PANCHO! He finally spoke with me! And he said he was a Cheeki Breeki! Whatever that means, I finally know what he is and he spoke to me!”
  253. >”T-That’s g-good Yarn... pfftt…”
  254. >Anon must be surprised that Pancho spoke to you! He looks so happy, almost looks like he is laughing
  255. ”Pancho! Can you tell me more about your species? I want to know more about ‘Cheeki Breeki’s!”
  256. >”…”
  257. >Pancho doesn’t speak; all you can hear is Anon’s laughter
  258. “Anon! I can’t hear what Pancho is saying… if he was speaking… with you laughing so loudly!”
  259. >”Hah… I’m… hah… sorry, sorry for that Yarn, I just remembered something funny… let’s keep moving”
  260. >You aren’t so sure if Anon is being suspicious or simply silly
  261. >You shrug and keep walking
  264. Be Anon
  265. >Be walking along with Pancho and Yarn
  266. >You’re still laughing from the ‘Cheeki Breeki’ dialogue
  267. >It was risky, but boy was it worth it
  268. >You three finally make it to the nursery
  269. “I believe that this is the nursery”
  270. >”Yup! How did you guess? It’s not like there is a big sign that says something about this door being of the nursery!”
  271. >Technically, the nursery did have a sign with the words ‘Nursery’ and a heart with a light from behind in it
  272. >You knock on the door of the nursery and a voice answers your knock
  273. >”Come in!”
  274. >You open the door and you, Yarn and Pancho enter the nursery
  275. >Yarn closes the door behind her
  276. >”Oh Anon, you are finally here!”
  277. >Short Fuse responds with happiness as he tackles you into a hug
  278. >Damn, he’s wearing a nurse outfit… a cute pink thing with a pink nurse’s hat and blue socks
  279. >His flank is fully visible with his cutie mark on it
  280. >You return the hug. Hugging friends isn’t bad, right?
  281. >He stops hugging you and turns to the nurse who is smirking at both of you
  282. >”T-That was a good luck hug! You know, for the checkup!”
  283. “Hi, your name is Bright Light, right?”
  284. >”Yup, nice to meet you again Anonymous. Ready for the checkup?”
  285. “Hah, with that hug I can be ready for anything”
  286. >Short Fuse just blushes and stares at the floor for a few seconds, moving his front hoof on the floor in small circles
  287. >”Well, the checkup is pretty simple. I just need to know your weight, height, and blood type and give you an injection. Since I don’t know where you have been, I need to give you this for your health”
  288. “I get it, I don’t mind”
  289. >”That’s the spirit!”
  290. >Before the checkup can really begin, Yarn Feather trots over to Fuse and Bright Light
  291. >”Oh, before I forget! Did you two know that Pancho is a Cheeki Breeki?”
  292. >Both Fuse and Bright Light look at her with confused expressions
  293. >Here we go again… Maybe this time you can contain your laughter
  294. >”Chicken Breaken?” both of them say at the same time
  295. >”Not Chicken Breaken! Cheeki Breeki! He spoke with me just minutes ago!” Yarn Feather says with an enthusiastic voice
  296. >Fuse seems amused by this
  297. >”Pancho can talk? I thought he was too shy to speak!”
  298. >Yarn Feather’s tail just keeps moving like a happy dog while speaking
  299. >”Yeah! He did speak and said that! Cheeki Breeki!”
  300. >You won’t be able to contain your laughter if this continues…
  301. “Bright Light… can we start the checkup?”
  302. >”Oh, sure! The warden is going to help me with your checkup!”
  303. >Fuse gives Bright a surprised look
  304. >”I AM?”
  305. >”Yes you are! You are dressed as a nurse! So you are helping me today... Only with Anon of course! Just follow my instructions and everything will be okay~”
  306. >Fuse tries to calm down a little and speak clearly
  307. >”F-Fine, I’ll help you. I mean, nothing can go wrong, r-right?”
  310. Be Short Fuse
  312. >You accidentally injected Anon’s left arm in the wrong spot!
  315. >Yarn Feather is on the floor unconscious with Pancho on top of her
  316. >Bright Light told you to hold a towel against Anon’s arm while she was getting the emergency kit for this occasion
  317. >”It’s okay… everything will be okay… it’s just some blood… everything will be…”
  318. “Anon, stop speaking! You are losing energy! Just wait for Bright with that emergency kit! Oh… what have I done…”
  319. >You are on the edge of the tears!
  320. >Anon starts petting your head with his uninjured arm to make you feel a little better
  321. >”There are no mistakes Fuse… just happy accidents”
  322. >You smile a little, at least you aren’t going to cry now
  323. >Bright Light finally comes back levitating an item with her magic; a container with white water
  324. >”Okay warden! Let me handle this situation!”
  325. >Removing the towel from Anon’s arm, Bright Light applies the white water to the injured arm
  326. >Not only the part where it is bleeding, but she’s also treating the entire arm
  327. >Her horn begins to shine and suddenly the water turns to ice
  328. >”…That was close, but hey! At least we have your sample of blood! Haha!”
  329. >Anon just looked at the ceiling. He looked very dizzy…
  330. >”Good thing I… didn’t choose… the salad…”
  331. “Oh Anon…”
  332. >Bright Light turns to Anon and touches his now frozen arm
  333. >”Hey, look at the bright side! At least now you are all right!”
  334. >You both stay silent and sigh
  335. >”… Just have your lollipop for being a good prisoner and not crying. Warden, don’t you have something to give him, too?”
  336. “I… already said sorry”
  337. >”Not that, kiss his arm! He deserves it after what you did”
  338. “But it… I… okay”
  339. >A little kiss on the arm shouldn’t be so bad, at least isn’t on the cheeks… again…
  340. >You lean close to his arm and give a little kiss
  341. >You try to give him a quick one, but you can’t retract…
  342. >…Ponyfeathers
  343. >”You can stop kissing his arm now, warden!”
  344. “Mhmmh mmhmmmh!”
  345. >You are stuck in Anon’s frozen arm!
  346. >”What was that? You can’t stop kissing Anon’s arm because you like it?”
  347. >What is she saying!?
  348. “Mnn Mnnn!”
  349. >”Oh, how adorable!”
  350. >You can’t say anything; you are really stuck on Anon’s frozen arm
  351. >Anon woozily glances down at you
  352. >”Bright Light, could you do something?”
  353. >”Oww, I expected you to be happy about this! Are you not?”
  354. >Anon just frowns
  355. >”Just undo this with your magic, nurse”
  356. >”You are not cool to mess with… Ha! Get it? Because… I’ll free the warden from your arm now…”
  357. >Bright Light focuses her magic on Anon’s arm. You feel your mouth warm up and suddenly you hear ice breaking slowly
  358. >Finally you are free!
  359. >”There you go, both of you free. Also, check your arm now Anon it should feel better”
  360. >Anon moves his arm and checks it as Bright advised
  361. >”I feel like if I haven’t lost any blood… what kind of magic is this?”
  362. >Bright Light proudly raises his head while closing her eyes
  363. >”Nurse’s magic! The magic of the medicine! And puns!”
  364. >BAD puns…
  365. >Anon frowns once again
  366. >”So you knew that this could happen and weren’t worried?”
  367. >”Of course not, I’m a nurse prepared for everything. I just wanted some fun with both of you…”
  368. “There are limits, Bright!”
  369. >The room went silent for a few seconds
  370. >”You are right. I’m sorry Anon, I hope you don’t hate me for this”
  371. >”Nah, its okay. Some adrenaline isn’t going to make me lose the trial”
  372. ”But you are already in prison, Anon!”
  373. >”Human’s expression”
  374. >Hyomans are silly creatures
  375. >But you’ve got to admit, Anon is very tough! He did bear with the pain!
  376. “Ehem. Well, now that this is complete, Bright Light will fulfill every paper with your health status and send me the results later.”
  377. >”I guess I deserve that, ehehe….”
  378. “Now Anon, follow me so I can show you your cell!”
  379. >Anon stands up and moves his arm to give it a test
  380. >”Everything is okay… just let me grab my friend Pancho and let’s head to the cell”
  381. >Right, Yarn Feather fainted as soon as she saw blood. She is on the floor with Pancho
  382. >Using your magic, you levitate her and kindly put her in a cot
  383. >Bright Light will make sure she’s okay
  384. >Anon grabs Pancho with his left arm
  385. “Okay, follow me”
  388. Be Anon
  389. >Be walking with Fuse, arriving at your cell
  390. “Fuse, how long are you going to wear that nurse’s outfit?
  391. >”Once I return to my office I’ll change into my actual warden’s uniform”
  392. “Okay… Are we there yet?”
  393. >”You said that 5 times in a row and I said no, but this time, yes! We are here!”
  394. >Block 9, cell 42. You finally notice that the cells aren’t very…intimidating. They look more like hotel rooms
  395. >You also couldn’t stop looking at the next ‘cell’ at your right. The door was large. What kind of creature would stay in there?
  396. >Fuse levitates a key in front of you
  397. >”This is your cell’s key. Don’t lose it! …It’s not like we have 4 extra keys or something!”
  398. “Wait a second, a key for my cell? So I can go outside or inside whenever I want?”
  399. >”Yup! That’s how it works! What do you think keys are for, silly?”
  400. >Pretty weird, but whatever. This ‘prison’ is something curious
  401. >You put the key in the door keyhole and use the knob
  402. >You slowly open the door, revealing your big ‘cell’
  403. >A big king-size bed, a freezer, a bathroom, a window with a view of the desert, a table with two cushions to sit around it, a stand with books and a speaker in one corner of the wall
  404. >Yup, this is a fucking big ass hotel
  405. >”I hope everything is to your liking!”
  406. >You leave Pancho on the cushion near the table and pick up Fuse
  407. “I freaking love it!”
  408. >You spin around with Fuse in your hands for a few seconds, just for the fun of it. You always wanted to do this to a pony, you can’t lie
  409. >”Aaaaaaaaanooooon I’m geeetting diiiiizzyyyyy”
  410. >You stop spinning around and give him a hug
  411. “I’m sorry. I just like this roo- I mean, cell!”
  412. >Fuse hugs you back, closing his eyes
  413. >Was that a whimper?
  414. >The hug lasts for a while longer than you thought it would
  415. >…
  416. >..
  417. >.
  418. >”Oh! I got carried away by the moment!” Fuse says blushing a little
  419. “Nah don’t worry. A hug is a hug, don’t you like hugs? You were so happy when you saw me at the nursery”
  420. >Fuse keeps blushing
  421. >”I… I need to get my uniform!”
  422. >He breaks the hug and stays at the door
  423. >”I’m not going to take much time, read something or do whatever you want and I’ll be back to show you the rest of the prison~!”
  424. “Sure, I’ll be here waiting for you”
  425. >With a smile and a wink he leaves your cell
  426. >Wait, was that a wink? He was winking at you?
  427. >…
  428. “H-HEY PANCHO! AMIGO! Wanna talk about something!?”
  429. >You use your impressive ventriloquism skills to give Pancho a voice again
  430. >”Don’t change the subject pendejo! You know you want him”
  431. “God damn it Pancho”
  434. Be Short Fuse
  435. >Be in your office trying to change into your warden’s uniform
  436. >Why did you wink at Anon!?
  437. >Are your thoughts taking control again?
  438. >’No we aren’t right now’ says one thought
  439. “…”
  440. >Well… maybe he didn’t notice that
  441. >And if he did notice… you could think of something, like… you had something in your eye!
  442. >Yeah, that should do it!
  443. >Now… where was your uniform? It isn’t in your small closet...
  444. >You don’t want to go on a search in that big closet; you don’t have time because Anon is waiting for you!
  445. “Oh, where is that uniform!?”
  446. >Suddenly the door is opened by a guard
  447. >Royal Mess takes a step into your room
  448. >“Warden! I have news for yo-!
  449. “WAH! DON’T LOOK, I’M NAKED!”
  450. >Royal Mess quickly covers his eyes with his hooves
  451. >”OH! S-SORRY! I DIDN’T MEAN TO- …Wait, we usually don’t wear clothes…” he says as he uncovers his eyes
  452. >…Right, how could you forget that?
  453. “Sorry… I tend to wear so many clothes that I keep forgetting that! What news do you have, Royal Mess? And please, next time knock first”
  454. >”Sorry for not knocking, warden. The news I have is that the terrorists abandoned their outpost. We haven’t located them, but it is confirmed for sure that they aren’t near Saddle Arabia”
  455. “Those terrorists… what are they planning this time? Make sure to secure every corner of this prison! And send some guards to secure the city too!”
  456. >”Yes Ma-SIR, warden!” Royal Mess nods and leaves, closing the door behind him
  457. >When they lose a fight, the terrorists always want revenge. Damaging buildings with spray cheese… hiding the cows of the city… disguising as citizens to fool the guards and do bad things in the city…
  458. >M-Maybe this time they won’t do anything?
  459. >You are too scared to think about what they will do this time
  460. >You need to be prepared. You can start by preparing your guards to be prepared for anything!
  461. >But… first things first, let’s give Anon that tour!
  462. >…
  463. >What were you doing before Royal Mess came?
  464. >…
  465. >Oh! Your uniform! Yeah… where was it?
  468. Be Anon
  469. >Be lying on your bed reading a pony magazine
  470. >The magazine is filled with pictures of clothes.
  471. >Girls clothes
  472. >A lot of them
  473. >Exactly the kind of magazine Short Fuse would read…
  474. >Or model for
  475. >Pony models wearing saddles… gowns… fashion dresses…. Bridesmaid dresses…
  476. >A great variety of clothes
  477. >This is getting boring. I mean, why read a fashion magazine when you know a pony who has the biggest closet in the world with tons of costumes?
  478. > Maybe there are more closets like that one
  479. >…Hey… why read this magazine when you’ve got a camera and could get some pictures with Fuse wearing clothes?
  480. >…Idea! Great idea!
  481. >Hope he doesn’t mind posing for the photos. If you had enough pictures of him, you could make a whole calendar!
  482. >The question now was… when was the perfect time to tell Fuse? After the tour? During the tour?
  483. >...Nah you got time if you don’t remember… Pancho could help you remember
  484. “Right, Pancho?”
  485. >”…”
  486. “Fuck you I’m not doing the ventriloquist thing again”
  487. >Someone knocks on your door
  488. >Must be Fuse… at least this time he was faster than before!
  489. >You stand up and walk to the door, slowly opening it
  490. “Pancho was already sleeping, good you were faster this time-“
  491. >You blink several times before seeing the creature in front of you
  492. >A big, yellow giraffe peers down at you
  493. “You are not Fuse”
  494. >Well that’s for sure you genius
  495. >The giraffe swings its head to the door, wearing a tiny smile while looking at you
  496. >”Hello there! I’m Jenny, your cell neighbor! Nice to meet you!”
  497. >/That/ answers the question about the weird-looking door next to your room…
  498. >She grabs a basket with her mouth and put it on the floor of your cell
  499. >”These are for you!”
  500. >The basket is full of cookies with stars and smiley faces on them
  501. “Oh, thanks for the gift. My name is Anonymous, Anon for short”
  502. >Jenny puts her head almost inside your cell looking around and spotting Pancho
  503. >”And who is the little guy?”
  504. “He’s my old friend Pancho”
  505. >Pancho was sitting on the cushion near the table ‘reading’ a book
  506. >”Hi Pancho!”
  507. >The book in front of Pancho flips to the next page by itself
  508. >…That was the wind… right?
  509. “He… doesn’t speak so much. The little guy is kind of shy and all of that”
  510. >”Oh I can relate. I tend to be shy or nervous!”
  511. “Yeah… do you want to come in?”
  512. >”Why… don’t you come out and we chat? I have problems with normal doors”
  513. >Right, giraffes. Giraffe’s necks. I mean, she could just put her head a little down and come, but whatever
  514. >You grab the basket and put it on the table, near the book Pancho is reading
  515. “Don’t eat them all, okay?”
  516. >”…”
  517. >10 cookies… you swear if there is one cookie bitten… you were going to do some voodoo or some shit on Pancho
  518. >And with that you leave your cell and close the door
  519. >”Wanna come to my cell? I have some cookies you could try there while we both chat!”
  520. “Do you also have some cream? Cookies and cream are the best combinations”
  521. >”I’ll see what if I have, follow me!” she says, starting to walk to her cell
  522. >She opens the door and you both enter
  523. >Her cell was the same as yours, same cushion and table, same freezer, same bathroom… except for the walls which had pictures of her and some ponies and of course the large bed
  524. >You both take a seat and you couldn’t help but ask her a quick question
  525. “What’s up with the photos on the wall?”
  526. >”Oh. Those are from ponies around Equestria. Friends, citizens, customers…”
  527. “Customers? Do you travel around Equestria?”
  528. >”Ups, I forget to tell my job! I’m a travel agent. I travel to different places around Equestria on an Aircraft Cruise! And it is called The Silver Dream”
  529. >An aircraft cruise? …That’s new
  530. “What’s an aircraft cruise? I never heard of one before”
  531. >”Imagine a zeppelin fused with a cruise. It can travel on air and sea!”
  532. >Interesting… you didn’t know ponies were /this/ advanced with technology
  533. “But why need to travel in the sea when you can fly?
  534. >”It’s part of my enterprise. The cruise part to be exact! The Silver Dream has a submarine so the customers can see and swim with the marine life! The Silver Dream during the day is on the big sea. And as part of the cruise, it has everything you need! A casino? You got it! A dance room? Yup!”
  535. >Jenny takes a breath to continue speaking
  536. >”And the best part is at night! When the cruise rises from below through the big skies! We even have an observatory!”
  537. “What about pegasi? Wouldn’t it be dangerous for them to fly around if they got lost?”
  538. >Jenny smiles proudly at your question
  539. >”The Silver Dream got magic protection, a magic barrier to be exact! It has limits on it so pegasi can’t fly outside it”
  540. >This conversation is getting interesting; you can wait for Fuse here while talking with Jenny about her work
  541. >Speaking of, where is he?
  543. Be Short Fuse
  544. >Be near block 9
  545. >You finally found your uniform!
  546. >Just in time to not be late meeting up with Anon for his tour!...
  547. >Maybe just a little late… hope he doesn’t notice!
  548. >You cheerfully greet each inmate you pass, and they all return your greetings with smiles
  549. >Yeah, today will be a great day. You can feel it
  550. >After walking for a bit more you finally arrive at Anonymous’s cell and knock on the door
  551. “Anon! I’m here!”
  552. >…
  553. “Anon?”
  554. >…
  555. >No answer...
  556. >Isn’t he inside?
  557. “Anon, I’m coming in!” you say as you open the door
  558. >Pancho is the only one here, sitting next to a basket
  559. “Oh… where did he wander off to this ti- oh, there are cookies in that basket!”
  560. >Cookies, your weaknesses!
  561. >...One of many
  562. >Maybe you could…
  563. >No! What if those are for Anon? Or for Pancho? …Or for the both of them. That couldn’t be right of you…
  564. >Maybe asking Pancho…?
  565. “Umm, Pancho… do you mind sharing one little cookie?”
  566. >”…”
  567. “Umm, pretty please?”
  568. >”…”
  569. >Still no response from him
  570. >Well, this is worth giving it a shot
  571. “Don’t say anything if you are okay with me eating one cookie!”
  572. >”…”
  573. “Thank you!”
  574. >With your magic you grab one of the star-shaped cookies and start munching it
  575. >So delicious! Whoever made this, you need the recipe from them!
  576. >Or maybe you could use these as rewards!
  577. “Now… Pancho, do you know where Anon went?”
  578. >Pancho doesn’t say or do anything, but a page of the book he is reading flips to the next
  579. >So rude, ignoring you…
  580. “Hmph! Whatever, I’ll find him by myself then!”
  581. >You stand outside Anon’s cell and yell his name. Maybe he was near it? Chatting with some inmate? Or maybe he went outside?
  582. >You yell at the top of your lungs, which is… not so loud
  583. “Anon? Aaaaaaaanoooooooon!”
  584. >…
  585. >…
  586. >Suddenly, the door next to Anon’s cell opens and Anon stands outside
  587. “Oh, there you are!”
  588. >”Sup Fuse, sorry for not waiting inside the cell. Jenny here wanted to chat for a bit and I thought it would be a good way to kill time”
  589. >Jenny peers her head around Anon and gives you a little shy smile
  590. >”Hello warden”
  591. “Hi Jenny! Sorry for interrupting whatever you two were talking about. Anon, I’m ready to give you the tour… unless you want to chat with Jenny for a bit more?”
  592. >”Well the conversation was getting interesting, but we could chat after the tour. I mean, I really want to know what this prison has. You don’t mind, right Jenny?”
  593. >Jenny shakes her head
  594. >”Don’t worry, I can tell you later more... I could talk to Pancho! If he has time to talk I mean”
  595. “You can keep Pancho company while I give Anon the tour!”
  596. >Anon gives you a minorly concerned glance
  597. >“So Pancho won’t take the tour? It would be us two alone on the tour then?”
  598. >You are smiling more than you want to smile…
  599. ”Yup!”
  600. >Anon nods
  601. >”Just let me give Pancho to Jenny, be ready in a second”
  602. >Anon enters his cell, closing the door behind him while you and Jenny stay outside waiting for him
  603. >”So warden, how’s your family’s business doing?”
  604. >Oh Jenny, always wanting to know about business…
  605. “Well, you got a copy of last month’s magazine, didn’t you? They are picking up news-“
  606. >A blood-curdling scream wails from Anon’s room
  607. >“NO WAY, HOW!?”
  608. >You quickly open the door and see a concerned Anon staring at Pancho. Anon was with his thumbs crossed in the shape of a cross
  609. “Is something the matter, Anon!?
  610. >”Pancho… the cookies… nine…”
  611. >Oh…. Right, you ate one cookie and now Anon thinks Pancho ate one…
  612. >Should you tell him? …You don’t want to lie or blame Pancho…
  613. “Wh-what’s the matter on this situation, Anon?”
  614. >”Pancho… ate… one… cookie…” you can sense his voice quivering and low
  615. “I… don’t see the big deal with it; I mean… maybe he wanted to try one…”
  616. >Anon slowly turns to look at you with more concern in his eyes
  617. >”F-fuse… you were here in the cell, r-right? Tell me you ate one cookie… please”
  618. >Oh he knows! Or maybe… doesn’t? Is this a mind game!? Time to play the reverse mind game!
  619. “Y-yeah, I was here in your cell but there were only nine cookies… yes, only nine, not ten! And he was clearly eating one when I entered the cell”
  620. >Please don’t use your powers in detection of lies on me now Anon…
  621. >”Are you… are you sure?”
  622. >Anon is sweating even when there is air conditioner…
  623. “W-well, come on Anon! Let’s just start the tour until it gets late… give Pancho to Jenny and let’s keep moving! Our first location on the tour is the prison’s gym!”
  624. >”Maybe lifting can clear my mind…”
  625. >Anon slowly picks up Pancho with his now shaking hands
  626. >Weird. First, he was sweating and now he’s trembling… you really need to check this cell thermostat
  627. >You three walk outside and Anon gives Pancho to Jenny
  628. >Jenny picks Pancho with her mouth and thanks Anon, wishing him a good day
  629. >She takes Pancho into her cell and Anon closes his cell door
  630. >”Okay, I’m ready to go” Anon says with a sigh
  631. “Alright, is everyone here? Sound off!”
  632. >Anon looks around the empty hall
  633. >”…Yeah, I’m here”
  634. "Good, that means we can continue. Remember to stay with the group!"
  635. >Anon looks around the still very empty hall
  636. >”You are just enjoying this, aren’t you?”
  637. “Who? Me~? Silly Anon, I’m just saying that for the protocol! Okay, follow me!”
  638. >You turn around and can hear Anon sigh as he follows you
  639. >”Whatever you say, warden”
  640. >The tour begins! Next stop, the GYM!
  642. Be Anon
  643. >Be walking side by side with Short Fuse talking about the prison. How the installations work, how many guards work here, the usual stuff like if you were a new guard in this prison
  644. >Working in this prison as a guard…. That would be interesting, you can’t lie
  645. >Being the best guard… the most respected! The pay could be enough for the rest of your adventures in this part of this world
  646. >It’s a shame you don’t have the time to work as one
  647. >”Anon, are you listening? Anon!”
  648. “Uh, what?”
  649. >”You weren’t paying attention?”
  650. >Shit, you weren’t. Say something quick!
  651. “…yes?”
  652. >Nailed it
  653. >Fuse pouts
  654. >”Is that a question or an answer?”
  655. “…Okay, I wasn’t paying attention, sorry. What did you say?”
  656. >”I said that we are here!”
  657. >Fuse points you to two big metal doors and the sign-in top of them saying ‘GYM’ with the face of an orange bull on it
  658. “Oh good, I’ll open the door for you”
  659. >You stand in front of the two metal doors, but as soon as you try to open them, they are open by someone else from inside
  660. >A big orange minotaur with a brownish loincloth opens both doors
  661. >”KAPLAR!”
  662. >Kaplar?
  664. >He extends a hand to greet you
  666. “Uh… I…”
  668. >Short Fuse moves between the two of you and looks directly at Iron Curtain
  669. >”Iron Curtain, indoors voices please. This inmate right here isn’t a minotaur, he’s a Hyouman. And I can personally confirm he’s a male”
  670. >Fuse’s face freezes up as he tries to comprehend what just came out of his mouth
  671. >”SORRY MA’- I mean, sorry warden, I was so excited to see another comrade, what’s your name by the way?”
  672. >You clear your throat before speaking
  673. “I’m Anonymous, Anon for short”
  674. >Once again, Iron Curtain extends his hand to greet you and you shake his hand
  675. >”Well it’s nice to meet a new inmate, come inside and I’ll show you the GYM”
  676. >He then turns to Fuse
  677. >”Warden, this time are you going to try and lift something? OR just keep doing your dances?”
  678. >Fuse comes to his senses and stares daggers at Iron Curtain
  679. >”It’s not a dance! It’s called Zumba! And I can go and try lifting weights this time! Hmph!”
  680. >Iron Curtain looks happily to Short Fuse
  681. >”Then let’s get to it! The morning is young!”
  682. >You both nod and enter the GYM, Iron Curtain closing the doors behind you
  683. “So… how did he know we were outside the doors?”
  684. >”He must have been waiting for both of us, I told Yarn Feather to tell him we were going to visit the GYM during the tour!” Short Fuse says with a smile
  685. “Oh yeah, that pony… I wonder if she’s awake by now”
  686. >”Knowing her, she sure would be awake by now!”
  688. Be Yarn Feather
  689. >…
  690. >…
  692. >”Oh you finally wake up Yarn, welcome back!”
  693. >You were unconscious?
  694. “What happened?”
  695. >”Oh nothing big! Just Anonymous got injured by an accident the warden made! There was blood everywhere!”
  696. >Blood… ugh…. Now you remember
  697. >”And you were talking while asleep! Yelling random stuff at the air! You must have had a nice dream!”
  698. >You weren’t. Or maybe you were? Or that is what you can remember… no, you can’t remember much
  699. “What was I saying?”
  700. >”I really don’t know what you were saying. It was almost like another language!”
  701. >That doesn’t sound good
  702. “Uh, can you forget about that? It’s kind of…”
  703. >”Embarrassing?”
  704. “Yes! That!”
  705. >There is a silence between you both and then you remembered something else
  706. >Where was that little charmer by the name of Pancho?
  707. “Hey Bright… where is Pancho? I had more questions for him”
  708. >”Oh, must be in his cell with Anon. Or maybe he went to take the tour with the warden! Maybe they went on the tour without him… You should check”
  709. >Pancho might be alone?
  710. >This is the perfect opportunity to get to know him better!
  711. >/MUCH/ better!
  712. >You can’t resist a colt who is in shape
  713. >And Pancho is six sides of sexy
  714. >But...
  715. >Where was Anon’s cell now? The warden never told you
  716. >…Well, he did, but you can’t remember where it was…
  717. >…!
  718. >Block 9! That was it!
  719. >Now the problem is searching around and around… well is better than nothing
  720. “Okay Bright, I’ll go and search for both of them”
  721. >You mutter to yourself under your breath
  722. “Or at least searching for Pancho…”
  723. >Bright Light didn’t seem to hear what you were whispering, so she just added a smile and a nod
  724. >”Sure! Take care Yarn! Don’t do anything dangerous!”
  725. >You’ll keep in mind to watch out for splinters
  726. “Yah. Bye Bright!”
  727. >And with that you exit the nursery and start your search for Anon and Pancho
  728. >…Mostly for Pancho, you can’t lie
  729. “I hope that little glorious creature hasn’t been sad without me!”
  731. Be Jenny
  732. >Be in your cell
  733. “And that’s everything my enterprise has to offer!”
  734. >”…”
  735. >And you are talking with the most attentive creature you ever meet!
  736. >It’s been an hour and this little guy hasn’t said a thing!
  737. >You even gave him some cookies for all his patience and attentiveness!
  738. >He is… covered with cookies and doesn’t seem to be eating any of them…
  739. >Maybe he isn’t hungry?
  740. “What about you, Pancho? Do you work for some enterprise?
  741. >”…”
  742. >Pancho doesn’t say anything
  743. “Any medium-sized business?”
  744. >”…”
  745. >Nothing… so speechless! So amazing! Pancho could be an awesome boss for any enterprise!
  746. “Did I ever tell you about my problems with doors?”
  747. >”…”
  748. “Oh yeah, I didn’t. Well, my neck is so long that I had problems on my cruise and-“
  749. >”chooo…”
  750. >You could swear you heard someone yelling outside the cell
  751. “Did you hear something, Pancho?”
  752. >”…”
  753. “Yeah… me neither…”
  754. >You lean back in your chair to keep talking to your little new friend
  755. “Well as I was saying, my neck is so long that-“
  756. >“aaaaanchoooo”
  757. >…Okay, that is getting annoying, who is yelling?
  758. ”Excuse me a moment, Pancho”
  759. >You stand up from the chair and leave your cell
  760. >You can’t find the source of the yelling, but the voice is getting louder… you can hear it now
  761. >”Paaaaaaaaanchooooooooo”
  762. >Someone is calling for Pancho?
  763. >But who?
  764. >The voice was getting closer and closer…
  765. >…
  766. >”Pancho! Where are you?”
  767. >The voice was coming from a pony. Nothing more than the personal assistant of the warden!
  768. >For what reason could she need Pancho?
  769. >She nearly trots past you, eyes searching every nook and cranny for signs of Pancho
  770. “Oi, excuse me… are you looking for Anon’s friend?”
  771. >She stops instantly
  772. >”You know Anon!? Then you must know where they both are! Especially Pancho!”
  773. >What’s the deal with this pony?
  774. “Yeah… about Anon, he is with the warden on a tour… I think they went to the GYM”
  776. >She was about to run again to the direction of the GYM, but stopped…
  777. >”Is Pancho with him?”
  778. “Oh? Oh… no, Pancho is in my cell”
  779. >”Pancho is WITH YOU?”
  780. “Umm, yeah… I wanted to talk with him since Anon wanted to take the tour… but Pancho wanted to hear my stories!”
  781. >The pegasus gives you the biggest pair of sad-kitten eyes you’ve ever seen
  782. >”Can I… stay with you two then? I don’t have anything to do all day”
  783. “Isn’t the warden always needing you?”
  784. >”She… I mean, he is busy right now giving Anon his tour… and well, I could take a break for once… So… ”
  785. >This pony really, /really/ wants to hang out with Pancho…
  786. “Oh where are my manners… my name is Jenny, nice to meet you”
  787. >”Oh! Right! Sorry! I’m Yarn Feather. Yarn is fine… Now let’s go, Pancho must be feeling lonely!”
  788. >She dashes into your cell before you can say anything else
  789. >Really, this pony must be plotting something…
  790. >You enter your cell and she is already sitting a little too close to Pancho
  791. >”Pancho, tell me more about you! Pancho, Pancho, Pancho!
  792. >Why you little…
  793. >No Jenny… you are the host…
  794. “Do you want some cookies?”
  795. >”Uh? Oh! Like these Pancho has over himself? Let me taste them…”
  796. >She takes one of the many cookies Pancho has on him with her mouth
  798. “Y-Yarn! What are you doing!?”
  799. >”Hnr? Oh, just wanted to taste one! These are delicious~”
  800. >You are uncomfortable with the level of bedroom eyes she’s giving Pancho
  801. “B-b-but why the one on top of Pancho!? He was on…”
  802. >”Do you mind that, Pancho?”
  803. >”…”
  804. >Pancho doesn’t complain about the lewd treatment
  805. >He just sits there, exuding masculinity and confidence
  806. >”See! He says it’s okay!”
  807. >And so Yarn takes another bite of cookie…
  808. “S-stop…”
  809. >She then proceeds to lick Pancho’s side
  810. >Pancho doesn’t flinch away
  811. >He practically doesn’t even react!
  812. >He has nerves of steel...
  813. >”Ah~ Tastes odd but good!”
  814. >What is going on in this pony’s head!?
  815. “Can we… talk about something to change the mood? It’s kind of getting….”
  816. >”Hot?”
  817. “Awkward…”
  818. >Yarn Feather gives you a sly smile
  819. >”I was just teasing Pancho… I wanted to make him yelp or something! This always works for the warden!”
  820. >Right… teasing…
  821. >Oh, idea!
  822. “Do you work in some enterprise, Yarn?”
  823. >You can see how Yarn’s ears perk up at what you said
  824. >”Why yes, I do!”
  825. “Mind telling us about it?”
  826. >”Sure!”
  827. >Conversing about work! Always… works!
  828. >This should change the direction of this mood for a few hours…
  830. Be Short Fuse
  831. >Be in the prison GYM
  832. >Be trying to use your magic to lift one weight
  833. >And you are sweating and tired
  834. >This is true misery
  835. >When will Anon get tired of this?!
  836. >It feels like you’ve been here doing weights and abdominals with Anon and Iron Curtain forever!
  837. >At least Iron Curtain was impressed that you tried lifting this time
  838. >Well, using your magic counts, right?
  839. >Anon was in his rhythm, lifting not one, but two weights of 20 ounces in each hand!
  840. “I still can’t believe you can handle so much weight Anon!”
  841. >Anon stopped counting so he could answer you
  842. >”Oh? It’s no big deal, back in my world I used to lift daily. It just became a habit for me”
  843. “Impressive…”
  844. >Iron Curtain’s ears perk up and he comes closer
  845. >”I like your spirit Anon, I really do. Not everyone in the prison just tries to lift 20 ounces; most can’t even lift 10 ounces!”
  846. >Anon was slowing his rhythm, maybe he got tired?
  847. >”Oh really? I thought some of the prisoners at least lifted… I mean, there is that dragon that helps the chef... Fray was his name if I remember correctly”
  848. “Fry… isn’t the type of dragon to lift. He’s more of a calm one like I told you before; he spends his time reading books”
  849. >Good thing the library is fire-proof…
  850. >”I bet Fry could lift at least 15 ounces if he wanted to!” said Iron Curtain barely managing to maintain an indoor voice
  851. “Yeah, if he wanted. But the prison GYM is optional for everyone. So that’s that”
  852. >Anon continued counting from zero again. Such determination…
  853. >”So Anon, sorry for interrupting your counting but I’m curious, where are you from exactly? The warden said you were a ‘Homan’, right?”
  854. >Once again, Anon stopped counting out loud and answered Iron Curtain while still lifting
  855. >”I don’t know if told you that I came from another dimension or world. But where I came from is called ‘Earth’, and it’s a very different place from this world. And I’m… I was questing to find a way back to my homeworld, but it’s been a couple of months already and I’m losing hope”
  856. “Anon…”
  857. >”Oh, sorry. Sometimes I forget that I’m the only human in this place… Makes me think … why me? Was it… destiny? I can’t find the reasons. It seems…. Hopeless. But I really don’t care anymore… The past is in the past, right?”
  858. >Iron Curtain drops his weights on the ground in that instant and grabs Anon’s shoulders with his hands
  859. >”Don’t you DARE lose hope, Anon! What if there is a chance? Even the tiniest opportunity, you must never lose hope. If you work harder to get something, you’ll get it. Anything is possible, comrade!”
  860. >You move closer to Anon and look at him in the eyes, secretly grateful for an excuse to stop lifting that infernal weight
  861. “What Iron Curtain is saying is true, Anon. There is always hope! Even if you can’t see good things in your future, that doesn’t mean they aren’t there! Hold on to hope…”
  862. >”The darker the night…”
  863. “…The more glorious the dawn”
  864. >…
  865. “And, even if you don’t find anything… you have us… You could stay with us if…”
  866. >Anon lets out a big sigh and interrupts you
  867. >” Like I said, it’s all in the past, I don’t really care anymore. If it happened for some reason, it happened. Can we get back to the training?”
  868. >[Urge to hug Anon intensifies]
  869. >Iron Curtain smiles apologetically at Anon
  870. >”You really… are a tough guy. I’ll never talk about this again or bring up the topic of homans again. I’m sorry”
  871. >Anon continues lifting his weights while talking with Iron Curtain
  872. >”What about you, Iron? Where are you from?”
  873. >”Oh well, I’m from the very northeast of here, in a place very forgotten called Dorama. There lives the rest of my family, and we are quite numerous! Some have really good skills in magic!”
  874. “Some of your family members still use those ugly purple robes? Those things have been out of fashion for centuries”
  875. >It seems you caught Iron Curtain off guard with your comment, and you catch a flash of anger in his eyes
  876. >”Hey! Watch that! Those robes have magic in them!”
  877. “…Still out of fashion”
  878. >There it was again, those eyes of ‘I swear to my minotaur god if you don’t stop I’ll…’
  879. >You just stick your tongue comically out at him
  880. >Right, you were the warden… but when it comes to fashion, you really had to say your opinions!
  881. >Anon stops lifting and puts his weights on the floor
  882. >”Welp. I’m tired of lifting… Fuse, can we go to the next part of the tour? I want to see all the prison in one day if you don’t mind”
  883. “Sure Anon, we can go to the Spa next to relax from the training”
  884. >”Ah, that’s cool. I’ll go put on my prison clothes; it was nice lifting with you, Iron Curtain”
  885. >”Same, comrade! you can visit the prison GYM whenever you feel like it, I’m always here. Except when I eat lunch of course”
  886. >Both of them high five each other and Iron Curtain leaves both of you
  887. >”I’ll change first if you don’t mind, Fuse”
  888. “…Sure, I don’t mind! Just… are you... okay?”
  889. >”…”
  890. >Anon stares at you for a moment but then quickly turns around in the opposite direction
  891. >”Warden, forget about /that/ conversation we had before, okay? That never happened”
  892. “O…okay”
  893. >He turns around again and says a simple “thanks” to you. You could feel depression in his tone…
  894. >And with that he went to the lockers to change clothes
  895. >…
  896. >Was Anon… holding back tears?
  897. >Well, if you were in his position… if you were in his world… like he is in yours…
  898. >…
  899. >Just thinking about being the last one of your species in a world who you don’t know…
  900. >Trying your best to look for clues to why you are here…
  901. >Missing your family, friends, everyone from your world…
  902. >All the achievements you made so far… everything gone…
  903. >A few tears spill out from your eyes
  904. >…If Anon isn’t going to cry, at least you should cry for him…
  906. Be Anon
  907. >Be drinking some water after the training session at the GYM
  908. >You really said things that you never wanted to say
  909. >Really, like… Caring about being the last human…
  910. >You cared before, now you don’t. Crying doesn’t get you anywhere
  911. >At this point everyone from your world has probably forgotten about you
  912. >Or maybe you were erased from the continuity of your world and you never existed there
  913. >That… that doesn’t make you feel better
  914. >…
  915. >Whatever... It’s no use thinking about that, just move on to your new life
  916. >…Or maybe you were here to start from the beginning?
  917. >…It’s no use thinking about this, it just doesn’t matter…
  918. <Hey, at least now you forgot about Pancho and that disappearing cookie
  919. >…So that’s what I was trying to forget… God damn it narrator
  920. <I just wanted a line in this chapter. Sorry!
  921. >…Let’s pretend you didn’t hear that
  922. >Ugh, you really need a shower after this training; good you weren’t using your prison uniform. But still, you were sweating like a pig
  923. >At least the Spa will calm you
  924. >Okay, prison uniform on…
  925. >And just in time, Short Fuse comes into the locker room as you finished putting on your uniform
  926. “Hey Fuse, sorry for taking so long! You can change if you wan-“
  927. >Short Fuse tackles you with an unexpected hug
  928. “…Short Fuse, are you… okay?”
  929. >All you could hear were whimpers and sighs
  930. >What is the big deal?
  931. “Fuse… is something the matter? Why are you-“
  932. >”Mmmhffmm…”
  933. >He was muffling words in your chest…
  934. >Still whimpers…
  935. >You can’t help but hug the unbelievably huggable creature back
  936. >The embrace between both of you is… warm
  937. >Well of course genius, you both were sweating from the training…
  938. >But something… something wasn’t right…
  939. >Why is Short Fuse crying all of the sudden?
  940. “Fuse? Are you… okay?”
  941. >”…”
  942. >Still no clear answer
  943. >...Maybe he really wanted a hug?… but that doesn’t explain the crying...
  944. >…
  945. >..
  946. >.
  947. >..
  948. >…He slowly breaks the hug and stops crying
  949. >You two look at each other in the eyes
  950. >This pony…
  951. “Feeling better?”
  952. >”Mmhmm…”
  953. “Well… get into your usual warden uniform and let’s go. I’ll wait with you here”
  954. >You take a seat nearby while you wait for him to change
  955. >It seems that your words were doing something to Fuse; he stopped crying and was just staring very blankly at you…
  956. >Oh but now he’s undressing...
  957. >A pony undressing… it’s kind of silly
  958. >Fuse gives you a playful smirk
  959. >”Are you enjoying the show or something?”
  960. >That cheeky little…
  961. >Two can play at that game!
  962. “Why yes, I am. Care to dance a little while undressing? Slow dances are best”
  963. >You caught him completely off guard, and he blushes fiercely
  964. >”I-I’m not a tail lifter!”
  965. “Oh? Don’t worry, you can be a stripper!”
  966. >”What’s a… stripper?”
  967. >Oh great, ponies don’t know what it means to be a stripper. You could…
  968. “Well, back at my world a stripper was someone who worked with clothes, and they…
  969. >Short Fuse stares blankly at you again…
  970. >”I could… be your stripper then, if you want”
  971. >Okay, you are playing with fire now…. There is a line where you should stop and you have clearly passed it…
  972. >…but let’s keep going and see what happens!
  973. “Mind undressing slowly then?”
  974. >”If that’s… what you want…”
  975. >Using his magic, Short Fuse starts removing his shirt
  976. <Lewding the warden? Whoa Anon, way to go!
  977. >He removes his shirt a little self consciously
  978. >He’s even worse when he starts removing the shorts
  979. “You can stop, I was just teasing you. Just put your clothes on and let’s go to the Spa”
  980. >You were about to get up from your seat but Short Fuse shakes his head firmly, still blushing hard
  981. >”You asked for this and you’re going to take this. You aren’t leaving until I’m done!”
  982. >Using his magic, he stops you and forces you back to your seat
  983. >Damn it, you were feeling really heavy… you can’t move an inch with his magic blanketing you like this… he really is good at magic
  984. <So you wanna play with magic? Boy, you should know what you’re falling for
  986. >With his magic focused on you, now Fuse has to remove his shorts with his hooves…
  987. >And he is so damn close to you...
  988. >You gulp and watch as he slowly removes his shorts
  989. >He gives you a good view of his butt and tail…
  990. >And now he removes each one of his socks one by one
  991. >This is fine… everything is fine…
  992. >Short Fuse finishes undressing and comes really close to you…
  993. >Oh come on! Ponies can’t be that lewd! Right? ….Right!?
  994. >Short Fuse slowly approaches your face
  995. >You are sweating… not for the training session for sure…
  996. >He goes to your ear and takes a breath before whispering to you something
  997. >”Now you’ll watch me dress me up. S l o w l y. . . Starting with my lower uniform part”
  999. <Short Fuse IS an adult!
  1000. >SHIT
  1001. >His tail moves along your while Short Fuse starts to give you bedroom eyes
  1002. >”I can be your personal stripper, anytime you want~”
  1003. >N-No homo right?
  1004. >”Now… I think I got a better idea”
  1005. >With a portion of his magic, Short Fuse levitates his uniform and puts it in between your legs
  1006. >…What is he going to-
  1007. >”Maybe /you/ could help me dress up? Join the act, come on~”
  1008. >…
  1009. >Act…?
  1010. >He thinks… this is an act? Oh god this pony is a good actor
  1011. >”Come on, we don’t have much time, time is gold Anon~”
  1012. >You feel like your arms aren’t heavy anymore… you can move them now
  1013. >He wants you to dress him…
  1014. >”Come on, start”
  1015. >Both of you are blushing, but he doesn’t want to stop right here…
  1016. >You grab the pants of his uniform and Short Fuse nods at you
  1017. >”Ah, nice choice Anon”
  1018. >He turns around and raises one hoof near your leg
  1019. “Fuse… I…I…”
  1020. >Fuck it, this isn’t too lewd and you are enjoying this. To hell with it, why not?
  1021. >You grab his leg before starting to dress him
  1022. >Short Fuse yelps out a quiet ‘eep’
  1023. >Bloody bastard…
  1024. >This will be over soon… you focus your strength in doing this and-
  1025. >”Hey warden before you two guys go I forget to-“
  1026. >…
  1027. “…”
  1028. >”…”
  1029. >…Shit
  1030. >Well… this is awkward
  1031. >”By Markwin I didn’t know you two were so close to each other…”
  1032. >Short Fuse is red. Not just red… He is the color red itself!
  1034. >Well, this was your fault. Maybe you should help him
  1035. “We were acting for a scene for the new guard recruits… You know, this… is a scene against a terrorist! And what Short Fuse is doing is that he is the hero of the act that locks the bad terrorist in the prison!”
  1036. >”That doesn’t… explain well…”
  1037. “Acts are for art! Do you know art? Do you? No? Then, you’ll never know the message of this act!”
  1038. >Yeah… the message is never trying lewding the warden…
  1039. >”If you… say so… I’m… okay, that’s an act! Of course, I knew! Pff, I knew the warden was dramatic, but that was seriously something different!”
  1040. >Short Fuse magic stops holding you down and you stand up
  1041. “Well, now the act is done. We are going to the Spa now! Right Fuse? Right! Cya later Iron Curtain!”
  1042. >”Well I’ll see you laaa-“
  1043. >With haste you pick up Short Fuse and run outside the prison GYM, no matter the warden didn’t put all his clothes on
  1044. >”Laaaaaateeeer Iron-!”
  1046. Be Iron Curtain
  1047. >The warden ran away with Anon without you giving him the message…
  1048. >The mail guard arrived with a letter just for Fuse
  1049. >This letter seems important… the mail guard seemed really desperate
  1050. >Well, since Fuse is taking a tour with a new prisoner… Maybe giving the letter to someone else who can deliver it to him later would be a good idea
  1051. >But who?
  1052. >…
  1053. >Oh right, his personal assistant…
  1054. >But where was she now?
  1055. >Ugh, you never want to close your GYM, but for today you’ll do it
  1056. >Well, if you didn’t find her, you could always put the letter in the warden’s office
  1057. >Hmmm, wonder what the letter says?
  1058. >Not that you'll peak, that would give you a day in prison!
  1061. Be Anon
  1062. >Be carrying Short Fuse away from the prison’s GYM
  1063. >Be sore in more ways than one
  1064. >What the fuck just happened back there?
  1065. >Why did Fuse try to do something lewd with you?
  1066. >One more minute there and you couldn’t hold it
  1067. >Good thing Iron Curtain intervened, because if he hadn’t arrived in the nick of time… things wouldn’t have gone pretty
  1068. >You still have no idea why Fuse wanted to do /that/
  1069. >…Must be your fault for talking about strippers
  1070. >”Anon! I didn’t get to dress! Stop carrying me!”
  1071. “Oh? Oh right, sorry Fuse”
  1072. >You stop and slowly and carefully lower Fuse to the ground
  1073. >Using his magic, he starts to put his uniform on
  1074. >No joking or ‘acting’ now, uh?
  1075. >You look at him with concern in your eyes
  1076. >He notices you staring
  1077. >”What? Did I put my uniform backward?” he says meanwhile turning around and looking at his back
  1078. “No, just wondering what you did back there”
  1079. >He starts blushing and looks at the floor
  1080. >”You... started it, I’m sorry. If you didn’t like that, I won’t do that again...”
  1081. >He idly scuffs the floor with a hoof, turning his gaze towards his own shoulder
  1082. >You can’t lie about liking that striptease. That was fucking hot for some reason
  1083. “I didn’t mind that, most of my species has done what you did. And other, worse things”
  1084. >And there it is again, that blank look of his
  1085. >What could he be thinking?
  1086. >”S-So… would you like a part 2 of what we did? M-Maybe you could start first this time”
  1087. >He bites his lip and looks up at you nervously
  1088. >…Oh right, you had the idea of taking photos of him...
  1089. >Maybe you could take some lewd ones!
  1090. “I have a better idea, Fuse”
  1091. >”Hmm? What is it? If it’s about lingerie, I’ve got plenty to wear! I may even have a few pieces in your size...”
  1092. >wat
  1093. “What? No. That’s... sexy?...But that’s not what I was trying to say”
  1094. >”Oh… forget about that then… what were you about to say?
  1095. >You are not forgetting about that
  1096. “Well I was thinking, I got a camera and you want to take photos. So what if I take some photos of you wearing something? We could do that when we finish the tour if you want”
  1097. >”Ah, a photo session? I always… wanted one”
  1098. >[Interested trap warden noises]
  1099. >His tail starts to move left and right, almost as if…
  1100. >Is he wagging his tail?
  1101. >”Yes! We can do a photoshoot when we finish the tour!”
  1102. “Good. That settled, we can continue with the tour, lead the way”
  1103. >”Sure thing Anon!”
  1104. >Fuse starts to move but stops suddenly with a shy smile
  1105. >”So… Were you happy with that act?”
  1106. “Very. Especially with the view I had”
  1107. >Fuse begins moving on, and you follow behind
  1108. >Is he moving his tail suggestively again or is it just your imagination?
  1109. >If only you could slap that ass…
  1110. >…
  1111. >Welp, your gay thoughts are having a field day
  1112. >Mostly because of that last part about lingerie Fuse mentioned
  1113. >Not about you wearing lingerie, but...
  1114. >…
  1115. >How would he look in underwear like that?
  1116. >Hopefully Fuse is happy with making you gay for him…
  1117. >Would you be happy?...
  1118. >Eh, a hole is a hole
  1119. >Maybe Fuse wouldn’t go /that/ far anyway
  1120. >…Or maybe ponies in this world don’t have sex?
  1121. >Or do they?
  1122. >Maybe they are magically brought to life with a mirror or a magic cloning puddle or some shit?
  1123. >You really want to ask that, but… ugh, the awkwardness of that would be too much
  1124. >Fuse would probably pop from embarrassment
  1125. >Well, now Fuse is taking you to the Spa
  1126. >Can’t wait to see what kind of situations will happen
  1127. >Maybe you can play with Fuse a little this time…
  1128. >Hope there is soap in the Spa
  1129. >Slippery soap
  1130. >Very, /very/ slippery soap
  1132. Be Short Fuse
  1133. >Be walking alongside Anon, near the Spa of the prison
  1134. >And you are SO happy with that ‘stripping’ act!
  1135. >If Anon is happy, then you are too!
  1136. >And you can’t wait for that photo session! You always wanted one!
  1137. >You always wanted one back home
  1138. >But your parents…
  1139. >Well, they did a lot of them, but none of your liking…
  1140. >The horror…
  1141. “Fuse?”
  1142. >That bow sometimes gives you nightmares…
  1143. >”Fuse!”
  1144. >Why did dad give you that anyway? You were just a colt and…
  1145. >”Shorty!”
  1146. “Uh? What?
  1147. >”Finally. You were staring at the ceiling, muttering about bows… We are here, by the way”
  1148. ”Oh… yes…”
  1149. >Wait, what did he call you?
  1150. “Did you call me… something?”
  1151. >”Oh I was just saying your name one and one more time, got tired and tried a new one”
  1152. “And that was…?”
  1153. >”Shorty”
  1154. “Do you… wanna call me that now or…?”
  1155. >”If you don’t like it, I’ll stick with Fuse. Your friends call you that, don’t they?”
  1156. “Yes, but…”
  1157. >’I’m taking over control’ says one thought
  1158. “Y-You can call me any name you want”
  1159. >You say while giving a wink
  1160. >’Control is returned, have a good day’ the thought said
  1161. >What was that!?
  1162. >”Okay?”
  1164. >”Sure. …Isn’t anyone going to open the door like last time with Iron Curtain?”
  1165. “I don’t think so; Gentle Scent and Soft Pumice weren’t warned about this tour”
  1166. >”Those two are the owners of the Spa?”
  1167. “They are both the managers of the Spa”
  1168. >”Oh”
  1169. >You open the door of the Spa and both of you enter the place
  1170. >Anon looks astonished at how big is the place
  1171. >Maybe he hasn’t seen a spa before?
  1172. >The Spa manager, a male pony with a gentle lime-green coat and a mane like crushed quartz trots over to you
  1173. >As he approaches, the scent of rocks after rain slowly wafts around you
  1174. >”Oh, hello warden. Welcome back to the Spa”
  1175. “Good morning Pumice!”
  1176. >Soft Pumice looks up to return the greeting and notices Anon
  1177. >With eyes opened just a little too wide, he stares at Anon with a big smile
  1178. >”I see we have a new inmate! Nice to meet you, I’m Soft Pumice!”
  1179. >He extends a hoof to Anon to greet him and Anon shakes his hoof
  1180. >”Nice to meet you too. My name is Anonymous, but you can call me Anon”
  1181. >Anon’s smile is so bright!
  1182. >It’s so good that he is making new friends!
  1183. “Where is Gentle Scent? Is she late or something?”
  1184. >”Gentle Scent late? Oh no no, she’s fixing an issue in the aromatherapy room”
  1185. “Again?”
  1186. >”Yes… the room had a leak and we were searching for the source of the problem, but with both of us there, no one could enter the spa… so Gentle made me come back to open the Spa and she said she was going to fix the problem. At least she can fly and check if the leak comes from the roof or somewhere where I can’t reach”
  1187. >Soft Pumice lets out a quick sigh
  1188. >Anon tilts his head doubtfully
  1189. >”Is a leak a big problem in that room?”
  1190. “Well it is-“
  1191. >Soft Pumice quickly interrupts you
  1192. >”It REALLY is a big issue! A leak there and the room could tear apart! The point of the room is to calm down and heal everyone that wants to relax and fix their issues!”
  1193. >Soft Pumice takes a second to continue but remembers that he cut you off
  1194. >“Oh… sorry to interrupt you, warden”
  1195. “Don’t be sorry, I know you get plenty excited about topics related to the Spa.”
  1196. >Well it was true. Soft Pumice and Gentle Scent were the Spa managers, they know everything about the Spa and anything happening in it can make them drastically dramatic… even the tiniest of things. Like in this one, a leak in the aromatherapy room…
  1197. “Well, moving on... I’m doing a tour for Anon. I already showed him some of the prisons, but it’s taking a bit of time because I want him to enjoy all the places!”
  1198. >You smile while looking up at Anon. He smiles back
  1199. >”Ah that’s fantastic; I’ll give you both the deluxe package… for a discount of 40%!
  1200. >Well that’s generous of him! Most of the time he only gives a 10% discount on that package
  1201. >“So… how many good points do I need to pay?”
  1202. >Anon? Paying? He’s your guest on this tour!
  1203. “Oh no Anon, don’t you worry about paying. I’ll pay for this! Besides… I asked you to the Spa at the very beginning as a ‘thanks’ for saving my life back at my… introduction”
  1204. >”Right… well, next time I’ll pay”
  1205. >N-Next time?
  1206. >He… wants to come here with you again?
  1207. >Eeeee! That’s so amazing!
  1208. >You really want to hug Anon so hard right now… but this time isn’t the best of times to do that
  1209. >”So, what does the package contains? I’m curious” Anon asks
  1210. >Soft Pumice smiles tightly
  1211. >”Well, the Deluxe Package has the following treatments: Aromatherapy, Hot Tub, Massages, and the Sauna! Which one would you two like to start?”
  1212. “Well… since Aromatherapy is being fixed right now, let’s leave that when it is fixed and start with… the Hot Tub!”
  1213. >Soft Pumice effeminately chuckles
  1214. >”You always pick the Hot Tub first, warden! Okay, follow me!”
  1215. >Of course you always start with the Hot Tub! It just melts away your stress...
  1216. >You two start following behind Soft Pumice as he leads you and Anon to the Hot Tub room
  1217. “You are going to love the Hot Tub, Anon!
  1218. >”I sure will, I haven’t felt a good ol’ Jacuzzi in centuries”
  1219. >So Anon has visited Spas before? And… No, better not question or say anything
  1220. >You just nod and smile
  1222. Be Pancho
  1223. >Be with two cute females
  1224. >You are living the true life
  1225. >Soon you’ll start a herd…
  1226. >Everything you need is a changeling queen and you’ll be the happiest box in the universe
  1227. >A breezie is fine too
  1228. <…
  1229. <…
  1230. <Okay, you got me. Pancho wasn’t talking; it was me, the narrator
  1231. <Life is boring when you don’t have any lines in this chapter
  1233. Be Yarn Feather
  1234. “And that’s how I lost my cat license! Thrice!”
  1235. >And you were telling the story of your family’s work
  1236. >The life of a cat keeper wasn’t easy sometimes. Ah, you’ll get your license again someday
  1237. >You cast a glance at Jenny
  1238. >The giraffe is staring and smiling, focusing on your story
  1239. >Of course she is
  1240. >You’re a great storyteller!
  1241. >But more importantly, is Pancho interested?
  1242. >You look longingly at Pancho
  1243. >That magnificent cube is just staring at you with his warm smile and kind eyes
  1244. >You can swear Pancho was about to say something or move
  1245. >But he didn’t say anything or move…
  1246. >Well, he is still covered in cookies, but you can’t take any now that Jenny seems to think that’s awkward or ‘lewd’
  1247. >Nonsense!
  1248. >...But you can’t risk being kicked out of her room while Pancho is here
  1250. Be Jenny
  1251. >You swear if Yarn Feather takes another cookie off of Pancho…
  1252. >You’ll…
  1253. >You’ll…!
  1254. >You’ll ask her nicely to leave your cell. That’s what you’ll do!
  1255. “Want more cookies, Yarn Feather?”
  1256. >”Sure, these are delicious!”
  1257. >She gazes lustfully at Pancho
  1258. >Don’t do it girl… just…
  1259. >She tenderly embraces Pancho as if they were close friends or… something else
  1260. “S-stop that!“
  1261. >Yarn shifts her bedroom eyes to you
  1262. >”What’s that Jenny? Are you jealous or something? We can share him if you like~”
  1263. >Share… him!? W-What!?
  1264. >”Ever heard of a cuddle session? We can have that with this big guy~”
  1265. >U-Unf…
  1267. >Do you?
  1268. “B-but… he doesn’t want that… does he? Besides, I’m bigger than you are so he’s only a big guy for you...”
  1269. >”I don’t know, let me ask!” she looks back at Pancho mischievously
  1270. > “Pancho, do you mind having a cuddling session with us? Would you like to be Jenny’s little spoon?~”
  1271. >”…”
  1272. >Pancho doesn’t answer, he just keeps smiling
  1273. >”He doesn’t mind!”
  1274. “H-He didn’t say yes!”
  1275. >”But he didn’t say no!”
  1276. >Uh! This mare!
  1277. >”Come on Jenny~ The best of this is that Anon doesn’t have to know about this~”
  1278. “Are you saying… that we keep this as a secret… from Anon? We can’t tell him?”
  1279. >Yarn Feather shakes her head
  1280. > “Nope. Not a word! It will be our little tiny bitty secret!”
  1281. “I…. I’m…”
  1282. >You are sweating… should you accept this?
  1283. >”Yes or no, Jenny?”
  1284. >She is staring at you with bedroom eyes
  1285. >Maybe Pancho is doing it too!
  1286. >You stand up and go to your cell door
  1287. >Yarn seems to deflate a little
  1288. >”So, that’s a no?”
  1289. >Pancho’s corners seem to droop
  1290. >You use your key to close your cell’s door and look back at Yarn Feather and Pancho
  1291. “Let’s… do it”
  1292. >”Yay! I knew you would make the right choice!”
  1293. >She carefully carries Pancho to your bed, not dropping a single cookie
  1294. >She seductively lies down at his side
  1295. >Taking advantage of your situation, she kisses one cookie from Pancho’s top and eats it
  1296. >Oh now she is going to get it
  1297. “So you like my cookies that much, uh? Let’s see if you like being covered in them!”
  1298. >You pick up your cookie basket and throw every cookie that is left onto Yarn’s body
  1299. >Since Pancho is already covered in a few cookies, you shouldn’t leave Yarn Feather out of the fun
  1300. >”Waah~ I’m covered in a sweet situation! Pancho, save me!”
  1301. >She picks up Pancho again and tries to make him eat some of the cookies off of her body
  1302. >That’s not what you wanted to do!
  1303. “Come here, you little kinky mare!”
  1304. >You join them, not covering yourself in cookies, but eating the ones that are on both of them. Starting with Yarn Feather as vengeance for eating cookies off Pancho… the cookies in Pancho…
  1305. >You attack her belly covered in chocolate chips and cookies using your long tongue
  1307. >It hasn’t even begun! The worst is about to come!
  1308. “This is what you get for being a kinky mare!”
  1309. >At this point, Yarn is crying while laughing
  1310. >Good! That’ll teach her!
  1312. Be Royal Spear
  1313. >Be going cell by cell to see if everything was right with all the inmates
  1314. >You love your work
  1315. >The smiles they give you make your work pretty enjoyable
  1316. >You stand next to a cell but the door is locked…
  1317. >What is it so important to have a cell locked? Is the inmate sleeping?
  1318. >You knock three times on the door
  1319. “Hello? Anyone there?” you say in a low voice, in case the inmate is sleeping…
  1320. >You can hear voices inside, mostly quiet giggling...
  1321. >Is someone laughing over a good joke or something?
  1322. >You hear the giggling getting stronger
  1323. >Okay, your curiosity is at its limit
  1324. >You peek one eye in the keyhole to see what’s going on
  1325. >And then you see something going faster to the door!
  1326. >An eye hits the doorknob and stares at you for a full second until it slowly falls and hits the floor
  1327. “AH!”
  1328. >You run scared and never look back
  1329. >Today you don’t love your job
  1331. Be Yarn Feather
  1333. >And you just kicked Pancho out of the bed
  1334. >That was a pretty tough hit… he landed next to the door
  1335. >The poor guy…
  1337. >”…”
  1338. “HE’S OKAY! HE’S OKAY! …Maybe he needs to see the nurse!”
  1339. >”Oh and what are we going to say? That we were going to start a cuddle session and then this happened? We can’t!”
  1340. >She’s right… dang it!
  1341. “Maybe… he’s alright? Are you, Pancho?”
  1342. >He just stares at both of you and just stays on the floor
  1343. >”I guess he is fine”
  1344. >He is so tough… maybe the toughest in the prison to resist that hit!
  1345. “You know what we should do, Jenny?”
  1346. >”What, Yarn Feather?”
  1347. “Reward the little guy with the best cuddle session he ever had! We can kiss his wounds from the hit!”
  1348. >Jenny slowly nods
  1349. >She approves!
  1350. >Cuddle session, here you go!
  1352. Be Iron Curtain
  1353. >Be outside of the warden’s office
  1354. >You couldn’t find the warden’s personal assistant, so you decided to go to the warden’s office by yourself
  1355. >You are knocking on the door although you know the warden isn’t inside
  1356. >He always wanted to make everyone knock on the door first, in case he was busy with something…
  1357. “Okay, this is no use… just go inside, leave the letter and go outside… easy, right?”
  1358. >You open the door and walk inside the office
  1359. >The office is like always you remember it. Clean, with some papers on the desk and that magic closet...
  1360. >Where should you leave the letter? The desk is full of papers from inmates and other business from the prison…
  1361. >Hmm
  1362. >The closet? Isn’t like he isn’t going to check it… no, that won’t work
  1363. >Oh the bed, right. That should do it
  1364. >You look at the bed and place the letter on the pillow
  1365. “Well my job is done, now I’m back to my… oh? What’s this?”
  1366. >Below the pillow is a magazine. Must belong to the warden
  1367. >The title of the magazine says “Lewd galore special edition”
  1368. >…Should you…?
  1369. “Eh… just a little peck won’t hurt…”
  1370. >You open the magazine on a random page and start looking at some pictures
  1371. >Ponies holding hooves… Cuddling… Kissing… Marrying…
  1372. "K-KAPLAR!" you quickly put your hands in your mouth before someone hears you
  1373. >Okay that was too much. You close the magazine and leave it back where it was
  1374. >The warden… reading this…
  1375. >You turn around and are about to exit, but something catches your eye on the warden’s desk
  1376. >There is a camera with two photos, one of the warden in pajamas and another one of him and Anonymous together
  1377. >They look… very close
  1378. >Ugh, you better leave before someone enters and thinks you are doing something bad here… the last thing you want is one day without ice cream
  1380. Be Anon
  1381. >Be with Short Fuse in the Jacuzzi, or Hot Tub. Whatever, it’s the same meaning
  1382. >This is so fucking relaxing, it’s like thousands of hands are touching your back and massaging it…
  1383. >This is… so good
  1384. >Short Fuse’s face is full of... pleasure. A face that could make it on the front page of a Playboy magazine. A face that says ‘Oh suck my dick so hard, I think I’m going to blow into oblivion!’. A face that can easily say that you got the last ice cream cone and are eating slowly so you can enjoy it. A face that could be on a porno…
  1385. >…
  1386. > Okay, that was a little too much. Nobody gets that excited over an ice cream cone
  1387. >”If only time could stop… this is so relaxing… can’t wait for the massage”
  1388. “This is so relaxing…”
  1389. >”Mmmhmmmm~”
  1390. >How long have you two been in the Jacuzzi? You didn’t know and you didn’t feel like asking
  1391. >You could fall asleep any minute…
  1392. “I hope this never ends…”
  1393. >”Mmmhmmm~”
  1394. >Seems like Short Fuse can’t say a word in his condition, and you can’t blame him
  1395. >Time passes….
  1396. >And passes…
  1397. >And…
  1398. >…
  1399. >..
  1400. >…
  1401. >”Alright you two, sorry for bothering but the time is up with the Hot Tub! Time to move on to the next activity!” Soft Pumice says, waiting for you two
  1402. >”Aww, already? But last time it was 45 minutes in the Hot Tub!”
  1403. “45 minutes? How long were we here?”
  1404. >”30 minutes! You should get going to the next part of the package! As before, you can choose which part of the package you enjoy next! Which one is it going to be? We have Aromatherapy, Massages, and the Sauna!”
  1405. >”Is the Aromatherapy room fixed yet?” Short Fuse questions the manager
  1406. >”I’d say it is going to take a few minutes for Gentle Scent to fix it… like 20 minutes? 30? An hour? Eh, maybe less or more. Since I can’t massage both of you and manage the Spa by myself, I’ll recommend you two to the Sauna”
  1407. >Managing a Spa by himself… and being this dramatic about it! Jesus, you can’t think of how much trouble he is having right now
  1408. >You could leave, but then Shorty might feel sad…
  1409. “We will be taking the Sauna then. But Pumice, isn’t the Spa full or something? Are you fine managing the Spa by yourself?
  1410. >Soft Pumice just giggles
  1411. >“Of course I’m fine, Anon. This isn’t the first time I’ve managed the place alone! Besides, Gentle Scent has had times when she is alone and I’m fixing something in the Spa. The other day I had to fix the ambient music of the place! Work is work! And about the clients, I only have you two and two minotaurs who are taking the Mud Bath right now”
  1412. >”Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go!” Short Fuse excitedly jumps out of the Jacuzzi, but in the jump, his towel falls from his slender waist
  1413. >Soft Pumice covers his eyes with one hoof and you just stare at him with a smirk on your face
  1414. >He just blushes and covers his parts… wait, what parts?
  1415. >”D-Don’t look!” he says as he magically lifts the towel back from where it fell
  1416. “This is free territory. I can see whatever I like”
  1417. >He doesn’t answer and just pretends to have not heard what you said. You can swear he is pouting right now
  1418. >”W-Well, would you two follow me to the Sauna?”
  1419. “Sure, lead the way”
  1420. >It’s a shame Pancho is not here, he would like to see the Spa
  1421. >…
  1422. >Well, he’s a box… so… he can’t bathe… and…
  1423. >Ugh, sometimes you think of him as if he is alive. Ha! As if…
  1424. >...Right?
  1425. >Well there is the fact that he ate one cookie… And the magazine? …that could just be the wind
  1426. >Maybe Shorty was hungry and ate a cookie and he lied
  1427. >Wait, that means…
  1428. >Jesus Christ, he did eat that cookie! The little liar…. Well, it was just a lie. A lie that made you think your box friend was cursed or alive. For one minute you thought you just brought a spirit from your world, and it had possessed Pancho
  1429. >The thought of an angry Mexican soul in Pancho made you laugh
  1430. >Wouldn’t that be funny? Ha…
  1431. >Oh, seems like you’ve arrived at the Sauna
  1432. >Time to sweat! Ah, you are going to make Shorty sweat…. yes indeed…
  1434. Be Yarn Feather
  1435. >And you can’t wait to start the cuddle session!
  1436. >Yeah… you two just need to wait for Jenny to be prepared…
  1437. >It’s been awhile… she’s really nervous since this is her first time
  1438. >She started counting to 10 to calm her nerves… then to 50… then to 100… and now she’s counting to 1000….
  1439. >In the meantime, you’ve been enjoying some cookies with Pancho
  1440. >”Five hundred… five hundred and one… five hundred and two…”
  1441. >Ughhhh this is going to take FOREVER
  1442. >Well at least you got cookies to help pass the time
  1443. >Even Pancho started to eat a few! At last, he was hungry
  1444. >Is pretty weird that the cookie itself disappears and you never see him munch the cookie… but well, maybe it’s part of what he is? …You still don’t know about Cheeki’s or Breekie’s. But you can’t wait for him to tell you about it!
  1445. “Pancho, do you want to talk about something while we wait?”
  1446. >”…”
  1447. >Pancho moved slightly to the right
  1448. >”…”
  1449. >And then to the left
  1450. “Is that a…. no? Well, if you say so” you shrug and grab another cookie to eat it
  1451. >Well, at least he is /trying/ to communicate with you and not with Jenny! More points to you!
  1452. >Aaaaand there goes another cookie from on top of him
  1453. >By Celestia, how can he eat from that far away?
  1454. >You need to know the secrets of this creature!
  1455. >”Six hundred and two… six hundred and three…”
  1456. >This will take forever…
  1457. >At least you could start cuddling with Pancho… yeah, why not?
  1458. >Without asking for it, you start cuddling with Pancho putting a wing beside him but he doesn’t mind it. You grab two pillows near him and put one at his side and the other at your side. At least while you wait for Jenny to be ready you could prepare everything
  1459. >Just… don’t get sleepy while you wait…
  1460. >”Six hundred and sixty-six, six hundred and sixty-seven, six hundred and sixty eight…”
  1461. >Jenny’s countdown isn’t helping…
  1462. >Just… don’t… sleep…
  1463. >Don’t… sleep…
  1464. >Don’t…
  1465. >Sleep! Haha! You didn’t fall aslee-
  1466. “Ahddhg…”
  1467. >You fall asleep, affectionately holding Pancho with all your limbs
  1469. Be Jenny
  1470. “Nine hundred ninety-nine… one thousand….”
  1471. >And you just finished counting to one thousand
  1472. “I… think I’m ready… Yes, I’m ready Yarn! …Yarn?”
  1473. >You take a glance at Yarn Feather and Pancho... they both are sleeping. At least Yarn is
  1474. >Oh, the poor thing must feel tired after eating so many cookies
  1475. >And Yarn Feather left a pillow near her, just for you. Instead of near Pancho… how kind of her, she must know you are nervous to cuddle with a male creature!
  1476. >Did she eat all the cookies on top of Pancho? Golly, that pony is going to get fat if she eats too many cookies like that…
  1477. >Well, at least there is one cookie left on top of him, maybe you should put it back in the basket and…
  1478. >…
  1479. >Suddenly the cookie disappears in two munches
  1480. >…
  1481. >Whoa, so he is really eating your cookies! That’s amazing!
  1482. >You are so happy with Pancho right now
  1483. >You even heard a burp… d’aww, he sure loves your cookies…
  1484. “If you would like more cookies, don’t be afraid to ask!”
  1485. >He doesn’t respond, but Yarn responds with a few gurgles. How long has she been sleeping?
  1486. >Well… you should join the fun
  1487. >Before you join them, you move to your jukebox
  1488. >Hmm… you have a great variety of music to play. Even the first hits of the terrorists called ‘Tunik Tunik Aki’, even signed by the group ESES!
  1489. >What to play, what to play…
  1490. >Oh, some good chill music shall do it
  1491. >Musicians these days… make great things. Now with this, you can feel relaxed and quickly fall asleep
  1492. >You walk to your bed and look at the two of them. Yarn Feather is drooling and Pancho is… the same attractive creature that he always is, showing iron nerves at the prospect of sleeping with both of you
  1493. >You start moving in at the side of Yarn Feather, not trying to wake her up
  1494. >Brrr…. Is it getting cold? You should tell the warden to check the system of heating in this prison… although the prison is in a desert…
  1495. >Well at least you can get warm from Yarn and Pancho’s body heat
  1496. >You pull your sheet onto the three of you
  1497. >Using your long neck, you curl between Pancho and Yarn’s wing
  1498. >You rest your head on Yarn’s belly while hugging her
  1499. >This is so warm… this is so calm… this was such a good idea...
  1500. “Sleep well, you two”
  1501. >You start focusing on the music while you close your eyes
  1502. >Yarn Feather mumbles quietly in her sleep, mumbling, and meowing…
  1503. >You could swear Pancho said something, like ‘you too’, but maybe it was just your imagination…
  1504. >You still feel a little cold, but you don’t care as long as you are with these two
  1506. Be Anon
  1507. >”This feels as amazing as the Hot Tub, don’t you think, Anon?”
  1508. >And you are with Short Fuse in the Sauna
  1509. >He smiles lazily from the bench opposite yours
  1510. >You two have been here for… seven minutes maybe?
  1511. >The steam was really doing its work and you’re both enjoying it
  1512. >It’s hard to tell time in the equivalent of a tropical fogbank
  1513. >...You /could/ sit next to Fuse, but that comes later
  1514. >In the middle of the sauna is a table with a pot and heater on top next to a box with some leaves
  1515. >Soft Pumice said these are ‘medicinal’
  1516. “Yeah, this is so relaxing”
  1517. >You close your eyes and relax...
  1518. >At first you thought the Sauna would be tiny, just for ponies… but Soft Pumice told you that the Sauna was ‘big size’ for every creature in the prison, it wasn’t mixed by genders but that didn’t matter
  1519. >You bet that 20 people could fit in here
  1520. >…Human people, you mean
  1521. >But for creatures like ponies…
  1522. Or dragons…
  1523. >Or…
  1524. >Well, you get the point
  1525. >Still a bit weird for this prison to be for both genders...
  1526. >Hmm, that raises a few little questions that Shorty could answer
  1527. “Hey Shorty”
  1528. >”H-huh? Oh, yes Anon?”
  1529. >Cool, seems like he remembers the little nickname you give him
  1530. “Are there Equestrian prisons for one type of creature? Y’know, like… one exclusively for dragons? Or minotaurs?”
  1531. >Shorty thinks for a second before nodding
  1532. >”Yes, in their lands there are prisons for their creatures. In the lands of the dragons, for example, there is a reformatory exclusively for dragons. In there, they teach the bad dragons to not do bad things like steal… don’t use bad words… don’t breathe fire in front of other creatures… and so on. The only reformatory I know that is different from the rest one run by breezies, I only know that they teach to not verbally assault another creature in their language…. They are very strict”
  1533. “Breezies? What are they?”
  1534. >”Oh you have never seen a breezie before? How could I explain it… hmmm” Short Fuse starts idly moving his legs one by one, trying to think for a way to explain what breezies are
  1535. > “They are tiny, they fly and… well, I have never seen one before”
  1536. “How tiny are we speaking?
  1537. >”Very tiny. Like the size of my horn… but tinier”
  1538. >You immediately look at Shorty’s horn
  1539. <Not that one, pervert! The one on his head!
  1540. >So breezies are fairy size? Interesting…
  1541. >…
  1542. >Oh-oh, seems like you were staring too much at Short’s horn and he is slightly blushing now while looking at you pouting and kind of… angry? You will never understand these ponies…
  1543. >”Y-you don’t need to look /that/ much at my horn!”
  1544. >Okay then, let’s play the sneaky game
  1545. “Oh, I wasn’t just looking at your horn, Shorty”
  1546. >Come on… take the bait…
  1547. >”W-What? W-Where are you looking at?”
  1548. >He adjusts his towel self-consciously
  1549. “At your whole body,” you say adding a smirk
  1550. >His blush intensifies as you lean forward
  1551. >You pick up the pot off the table and pour some water into the heater and produce good long steam. That’s music for your ears
  1552. >Time to sweat, Shorty…
  1553. >”I… I see…”
  1554. >you pour more water into the heater, intensifying the steam in the sauna
  1555. "Except that one bit, you're covering up with the towel"
  1556. >” S-So, how’s the sauna? It’s something, isn’t it?”
  1557. >Trying to change the subject, are we? Nice move Shorty, nice move…
  1558. “Yes, is quite refreshing compared to the Jacuzzi”
  1559. >You can sense that he is sweating even more now and he is playing with his back hooves moving them as a possible distraction
  1560. >You were about to pour more water and make him sweat more, but you take notice of the box with the leaves
  1561. “So, do you know about these leaves Soft Pumice left us?
  1562. >”Oh yeah, Soft and Gentle always tell me things about the Spa, and in one of the talks with them, they talked about the leaves. They told me that these leaves are medicinal and I think these are from Neighpone. If I remember correctly, the instructions were to stick them slowly onto your skin or part of the body that needs to be healed... and I think the leaves stay on your skin for a few minutes”
  1563. >Neighpone… Saddle Arabia… What’s next? Mexicolt? Horse puns man…
  1564. >Shorty’s horn starts glowing and he picks up one leaf with his magic
  1565. >”I think these leaves were called ‘Vita’; they give you good energy to the area you stick them to. Watch me do it and then do it yourself, Anon!”
  1566. >With determination in his eyes, Shorty gives a boost to the leaf with his magic
  1567. >Just before it’s about to stick on his back right hoof he stops and cautiously starts again, levitating the leaf slowly and carefully making contact with his hoof
  1568. >Shorty beams up at you
  1569. >”That’s how you do it! Now you try it, Anon!”
  1570. >You pick up a single leaf and inspect it
  1571. >It is clearly a light green…
  1572. >Uh, thinking about these ponies you thought these were to eat…
  1573. >Well whatever, time to test it
  1574. “Like this?”
  1575. >With all your mighty force and speed, you put the leaf in your left arm.
  1576. >You can feel Shorty cringing
  1577. >You could already feel the energy going through your skin…
  1578. >Or maybe you did it wrong and it was just itching
  1579. >”That was a bit… strong, Anon…”
  1580. >Hey, no pain, no gain!
  1581. >Well, it is time to play with Shorty, isn’t it?
  1582. “Shorty… show me your back”
  1583. >”Huh? M-My back?”
  1584. “Yeah. Get up and turn around”
  1585. >”Wh-Why, Anon?”
  1586. >Shorty gets up but still obeys with a confused and nervous smile
  1587. “Take off your towel” you say without any expression on your face
  1588. >”O-Oh… eh…?”
  1589. >Seconds pass and he slowly uses his magic to remove his towel
  1590. >You start running your fingers through Shorty’s tail and beyond
  1591. >”A-anon… Where are you t-touching me?”
  1592. “Hmm, your booty seems like it could do a little training... Are you eating sugars? Like, cookies?”
  1593. >”A-Anon, no! T-That’s enough!”
  1594. “No, show me more! Turn around”
  1595. >”…Huh?”
  1596. “You heard me, turn around”
  1597. >You can listen to his little horsey grumbles while he turns around as if he is grounded and is being lectured by his father
  1598. “Can you stand on two hooves? Staying still?”
  1599. >”I’ll try…” Shorty says as he tries to stand on two hooves as you said
  1600. >The moment he completes your request, he almost loses balance.
  1601. >You crouch on the floor to catch him and he quickly puts his front hooves on your shoulders
  1602. “That should work”
  1603. >Time to work in belly rubs
  1604. >You start slowly rubbing his belly with your hand
  1605. > bad news for you, ponies don’t appear to have belly buttons.
  1606. > That is or there is too much fur to find it
  1607. >”A-Anon… W-What are you- Ah~“
  1608. “Your belly sure is so chubby, Shorty”
  1609. >You poke and poke his belly and give it belly rubs.
  1610. >He only whimpers and sighs in response.
  1611. >He is clearly enjoying this.
  1612. > This is like kryptonite for him
  1613. >Probably is for most ponies
  1614. >He tenderly hugs your back as you continue your little experiment, raggedly breathing into the crook of your neck
  1615. >You keep an eye on his lower regions... but see no reaction.
  1616. >Experiment is a failure, time to move on to the next plan
  1617. >Yeah… you don’t have a plan.
  1618. >You are just making this shit up as you go along
  1619. “Okay, that’s enough. Let me help you get back to the ground”
  1620. >You carefully help Shorty to his four hooves.
  1621. >He is still a little confused and blushing
  1622. >”Can I… sit now?”
  1623. “Not yet”
  1624. >You pick up a leaf from the box and move your fingers to Shorty in a motion that says ‘turn around.
  1625. >He understands and obeys
  1626. >You then proceed to massage his right flank. He doesn’t expect it and yelps a quick ‘eep’
  1627. >”W-What now, Anon? Is it necessary to-“
  1628. >You don’t let him finish his sentence as you strike him with the leaf at the almost exact speed you did with your leaf. The sound could be heard throughout the sauna
  1629. >”Ahh! Anon? Wh-Why? W-What did I do?” he says as he tears up a bit from the strike
  1630. >You grab another leaf and repeat in the same place
  1631. >Slap sound effect.mp3
  1632. >”Ahh! S-Stop it! Please!”
  1633. >You grab another leaf and repeat.
  1634. “I think that’s enough for this side, what do you think?”
  1635. >”…”
  1636. “Good, let’s move to the next spot then.”
  1637. >You first start massaging his left flank, and then you grab the leaf and start striking
  1638. >”Ahh!~”
  1639. >Now that’s a yell that you could understand
  1640. >You keep a smile on your face as you continue the strikes
  1641. >At this rate, Short’s flank will be covered in leaves…
  1642. >Shorty doesn’t question you anymore, just ‘enjoys’ this. Maybe he thinks this is an act like before? Yeah, knowing him…
  1643. >”M-More…”
  1644. “Uh, what was that, Shorty? I didn’t quite hear that over the sound of the leaf hitting your plot”
  1645. >You hit his left flank again and keep hearing his little cute whimpers. Maybe you could use the same leaf?
  1646. >”M-More…”
  1647. “What? I can’t hear you!”
  1648. >You strike once again his flank, still massaging it after and before each strike
  1649. >”I said don’t stop!”
  1650. “Oh, what a little dirty warden we have here… careful yelling or you could attract someone… what if Soft Pumice thinks you are in danger?”
  1651. >Short’s horn starts to glow for a few seconds but the glow quickly vanishes. Maybe he cast a magic spell?
  1652. “Good boy… here is your reward”
  1653. >This time you don’t pick up a leaf, but instead, slap his butt with your right hand. Ahh, it was time you slapped that ass
  1654. >”Ahhhnon~”
  1655. >And now he starts moaning, little dirty stallion… Let’s see if there is a change if you move into the back
  1656. >You grab another leaf and hit him in the back so hard that you bet his momma felt it
  1657. “This is soooo good,” he says whimpering with his tongue out like a dog playing catch with his master
  1658. >This could be an easy revenge for what happened back at the lockers…
  1659. >You enjoyed it back there, but now it’s his turn to enjoy
  1660. >This time you take 2 leaves and strike them at the same time. He wasn’t expecting it but you didn’t hear pain, just pleasure
  1661. >”Mmmmm~ Punish me for being so bad Anon~”
  1662. “Oh yeah, I’m going to punish you for being a baaaaad warden, you lied hours ago, didn’t you?”
  1663. >”Yesss… I lied! I’ve been a bad warden! Punish me more~!”
  1664. >You repeat the same process over and over again until you have only one leaf left. You know your target this time…
  1665. >You focus to the middle of his butt and charge with more strength than before
  1666. >”Mhhhaaaah~”
  1667. >And with that last strike, Shorty couldn’t take it anymore and he went straight to the floor, surrounded by liquids… with better be sweat and not anything…sticky
  1668. “Ah, we are out of leaves... What a shame, isn’t it, Shorty?”
  1669. >”Y-You could…” he whispers to himself a word, you didn’t quite catch it. Maybe he wants you to slap him with your hand… again. “N-Nothing, I need to sit…”
  1670. >You sit back, admiring your handiwork as his butt visibly reddens through his coat
  1671. >He slowly regains his sense and composure after several minutes of ragged gasping
  1672. >Shorty awkwardly picks up his towel and covers himself again, and then he very gingerly sits back down on his bench
  1673. >You pick up the pot and pour water into the heater.
  1674. >That was fun, 10/10 would do again
  1675. >You both stare at each other for a good while.
  1676. >Then he gives you a smile
  1677. >”W-was I good? Did you enjoy my… act?”
  1678. >Fucking knew it; he thinks that was an act. You could fuck him in the ass and he might think that was purely an act... but you shouldn’t get so lewd. Not yet, anyway
  1679. >For now, you shall reward him later with consensual cuddles
  1680. “Yes, you looked like you were really enjoying it. For a moment I thought you were for real! Haha!”
  1681. >”Hehe… yeah… I’m good at acting. You know it! Right?”
  1682. “Riiiiiight”
  1683. >You can’t fool anyone, Shorty
  1684. >You stretch in your seat as you feel tired from all that strength slapping
  1685. >Well, now what? Maybe you should… wait a minute, what’s that in Short’s neck?
  1686. “Shorty, are you okay?”
  1687. >”Wh-What? I’m okay, I’m always okay, Anon! And after that act… I’m better than okay…”
  1688. “No, I mean, your neck…”
  1689. >Fuse quickly covers his neck with his mane
  1690. >”I don’t know, I woke up like this. I don’t sleepwalk or anything, but maybe it will go away later…”
  1691. “Does the nurse know about this?”
  1692. >”…no”
  1693. >He uses his magic and pours water into the heater. He does so twice, thrice, four times in a row! Holy shit that was too much, the sauna is filled with steam!
  1694. “I think that was too much water for the heater!”
  1695. >”What!? I CAN’T HEAR YOU!”
  1696. >All that can be heard now is the sound from the heater
  1698. Be Short Fuse
  1699. >Your horn glows as you pick up the pot with water and pour it four times in a row
  1700. >That should let you think about what happened right now and what you should say to Anon about your neck…
  1701. >”I think that was too much water for the heater!”
  1702. “What!? I CAN’T HEAR YOU”
  1703. >You lie, of course, you can hear him
  1704. >But think… why did you lose control when Anon… did /that/ with the leaves? Sure it wasn’t your thoughts taking control…
  1705. >’No we didn’t, but we are so proud of you!’ says one thought
  1706. >’Yay! I bet you can’t feel your booty! Next time won’t be different! We really enjoyed watching!’ says another thought
  1707. >Augh! Shut up will ya! I’m trying to think!
  1708. >…
  1709. >Okay, let’s think slowly… you woke up this morning, on top of Anon (L-Lewd) and when you got in your bathroom, there was this purple splotch on your neck…
  1710. >…Were you really sleepwalking? And you got yourself hit by something while doing so? That’s the… only thing you could think of
  1711. >Maybe you should go to the library later and see if there are any cases of necks with purple parts…
  1712. >Or you could go to the nursery and see if Bright Light can explain
  1713. >…
  1714. >No… better not… she would say something ridiculous like ‘Oh so you slept with Anon? Maybe you were doing lewd things with Anon while sleeping! And that’s why your neck is purple and you don’t remember! Such a lewd warden! I knew you two were meant for-‘
  1716. >STOP
  1717. >THAT’S TOO MUCH
  1718. >Okay… just breathe… and exhale…
  1719. >You are a clever warden! You should think about something later… but for now, let’s keep that lewdest thing you have done with Anon as an act. A secret act. An act NOPONY needs to know
  1720. >You wake up from your thoughts as you concentrate in the sauna
  1721. >The sauna is still covered in steam; maybe you did pour too much water…
  1722. >But well, too much sauna steam never did any damage to any creature! Just sweat… right? Anon is okay, isn’t he?
  1723. “Anon, are you there?”
  1724. >…
  1725. >No response…
  1726. “Anon, are you playing a joke on me? Come on, answer me…”
  1727. >…
  1728. >Still no response…
  1729. “Anonymous! Answer me now or I won’t give you ice cream after this tour!”
  1730. >”Alright, alright! I’m here! I was just enjoying the steam in the air; you don’t need to be /that/ brutal!...”
  1731. >What a relief… he’s okay. Rude for not answering, but hey! At least you got your warden in touch with inmates!
  1732. >...Are you forgetting something?
  1733. >…You can feel you are, but you can’t remember what
  1734. “So… Anon… we don’t have to tell ANYPONY or ANYONE about the… act, do we?”
  1735. >”…no, unless you want to”
  1736. >Okay… that’s a good thing.
  1737. >He won’t say anything, and neither will you
  1738. >’Maybe we will, we can take control, can’t we? Hehe!’ a thought says
  1740. >’Okay! I was joking! We won’t do anything! We promise! But please, have mercy!’ the thought said
  1741. >That’s much better. Ah, you should relax a bit from now on until this sauna’s part is over…
  1742. >”KAPLAR! Is a shame Iron Curtain closed its GYM today! Isn’t that right bro?”
  1743. >”KAPLAR! Yeah, what a shame, bro! Whoa! Look at all the steam!”
  1744. >!?
  1745. >You didn’t hear footsteps or the door of the sauna! When did these two enter the sauna?
  1746. >…
  1747. >The spell! You forgot to remove your noiseless spell!
  1748. >There is still some heavy steam on the sauna, but you easily spot the minotaurs. One was light green with big horns and the other was a bit light bluish. And they are BIG
  1749. >Well, most minotaurs are big…
  1750. >Oh no, they are coming this way, the place YOU are seated!
  1751. >”Oh excuse us, we thought the sauna was empty. I hope you don’t mind if we sit here,” the light green minotaur said
  1752. “Mmmmmnnn” You didn’t answer, you couldn’t say anything, and you were… paralyzed? …But why? You didn’t know…!
  1753. >Oh Celestia no, are they sitting with you /between/ them? Why!?
  1754. >You can’t move. You feel like your personal space is being invaded!
  1755. >You try and move your hooves in a better position… crossing them or something, all you manage to do is to put one back hoof on top of the other.
  1756. >This isn’t helping anything
  1757. >This isn’t good, this doesn’t feel good! …And why didn’t they recognize you!? Were they new inmates? You can’t tell!
  1758. >”Ah, bro! This feels WAY better than the sauna in Darashia! Too bad they don’t have geysers here”
  1759. >”KAPLAR! The geysers are the best thing! Too bad they don’t have here!”
  1760. > Personal space! Personal space! Personal space!!
  1761. >You can almost smell them! And that’s not cute! They are sweating like a river on your bench!
  1762. >The steam in the sauna is getting lower and Anon can get a view of your situation
  1763. >You move your lips in a way that describes ‘help me’ and look at him with concern
  1764. >Anon just laughs…
  1765. >…
  1767. >You give him an angry look but he doesn’t notice
  1768. >…Ugh! No answer!
  1769. >You try whispering to him
  1770. “Anon, please!”
  1771. >He stops laughing and clears the tears of mirth from his face.
  1772. >With a nod he stands up and pours water into the heater of the sauna, calling the attention of the minotaurs
  1773. >But the steam in the air makes Anon invisible
  1774. >One is touching your mane… Bad touch, bad touch!!
  1775. >”Bro… I think we… made a mistake,” the light green minotaur said
  1776. >”What do you mean, bro? What’s the matter?” his brother answered and questioned
  1777. >You raise your head to the light green minotaur who is still touching your mane and give him a shy concerned glare
  1778. >”Kaplar! Sorry lady! We didn’t know this was the wrong sauna!”
  1779. >”By The Horned Fox! We are sorry my lady! Brother, let’s leave before someone thinks the wrong way!”
  1780. >Your eye is twitching and your mouth is hanging half-open in pure rage
  1781. >With more apologies and calling you ‘lady’ AGAIN, they exit the sauna
  1782. >Okay, this again. You know what to do. You always are prepared for this…
  1783. >…Just inhale… and exhale…
  1784. >Just…
  1785. >…!!!!!
  1786. “I’M NOT A MARE! I’M A STALLION! SEE THIS? SEE THIS!?” You angrily stand up and with your magic you throw your towel back at your seat and reveal your butt into the air, waving it a bit “LOOK AT THIS! LOOK AT IT! NO LADY PARTS! I’M A MALE! MAAAAAALE! YOU LITTLE-“
  1787. >…Maybe you overdid it
  1788. >First, you haven’t removed your soundless spell
  1789. >And second, Anon… took notice of your little angry speech…
  1790. >You slowly stop waving your butt and go back to your seat. You put your towel back on and take a seat while looking at Anon as if nothing had happened
  1791. >Your horn glows again and you remove the spell that was placed around the sauna
  1792. >Oh my… you almost said foul language of level 2! Whatever happened to you…?
  1793. “S-Sorry for that, Anon. I need to take care of my temperament…”
  1794. >”Don’t worry about that Shorty, I-“
  1795. >A big slam echoes from the door of the sauna and both you and Anon jump from your seats from the sudden violent opening
  1796. >Soft Pumice strides in through the recently slammed door
  1797. >”Hello! I’m here to give you wonderful news! The aromatherapy room now works! And since your time in the sauna is over, let’s move on! shall we?”
  1798. >You and Anon stand up and start walking to the exit of the sauna
  1799. >It’s a relief you have the towel… or else Soft could see part of your anatomy covered in red marks and leaves…
  1800. “Can we have the massages while we are in the Aromatherapy room? Pretty please?”
  1801. >”Well, since you are the warden and it is Anon’s first time here… sure! Follow me!”
  1802. >Yay! You always wanted a massage in that room! Gentle Scent gives the bests massages!
  1803. “Anon, you are going to love the massages! Gentle Scent is an expert on this!”
  1804. >”Well, I was expecting another creature to be giving massages, but I don’t mind being massaged by a pony”
  1805. >You wouldn’t mind being massaged by him… After all, that /act/ was so good…
  1806. >…
  1807. >That… must have been one of those pesky thoughts that’s been popping up lately...
  1808. >’No it wasn’t!’ a thought said

Anon in Saddle Arabia's pony prison - Prologue

by Wand_of_Inferno

Anon in Saddle Arabia's pony prison, chapter 1

by Wand_of_Inferno

Anon in Saddle Arabia's pony prison, chapter 2

by Wand_of_Inferno

Police Anon in Manehattan

by Wand_of_Inferno

Anon in Saddle Arabia's pony prison, chapter 3

by Wand_of_Inferno