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Leaf Spring Maintenance

By Batbooper
Created: 2022-05-07 19:39:47
Updated: 2022-08-06 17:08:27
Expiry: Never

  1. Update 06 August 2022
  2. >Clank clank clank. That’s what you hear.
  3. >These hallways are cluttered with pipping for the air ventilation and water distribution. It is always humid and warm down here.
  4. >You are a facility engineer, a janitor that gets paid. And your coworker for the last few months is Leaf Spring.
  5. >Leaf is a jovial fellow who loves to test every nut and screw down here. Making sure all the torques are just right. You can hear him fluttering around sometimes, and also the occasional song he might sing.
  6. >Truly it would be depressing down here without him.
  7. >Today you are busy with sector 5 or as he likes to call it waterworld.
  8. >Nothing like getting soaked pants to ruin a day. Leaf popped ahead of you making sure that won’t happen though.
  9. "Hey leaf the dial says the water pressure is a little lower than it should be what’s going on down there?"
  10. >"Gimme a second Anon this pipe is leaking pretty good"
  11. >Frick you can’t let your little buddy get hosed or worse. With the speed of a salaried employee soon enough your pants are rolled up and you are making way down the water logged hallway.
  12. >Luckily there are drain pipes otherwise it might be past ankle deep.
  13. >Sloshing your way over you spot leaf on top of a large pipe wrenching away, tightening bolts, between another pipe that is sagging with water spilling out. Class 5 leak right here. And the shut off valve effects after where the leak is. Figures
  14. >You take out your own impact wrench, squatting down getting the bottom of your pants soaked while tightening the underside of the pipes
  15. >Soon enough all you have is a class 2 leak.
  16. >With Leaf’s help you lube up a few patches...good as it will be for a few more weeks until you can order in a new pipe or two.
  17. >"Hey Anon looks like you got a little wet"
  18. "Yeah you got that right lil buddy. Did you bring a lunch?"
  19. >Leaf pops down into the receding water
  20. >"Nah I thought we could go grab something to eat today"
  21. >You rub his mane. The goober laughs batting your hand away
  22. "Sounds like a plan, hey what about that soup place?"
  23. >"Sounds great lets go"
  24. >Stowing your tools you both head to Lunch.
  25. >Leaf grabbed a grilled chicken with tomato soup and so did you
  26. >Sitting at a corner table you both laugh about work. This food ain’t so bad.
  27. >Two mares are sitting on the other side of the cafe
  28. >"Hey Anon you ever think about Mares?" Leaf hints with his head over to the other table.
  29. >He mustn’t know
  30. "Uh ..maybe once or twice" is it hot in here? "Uh why Leaf?"
  31. >Grinning and spinning, Leaf is already out of his seat approaching the pair of giggling bat mares
  32. >Leaf talks with them, their giggling intensifies. He looks over at you while talking to the mares and waves a hoof for you. He really is a good friend.
  33. -------------------------------
  34. >You slick back your hair, then stand up. Walking over you wave to both mares.
  35. >Leaf”Hey Anon come meet the Mares.”
  36. >Leaf lean towards the Mare on his left, you think that is his favorite. Her coat is far darker grey than his, with a Silver Mane and Tail. She has some white freckles …ooooh he’s into that.
  37. >Leaf ” This is ReeNee” He winks at her “And this is Cherry Skies”
  38. >Cherry scans you with her greenish blue eyes then leans forward extending a light red hoof. To which you nearly stumble over giving it a light shake. Nailed it Romeo.
  39. >Leaf and ReeNee whisper to each other. Cherry uses her wing to drag out a chair, you accept plopping down into it. You hope she can’t see you sweating.
  40. >Her smile is contagious and you slightly reserved smirk turns into a smile as well.
  41. “So Cherry do you come here often”
  42. >Giggling is heard to your left and from Cherry.
  43. >She adjust her light bluish hair
  44. >Cherry” Not often but ReeNee and I thought this was the day to meet a few Stallions.”
  45. >ReeNee winks at Cherry.
  46. >ReeNee “Looks like we were right Cherry, you Colts work near here?”
  47. >Leaf puffs out his chest “We are pretty important working Stallions over at the Hasenfeld Building”
  48. >Cherry and ReeNee “Oooooh” Then hoof boop each other.
  49. >Cherry leans back into her chair
  50. “So maybe you Mares would like to meet up later, Leaf and I do have to get back to work. Important guys and all”
  51. >Cherry puts a hoof to her chin in thought. Her smiling gives away her answer
  52. >Cherry “Sure ReeNee and I get off at 5am, maybe you Colts would like to meet up at our place”
  54. >Later back at work
  55. >Leaf happily trots down the hallway “See I told you Anon. Mares like you, and me as well”
  56. >You hold up a hand up high. Leaf leaps up into the air, boosted by his wings, striking your palm with his hoof then landing back down.
  57. “You are the Stallion Leaf, and we meet up later tonight. Do you know where that address is?”
  58. >”Heck yeah it’s close to where I live, in the bat quarter. Anon just meet up at my house after work and we will go from there”
  59. --------------------------------------------
  60. >Are you nervous? You feel nervous. This would be the first time you would be interacting with a Mare for more than a minute.
  61. >After work you had slipped into something casual. Jeans and a shirt. The walk to Leaf’s was short. His house is a small one story cottage with some flowers that had seen better days in his garden. You knock on his door, shortly after he opens the door squeezing out and closing the door.
  62. >He did something to his hair and his wings look sorta shiny. That must be what that bat wax is that you see on the shelves.
  63. >”Looking good Anon….you think ReeNee might like what I did”
  64. >Leaf spins around on a dime. Flashing out his wings and giving a toothy smile.
  65. “Leaf you got this in the bag, she couldn’t possibly not like you”
  66. >Leaf trots happily in place moving his wings back into their normal resting position
  67. >”Hey Anon if you have any problems tonight, I will help you out. It’s what friends do for each other”
  68. >Ahh this Stallion here, definite bro
  69. “I hope I don’t need it, but if I do I know you got me bro and I got you”
  70. >You flash a grin to him and does the same to you.
  72. >A short walk later Leaf stops you. Pointing to the house in front of you it’s the usual two story cottage that Baltimare is filled with. Well manicured grass lawn, few lawn ornaments (that Gnome pony’s eyes just moved you saw it), and a grill by the backside that you spy.
  73. >A few rays of light are beginning to crest over the Celestial Sea. The moon is lowering. On Earth you would just be getting up for work, but in topsy turvy pony world this is your “night time” so to speak.
  74. >You rap on the door with a knuckle. Leaf hip bumps you whispering “good luck”.
  75. >ReeNee opens up the door giving off a little eee “Cherry they are here”
  76. >ReeNee steps aside smiling at you both. Leaf is all smiles trotting inside and you follow suit.
  77. >Their house is themed like the tropics. There are mini potted palm trees, the walls are painted with a beach motif, netting is up on the ceiling, and the candelabras on the furniture are shaped like torches.
  78. >Cherry is in the kitchen finishing up something. Carved up coconuts are filled with a light liquid and little umbrellas. Cherry places the coconuts on a tray that also has some snacks.
  79. >ReeNee pops from behind you two giving a hug to Leaf
  80. >Cherry looks up giving you a toothy smile “We have snacks and drinks, Stallions first ReeNee”
  81. >ReeNee huffs then giggles along with Cherry.
  82. --------------------------------------------------------------------
  83. >Cherry passes by you , her tail drags against your chest.
  84. >Leaf has reached the coconuts grabbing one for himself and winging one to you.
  85. >Taking a drink this is a pina colada. And its great.
  86. >Turning around Cherry is on a couch tapping a cushion with a hoof. She has a coconut with her taking a sip. Keeping eye contact with you. “Why don’t you have a seat Anon. I don’t bite…much”
  87. >You laugh, she’s not a vampire.
  88. >Walking over you take a seat next to her. She chews coconut off the shell polishing that off with some more of the drink.
  89. >In the background you hear Leaf say something and the mashing of lips.
  90. “So Cherry where do you and your friend work”
  91. >Cherry stops drinking. She licks her lips. “We work at the fruit market. Sometimes we sell fruit, sometimes we help unload it at the docks. Its not a bad job plus we get fruit cheap”
  92. >You take another drink “That seems not that bad, thanks for the drinks by the way”
  93. >Cherry flips a hoof around “Ooh its nothing, we couldn’t let Stallions that we like to go thirsty”
  94. >Cherry is facing towards you on the couch as you are seated back into a cushion. Your hand wanders over brushing her fore hoof. Cherries’ face darkens to a deeper red. “A..non”
  95. >You look at her and move to withdraw your hand out of mistaken embarrassment, but you are not fast and not clever. Her hoof slides into your hand followed by her smile brightening. “I didn’t know you felt this way, but I think I feel the same way about you.”
  96. “I uh yeah I do like you Cherry”
  97. >The warmth of her hoof is strong and comforting, looking into her teal eyes you could swear there were a few little hearts. In the background a door is shut, with laughter heard behind it.
  98. >Cherry “I hope you don’t find this weird but Im not attractive by Bat Pony standards. Any coat color that is not grey or black is looked down on as not being attractive to a mate. Ree is my friend and she never held it against me but I never had a stallion want anything to do with me, that is until you.”
  99. >Danger Danger Anon to battle stations Danger Danger.
  100. > Cherry drinks the rest of her coconut drink and puts it aside while still grasping your hand.
  101. >You polish off a good amount of your Pina Colada then put it on the table.
  102. “So Cherry those are pretty wings you have”
  103. >Cherry <see picture><Cherry leaps onto Anon. Fore hooves pressed forward, wings beat down, pure want in her eyes, mouth open with fangs glistening uttering "RAWR">
  105. -------------------------------
  106. >At work the next evening
  107. >You are examining this ginormous furnace in the basement. The thing operates off of coal and is magic fired. Compared to an earth furnace the amount of coal it needs is almost none. All the switches are in the right places and it is definitely venting heat upwards into the piping. Leaf is busy checking the registers for the heat flow on the three main floors.
  108. >The basement level is tall and runs a long way in both directions. It connects to various buildings in the downtown area. You and Leaf are only responsible for your own building’s maintenance.
  109. >Your boss, Dusty Swiffer, is responsible for all the buildings in this area. He’s not a bad dude as long as you manage the upkeep on your building, which Leaf and you do a decent job. Speaking of Leaf.
  110. >Leaf comes trotting over as you have finished following the piping to where it enters upward to the first floor. “Looks like I found the issue why Mr. Moose Knuckle wasn’t getting heat in his office” In his hoof is a wadded up set of papers.
  111. >You reach over and take it from him. Unraveling papers that were rolled into a ball. They all read the same. Coupon for one FREE Hot Pocket signed The Boss. There are about 12 of these here.
  112. “Looks like they were someone’s meal ticket Leaf, hey you want a free hot pocket?”
  113. >Leaf shakes his head “Nah those things never cook right, plus they taste kinda funny”
  114. “Speaking of kinda funny it sounded like you and ReeNee really hit it off yesterday”
  115. >Leaf ruffles his wings trying to shake the blush off his face “Yeah..we kinda got to know eachother really well you could say”
  116. >You slap him on the withers “There’s nothing to be ashamed of, shoot a lot of guys in my world would be jealous of you”
  117. >Leaf’s blush begins to fade. He looks up at you “Really? So you think I didn’t give it away too quickly like my Dad would say?”
  118. >You lean against the wall “You did fine, I bet she wants to see you again”
  119. >Leaf “Tomorrow after work she wants to go out for Morning Dinner, I told her that works out….What about you and Cherry?”
  120. >You run a hand through your messy hair “We didn’t get as far as you and ReeNee but us “You cover your neck.
  121. >Leaf cocks an eyebrow and smirks “Those are bit marks aren’t they?”
  122. “Yeah she got a little wild …..Why are you looking at me like that?”
  123. >Leaf laughs tapping his forehooves on the ground “She marked you Anon, all the Bat mares know you are off limits”
  124. >You rub the marks “Wait am I like horse married, Leaf I just met her”
  125. >Leaf laughs even harder prancing in place “Anon you’re practically engaged, the only thing missing is her putting a necklace on you or something else that humans do”
  126. >Oh no you’re too young to get horse married, you are only 30. What about all the cats you can collect, and the bullshit you can tell people you are just finding yourself.
  127. >Leaf spots your worry, calms down and walks over to you “Hey hey I wasn’t trying to be mean Anon, I just got excited for you that’s all. Look think over the idea for a few days and talk with her, maybe she just went a little overboard. ReeNee told me she’s been lonely for a long time so just a little over reaction on her part” Leaf pats you on the side with a wing
  128. >Your nerves calm down. Your buddy smiles up at you. You lean down and he boops you.
  129. >You are scrunching up like crazy.
  130. >Leaf “Kekeke got you Anon, come on lets go get some midnight chow”
  131. >Leaf turns around and you follow him to the entrance of the first floor.
  133. -------------------------------------------------
  134. >That morning it’s around 7am
  136. >You said your goodbyes to Leaf and have headed down to the market at the dock side.
  137. >There are so many stalls down here you need to be picky to get out of there in less than an hour.
  138. >Some crusty Stallion with a pipe and a worn down hat is trying to sell his wares. Fish and crustaceans fill his stall. “Look over er land lubber , plenty of what ye need, all the bounties of the sea”
  139. “Yeah no thanks Sea pony mcfisherdude…maybe on the way back”
  140. >Containers of Zebrican and Kirin spices line a few other stalls. Being sold by Mares of each localized areas. The Zeeb is busy rhyming while tapping on a watermelon, the Kirin holding two fans moving them in mysterious ways to garner your attention.
  141. “Maybe later Ladies”
  142. >Moving on
  143. >Two Griffins are hawking a butcher stall and a rare earth mineral stall. They squawk at you to buy their very low priced merchandise, and when you blow them off words such as ponyim and dirty bird curses fly your way.
  144. >Can you believe those prices,[spoiler] I’m literally shaking[/spoiler]
  145. >And now you have arrived to the general pone market.
  146. >Stall after stall is selling varied vegetables, breads, fruits, and other groceries.
  147. >A nice Pegasus Mare named Littoral Wheat has sold you a few loaves of bread. Her blonde with brown highlighted mane flows with the flutter of her wings as she waves goodbye to another good customer [spoiler] Its you genius[/spoiler]
  148. >The Earth Mare twins known as Ferme Ornee and Victory Garden surprisingly sold you more vegetables than you originally thought you were going to get. Their nice smiles and savage sale practices were a far better match than your easy going nature. As you leave they tell you to come back next week. “Nice dumper” is heard as you are a few stalls away
  149. >And now onto the fruit stands.
  150. >There are two familiar pones Mareing the larger stall.
  151. >A large yawn escapes out of ReeNee’s mouth as you stroll over to her booth.
  152. >R”Hey Anon what brings you out here besides the obvious?”
  153. >A “Anon’s here?”
  154. >Cherry shoots up from below the stall smacking her head into the scale. She rubs her scalp with a wing. An embarrassed smile graces her face
  155. >The sun is rising over the stalls now.
  158. >ReeNee wears a large grin looking over at Cherry
  159. >R “So Anon we have the freshest and quite ripe fruit here. Fruits from all over the world. From the plain filly Apples to the exotic kirinfruits. But I know a fruit you would absolutely love”
  160. >ReeNee throws out a wing tapping Cherry on the side
  161. >Cherry mouths a “no” to ReeNee who mouths back a “yes”
  162. >Cherry looks at you. She gulps as..
  163. >R “Cherry has the best fruit possible for you, why her fruit is just ripe for your picking.”
  164. >Cherries’ face is brighter red than it was before. Her wings are fidgeting. Her tail is swishing back and forth.
  165. >R “Her fruit will sate your appetite and leave you satisfied but wanting more. Why you would be fool not to have a taste of her fruit. Her juices divine”
  166. >Cherry is covering her face with her wings, ears folded back. Curiously none of the other towns ponies in the market are paying any of you attention.
  167. >ReeNee gives a Cheshire grin. “Why I bet if you took her around back she would show you just how ripe her..
  168. >Cherries’ hoof sticks into ReeNee’s mouth. Cherry is nervously laughing and can’t keep direct eye contact with you.
  169. >C ”Oh wow she is such a joker, my GOOD friend Ree here.”
  170. >Cherries’ hoof slips
  171. >R “The first taste is free”
  172. >Cherry tackles ReeNee, throwing weak blows into ReeNee’s barrel. ReeNee laughs on the ground impervious to the marshmallow onslaught of her best friend.
  173. >While they are not paying attention to the stall a few ponies sneak some oranges away.
  174. >You set your bags on the ground and go to peel Cherry of ReeNee. It only takes you to wrap your arms around Cherry before she stops the hoof pounding and looks up at you.
  175. >C “Anon. Look. I ..I’m not like that”
  176. >ReeNee’s grin hasn’t disappeared. “Oh yes she is just last night she said she wanted to wrap her lips arou..
  177. >Cherry lunges out of your grip returning to the mad blows of cloud toughness. ReeNee wraps her hooves around Cherry telling her to calm down and that she is sorry. It takes a minute for Cherry to calm down but she does.
  179. >Cherry looks up at you embarrassed. Her wings are fidgeting from being placed in front of her face and back to her sides, ears splayed from back to front.
  180. “Cherry would you like to come over to my place this morning, I can cook us a mean breakfast”
  181. >You head nod towards all the bags you had on the ground
  182. >Cherry stops fidgeting with her wings.
  183. >ReeNee is up on her hooves, using her wings to dust herself off.
  184. >ReeNee “Hey Skies why don’t you take the rest of the day off I can close here easily enough”
  185. >Cherry turns towards her friend “Ree its only a half an houre”
  186. >ReeNee stands to her full height bellowing out in a deeper tone “Cherry Skies you are hereby dismissed and will escort this Colt home”
  187. >Cherry leaps back into you then straightens up “Umm yes Ms. Nee will do”
  188. >Cherry turns around “Here Anon let me help you with those bags”
  189. >She grabs half of them placing them on her back, shifting her legs and wings a bit then smiling up at you.
  190. “Well then ok thanks ReeNee and we will see you later”
  191. >You walk off with Cherry by your side
  192. >Behind you Ree whispers something you cannot hear
  193. >Cherry coughs then wipes her forehead with a wing, looking up at you.
  194. >You shrug your shoulders knowing she heard something but you have no idea what.

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