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It Always Goes Wrong with a Cabin in the Woods

By Batbooper
Created: 2022-05-12 01:38:15
Updated: 2022-05-12 15:23:53
Expiry: Never

  1. "Lets go have a good time in the woods you said, hey I got this cabin for cheap you said, nothing can wrong you said"
  2. >Unknown "Shut the hell up and help me nail these boards in the windows"
  3. >You are Anon. With your two friends unknown and redacted. In a wood cabin deep in the woods. It was peaceful for the first day and night.
  4. >It wasn’t until the second evening that they found you. All three of you were outside cooking hot dogs over a fire pit. The sun had just set.
  5. >Redacted had went in search of fallen wood to keep the fire going all night. He was not away for more than ten minutes before he came back screaming like a scared girl. Yelling about some vampire like creatures while running past us into the cabin.
  6. >Unknown looked at where Redacted had come from. A few pairs of glowing eyes stared back at him. Unknown threw his lukewarm hotdog in their direction, grabbing you and pulling you both into the cabin.
  7. >Here you are holding up boards while Unknown hammers nails into them.
  8. >Redacted is using all his strength to move the couch in front of the front door. It’s impressive he even moved it an inch. He always bragged about how strong he would be after a few days working at some apple orchard. Well he better start because he is super weak right now.
  9. >???”Kekekekeke” Comes from outside the cabin
  10. >You and Unknown look at each other, he pounds nails faster into the boards. And you frantically get more boards over the windows faster for him.
  11. >Redacted has moved the couch a few more inches. He is looking exhausted.
  12. >Unknown “Just one more window, let’s band this shit and come up with a plan”
  13. >You place up the last boards and he pounds the remaining nails into them
  14. >Looking back at redacted he is laying on the couch which is a good ten feet from the door, huffing and puffing like he ran a marathon
  15. >You shake your head and catch Unknown doing the same thing.
  16. >With his help you both move the couch in front of the door, redacted the lazy ass never got off it.
  18. >Sighing you lean against the wall wiping some sweat off your brow. You look to Unknown
  19. “Ok we are safe right Unknown? I mean what are those things anyways”
  20. >?? “We are Ponies. Colts I swear”
  21. >Unknown’s eyes are wide open staring right in front of the fireplace. Redacted is wheezing pointing a finger at the pony trying to get out something.
  22. >You turn and see a pony but with bat wings. A dark grey coat with pink mane and red eyes, smiling with fangs.
  23. >Redacted wheezes then screams. Rolling off the couch and trying to run but just ends up walking past the pony. She looks at him then slowly follows after him.
  24. “You think we should help him”
  25. >Unknown “Nah he didn’t even help us with the couch, he’s earned this one”
  26. >Redacted makes it into the spare bedroom trying to close the door, but a grey hoof attached to a grinning pony blocks it from closing
  27. >?? “I like you, how about you come to my place and help me buck apples”
  28. >Redacted faints forward
  29. >The pony hoof pumps, walks over him, drags him into the room then closes the door.
  31. >Unknown “We ran away from that…”
  32. >? “Yeah I know right, you colts could have just introduced yourselves”
  33. >Ok she just popped in while you were distracted from the fireplace as well, you guys need to block that too
  34. >Unknown ”Who and what the heck are you?”
  35. >? “That was my sister Apricot Cider, I’m Tight Embrace, and my other sister is Savory Smacker”
  36. >Unknown points at you giving your name, then points at the spare bedroom stating Redacted.
  37. >Tight “Good to meet you colts, would you mind letting my sister in?”
  38. “Is she the last one out there?”
  39. >Tight “Sure is cutie”
  40. >You and Unknown look at each other, he shrugs and you roll your eyes.
  41. >A minute later there are two ponies in front of you both.
  42. >The red haired and blue eyed pony known as Savory is sitting in front of Unknown while the pony who talked you into letting her in, Tight, is standing there in front of you. Tight’s green eyes stare at you. Her blue hair slowly moves in motion with her hip shaking.
  43. >Savory “Sooooo does anyone else not like Ziggers?”
  44. >Tight puts a hoof to her forehead
  45. >Unknown “Uhh Anon I think maybe we were wrong about them” “So Savory are you single”
  46. >Savory has a toothy smile, putting a hoof through her hair, “Kekeke of course I am, but I don’t have to be if you get my drift”
  47. >Unknown” Yeah I get you, hey we got some beers here why don’t we leave these two alone”
  48. >Savory gets up, waits for Unknown to pass then smacks his ass with a wing. “Come on Colt let’s get loose and choke that goose of yours”
  49. >Unknown nervously laughs grabbing some beers
  51. >Tight refocuses back onto you “It’s just you and me now Anon. Soo you come here often?”
  52. “What no this is the only time I’ve been here, what about you?
  53. >Tight “Oh yeah first time too…..Do you…Im not good at this wanna make out?”
  54. >You fall back onto the couch almost in a faint. Tight trots over to you looking down at your face.
  55. >Tight “You’re cute you know that.” She places a fore hoof on your chest. “I don’t frighten you do I?”
  56. “Not now you don’t, you did earlier though. Thought vampires were going to come in her and suck us dry”
  57. >Tight “Kekekeke well we are not after your blood but maybe there is something else that needs to be sucked out of you”
  58. “Like my soul?”
  59. >Tight “ I…no…shut up and kiss me Colt”
  60. >Tight leans down planting her lips onto yours. After the shock of a pony kissing you passes, you put a hand through her hair and kiss her back. She returns the affection with passion in her kiss.
  61. >She breaks the kiss. And breathes heavy right by your mouth, it’s like she is trying to share breaths.
  62. >Satisfied with what she did, she moves her fore hoof to the side of your shoulder, climbing on top of you. “I like you Anon, it’s not just the heat talking” Her hips settle down upon yours “Do you ever just want to leave this place and go somewhere new to be happy?”
  63. “I think about that all the time”
  64. >Her smile softens resting herself onto your chest. “Maybe you would want to come with me tomorrow, you could see my town and if you like you could live there with me”
  65. >Something in your chest fills fuller after hearing that, her mane is right below your nose and it smells wonderful, her hooves are wrapped around you. This feels like something you could get used to every night. You have absent mindedly been rubbing her neck and barrel
  66. “I might regret this later, but right now I can’t say anything but yes”
  67. >She kisses your chin. Those green eyes going from being sideways, returning to looking back into yours. Her lips return to yours with no resistance on your part this time.

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