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Down On Your Luck

By Batbooper
Created: 2022-05-23 02:33:07
Updated: 2022-05-28 01:39:23
Expiry: Never

  1. Updated 26th of March
  3. >You are down on your luck Anon
  4. >Due to circumstances you do not want to name, you and the few meager possessions to your name are in your car. What you have called home for the last few months.
  5. >During the evening through the early morning you work at your job barely making enough for the gas in your car, the food you eat, and the gym membership that you have been using for the shower room almost exclusively.
  6. > You do not own a phone anymore, that expense is beyond your means.
  7. >It’s been rough. In mid spring this started and thank goodness you are doing this in a smaller town and not someplace like St Louis or D.C.
  8. >No one bothers you since after work you drive to a bridge near the outskirt of the city.
  9. >Its 4am and you have been off work for an hour. You have a fire setup and have begun making some chili in your sole cooking pot.
  10. >The bridge crossing the river [spoiler] undefined [/spoiler] spans about eighty feet made of steel and wood. Your car is parked away from the bridge close to your fire with a thicket of trees to your back. >The stars are still out and it’s peaceful. The sound of the river is a good backdrop to the fire crackling in front of you.
  11. >While the chili is finishing up, you have prepared and orange and an apple for after breakfast on a small cutting board that is laying on a large rock.
  12. >Well nature calls. You get up from your spot by the fire to amble towards the tree line. You might be down on your luck but at least no one can see your shame out here.
  13. >After zipping back up your pants, a crying sound can be heard deeper into the thicket of trees.
  14. >Curiosity gets the better of you. You can get your breakfast in a few minutes.
  15. >You walk forward moving branches out of the way, the crying gets louder. Deeper you go and you surely must be very near where the whimpering is coming from.
  16. >Whack!
  17. “Ah dammit”
  18. >Frigging branch smacked you in the face.
  19. >The crying sound stops. Normally in those horror movies that you used to watch this is the part where the camper finds something that chases and tears them apart. Maybe this wasn’t the best idea
  20. >As you rub your face contemplating your situation, a large glowing set of eyes open only five feet in front of you.
  22. “Oh shieeeet”
  23. >You turn around to flee. And run face first into the same branch that smacked you in the face the first time. You lose your footing and fall forward onto the ground.
  24. >The sound of something coming behind you gets you back on your feet, as you take off through the thicket racing to your fire. Many branches slam into you earning you quite a few scrapes.
  25. >You break through the tree line and get to the fire.
  26. >You turn around with the fire to your back. Something is at the tree line. It’s about four feet tall with glowing eyes but that’s all you can tell.
  27. >It sniffs the air then slowly comes forward.
  28. >Pointy but fluffy ears are atop its head. It has the shape of a short horse.
  29. >The light of the fire reveals a blue mane and a pitiful look on its face. It looks up at you.
  30. >”Please help me, I’m not sure how long I have been here alone. I’m so hungry”
  31. >Well that sounds like a she and she has closed the distance to the same distance when you found her earlier.
  32. “Now you stop right there lady”
  33. >She stops then sits her back half down. She casts her face down looking like life has taken everything from her.
  34. >You sigh putting a hand on your face. You don’t do drugs and this situation doesn’t make sense, just like your life.
  35. “Whats your name”
  36. >She continues to look at the ground
  37. >”Its Spica Virginis……”
  38. >You look at your pot and then look at her. You hope you won’t regret this.
  39. “Look if you promise to not do anything rash, I have enough for both of us. Why don’t you come sit by the fire”
  40. >You point at a rock across the fire from the rock you like to sit on
  41. “You can tell me all about your situation after you get some food in you…..the name is Anon by the way”
  42. >She looks up at you with tears in her eyes. Oh no don’t cry again. With a flap of her wings she is on you hugging your hip
  43. >Spica “Thank you thank you thank you. I won’t be no trouble Anon, I will be a good little bat”
  44. >You have to pry her off you. She wears a thin smile and trots over to her appointed sitting position.
  45. >You grumble out a few things as you fish out two bowls from the trunk of your car. Moving over to the fire you lay the pot on another rock. Following that you ladle the bowls full leaving mere scraps in the bottom of the pot.
  46. >You hesitantly hand the bowl to her. She takes it and holds it with her wing tips. That is so weird.
  47. >Without a word she dives into the chili devouring it with little abandon.
  48. >You watch with a spoon in your hand that you were going to give her. Ehh she’s good you go and sit down on your recliner rock and eat up.
  49. >When you are halfway done, you look over to see her licking the bowl clean.
  50. “Theres a little more in the pot….use the ladle”
  51. >You go back to eating the chili while hearing the ladle scrap the pot. When you are finished she is back on her rock smiling at you with a cleaned bowl.
  52. “If you want to earn that meal you can clean these bowls and the pot in that river”
  53. >She nods her head then trots over to you taking the bowl from you then proceeds over to the river. While she is in the process of cleaning the bowls and the pot you prepare the inside of your tent, its adjacent to your car and the fire, for your eventual sleep before work tonight.
  54. >It doesn’t take long and you peer over at the river. There is Spica trotting back from the river with the bowels on her back and the pot in her wing tips.
  55. >She sets them down on the rock by the car and turns back to you.
  56. >The fire has turned into embers.
  57. >You walk over to the cutting tray picking up half an apple and an orange. With how fast she ate breakfast she is likely still hungry.
  58. >Her eyes widen as she sees the fruit in your hand. You extend out your palm with the fruit to her. They are gone so fast you don’t want to think about it.
  59. >She wolfs down the fruit , as you eat your apple. Ah what the heck. You hand her the other half of the orange. Which disappears just as fast.
  60. >The first rays of light appear behind the thicket of trees.
  62. “I am going to get some shut eye. You don’t have a place to stay do you”
  63. >Spica meekly shakes her head.
  64. >The things you do when your heartstrings are pulled.
  65. “If you promise to behave, you can sleep in the tent this morning. I will take the car.”
  66. >She is back to hugging your hip in a really tight grip
  67. >Spica “Thank you thank you thank you thank you”
  68. >She sniffles
  69. >You ruffle her hair. To which she leans her head into your hip continuing to hug.
  70. >Well this turned out much better than you initially thought, except for sleeping in your car while little miss Virginis sleeps in your tent.
  71. >After breaking the her hug you grasp your sleeping roll and put it in your backseat. You grab a blanket from your trunk and put it in the tent for her.
  72. >Spica comes into the tent as you are laying the blanket down for her. As you get up to exit the tent she kisses you on the cheek.
  73. >Red faced you stammer out something before exiting and heading to the car.
  74. >You swear you hear her giggle out a goodnight as you tuck into the car to get some rest.
  75. >Laying in your sleeping roll you can’t help but wonder if this is a good sign of things to come.
  77. >Waking up during the day is something that takes getting used to. Take for instance right now. You are groggy and the sun is beating down on the car. The watch on your arm tells you it is three P.M.
  78. >The tent is still zipped up, she must be sleeping still. Using cat like skills, the rear passenger door opens with a moderate creaking sound. The bedroll is rolled up and stowed in the trunk.
  79. >You grab a few oatmeal packets and an instant coffee packet laying them next to the bowls.
  80. >Using the water kettle from the trunk you fill it at the edge of the river , and proceed to start up a small fire in the fire pit.
  81. >Twenty minutes later you are sitting on your favorite rock letting the oatmeal and coffee cool down.
  82. >The tent opens up and she is looking just as tired as you had. Pressing her forelegs forward outside of the tent, she stretches forward and back letting out a high pitched yawn.
  83. >She notices you and smiles while squinting due to the sun.
  84. >You pat the rock next to you picking up her bowl [spoiler] just one peck and its her’s[/spoiler] and placing it where she can reach it.
  85. >You have taken a liking to this instant coffee, sure it's not the greatest, but it's cheap and that's what you can afford.
  86. >Spica trots over and plops onto the rock. Sniffing the contents of the bowl. She looks at you, you nod at her. She proceeds to go muzzle first lapping up the oatmeal.
  87. >That reminds you that yours should have cooled down.
  88. >After breakfast Spica cleans the bowls again, which is a good task for her if she stays.
  89. >You busy yourself by prepping your car with your work clothes. Your SSS gear is locked up in the gym locker room.
  90. >A soft touch by a hoof draws your attention
  91. >Spica “Anon I would like to thank you again for your kindness here”
  92. >You look over at her. She is wearing a grim smile.
  93. >Spica “But I can’t overstay my welcome”
  94. >Well its back to being lonely again. You must look depressed right now.
  95. >She looks down at the ground. “I have to go now I’m sorry for bothering you”
  96. >You bend down as she begins to turn around wrapping your arms around her. She yelps out in surprise and stiffens up but relaxes after a second.
  97. “You are not the only one who is lost out here. Life has been cruel to us both”
  98. >Spica turns around in the hug wrapping her hooves around your ribs.
  99. “You can stay as long as you want, maybe I am going crazy but I think I am starting to like you”
  100. >She puts her head into your chest knickering twice before backing up breaking the hug. The grimness is gone in her. You could swear the dark greyness in her coat just got a little bit lighter.
  101. > She’s trying to smile widely but is squinting heavily due to the sun. You reach in your backseat pulling out a cheap pair of sunglasses [spoiler] the large ones that old people wear[/spoiler] and hand them to her.
  102. >She takes them in her wing placing them upon her face. Yeah she doesn’t look cool but she is not squinting.
  103. > Spica “I do like you as well Anon, and would at least like to call you a friend”
  104. >Her tail swishes behind her and her wings flutter lightly against her sides. She is cute…..for a whatever she is.
  106. >You have a long conversation with her about your work and her situation. She knows you will be back later and to busy herself how she can.
  107. >Driving away across the bridge, you look in your rearview mirror. She is waving at you with a hoof.
  108. >For the first time in months you are in town smiling. At the gym the owner comments that you are looking better. At the box factory your boss even tells you that are working harder today. During your “lunch” break you sneak over to the grocery store.
  109. >Some canned goods are taken along with a few bottles and some additional fruit. You do not even care about the crazy prices today.
  110. >The rest of the workday goes by fast. Your workmate Jim tells you that he heard something about the plant opening up another factory in Vietnam. Why is that not concerning today? Oh well.
  111. >You hum a tune on the way back to the bridge site. You’re not calling it home but the small fire that you see through the windshield looks inviting.
  112. >Getting out of the car you look around for Spica. Splashing sounds can be heard in the river along with a muddled “Yes”
  113. >The stars are looking bright as ever. You place some extra wood on the fire. The meager wood pile that you had earlier looks to have been built up quite a bit while you were gone.
  114. >From the shadows of the stream, out comes Spica trotting with a large trout in her mouth speared with her fangs. She drops it down on a rock by the fire.
  115. >Spica “I caught us some breakfast and worked around the camp while you were gone”
  116. “I saw all the wood you brought, good work on that and the fish”
  117. >Spica titters. “I’m happy to help out and these ears” She puts a hoof to a fuzzy ear “are good at hearing those fish in the water”
  118. >You pull out a mango juice bottle you bought earlier and hand it to her. She lets out a little “eee” after seeing the picture of the mango.
  119. >You busy yourself with gutting and filleting the fish. Afterwards you get the fish on a pan and look over at Spica.
  120. >She has the bottle top in her mouth trying to puncture the cap with a fang.
  121. “Hey let me see that for a second”
  122. >The top is quickly twisted off and you hand it back to her.
  123. >You begin the pan frying to the sounds of Spica taking sips and making cute little remarks about the flavor.
  124. >Within a few minutes you have dished up some fish and a few pieces of bread to Spica and yourself.
  125. >While you are both eating, she is smiling, you are smiling. Life is good.
  126. >The useless parts of the fish are chucked in the river and Spica operates as your field dish washer.
  127. >Later you and Spica are sitting next to each other by the fire.
  128. >You look at her flank seeing a constellation
  129. “So what's with the tattoo there, do you like star gazing?”
  130. >Spica looks at her mark and then back at you
  131. > “Its my cutie mark that I earned when I was younger. At night I was always stargazing when I was supposed to be doing chores. One evening I noticed in the sky that the only constellation that never left the sky was this one”
  132. >She pats her cutie mark.
  133. > “I wrote a letter, with my Mom’s help, and sent it to Princess Luna. Lo and behold the Princess visited us two nights later. Princess Luna was happy to see that a bat pony admired her work so much that she was able to spot what she ritually left in the sky.”
  134. >You have many questions right now but you keep quiet
  135. > “The Princess told me that the constellation was in honor of her Father Virgo, and that even though she couldn’t remember what he looked like, she will honor his memory for the rest of her life. She gave me a hug then and my cutie mark appeared. My Mom was so proud”
  136. >Spica smiles and then frowns
  137. > “What would she think of me now though, I’m lost and not sure I can get home. The only one of my kind”
  138. >She sniffles and her eyes water up.
  139. >You wrap her in a hug to which she greedily returns.
  140. “Spica I will help you get home”
  141. You press you chin against the top of her head
  142. “And if that means I leave here for good, then so be it”
  143. >She breaks the hug pulling back and looking in your eyes.
  144. >”Anon…”
  145. You boop her on the snootle
  146. >Spica scrunches up looking down at her snootle and then back up at you, hoof punching you in the side
  147. >She huffs looking at the ground and back up at you, her smile returned.
  148. >”You might have those foal eyes and a kind soul but don’t do that again Colt”
  149. >You get up and pull out two bananas from the trunk handing her one. You take a bite and look at her.
  150. >She has the last piece of the peel in her mouth pulling it down to exposure the bare fruit. She looks up at you and grins. She slowly inhales the entire banana fruit keeping eye contact with you and then she backs up halfway chomping that off while chewing.
  151. >You sit there in shock watching the spectacle. Shaking your head you finish off the rest of your fruit, and so has she.
  153. >As the sun rises , so does your need for rest.
  154. "I’m going to go pass out in the car, you can do whatever"
  155. >Spica hoofs ahold of your arm as you try to walk past her.
  156. >"There is enough room in the tent for the both of use. Come on Anon you looked a little cramped in there yesterday"
  157. >You look at her quizzically
  158. "Were you watching me sleep"
  159. >She waves her fore hooves in front of herself shaking her head
  160. >"No nothing creepy I was...look are you going to sleep in the tent or not"
  161. >Your back didn’t take well to being curled up in the car yesterday. And now you are sure she wasn’t looking to steal your things. All few of them.
  162. "All right Spica we can share the tent, but no funny business I do need my sleep"
  163. >Spica crosses a hoof over her chest and then looks like she almost hoofed herself in the eye
  164. "I promise"
  165. >Good thing you had this 4 person tent [spoiler] They are always sized too small 4 person fits 2 people [/spoiler]
  166. >You are in your bed roll facing away from Spica closing your eyes
  167. >"Good sleep Anon"
  168. "Yeah good sleep to you too"
  170. >You’re driving your car through a foggy town, shadows are lumbering tall as buildings going past you. Terrible noises can be heard. You try to speed up but your car instead seems to stop. The ignition will not work. The shadows lumber towards your car. You can feel the earth shaking with their movements. Well it was a good ride.
  171. >The shadows disappear and now you are on a beach. The sun is shining down and the waves are beating the sands. You feel warm and secure here. Something is going after your ear though. Dang bugs. Dang bugs.
  172. >Slowly consciousness comes back to you. You feel really warm , and something is still bothering your ear. You move a hand back and something with a coat is nibbling on you. Vampires!
  173. >Rolling to your side you impact the side of the tent. Spotting your attacker its.. Spica
  174. >She is nibbling the air and moving her hooves like she wants to hold onto something. It was Her. She's the vampire.
  175. >You check your neck , no bite marks. Phew
  176. >Spica lets out a whine then scoots forward to where you just were.
  177. >Ok maybe she needed contact, poor girl was by herself in the unknown for who knows how long.
  178. >You roll up the bedroll putting it into her hooves. She wraps them around it and nuzzles the top of it.
  179. >Checking your watch its 2pm. Ok you got time. You keep an eye on her while trying to get out of the tent noiselessly. When you have unzipped the tent one of her ears shifts towards you.
  180. >Maybe she is starting to wake. You scratch behind the attentive ear. Her head shifts back into your scratches.
  181. >"Mmmm yeah keep that up colt"
  182. >A wing slowly unfurls to grab your hand, but you are already out of the tent to get some food started.
  184. >Spica comes back with bowls after cleaning them. She seemed happier this morning.
  185. "So is it normal to nibble on ponies ears when you are sleeping"
  186. >Spica drops a bowl on the ground. She is red-faced jumbling with her hooves trying to pick it up
  187. >"W.w.hat Anon no I was just having a good dream, a..and I guess I thought your ear was something good in my dream"
  188. >That poor flustered mare.
  189. >You laugh grabbing the bowl off the ground and place it on the drying rock.
  190. "If it’s any consolation, I think you did help me through a nightmare"
  191. >She is starting to calm down
  192. >"Well see you after work I have some things I need to get done in town."
  193. >Spica is calmed down but now looks ashamed. You give her a quick hug then drive into town.
  194. >She is waving you off again ..though not smiling as large as yesterday
  196. >After leaving the gym, you actually worked out today, drive over to the factory parking lot. Ooh this can’t be good. Your coworkers and others are in front of the building with signs chanting some things. You find Jim with a sign and ask him what’s going on.
  197. >He tells you that the factory is shutting down, everyone was laid off. They are protesting the management who kept their jobs. This is......
  198. >Dammit!
  199. >You told Jim to give them hell and went to your car and just sat there in frustration.
  200. >What are you going to do? Everyone that is laid off will still look for work in the city, and you don’t even have an address to put on an application or a computer to make an application. You strike the dashboard and put your head on the wheel.
  201. >Sometime later you drive to the bank and check your balance via the ATM.
  202. >Looks like your severance was $100 add that to the $50 you have saved. You can only stretch that a few weeks.
  203. >Its midnight as the car pulls into the camp site. You sit there in the car seat miserable. Why does life keep shitting on you? What are you going to do after that money runs out? You have no family, no job, no house/apartment, no life.
  204. >Please God send me an angel right now.
  205. >A tapping is heard from the passenger door. Looking over you see Spica looking at you with a worried look. She opens the door with a hoof then sits on the passenger seat.
  206. >”Anon are you, ok? You have been sitting in here for a while?”
  207. >You say nothing lowering your head
  208. >”Anon talk to me, your important to me please say something”
  209. >Spica leans over with a wing drawing your face into her chest tuft. She strokes your hair with a hoof.
  210. >”Anon you can talk to me, whatever it is”
  211. >Spica keeps quietly stroking your hair.
  212. “The factory laid off all the workers and now….now I have nothing left. I don’t think I can get work in the town anymore. It feels like the world is falling apart around me.”
  213. > A hoof is pressed under your chin lifting your face level with hers.
  214. >”Anon you found me when I had abandoned all hope and took me in. You’ve treated me with kindness even though you didn’t need to and would even give up your own clothes to me if I asked. I have never met a stallion like that, and I don’t think I need to now. Together we can make it I swear.”
  215. >Her face is only an inch from yours now. Her breath and yours is shared.
  216. >Her lips press to yours kissing with passion that you have never felt before. You are in shock and pull back.
  217. “Spica I….”
  218. >With a desperate tone of her voice and tears lining her eyes
  219. >”Just close your eyes Anon.”
  220. >You want to return the affection but she is a pony and you are a man. You don’t want her to leave though, you like her. She is the only good thing in your life. You gotta hold on to what you got. For this mare you’ll give it a shot
  221. “It feels like I’m living on a prayer”
  222. >You close your eyes. Her lips press back against yours.
  223. >You return the kiss with her. It entices her to lean over pressing her chest into yours. Your arms wrap around her back.

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