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Unit V Rat

By Batbooper
Created: 2022-05-28 01:39:04
Expiry: Never

  1. This is a short follow up to Unit V if you couldn't tell. Its about a background character, story will not make sense if you did not read unit V.
  3. >Hey yo its. Da one, da only, Cheese Wiz da rat. Was Living da high life here in dis abandoned orphanage.
  4. >I couldn’t tell yah hows I got heres, but lemme tell yahs it had somepin to do wit squealing on someone named hunter.
  5. >But now I awoke in dis world with paws and a long tail. Whats a guy gonna do about it?
  6. >I was in da woods minding my own business when dis evil looking hawk tried to make a meal outta me. I said hey fugget about it.
  7. >I ran into dis what was an orphanage and been scrappin it out since.
  8. >First I was alone with all dis stockpiled food that I woudda turned my nose up before, but now, it’s a bonanza!
  9. >Den dees demons, mother mary protected me, came and took up shop. Oooh you shoudda seen dem all pretedin to be like little kid horses an all. Buncha pulukas. Always trying to get ol Cheese Wiz, nevuh got me dough.
  10. >And den dese real horses came in all swaggerin like deh was like ol Cheese Wiz.
  11. >Did’n work out for em do, was hard tah watch. But dey ai’n no box out here tah watch so I had a front row seat.
  12. >Den more came in an took a hit on them demons, and bam dey was gone.
  14. >Now of dem original horses survived. Poor bat broad lemme tell yah, went tru a lot.
  15. >She was in dat café wit da new horses all chattin like. I came over and squeaked at her. She looked down and smiled, sumpin I ai’n seen in a long time. And den she gave me dis huge fruit. I woulda cried but I ai’n no sissy like.
  16. >Da next day she gave me anotta fruit and I knew I gotta help out this broad horse.
  18. >So one more day goes by and den dese flyin monke assholes came toward my home.
  19. >No you might be thinkin, hey Cheese yous a rat, whats yous gonna do? Well I’s gonna tell yah.
  20. >In my hideout all snug in der, I had a getup. I put on my thimble helmet, wielded my sewing needle sword, and donned my cape. Like my ancestah one of dem holy roman emperuhs.
  21. >I ran into dat café where she was. I had to grab a napkin and do some mimin but I got word to her. >Some of dose otha horses were clappin them hooves like it was a show, big pulukas.
  22. >All dem horses ran outside and all dis mayhem happened. A few ran off into da distance but da rest of dem were all circled with dem flying assholes.
  23. >I had to do it. My broad horse was being attacked. Like a knight chargin to protect I charged inta dis one disgustin monsta with my sword. Thrustin and slashin, I knew dis was why I was here. All dem horses were fightin for dem lives, I was wit dem.
  24. >Here I am dough, struck down by a flying shit house monkey mutha #$%^*&#@&^%$#@. My bat broad dragged me over to der circle. Da lights going dim but I see her smile down one more time at me. Even for one of dem bats she is an angel. Mother Mary protect dem.

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