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Party Maud

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2022-06-08 22:52:11
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Pinkie's son excited to go to your first rave
  2. >"I'd go with you, but I'm too busy tonight..."
  3. >She rests her head on her hand in thought
  4. >"I don't want you going alone either..."
  5. >This makes you worry you might not be able to go after all
  6. >"I know!"
  7. >Mom exclaims getting an idea
  8. >"I'll ask aunty Maud to chaperone you! She's super responsible, has told me she wanted to spend some time with you, and it'd be her first rave too! It's perfect!"
  9. >You don't think Maud would ever go to a rave, and not on such short notice
  10. >All the noise and flashing lights would probably drive her crazy
  11. "I mean... I guess, if you can actually get her to agree. I imagine there's a reason she's never been to one before."
  12. >Mom pats your head affectionately
  13. >"Don't worry about that, Nonners! She'll be super excited to go if it's with you!"
  14. >You still have your doubts, but if you get to go to the rave you suppose it's fine
  15. >Mom runs off to call her, and soon returned looking happy about the results
  16. >"She'll be here soon to pick you up for it! Though I got to run, have fun Nonners! Maud'll take super duper good care of you!"
  17. >She then ran off in a hurry
  18. >Leaving you to wait for Maud
  19. >You were getting very nervous about the whole thing
  20. >Maud may be reliable, but if it's her first time too you're worried about things going wrong
  21. >After what feels like an eternity Maud arrives, and wordlessly let's you in her car
  22. >She's dressed in her frock like always
  23. >Which you know will stand out a lot compared to the more outlandish outfits everyone else will be wearing
  24. >Including you
  25. >Though you more just modified some clothes you already have to put a bunch of glowy stuff on them
  26. >Either way Maud takes you both to the club okay
  27. >Even more reassuringly the bouncer let's you both right in because mom had let them know about you two, and your mom has a lot of sway here
  28. >In fact soon after entering the DJ offers you a hit of the drugs being passed around on the house
  29. >You know her, so you're not worried about them being dangerous drugs
  30. "It's my first rave, so I'll just take half a hit!"
  31. >You have to yell over the music, but she nods before doing as you asked
  32. >Still when you took it the stuff hit you hard
  33. >Everything became blurred and weird
  34. >Well, even more than it already was
  35. >In fact before you knew it some slut was riding your dick
  36. >You couldn't tell who it was because it was like you were both blind and not blind at the same time
  37. >You think you saw Maud nearby
  38. >Maybe she could tell you who it was afterwards
  39. >Actually by the time you came to your senses laying naked on the dance floor by yourself you were thinking you shouldn't ask
  40. >You were sore all over, and you don't think you'd survive bumping uglies with them in the regular
  41. >Whoever they were, they were an insatiable freak in the sheets
  42. >You're so drained you don't know if your balls will ever recover
  43. >At least Maud helped you up, and took you home
  44. >She had your clothes too
  45. >Maud really did have your back
  47. >Even if you felt really embarrassed with yourself
  48. >After getting dressed in the car you decide to apologize to Maud
  49. "Sorry I really made a fool of myself back there."
  50. >"You did fine, and I had a lot of fun."
  51. >She reassured you, and it did make you feel a lot better
  52. >When you both got home Pinkie was there hoping for good news
  53. >"I had so much fun I think I'd like to go with him again tomorrow night."
  54. >Maud reports, which made Mom overjoyed
  55. >"That's wonderful! How about you, Nonners?!"
  56. >That sounds fine
  57. >Would give you a chance to try without drugs
  58. >Really take in the sights and sounds
  59. >Stick to dancing, and keep an eye out for that dangerous slut who fucked you way too hard
  60. "I'd like that too. I feel like it ended too soon. So I would like another chance to take it slower."
  61. >Mom smiles ear to ear
  62. >"It's a date then! I'm so happy to see you and Maud having so much fun together!"
  63. >You definitely still feel sore though
  64. >So maybe you'll go light on the dancing too
  65. >Especially planning to avoid using your hips too much
  66. >You're sure you'll be feeling that in the morning, and they'll probably be very tender too
  68. >The next day you were definitely right about how your hips would feel
  69. >Fortunately you were at least able to walk it off for the most part
  70. >Either way you'd definitely try to avoid getting fucked like that again tonight
  71. >You're sure staying sober will help
  72. >When Maud picked you up to go back to the club you felt ready
  73. >You both go in past the bouncer who actually looked at you a little funny
  74. >Having spontaneous sex isn't that uncommon
  75. >This makes you even more curious about who it was
  76. >You just hit the dance floor without going to the DJ for drugs first
  77. >Maud is dancing next to you somewhat robotically, but things are normal so far
  78. >The multicolor strobe lights and everyone's glowsticks in the otherwise dark room is a sight to behold
  79. >The music is mesmerizing as well if a bit repetitive
  80. >Though you keep your eyes peeled for any suspicious looking women looking at you predatorily
  81. >Maud sees you looking around defensively, and leans in
  82. >"You seem tense, is something the matter?!"
  83. >It's weird hearing Maud yell, but you know she has to or you wouldn't hear her
  84. "I think there's a dangerous person here!"
  85. >Maud seems confused about that
  86. >"Do you think this 'dangerous person' would keep us from having sex again?!"
  87. >Sex with her?!
  88. >Again?!
  89. >It was Maud who fucked you last night?!
  90. >You freeze up from how shocked you are with this realization
  91. >She can see how shocked you are
  92. >"I thought you knew! How could you not?!"
  93. >If you had sex with your aunt on the dance floor that would definitely explain why the bouncer looked at you funny
  94. >People are very open minded here, getting up to some freaky stuff under the influence of drugs, but still
  95. >In fact some of those shenanigans are starting up right now
  96. >Clothes start dropping around you as it starts to feel very steamy in here
  97. >That's also when Maud's face got very close to yours
  98. >She starts kissing you, and you realize you'll probably get fucked again if you don't do anything
  99. >You decide that the best way to avoid being destroyed is to take the lead
  100. >Then you could set the pace yourself
  101. >Sure it means still having sex with your aunt, but you can blame contact high if you need to
  102. >You lean into Maud's kiss kissing her yourself until it was more you kissing her
  103. >Actually you also realize that you were enjoying this a lot more than you should
  104. >Soon Maud was leaning back which pulled you forward
  105. >Until she was laying on the floor with you on top of her
  106. >Leaving you unsure if you were ready to go all the way, but if you wanted to retain the lead then you'd have to here
  107. >You were going to undo your pants, but Maud does it first
  108. >Freeing your dick as she hiked up her frock
  109. >Which also revealed she wasn't wearing panties
  110. >At that point you just thrust right in her before you could have a chance to talk yourself out of it
  111. >Her pussy gripped you tight as she wrapped her arms and legs around you
  112. >Yet her facial expression remained the same as always
  114. >Starting to thrust in and out it feels strange to consciously have sex with your aunt Maud
  115. >Even knowing technically you already had sex with her last night
  116. >She's milking you so hard it's not long before you feel like you'd cum
  117. >It certainly doesn't help this is the first time you're doing this sober
  118. >Feeling the pleasure and sensations of it that much more
  119. >You you felt yourself about the cum Maud squeezed you with her arms and legs
  120. >Not only ensuring you bottomed out in her, but making it seem like she was trying to literally squeeze the cum out of you
  121. >You blast your load inside her way harder than you knew you could
  122. >Reminds you of how drained your balls felt last night
  123. >Did you cum a lot inside her last night too?!
  124. >You have to ask something now...
  125. "You're using some kind of protection right?!"
  126. >"Of course not! Why would I do that?!"
  127. >Good lord...
  128. >She could get pregnant from this...
  129. >If she isn't already...
  130. >"You're my boyfriend now, right?! Why wouldn't you get me pregnant?! This is a date right?!"
  131. >Mom did say 'it's a date', but you're sure she didn't mean for it to be a literal date
  132. >Also you really don't think she'd want you to get your aunt pregnant!
  133. >Yet you were still thrusting into her, and would likely cum inside her more times before you were done
  134. >Especially with her arms and legs locking you in place
  135. >In fact, you notice is seems strangely quiet
  136. >The music is way down
  137. >Other people are making a lot less noise
  138. >Then you realize everyone's attention is on you and Maud
  139. >Though at least none of them seem to be judging you
  140. >In fact quite a few including the DJ seem to be really enjoying the 'show'...
  141. >Now you were really feeling some performance anxiety even if you weren't so much worried about being judged
  142. >You went at her as hard as you could now regardless of if you think your body can handle it
  143. >Then it wasn't long before you came again
  144. >Filling your aunt up with a lot of people watching...
  145. >Actually, now you wonder if everyone heard your little discussion about protection
  146. >You keep going while feeling very self-conscious about everything
  147. >Once you really couldn't keep going anymore you collapsed on top of her
  148. >After it was clear your performance was done everyone went back to what they were doing before
  149. >The music went back up to a deafening roar, and it was like nothing happened
  150. >Except you were still laying on top of your aunt on the dance floor
  151. >Her body wrapped around you, and your member still buried inside her
  152. >After a bit of staying like this you don't know what to do while staring into her eyes
  153. >You end up starting to kiss her unable to think of anything else
  154. >After a bit Maud speaks up
  155. >"You're kissing me a lot more than last night! Could it be that you're truly falling in love with me?!"
  156. >She then pauses for a moment
  157. >"I love you! I was hoping this would end up with you being mine!"
  158. >It would be very hard to deny any kind of romantic feelings for her now
  159. >Even if you were more pushed into this
  161. >You realize you'd have to tell your mom about this
  162. >Since even if you don't she'd find out eventually
  163. >Especially if Maud's belly starts to swell
  164. >There's no way Maud wouldn't just say you're the father at that point
  165. >You even kind of feel anxious to leave the club, and go somewhere more private like home
  166. "Hey Maud! Let's go home!"
  167. >She actually nods in agreement
  168. >"Good thinking! We can have more sex in my room when we get there!"
  169. >Apparently Maud thought you meant her home
  170. "I mean my home! I'd like to go back to my house!"
  171. >Maud looks at you in a way that's supposed to be puzzled
  172. >"Wouldn't Pinkie be there though? Wouldn't it be rude to have more sex there with her home?"
  173. >You're not sure why she'd be concerned about that
  174. "I'm pretty sure I'm done for the night! I don't have endless stamina like you! Also I really have to tell Mom about this before she finds out another way!"
  175. >Maud seems to understand
  176. >"Yes! If I make my nephew my lover, then I should definitely not leave my sister in the dark about it!"
  177. >You wish she didn't have to yell saying things like that
  178. >"By the way I really am glad to have you as my lover now! You're so cute and sweet I knew I just had to have you!"
  179. >It's really making your ears burn knowing other people are still around
  180. "Let's just go already!"
  181. >She nods again before finally letting go of you
  182. >You can still feel where her arms and legs where as you fix up your pants and such
  183. >Then you leave the club hyper aware of anyone who was looking at you
  184. >Especially when the DJ gave you a suggestive wink just before you left
  185. >On the way home you tried to prepare yourself for how you'd tell Mom about what happened
  186. >If you don't first it seems like Maud is planning to explain it herself
  187. >No doubt she'd do it very bluntly
  188. >So you think you'd rather get the first word in to describe it more delicately
  189. >Once Maud pulled into the driveway you practically rush to get into the house first
  190. >Though once you went to speak first Maud was still quickest to the draw
  191. >"Wonderful news, Pinkie. He is now my lover, and has acknowledged that I am most likely pregnant."
  192. >Fuck
  193. >Though Mom is a lot less shocked than you'd think
  194. >"Geez, Nonners, I know things get crazy in there, but couldn't you have kept it in your pants?"
  195. >"No need to worry Pinkie. I wanted it to be this way, and admittedly I pushed for it more than he did."
  196. >Mom huffs a bit at Maud, but isn't legit mad
  197. >"Well, either way... Looks like Nonners will have to marry you!"
  198. >Marry your aunt?
  199. >That can't be legal, right?
  200. "Mom... There's no way that's legal!"
  201. >"Not in town, but back where me and Maud grew up it is! In fact! Why don't you spend a romantic weekend with Maud at the local resort there?"
  202. >Maud nods very eagerly loving what she's hearing
  203. "Are you really so okay with all this?! Having sex with my aunt while high and getting her pregnant?! Well this time I was sober, but still!"
  204. >"As long as you both love each other, that's what maters!"
  205. >Mom says very simply

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