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When Beach Mareing Goes Wrong

By Batbooper
Created: 2022-06-13 02:33:57
Expiry: Never

  1. >Oh well that disappearing shoreline isn't a good thing
  2. >Today you were going to the beach to impress your friend Night Singer
  3. >She just wanted to float on the waves and deepen her bat tan
  4. >It was all well and good when you both were in knee deep water splashing around but there just happened to be a strong current when you went a little deeper
  5. >So here you are treading water like a chump while Night lazily sips on her drink watching you struggle
  6. >You asked her to make some room on the float but maybe she didn't hear you
  7. >Your arms and legs are getting tired.
  8. > she just keeps staring at you while nursing her drink.
  9. >She looks a little sad. Oh wait her drink is empty. She looks at you and then the water , then back to you.
  10. >"I thought you said you were a good swimmer"
  11. >As you start to sink into the water you grab onto her hoof pulling her down with you.
  12. >She struggles as you pull her into a hug
  13. >The air leaves both of your lungs as you both sink to the sea floor.
  14. >Finally you are together till death do you part
  16. >Night Singer stops fighting , going limp into your arms. Air stops streaming from her mouth and shortly now so will yours
  17. >You didn't want things to end this way. What would Donut Joe say about you now?
  18. >A large crash of water thunders down from the surface surrounded by bubbles. Blackness engulfs your vision.
  20. >Darkness is all that you see, all that you hear , all that you smell. Oh god your going to throw up.
  21. >You expel the water out of your lungs, coughing a crazy amount, feeling wood on your back and the sun on your face. Glorious air!
  22. >You suck in air like a jew who just realized its free
  23. >Your eyes open and you can see you are still at sea, but whats this your on a boat, or more like a wooden raft. About eight logs secured together with some sort of twine.
  24. >Sitting beside you is ooh woh what a beautiful mare giving mouth to mouth to Night Singer.
  25. >Their lips connect and if you hadn't just been brought back to life your dick would be tearing a hole through your trunks.
  26. >Her blue and purple mane toss backwards against her neck as she nearly avoids water geysering out of Nights mouth.
  27. >Night is coughing up a storm with chunks of water flowing out of her.
  28. >The mystery mare lets go off Night and turns back to you. She smiles at you and you cant help to goofily grin back at her.
  29. >?" Good thing I found you both when I did otherwise you both would have been goners"
  30. >?"I'm Crescent Song by the way, who are you?
  31. >Her eyelashes flash while waiting your answer and the motion of her wings readjusting distract you
  32. "U.hhh yeah I'm Anon and that Mare over there "
  33. >You sigh and look down at the raft as Night is now looking over at you glaring daggers
  34. " Night Singer"
  35. >Night" Thanks for saving us, after that idiot tried killing us"
  36. You shake your head and look back up. Crescent has a puzzled look on her face and Night well looks like she wants to spit venom. You go back to studying the raft.
  37. "Night I was drowning and you didn't even try to help me"
  38. >Night sticks her nose into the air, closing her eyes displaying indignity all over her features
  39. >Night "Still that gave you no right to pull me down with you"
  40. >Well you are stuck out at sea might as well concede until you are back on land
  41. "You're right Night I apologize, in my panic I didn't want to be alone in my last moments"
  42. >Night sighs "And I am...sorry I let you swim until you couldn't anymore"
  43. >Crescent looks between you two shaking her head.
  44. >Crescent" Well now that you two are past that, want to help me find land. I have been adrift from an abandoned island for days and could really use a shower. And 10 no 20 pounds of fruit and ice cream.
  45. >Night starts giggling and you join her
  46. >Crescent looks puzzled
  47. >Through your giggling you start to point to where you thought the beach was and your giggling stops.
  48. "Uh night I don't know where the beach is"
  49. >Night stops as well , looking around in a circle
  50. >Crescent "Ok its gotta be close don't panic"
  52. >Dusk is fast approaching. Yellowish rays begin to turn orange. And with it a fog rolls in consuming the view around you.
  53. >Crescent sits down on the raft and places her head on the floor of the raft. Her ears splay backwards, tail tucked to her side. She whispers it out and you can barely hear
  54. >Crescent "...not again"
  55. >Night walks hesitantly to the middle of the raft by Cresent. The fog thickens as the view around you becomes saturated with it. You sit down by Crescent.
  56. "You have seen this before haven't you?"
  57. >Crescent nods her head, looking you in the eyes.
  58. >" The island I had been on suffered from this same fog many times. It almost always happened when I tried leaving. The fog would come in and I would always somehow get washed up on the beach. This last time I made it through and thought I had escaped. I guess I was wrong"
  59. >You place your hand on her withers rubbing in some comfort for her.
  60. >Her despondent look lightens with a small smile appearing on her face.
  61. "Well maybe it wont be so bad this time"
  62. >A coughing sound is heard. Looking over you see Night looking judgmentally over at you and crescent.
  63. >You reach over to her. Her eyelids flash high as your fingers near her....BOOP right on the snout
  64. >Night scrunches bringing her forehooves up to her snout trying to brush something away.
  65. >You can feel a light chuckling come from Crescent. You look down as a hoof boops you in the nose. You scrunch as well.
  66. >Night looks perturbed at Crescent. To which Crescent dangles a forehoof in front of her own face, booping herself. Her chuckling is contagious as you begin to lauh with her.
  67. >Night looks left to right and tries to hide her laughter but fails, joining the chorus of madness on this raft.
  68. >No one could hear the sounds though as the trio float on the sea at night in this fog
  70. >Hours go by and you find yourself curled up with the two mares on the boat trying to get some more sleep.
  71. >Night lifts her head up into a yawn. Wow those fangs look sharp. She tastes the air and looks at you then away. Her wings flap at her sides.
  72. > Night stands up staring in the distance letting out an extremely loud " EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
  73. >Crescents ears pop up off her face oriented in the direction of Nights scream.
  74. >Crescent leaps up onto her hooves "Land ho"
  75. >You don't see anything but dawn must be close.
  76. >Crescent " Night follow with me in beat with my wings, we are going to move this raft and try to make it reach that chunk of land, Anon once we start you need to kick out with your legs to help move this raft forward"

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