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Pom's Soulmate by ThemLewdHerds

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2022-06-13 02:45:43
Updated: 2022-06-13 21:33:04
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Pom's twin brother, Eranian.
  2. >She likes to call you Anon for short.
  3. >You don't how she Anon from your name, but you don't mind.
  4. >You both work hard rounding up the sheepdog and putting them in a safe place before the storm comes around.
  5. >Took almost all noon but the job is done.
  6. >They are now safe in that little cabin of theirs.
  7. >You both made sure they had a lot of food to eat in case the rain lasted longer than usual.
  8. >Pom then looks at you.
  9. >Still jittery as ever.
  10. >"Thanks for the help Anon.", she thanks you yet again, "I wouldn't know what I would do with you."
  11. >You tell her it was no sweat.
  12. >"Are you sure? Is there anything I can get you? Maybe a canteen of cool water or some coffee perhaps?"
  13. >You tell her you are fine.
  14. >You suddenly hear something rumbling and roaring.
  15. >You then look up above.
  16. >You can tell the storm is going to come here in a few minutes.
  17. >Pom seems to notice it as well.
  18. >Maybe you can outrun it and reach your home.
  19. >You turn to Pom and say your goodbye real quick before starting to run off.
  20. >Or at least try to.
  21. >Pom does stop you by tugging at your wool.
  22. >"Anon, you're not thinking about trying to outrun the storm are you?", she asks you, concerned for your health.
  23. >You tell her that you are fast enough to do so.
  24. >"Now listen here Anon, you live a good long ways away from your home. And I don't want you getting sick or injured on the way home because you chose to help me all day earlier. How about you stay at my home? Just for the night."
  25. >You thought about it for a bit.
  26. >You can tell this was more than likely a way to pay you back for helping her.
  27. >You don't want to be rude though.
  28. >And though you hate to admit it, she is right that you couldn't outrun the upcoming storm.
  29. >Might as well accept.
  30. >"Right this way Anon.", Pom says as she lets you into her nice comfy home, "What's mine in this house is also yours."
  31. >You both enter her nice comfy house.
  32. >Wasn't that much there.
  33. >A nice stove for making oats and corn.
  34. >a small couch and table for the living room.
  35. >A bookshelf with some books in it.
  36. >A single bed.
  37. >A fireplace to keep it warm when it's cold an-
  38. >You then go back to the bed.
  39. >Only one.
  40. >Pom then notices that you are concerned about something?
  41. >"Something wrong Anon?", she says as she then looks at the bed with you.
  42. >She soon blushes out of embarrassment as she now knows what you are thinking.
  43. >"Oh right. The bed. Umm... I can sleep on the couch tonight."
  44. >You tell Pom that you are fine with sleeping there.
  45. >"Oh no Anon.", Pom insisted, "You're the guest. I think it'll be more fair that you get to sleep on the bed. Besides, I am fine with the couch."
  46. >You could tell she was uncomfortable about this, but she was determined to do it.
  47. >You decide to let her sleep on the couch.
  48. >You both then had nice dinner of Mashed Potatoes and then head off into bed.
  49. >You of course sleeping on Pom's bed.
  50. >It surprisingly feels very comfy.
  52. >Probably because you know Pom barely weighs anything.
  53. >It's surprising on how well you can easily pick her up.
  54. >Heck if you threw her up in the air she would probably float up there a bit.
  55. >As you were lost on your thoughts about Pom's weight, you could hear the rain starting to pour down.
  56. >It starts off small, a few pebbles or so.
  57. >Suddenly it's a downpour.
  58. >The rain's hitting the roof of Pom's house hard.
  59. >Sounds like there are heavy winds outside as well.
  60. >Maybe it was a good idea that you stayed here.
  61. >You should probably thank your sister in the morning for that.
  62. >Suddenly there is a loud boom.
  63. >You could feel the rumble of that thunder.
  64. >Felt like it stomped on the Earth or something like that.
  65. >Hopefully it doesn't cause a stir with the dogs.
  66. >You then decide to stop staring at the ceiling roll to your side to sleep.
  67. >You expected to see nothing but wall there.
  68. >Although a certain sheepie was there instead.
  69. >Pom was shaking and had a few tears in her eyes.
  70. >The thunder must have scared her.
  71. >"I'm sorry to do this to you Anon," Pom began to apologize, "but would you mind scooting over a bit. I think I would like to sleep with you. At least til the storm is over."
  72. >You couldn't help but blush at Pom's request.
  73. >You know it was nothing sexual.
  74. >But it still must have been an awkward thing to ask.
  75. >You of course scoot over.
  76. >"Thank you Anon.", Pom says with gratitude as she then gets in bed with you.
  77. >You both soon just lie next to each other.
  78. >Hoping the storm would go away eventually.
  79. >There was a small silence between the two of you.
  80. >"Well... this feels familiar.", Pom said trying to break the silence. "We haven't been in the same bed together since we were wee little lambs."
  81. >Very true.
  82. >"Feels like I haven't grown up at all.", Pom continues on. "I'm still a scared little sheepie that's scared of everything. Even her own shadow. But you Anon, you really grew up to be big and strong. Honestly I've never in my life seen a sheepie as large as you."
  83. >Well you did work out a lot.
  84. >Also helped that your mum always had you go to work fixing and moving things at such a young age while your sister was always tending to the sheep dogs.
  85. >"Yeah, mum was always telling us to do things like, 'Pom go and tend to the sheepdogs! Make sure they are fed and watered! Make sure one of the pups aren't biting the elders again!'"
  86. >You continued on with how mum gave you a jobs ranging from carrying bricks from one area to another to helping repair the windmill.
  87. >"Mum always had a job for us when weren't doing anything.", Pom said with a cute giggle.
  88. >That cute giggle soon turned into a wince when another strong boom of thunder came around.
  89. >Pom held onto you tightly until the noise died down a bit.
  90. >You could feel your heart beating a bit faster than usual.
  91. >You and Pom blushed a bit before you both hurried your way out of that hug.
  92. >"S-sorry about that Anon.", Pom apologized, "I guess a force of habit."
  93. >You forgive her.
  95. >Pom and you continued to have some small talk about both your younger years.
  96. >Trying your best to ignore the storm outside with Pom.
  97. >Sure an occasional burst of thunder would come, and interrupt the story.
  98. >Then Pom got into a really funny story.
  99. >"You know, back when I was still training to be a sheepdog herder at the school, I would always wait for you to take me back. Most of the lassies there would always gossip and giggle at me for it. No Anon, they weren't making fun of me... I think. They were always impressed about how I got some big hunk of goat to be my boyfriend."
  100. >You blush a bit.
  101. >Pom notices your blush as well.
  102. >"I mean... I never really confirmed that you were to them. I just played along for a bit. You know... as a joke. I mean we were never in a real relationship like that. All those kisses I gave you on the way back home were meant to be platonic."
  103. >Pom began to blush harder and cover her face with her hooves.
  104. >"Oh why did I have to mention to that story?", she asks herself.
  105. >As she continues to berate herself you begin to realize some things in your past now made sense.
  106. >Why Pom would always nuzzle you when you trotted your way to school with her.
  107. >Why Pom kept inviting you to so many school events, such as dances and picnics.
  108. >As previously mentioned why she always kissed you on the cheek when she picked you up.
  109. >It all started to make sense.
  110. >As Pom was finishing up her rant about herself, you decided to tease her a bit.
  111. >You lean in to give her a quick peck to the cheek.
  112. >Then unexpectedly Pom turns her head to you.
  113. >"I'm so sorry Anon. I didn't mean to use you like that at al-"
  114. >As Pom tried to apologize, you accidentally kiss her on the lips.
  115. >And with both of your snoots touching as well.
  116. >How lewd!
  117. >Both of your faces turned red.
  118. >You both then pulled away and looked away from each other for a bit.
  119. >Unsure of what just happened.
  120. >It's getting too quiet now.
  121. >Pom then tries to nervously break the silence the only way she knew how.
  122. >Trying to give a compliment.
  123. >"Wow Anon...", she began, "You really are a good kisser."
  125. >You both just sit there.
  126. >Silent and unsure of what to do.
  127. >Pom then silently starts to shift away.
  128. >"You know what I think the storm calmed down a little."
  129. >The harsh winds and heavy winds say otherwise but OK.
  130. >"Maybe I should go back to the couch and try to get some sleep for tomorrow."
  131. >Pom then tried to leave the bed.
  132. >Only to trip on the covers.
  133. >Luckily you were there to save her from falling down completely.
  134. >"Thanks Anon. I wouldn't know what to do without you.", Pom thanked you again.
  135. >"I really should probably go to the couch now. Don't want things... getting... weirder... oh my... Anon how long have you had that out?"
  136. >You then notice what Pom is looking at.
  137. >Pertruding from your crotch was your big, hard, member.
  138. >You barely even noticed it was out.
  139. >You don't even know when it came out like that.
  140. >Pom's gaze was swtching between you and your one-eyed willie.
  141. >Pom then did a fake cough to try and keep her composure.
  142. >"Now Anon... just to be sure, you didn't get that because of me right?"
  143. >You weren't sure if she was worried about that...
  144. >or excited about that.
  145. >"Cause, Mum would say it would be wrong for a sister to lust for her brother."
  146. >Her eyes went wider as her pupils went smaller as she stammered her way to correct herself.
  147. >"I MEAN... a brother to lust for his sister."
  148. >You could tell she was having a hard time with this.
  149. >"What I mean to say Anon is..."
  150. >She paused.
  151. >She looked like she was hesitating to ask this question to you.
  152. >"Do you need my help getting rid that?", Pom asked as she pointed to your third horn.
  153. >You weren't sure how to respond to that.
  154. >So you did what any other ram would do in this situation and ask how.
  155. >Pom blushed from this.
  156. >"Well... I... um..."
  157. >Your sister didn't really know how to say what she wanted to say.
  158. >So instead she got on her back.
  159. >She then moved her tail.
  160. >She then showed you her wet fanny.
  161. >Your sister was now blushing harder now.
  162. >"I know it's probably a bit too small for your... thing... but I think it will help get the job done and make you feel happy. Right?"
  164. >You couldn't help but blush.
  165. >Your sister was offering her virginity to you.
  166. >It was something you never really imagined happening.
  167. >Then again you never thought Pom had any feelings for you.
  168. >Or that you had feelings for Pom either.
  169. >Then again, you barely interacted with any other ewe.
  170. >Of course the ewes would come along and offer you their sin flowers, but you usually brushed them off.
  171. >Really the only ewe you interacted with were Pom and occasionally your mum.
  172. >But your attention really went towards Pom.
  173. >Pom was always there for you and you were there for her.
  174. >You two did everything together.
  175. >Ate together.
  176. >Traveled together.
  177. >Got sheered together.
  178. >Bathed together.
  179. >And as mentioned before, you two slept together on the same bed.
  180. >But never in your life have you thought about doing this together.
  181. >Every part of you is telling you, you shouldn't do this.
  182. >But deep down inside you kind of want to.
  183. >You trot over to you sister.
  184. >You get on top of her.
  185. >Pom stares at you towering over her.
  186. >Your big rod touching her muff.
  187. >Pom blushes as she can feel your heat.
  188. >You then lean your head closer to her's.
  189. >You then kiss her.
  190. >She of course kisses back.
  191. >Loosening up a bit allowing you to do whatever you want with her.
  192. >You then take your mighty shaft and gently prod her lady bits with it.
  193. >Pom was always a delicate sheepie.
  194. >So it was best to be soft on her.
  195. >Pom would occasionally moan in between kisses as your ram meat touched her entrance trying to get in.
  196. >Eventually though...
  197. >It would go in.
  198. >Pom let out the softest cutest moan as you take each other's virginity.
  199. >Pom then began panting a bit.
  200. >"Do I feel good Anon?"
  201. >You tell her she feels perfect.
  203. >You both then proceed to mate with other.
  204. >You thrust your member in her trying your best to please her as your sister then hugs you closer to help you get closer.
  205. >Both of you are enjoying this erotic moment.
  206. >"Oh Anon.", Pom says in between moans of pleasure, "You're so big and strong. Yet you're being so gentle with me. I'm not holding you back am I?"
  207. >You tell her she is fine.
  208. >You enjoy being so gentle with her.
  209. >It makes moments like these even more precious.
  210. >Pom blushed as she heard you say that.
  211. >Making her feel more valuable to you.
  212. >"I'm glad you feel that way about me Anon.", she said with smile.
  213. >You both continue to have sex for a bit longer.
  214. >"I... I always dreamed of this moment Anon.", Pom confesses to you. "Me. You. Together like this."
  215. >You ask her if this feels as good as her dreams.
  216. >"It really does Anon. Maybe even better. Though I will admit it was always sunny and we were together in a flower patch. But you know, beggers can't be choosers."
  217. >You then get closer to Pom.
  218. >You tell her if you both ever had the chance you will make her fantasy a reality.
  219. >Pom gasps.
  220. >She then smiles.
  221. >"That would be very lovely Anon."
  222. >Your session of Fornication is about to end.
  223. >You can feel the urge to plant coming faster and faster.
  224. >It would probably be best to pull out, so Pom doesn't get in trouble if things go wrong.
  225. >Your twin sister then pulls you closer.
  226. >She gives you a loving look.
  227. >"It's OK Anon.", she tells you with a smile, "I don't mind if you do it in me."
  228. >Pom then kisses you.
  229. >Your want to pull out no longer exists.
  230. >With three more thursts you then plant your seed within her garden.
  231. >Both of you then moan and pant as you then climax with each other.
  232. >You both give each one more look and then a kiss as you finally pull out of her.
  233. >Several juices leaking out of her.
  234. >You both start feeling a bit tired now.
  235. >You both then get back on the bed.
  236. >You and Pom then happily drift to sleep together.
  237. >Ignoring the storm for the rest of the night.
  239. >It was now morning.
  240. >Pom was the first one to wake up.
  241. >She looked over to you.
  242. >She smiles as she then leans over to kiss you.
  243. >You both hear the big bell ring.
  244. >The elder must want something.
  245. >You are a bit too tired to move at the moment.
  246. >Pom then gets up.
  247. >"Don't worry Anon. I'll go see what he wants and bring the message back to you. You go ahead and get the rest you need."
  248. >The last thing you see before closing your eyes again is Pom leaving and getting out of the house to go to the meadow meeting.
  251. >You soon wake up.
  252. >You see your sister walking back home through the window.
  253. >She's shaking like a leaf.
  254. >Face down to the ground.
  255. >You go up to her.
  256. >You ask what is wrong.
  257. >Pom looks up to you.
  258. >She's scared.
  259. >"W-welll Anon...", she begins, "You see, there are these creatures known as predators out there. Attacking everyone they can get their teeth on. So every nation is trying to find their champion so they can find a key to keep the monster's sealed."
  260. >You ask her if she's scared the monsters will attack this area.
  261. >"Well yes... but that's not all I'm scared about. Anon... it seems that I accidentally volunteered myself to be the champion."
  262. >Your eyes widened.
  263. >"They asked me to start my journey now and find that key. So I'm going to pack up and leave now."
  264. >Pom then looks up to you.
  265. >Tears in her eyes.
  266. >"Anon if I don't make it I want you to know that I lov-"
  267. >You then kiss Pom.
  268. >Her eyes stop crying for a bit.
  269. >She then finally closes them for a bit.
  270. >Not even noticing the bell you put on her.
  271. >When she does notice it she looks at it for a bit.
  272. >"Anon... what is this?"
  273. >You tell her it's a good luck charm.
  274. >Something that will be sign that she comes home safely.
  275. >It'll be the first thing you will hear when she comes home.
  276. >Your sister begins tearing up again.
  277. >She then embraces you.
  278. >You help her pack up.
  279. >Get her some things she will need.
  280. >A few light snacks.
  281. >Pom ends up having a few volunteers come and help her as well.
  282. >Three little pups.
  283. >Along with their ma and pa.
  284. >Pom seems to be ready.
  285. >But before she does, she then gives you one last embrace.
  286. >"I promise you will be the first to know that I come home Anon.", Pom promises you.
  287. >You then promise her that as soon as she comes home, there will be a nice flower patch for you and her to be in.
  288. >With one last tear filled goodbye, you both give each other a kiss.
  289. >Pom and the Sheepdogs then goes off to Reine City to get information about this key, hoping to meet their lovely brother again soon.
  291. The End

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