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Playing Pirates with Shanty

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2022-06-13 02:58:25
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be a member of Capricorn Pirates.
  2. >Bravura, the captain, recently adopted you and had you join in the crew.
  3. >You were considered one of her best.
  4. >Well her best cleaners.
  5. >You weren't really old enough to go on adventure just yet.
  6. >You need to prove yourself first by completing a task Bravura herself has given you.
  7. >But until then you're stuck mopping the poopdeck.
  8. >Making sure no one stows away on the pirate ship.
  9. >And of course...
  10. >"YARRR!!!", you heard as a young goat said as she got on top of you.
  11. >This young goat being none other than your little sister, Shanty.
  12. >"Well Anon! It seems as if you have done your job here!", Shanty says as she looks at the clean poopdeck, "I think it's time you took a little rest and play Pirates with me now."
  13. >You of course politely decline.
  14. >You are supposed to still keep watch and make sure no one stows away while you guys are anchored.
  15. >"Oh come on Anon!", Shanty begs you, "It's been about like five hours and no one has been seen near the ship except for a few seagulls."
  16. >Actually it's only been about like two.
  17. >And seagulls are bastards, one look at them and they will intentionally ruin what you worked so hard to clean.
  18. >"Can't you take a break just for a few minutes and use that time to play Pirates with me? Please!"
  19. >You try to tell her no.
  20. >But then she gives out that cute face.
  21. >That cute and adorable face that even Bravura has a hard time saying no to.
  22. >You try your best to look away.
  23. >But it's so adorable!
  24. >You then sigh.
  25. >You then make one final check.
  26. >You then look to Shanty.
  27. >Thirty minutes.
  28. >No more than that.
  29. >"Aye Anon!", she says as she salutes you, "I already got the ships ready for us to play."
  31. >Said ships were two big pillow forts.
  32. >Built to be sturdy enough not to break down easily.
  33. >With a few extra pillows to throw to act as cannonballs.
  34. >You both got into your respective ship.
  35. >Yours being the infamous Ramranch.
  36. >Shanty's ship being called The Charger.
  37. >You both decide to begin the game you both usually do.
  38. >Both throwing fun pirate swears insults at each other until someone finally shot.
  39. >Ranging from names like Cricket Muncher and Bobtailed.
  40. >While Shanty would go for names like Small Horned.
  41. >They were all mostly about your horns.
  42. >You really didn't mind but she really could use some work on her insult game.
  43. >After thowing in a few more insults the pillow fight (or canon ball) portion began.
  44. >You little sister being the first to shoot hers.
  45. >Apparently the stubble line struck a cord with her.
  46. >She struck fast and hard with her pillow throws.
  47. >Damn you little kid energy.
  48. >You would get a few blows to her ship/pillowfort.
  49. >Causing it to crumble a bit.
  50. >Seems like this game is over now.
  51. >That was until your little sister threw her final pillow.
  52. >It was going at high speeds with the force of hurricane.
  53. >All aimed towards your face.
  54. >With that final pillow you were soon struck down.
  55. >Meaning, by the rules of your own game, Shanty can enter your ship, steal your boat, and be declared the winner.
  56. >And that is exactly what your little sister did.
  57. >Laughing along the way.
  58. >"I did it!" Shanty declared, "The ship is all mine! Along with it's treasure and it's captain!"
  59. >Wait captain?
  60. >You reminded her that she technically killed you with a canon ball.
  61. >"Umm... you lived.", your sister explains.
  62. >You lived?
  63. >You're willing to suspend your disbelief for now and just play along with what your sister is planning.
  64. >You start playfully pleading to your sister to let you go and to not hurt ya.
  65. >"Oh I'm not going to hurt ya lad.", she explains, "In fact I have other plans for you."
  66. >Other plans?
  67. >"That's right Anon. I know you got some more treasure somewhere hidden on an island somewhere. I plan to take it!"
  68. >You continue to play along.
  69. >Telling her that you will never tell her where the treasure is.
  70. >"We'll see about that Captain Anon.", she said with a smug smile.
  71. >Shanty walks away from your face.
  72. >Shanty then goes towards your crotch area.
  73. >Wait...
  74. >What is she doing?
  75. >Shanty then licks her right hoof.
  76. >She then places her hoof on your private treasure bag and begins to massage it.
  77. >Causing your flag to raise a bit.
  78. >"Ready to talk now Anon?"
  80. >You back the heck away from your little sister for a bit.
  81. >You ask her where she learned that from immediately as you scold her.
  82. >"Anon... it's what real pirates do.", she calmly explains to you.
  83. >You know that's half true, but you still wonder where she got that idea from.
  84. >"From the captain of course.", Shanty happily explains.
  85. >You know the captain would not have the heart to explain to a little kid about that kind of stuff.
  86. >So you ask how Captain Bravura even explained that to her.
  87. >"She didn't.", your little sister continues on with that innocent smile, "I watched her."
  88. >Oh no...
  89. >She actually watched one of Captain Bravura's infamous "interrogation" sessions.
  90. >Few of the crew members have only caught a few glimpses of those.
  91. >Even you caught a glimpse or two when looking for spies.
  92. >But you never expected anyone to watch the private session in full.
  93. >Especially not your little sister.
  94. >You couldn't help but blush.
  95. >"So stop acting like such a coward and take it like a real goat Anon.", Shanty says now determined to have her way with ya, "Besides, it looks like your mast is fully erect."
  96. >You look down towards your crotch.
  97. >Shanty is right.
  98. >Your ship looks like it is ready to sail.
  99. >But that wasn't from Shanty right?
  100. >No... it was from thinking about Bravura.
  101. >That has to be the case.
  102. >You try to tell Shanty to stop.
  103. >"Sorry Anon but there's no stopping this sail boat.", your little sister says as she trots over to your erected member.
  104. >She examines it for a bit.
  105. >"Hmm... a bit smaller than what the Captain deals with but it's perfect for someone like me. Now time to do it just like the Captain does it."
  106. >Shanty then leans over to your third horn.
  107. >She begins to slowly put it in her mouth.
  108. >She then starts bobbing her head up and down on your mast.
  109. >Oh dear, it actually feels good.
  110. >It shouldn't feel good at all.
  111. >She continues to suck you off for a bit.
  112. >You try your best not moan at all.
  113. >Denying that your sister is actually making you feel anything at all.
  114. >After a while, your sister then finally gets her mouth off you.
  115. >You were a panting mess at the moment to respond to anything or tell her to stop.
  116. >Shanty then tastes what's in her mouth at the moment.
  117. >"Hmm.... Salty.", she commented about your taste.
  118. >Which is something you did not want to hear.
  119. >Both you and Shanty then notice how stiff and hard you still are.
  120. >Something else you did not want.
  121. >"Well Anon, think you have had enough?", she asks you.
  122. >You nod your head yes.
  123. >Hoping she would stop.
  124. >"Then you will tell me where you hid your treasure then right?"
  125. >....
  126. >Oh shit.
  127. >You have no answer for that.
  128. >You have no idea how to answer that at all.
  129. >So you think of a random place.
  130. >You stammer as you try to think of a place.
  131. >One place comes to mind at the moment.
  132. >Huoshan.
  133. >You reply with that.
  134. >Shanty then gives you a smiling glare.
  135. >"Oh Anon.", she begins as she gets on top of you, "Why did you have to go and lie to me? Guess I got to interrogate you some more."
  137. >Your little sister then gets on your shaft.
  138. >You can feel her lower lips touching your tip.
  139. >"Hope you're not bethrothed to anyone yet Anon.", Shanty taunts you as she spreads her sin flower open.
  140. >She then lowers herself down as she pins you to the ground.
  141. >You both wince as you feel yourself entering your sister.
  142. >You notice your little sister not taking it well.
  143. >You tell her she can stop if it feels bad.
  144. >She then glares at you?
  145. >"Are you calling me weak Anon?", she asks you angrily, "I'll show you who's weak!"
  146. >She then starts forcing herself lower on you.
  147. >Until finally your one-eyed willie is now deep with her fanny.
  148. >She pants loudly.
  149. >"Who's weak now Anon?", Shanty ask you.
  150. >She then starts bouncing on your billiehood.
  151. >Making you enjoy this more than you should.
  152. >You shouldn't see this as erotic but you do.
  153. >Doesn't help that Shanty is moaning to this as well.
  154. >"We- well Anon...", she begins to "interrogate" you again in between pants, grunts, and moans, "where's the tr- treasure? Where did you hide all that de- delicious salt?"
  155. >You don't know what she wants you to answer.
  156. >You're starting to question if she's doing this just so she can continue to rape you even further.
  157. >"Be- better hurry up An- Anon.", your little sister taunts you again. "You might be... bu- burrying your treasure in m-... my island soon."
  158. >Shoot, she's going to have you lay your white seed in her.
  159. >You try to think of an answer quick.
  160. >You know you don't have much time left.
  161. >You can already feel yourself digging a hole in her.
  162. >"Ma- maybe it won't be th- that bad.", Shanty continues on, "O- once you put a kid in me, yo- you'll be forced to stay with me for a long time."
  163. >You try your best to hold it in.
  164. >You then come up with an answer.
  165. >It's a corny one.
  166. >But it's the best you can come up with.
  167. >You then shout it out.
  168. >Equestria!
  169. >Your little sister was caught off guard by your answer.
  170. >She then looks at you excited about it.
  171. >"Y-you mean the mythical place where the legendary heroes reside! Now that's an adventure we gotta d-"
  172. >With her finally distracted you then take your chance to pin her down.
  173. >You then finally take your rod out of her pond.
  174. >As you do so you lost control of yourself and began shooting white streams on her belly, chest and face.
  175. >The small goat then looked disappointed.
  176. >"Aww...", your little sister groaned, "I was hoping you would finish in me."
  177. >You were about to scold your sister until you heard the door slam open.
  178. >"What the bloody hell is going on down 'ere?!", said a strong familiar voice.
  179. >You turn around and see someone you did not want seeing you like this.
  180. >Captain Bravura.
  181. >The Captain then gasped in horror.
  182. >Her adopted daughter with some white juices all over her.
  183. >Some other fluids on the floor.
  184. >And you...
  185. >Over your little sister...
  186. >still having an erected member on you.
  187. >Bravura glares at you.
  188. >"My quarters. Now.", the captain tells you.
  190. >You were able to explain everything that happened to the captain.
  191. >Though it looked like she wasn't buying anything you were saying.
  192. >Even it she did believe it was Shanty's fault, she would have said you could have easily fought her off.
  193. >Your adoptive mother than sighed.
  194. >Honestly she would have made you walk the plank for what you did.
  195. >But since you were her son she decided to go easy on you.
  196. >Plus it would break Shanty's heart if she saw you drown.
  197. >So instead she decides to banish you off the ship.
  198. >Though she is going to tell Shanty and the rest of the crew you were going on a quest to earn your spot as a crew member.
  199. >Though your quest would basically be impossible to accomplish.
  200. >The captain then tells you to get packed you will leave in the morning.
  202. >Morning was a bit dreary today.
  203. >Everyone was off to see you sail on one of the lifeboats.
  204. >Especially Shanty.
  205. >Shanty was the most excited to see you go.
  206. >"You're so lucky to be going on your quest Anon.", she tells you. "Someday I'm going to have a quest given to me by the captain herself and then we can both be the greatest crew members this ship has ever had."
  207. >You didn't have the heart to tell her you were being banished because of what she did.
  208. >Bravura then began reading the ceremonial quest speech.
  209. >She then gave you your quest.
  210. >Find Equestria!
  211. >Literally a fairy tale paradise found in legends.
  212. >It probably doesn't even exist.
  213. >Bravura probably expects you to find a nice port town and live the rest of your days there.
  214. >You then start sailing off.
  215. >Unsure of what exactly is going to happen to you next.
  216. >But the last thing you see before sailing out, is your little sister waving goodbye to you.
  218. >Epilogue
  220. >After several days of drifting in the sea you find yourself on a sandy beach.
  221. >Seems like yesterday since you were banished.
  222. >You're pretty sure this place will be nice to have a fresh start.
  223. >You get up.
  224. >Been a while since you walked so you are having some trouble moving around.
  225. >You soon find yourself faceplanting the sand of the beach.
  226. >You suddenly hear a gasp.
  227. >Someone spotted you?
  228. >They probably see you as a threat.
  229. >You look up to see who is in front of you.
  230. >You then see her.
  231. >Jewelry on her right hoof.
  232. >Tall.
  233. >Big Eyes.
  234. >Has a horn.
  235. >A small nose.
  236. >Purple fur.
  237. >Has a blue mane.
  238. >and a bright smile.

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