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The Great and Powerful Trixie Has Arrived

By Trixiefap
Created: 2022-06-28 03:07:54
Expiry: Never

  1. [Copied by author from]
  2. [Author's Note: Based on the old two-option Storytime! threads. ]
  3. [Officially updated the beginning! Late 2014 original story, and now a rewrite of the first few posts that were shit in late 2019.] /5/ 8 years, damn.
  5. Enjoy!
  8. >You know that guy that sits in his house, shitposting on 4chan because he's bored after work?
  9. >The kind of guy that argues with other manchildren about colorful, cute ponies?
  10. >Shit, what has your life come to?
  11. >You stroke back your disheveled mess of hair and sit back, looking dully at the screen in front of you
  12. >There's been many a time where you wished you had a real hobby besides TV or vidya, like woodworking, or retro vidya
  13. >You like music, at least
  14. >You've had your share of screwing around on FL Studio, though not much has come of it.
  15. >You work with music, but not making it; a soundboard editing the music is still pretty decent though, right?
  16. >At least it pays enough to get a terribly small apartment in a lobby complex alone, so you can't complain
  17. >You click back to the /mlp/ catalog like the disgusting neckbeard hermit you are, just without the neckbeard
  18. >Another day, what you considered wasted but many a NEET would call productive
  19. >And you having nothing to really show for your life besides this
  20. >Oh well, at least you got a decent gaming board, never have to really worry about funds, and you live away from your parents
  21. >Far, far away
  22. >While your thoughts race about how your life is so okay it's average, you see something with your unfocused vision
  23. >Something on the screen that catches your eye more than usual
  25. StoryTime!
  26. You have 2 choices.
  28. Option one: You are sent to Equestria. You are the only one of your kind and are easily accepted. You become friends with all the ponies you've ever wanted and live an easy life within, never having to deal with major issues. The catch is, sex does not exist. You will still have your own genitals, but they won't have anything. You can't convince them to do anything sexual, either. If this is violated, you will be sent straight back to Earth at the time of departure. From this, you may only ever be friends.
  30. Option two: Your favorite pony/waifu is sent to -you-, on Earth. They will be frightened, exhausted and confused from the journey, and may be irrational as any in their situation would be. However, you'll begin to grow on them so long as you do nothing to directly sabotage the relationship. The catch here is, Nobody except for you can ever know that they exists in this world. If even one other person finds out, they will be taken away just as you would from the first option, and you will never see them again. Sex does exist like normal, and they will fall for you in a relatively short time (dependent upon the one received), and it is your choice to pursue. They will not know about this option or any reason why they were taken at first. You can choose to tell them one day, but that is your decision to make.
  32. What is your choice?
  34. >A little choice that blahblahbalh (use for thread posting)
  36. >Well, the first option sucks ass
  37. >No sex at all, and it makes you wonder if you can even masturbate in good conscious, what if they found you and that counted as a sexual act towards them?
  38. >And even if they don't make a move specifically for any sexual act, could you trick them?
  39. >And it also says you can't convince them or attempt to, so does that mean…
  40. >You're a horsefucker by trade, but not even you can truly >rape
  41. >Ah, but option two, that's more like it
  42. >You think about having that sweet azure mare cradled between your arms, and you'd call her George and pet her every day
  43. >That's a terrible reference, but you get the picture in your mind of Trixie, in all her glory, standing in front of you
  44. >Fuck everyone else, you're not Seth but you love that mare like none other
  45. >Just ask your clop folder
  46. >After thinking about it for a moment, however, you realize just how hypocritical you are
  47. >You're fine with ripping based magic pone away from her life on Equestria to fulfill your dark needs, yet you'd never be willing to do that to yourself a'la option one
  48. >...Damn, yous a cold bitch
  49. >There's a reason you like Trixie rather than Twilight, after all
  50. >But shit, now your mind is on Trixie, and her great and powerful ass
  51. >Shitting back in your sitty computer chair, you sigh without emotion, staring blankly ahead, the fan of your not-a-rig the only sound in the room
  52. >It makes you feel just how empty your place is, having become so reclusive that you barely have any online friends to socialize at all
  53. “Maybe I would take option 2, that would be nice having someone else around...”
  54. >Your thoughts need the street sweeper, because they're in the gutter now
  55. >Before you can really start pleasuring yourself in shame as you do every night, you jump to the sound of Skype
  56. >Ping-a-ring, you got a fucking call
  57. “What the hell?...”
  58. >Who's calling you when all your online friends are offline?
  59. >You grab your mouse with your semi-moist hand and click on the Skype window
  60. >You click on the Skype window
  61. >Shit, ran out of batteries
  62. >You quickly replace the batteries in the mouse and haphazardly swing it so you can click the call open
  63. >The instant you do, however, your computer makes a deafening noise through your headphones that make you tear them off and throw them on the desk
  64. >Then your screen shuts off, followed by the power light
  65. >Did a Skype call just fucking blue screen your motherfucking computer?
  66. >Okay, your laptop a shit
  67. >But that was eerie, to say the least
  68. >You boot your computer back up and see that everything is working just fine, no harm done
  69. >At least it didn't overheat, you guess
  70. >Replacing your headphones, you get back on the board and see that everything was still there, including the options thread
  71. >Interested further, you turn on some music and start looking through some of the replies
  72. >THUMP
  73. >RAP RAP RAP
  74. >For fuck's sake, that was not a base drop and also you might be getting robbed
  75. >Living in a shit ghetto doesn't have the same perks as Broadway, after all
  76. >All of a sudden, you freeze
  77. >And you look back at the OP's thread
  78. >...There's no fuckin' way
  79. >You try not to psyche yourself out, but it's hard not to
  80. >With the boring day you'd take any excitement, so you get up and grab your baseball bat on the way to the door
  81. >A nice heavy weapon in case this gets ugly, because people don't go pounding on a door in the middle of the night without it being something bad
  82. >Your sturdy, long wood at the ready, you unlock the door
  83. >thismotherfuckinglock
  84. >After prying open the case, you swing the door open at full force, bat in swing-ready position
  85. >You look around for a moment, seeing nothing of note
  86. >You take a mental note to chase down those hoodlum teenage neighbors with your car later
  87. >Sighing in defeat of a desired altercation, you begin to close the door, when your peripheral vision catches something on the ground
  88. >And your heart races faster than Ponka on NOS
  89. >...This isn't real
  90. >That didn't have any correlation to anything, this is just dog shit in a sack and it's about to catch on fire, right?
  91. >You see the slightest rumbling in the dirty sack, and something was definitely alive in there
  92. >You throw your bat to the side, looking more intently at it
  93. >It didn't feel… real
  94. >It's there in front of you, and it's not the fact that there's a live po- a specimen inside
  95. >The sack itself looks like it's…
  96. >You're not sure what's going on, but you need to see this for yourself
  97. >If it's what you think it is, you know exactly what, or who's in there
  98. >You reluctantly clasp the disgusting throat of the worn and stained bag, feeling a slick, yet coarse texture between your fingers as you lift up
  99. >Now you realize just how out of shape you are
  100. >Making sure the bag was in both hands, you shimmy it up to your chest and you close the ratty door behind you, quickly making a beeline for the bedroom
  101. >By the time you get there, you're sweaty and wheezing
  102. >Holy fuck, you're getting weights later
  103. >Slowly but surely, you get to the bed and accidentally flop the bag right onto it without hesitation
  104. >Then you look at your dirt and mud-stained hands
  105. >You ruined your bedsheets, but that's not important right now
  106. >Wiping your hands and face with your shirt, you take your pocket knife out of the end table and flick it open, looking intently at the bag
  107. >You're having some trouble coming to terms with this HOLY SHIT IT MIGHT BE A FUCKING TRIXIE IN THAT BAG
  108. >With a fateful grab of the neck once more, you set the knife underneath your thumb, swallowing the biggest lump in your throat you've ever had
  109. >No, it's not cock
  110. >You saw away the bag, sweat breaking in, and your heart having massive palpitations
  111. >A ripping sound of cloth, and the top is pulled up effortlessly, the bag unraveling to reveal the truth
  112. >You drop the knife and bag, backing up into your dresser in sheer disbelief
  113. >…
  114. >You stare at her sleeping form
  115. >Her blue horn
  116. >That shimmering white mane
  117. >You can't describe the torrent of emotions flooding your mind, twisting your tongue to speechlessness
  118. >You're already going crazy and she's not even conscious yet
  119. >But something snaps you out of it, when you look at her face
  120. >It's bruised on one side, as if it was a physical knockout
  121. >Just seeing that sight actually makes you angry
  122. >By instinct, you reach out your hand, about to flick her mane back to see it more clearly, but you stop yourself
  123. >At any point, she could wake up, and that's not going to be pretty if you don't make this situation look less suspicious
  124. >While you're still pumping your blood at SANIC speed, your mind is rational, and you think clearly
  125. >This is the Great and Powerful Trixie herself
  126. >This… This is actually her
  127. >She's battered and bruised, KO'd with a killer-like precision, and she was just taken from Equestria to meet your lust-riddled fantasy
  128. >You start feeling sick to your stomach, and panic sets in
  129. “Oh fuck… Fuck, fuck!”
  130. >You swallow again, covering your mouth as she stirs from your loud outburst
  131. >Fucking brain, stop being shitfaced and help!
  132. >There's no time to fuck this up, you remember the terms of the thread
  133. >You realize that if she's anything like she was in the show, she's going to be really pissed off
  134. >You need to make a good first impression, so you leave the bedroom swiftly, but change your mind and return
  135. >You walk up to her and raise your hands to her, hesitating before moving forward
  136. >Your fingers caress her fur, and it's very soft
  137. >You feel your breath escape from your lips as you gently place your hands on each of her withers
  138. >Then, the magnitude of this event finally dawns upon you
  139. >This is a My Little Pony, from Hasbro's actual series
  140. >/mlp/, Horse News, ponychan, every other pony site, everyone's dreamed about a moment like this, nothing more than a fleeting fantasy
  141. >You are the first, and possibly the only, only person in the entire planet to have seen, touched and (you suppose) own, your very own real life MLP Pony
  142. >This is getting really heavy
  143. >No, Trixie, she's heavy
  144. >You very carefully put upward pressure and move her body so she lays with her head on the pillow, and you remove the dirty sack from under her and stuff it under the bed
  145. >You freeze momentarily when she whimpers, and it almost gives you diabeetus
  146. >Thankfuckily, she's still asleep
  147. >You don't think you can take much more of this
  148. >You slowly remove your hands from underneath her, and you clamp your clammy fingers over your blanket
  149. >Out of all the things that could've taken place tonight, you were crystal clear, A-OK, absolutely sure that you wouldn't be tucking your waifu into bed
  150. >Hot damn you can't even contain your boner
  151. >As you stand and look at her for a moment before you begin your preparations, you see the slightest smile on her face, and she curls up with the blanket
  152. >You couldn't help but smile, it was really fucking cute
  153. >You turn to the door and turn up the thermostat of the freezer that was your bedroom, and begin your journey
  154. >Before you leave, however, you find yourself looking back at Trixie one more time
  155. >It's been about 5 minutes since she came to your door, and you'd already do anything to keep her
  156. >Your head is swimming from the reality of what's happening, and as you leave the room you stumble a little
  157. >You return to the livingroom, now unsure of your life more than you've ever been
  158. >The difference from before is that you're actually happy about it
  159. >You see your laptop on the table, and looking back for a moment, you close the lid, putting it to sleep mode
  160. >The worst thing you could possibly do right now was tell her about the thread
  161. >With a more calm or timid pone like Flutters or Tree Hugger or something, you wouldn't be afraid for your life
  162. >But there's no telling what Trixie would do to you if you told her straight off
  163. >If you even told her at all
  164. >Could you tell her?
  165. >Tell her that you're the reason that her life is now changed forever, much likely for the worse?
  166. >That she's stuck in this house completely, never to see another being, pony or human alike?
  167. >You couldn't take that, both physically from her and mentally from yourself
  168. >But through the uncertainty, an idea suddenly pops into your head, despite the roller-coaster of excitement, disbelief and overwhelming guilt
  169. >Kidnappees are generally tired, cold and hungry, right?
  170. >She'll probably be at least one of those
  171. >Since she's asleep, and underneath the covers of a progressively warmer room, there's only one more
  172. >You go to your kitchen, and you swiftly open the fridge, ready to make a feast
  173. >Except you see nothing offhand that ponies could even eat
  174. >Crouching down, you look for something in your crisper, and manage to find some lettuce that was still good, so that was something
  175. >Time for the salad of welcoming!
  176. >You take the disgusting green ball of nutrient and some real block cheese, and start whipping up a salad that was better than anything beyond your wildest dreams with a shitty knife
  177. >At least, the best salad you can make without any other vegetables, croutons, or any dressing besides ranch
  178. >Soon thereafter, one dirty unit of silverware and a short amount of time later, you find yourself with a wonderful bowl of oh for fuck's sake this sucks
  179. >But it's all you have that you're assured won't fuck up her digestive system right now, so it'll have to do
  180. >Once the food was properly, perfectly, poignantly prepped, now it's time for drink
  181. >Don't think, drink!
  182. >You're on the brink of stink with these rhymes
  183. >One more look in the fridge, and you realize you have water, monster and NOS
  184. >That's interesting, can horses drink energy drinks?
  185. >Or soda in general?
  186. >You've got to look that up, but for now you must deliver your very first breakfast in bed
  187. >You know, in the middle of the night
  188. >With salad and glass of water in hand, you quickly move back to the bedroom, opening the door with your back, coming in while completely unready to face the coming situation
  189. >But in Soviet Russia, situation readies you!
  190. >Because Trixie was sitting up
  191. >”Ouugh… My head...”
  192. >…
  193. >Oh shit
  194. >Alright, she's awake now
  195. >It's not like you're about to have a heart attack of panic that you're going to fuck this up
  196. >Just act natural
  197. “S-so, uh, h-how's the bed?...”
  198. >You're not very smooth under pressure
  199. >Pony ears are at immediate attention
  200. >Trixie looks right at you, and her eyes were full of fear and uncertainty, making you feel like some kind of monster
  201. >It doesn't help the guilt feeling
  202. >But if you don't say something else right now, Trixie's probably going to make you nothing but a smear on your own wall
  203. “I-I, okay, this is probably really… very weird for you right now, but-”
  205. >The sheer volume of her voice makes you haphazardly throw salad and water right in her face OH GOD NO
  206. >You awkwardly tremble in front of her with your mouth agape, as she stares momentarily dumbfounded
  207. >You hope that the neighbors didn't hear that
  208. >Trixie breaks the staring contest by promptly flaring her horn with magical power, teeth grit and eyes ablaze with fury
  209. >A shining light flashes, and you quickly throw yourself to the side on the ground, a powerful blast taking your place
  210. >The spell crumbles the wall across the room, melted slag of wallpaper and ashen wood the only survivor
  211. >You actively start shaking, laying on the ground as you try to keep yourself alive
  212. “I solemnly s-swear to Celestia herself that I've done nothing to you, take you anywhere myself or anything of the sort, I know as little as you do, please, please don't kill me, fuck-”
  213. >She's not buying it, as she moves to stand over you with her horn smoking of arcane magic
  214. >”You're the only other thing here! The last thing Trixie remember is getting hit in the head with something solid, and then she sees YOU! Why should Trixie believe the words of a freakish hairless thing like you when you HIT HER?!”
  215. >You back yourself up a bit, summoning all of your will to speak clearly, and you put your hands up in obvious surrender
  216. “All I've done is take you in, Trixie, I promise with all of my heart! I heard a thumping sound against my door and a knock, I just checked it out. You were in a sack, unconscious, some person must've dropped you off and you looked hurt with that bruise -which I had nothing to do with- and, … I mean, damnit, I couldn't just leave you there! I w-was only-”
  217. >She's staring at daggers, but you don't move for the fear of possible removal of your head
  218. “Oh god… Uh, l-let me show you, here...”
  219. >You very carefully and slowly move your foot underneath the bed, and pull out the dirty sack to show her
  220. >She looks at it intently for a moment, but she's not impressed
  221. >Returning her murderous and salad covered gaze to you, the ominous glow of her horn dims, but fails to subside
  222. >Looks like she won't kill you immediately, at least…
  223. >But you're running out of options, here
  224. >You do have one thing you can try, but you were going to save this for later
  225. >Your life's more important though
  226. “I'm telling the truth, please believe me. I couldn't have done much to you anyways! I don't know about whoever brought you here, but y-you ARE the Great and Powerful Trixie herself, and there's no way a lowlife like me could ever hope to touch the blessed ground where you walked!”
  227. >Her expression changes, and you think you see the slightest smirk, but her eyes don't deceive
  228. “It seems Trixie's reputation precedes her… Are you some sort of creepy fan that paid someone to deliver Trixie to you?!”
  229. “Absolutely not, I know as little as you like I said, I swear!”
  230. >She finally puts away the magic completely, and sits down, still towering above you due to your sad state of affairs and her being on the bed
  231. >”Now then, Trixie has questions and she demands your answers, peasant!”
  232. >Sweet Jaysus, you're in the clear
  233. >Kind of
  234. “Yeah, anything… what is it?”
  235. >She glares at you
  236. “...Great and Powerful Trixie?”
  237. >You never truly understood what beta meant before now
  238. >”Well, first thing's first: Where exactly is Trixie, and where are her possessions?”
  239. >Your hesitation is alerting her
  240. >Say something, faggot, her horn's starting up again!
  241. “Hey, you're a magic user, r-right?”
  242. >”What does that have to do with my question, creature?”
  243. >You have absolutely no idea where you're going with this, but it'll be a lot easier if it were possible, and you wouldn't have to sperg out
  244. >You would be pretty sure if this was Twilight, but Trixie's niche was more showmareship, not actual spellcasting
  245. >pleaseletthiswork.jpg
  246. “Is there any chance you might have or know, uh, some kind of spell that can reach into memories? Like, you could tap into my mind or something and see for yourself I'm telling the truth, and see my side?”
  247. >”What kind of pony do you take me for?”
  248. >Your life starts flashing before your eyes
  249. >”If you know who Trixie is, then it's natural that you'd think she'd have such powerful magic… And as it turns out, she -does-.”
  250. >Hoh shit, Twilight btfo
  251. >Wait, she really does?
  252. “You do?”
  253. >”Indeed. I've been a lot of places in my life, and I've come across a spell just like that. It was only for interrogation. However, if you don't resist it's a simple task that even a monkey could do. In fact, you look a bit like a monkey, is -that- what you are?”
  254. “Er… well, kind of, but only as much as you are a full horse, but you're really a pony, I guess.”
  255. >”Nevermind that. Not such a bad idea for a hairless mutt like yourself. She'll get her answers this way, and you won't have to soil your undergarments with fear. Don't think Trixie hasn't seen it!”
  256. >That sucks, but you were sort of fearing for your life
  257. >Trixie's horn lights up once more, and she casts some sort of wind spell, which cleans her face and mane and dries it as well
  258. >After finishing this, she sits down to focus, looking back at you
  259. >”COME TO ME!”
  260. >Now you're taking that line way out of context
  261. >You begin to sweat profusely
  262. >Sometimes your brain betrays you
  263. >Okay, constantly
  264. >The point is, you didn't think this thing through, because she actually is going to see your memories
  265. >That includes the events that've just taken place, sure, but that also includes the thread you read, and most likely everything that happened before that
  266. >Which you sort of wanked your dick
  267. >While she's preparing her spell, you slowly stand up and look around for a moment, trying to think of something
  268. >Well, there was that one Hairy Potsniff book, Half-blood Princess or something like that
  269. >When they used that memory pool or took a memory out of their heads, it's the one that's on the forefront of their minds, right?
  270. >Surely you can do that yourself, right? Surface certain memories?
  271. >It was definitely a longshot since this is a different universe with different magic, but you don't have anything else to go on
  272. >It might not even work, what with the many theories of humans being immune to magic spread around on the board
  273. >Then her horn touches your forehead, your eyes rolling up in your head as you go into some mystical realm, where you see some translucent door open into the light of your memories
  275. ---
  276. >You try your best to keep certain things in your head, keeping everything about your computer on the downlow
  277. >Your mind starts involuntarily winding around like a kid with the DVR remote
  278. >She’s seeing the sack, you fumbling the lock on your door
  279. >She sees how you carefully helped her into bed and made all that food for her
  280. >She sees the computer screen
  281. >DIVERT.DLL
  282. >You instantly think of yesterday, going off an odd sensation from inside your head
  283. >She watches you eating that T-bone you spent half your paycheck for
  284. >You feel the prickling sensation get stronger, she probably knows you’re hiding something
  285. >You couldn’t help it, she was touching you with a sensitive part of her body
  286. >Your mind drifts to memories associated with that special feeling
  287. >The feeling that chose her over all the other ponies
  288. >Your face flushes and your pockets burst with spaghetti
  289. >Trixie backed away a little, she was blushing herself
  290. >She stayed silent, giving you a weird look
  292. You’ve successfully managed to keep 4chan off your mind, but now she knows a different secret. Wat do, /mlp/?
  293. ---
  294. >Long, awkward silence
  295. >You don’t think you’ve ever felt so red in the face before
  296. >You could’ve sworn pasta was literally crawling out of your pants, but there was nothing there
  297. >But you didn’t mind, you could stare into those big violet saucer eyes for all eternity
  298. >That’s the feeling that started this, you idiot
  299. >Trixie is looking really uncomfortable
  300. >You finally break the silence
  301. “Before you ask, I-I’m uuh, a human, and we’re omnivores… That means we eat everything, including meat… N-not that we eat horses or ponies or anything, just animals that aren’t… sentient…”
  302. >You trail off, your plan to address the less obvious problem failing as she makes sure she sits with her tail covering her base.
  303. >”H…How exactly do you know about me like this? I’ve never even seen anything like you before…”
  304. >She stopped talking in third person, you can’t tell if this is bad or not
  305. >She asked you a question, just roll with it Anon
  306. “…Before I answer that, do you believe my story? You saw everything I did, right?”
  307. >She manages a quick nod, so you continue, sighing in relief that she knows you’re being truthful
  308. “Well, you see…”
  309. >How do you explain something like this? You saw the other stories on the thread, but…
  310. “This is not Equestria, if you didn’t pick up on that already, and uuh… Well, here, we’re called humans, and we have something called a TV, and it basically displays entertainment for our viewing pleasure, like plays or stories, and…”
  311. >You hesitate slightly, and move on to the wham line
  312. “Well, one of the stories shown on TV, is about, you guys. Ponies, in general.”
  313. >Trixie was staring blankly at your mouth, watching the words come out
  314. >You were horrible at explaining this, but that gave you an idea.
  315. “I’ll be right back… I’ll show you.”
  316. >She watches you leave, and you book it to your laptop, unplugging it and bookmarking the thread before deleting it
  317. >Take it back to your room, sit down next to her, but not too close
  318. >Pull up your big archive of episodes
  319. >She starts watching with a sudden curiosity, leaning forward and squinting at the screen as she blocks your view
  321. She’s watching the show, but I’ll leave it up to /mlp/ as to which episode she’s watching and what anon should do. Anyone suggest!
  322. ---
  323. >You showed her one of the more controversial episodes, Magical Mystery Cure
  324. >You’re pretty sure that was a terrible move, but you wanted to see her reaction
  325. >It looks like she’s gotten used to the fact she’s not in Equestria, and after showing her this she’ll probably be back to calling you peasant
  326. >Not quite your fetish, but it’ll pass
  327. >You’re still unbelieving that she’s here, sitting right next to you. You watch her closely, her attention and growing anger directed at the show
  328. >How did the OP do this?
  329. >What’s worse, is that you’re in the same boat as the stories you read on that thread
  330. >You can’t let her be seen by anybody
  331. >This realization sinks in deep, how would you get Trixie to agree to something like that?
  332. >Your thoughts trail off as Trixie make a derivative sneer, up at the point where Twilight just got transformed
  333. >”This is completely absurd! Little Miss Sparkle just fixes a spell, that –she- flubbed in the first place and she’s granted the title of Princess!? I refuse to believe this nonsense!”
  334. >Oh boy
  335. >You’re able to snag the laptop away right as Trixie tried to fry it, the spell hitting your wall and burning through it like melting plastic
  336. >She looks at you with complete and utter fury
  337. >You shrunk down into the bed, trying to think of something to say
  338. “..Well… If it makes you feel better, a lot of people hated that episode too, including me?...”
  339. >She brushes her mane out of her eye, and drops down beside the bed
  340. >”Well, ‘human’, I suppose the Great and Powerful Trixie will be on her way. She has no need for your dinky little home anymore.”
  341. >wat
  342. “Where are you going to go?”
  343. >Her horn starts to spark, and you realize what she’s trying to do
  344. >You just watch her incredulously, as she tries to teleport, but to no avail
  345. >She looked visibly disturbed, and looks right at you
  346. >”Why is Trixie unable to teleport home?”
  347. “…I don’t think Equestria is on this planet, T—Great and Powerful Trixie.”
  348. >She bares her teeth and jumps back onto the bed, jabbing a hoof in your chest
  349. >”Then tell me, human, how am I supposed to get home!?”
  350. >You try your best not to piss your pants
  352. What do we tell her, /mlp/? Do we lie or confess, or come up with something? The choice is yours.
  353. ---
  354. >You somehow manage to keep your bladder control
  355. >She has a knack for making you completely speechless when she asks you questions
  356. >”Let Trixie guess, you don’t know?”
  357. >Please make it quick
  358. >You shut your eyes
  359. >Instead of impending wrath, Trixie jumps off the bed again, swinging the door open with her magic
  360. >An alert goes off in your head that she was heading outside
  361. >You leap off your bed, and sure enough, she was struggling with the lock
  362. >For once you’re glad your apartment is a shit
  363. “Trixie, you can’t go home.”
  364. >WHAT
  366. >She rebounds on you, and you no longer feel the ground under you
  367. >Do not look down, just keep blabbering
  368. “W-what I mean is, if you go outside right now, t-the other humans aren’t going to react well to a talking, blue unicorn!”
  369. >”Do NOT disrespect the Great and Powerful Trixie, human! Does it look like she cares whether or not people look down at her?! Trixie is used to such treatment, and will not hesi—“
  370. “No! L-listen, they’re not just going to look down on you, they’re going to take you away!”
  371. >She still has you in her complete mercy, and now you feel a wall against your shoulder blades
  372. >”Trixie can handle herself!”
  373. “It’s different here! Look Trixie, why would I possibly lie to you, especially after you yourself saw my memories and confirmed everything I was saying? I’m not hiding anything from you, but please listen to me!”
  374. >Stillness in the air, until there was a long, heavy sigh by the light blue pony
  375. >You’re dropped to the ground, fall on your ass
  376. >Ohthankyoulord
  377. >”Had you not shown her your memories, Trixie would not believe you, but you’re right… So what is it, human, why can’t Trixie be seen?”
  378. >You suddenly wonder if she meant that you told the truth, or about your affection
  379. >Now you’re red-faced again, and she’s waiting
  380. >You need to tell her something, right now
  382. What should anon tell her about the humans, /mlp/?
  383. ---
  384. >Here goes
  385. “This place is called Earth, and it’s very different from Equestria… Humans are a race of very distrusting and self-minded individuals that rarely ever see anything out of the ordinary, and whenever we see something we don’t understand, we try to… experiment on it.”
  386. >She gives you another weird look, so you just keep going with it
  387. “What I mean is, we’ll do unspeakable things to things we don’t understand, like dissect their organs and test various chemicals on them. For example, we have ponies here… But none of them can talk, they aren’t sentient. We don’t, however, have any unicorns, and in this world… Magic doesn’t exist at all.”
  388. >Trixie’s mouth opened, but it took a moment for her to speak
  389. >”..No magic at all?”
  390. “No. That’s something that makes you a big target, Tr—Great and Powerful Trixie. You do have magic, and they’re going to want to experiment on you, test you, and do all sorts of horrible things because you have that horn, and they won’t give a damn that you can talk or that you have feelings.”
  391. >Trixie sits her flank on the ground, seemingly thinking
  392. >Phew
  393. >She looks down at the ground, and her mane covers her eye again
  394. >Weird, you thought you saw something drop from her face
  395. >She looks back up again, and tears are forming
  396. >That wasn’t good at all
  397. >”So I’m just a lab rat, is that it?”
  398. “Nonono... well, yes, but to them-“
  399. >”Perfect, just perfect! I’m not just an outcast in Equestria, oh no, that wasn’t good enough for me, huh? Now I get to be surrounded by aliens that want to kill me with nowhere to go, THAT'S JUST BUCKING GREAT!”
  400. >You didn’t mean it like that
  401. >But the tears are spilling now, and her voice is getting shriller
  402. >”So what am I supposed to do now, huh? I have literally no idea where I am; if I even step outside to find out I’m going to pretty much die, and even if I somehow did find a way home, nobody would care!”
  403. >You don’t know how to respond
  404. >But you really should have
  405. >Trixie had already ran off back into your room, slamming the door
  406. >You keep staring at the spot where she was
  407. >The wet carpet where her tears lay
  408. >What did you do, Anon?
  410. What now, /mlp/?
  411. ---
  412. >You get up
  413. >Your entire body stings like you just ran 5 miles
  414. >She must’ve been grabbing you pretty hard with that levitation spell
  415. >You don’t care about that right now
  416. >You need to fix this mess you just made
  417. >That’s when the thought struck you
  418. >You made her cry
  419. >You made your waifu burst into tears with nothing but your words
  420. >Your cheeks feel hot, turns out you were crying too
  421. >Try to compose yourself
  422. >Walk over to your bedroom door after standing there for a minute
  423. >You’re probably the last person she wants to see right now
  424. >You knock anyways
  425. “Trixie?...”
  426. >All you hear is the soft hics and gasps of sobbing
  427. >Blink back more tears before opening the door
  428. >She didn’t make it to the bed, laying on the ground with her face buried in her hooves
  429. >You slowly approach her, kneeling
  430. >She hears you kneeling down, and she looks away
  431. >You take a big risk, because you made a big mistake
  432. >Your hand slides across her shoulder, and you’re in
  433. >You hug her gently, expecting the sweet release of death...
  434. >…
  435. >Instead, blue hooves suddenly wrap themselves around you
  436. >Trixie was hugging you. Tightly, too
  437. >Now clean up your act, anon
  438. “You might be right about what you said, Trixie, but you missed one. I’d care if you left.”
  439. >Her chest was racking with sobs, moving against yours
  440. >You don’t think you’ve ever felt this close to anyone before, let alone your one true pony
  441. “I know you just met me and probably hate my guts, but I’m still going to do everything in my power to help, and it’s not just because of what you saw in my memories.”
  442. “You can stay here.”
  443. >She retracted a little bit to look you in the eyes, with those big violet irises
  444. >You look right back at them
  445. “I’m not kidding… I’ll take you in, and I’ll help you find a way back. I’ll do whatever it takes,.. Great and Powerful Trixie.”
  446. >She looked like she was ready to fill up a river with those tears
  447. >”…Y-you’d really do that?”
  448. “I wouldn’t even think about letting you get hurt.”
  449. >She sniffles, and sits in front of you, wiping her eyes.
  450. >”… Nobody’s ever been so nice…”
  451. >You give her what you hope to be a heartwarming smile
  452. >”… Okay… But DON’T think Trixie is going to grovel like this to you again, not one second, human!”
  453. >You chuckle a little bit, so glad that she’s accepted.
  454. >”If Trixie is to take residence here, she might as well know your name.”
  455. ”Anonymous. Anon, for short, but you can call me whatever.”
  456. >Trixie’s regained composure comes with brand new rosy cheeks, it seems
  457. >You can almost see the spaghetti piling around her
  458. “Want to go get some ice and knock that swelling down?”
  459. >She feels her head where the bruise is, and winces
  460. >You both get up at the same time, make your way to the kitchen
  461. >You give her one of the icepacks in your otherwise empty freezer
  462. >She says nothing as she puts it on with her levitation, and you stare at each other
  464. Wat do now, /mlp/?
  465. ---
  466. >You suddenly hear a low rumbling noise, it sounded close
  467. >Your eyes drift to Trixie, looking at herself
  468. “Was that you?”
  469. >”Trixie seems to have had a long journey… Do you have food, Anonymous?”
  470. “Actually, I made something up for you when you first got here, let me go grab it. Have a seat in the livingroom, I guess.”
  471. >You’re now very aware of the fact your apartment is a shit, not even a dining room
  472. >You bound to your room to go get the salad and water
  473. >Halfway inside, you suddenly see spots and wake up on the floor
  474. >OW
  475. >Your toe feels like it’s been split open
  476. >Look down, nothing bleeding
  477. >”What was that noise?”
  478. >You sure aren’t telling her you stubbed your toe because you were eager to get her food
  479. “N-nothing, just a second…”
  480. >Get up, hobble on heel
  481. >Get food and walk slowly back to the livingroom
  482. >You see Trixie sitting in front of your massive DVD/Blu-ray display
  483. >You have well over 200 movies, classic and obscure
  484. >Set down the food in front of her, look at them yourself. You’ll probably ease her into human culture sometime, might as well start with a movie
  485. >”What are these small covers, are they books? ‘Fifth Element’… ‘A Scanner Darkly… ‘Dragonballz’? That last one sounds a bit suspicious.”
  486. “Er, Dragonball Z, and they aren’t books. You know how I was talking about the TV, how it plays our entertainment?”
  487. >Trixie rolls her eyes in mock contempt
  488. >”Vaguely.”
  489. “Well, These are called movies. They’re like hard, real life copies of these shows that you can watch at anytime, like a book you can read over and over again.”
  490. >She looked pretty intrigued, until she saw the salad and water
  491. >She levitates them, somehow still keeping the ice on her face
  492. >Back to the couch
  493. >She starts eating very quickly, as if she was used to sharing food with a huge family
  494. “You want to watch one? See how humans like to get their fill of excitement and drama?”
  495. >She looks up and swallows before speaking. ”There isn’t anything else to do, is there?”
  496. >Good point. You had a lot of movies and games, but how long would they last when you’re home indefinitely?
  497. >There had to be a way to get her outside…
  498. >Trixie was very potent with her magic, unlike a majority of unicorns
  499. >She directly accessed your memories and basically copy-pasted them into her own mind
  500. >She would most likely have a large array of spells…
  501. >…Idea!
  502. >You thought about how to break the newfound plan to her, as you found the perfect movie
  504. What did he find, /mlp/?
  505. ---
  506. >You turn the TV on, HDMI-2 set, open disc tray, and you pop in ‘Brüno’
  507. >What have you done
  508. >You have no idea why you picked this, but you know it’s going to be one hell of a ride
  509. >And you hope that doesn’t end up literally
  510. >All you knew is that this was going to be fun
  511. >Sit on the chair across from Trixie and look at her
  512. “Hey, before we start, I wanted to ask you something, if that’s okay?”
  513. >She looks up at you as she drinks some water, eyebrow raised in curiosity
  514. “Well, I was thinking about the fact that you can’t get caught by anyone else, and it wasn’t a pleasant thing to do to you, and I should’ve been softer with that issue, and I’m sorry for that, by the way.”
  515. >She sets the cup down, giving you a rather regal look
  516. “…Anyways, I was brainstorming for a while, and I was wondering if you knew any spells that could, make yourself invisible, for example?”
  517. >She thought for a moment, a hoof on her chin
  518. >Somotherfuckingadorable.jpg
  519. >”There is a spell that Trixie knows that could fool the eyes of the masses, but it isn’t quite invisibility. It is more of an illusion that she uses in her stage show, to mirror the appearance of another pony. It is possible that Trixie could modify it to impersonate another human, but…”
  520. >You’re on the edge of your seat
  521. >”…Trixie can only make it last for a few minutes.”
  522. >Your heart sinks as quickly as it rose. Damn you, fate
  523. “That’s too bad, I thought I was on to something there. I don’t want to coop you up.”
  524. >”It’s fine for now. Since Trixie has all the time in the world, she could train her magic and possibly increase its duration. There may be hope yet.”
  525. >You smiled at her, just as the movie began, drawing both yours and her attention to the screen
  526. “Oh, and before this movie starts, I just want you to know something.”
  527. >”What’s that?”
  528. “This is completely fictional, and I had nothing to do with this.”
  529. >She gives you that weird look again, and her eyes squint in suspicion, queue the movie
  530. >It started out oddly enough. Her face became a mixture of confusion and vehement curiosity at the odd accent and language of the eponymous character.
  531. >”It’s interesting… Trixie has heard the language before, but it was spoken by gryphons, well, a subspecies that weren’t too populous.”
  532. >You sit back with your feet on the table and arms behind your head, quickly telling Trixie about the various tropes of human entertainment and certain aspects like censorship and the rating system, and how humans were usually never naked because of their hairless qualities.
  533. >Queue 3 minutes in, his admirer pulls down his pants to expose the dick hair
  534. >Trixie instantly backs up in her seat, and she gives you a sort of ‘So this is how it’s going to be’ look, as she glowers at you for a moment [spoiler](pic related)[/spoiler]
  535. >You nod your head in silent affirmation, until you couldn’t help but laugh and point at the TV
  536. >Trixie gets herself comfortable on your sofa, preparing for the worst
  537. >Just a minute later, the special night of Bruno and his ‘consort’ began
  538. >The dildo machine pops up
  539. >Trixie’s jaw drops, her hoofs up in complete disbelief
  540. >”…This is happening, now!? I didn’t know this could be shown in the public—“
  541. >This guy is getting spun around on Bruno’s dick
  542. >You had a sudden wave of intelligence, and pick up the wastebin, holding it in front of her
  543. >She instantly vomits into it, and you don’t blame her
  544. >She might’ve not seen a human before, but it’s similar enough, and this was completely out of her league, no matter what she’s seen on the road
  545. >You’re laughing so hard, and yet you feel bad for her
  546. >Not bad enough to stop the movie though
  547. “T-T-Trixie-e-e, It gets better! We’re j….”
  548. >It’s so hard to speak
  549. “We’re just getting started!”
  550. >She slowly recovers, her eyes now glued to the slingshot part
  551. >”What kind of show is this!? It isn’t all like this… Is it!?”
  552. “No, no! This is a rare gem, trust me.. Just keep watching.”
  553. >Bruno’s package gets sucked by that enlarger
  554. >Trixie waves her arms out in front of her, the living embodiment of nope.avi
  555. >”ANON, THIS IS RIDICULOUS, Nobody wants to see that!”
  556. >Your smile would have outshone Pinky herself
  557. >The next portion of the movie isn’t too notable
  558. >When Bruno had the Velcro suit, you offhandedly explained what Velcro was, basically amounting to non-messy, reapply-able glue
  559. >She was still a bit sick from the last scene to care, but she did smile when he walked down the catwalk
  560. >Bruno goes to L.A. with Lutz
  561. >More storybuilding until the focus group scene
  562. >You tell her a little bit about Harrison Ford, making a comparison to Daring Do but for TV instead of literature
  563. >She didn’t seem to mind the trivia, enjoyed it slightly
  564. >You do your best not to point out she wasn’t all that different from Twilight
  565. >Then you make a mental note to brush up on history to tell her about it later
  566. >Bruno’s maxout show begins
  567. >It was going fine so far
  568. >You actually forgot about this scene, because it’s what happens next that everyone remembers
  569. >You’re sitting there, making a silent snark at the fetus bit
  570. >Suddenly
  571. >A big flopping PENIS
  572. >Trixie’s eyes lose all semblance of her eyelids, hoof going over her mouth
  573. >You totally forgot about this scene, but seeing her face just makes you burst into unadulterated laughter
  574. >That’s when she caught you totally off guard
  575. >”You know, Anon, it’s not all that different from a stallion, it’s not like I haven’t seen one before!”
  576. “I –“
  577. >No breath left
  578. >It takes you a second to breath
  579. “I know… But your face, it was so priceless!”
  580. >”Sure, it caught Trixie off guard. She didn’t know you could show that to the world, after all! Besides, I have a question. Is that the normal size?”
  581. >Your chest is still heaving from the uncontrollable laughter, but you’re definitely looking at her now
  582. “W-what?”
  583. >She was obviously baiting you, trying to get revenge for showing her this
  584. >Your mind was a bit light-headed from the laughter, though
  585. >”You heard Trixie, how do you measure up to this, Bruno?”
  586. >She just asked about your dick
  587. >As if little anon had a mind of his own, he started taking your precious blood
  588. >You play it off as uncomfortability, though you’re the exact opposite, and put a leg up over your knee
  589. “W-well, that’s a bit personal, don’t you think?”
  590. >”Because seeing a flailing cock didn’t dissolve any of those boundaries?”
  591. >Your little man was getting really hard at hearing her speak vulgarly
  592. “Okay, well, if you must know… I-I’m… normal.. sized—L-look it doesn’t matter, let’s keep watching, shall we?”
  593. >Trixie gives a triumphant smile, and had the slightest bit of blush at the same time
  594. >The movie then continues
  595. >You get to the African airport part
  596. >Bruno’s getting his luggage, and some luggage he’s getting
  597. >Huge elephant phallus statue #1
  598. >”Trixie has to ask now. She has already concluded that this human is completely crazy, even by your odd standards, and that he’s… On the other side of the street,”
  599. >By the way anon, your boner’s still there
  600. >Go away, I don’t need you yet
  601. >YET?
  602. >”-even thinking? Does he not see these people giving him such strange looks, does he have mental malfunctions?”
  603. “Wha-? Oh, well, that’s part of the joke, honestly.”
  604. >”What joke would that be?”
  605. >For once, you were lost for words
  606. >At your silence, it was affirmed to her that this movie was even out of your grasp, and she gave up trying to understand it completely
  607. >The journey continues
  608. >It was pretty uneventful in terms of reactions, but at one point you both actually got invested in the plot, until the scene with Lutz and the hotel room
  609. >When their situation is revealed in full, the first thing Trixie’s eyes dart to is the stains in the background
  610. >”…Please, anon, please tell me that’s not what Trixie thinks it is”
  611. >Brown handprints
  612. “I’m sorry…”
  613. >Another round for the wastebin, and this time she emptied her lunch
  614. >You make another note to fix a proper dinner after the movie, if she can stomach it
  615. >When she was finished blowing chunks, she looks right back up
  616. >”Trixie, has sat through pubic hair, a gay kink night, a flopping human phallus, your explanation of this ‘racism’ and why it’s funny, but this is just… lewd! Who has obsessions with… feces?!”
  617. “Pretty much nobody… except Bruno.”
  618. >She didn’t even say anything else
  619. >Bruno tries to go straight
  620. >Some of the pastor and karate scenes she actually laughed at a little
  621. >Finally, the swinger’s party happened
  622. “Do they have swingers in Equestria?”
  623. >Trixie just gives you that jovial sarcastic look again
  624. >”Not in the way you’re talking about… Unlike this movie, we have standards.”
  625. “Just asking.”
  626. >Bruno starts watching them doing the nasty
  627. >It gets awkward, him touching the dude all over
  628. >You take a quick peek at her status, she’s facehoofing with loads of spaghetti flooding around her
  629. >Right, this was an epitome, straight up sex onscreen
  630. >She barely looked at the screen until the end after that
  631. >You try to defuse the moment by talking about some of the appearing celebrities at the end, but she just waves you off.
  632. >Movie ended
  633. >After what seemed like an hour of shaking her head, she finally looks up at you
  634. >”You’re such a weirdo.”
  635. “I know, but if it makes you feel better, that was the grossest movie I had. Maybe later I’ll show you some stories with actual plot instead of shock value?”
  636. >She rubs her eyes in response
  637. >All of a sudden, it was nearing 2 am
  638. “Time flies when you’re having fun.”
  639. >”Emphasis on you…”
  640. >She yawns to prove her point
  642. You’ve watched the paragon of human achievement. It’s getting late. What should you do now, /mlp/?
  643. ---
  644. >You had some sort of odd feeling in your mind
  645. >It was blurry, but it was urging you to do something at that point in time
  646. >Maybe when she did that memory spell on you, there was backwash?
  647. >In any case, instead of putting her to sleep like you normally would, you had this powerful pull
  648. >You felt like she was still reeling from being taken so forcefully out of Equestria
  649. >She completely denied the fact when you showed her that episode of MLP, which wasn’t a healthy thing to do
  650. >You had to help her through this, somehow, because you knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep anyways
  651. >If she did find a way, nightmares might follow
  652. >So you decided to do your absolute best to make this the best night of her life, and help her forget
  653. >”-Anon? You’re starting to creep Trixie out, what’s gotten into you?”
  654. >oshi
  655. “Sorry, I guess I kind of trailed off.”
  656. >Smooth
  657. “Hey, I have an idea, be right back.”
  658. >You get up before she could say anything, speed walking into your kitchen
  659. >Open that fridge
  660. >You feel like you’re about to rage and kick the door open after the hinges get stuck, again
  661. >After that little tantrum, you go through the various normal foods and products and get to your stash
  662. >A plethora of your finest sodas and energy drinks
  663. >You wanted this night to be good, so you slapped two large monsters in your hands and went back to Trixie
  664. >You show her the can
  665. “This, my Great and Powerful Trixie, is the beast of devoured dreams.”
  666. >”…What?”
  667. “It’s my retarded euphemism for, ‘Drink this and you’ll feel wide awake’.”
  668. >You open the can in front of her with your trusty fingers, and she hesitantly takes it with her levitation
  669. >To show her it’s not toxic, you open your own and take a sip
  670. >You try your best to conceal the tart constriction you always get when you take that first sip, and you motion for her to follow suit
  671. >Trixie looks at the can itself, and finally raises it to her lips
  672. >She makes the cutest sourpuss face you’ve ever fucking seen
  673. >Then she takes a huge, ballsy drink
  674. >She exhales after downing nearly half the can in one go
  675. >”This is so much better than that cheap Flim & Flam cider Trixie’s been living off of!”
  676. >You pussy
  677. >It was her first monster and she beastmoded
  678. >You’ve had experience since it first came out and you still couldn’t get a mouthful without choking
  679. “I’m glad you like it. Now, we’re going to have some fun. Follow me-“
  680. >Trixie was literally finishing up her Monster
  681. >You silently walk back to the kitchen and get the rest of them
  683. >You toss her another one
  684. >Scratch that, she pulls one out of your arms directly and opens it herself
  685. “Be careful with how much you drink, it gets dangerous after four or so, alright?”
  686. >She may or may not have heard you, as she was still drinking
  687. >You shrug, and tap her on the shoulder with your foot to get her to follow you
  688. >You had a 2 bedroom apartment, but as the lonely fuck you are, you made the second one into your personal haven
  689. >You both walk in, and she stops drinking for a moment to take a proper look
  690. >There were shelves upon shelves of displayed video games
  691. >Consoles too, ones that have long since been forgotten
  692. >All the extra money of what you should’ve saved for a normal house went into this room
  693. >You even have a few plushies of Donkey Kong, Banjo Kazooie and Rainbow D—
  694. >You instantly throw a monster at the top left corner of your room, knocking down a large portion of plushies
  695. >Trixie gets startled, and looks at you dumbfoundedly
  696. >”What was that for?”
  697. >She didn’t see it
  698. “Sorry, I saw a… spider… on the wall there and it freaked me out. I’ll pick up the pieces.”
  699. >Crisis averted
  700. >You set your load on the table within, going to the corner behind the TV to pick everything up
  701. >You stash the Dash plushie behind the shelf of the TV, and set everything else back up
  702. >You look at your massive collection of co-op games, looking for something really good
  703. What should Anon and Trixie play, /mlp/?
  704. ---
  705. >You decide to go a little bit ABSOLUTELY OLD-SCHOOL
  706. “Alright Trixie, I showed you one of humanity’s more recent pieces of entertainment, now I’m going to go a bit back. Okay, more like 25 to 30 years back, but you’ll love this.”
  707. >Trixie at this point was just as awake as when you first met, and possibly getting a bit hyper
  708. >”You call that abomination Bruno entertainment? Trixie wonders what you have in store for her now. And she has a feeling vomiting this ‘energy’ drink will not be pleasant, so you watch your step!”
  709. “Trust me, this one isn’t gross. Now, you just watched a movie, but now we’re going to get a little more interactive. Everything you see on these shelves are called video games, games you play on the screen through the use of the controller, and the devices on here are the various consoles that you can play the video games on. Follow?”
  710. >She nodded impatiently. ”Yes, yes, get on with it!”
  711. >You wonder if you should’ve let her have the second monster
  712. “Anyways, I’m not going to go into the big details of it right now because that’d be boring. For now, all you need to know is that you’re going to be playing….. This.”
  713. >You moved across your shelves as you were talking, and pick out the original NES cover, flashing it to Trixie like it was your most prized possession, which it almost was
  715. >”Are we battling with toads?”
  716. “Not all titles are that specific, but, sort of.”
  717. >You pick up your NES carefully off the shelf and plug it into the outlet and TV adapters
  718. >You walk back to the loveseat set in the middle of the room, where Trixie was already sitting
  719. >You take the small couch as an excuse to sit close to her, and you’re okay with that
  720. >She doesn’t notice as she pulls the controller away from you with her magic
  721. “Wh- Hey! You don’t even know how to play yet!”
  722. >”You sound like Trixie’s old schoolteacher, Anon, let’s get this show on the road!”
  723. >What have you done
  724. >You gave Trixie a Monster
  725. >Now she, is the Monsters
  726. >In any case, you power up the TV with the remote as you take another look at Trixie
  727. >Since she was too busy looking and pressing at the various buttons of the old NES controller, and bouncing worse than Ponka, you really took a good look at her form
  728. >Not even sexually
  729. >It was amazing how well it worked
  730. >You thought about how 2D pones looked a hundred times better than the SFM models you saw floating around on the internet
  731. >Who would give to see a pony in real life, like you are now?
  732. >Your philosophical thoughts were interrupted by the sudden blaring theme of Battletoads, and you both stared ahead at the new challenge that awaited
  733. >The start was a little bumpy
  734. >Trixie was hard-pressed to even listen to your directions because of the liquid energy coursing through her veins
  735. >She was on her fourth Monster by the time the first cutscene dropped out, revealing the title character on the barren landscape
  736. “Okay, Trix, the number at the top left is your score, the hearts next to it are your health bar. If you get hit, it drops, and if it runs out you die, make sense?”
  737. >She had been flailing madly with the controller’s different buttons, but as soon as she figured out how to attack she already tackled the first two psycho pigs on the screen as you were talking
  738. “How do you know how to run?”
  739. >”Trixie isn’t stupid, if these buttons with the arrows on them move, you obviously move faster when you push really hard!”
  740. >That wasn’t exactly true, but you weren’t about to correct her
  741. >Her eyes were very wide, completely glued onto the screen as she subtly bounced up and down
  742. >You decide it’d be best if you at least kept the monsters out of sight for now, and start to slide them across the table
  743. >That’s when a weird magical hoof thing slapped you right across the face
  744. >Trixie just magic handed (hoofed?) you!
  745. “OW! What the hell was that for!?”
  746. >”You think Trixie would let you take the beast away from me, anon!?”
  747. >She promptly levitates another monster forcefully out of your grasp as she simultaneously had already been attacking the golden stick thing that you never learned the name of into a pulp
  748. >In the midst of attacking and mashing the b button, she had accidentally picked up one of the sticks
  749. >She barely even noticed as she used the stick to beat on more pigs
  750. >That’s when you realized you’re not going to have to teach her much at all
  751. >You sat back and took another long drink of your own monster, paying a bit more attention to Trixie and her consumption of the energy drink than the game
  752. >
  753. “Just keep dropping! Drop down—hit that bug thing! Juggle him!”
  754. >”I’m trying, I’m trying, hold your horses!”
  755. >topkek.
  756. >It’s only been about 20 minutes, and she’s already pretty much mastered the game after you guided her on what exactly to do
  757. >You’re not sure, but your best guess is the combination of being hopped up on sugar and taurine, and having magic do all the controller work for you is a potent fusion
  758. >You’ve completely foregone the fact that Trixie now has a pile of 8 cans of monster strewn across the floor in front of her
  759. >You yourself had caught up with 5
  760. “Yeah, doing good doing good, just keep off those electric pad things, and keep dropping!”
  761. >Soon you were already at the mach speed section, and Trixie was dominating it
  762. >She was even using the hug-the-right-side-of-screen technique to make sure she didn’t fall
  763. >This groove continued into the ice level
  764. >But that’s when it happened
  765. >She began to get a little stuck on the golden spike shells, constantly getting hit back
  766. >When she registered the fact she wasn’t progressing, she grunted in frustration
  767. >”C’mon, you worthless, spineless idiots, let me through!”
  768. >Her act had dropped a long time ago, but you weren’t even paying attention
  769. “You gotta time it, start from that left pillar and wait until he’s hitting the far one before you jump.”
  770. >”I’m trying, but it’s not working, see?! Look!”
  771. >She was indeed waiting for it, but now it looked like she was having trouble with pulling off the jump
  772. >And because of this, she died
  773. >Her jaw just dropped as the taunting black and white screen showered her vision with GAME OVER
  774. “Hey, don’t sweat it Trix—“
  776. “Damn!”
  777. >You put a finger in your ear to check for blood
  779. >She had physically thrown the controller to the ground, her eyes ablaze like before, her horn giving her entire body a magical aura and a hoof pointing at the game over screen
  780. >The continue number was at 5
  781. >You had scooted to the edge of the loveseat, but it didn’t give much room
  782. “Trixie—“
  785. >”…Continue feature?!”
  786. >You push her back down on her rump to get to the controller, hastily pressing the start button right before the timer struck 0
  787. >[Level 4: Arctic Caverns]
  788. >You both look at the saving throw
  789. >Then you look at each other
  790. >Your hand was on her chest, fingers pressed in her fur
  791. >In your rush to push her, she had grabbed around your waist with her hooves in instinct
  792. >You were pretty much on top of her, to boot
  793. >You also felt something wet on your pants
  794. >You were both melting with so much spaghetti it’s a miracle Italy didn’t call
  795. >You were the first to move, slowly sitting back as you nonchalantly cleared your throat.
  796. >Trixie does the same, looking back at the screen as she takes the controller back up. Her face was redder than yours.
  797. >”…What’s that smell?”
  798. >Oh yeah, the wet thing
  799. >You look down
  800. >You instantly get up and walk across the opposite side of the couch before Trixie could get a good look at your predicament
  801. >”Hey, where are you going?”
  802. “J-just to the bathroom real quick, n-no worries!”
  803. >You make it to the bathroom, shutting the door behind you as you cover your face in your hands
  804. >You had a lot of Monster
  805. >Trixie just screamed at you with power literally seeping from her body
  806. >It’s no wonder that you pissed yourself [spoiler]sorry nope but at least its reversed[/spoiler], but you still feel an intense shame, only mitigated by the sweet relief that she didn’t even know what had happened
  807. >You heard Battletoads blaring in the game room as you start to undo your pants, setting them on the side of the tub
  808. >You were now bottomless as you think carefully
  809. >You forgot a step here
  810. ”Anon you dipshit, you forgot to get a clean pair…”
  811. >You did not want to put those piss stained pants back on, it was uncomfortable as it was
  812. >You slowly open the door to the bathroom to make sure Trixie was still in the game room
  813. >Her eyes were indeed glued to the screen, already back at the spike shells
  814. >She wouldn’t be looking back, so you swing open the door
  815. >Dive across the hallway with your flopping dick
  816. >Roll into the bedroom
  817. >Close and lock the door behind you
  818. >You press your ear up against the door just to be safe
  819. >Trixie didn’t even budge, she was still yelling at the spikes
  820. >thankyoubasedcircumnstances.gif
  821. >With no other worries, you washed up with the water bottle in your room so you didn’t have to trek back to the bathroom
  822. >Clean boxer briefs
  823. >Boxer Briefsfag, what about it?
  824. >And some comfortable sweatpants
  825. >You were just adjusting the waistline of them when you suddenly realized something
  826. >Battletoads was paused
  827. >Trixie wasn’t yelling
  828. >You run over to your door and swing it open, looking through the hallway into the game room
  829. >She was gone
  830. >You knew better but for some reason your mind and heart started to race
  831. >Before you had time to worry though, a sound pierced the silence of your home
  832. >Flush.wav
  833. >You exhale your lungs as you wipe the sweat off your brow
  834. >Jeez, you really freaked when you didn’t see her
  835. >In fact, you normally wouldn’t have cared if you had pissed yourself, it’s happened plenty of times when bullies screwed with you on the playground
  836. >But you were so jumpy around her
  837. >It’s like you didn’t want anything to defile the way she saw you
  838. >You valued it too much
  839. >You didn’t even realize how close you’ve gotten to her over this last day
  840. >You loved her, anon, you sly devil
  841. >And your little voice in your head couldn’t defend against that sudden thought
  842. >You walk over to the bathroom door, plastered with the biggest, dopiest grin on your face
  843. >Knock knock
  844. “You alright in there, Trixie?”
  845. >”Trixie should say the same to you, anon. She didn’t know you… had issues, with this.”
  846. >…what
  847. >OH SHIT
  848. “…Uh, h-uhhh..”
  849. >Smoother than soft jazz
  850. >You’re a fucking idiot
  851. >Why would you leave your crotch stains in there for her to see?
  852. >You might be running on artificial ingredients, but surely you should’ve put together that Trixie had way more to drink than you did
  853. “Uuh, T-Trixie, I don’t… I don’t usually…
  854. >”Yes?”
  855. >…
  856. “I don’t usually, have problems with that, but… you see, you…”
  857. >”Spit it out, Anonymous.”
  858. >Sounds of running water as she cleaned herself
  859. “….You scared the shit out of me and I must’ve had a packed bladder…”
  860. >Faucet stops
  861. >The bathroom door opens to reveal a freshened up Trixie
  862. >”Oh… Well… …”
  863. >It was your turn to look at her
  864. >”….For what it’s worth… Trixie, apologizes.”
  865. >She brushes past you, trotting quickly back into the game room
  866. >You thought you were crazy at first
  867. >But this whole thing has been crazy from the get go
  868. >The Great and Powerful Trixie just apologized to you
  869. >To you
  870. >
  871. >Sitting back down, Trixie was starting on her tenth (and counting) can, instantly picking up on the second half of the arctic caverns
  872. >You really wanted to stop her from drinking so many, as you know people who’ve gone to the hospital for doing exactly that
  873. >But she just went to the bathroom, so it was hopefully diluted enough not to matter
  874. >You were going to be sure to keep her from chugging, though
  875. >Back at the spike shells
  876. “Okay, when you do this, you need a running start, and you want to press the jump button at the edge of the pillar while the spikes are bashing the other one, then jump as soon as you hit the ground again.”
  877. >”…So… Like this?”
  878. >Trixie ran, timed it out
  879. >The spike’s top pixel brushes just past the toad’s foot
  880. >Hit the ground
  881. >Jump again
  882. >And she was over
  883. >”YES!”
  884. "NICE!"
  885. >You two hug it out, hoof and hand over the shoulders
  886. >It wasn't even weird
  887. >And your thoughts suddenly return
  888. >You did love her
  889. >But not in the way you would've thought...
  890. >[Level 8: Intruder Excluder]
  891. >Things were getting trippy
  892. >You had ordered a big daddy-sized cheese pizza about an hour ago
  893. >You’ve both been eating on and off for the last two
  894. >She loved pizza, it seems
  895. >You might have accidentally turned Trixie into the archetypical gamer
  896. >But you loved this
  897. >You haven’t had this much fun since grade school when you used to do this with your cousin
  898. >Sitting around with soda and pizza, talking and laughing all through the night
  899. >Playing retro games
  900. >Except this wasn’t your cousin
  901. >This was the Great and Powerful Trixie
  902. >And she was coasting through Battletoads with no hooves
  903. >As you’ve been sitting here thinking, she’s already at the white-armored boss that you forget the name of
  904. >Bam
  905. >Splat
  906. >Pow
  907. >Already dead
  908. >You’re cheering her on as she blows through it
  909. >Hugging it out at moments of true victory
  910. >Laughing at screw-ups instead of raging
  911. >You even played a few of the parts Trixie was having trouble with
  912. >
  913. >At the final peak of dawn, when the sun was truly off the horizon, Trixie faced down with the Queen herself
  914. >Trixie was an expert at this point, so you knew it was going to be quick
  915. >Bam-tackle her tornado move
  916. >She gets pissed
  917. >Again and again
  918. >Until finally, the final blow hits, and the Queen smacks her skull on the floor before the ending cutscene starts
  919. >Trixie looked dumbfounded, her act dropping again as she looks at the screen and you at the same time
  920. >”…Wh-wait, I beat her, right? I just won the fight?”
  921. “That’s right.”
  922. >”So, I beat the queen…”
  923. “Uh-huh.”
  924. >“…And that means…”
  925. “Uh-huh.”
  926. “I just beat the game?!”
  927. “Watch your victory, Trixie, you’ve earned it.”
  928. >She sat in stunned silence as the game plays itself
  929. >>”Okay, let’s break out the sodas and junk-food, it’s party time!”
  930. >You do as he says, thought you have been for the last hour or so
  931. >At some point during the night you made Trixie switch from Monster to Pepsi
  932. >You tried to give her 7-up, but she didn’t care for the taste
  933. >There was a heated debate, but you made up soon afterwards
  934. >It’s not like you haven’t been having fun all night, anyways
  935. >>”And so, the Dark Queen is defeated once again – retreating into the shadowy margins of the galaxy to recoup her losses… Until the next time…”
  936. >The ship flies by, and Battletoads was finally finished
  937. >It took 6 hours
  938. “Well Trixie, you’ve just beat your first video game. I’d congratul…”
  939. >You looked at her midsentence, and trailed off
  940. >She was dead asleep on the cushion, the controller tucked on her belly
  941. >When Trixie wasn’t shouting or walking with her snout up, she could be a really cute pony
  942. >Of course, you thought she was the cutest anyways
  943. >You smile at her sleeping form, knowing your mission was accomplished
  944. >You set out to help Trixie tonight, help her forget her troubles that had been weighing on her shoulders for so long
  945. >And you did
  946. >You’re pretty sure she’s had the greatest night of her life, and you would see to it that it has a proper ending
  947. >Silently turning off the TV and NES, you very slowly pick her up, cradling her in your arms
  948. >You were much more tender and appropriate this time, not wanting to wake her in the slightest
  949. >You carried her off into the bedroom, setting her down under the quilt in the warm, heated room that you never turned the heat off in
  950. >You tuck her in, your fingers brushing the mane out of her eyes
  951. >And you kiss her at the base of her horn
  952. >She smiled in her sleep, curling into the warmth of your own bed
  953. >And you couldn’t be happier.
  954. >Backing out of the bedroom, you take a quick peek at the clock before closing the door softly
  955. >8:30 am
  956. >Dear lord
  957. >You were starting to crash yourself, but you didn’t have anything to do for the day, and Trixie is out
  959. What should anon do, /mlp/?
  960. ---
  961. >Falling asleep where you stand wasn’t a bright idea
  962. >Thankfully, a putrid odor suddenly tackles your nostrils
  963. >You open your eyes and realize it’s coming from the bathroom
  964. >You go over and open the door, find piss-stained pants draped over the tub
  965. >You completely forgot about those after Trixie apologized to you
  966. >You might as well start a load of laundry before you pass out, you think
  967. >Gather up the dirty clothing, drape it over the side of the wastebin
  968. >You’re not feeling well at all
  969. >You miss the doorknob of the laundry room
  970. >Miss again, and you drop the wastebin on your toe
  972. >You fall to the side and catch the wall, clutching your toe
  973. >It was just a basket of clothes, why the hell did it hurt so badly?!
  974. >Wait, you remember stubbing your toe on the doorframe yesterday
  975. >You take the time to make a detailed examination of your right big toe that was throbbing
  976. >There was a very painful looking black bruise on the side, and the same side’s toenail was very dark, and the tip of the toenail itself had been split down the center
  977. >You didn’t see anything wrong with it before and it hasn’t hurt, so this was surprising
  978. >You’ll probably have to go to the doctor for this one
  979. >The pain is pulsating, throbbing with your heartbeat
  980. >You gingerly set down your foot and continue with your laundry, awake from the adrenaline
  981. >Bottle of Bounty
  982. >Set machine on medium load
  983. >Dump everything in, including sloppy measurement of Bounty
  984. >Close the lid
  985. >Close the laundry door
  986. >You were reeling
  987. >You had a dull throb in your foot and you couldn’t keep your eyes open
  988. >You stumble to the kitchen, using every last bit of will to get to your fridge
  989. >There was a notepad you usually used as a shopping list
  990. >Tear off new page
  991. >>”…. Get doc apt for toe…”
  992. >One last thought before blackness overtook you
  993. >>”…Get savings remanded for Trix..”
  994. >You barely finish writing her name legibly before the marker makes a big line down the page
  995. >Doesn’t matter, still wrote it
  996. >You suddenly find yourself sitting against the counter
  997. >Slumping to the floor
  998. >Blackness
  999. >Dreaming
  1000. >Trixie
  1001. ---
  1002. >Your eyes were so crusted over you couldn’t even open them
  1003. >You spend what felt like hours trying to wipe them
  1004. >Haven’t felt this tired in a long time
  1005. >And why was your toe aching?
  1006. >Finally get eyes open, sunlight peering through your low window
  1007. >You’re half-sitting, half-laying on the kitchen floor
  1008. >The memories suddenly flood your mind
  1009. >The entire night with Trixie seems to flash through your brain involuntarily, as well as the aftermath
  1010. >So you remember how you got here
  1011. >But you don’t remember there being a blanket draped over you… or gauze around your toe
  1012. >You end up yawning, and during this you looked up
  1013. >The fridge
  1014. >You couldn’t help but think that something was missing
  1015. >You see all of your magnets on there, same position as always
  1016. >Cheap little thumbprint mood detector
  1017. >Various soda magnets you collected over the years of winning random sweepstakes
  1018. >Shopping list-- Oh, it’s blank
  1019. >Where was the note you wrote?
  1020. >No matter, you had more important things to worry about
  1021. >You get yourself up slowly, your back cracking in protest at having to sleep on the hard floor all day
  1022. >Thankfully the counter was there to help
  1023. >Look down to see blanket revealing white on your toe
  1024. >Oh, your toe was destroyed, that’s what that pain was, and why it was gauzed
  1025. >Wait, you never gauzed your toe
  1026. “Trixie?”
  1027. >You didn’t say it too loudly in case she could still be asleep
  1028. >You hobble out of the kitchen to the livingroom
  1029. >It was 3:30 in the afternoon, the sun now blazing through your front window
  1030. >You slept for 7 hours
  1031. >No wonder your back was giving you grief
  1032. “Trixie, you up?”
  1033. >Still no answer
  1034. >You throw the blanket on the couch, and hobble to the hallway
  1035. >Wait
  1036. >You grab the bat off the floor near your front door, use as cane
  1037. >Bitchin’
  1038. >You walk a bit easier to the bedroom door, which was still closed
  1039. >You slowly open the door, and you see yourself in the mirror
  1040. >You were a complete disgusting mess with disheveled hair, baggy eyes and a 5 o’clock shadow
  1041. >You look down a little further to see your equally disgusting companion sprawled out all over the bed
  1042. >Trixie wasn’t all that different from you, now that you think about it
  1043. >Maybe that’s why there was a connection there, and why she’s here now
  1044. Ding, dong.
  1045. >huh
  1046. Ding, dong.
  1047. >Trixie stirred, stretching out her body
  1048. >You suddenly look back at the front door
  1049. Din-din-ding, dong
  1050. >You don’t remember inviting anyone over
  1051. >”…Anon, who izzat…”
  1052. >Trixie seemed to be awake, but not by much
  1053. >You, however, were on the brink of a heart attack
  1054. >You slam the door shut, accidentally startling her in the process, and you cane-walk to your peephole
  1055. >Look through it, and your jaw drops
  1056. >It was your boss!
  1057. >Why was he here? Working in a music studio 3 days a week doesn’t warrant anything important enough to have your boss come down to your stank-ass apartment!
  1058. >>”Anon, it’s Harry. Are you home?”
  1059. >You think you swallowed your tongue, because you can’t even make a squeak
  1060. >It wasn’t so much that you were worried about Trixie, she would stay in the bedroom
  1061. >But your house was a complete mess from last night, you look even worse, and his mere presence here makes you fear for your job
  1062. >You have to answer him, say something!
  1063. “Gh… G-uuh, yeah, hold on, I wasn’t expecting anyone. Can you give me a minute?”
  1064. >>”Eh, sure. Take your time, Anon…”
  1065. >He didn’t sound too enthusiastic, but you’d have to worry about that later
  1066. >How the hell were you going to tidy up in ‘a minute’?
  1068. What should anon do, /mlp/?
  1069. ---
  1070. >Alright, no need to panic
  1071. >Your home wasn’t exactly that far off from the studio, maybe he actually was just stopping by?
  1072. >Either way, you need to go out there and talk to him
  1073. >You weren’t about to show him the state of your home, after all
  1074. >You make sure the padlock on the door is still fastened before half-sprinting, half limping back to your bedroom
  1075. >When you open it, Trixie was tidying her mane with one of your brushes in the mirror
  1076. >”Anon, who was that at the door… Are you alright?”
  1077. “No time for that, Trix, I need you to stay in the bedroom for a little while, okay?”
  1078. >She groans in protest, but she doesn’t say anything else, instead opting to watch your jagged, twisted morning movements
  1079. >Or was that afternoon movements?
  1080. >No time for talk, get some better pants
  1081. >Look through your drawers
  1082. >Jeans would do
  1083. >Undo the rope of your sweatpants and drop them
  1084. >Your toe burns with unwanted vigor as you jerk the pants off of your gauze
  1085. >”A-anon!”
  1086. >You look up at her
  1087. >She was blushing intensely and giving you a thought-breaking stare
  1088. “What?”
  1089. >”Do you mind?”
  1090. “I have underwear on! Don’t worry about it, you’re naked right now yourself, aren’t you?”
  1091. >”B-… W-.. That’s not the poi… Ghhh!”
  1092. >She threw the brush back on the dresser and threw herself under the covers
  1093. >You’d have to apologize later, but right now you had to get these jeans on
  1094. >You finally get your big fat gauzetoe through the hole and eventually find your sneakers to slap on
  1095. Ding, dong
  1096. >What, really? Harry seemed like a nice guy, he’s never shown impatience before
  1097. >Something must be seriously wrong
  1098. >Or maybe it’s because it’s been nearly five minutes and you haven’t combed your hair yet
  1099. >Son of a bitch, seven!?
  1100. “C-COMING, ONE SEC!”
  1101. >You start clawing at the loops in your hair, not messing with the brush at all
  1102. >Out of the bedroom
  1103. >Slam the door
  1104. >Hobble to the front
  1105. >Unlock the padlock
  1106. >Undo the main lock
  1107. >Undo the main lock
  1108. >Undo the main lock
  1109. “You piece of shit I swear I will cut you out of the frame if you do not co-operate!”
  1110. >You tried to keep your mumbles down to a minimum
  1111. >Finally you’re able to throw open the door
  1112. >You instantly close it behind you as you greet your boss with as much courage as you can muster
  1113. >You give your best professional smile to Harry that you can possibly muster
  1114. “I’m really sorry about that, I had a bit of a rough night…
  1115. >>”It’s fine, just make yourself more available in the future, alright? Let’s go.”
  1116. “..Uh, go where?”
  1117. >>”Did you think I came down here just to say hello? Anon, guess who’s waiting down at the studio, right now?”
  1118. >You didn’t like where this was going
  1119. “… Shaka Kahn?”
  1120. >>”Funny, but no. Get your keys, we’re going to have an impromptu meeting with –the- teen idol, and I need you on the soundboard to make sure this runs smoothy, we’re doing a test run to see how everything goes. If this deal happens, Anon, we’re all getting raises. Big ones. And we’ll be converting into a conglomerate.”
  1121. >Teen idol
  1122. >You only knew a few of them, but they all made you want to vomit uncontrollably
  1123. “If I might ask, which one are you talking about?”
  1124. >>”Bieber, are you thick? Get your jacket, we need to go now.”
  1125. >Vomit incoming
  1126. >You successfully pass off your wretch as a weird cough, and you try to stall as you think of a way out of this
  1127. “Wait, Harry. What about Jamal, he’s been at the studio longer than I have, why didn’t you get him?”
  1128. >>”He wasn’t home today, but I got out of there before I could really check, because there was smeared shit all over his neighbor’s door and it was fucking disgusting. And no, Helena couldn’t come in either, but I’d rather have you than the newbie anyways.”
  1129. >Damnit, it looks like you had no choice
  1130. >You knew you had to leave
  1131. >But you couldn’t leave Trixie alone, at least not yet
  1132. >You had no idea how well last night worked, but you didn’t want to risk anything
  1133. >It wouldn’t be a very good gesture to bond with her all this time, helping her get through all of this, then just take off for 8 hours
  1134. >Which means she needed to go with you
  1135. >But how was she going to stay disguised…
  1136. >You needed to talk to her
  1137. “O-okay. But you need to give me about ten minutes, is that okay? Like I said, rough night, and I need to go sort everything out. Please, Harry?”
  1138. >He gave you a very discomforting look, and sighed heavily
  1139. >>”..Fine, I’ll make a call. You have ten minutes, starting now. Go.”
  1140. “Thank you, man, thanks. I’ll be right out!”
  1141. >You turn back to your door and turn the doorknob
  1142. >It won’t turn
  1143. >You look up at the doorframe, then back at the knob, and shake it wildly
  1144. >The padlock must’ve swung back into place when you closed the door behind you
  1145. >You were locked out
  1146. >You cockadilly whore, you locked yourself out of the apartment!
  1147. >>”You did not just do that, Anon.”
  1148. “… Don’t worry, I have a friend over, she can come unlock it.”
  1150. >You just hoped and prayed to Celestia (or Luna?) that she would get the hint you were going to throw out there
  1151. >Clear your throat
  1152. “T-trixie!”
  1153. >
  1154. “Trixie, can you hear me?”
  1155. >Your boss was staring at you incredulously
  1156. >>” ‘Rough’ night, huh Anon?”
  1157. >”…. Anon?”
  1158. “Trixie, I locked myself out. Can you let me… And my friend out here back in?”
  1159. >There was a pause
  1160. >“Your friend?”
  1161. “Yes, my friend. Actually, my boss from work. Can you uuh… Clean up, and let us in?”
  1162. >Trixie was a smart pone, you had faith that she knew what you meant
  1163. >Please, please know
  1164. >Suddenly, a blue light emanates from under the door, and you put your feet up against it
  1165. “SON OF A BITCH!”
  1166. >You grasp your toe
  1167. >Harry comes up and steadies you by the shoulder
  1168. >>”Jesus, Anon. What did you do?”
  1169. “Gh, nothing, I just had an accident, it’s nothing major..”
  1170. “Are you ready yet Trixie?”
  1171. >”…Just a minute, Anon, this takes time, you know!”
  1172. “Right, sorry.”
  1173. >>”Don’t rush the ladies in the morning Anon, I know from personal experience. Shit, I’m sorry about doubting you before, now I know why you were taking so long.”
  1174. >You decide to roll with it
  1175. “Y-yeah..”
  1176. >The door makes metallic clings
  1177. >The door is slowly swept open, and your jaw hits the ground
  1178. >She was nothing short of a Goddess
  1179. >Trixie had pulled off a very successful illusion, to the point where you thought she actually transformed
  1180. >She still had her normal mane color for her hair, and those vibrant eyes
  1181. >And she was covered with nothing except the thin blanket she draped over you while you were in the kitchen
  1182. >You may not want to do things like that to her but little anon was definitely awake now
  1183. >>”My my, Anon, you didn’t tell me you were such a charmer.”
  1184. >Your boss pushes you out of your own doorway
  1185. >He raises and takes Trixie’s ‘hand’, giving it a light kiss
  1186. >She was loving every second of it, simpering like a lady
  1187. >>”My name is Harry Smith, and you are simply stunning. Trixie, was it?”
  1188. >”Why yes it is…”
  1189. >Yeahthisisn’thappening
  1190. “Harry?”
  1191. >>”Hm?”
  1192. “I’ll be right with you, I think you have a call to make, right? Okay? Awesome, I’ll be right out.”
  1193. >You had placed yourself in between them as you were talking and made sure your boss was outside completely before shutting the door
  1194. >”Anon, what are you doing? It was cold out there, Trixie demands you welcome this guest!”
  1195. “Okay, don’t hate me…”
  1196. >She instantly gave you that look again
  1197. >Human or Pony, that look scared you, and your tone got significantly lighter
  1198. “My boss, is a bit of a player, okay? So I had to come up with a reason for me being in the state I was in, and h-he assumed..”
  1199. >”…Assumed what?”
  1200. >She was just as tall as you with this illusion and it was very intimidating
  1201. “W-well, he thinks… We’re… We’re an item, and we need to keep it that way.”
  1202. >Her face flushes
  1203. >”..Excuse me?”
  1204. “We’re not ACTUALLY together, we just… Have to keep that image, is that okay?”
  1205. >”You couldn’t have told him otherwise?”
  1206. “Did you really want him hitting on you?”
  1207. >”… Fine.”
  1208. “So, with that out of the way, it—“
  1209. >”You should still invite him in. It would be good reputation in your favor if you were a little more hospitable, right?”
  1210. >She was right, you just didn’t want him seeing your house like this
  1211. >Trixie walks back to the bedroom with her nose high in the air as you slump back to the door, defeated
  1212. >You open the door back up, seeing Harry still on the phone
  1213. >You wave him in, and he promptly steps inside after pausing to see what you meant
  1214. >You close the door behind him and you make your way to the bedroom behind Trixie
  1215. >You couldn’t help but think that the OP’s rules were actually pretty lenient, considering this illusion thing worked
  1216. >Back in the bedroom, and you start to get yourself ready for a long day ahead
  1217. “So, Trixie, I was meaning to ask you something.”
  1218. >“What’s that?”
  1219. “I figured this would be a good time to, train your magic, and I thought about, you know, not keeping you all cooped up in here. So, did you want to come with me?”
  1220. >She looked at you intently, deep in thought
  1221. >”Trixie –would- like to see where the mysterious Anon works, but she’s already straining her magic just keeping this form. She would be seen.”
  1222. “Well, I have a car, you can rest your magic while we drive down, and there’s a bathroom right across the hall where we’ll be working. You can go there and recharge as you need to, right?”
  1223. >She still looked uncertain, but you did not want to leave her here, not yet
  1224. >You go over and sit down next to her
  1225. “Just remember, if anything happens, I’ll be there to protect you. I won’t let anything happen to you, Trixie. And if things decide to go south at the studio, then I won’t hesitate to risk everything to make sure you’re alright. You got me.”
  1226. >”…Don’t t-try to make Trixie get all sappy again, Anon, that was a one time t-thing.”
  1227. >She sniffed and held back tears. Then she finally nodded.
  1228. >”Alright.”
  1229. >You rub her back in comfort, not wanting to try and hug her because of the illusion
  1230. >Too late for that, she was already around you
  1231. >You hug back, trying not to think about the fact that you feel fur when you’re touching skin
  1232. >After a moment, you slowly let her back and look at your closet
  1233. >You just remembered, you’re a hermit
  1234. >And a guy
  1235. “Damn, I forgot about that. We need to find you some clothes.”
  1236. >”No need, Anon. Just find Trixie an outfit that humans would consider normal, and she can manipulate her illusion to incorporate it. Just make it quick, because she’s running out of fuel…”
  1237. >You took another look at her, and she was indeed showing signs of fatigue
  1238. >You go over to your closet and pick out a set of jeans and a sweater that you never wore because of the questionable patterns
  1239. >You’re also able to find some old sneakers tucked away at the back of your closet
  1240. “Will this do?”
  1241. >Trixie gets herself up off the bed
  1242. >”Yes, the image is in Trixie’s mind now… Uhm, turn around.”
  1243. “What for?”
  1244. >She was looking away from you awkwardly
  1245. >”Just look away, alright? Trixie… doesn’t perform well under pressure. Happy?”
  1246. >What a load of shit
  1247. “You’re a traveling performer. You did this for a living, and you don’t perform well under pressure?”
  1248. >She gives you the full wrath of her human features, making every muscle contort for the angriest face she could possibly create
  1249. >”Fine, if you don’t want to turn around, I don’t care! This isn’t my body anyways!”
  1250. >And there goes the blanket
  1251. >Oh, that’s what she mea—HEEYAAAAAAAAAAA
  1252. >You instantly cover your eyes
  1253. >And that’s when it happened
  1254. >There was a knock at the bedroom door
  1255. >Trixie instinctively turned around to see who it was, after all, who wouldn’t
  1256. >But this wasn’t opportune
  1257. >Your hands dropped as Harry just strolls right in
  1258. >And silence
  1259. >>”Oh, m-miss I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
  1260. >He wasn’t sorry
  1261. >He wasn’t even backing out of the room, just half-heartedly covering his eyes
  1262. >Trixie had stood there, stunned, until she realized what had happened
  1263. >She covers herself with the blanket again
  1264. >And you’re just rocketing out of the universe with jet engines of pure spaghetti
  1265. >And yet, you felt something else, a new emotion
  1267. >You didn’t mean it to be that loud, but this new emotion was very powerful, and made your throat sore
  1268. >They both looked at you with surprise and shock
  1269. >Harry promptly backs up and closes the door
  1270. >Finally, the emotion begins to recede
  1271. >But that didn’t explain how you managed to move halfway across the room and have your fists curled up so tight you were actually bleeding in your palms
  1272. >It was Trixie’s turn to look scared
  1273. >”…A-anon?”
  1274. >You didn’t even know what happened
  1275. “…I guess I got a little, carried away?”
  1276. >She was silent
  1277. “…I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to fly off the handle like that… Honestly, I didn’t know that was possible.”
  1278. >You can’t believe you let that happen
  1279. >Why did it happen?
  1280. [spoiler]Because you love her.[/spoiler]
  1281. >Whoa, where did that come from?
  1282. >…In any case, you wipe your hands on the back of your jeans
  1283. >Trixie finally breaks the silence by shedding the blanket again, this time there being no objections
  1284. >You were already going to the door, anyways
  1285. >As she started to change her illusion, you quickly went out of your bedroom door and slowly approached a hostile boss
  1286. “Look, Harry, I’m sorry about that, I really am. It was just the heat of the moment, and I…”
  1287. >>”No, no… I shouldn’t have just barged in. I didn’t know you two were… that close.”
  1288. >Close?
  1289. >Was it that obvious, already?
  1290. “It’s alright… I didn’t know either, apparently. Okay, let me get my jacket now.”
  1291. >
  1292. >That was certainly an interesting experience
  1293. >In the span of 24 hours, a pony from a children’s cartoon has come to your doorstep delivered by a complete stranger
  1294. >She’s almost killed you twice
  1295. >You traded memories together through literal magic
  1296. >She broke down in front of you, and you comforted her
  1297. >You fed her
  1298. >Took her into your home
  1299. >Got her to watch one of the most offensive movies of the 21st century
  1300. >Got her to play one of the most iconic video games of the 20th century
  1301. >Had the most fun you’ve ever had in over 10 years with her
  1302. >Saw her naked, even if in an illusioned form
  1303. >And now she’s sitting here in your passenger’s seat, using one of your wet brushes and a bar of soap to freshen up while you drove down to work to soundboard for one of the biggest Jews on the planet
  1304. >You didn’t know how it was possible, but she was cute when she was frustrated
  1305. >She was trying so hard not to use her horn, to prepare her magic for the coming day
  1306. >It seems she was a bit out of practice with those hooves
  1307. >You offered to help, but you ended up nearly capsizing a Cadillac on the highway after you were getting her back with the brush
  1308. >That wouldn’t have been good for either of you, considering you’re driving a shitty ’92 Lincoln
  1309. >Trixie had been impressed by the shit-tier vehicle, however
  1310. >She insisted to take a look under the hood before we left home, further debilitating our efforts to get there in time for the teenpopstarjewnazi
  1311. >Needless to say, she was both astounded and confused by the automobile’s technology
  1312. >Thankfully, you all arrived at the studio in a record 35 minutes, and Trixie was ready to reapply that trusty illusion
  1313. >After some awkward greetings with you, Trixie and Harry, you all finally went inside to go meet the little girl hisself
  1314. ____________________________________________
  1315. -Based writefag side-story-
  1316. “What is it this time, Anon? It better be worth Trixie’s time.”
  1317. >You know it isn’t, but you don’t say anything
  1318. >You were browsing on the tube of you when you found TIME
  1319. >The sequel to one of the biggest clusterfuck shock vids on the site
  1320. >As soon as you finished that video, you know you had to make Trixie watch it
  1321. >Her reaction to Bruno was absolutely priceless, and you see no reason why this would be different
  1322. “Don’t worry, I swear that you won’t be bored.”
  1323. >”…Oddly specific.”
  1324. >She’s giving you that look again
  1325. >You love that look
  1326. >So does little anon
  1327. >Okay, crossing legs. It didn’t help she was sitting halfway on your lap to get a good look at your laptop screen from the couch
  1328. >You play the video, beginning the torture (for her)
  1329. >The title screen flashes, and Trixie shifts uncomfortably on your lap
  1330. >You felt her go backwards a little bit
  1331. >The puppets are sitting around, the ticking noise so abundant
  1332. >Trixie looks at the screen with massive distrust, like there’d be a jumpscare or something
  1333. >”… What? What’s this supposed to be? This red thing is made of yarn?”
  1334. >>”C’mon guys, quit mucking around. We’ve only got 5 minutes until the show starts.”
  1335. >>”That’s not enough time!”
  1336. >More silence
  1337. >”… Wait, wouldn’t you want the time to pass if you’re waiting for a show to come on? Trixie is confused..”
  1338. >>”There’s always enough time for a song.”
  1339. >”…Okay, the clock just spoke. Trixie isn’t going to be brainwashed or something?”
  1340. “Just keep watching.”
  1341. >”Trixie hates it when you say that, so much…”
  1342. >She sighs lightly, and she’s backed up far enough to where she was laying on your chest
  1343. >The clock had dismounted itself from the wall, grew limbs, and was dancing to a piano
  1344. >If she wasn’t confused before, she definitely was now
  1345. >However, since there wasn’t anything majorly disturbing from this point, the initial shock subsided, and she watched the video play uncouthly
  1346. >>”Time is a tool you can put on the wall, or wear it on your wrist. The past is far behind us, and the future doesn’t exist.”
  1347. >>”Oh, what’s the time?”
  1348. >>”It’s a quarter to nine, time to have a bath!”
  1349. >Trixie had been subtly bobbing her head to the simple beat until the video took another random turn, and now she concentrated on what was happening
  1350. >>”What do you mean? We’re already clean!”
  1351. >>”Scrub scrub scrub ‘till the water is BROWN, Time is a ruler to measure the day, It doesn’t go backwards, only one way, watch it go ‘round like a merry-go-round, going so fast like a merry-go-round”
  1352. >The visuals began to get a bit questionable, with random splices of space and Claymation interspersed
  1353. >You decide to pause really quick
  1354. “How’s it so far?”
  1355. >She looks at you
  1356. >”Trixie is very… befuddled. It presents itself like a children’s rhyme, but… it most certainly isn’t. She doesn’t care to watch any more of this, Anon.”
  1357. “Just keep watching.”
  1358. “No.”
  1359. “Jus’ keep watchin’.”
  1360. “No!”
  1361. “Jus’ keep watchin’.”
  1362. >And you press play again, moving her face back to the screen
  1363. >Suddenly, the instruments grow in number and they’re walking through a British Victorian-era town
  1364. >>”Time is old, like a Victorian time.”
  1365. >>”With cobbles and plagues and speaking in rhymes!”
  1366. >>”With cobwebs and chimneys, it’s a simpler time!”
  1367. >>”With cobbles and sawdust and batteries and slime!”
  1368. >Trixie raised a hoof away from the screen, cringing as the slime-monster came out of the manhole
  1369. >The video keeps going with its nursery-rhyme theme past the trees and the apple part
  1370. >Then the sound suddenly distorts when the apple rots, the moon suddenly turning into the sun, and sound returns
  1371. >”What the buck?”
  1372. >It keeps going
  1373. >>”-Like birthdays, and camping!”
  1374. >>”I’m friends with my dad…”
  1375. >The video pans to the ‘dad’, another puppet with a crooked nose, single strands of hair and the music starts to distort slightly, completely interrupting the lyrics
  1376. >She wasn’t having much fun, you could tell
  1377. >After this, you were going to stop showing her so much weird shit
  1378. >But for now, you decided to sit back and enjoy the suffering
  1379. >The music plays again, more lyrics about time and now the puppets are walking through space, vivid imagery abound
  1380. >>”- It’s the future!”
  1381. >The music now adds a rather cheerful beat behind it, and a rather large machine is connected to the puppet’s heads
  1382. >>”Time is now, the future anew! Look at all the wonderful things you can do.”
  1383. >>”With gadgets, addresses, and e-mail addresses,”
  1384. >The one duck puppet was shaking
  1385. >>”My D-dad was… i-is a computer.”
  1386. >Another creepy stare by ‘Dad’
  1387. >The clock materializes in what could only have been a porn site on the computer, and continues the lyrics
  1388. >>”LOOK AT THE TIME!”
  1389. >And so began the descent into madness
  1390. >Trixie had some powerful resolve for a being that was not anywhere near as corrupted as the average human, but she was still cringing at some of the weirder aspects
  1391. >”UGH! GH-“
  1392. >When the dead fish carcass came up on the tray, Trixie held a hoof to her mouth
  1393. “Almost there.”
  1394. >>”—Maybe time is just a construct of human perception, an illusion created by-“
  1396. >You started laughing
  1397. >Trixie started to flinch each time another beep got louder and louder
  1398. >You had the volume on maximum
  1399. >And one of the puppet’s ears started bleeding, displayed in all its simple detail
  1400. >”That actually did hurt a little bit..”
  1401. >The music starts to crescendo
  1402. >>”Look at your hair grown, isn’t time strange, how it makes your appearance change?”
  1403. >Herewego.gif
  1404. >Hair starts falling
  1405. >The duck’s fingers start melting skin and feathers
  1406. >Trixie wretches again, her eyes now glued to the screen
  1407. >>”Gghhhaaaaaaaaaaaaa”
  1408. >The red haired puppet rips something out of his head
  1409. >More melting, bones
  1410. >”…Ooogh, that’s disgusting, why!?”
  1411. >Decrepit corpses
  1412. >>”Make it stop…”
  1413. >An eyeball falls out with an appropriate squishing noise
  1414. >>”It’s out of my hands, I’m only a clock. Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll be fine, but eventually everyone runs out of time…”
  1415. >Trixie was actually a bit green in the face, and there was a look of pure horror you haven’t seen on her yet
  1416. >The music recedes, and all that’s left is the ticking, the room unchanged
  1417. >Roll credits
  1418. >
  1419. >You were chuckling silently the entire time the breakdown happened
  1420. >It looked like Trixie had no idea what to say or do
  1421. >So you broke the silence
  1422. “Soooo… How was it?
  1423. >She turns to look at you
  1424. >Sees the big goofy grin on your face
  1425. >She was still completely dumbfounded, mouth agape and eyes wide
  1426. >You don’t think she was going to be able to articulate anything
  1427. “And no, I promise I won’t make you watch anything else that weird.”
  1428. >You brush the mane out of her eyes
  1429. >And you kiss her horn, because why not
  1430. >She makes the cutest little yelp noise as you did so, and hoofs you across the face
  1431. >Totally worth it
  1432. >”None of that Anon, you only get to do that when you show Trixie something worth her time!”
  1433. >And with that, she gets off your lap and returns to the game room
  1434. >Oh well, you still got to kiss her horn without getting your head blown off.
  1435. >Missionsuccess.png
  1436. _______________________________________
  1438. >The studio you worked at, while decently modest, was nothing to shake a stick at
  1439. >It had a very pristine lobby with various glass sculptures and a pearlescent, marbled sort of floor
  1440. >There were hundreds of different rewards, plaques, trophies and ribbons that have been collected by the studio's promising protégés that donated it to where they graduated, all displayed on the white pristine walls in individual glass casings
  1441. >It wouldn't hurt to mention this studio was probably the most advanced building in your entire county, being a hicktown from Ohio
  1442. >In fact, Trixie's current reaction was about right for what you did when you first walked in
  1443. >She was simply standing in awe at all of the intricate architecture, and the cleanliness of the studio
  1444. >"...It's not the Canterlot palace, but it's still simply stunning.."
  1445. >You put a finger on her lips when Harry and a few of your co-workers looked at her in curiosity
  1446. "It's a tourist attraction out in Europe, she's traveled a long way. Isn't that right, Trixie?"
  1447. >You give her a look that hopefully said 'You should know better'
  1448. >"...Uh, right, you-rope?."
  1449. >The studio manager came from one of the office doors within the hallway, instantly moving over to the group that had converged in the lobby
  1450. >>"I don't want to hear it, I don't care, you're here now Anon, let's get this show on the road. Justin's been waiting for the last hour, and his agent is pissed. We need to work some real magic, now-- Wait, who's the braud?"
  1451. >He was eyeing over Trixie, and you could almost see her ego inflating
  1452. >”The Great and Powerful Trixie, sir. It’s a pleasure.”
  1453. >>”Great and Powerful? Stage name?”
  1454. >”I guess you could say it like that…”
  1455. >fucking based
  1456. >She was even cute when she was arrogant
  1457. “Well anyways, could I get a chance to talk to him, you know, apologize?”
  1458. >>”Might as well. Let’s roll, team. You can sit back in the sound room with us… Trixie, was it?”
  1459. >All of us started walking, making small talk
  1460. >You weren’t too pre-occupied talking to Harry, keeping an eye on the manager and Trix
  1461. >”Indeed.”
  1462. >>”So what exactly do you stage?”
  1463. >”I’m a very talented magician, if you must know.”
  1464. >>”Over in Europe, then?”
  1465. >She hesitated, looking back at you for a second
  1466. >You nod, making sure she doesn’t reveal too much
  1467. >”Yes, over there.”
  1468. >>”Nice to have another foreigner to keep the idol happy, I suppose. What kind of tricks do you do?”
  1469. >ohboyherewego
  1470. >Trixie stops in her tracks, giving a very mischievous smile
  1471. “Well, to be honest sir, her tricks are a bit too extravagant for these dinky hallways. She’s a major performer, after all.”
  1472. >Trixie got the hint behind what you said, but she gave you a very appreciative look anyways
  1473. >You give one back as the manager leads you into the waiting area
  1474. >”By the stars, this smells worse than Zecora’s hut!”
  1475. >You were very glad none of your co-workers knew about the show at that point
  1476. >And you’re also grateful for the headcanon that Trixie just gave you, because the air is completely saturated with hemp
  1477. >Harry and the manager smelled it too, but they were too pissy to say anything
  1478. >Especially since it was Biebs himself that was causing it. Him and his tour friends, anyways
  1479. >>”Hello again, Mr. Bieber, are you feeling well?”
  1480. >>>”Cash, man…”
  1481. >You wanted to punch his throat so hard
  1482. >Then again, this is the first time you’ve met anyone famous, deserving or not
  1483. “Hey, Justin, just wanted to say sorry for taking so long… You alright?”
  1484. >His eyes were so glazed over, even had a bit of a red tint
  1485. >He was high out of his fucking mind, and he had to sing for us
  1486. >This was gonna be a while
  1487. >”Uhm, be right back, Trixie needs to use the bathroom..”
  1488. >You knew it was for her illusion recharge, but you couldn’t help but think she just wanted out of the air
  1489. >Either way, she left you there with three co-workers who suddenly just found out she speaks in the third-person
  1490. >You remind yourself to make her play Out of This World when you get back for revenge
  1491. “Yeah, it’s just a verbal tic. Hey! Let’s get everything set up and get this going, huh?”
  1492. ---
  1493. >
  1494. >That was ugly
  1495. >You were thinking about what had just transpired as you began monotonously flipping on power switches, throwing down the dials, and getting the soundboard ready
  1496. >Bieber’s manager came in and just threw a huge tantrum
  1497. >He didn’t like your tardiness, and he didn’t like Bieber’s public display of snoop pride
  1498. >That’s when Harry stepped in and started defending you
  1499. >You were still guilty about shouting at him before, because he really was a good friend
  1500. >Even if he was a lecherous swinger
  1501. >They were arguing so long, getting your manager into it, that Trixie was able to come back before they had stopped
  1502. >You knew this deal was going to be bumpy, so you shut your mouth and inferred Trixie to do the same
  1503. >She was content, and was busy looking at the way you seamlessly know exactly where to put your fingers on the complicated soundboard
  1504. >Flipping up specific switches and putting the CDs (which you corrected her from DVDs, noting the difference) into the recording booth
  1505. >For being so great and powerful, she always seemed to be impressed by your actions
  1506. >You never really thought about it, but the way she looked at you just made you feel… happy. It was like when you did something heroic without even realizing it, and everyone was cheering for you
  1507. >Except it was just Trixie’s awe that made you feel a million times better than that
  1508. >When you found her looking at you, you had looked back
  1509. >You both were smiling, looking at each other’s eyes all of a sudden
  1510. >And for that moment, nothing else mattered to you
  1511. >This was something you were going to do for her, not for them
  1512. >>”Recording session one, tape one, live feed mix on the next screen. Fred, make sure the frequencies don’t interfere on the drum sets again, we haven’t fixed it yet. Anon, raise the levels of Mic. #3, 6, and … 4, up slightly. Little more… Alright, everything checks out. Mute and wait, gentleman… and lady.”
  1513. >
  1514. >Where’d he go?
  1515. >Oh, there he is, laughing his ass off with his tour band, high as a kite
  1516. >You watch as they trail off their train of thought multiple times, until they finally get to their positions and ready themselves
  1517. >You took a quick glance at the studio manager, who was still fuming about the argument
  1518. >It looked like he was contemplating his life when he had a weedhead popstar in the input booth, looking for a reason why he was still doing this
  1519. >You felt kind of bad for him, so you turn off the voice receiver
  1520. “Hey, Mr. ?”
  1521. >>”What’s wrong?”
  1522. “Nothing, just..”
  1523. >Now everyone was staring at you in the recording booth
  1524. >Before, you would have beta’d instantly and shrunk halfway down your seat
  1525. >But after everything with Trixie and getting through barriers you never thought you’d break down…
  1526. “I just wanted to say that even if this is going to fucking suck, if we make this deal all our lives are going to be a lot better. There’s a reason we’re putting up with this whole thing, right?”
  1527. >Harry was ecstatic
  1528. >>”Anon, now you’re speaking my language.”
  1529. >The voice receiver is pressed again
  1530. >>”Alright, Justin, whenever you’re ready.”
  1531. >
  1532. >You didn’t have much else to do while the actual recording happened
  1533. >Besides ejecting the bum disc whenever there was a bad recording, reloading it, and making sure everything’s running before trying again
  1534. >Which happened, a lot
  1535. >>”Recording session two, tape twenty-five, live feed mix on the next screen… Let’s go from the third verse and keep trying. You’re doing great, guys.”
  1536. >You could feel the thickness of the lie within that last sentence
  1537. >It’s been nearly five hours now
  1538. >Thankfully, everyone was too tired to notice Trixie had excused herself to the bathroom seven times so far
  1539. >The time between her breaks was slowly broadening, but not by much
  1540. >Each time, however, she always came back in no less than 15 minutes
  1541. >It’s been over 40 minutes this time
  1542. >You were gravely concerned, constantly looking at the door
  1543. >But you couldn’t leave, you were three quarters of the way through the song now
  1544. >You had to go in there and see what was wrong
  1545. >Apparently, your concern was showing on your face
  1546. >>”Alright, before we start, let’s take a ten minute break. Some of us needs to clear our heads, and some of us need to use the squatter, I’m guessing. Back at 8:30, sharp.”
  1547. >Your concern looked like you had to take a shit
  1548. >Good to know
  1549. >Either way, it worked out perfectly for you
  1550. >You pat the manager on the shoulder and walk quickly outside, throwing yourself into the girls’ bathroom before anyone saw you
  1551. >You’ve never been in the girl’s bathroom before, but it wasn’t time to lose your shit
  1552. >You had a pony to care for
  1553. “Trixie? Where are you?”
  1554. >”Anon?”
  1555. “Yeah, it’s me. Are you alright?”
  1556. >She was in the last stall over, and just in case anyone decided to walk in, you go hop into the stall next to her and sit down
  1557. >”Trixie was just taking another break, recuperating her magic. You shouldn’t be in here, you know!”
  1558. “I was worried, Trix. You’ve been out here nearly 40 minutes, do you realize that?”
  1559. >She was silent for a moment
  1560. >”Alright, maybe she’s been gone for a little longer than… usual.. But I’m fine, see?”
  1561. >There was suddenly a powerful blue light emitting from her stall
  1562. >It was absolutely majestic, and you’ve only seen the light coming from it
  1563. >She steps out of the stall, showing her illusioned shoes under your own
  1564. >”The reason Trixie stayed in here was because… Well, don’t take this the wrong way anon, but this Justin character is just a foul-mouthed little foal with a nice voice. And he can’t even use it right!”
  1565. >Oh, how you would give to record that line and throw it up on youtube
  1566. “You have no idea how happy that makes me, Trix.”
  1567. >She gave a bit of a snide laugh when she realized what you meant
  1568. >”I’m fine now, let’s g—“
  1569. >The bathroom door opened
  1570. >You couldn’t see who it was, but there was an invading scent of hash
  1571. ---
  1572. >You tuck your knees into your stomach instantly
  1573. >You didn’t want to be caught here, after all
  1574. >”Excuse me, what are you doing in the ladies’ room?”
  1575. >>>”It’s cool, baby, I just wanted to see your face again.”
  1576. >Justin’s getting himself into trouble
  1577. >It’s not like he had enough with the last time he was partying around, that drag-racing incident wasn’t taken lightly
  1578. >”Well, as flattering as that is, you’re trespassing, and you should probably leave, before something happens.”
  1579. >The tone of her voice near the end sent shivers down your spine
  1580. >How did Twilight ever stand up to her, again?
  1581. >>>”Chill, babe, I just wanted to come talk to you. I’ve seen some girls before, but never like you.”
  1582. >”What do you mean?”
  1583. >>>”You’re really hot…”
  1584. >His voice was half-assed and slurred because of his high
  1585. >And you were about ready to tear off the stall door and beat him with it
  1586. >You think your hands are bleeding again, but you weren’t paying attention
  1587. >>>”-and nobody else is around… maybe we could mess around a little?”
  1588. >”Again, flattering… But you’re obviously not in your right mind.”
  1589. >>>”C’mon, I saw you lookin’ at me.”
  1590. >”Everyone was looking at you because you’re famous (whyever it happened)… Trixie’s just trying to be nice, but you’re making it rather difficult.”
  1591. >You could hear footsteps now
  1592. >>>”Baby, you don’t know what you’re missing, just give me one kiss-“
  1593. >”What are you doing?”
  1594. >>>”Just tell me when to stop, girl…”
  1595. >”HEY! Touch Trixie again and she’ll make you wish you’d been born a girl!”
  1596. >Struggling
  1597. You could hear a sudden struggle, and you rocketed to your feet, slamming open the door and about to cave his skull in
  1598. >As you did, you watched it happen
  1599. >Trixie had gotten onto her hands, the illusion shaking slightly
  1600. >BUCK!
  1601. >Right in his fucking non-existent balls
  1602. >He screamed out like a helpless girl, further confirming theories of his true gender
  1603. >Wiping your hands on your already crusty jeans, you just watched him writhe in agony as Trixie sets herself back on all fours, and then get up from her illusioned hands
  1604. >All of your anger was completely replaced with suppressed laughter and amusement
  1605. “Trixie… you just busted Justin Bieber’s balls.”
  1606. >”Did you know what he was trying to do?”
  1607. “Yes, that’s… that’s w-why it’s funny!”
  1608. >Your voice cracked on funny, and you just completely lost it
  1609. >Thankfully, most of the walls inside the studio were soundproofed to keep reverb down, including the bathroom
  1610. >Trixie was completely dumbfounded at your reaction, just a blankly surprised stare
  1611. >You willed yourself to calm down, wiping your face of tears as you go to his writhing form, and you look at his pitiful state
  1612. >You grab him by the collar and raise him up with a little difficulty
  1613. >You make a mental note to start working out some more
  1614. >You set him leaning against the counter, and you make him look at you
  1615. “Hey, Justin?”
  1616. “Dude, you got knocked the hell out, for trying to take advantage of my girlfriend.”
  1617. >He was rather unresponsive, clutching his area and still whimpering
  1618. “Listen, I’ll be willing to forget what happened here, I’ll forget what you just tried to do, if you go in there and tell your agent that you want the deal with the studio, got it?”
  1619. >He didn’t answer, and you open his bloodshot eyes to make him look at you
  1620. “Got it?”
  1621. >He manages a quick nod, and you prop him up on your shoulder, looking back at Trixie
  1622. “It’s not like he would’ve been able to do it. I know you’re a lot tougher than he is anyways.”
  1623. >”Trixie doesn’t think it would take much”
  1624. >Take the wet cloth and apply it gently to the burn
  1625. >The three of you go out of the bathroom, Trixie first to make sure the coast was clear
  1626. >Turns out everyone else was waiting for you guys when you got back in
  1627. >>”Justin? What happened to you?”
  1628. “He went outside and was doing a shitty stunt, caught his dick on the railing.”
  1629. >He looked at you with a mixture of pain and anger
  1630. >You just stared him down until he had to sit down and orient himself, affirming what you said
  1631. >Trixie came up to you, wrapping her apparent arms around your shoulders
  1632. >It was an odd feeling, because you knew nothing was actually there, but you saw the arms
  1633. >Somehow, as if magic was at work, you heard her voice and breath in your ear
  1634. >”You’re very powerful when you want to be, anon.”
  1635. >She left you with a chub
  1636. >Fuck, Trixie was right!
  1637. >Ever since she came into your life, whenever it was for her sake, you’ve been more alpha than your bullies in high school
  1638. >It was unreal how take-charge you’ve been lately
  1639. >It was a good feeling to have a bit of control in your life
  1640. >And you owed it all to her
  1641. >She gave you another smile when she walked away from you
  1642. >That’s when you decided, you were going to pay her back for everything she’s done, somehow
  1643. >Justin had played his part of the deal, and in return you and Trixie wouldn’t arrest him for sexual harassment
  1644. >He didn’t want another shitstorm under his belt
  1645. >The deal was sealed, signed and accounted for, and your hourly wage turned into a yearly salary, on paper at least
  1646. >Harry and Mr. Bateman (Your studio manager) congratulated the workers after the dealers left, told them a job well done, and sent everyone home for the week to prep for the ensuing changes
  1647. >Oddly enough, Harry gave you the keys and asked you to lock up tonight
  1648. >It was the perfect opportunity, and you took it
  1649. >Tonight was going to be magical
  1650. ----
  1651. >By the time you got everything in the recording and sound booth turned off, everyone else but you and Trixie had left
  1652. >She dropped her illusion promptly, getting tired of sitting in a stall every time she wanted to rest
  1653. >It was good to see her in her natural form again, no matter how cute she was humanized
  1654. >You think about how blasphemous that thought would be on /mlp/
  1655. >Then again, they didn’t really have any actual experience on the matter
  1656. >You locked out the studio, making sure each door was secure
  1657. >However, you went inside the rec room and pulled something from one of the many libraries of old hard-copy discs they had, quickly stowing it into your jacket before Trixie could see
  1658. >It turns out she saw something, because she spoke up when you locked the door behind her
  1659. >”Mind telling Trixie what you just took from your workplace, Anon?”
  1660. >She had this quaint little smirk on her face, amused by the fact you’d steal from work
  1661. “Uh… I just left something in there, and I … just remembered to go get it, that’s all, yeah.”
  1662. >You fucking terrible liar beta
  1663. >”Please, don’t make her laugh. Trixie’s seen and done much more than she thinks you have, Anon, so don’t try to pussyhoof around. Tell her what it was, at least!”
  1664. >You stared at her incredulously, trying your dearest not to laugh out loud
  1665. >Pussyhoof was a new one
  1666. “Sorry, not this time Trix. You gotta wait, it’s a surprise.”
  1667. >”A surprise for who?”
  1668. “I’ll tell you if you come with me, kay?”
  1669. >”Don’t skimp out on Trixie, just remember who has the magic here!”
  1670. “And you remember who has the ride home.”
  1671. >Boo-yah
  1672. >
  1673. >You both got in the freezing cold car
  1674. >It had dropped nearly 20 degrees since you both were out here last, and it was most certainly below freezing
  1675. >”H-hurry up, fur only does so much to keep this brisk cold off!”
  1676. >You focus on getting the right key off your horribly disorganized keychain
  1677. >Finally, you get the key in
  1678. >Turn that ignition
  1679. >Turn that ignition
  1680. >T- Oh you fucking piece of shit car
  1681. >”Why is the vehicle… neighing?”
  1682. “It’s not neighing, it’s stalling… Let me go check the engine.”
  1683. >Briskly fold your light jacket over your arms, step back out
  1684. >A faint light emanating from Trixie’s horn began as she huddled in on herself
  1685. >You suppose it was some sort of heat spell, but you were no longer in the cabin
  1686. >You unlatch the hood of your Lincoln, and start doing the normal checkups
  1687. >Previously checked gas, it was fine, sitting at ¾
  1688. >You were fine on oil, the level was still decently high and clear
  1689. >The wind began to drop the temperature even further
  1690. >The cold
  1691. >Oh no
  1692. >Antifreeze?
  1693. >You think you would have been angrier
  1694. >But after the powerful outbursts you had before, you figured you came full circle
  1695. >Not to say you could say the same about Trixie
  1696. >Lower the hood, and get back in the car
  1697. >Her magic was keeping a decent heat flow coming, impressive after the long day she had with her illusions
  1698. “Trixie?”
  1699. >”What is it, Anon? Trixie’s concentrating on not becoming an icicle.”
  1700. “Well, here’s the thing… Automobiles take a variety of different chemicals and fluids to function as autonomously as they do, like I told you before we left for the studio.”
  1701. >”…”
  1702. “You have gasoline that fuels the car, oil that keeps everything lubricated, some have washer fluid… Well, there’s another one called antifreeze.”
  1703. >”…”
  1704. “I-In layman’s terms, you need antifreeze to keep your engine from dying in the cold, …”
  1705. >”…”
  1706. >She looked absolutely livid
  1707. >Just say it, you’re alpha enough now, right?
  1708. “The car’s out of antifreeze.”
  1709. >”Anon, you’re going to tell Trixie that you have more of this chemical and that you were simply telling her for educational purposes.”
  1710. “..Wha-“
  1711. >”Because if you are not joking, I will personally force-feed your own-“
  1712. “We can get more, Trixie! It’s not like we’re stranded or anything, sorry if I implied that.”
  1713. >She rubs her face with her hoof, sighing in relief and indignation
  1714. “But I will have to hike about a mile to the nearest store to get some.”
  1715. >She looks right back up at you, baring her teeth
  1716. >”Couldn’t you have checked the status of this pile of junk before!?”
  1717. “Pile of junk—well, that’s true, but you were impressed by it before… Anyways, I needed to know if you were going to come with me or not. I understand if you don’t, because that illusion must’ve taken a lot out of you, right?”
  1718. >She eventually nods, but her expression changes
  1719. >No longer was there anger or annoyance, but concern and worry
  1720. >”You’ll be okay in this cold, won’t you?”
  1721. >It was such a heart-wrenching sight
  1722. >It made you think of her in the show, how she was always the one to show people up, or do whatever it took to make her look good, and yet, here she was, completely stripping her act in times of true crisis
  1723. >And for you, no less, Anon.
  1724. >You lean over and wrap your arm around her, placing your lips near her ear just as she did earlier
  1725. “I’ll be fine, Trixie. Just don’t worry.”
  1726. >With those words, you strip off your jacket, instantly regretting your decision
  1727. >You throw it around her as you get out of the car and start the long journey before she could protest
  1728. ---
  1729. >Wait a minute
  1730. >You feel your pockets, hoping you remembered to bring it
  1731. >There it is, your cellphone
  1732. >Most people live on their smartphones or droids these days, but you’ve never really taken to them
  1733. >You barely ever had contact with people, so the cellphone was only if someone really needed to get a hold of you
  1734. >Or if you needed to do the same…
  1735. >This situation fits that second reason, you think, and now you don’t have to worry about freezing your ass off
  1736. >Back in the car, you go!
  1737. >Flip out your phone and start dialing your insurance company, while Trixie gave you an odd look
  1738. >”What’s that, Anon?”
  1739. “This is a communication device that I just remembered I had. You can talk with people around the world using something called radio waves, that travel at the speed of light and transfer sound from this speaker here, to the receiver on the other device.”
  1740. >She looked more impressed then when she first saw your car
  1741. >”A very useful gadget, Trixie agrees. She wants to know who you plan on.. phoning?”
  1742. >The phone’s up to your ear, and you put a finger on your lips as it rings
  1743. >>”Hello, you have reached AAA services. If you are looking for roadside assistance, press 1. If you would like to contact the ins—“
  1744. >You click one, getting a bit impatient
  1745. >A bit more ringing
  1746. >>”Hello, AAA roadside assistance, may I have your member’s identification number?”
  1747. >Shit
  1748. >You dig through your wallet, eventually finding the card and rattling off the number to the representative
  1749. >Trixie was still busy trying to heat the cabin, so she was thankfully quiet for that display
  1750. >>”Thank you, Anon. Please state the model of your vehicle and approximate location.”
  1751. >You rattle off your ’92 Lincoln and the name of your studio
  1752. >>”What services do you require?”
  1753. >You thought about the reason why your car wouldn’t start, barring the fluid problem
  1754. >That’s when it hits you
  1755. “I think the cold temperature killed off my battery, and I’m running very low on anti-freeze. I can’t get my car to start.”
  1756. >>”Okay Anon, we’re dispatching a service truck to your location, and we estimate it will take between 30 to 45 minutes. You’ll get a call from our customer service when he is within five minutes of your location. Do you need anything else, Sir?”
  1757. “That’ll be all.”
  1758. >>”Thank you, and please call if there are any complications.”
  1759. “Will do.”
  1760. >Hang up, and look at Trixie
  1761. >At some point during that conversation she had ran out of magic, it seems, because she looked very tired and was bunching your jacket around her
  1762. “Are you alright?”
  1763. >”D-does it look like Trixie is alright!?”
  1764. >You look back at the studio building, and you open the door again, getting out
  1765. >You walk over to her side and open the door
  1766. “C’mon, let’s go back inside, it’ll be a while before the help comes.”
  1767. >She complies immediately, curtly hopping out of the vehicle and trotting towards the locked doors
  1768. >
  1769. >Huh, that’s new
  1770. >You were able to access /mlp/ on your flip phone?
  1771. >Learn something new every day
  1772. >You had gotten yourself and Trixie in the studio pretty well, and were hanging in the rec room
  1773. >Trixie had fallen asleep in your jacket while you had some light music going in the high quality speakers all around the room
  1774. >While she was catching some Z’s, you had a thought
  1775. >You hadn’t checked the thread at all since Trixie was first delivered
  1776. >Maybe there actually were some others who got ponies, just like you?
  1777. >It was a longshot, and it’s not like you didn’t adapt well enough
  1778. >But some people have some really fucking weird waifus
  1779. >You’re a horrible person for it, but you wanted to see if anyone’s been wrecked yet by screwing up
  1780. >As you boot up the /mlp/ mobile version, you look for the options thread
  1781. >No dice, it 404’d
  1782. >Of course, it’s been a long time, so it isn’t surprising
  1783. >You didn’t even really care at this point. You had Trixie now, even if the guilt was still there
  1784. >For now, she seemed to be coping rather well, so unless she’s been bottling it up, you think she would be alright
  1785. >So why were you still checking this board for that thread?
  1786. >Interesting… Story Time had the same description
  1787. >Trixie was still asleep, so you might as well take a quick look
  1788. >It was the seventh thread?
  1789. >How many people has the OP done this to?
  1790. >It seems a lot, there were many people logging their experiences in greentexts
  1791. >These poor bastards
  1792. >Especially this guy asking for help with money and his location issue
  1793. >For some reason, that struck a chord with you
  1794. >You lived in such a shitty ghetto, and you knew if it weren’t for the deal you wrangled for the studio, you’d be having problems too
  1795. >You decided to post and give the guy an IRC chat link, and kept it up in case he wanted to talk
  1796. >After that, you set your phone down next to you, and kicked back, deciding to take in some of the music
  1797. ----
  1798. >You had been talking with this guy for the last half hour, but you weren’t about to shut him down
  1799. >Poor guy. It was a sad display of irony for someone who has financial troubles to get a pony like Fancy Pants
  1800. >But you decided to give him a pick-me-up, your helpful nature plaguing your life once again
  1801. >That same nature that led you to be so considerate to Trixie
  1802. >You absent-mindedly wrote down his billing address when he gave it to you in your phone before you cut off the chat, and you sigh, slumping in your chair
  1803. >All of a sudden, your phone rang
  1804. >Loudly
  1805. >You forgot to turn silent mode on, and Trixie stirred from her nap
  1806. >You answer the phone, giving her a sheepish smile as she glared daggers at you
  1807. “Hello?”
  1808. >>”Hello, my name is Miranda, from AAA. Is this Anon?”
  1809. “Yes?”
  1810. >>”We’re very sorry for the inconvenience, but your service truck is going to be delayed due to extreme weather conditions. We are unable to give you an exact range of time, but we estimate it will be there before midnight.”
  1811. >Oh, damn, you hadn’t even thought about the weather
  1812. >Trixie had been stretching and yawning when you got up and went to the curtains
  1813. >Throw curtains to the side
  1814. >A fucking blizzard
  1815. >You suddenly heard hoofsteps, and Trixie was pushing you to the side to get a look outside
  1816. >You both sat there, staring half at the reflections in the window, and half at the already white background
  1817. >”How long was Trixie out?!”
  1818. “Oh… h… uh, okay, thanks for the notice, Miranda.”
  1819. >>”Again, sorry for the inconvenience. Please call us if there are any complications.”
  1820. “Right…”
  1821. >Click
  1822. >You close your phone, stuffing it in your pocket, still staring out into the whiteout
  1823. >So it was going to be a while in the rec room
  1824. >A bit of delay, but no worries… Right?
  1825. >Trixie steps away from the window, a low moan escaping her throat as she drudges back to her jacket bed
  1826. >”Well, this is perfect. Why did your humans decide it had to be a blizzard tonight, Anon?”
  1827. >…wat
  1828. “Wait, what?”
  1829. >”They could’ve at least given some sort of warning, is what Trixie’s trying to say.”
  1830. “Trixie, it’s not like that here. Humans… Don’t control the weather.”
  1831. >”…What?”
  1832. >This was a bit out of the left field, you thought she would’ve figured it out by now
  1833. >You try to explain to her how weather works on Earth, and you get an idea
  1834. “You know the Everfree Forest, Trix?”
  1835. >She looked taken aback
  1836. >”So, your weather here is completely uncontrolled, left to its own devices?”
  1837. “Well, we have technology that allows us to predict what kind of weather we’ll be having, but it’s not 100% accurate. We make do with it.”
  1838. >Trixie thought for a moment, apparently in disbelief
  1839. “Yeah, there’s some chaotic climates around the world because of it, but since magic and pegasi don’t exist here, there’s not much we can do. We’ve gotten pretty good and defending against it, though, so it’s not too much of a problem.”
  1840. >Trixie nods, oddly quiet
  1841. “So, in Equestria, the weather is controlled all over the country?”
  1842. >”In a way, yes…”
  1843. >You sense the hesitation in her speech
  1844. >You figured when you brought up the topic, it’d be a little awkward
  1845. >You still very vividly remember her reaction when you told her about the show
  1846. >She completely denied it and repressed it from her memory, maybe because you had shown her an episode way ahead of her time
  1847. >You didn’t want to open any old wounds, especially after you painstakingly tried to keep it together by helping her forget the whole thing
  1848. >But it had to come up sometime, and you figured now was as good a time as any
  1849. “Well, it’s just that I’ve taught and shown you a good deal of this world… Any chance I could get to know yours a little?”
  1850. >You wanted to tread lightly, but not to dance around the subject either
  1851. >”…Trixie… supposes, she could tell you a little… What did you want to know?”
  1852. >She was looking rather uncomfortable
  1853. >You assume it’s because she misses Equestria
  1854. >And that thought twinges your heart with guilt
  1855. >C’mon Anon, don’t let her see that
  1856. “Well, maybe not about your world specifically. I’d like… Well, to know more about you, honestly.”
  1857. >”Me?”
  1858. “Yeah. Where were you born, childhood, things like that. I want to get to know you more, Trix.”
  1859. >She closed her eyes, her head turning away from you as she stayed silent
  1860. “..What’s wrong?”
  1861. >”There’s nothing you need to know about me, Anonymous. It’s in the past, and I’d like to keep it that way.”
  1862. >Dropped the act
  1863. >A red flag starts waving frantically in your mind, but there was… something there, and you pursue it
  1864. “If I tell you a little more about me, will that help?”
  1865. >She’s silent
  1866. >You start pulling up memories of your life gone past, picking and choosing carefully what to tell her
  1867. >At some point during the ensuing exposition, you seem to have lost yourself in them, rambling on
  1868. “I was born in a city called Dayton. I was a bit of a hyper kid, had problems with attention, and that got me into trouble a lot. I had a normal, average family, had the occasional financial crisis, but nothing too major, I suppose… I was pretty introverted back then, so I didn’t have many friends. The ones I did get though, I’m still sort of friends with. I guess the first major thing that ever happened to me was when I first got into music. I was about seven or eight, about the same time I broke my foot doing something stupid; I think I jumped off my dresser trying to jump on my bed or something, it’s hazy, hehe… Anyways, I was in the hospital, and I had nothing to do but watch TV or listen to music. I didn’t like TV much at the time, but I loved that music. I had lain in that bed day and night listening to that music channel (until I got discharged, albeit), growing ever so attached to it, until at one point, right before I drifted off to sleep, I knew that I was going to do something with it, I was going to go into music, it was going to be… my life.”
  1869. >Trixie was looking at you with intent and sudden attention
  1870. “Then again, I wasn’t very creative, either. I can’t draw, or write, or sing. I definitely couldn’t make music, either, and it was a bit of a letdown for a long period of my life… That is, until I learned you could make a living in editing it. So, I suppose that’s where I ended up from that dream, and you’ve seen it firsthand.”
  1871. >You knew it wasn’t very personal the way you told it, but the details were things you rarely shared with anybody, or anypony for that matter
  1872. >”Your passion for music is wonderful, Anon. You remind me of someone I know who had passion just like that… I think you would be a great composer, if you put your mind to it, after all.”
  1873. >You bit your tongue to hold back the emotion that swelled up inside you from that
  1874. >Nobody’s ever told you anything like that before
  1875. >Trixie probably sees this
  1876. >”Really, Anon.”
  1877. >You nod, feigning that something was in your eyes as you dried them off
  1878. “Thank you, Trix. You don’t know how much that means to me, but I’m no good with it, trust me. Now, I told you a bit about me,”
  1879. >You get off your chair and go to sit down in front of her cross-legged
  1880. “Now it’s your turn.”
  1881. >You gave the most genuine smile you possibly could, which was easy given her uncharacteristically soothing words
  1882. >Trixie looked down at the ground again. You studied her, and you were surprised to find a sudden anger...
  1883. >…Or…
  1884. >Was it sadness?
  1885. “Okay, you want to know about me? I was a traveling magician that barely made ends meet.”
  1886. >You both sat there silently
  1887. >For her sake, you had hoped she was just prepping, but the silence dragged on
  1888. “That’s all you’re going to tell me?”
  1889. >”Yes. Do you have a problem with that?”
  1890. >You actually do, that was a bit unfair
  1891. “…Yeah, I do. Come on, just tell me a little bit about yourself. So what if I saw you on a stupid TV show? I want to know the real you, not some fake in a fake story.”
  1892. >”NO.”
  1893. >The forcefulness of her command stopped you from leaning in
  1894. >But the sudden ferocity, the pure… hatred on her face, stopped you completely
  1895. >Why was she hiding this so much? What happened to her that’s… doing this?
  1896. >Trixie threw herself on her hooves and trotted to the window, completely ignoring you for the blizzard
  1897. >And you were speechless
  1898. >You sat there, looking at her, wondering why you were pushing so hard
  1899. >What the hell was wrong with you?
  1900. >Before you could figure that out, however, Trixie spoke again, still avoiding your gaze
  1901. >”You want to know about me, Anon?”
  1902. >Her voice was sullen…
  1903. >”I’m an orphan, taken from my parents by a bunch of cider-guzzling carnies. I learned magic I never wanted to learn, made to be a showmare against my will. I never wanted to be the Great and Powerful Trixie, I just… I just wanted to be me. I never got that chance. I got so fed up with it, I just left, went out on my own, nothing but my little cabin that I pulled around myself… But I didn’t know what else to do with my life. All I knew at that point was magic. I didn’t get to go to school, didn’t get to win any awards or get accepted to any academies… Instead I got terrible, amateur gigs that barely paid for my food. Most nights I was scrounging for food in the dumpsters behind restaurants, or hoarding from the afterparties of shows that I didn’t even get a headline in.”
  1904. >It was all she could muster not to burst from crying, her voice betraying her.
  1905. >”Sometimes, I had to do other things to get bits, when my supplies ran low.... Sometimes I had to take side jobs that a trained monkey could do… Sometimes I had to use my magic in very wrong ways… Sometimes… I… I had to u-use my body in w-wrong ways…”
  1906. >She could no longer hold the dams, and you saw more tears begin to fall from her window reflection
  1907. >”It… It was all I could do, to get out of bed in the mornings… Just to face another day in hell. It’s why I walk out of that door every day, and… put up this little act, this façade of arrogant pride, because it helps me cope with the fact that nobody can see that scared little foal wishing she didn’t have to live like that… that she… didn’t want to l-live at all.”
  1908. >…
  1909. >You…
  1910. ----
  1911. >”So there, Anon… You know a little more about me. You know why I never brought up Equestria.”
  1912. >You… had no idea what to say…
  1913. >”I guess I just wanted to forget it, you know… Honestly, you’ll think I’m crazy, but… After the shock died down, when I first met you… It was liberating. When you told me you’d take me in, you’d let me live with you… I thought it was a dream. Sure, it was a bit strange, living with a human, never to see anyone you knew again, but I didn’t have anybody I wanted to see anyways. I didn’t have to worry about food anymore… Didn’t have to get up and see the shame that my wrecked little life has been… I just woke up to you, Anon. And, the way you so selflessly showed me that compassion, laughed and played with me, that long night of joy you brought… I couldn’t even begin to describe how that made me feel. It was like, I could completely start over, a new life to take over that hell… A good life.”
  1914. >”It’s… It’s all I’ve ever wanted, Anon. You’ve given me that chance.”
  1915. >Before you even realized it, there was a shimmering white mane tickling your nose, and hooves wrapped around your neck.
  1916. >You wrap your arms around her as tight as they can go, and you wouldn’t ever let go.
  1917. >You couldn’t let go.
  1918. >For the first time you’ve ever lived, you didn’t feel like you had to say anything.
  1919. ---
  1920. >It had been a very emotional night
  1921. >You and Trixie were much closer than before now, almost as if you’d known each other for years
  1922. >When the service truck came and she had her illusion up, she wouldn’t keep off you
  1923. >Not that you minded, especially in the cold
  1924. >It was a bit of a bummer that you weren’t able to give her that good night you wanted, but in a way it was better that it worked out this way
  1925. >Now that you have time to plan, you were going to make it special
  1926. >You got home safely, and Trixie forced you to take the bed
  1927. >You protested as much as you could, but in the end, you both knew Trixie would sleep a lot better than you ever would on that shitty furniture
  1928. >After a long night’s sleep, you let her have some alone time after that moment, and went off to the bank to get out your savings
  1929. >It wasn’t that much, but it was still a few grand, and a few grand you’d need
  1930. >Before you did anything with it, you went to the post office and mailed a hefty $1,200 to that guy with Fancy Pants
  1931. >Hopefully that would get him by for a few weeks
  1932. >The first real part was going to the store, and that got awkward fast
  1933. >Along with a large assortment of vegetables, fruits and spices of a large variety after being given a list by Trixie of what she likes
  1934. >And 15 10-can packs of monster, for good measure
  1935. >You had also gotten a small weight set
  1936. >You were going to start working out a little bit, because the last few days have been a wonderful reminder of how out of shape you were
  1937. >Another reminder is when you were wheezing by the time you finished loading them all into your car
  1938. >As an afterthought, you had also gotten her a few different hats to wear around
  1939. >A few ball caps with interesting quips on the front, A beanie or two… and a fedora. It was there, more of an impulse buy
  1940. >She loved the gifts and gave you another rare Trixie hug
  1941. >You were a bit prone to believing they’d get less rare overtime, though
  1942. >All in all, good times
  1943. >When you had come back, though, the day had just begun
  1944. >Trixie figured out how to work the discs and some of the other consoles, and had found Starfox 64
  1945. >That was a fun night
  1946. >Throughout the week, you showed her the history of video games through your collection (Mainly from the PS2/Gamecube era, as you were going to wait to show her the new ultra-realistic stuff so she could appreciate the earlier eras like a gamer SHOULD!)
  1947. >You’ve managed to get around to what she’s been asking for, too
  1948. >You had some problems on where exactly to start, but you settled on the beginnings of civilization, teaching her about the first permanent settlements and the start of various empires like the Sumerians
  1949. >She loved the knowledge, being so interested it was like having an egotistical Twilight
  1950. >Your little history sessions wore well into many nights, asking you so many questions and you looking everything up with your laptop it was like being in a college history class
  1951. >As the week wore on, Trixie had begun to drop her third-person act willingly, and had tried to tone down her egotism. It didn’t work all that well, but it was something that’d take practice and it was a very nice gesture on her part
  1952. >You still weren’t exactly sure why, though. Maybe it was because she was more comfortable around you after that night you shared? Or since she knows she won’t be doing her magic act anymore, there’s no need?
  1953. >It simply made you all the more determined to make that night special
  1954. >You used the rest of your savings to get her a rather expensive gift
  1955. >It was going to be a while before it came, but when it did, you know she’d love you for it
  1956. >That wasn’t why you were doing it, though. It was going to be a very useful gift as well as thoughtful
  1957. >You wanted to show Trixie that you definitely wanted her here, especially after she so painstakingly told you about her past that she never wanted to tell you in the first place
  1958. >The rest of the week past rather uneventfully (compared with what’s already taken place), just having a grand time with her
  1959. >She grew on you ever closer, and you had a feeling it was mutual
  1960. >This was truly a life you could live to its fullest…
  1961. >
  1962. >OW, SHIT!
  1963. “OW, SHIT!”
  1964. >”If you space out like that again, I’ll do more than slap you upside the head, now help me clear this room!”
  1965. “It’s not like we’ve died yet, calm down!”
  1966. >”Don’t tell me to calm down, now go in there and cover me with some of those blue sticky bombs!”
  1967. >Halo
  1968. >Her first venture into first person shooters, and what you’d like to think was the line between ‘video game fantasy’ and ‘strive for realism’ graphics and special effects
  1969. >You tried to avoid it as long as possible, but she kept getting suspicious when you avoided the entire right wall of the game room every time you chose a game to play
  1970. >She loved the story, but was quickly engrossed by the gameplay
  1971. >This was your final night together before you went back to work
  1972. >And you’d be going full time, leaving much less time with you and her together
  1973. >It was a joyous, yet somber occasion, and you rallied together more money and purchased you and Trixie Subway
  1974. >And you had meat, damnit
  1975. >It took her a while to get used to the smell, but let’s face it- you were a carnivore at heart
  1976. >Besides, once the monsters got cracked open, there wasn’t any smell to be used to except pure caffeine
  1977. >So, celebrating the night, you rushed in and did as she said, finally taking on your first hunters
  1978. >The green laser completely wrecks Trixie from behind after she started firing
  1979. >You desperately switch to your fuel rod that you were trying to save for later and start blasting away
  1980. >The other hunter was just a bit too fast, though, and knocked you through the wall
  1981. >Restart #175
  1982. “Well, that sucked.”
  1983. >”You suck!”
  1984. “One of these days I’ll teach you how to make a real comeback.”
  1985. >”You were the one who said, ‘ooh, ooh, let’s pick legendary, it’ll be fun’, even though I explicitly read all of the difficulties and wanted to try something easier, but no, we just charged in head first!”
  1986. “What’s the fun in a game if you don’t take chances?”
  1987. >”…You suck.”
  1988. “I get that a lot, apparently.”
  1989. >Ring, ring
  1990. “Huh? Oh. One sec.”
  1991. >You put down your controller as Trixie takes herself a monster break
  1992. >You wanted to know who the hell was calling you at… 3:20 a.m.
  1993. >Dear lord, this night’s been flying by
  1994. >Oh well, just go answer the phone
  1995. >You pick up the phone, standing there awkwardly in the livingroom as you commit to human social norms by quipping the most common phone greeting on the planet
  1996. “Howdy-doodly, who the hell’s calling at this hour?”
  1997. ----
  1998. >>”Hello, may I speak to Mr. Wall?”
  1999. >It might be your drug-riddled brain, but you just figured he just had the wrong number
  2000. “Sorry, no Mr. Wall here, I think you’ve got the wr—“
  2001. >>”How about Mrs. Wall?”
  2002. “Buddy, no Mrs. Wall, you got the wrong num—“
  2003. >>”Are there any Walls there?”
  2004. “No!”
  2005. >>”…Then what’s holding up your house?”
  2006. >…
  2007. >He hangs up
  2008. >You lazily throw your phone on the table, flipping the bird towards it like it mattered
  2009. >Oh well, you were already up, what’s in your fridge?
  2010. >Go to the kitchen
  2011. >Force open the fridge to find a plethora of vegetables, soda, and energy drinks
  2012. >That’s right, you went shopping
  2013. >Why did you forget that?... And why are your eyelids drooping…
  2014. >Alright, it was about time you and Trixie went to bed
  2015. >When you came back to the game room, she had left you in the corridor before the hunter room, and was trying to whittle down their health with a carbine while hiding behind random shit
  2016. >Speaking of shit, turns out you had a round to settle with
  2017. >You assume you just didn’t feel it earlier because you were sitting down
  2018. >Trixie decides to use the last grenade she had
  2019. >You watched the screen as it bounced straight off his shoulder, came back, and exploded in her face
  2020. >Trixie lets out a loud groan in between her grinding teeth, pulling the controller up closer with her magic
  2021. >She wasn’t going to stop for a while, you realized
  2022. “Bathroom.”
  2023. >”Fine—Hey, who was on that communicator?”
  2024. “….Phone, you mean?”
  2025. >”Whatever!”
  2026. >She was too busy killing your motionless body in the hiding spot for more grenades
  2027. “It was nobody, don’t worry….”
  2028. >You half-stifle a yawn as you go into the bathroom to do your business
  2029. >Close door
  2030. >Pants down
  2032. >You sigh heavily as your ass gets used to the sudden change in temperature
  2033. >For some reason, you’ve always liked the peace and quiet you got when you just sat down and did your business
  2034. >Security in the fact nobody’s going to walk in, dead in the middle of the night
  2035. >Just you and the porcelain throne
  2036. >That’s when you hear it
  2037. Ring ring.
  2038. >Fuck that ring
  2039. >For that matter, fuck that prank caller
  2040. >You enjoyed a laugh every once in a while, but normally you’d be asleep at this point, and that thought pisses you off
  2041. >You hear the TV pausing above the ringing, and hoofsteps
  2042. >You didn’t really think about the fact that idgit might call again
  2043. >Wait, hoofsteps
  2044. >Was she about to answer the phone?
  2045. >Did she even know how to? She saw you use your cellphone before, but-
  2046. “Trixie!”
  2047. >”…Hello? Who is ‘calling’?”
  2048. >Too late… You open the door a little so you could hear her a little better, possibly the other end since you had the volume turned way up
  2049. >There was a slight pause, but you heard his voice through the phone, however faint
  2050. >>”N-no time for chit chat, we got the heroin; all we gotta do is deliver it, you in?”
  2051. >You were sort of glad Trixie answered the phone this time, because you might’ve entered your newly-discovered Alpha state and raged on him
  2052. >”H-heroin? What is it?”
  2053. >>”C’mon, are… Okay, this is fucking weird, are you Kathleen Barr?”
  2054. >You had to close the door and bite your thumb before you cracked the silence with laughter
  2055. >Of course the prank caller was a brony. Oh, fate, you miracle worker
  2056. >”Trixie knows not who this Kathleen Barr is, but I can assure you she is not here. Now what is this heroin you speak of?”
  2057. >>”You’re shitting me, is this her?”
  2058. >-You- were shitting, anyways
  2060. >”A JOKE?”
  2062. >A pause, a stillness in the air
  2063. >”Now listen here you ruffian, Trixie has powers beyond your wildest imagination! She could find you in an instant and make your little, pathetic life more of a complete failure than it already is!”
  2064. “TRIXIE, HANG UP!”
  2065. >”WHY?”
  2066. “JUST HANG UP, NOW!”
  2067. >You hear the guy trying to speak over your shouting match, but he’s cut off by a press of the button
  2069. >Close the door again, just in case she crosses the hall
  2072. >That got her to calm down
  2073. >Hopefully, she’ll understand why you forced her to hang up
  2074. ---
  2075. >You didn't hear anything major happen, so it seemed to be alright
  2076. >Being on the toilet was getting old anyways
  2077. >Flushing the toilet and washing your hands, you walk out back to the game room, where you found Trixie at the Xbox's dashboard
  2078. "Getting frustrated there?"
  2079. >She looked back for a moment, giving you a sarcastic look
  2080. "I'm not the one who picked legendary, Anon. We need to do something else, anyways, don't you think?"
  2081. >You hop over the couch and bounce down next to her, putting an arm up on the top
  2082. "Alright, what do you feel like playing?"
  2083. >She sighed, closing her eyes as she lays back into the couch cushion and crossing her legs
  2084. >"That's not what I mean. We need to get out of here, get out of the house. Maybe it's because I'm used to traveling, and even though I've had so much fun these last few days, I just feel really cooped up in here, Anon. Equestria was a hellhole, but it had some very interesting... and beautiful sights to see. Do you have anything like that here?"
  2085. >You thought for a moment about what she was saying to you
  2086. >You were aware about how you were sheltering her a bit more than you usually do
  2087. >After getting so close to her, you may have gotten a bit overprotective
  2088. >It was still dangerous to take her out, however, so you wanted to limit it as much as reasonably possible
  2089. >Which gave you an idea
  2090. "Well, there's honestly not that much in Ohio, but there's a few places that come to mind. We got the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame here."
  2091. >Trixie rolled her eyes
  2092. >"A hall of fame for rock stars?"
  2093. >Well shit, she didn't like that at all
  2094. "I'll tell you what. I'll be off due to my schedule change, so we'll take a trip. We'll drive out to some of the bigger tourist spots of the country, we'll get souveniers, meet new people, and have a blast for the entire weekend."
  2095. >Trixie's expression lit up immediately
  2096. >"You mean it, Anon? We can actually do that?!"
  2097. "Only if you're able to keep up your illusion for the whole day we're out."
  2098. >"Hah, piece of cake. I'll be ready by then, thank you!"
  2099. >She had jumped on you in the excitement of the moment, giving you a tight bear hug
  2100. >It was a very strong jump, and you both tumble off the side of the couch, now sprawled together on the floor
  2101. >She shakes her dizzy head as she lay on top of you, until your eyes met
  2102. >There was a moment of silence
  2103. >Then you both simultaneously broke into laughter
  2104. >Even if your chest was hurt a bit, the happiness you gained from hearing her sweet giggles of joy was more than worth it
  2105. >"Sorry, I guess I got a little carried away there."
  2106. >She gets off your chest and her horn starts to glow
  2107. >You feel yourself lifted easily up to your feet like an elevator
  2108. "S' alright. It's getting a bit late anyways."
  2109. >"Is it?...
  2110. >She looked up at your neon clock
  2111. >"Oh, wow. It's almost 4 a.m."
  2112. >For once, you're the first one to yawn
  2113. >You still heard a hundred times cuter yawn right after yours though, even had a bit of a squeak in it
  2114. >You make your way to the door after giving Trixie a pat on her withers
  2115. "Night, Trix."
  2116. >"Anon?"
  2117. >You look back from the doorway
  2118. "What's up?"
  2119. >She was looking at you with a very strained look, like she was deciding whether or not to speak
  2120. >That combined with her hooves hooked over the top of the couch made her look so... captivating
  2121. >When she started speaking, she tried to keep a blasé air with her tone
  2122. >"... Sometimes, it gets really.. It gets cold in that bedroom..."
  2123. >Huh, really? You try to make sure the thermostat is down while you're not using certain rooms, maybe you forgot to turn it back up a few--
  2124. >"...and since I tackled you off the couch, you could be hurt too, so, would you mind, maybe, sleeping in the bed with me, tonight?..."
  2125. >That was... certainly unexpected
  2126. >Of course, now you're standing there looking like an idiot while you're trying to keep the inner you that's screaming in joy and ecstasy from popping out of its stoic shell
  2127. >And your hesitation was very quickly draining her hopes and rosying her cheeks
  2128. >Say something, faggot!
  2129. "O-of course, just let me go get my pillow, alright?"
  2130. >She jumped over the couch and swiftly trotted to the bedroom after giving you an embarrassed, curt thank you
  2131. >Well, you didn't totally blow it anyways
  2132. >You're cuddling with Trixie tonight
  2133. >Wipe that stupid ass grin off your face Anon, and go get your shit
  2134. >You do what your brain tells you, partially, and go get your things from the couch
  2135. >As you walk back into the bedroom, it seems Trixie was nice enough to make up the bed for the night, even though you've seen the way she sleeps. She was just as messy as you were
  2136. >You also noticed she hadn't separated the quilt you gave to her the night she came from the bed yet
  2137. >She was already getting comfortable, however, so apparently she assumed you were going to sleep under the same cover
  2138. >whythehellnot.jpg
  2139. >You set your stuff up and climb in as Trixie trades your lamplight for... your lava lamp
  2140. "Whoa, where'd you find that?"
  2141. >"It was in the bottom of your drawer, and I was curious."
  2142. "Isn't that invading personal space?"
  2143. >"I didn't see you objecting to this."
  2144. >As you suddenly become aware of your whereabouts, you were already laying closely with Trixie, who gave you a triumphant smirk when you were speechless, then promptly turns around and snuggles into her pillow
  2145. >"Goodnight, Anonymous."
  2146. >You lay back as you pull the covers up closer between you
  2147. "..Night, Trixie."
  2148. >You had to admit, it wasn't quite snuggling, but what were you expecting, her to crawl into your arms?
  2149. >Maybe if it had been another pony, it would've happened by now, but this is Trixie. She has a larger ego, a much more prideful stature, a take-charge attitude... And her mane smells so wonderful
  2150. >Whatever weird chick shampoo you got her was definitely working
  2151. >Your mind begins to fizzle out, and as the time passes in the dimly-lit room you at some point wrapped your arm around her
  2152. >And so you two fell asleep, as happy and content as you could be
  2153. >The happiness continued into your dreams, and they were all about her
  2154. >...
  2155. -----
  2156. >...
  2157. >"Are we going or not? Let's get a move on, Anon, you said you'd be up at 9:00, and it's past noon!"
  2158. >
  2159. >"Are you even listening to me?!"
  2160. >
  2161. >Oh fuck, holy shit that feels weird
  2162. >You open your crusty eyes and look down at your bed, realizing you were glowing above it instead of sleeping on it like you wished you still were
  2163. "Heeeey, c'mon, just five minutes, I'll be up.."
  2165. >You feel like you were going to vomit after doing about 30 barrel rolls in 5 seconds
  2166. >Thankfully, Trixie stopped you and set your feet on the ground in front of her
  2167. >You instantly lost your balance and fell backwards on your ass
  2168. "You know... You know what, I think I'm going to get up now."
  2169. >She gives a triumphant smirk and walks out of the bedroom you two shared last night, giving you time to recuperate and, you guess, get ready
  2170. >It took you a minute before you could so much as stand up, and another to start moving after you made sure you weren't going to blow chunks
  2172. >You could've heard her from a mile away, but it still wasn't going to make you any faster
  2173. >You also heard her doing something in the kitchen, but you couldn't tell what
  2174. >In any case, you shake off those heavy chains of morning drudgery, and start getting your clothes ready
  2175. >As much as you hated the extremely rude awakening, you were still looking forward to this day
  2176. >And tomorrow night, for that matter, but one step at a time
  2177. >You get your ass in the bathroom and set your things up
  2178. >Turns out, Trixie had already done her share of bathroom duties
  2179. >She was nice enough to clean out the drain, anyways
  2180. >Looks like you were going to be taking a cold shower this morning, and boy would that wake you up
  2181. >You did your thing, got back out of the shower with huge goosebumps and the smallest little anon's ever been, and did your routine, which amounted to brushing out your hair haphazardly, brushing your teeth lazily, and shaving very, very carefully
  2182. -1
  2183. >You still had to put on three little dabs of toilet paper
  2184. >Getting out of the bathroom and throwing on your clothes, this time a silver hoodie-jacket above the normal shit you wore, you got your wallet, keys, checkbook, phone, and swiftly left for the livingroom
  2185. FLASH!
  2186. >You shut your eyes and rub them out, trying to ignore the sudden wave of pain through your head
  2187. "W-was that you, Trixie?"
  2188. >"Yes, just a minute! ...I'm surprised, Anon, didn't think you'd listen to me and make haste..."
  2189. >You slowly reopen your eyes, testing the waters as everything began to break out from the complete white that obscured your vision, and you blink a few more times as sight returns to normal
  2190. >Suddenly, there was one of your cups, holding a dark, yet shiny glimmering liquid
  2191. >Floating right under your nose, with an impatient Trixie glaring at you to take it
  2192. >As you grabbed the floating cup, you took a sniff
  2193. >It sort of smelled like one of your NOS's, but... heavily modified
  2194. >"Just drink it, we're not getting any younger you know."
  2195. "Don't you know age spells to combat that, anyways?"
  2196. >She gave you the stare of mares
  2197. >"I'm going to open up a new line of vocabulary I learned from you, Anon... Just -fucking- drink it!"
  2198. >Well, shit, she finally learned some human lingo, then
  2199. >You give her a raised eyebrow, and then raise the cup to your lips
  2200. >You slowly start to tip it to take a sip, but the glowing returns and you find yourself chugging it like a fratboy chugs drug-laden fruit punch
  2201. >Interestingly, it didn't sting like a normal heartstopper, more like a soda, and you were able to take it all in like the bitch she made you
  2202. >You attempt but fail to remove those sort of thoughts from your head as you lower the cup, breathing heavily, and seen that Trixie had already drank hers
  2203. "Are... you going to tell me... what it was?"
  2204. >"I took some energy drinks from the fridge and tried out a spell I've been working on when I got bored with my illusion practice. Tell me if you feel anything in the next five minutes."
  2205. -2
  2206. >Well, that didn't sound good, she might've accidentally drugged you
  2207. >Either way, you figured it was time to hit the road
  2208. "Ready to go?"
  2209. >Trixie nods, and her horn begins to glow once again
  2210. >For the first time, you watched the transformation with your own eyes, and what a sight it was
  2211. >Her entire body began to glow like a blue-hued lava, and a dazzling array of brilliant azure light danced across the room as the lava-like substance began to animate and move around her body like a cocoon
  2212. >The cocoon would raise itself up, and in the bright light it started to emit you closed your eyes, getting to be too much for your little human pupils
  2213. >Another flash like the one that happened before, and all the light disappeared, allowing you to open your eyes
  2214. >Trixie was once again fully humanized in sight, and this time with some more age-appropriate clothing than the grandma sweater you gave her to illume before (most likely due to seeing all of those shitty gap ads on your computer that you were too lazy to remove with adblocker)
  2215. >Clad in tight jeans, sketchers, and a stunning midnight blue hoodie that seemed slimming on her, she gave you a perfect smile after you had been staring at her for a few seconds
  2216. >She just looked... beautiful. Even more than the first time, as if she had somehow perfected the illusion in detail
  2217. >So why were you still imagining her in her original, pony form?
  2218. >"I'm ready. The question is, are you?"
  2219. >She walks up to you and closes your jaw, which had opened at some point
  2220. >After she passed you, you shake your head in disbelief, and you make sure you weren't pitching a tent
  2221. >Biology decided to bless you today with a weak drive
  2222. >On an afterthought, you started walking towards the kitchen, until Trixie's words stopped you
  2223. >"I don't think we'll need anything besides water, for the record."
  2224. >...Right, okay, now you were worried
  2225. >You got a few water bottles and met her at the doorway, where she assured you she was bundled for the winter under her illusion after you asked her
  2226. -3
  2227. >Unlocking the many safety features of your big metal door, you open the door
  2228. >You open the door
  2229. "Damnit, I'm getting oil on the way home, watch me!"
  2230. >You smash the door with your shoulder and it unjams, you and Trixie going through before you relocked it
  2231. >"Anon, can I ask you something?"
  2232. >As you both walk towards the front door of the complex, you nod at her, moving your shoulder around to check if anything was broken
  2233. >"Since you've gotten that raise, have you thought about maybe, moving?"
  2234. >You stopped for a moment with your hand on the doorknob, looking back at her
  2235. "I'll think about it. Let's talk later though, we should get going."
  2236. >You hold open the door for her, and she thanks you while walking through, the cold air hitting you both like a ton of bricks
  2237. >The snow from the blizzard a week ago had more or less melted from the streets, but it was definitely a white day
  2238. >You walk behind her, thinking intently
  2239. >You honestly had never thought of something like that, but as the topic was introduced, a flood of concerns had entered your mind
  2240. >You have a roommate now, and she's pretty much here for keeps. You're working and living for two, now
  2241. >You had once thought a few times before of moving for the sake of getting out of the shit neighborhood, and that was especially prevalent considering Trixie's predicament
  2242. >It was very possible for any burglar to come in during the night just to steal your things, only to accidentally see Trixie and she'd be gone
  2243. >In fact, that was one of your greatest nightmares as of late
  2244. >As you robotically open the car door for Trixie, your thoughts drift towards the big question, whether you should actually move or not
  2245. >It would be nice if you had a pad that was a bit larger. While your current apartment technically has two bedrooms, it's about the perfect size everywhere else for one person
  2246. -4
  2247. >Your mind had ran over a bunch of different scenarios by the time you had walked over to the driver's door and hopped in, staring blankly ahead once you got the key into the ignition and turned on the heat
  2248. >"So, I was wondering if you were ever going to teach me how to drive?"
  2249. >Your blank stare continues as your head turns to her, but your expression blinks once you register what she said
  2250. "You want to drive?"
  2251. >"Oh, not particularly. It's fun having my own chauffer, you know."
  2252. >She gives you that devious grin you love
  2253. >"But, yes. It's a very interesting mode of transportation, and it would be rather useful to learn how, you cannot deny that."
  2254. >You sit back in the seat, blowing out air
  2255. >Why the fuck not?
  2256. >You unbuckle your seatbelt, and you suddenly reach over through her illusion and start to pick her up
  2257. >"Uh, Anon, what--"
  2258. >You slide over as you set her next to you, then you hop in the passenger seat
  2259. "You want to learn? Now's a good a time as any."
  2260. >She stared at you, completely baffled
  2261. "What, you did say that, didn't you? Trust me, it's easy. Here..."
  2262. >You turn off the car, knowing this would be a bit of a long one
  2263. >You began to explain to her the fundamental concepts of driving, with what little mechanic knowledge you have you also tell her how the engine works, what each fluid is there for, and gave a little history on automobiles
  2264. "...Even more recently, GM actually had to file bankruptcy because it got so bad here. I'm not sure what they're doing now, but it's all been difficult for them to really get a grip in the states, anyways."
  2265. >"Fascinating. What model did you say this car was?"
  2266. "This is a Lincoln '92 Town car. Nothing major, just a sedan. Now, what you actually need to know to drive a car has nothing to do with what i've been saying, but extra info is never bad, right?"
  2267. >"Your world is very interesting with its intricate practices, Anon. You'd never bore me with your lessons, you should know that by now."
  2268. -5
  2269. >You nod in understanding, then start pointing at the dashboard in front of her
  2270. "Okay, this is the speedometer, it tells you how fast you're going. Usually you want to match that number with the speed limit of the street --this street's 25 mph-- but for now we're not going to touch the gas pedal. That, is down there on the right, the long skinny one, and the fat one to its left is the brakes, which slows or stops the car, depending on how hard you press it. Go on and feel how they move, the car isn't turned on right now so nothing will happen."
  2271. >She tested the force she would need to move the pedals properly, a faint glow coming from her illusioned hands as the light blue gleam surrounded first the gas pedal, then the brakes. She maneuvered them gradually with more force until she was comfortable, it seemed.
  2272. >"Okay, that seems easy enough."
  2273. "Easy until you're doing it all at once, because you can't be looking down at the pedals while you're driving. You have to keep your eyes on the road at all times, and give a glance at your mirrors so you know where everything around you is."
  2274. >You tap the turner
  2275. "This is the steering wheel. You can't really mess with it because it locks while the car is parked and off, but it uses about the same force as the pedals, just left and right instead of up and down. If you push the middle of it hard enough you'll honk the horn, like this."
  2276. >You slap the middle of the wheel, eliciting a shitty horn honk for a split second
  2277. "It's pretty loud so other drivers are sure to hear it, but you can piss people off if you use it too much. It's for when someone's being stupid like if they turn out right in front of you or are about to crash or something. Am I going too fast?"
  2278. >She shook her head, actually getting a bit impatient
  2279. "Okay, you want to give it a shot?"
  2280. >"Yes, as I said before, it's pitifully easy!"
  2281. "Alright. Turn the key in the ignition away from you to start the car."
  2282. -6
  2283. >Trixie raises her illusioned hands which began to radiate blue energy, and the key turns, but snaps back
  2284. >"What? Why did it not work?"
  2285. "Hold it for a second until you hear the engine start, then let it go."
  2286. >She does what you say, the car revving as she turns/holds the key, and the car roars to life, the key snapping back as it did
  2287. "Now, if you want to shift gears, you have to push down the brake pedal, and push the button on this stick here,"
  2288. >You tap the stick shift between the two of you
  2289. "And then you push it to the letter you want to go to. In this case, it'll be D for drive, since it's an automatic."
  2290. >Trixie nods, and she uses both her hands, glowing magic caressing the brake pedal and knob of the stick shift, intricately pushing both in multiple ways and successfully shifts it into drive
  2291. >The car lurches, and it begins moving slowly forward
  2292. >Thankfully, there weren't many cars parked on the street since there were a lot of parking lots for the apartment complexes, so the road was pretty clear
  2293. >Trixie wasn't too thankful, it seemed, because she yelped when it started going forward and pressed down on the brake, rustling your jimmies
  2294. "That's normal, when the car's on and not in park it's going to be moving unless the brake's pressed. Right now, just let it move for a bit, and get a feel of how the car turns. Steady movements with the wheel."
  2295. >It was interesting to see her expression while she was doing this. She thought it was trivial before, but not actually being in control must be giving her the same feeling that teenagers get when they first get behind the wheel
  2296. >It was cute
  2297. >Her azure glow gripped the top half of the steering wheel as she let off the brake, and wide-eyed, turned the wheel to the left very cautiously
  2298. >The car sluggishly pulled the direction she turned it, and before you knew it she pretty well made a u-turn
  2299. "Alright, keep this going and you'll be right back where you were."
  2300. -7
  2301. >She did just that, but the turning on your car wasn't science's greatest achievement, and instead the car went up the curb about 5 feet away from your original parking spot
  2302. "Oh, guess not. My bad, okay.. shift the stick to the R for reverse, and gradually let off the steering as you go ba-"
  2303. >Your eyes dilate and your entire body feels like it was passing through hot water
  2304. >You look over at Trixie, who looked like she had just overdosed on caffeine and cocaine
  2305. >"Well, looks like I made it a little strong don't you think?"
  2306. "Wow, yeah, so... son of a bitch, I can barely even concentrate, I'm so awake!"
  2307. >"I tried to make it last for the whole day!"
  2308. "Definitely worked! Okay, whatever, just start backing up..."
  2309. >...
  2310. >It went on for about an hour or so, and you even let her drive around the block at the speed limit. She was most certainly a quick learner, but for the day you had planned, it'd be more relaxing for everyone if you just drove for the day
  2311. >So there you two were, driving for a solid hour down into Cincinnati
  2312. >Trixie had gotten curious about the car's console at one point after you turned on the heater, so you showed her a few of the controls, namely the radio station
  2313. >Most of the tunes that were on didn't quite suit her, until she hit 104.7, the poprock station, which you let her enjoy despite your tastes for literally pop or rock
  2314. >The place you had in mind was actually much closer if you had went out east into Beavercreek, but this way she could see some real human architecture, and boy did she
  2315. >You ended up getting a bit lost after you missed the exit to turn off the interstate, and you ended up going down through East 7th street
  2316. >She had some time to see the hustle and bustle of the moderately-sized town, since you were currently stuck in traffic
  2317. >"Amazing... It's just as large as Manehattan."
  2318. "This isn't even one of our big cities."
  2319. >She stared at you quizzically, apparently not believing you in the slightest
  2320. "Okay, take Manehattan. How many ponies do you think live there, total? The whole population?"
  2321. -8
  2322. >"Uh... I'm not quite sure. If I had to venture a guess, as I'm sure you'll make me... Maybe something around a million, maybe two? It's Equestria's largest city, and by far the densest population of the country."
  2323. "Alright. Cincinnati here has about that much. We actually have a counterpart to your city called Manhattan, a city in New York. That has at least eight million people, maybe more. And that's still not the largest city in the world... I think it's Shanghai in China, which is like nearing 18 million."
  2324. >Her draw dropped farther than you thought possible
  2325. >"That seems quite unmeasurable, Anon!"
  2326. "It's not too hard to believe when you take account of the fact every country's government in the world keeps tabs on every single person born, assigning them social security numbers, basically identities, storing them in their databases. It's still impossible to keep track of every person being born or dying at any second, so we only have a general number, but we do have an estimation of how many people are in the world today."
  2327. >She looked afraid to ask, but her eyes betrayed her
  2328. "Last we checked, we just recently broke seven billion."
  2329. >"... Billion... B, as in buck?"
  2330. "Mhm."
  2331. >She sat back, and was silent for the rest of the trip to the first destination
  2332. >...
  2333. >"Dave & Busters?"
  2334. >She read the lit sign out-loud as the two of you walked towards the big archway that led into the dark tavern
  2335. "Once upon a time, two guys sat down and had a conversation. One loved video games, and the other loved bars and drinking. So it was only natural they make a business where people can enjoy both at once."
  2336. >Trixie started laughing, covering her petite lips with her fingers
  2337. >Fuck, you couldn't believe you were with her right now
  2338. >A few other teenagers and geeky dudes also couldn't believe it, gawking at the two of you
  2339. >They knew you didn't deserve her, and so did you
  2340. -9
  2341. >Just to make a show of it, you carefully put your arm around her waist, which gets her attention as it more goes around her shoulders in reality
  2342. >"Any reason why you're draping yourself over me?"
  2343. "If you roll with it for the next few minutes I won't make you drive home?"
  2344. >"I was just curious Anon... I didn't say I wasn't okay with it, now did I?"
  2345. "Not everyone gets to have such a day with the Great and Powerful Trixie, either."
  2346. >As the two of you walk through the archway, you could've sworn she was closer to you
  2347. >Leading her to the host, you pay for two D&B cards with $120 worth on each one, and passes to the bar
  2348. >You were noticing the ever steeper decline of your bank account, but for now you put it in the back of your mind
  2349. >After all, you had a new job, you could afford to be stupid, even with your savings depleted
  2350. >You also noticed the host looking at Trixie with a hint of disbelief, but it didn't matter since you weren't going to be dealing with her much
  2351. >She led the two of you to the bar, where there were a few drunk guys on the side but otherwise a very clean, fun environment, besides a few sports nuts who were yelling at the football game on TV
  2352. >"That's... one of the most thick headed and barbaric sports I've ever seen."
  2353. >Trixie definitely made herself known as you both sat down at the bar
  2354. >You couldn't help but chuckle at her comment, to which she defended
  2355. >"Well, am I wrong? I see that there's a point, get that oddly shaped leather skin to the end of the zone, but it seems all they're doing is tackling each other."
  2356. "That's American football, for you."
  2357. >The bartender finishes serving another set of people, and walks over to you and Trixie
  2358. >>"Hello there, what can I get for you today?"
  2359. "I'll have some grey goose vodka, if you have it."
  2360. >>"Indeed we do, and for you miss?"
  2361. >She looked at you for a moment, probably because you had ordered something she'd never heard of
  2362. >"..."
  2363. >She was pondering something
  2364. -10
  2365. >".. Uh... Surprise me, any kind of wine. I'll leave it up to you, bartender."
  2366. >You're very glad she didn't try saying cider or something, so you give her a reassuring smile
  2367. >>"Ooh, a risktaker. I'll think of something real quick, just give me one moment."
  2368. >Bartender goes to the back to get your drinks
  2369. >That's when he comes back with your heavy load and a delicate wine in a big round wineglass for Trixie
  2370. >>"Enjoy!"
  2371. >You raise your glass, and Trixie does the same, both of you clinging your glasses
  2372. >...
  2373. >After spending a little while drinking and getting a bit tipsy, Trixie got a bit anxious to know what you wanted to show her here, so you led her from the bar and told her to keep her card handy
  2374. >She was trailing behind you as she inspected the D&B slider, doing her best to keep the glow at a minimum so people didn't see
  2375. >"This is very odd. It feels like plastic, but not any plastic I've ever seen. What is its function?"
  2376. "Basically, the front displays info about the card, but is otherwise useless. The real function of the card is the black bar on the back."
  2377. >She turns it around, and you slide your finger across it
  2378. "It's magnetic, and it's been tampered with a certain way so electrons, which are really tiny invisible particles, are aligned a certain way. Then, when you slide the card through any kind of machine, it scans it and gets all the info from it. At least, that's how I think it works."
  2379. >She raised the card up really close to her eye, trying to see the particles you were talking about
  2380. >"Invisible? How is your technology so advanced to create something like this, but your human lifestyle isn't that much different from ours?"
  2381. >You thought for a moment, but ended up shrugging
  2382. "Your guess is as good as mine. Anyways, it's right up here, come on."
  2383. >The path began to get darker, being lit up only by the little LED lights on the floor
  2384. >In fact, were it not for the lights you wouldn't even have seen the stairs that you still almost tripped over
  2385. -11
  2386. >You offer a hand to Trixie like a gentleman and help her down
  2387. >"My my, anon, what's the occasion?"
  2388. "Just giving a wonderful magician her privilege."
  2389. >Oh yeah, you're smooth now baby
  2390. >Of course, you were preparing that line for the last few days
  2391. >The practice paid off, because even in the darkness you could see the way her eyes were starting to look at you
  2392. >Wait, the look's still there but she's walking away
  2393. >"Oh... my!"
  2394. >The arcade section of D&B was always a hit, like a gamer's cave but taken almost literally
  2395. >Hundreds of different arcade booths of both old classics and new leaps in technology
  2396. >You even saw a new addition near the back, some weird orb-chassis motorcycle that had hydraulics that made you feel like you were riding something that looked like a TRON cycle in space
  2397. >Trixie looked like a little child seeing the extraordinary wonders of imagination itself, her mouth agape and looking around at all the lights and almost overwhelming amount of people having the time of their life
  2398. >Then she suddenly looks at you
  2399. >"You dick!"
  2400. >wat
  2401. >"I ask to go out, so you show me all these new games? We'll be in here forever, you magnificent bastard!"
  2402. >She playfully shoves you, but brings you right back and looks around with you
  2403. >You couldn't stop smiling, shit
  2404. >"What should we try first? Oh, what's that over there?"
  2405. >Her illusioned hand points at a slalom of rushing colors and blaring music
  2406. >Oh shit, it's the new Guitar Hero in arcade form!
  2407. >ABANDONSHI-
  2408. >"I didn't see that in your library, Anon, let's go check it out!"
  2409. >She practically drags you towards it, and you reluctantly comply
  2410. >She was most likely going to make you play, and that's something you didn't want to do in public
  2411. >See, you had a bad run in with that game once, after your friends made you try it
  2412. >They all stopped inviting you to their houses after it turned out you were freakishly good at it
  2413. >As in, you were able to play the high-difficulty songs on expert by the time you hit your 8th song
  2414. -12
  2415. >You sulked afterward by buying the second game for your playstation, but it wasn't the same without friends
  2416. >As she pulled you to the booth after another dude was finishing up, you were basically having PTSD flashbacks of that shit
  2417. >Trixie carefully picks up the guitar controller seeing as how there were so many people around, and she hands you one, then picks up her own
  2418. "What, you're playing the first time through?"
  2419. >"Yeah, why not?"
  2420. "It's just... Don't you want to watch to see how it plays, first?"
  2421. >"Don't patronize me, Anon, it's not like driving, is it?"
  2422. >Boy howdy
  2423. >Trixie takes her D&B card and slides it through the slot you were talking about earlier, selecting two credits for one multiplayer face off
  2424. >You scroll through the song list a little bit as people were gathered around to watch the new people try their hand, and it seems all the songs were unlocked for the machine
  2425. >"It's a shame I haven't heard of any of these performers. Though, from what I've heard on the radio, it shouldn't be too bad. Pick one, Anon, let's see what you got!"
  2426. >Challenge accepted... at least, on medium
  2427. >You pick Bohemian Rhapsody, and about ¾ of the group around you shouted in approval, while a certain few said things about it being overrated or that Trixie was hot, and she waved at those few before the song started
  2428. >You make another mental note on your already huge pile to watch her like a hawk if any guys approach her
  2429. >The two boards come up, and you quickly go over how the controller works while the intro begins to play
  2430. >>"Is this the real life... Is this just fantasy.... Caught in a landslide.... No escape from reality..."
  2431. >You helped her figure out really quick how to use the strum and buttons with her magic, but she slapped your fingers away quite convincingly and some of the group chuckled at your misfortune, when the piano/acoustic part started
  2432. >You started hitting the notes, but Trixie was having a tough time holding the buttons and strumming at the same time at first
  2433. -13
  2434. >By the time it was about two minutes in, however, she was matching you note for note, only dragging behind by the amount she missed
  2435. >"What's this meter that's filling with light?"
  2436. "Star power, tilt your guitar neck up to activate -- why am I telling--"
  2437. >A flash of blue, and suddenly she was massively approaching your score, about to pass it near the end of the song
  2438. >Your hand makes a quick reflexive motion and taps the select button, also activating your own star power, but it was too late
  2439. >The final note played out, and she had beaten you by 5000 points
  2440. >"Hah, take that Anon, you've been beat by a newbie! ...Did I get that term right?"
  2441. >People were laughing, for sure
  2442. >At least they were laughing because a noob girl beat you instead of thinking you were freaky
  2443. >In any case, you admit defeat and give a playful bow to Trixie
  2444. "Yes, you used it right. I am inferior to you, my Great and Powerful mistress!"
  2445. >She sticks her nose high in the air
  2446. >Then she gets a thought
  2447. >She puts away her guitar controller, but she slides her card through the slot again
  2448. "Wait, what?"
  2449. >"I want to see you play on your own, is that okay?"
  2450. >No it fucking isn't
  2451. "Uh, yeah, sure."
  2452. >Fucking beta piece of shi--
  2453. >The group suddenly cheered for you, urging you on to play a song on expert
  2454. >You were looking around at the rather large crowd at this point, who apparently can't play for shit besides easy if they're this excited
  2455. "Fine, Trixie. Let's make this interesting."
  2456. >You select expert and start leafing through the song list, a devious idea forming in your mind
  2457. >"Oh, a bet? It is not wise to partake in such deals with the Mistress of Magic, Anon.... Do tell."
  2458. "If I can not only pass this song, but get above 95%..."
  2459. >Perfection
  2460. "We're taking you to a salon. You're gonna get a full spa treatment, pretty princess edition."
  2461. >You knew it
  2462. >She looked completely aghast at the mere idea, not to mention her expression was priceless. She was gonna chicken out and you wouldn't have to play
  2463. -14
  2464. >Oh Anon, you've done it again you wonderful, intelligen-
  2465. >"Deal. But if you lose, we're leaving Ohio for the entire weekend, and i'm driving."
  2466. >The two of you looked at each other, the selection timer ticking as people looked intently between the two of you, wondering what you'd say
  2467. >You crack your knuckles, and select Fury of the Storm
  2468. >The gasps and wild cheers of the audience affirmed for her this was a doozy
  2469. >She crosses her veiled arms, taking a step back to give you some room, though, you didn't think she was going to let you win
  2470. >In fact, you look back at her as the board pulls up on the screen
  2471. "Hey, no cheating now, alright? Don't mess with my arms or fingers or eyes or anything."
  2472. >She rolls her eyes, "I promise I won't tamper with those things."
  2473. >Wait, wha-
  2474. >STARTING
  2475. >Dun, nu-nu-nu-nu-nuh, Dun, nu-nu-na-na-nuh...
  2476. >The intro solo begins, and you hit every single one
  2477. >While you stood there like a stiff piece of wood focusing, everyone else had fallen more or less silent
  2478. >People started whispering while you were doing the note spam, but otherwise it didn't get any louder than that
  2479. >>"We are riding in the battlefield for the force, tonight; Fury of the darkest evil, cry for war..."
  2480. >And so it went, you bashed through every little blob of color that the booth threw at you, but you blew away every single one with mechanical precision, using your freaky talent for rhythm games to your utmost advantage
  2481. >In fact, you were almost on your way for a full combo if it hadn't been for some of the tricky trills that broke your streak at certain points, but you were otherwise flawless
  2482. >You reached the quick lull before the solo and risked to take a quick glance behind you at Trixie
  2483. >She was absolutely livid, but at the same time rather impressed
  2484. >You realize that you just let out the fact you let her win the first song, but that doesn't matter now
  2485. >You start chugging through the solo, having played this song a million times before
  2486. -15
  2487. >But, that's when you felt it
  2488. >There was a sudden tug in your crotcHOLY SHIT
  2489. >You stole a quick look down while you were playing, missing a few notes as you did
  2490. >Yeah, she wasn't messing with your arms, fingers or eyes
  2491. >She was messing with your dick!
  2492. >Isn't that invading personahoooollly mother of all that is fuck that feels good
  2493. >You started missing far too many notes for your liking, so you steel yourself with the magical power of Alpha you've been harboring since you first met her
  2494. >You also think about your grandpa in drag
  2495. >Somehow, you're able to keep yourself afloat with your star power, which you unwillingly activated with your little curtsy when she first grabbed your schlong with her magic
  2496. >You heard groans of frustration behind you as she sped up mightily, the grip extending to the rest of your tenders
  2497. >You just hope and have faith she doesn't start squeezing, especially now that you're nearing the end
  2498. >Come on, buddy, little anon don't do that to your master stop being diamond hard
  2501. >"Are you a eunich or something!?"
  2503. >People were staring back at Trixie as you play the last withering notes
  2504. >>"For victory we ride, Fury of the Stoooooooorm!"
  2505. >YOU ROCK!!
  2506. >She let go of your manhood as she stomped up to you, almost pushing you out of the way to see your score...
  2507. >97%
  2508. >"NO!"
  2509. "YES!"
  2510. >"BUCK!"
  2511. "FUCK YES!"
  2512. >The sheer amount of cheering drowned out your words, and covered any spaghetti that might result from your unbelievably potent euphoria, not only of beating Trixie in a bet, but making her panic enough to basically jerk you to screw you up
  2513. >You dazily threw the controller onto its pad, and started doing shimmies around her like a fucking idiot
  2514. "Well, I guess we know our next stop, don't we?"
  2515. >Trixie gets all up in your face, and her illusion seemed so real you were actually intimidated
  2516. -16
  2517. >"Mark Trixie's words, Anon, you're going to pay for this. She don't know how, but you'll get your comeuppance if it's the last thing she does!"
  2518. >She storms off, and you follow her, going to catch up and ask her about that little slip of third person right there
  2519. >...
  2520. >That was even more fun than the Night of Battletoads
  2521. >While Trixie was still a spoilsport about losing the bet even after cheating, she got over it during the slew of arcade games you've shown her
  2522. >Your previous plan to start her off with retro games so she could appreciate them along with the newer realistic graphics vidyas paid off, as she got horribly addicted to Ms. Pac-man
  2523. >You both drained your cards completely playing shooting games, a few retro busters like Street Fighter and Tekken 3, went on a bunch of different racers, including that space TRON thing, even played a bit of skiball just to complete the experience
  2524. >But, all good things had to come to an end sometime, as both of your credits were depleted and it'd been nearly three hours
  2525. >And of course, Trixie had to face the music, or rather, scissors
  2526. >You made sure she'd be fine when the workers would be touching her, considering that would've been a problem, but as it turns out she's able to completely override all 5 senses with her illusion spell now, which includes touch, just for an extra drain on her energy
  2527. >You both got a quick drink to keep up the happy buzz, and you both set off, getting quickly into your car and turning on the heater
  2528. >"Did the ice age come while we were in there, Anon? This blasted freeze is contemptible!"
  2529. "No kidding, let me turn the radio to AM so we can find out what's coming, shit."
  2530. >You do so as you pull out of the parking lot, thankfully knowing your way around the city due to once having to live up here
  2531. >The mall was only about 20 minutes away, which gives you and Trixie just enough time to hear the weather report
  2532. >The meteorologist's voice couldn't have been more boring, and you concentrated to keep awake as you drove to the mall
  2533. -17
  2534. >>"We've got arctic winds coming down from a powerful storm up near the Labrador Sea, bringing temperatures of the Northeastern United States down to an unprecedented -10º Fahrenheit, with a bone-chillingly cold windchill that brings certain areas in Ohio and Michigan to nearly -30º. No snow is reported, but there's confirmed overcast skies for most of the area with only select holes around the coast..."
  2535. >You switch it back to FM 104.7 and turn it down to give a little background music
  2536. >"I guess I was wrong, Anon, I do miss Equestria a little."
  2537. >You try your best to push your engine to get the heat on faster, but when your car is 22 years old, expect little progress
  2538. >...
  2539. >The rush into the mall was as quick as the rush to the car before, and other people were bundled up much more significantly than you, though you did have the foresight to ask Trixie if she had gotten on some winter equipment, which she did
  2540. >There was an industrial sized heater blowing down at the main entrance into the mall with gusto, a welcome feeling that felt sort of prickly as it instantly warmed your reddened skin, reminding you of the feeling when you drank Trixie's enchanted NOS
  2541. >Which, by the way, you were still massively awake as if you just woke up
  2542. >Once inside, it was another sight to behold as Trixie looked around the main plaza
  2543. >All four floors of the mall surrounded the pristine marble statue/fountain at the center of the plaza's circular architecture, with many benches strewn out in an oval shape and three directories at each magnetic direction
  2544. >"It's... immaculate. The architectonic quality is amazing, nearly as grand as the Canterlot Palace!"
  2545. >It was refreshing to see a new point of view of the world around you
  2546. >She has an eye, a look of exploration about her that are lost with most people today because they see the same thing over and over again, content with humdrum moods, and you have Trixie, so full of life and, well, pride, but that's not the point
  2547. >"Anon?"
  2548. -18
  2549. >You look at her, and she was looking at you with genuine... happiness
  2550. >"Thanks for taking me out today, really. It means more to me than you will ever know."
  2551. >You couldn't help but smile back at her, imagining that look of happiness on her proper pony form
  2552. "You're very very welcome. Now, let's get your hair done!"
  2553. >You clap with the word done to emphasise, and she moans in sarcastic glee
  2554. >"You have that special way of killing the mood, you know."
  2555. "Yep."
  2556. >You both take a look at the directories, and since you're making her do this you thought you might as well take her to some places she might actually like, such as the jewelry store and GAP for their headwear
  2557. >If you were lucky, you'd be able to get her a pony-sized t-shirt, or blouse even
  2558. >And so the journey continued, the duo of two worlds having wild adventure in the depths of human culture and emotion, or at least, that's how you wanted to narrate it in your head, you weird-ass autist
  2559. >You led Trixie through the various huge hallways, pointing to storefronts and explaining what they were for, and at people with autistic clothing and making light fun of them while elaborating on human fashion
  2560. >You especially wanted to keep her attention away from the coming moment that she was going to have to suffer, since it was your fault it was happening
  2561. "That's P.F. Chang's, kind of a restaurant, kind of a bar, sort of like Dave & Buster's but a lot smaller, and more about food than video games."
  2562. >"If I recall correctly Anon, there was a food menu at the other place as well."
  2563. "True, but then again, Dave & Buster's is pretty expensive, and P.F. Chang's can be enjoyed by people with minimum wage dead end jobs."
  2564. >"Expensive?"
  2565. >She looked at you with a concerned countenance, and you shrug, trying to keep off the subject. You did it for her, and that's all that matters... right?
  2566. >It seems you didn't have to do anything after all, because her eyes were drawn by something to the side
  2567. >"Spencer's?"
  2568. -19
  2569. >Oh shit
  2570. >Spencer's used to be a practical joke store in the 80's where you bought stuff like whoopie cushions or unbreakable eggs
  2571. >Now it's pretty much sex toys and lingerie, along with being one of the biggest holders of Penthouse, the front covers of said magazine displayed plainly in the front windows
  2572. "Uuh, just another store... For adults."
  2573. >She took note of the embarrased way you said it, figuring she knew what you meant
  2574. >"I'm not surprised by the depravity, to be quite honest. After what you've shown me, I realize that you humans, while similar to our world, is very different in terms of morality. I wonder how differently my life would have gone if taken to someone... a little less moral, I should say."
  2575. >Yeah, like one of those people on 4chan that are serious about that whole >rape thing
  2576. >You could only imagine around the world at the people who've seen the thread and some of the ponies that are suffering right now because the receivers were just a little too out of touch with reality...
  2577. >That's not something you want to think about, never ever again
  2578. >You and Trixie (Well, you anyways) spot "Kim'Salon', which was a fucking retarded name for a salon but what the hell ever
  2579. >It was upstairs right next to the high end of the escalators
  2580. >You hung back a little bit, watching Trixie inspect the comparably astounding feat of technology, and the people just getting on a step and being lazy
  2581. >After you let her have her fun, you tap her illusioned ankle with your foot and beckon her
  2582. "Don't worry, just pick a step and stay on it."
  2583. >Leading her to the first step as people waited behind you, she still looked hesitant, knowing the function but most likely not wanting to make herself look stupid by screwing it up
  2584. >You helped her along, however, and took the first step with her
  2585. >Her steps faltered and she slipped a bit, but you caugh her by her 'waist', which was actually her shoulders
  2586. "Whoa there, you alright?"
  2587. >"Yes, fine... Just dizzy."
  2588. -20
  2589. >She said it a little louder than usual, probably to deter the teenagers that were giggling at her
  2590. "Well, your first time on something so weird isn't likely to go smooth, but hey, that's what I'm here for, right?"
  2591. >She smiles at you, and you'll never get tired of it
  2592. >"Don't expect to be my knight in shining armor, Anon, my magic can more than take care of me; and you can let go now, by the way."
  2593. >Your arm was still wrapped around her
  2594. "...Do I have to?"
  2595. >Trixie playfully shoves you off, laughing with you
  2596. >Hey, she didn't even get mad
  2597. >Your night might have some hope yet...
  2598. >The both of you reach the end of the escalator
  2599. >She steps off much more gracefully than she began, and you finally make it to her hell and your cash in
  2600. >The salon itself was going all out to be as sensual as possible in public without getting lewd, in the massage section anyways
  2601. >But she was here to get pampered, and that included the other sections like the barbers and the whole pedicure/medicure shabang
  2602. >Walking up to the front desk, you decide to let Trixie off a little bit easy and admit her for her
  2603. >The check-in lady gave a big grin, probably to show off her freakishly white, perfect teeth
  2604. >>"Hello, what can I do for you two lovebirds today?"
  2605. >Lovebirds?
  2606. >Oh, getting flirty with her must've been a little too public, it seemed, and your face turns a bit red at this realization
  2607. "Uh.. We're not, actually, you know... It's just, I, uh--"
  2608. >>"Oh, sorry sir, I apologize."
  2609. "No, it's..."
  2610. >Trixie was giving you that arched eyebrow, suspecting something about your reaction
  2611. "Uh, this is my /friend/, Trixie. She wants the whole process, hair, nails, feet, spa treatment, all of that."
  2612. >Before Trixie could protest at the sudden change of plans, the hostess rung up the instant appointment
  2613. >>"Lucky for her, we don't have any conflicting appointments!"
  2614. >As you were talking with her, some of the greeters at the outside of the store befriended Trixie and started leading her inside
  2615. -21
  2616. >You also noticed an odd prickling sensation in the air, and a familiar scent that you smelled before when she transformed
  2617. >She must've beefed up her illusion to deal with the touching
  2618. >>"-or you could take the couple's bonus and get an extra treatment for you as well as her for free. Sir?"
  2619. >You clear your throat and look her in the eyes
  2620. "Oh, sure, right."
  2621. >You don't even know what she said, but she gave you a smile and nod, so it was probably good
  2622. >>"The total bill will be $525.95, with the couple's deal you ordered--"
  2623. >what the fuck--
  2624. >"--will reduce it to $475.95. Will that be credit or cash?"
  2625. >Oh shit, that's nearly the rest of your account
  2626. >Oh whatever, you're working tomorrow anyways, you can slap more in there
  2627. >But couple's deal, when did you order that?
  2628. "Uh, check, if you can."
  2629. >>"Sure."
  2630. >You write it out absent-mindedly, and hand it to her ask you ask
  2631. "So what do you mean couple's deal?"
  2632. >A wild salon worker appears!
  2633. >>"Come with me sir, and we'll get started with your hair!"
  2634. >The enthusiasm was reassuring, but you just realized what had happened
  2635. >Trixie was laying back with a hairdresser already starting to wet her hair, and by damn was it convincing, though you wonder how she was laying back at this point
  2636. >She also had the biggest shit-eating grin you've ever seen on her, including from the show
  2637. >"HAH! Come on Anon, it's fun, is is not? Partake in all the glory of this spa with me!"
  2638. >The hairdressers agreed with vigor and started waving you in, the one worker next to you putting her soft hands on your slumped, defeated shoulder as she leads you into the next chair over after kindly taking your jacket
  2639. >It couldn't hurt to get a touch up, you suppose
  2640. >Your hair was thick as the amazon forest, though, and you know she noticed it when she started running the faucet water through your roots
  2641. -22
  2642. >So there you were, getting your hair shampooed while Trixie started moving onto the really tiny comb and scissors
  2643. >>"I love your highlights, miss Trixie. Where'd you get it done?"
  2644. >"It's my natural hue, for your information."
  2645. >>"Really? I'm sorry, I didn't know."
  2646. >"What do you mean?"
  2647. >You start speaking before that train could derail
  2648. "White's just a rare hair color, but it is possible. She's not from around here."
  2649. >>"Oh, I see. If you like, we could touch up the brightness a little?"
  2650. >"...Fine. I don't see why not... So, you have white dye?"
  2651. >Why didn't you like the tone of that?
  2652. >>"Sure, right here. I'll get to it in a moment."
  2653. >You try to look up at the huge display of sprays, dyes and other accessories to see why Trixie was eyeballing it so intently, but the shampoo threatened to breach your eyes, so you sat still
  2654. >>"One moment, sir, i'll be right back, someone needs my help."
  2655. >She leaves you half drizzled, laying in soapy water
  2656. >"Anon?"
  2657. >For some reason, the way she said your name made your spine tingle
  2658. "...Yes?"
  2659. >"Remember back at the arcade, when I said i'd get back at you?"
  2660. "...Why?"
  2661. >"Oh, no reason. Nothing important."
  2662. >She said it a little too quickly for it not to be suspicious at this point
  2663. >"Hey, there's a fly on your face!"
  2664. >In hindsight, you never should've listened to her, but at the time the shriekiness she had spoke with had alerted you
  2665. >You reached up your hand to shoo it away, but it hit the side of the sink, rattling the whole shelf
  2666. >You then saw the slightest glimmer of violet, and something heavy hits your forehead, a new liquid breaching the contents of your woodland hair
  2667. "SON OF A BITCH!"
  2668. >>"Oh god, are you okay s--... Oh no..."
  2669. >...
  2670. -----
  2671. >...
  2672. >"Anon, at least we match now! I didn't think it was a permanent dye, I'm telling the truth!"
  2673. >You weren't speaking to her
  2674. >It's been two grueling hours since that moment when you turned into the very faggot that you always made fun of, and you haven't said a word to Trixie since
  2675. >Trixie used her magic to uncap the white dye, and using hitting your hand on the sink as an excuse, let it tumble into your hair for no other reason than petty revenge that she took too far
  2676. >The damage was done, and it would've been an extra $30 to switch to another brown dye to fix the huge streak of white that had been forming in your hair
  2677. >So you surprised everyone there when you basically said 'fuck it, just dye the whole thing white'
  2678. >You had them dye the eyebrows too so you didn't look anymore retarded then you had to be
  2679. >So now you walk out of the store with (read: ahead of) a noticeably more relaxed yet remorseful Trixie, now with unkempt completely motherfucking white hair
  2680. >Harry, along with the rest of the studio probably, were going to laugh their asses off when they saw you, and that wasn't something you were particularly looking forward to
  2681. >You gave Trixie a half-assed shrug
  2682. >You didn't want to talk when there were people around you gawking at your hair, which because of your short stature was eye-level with the majority of them
  2683. >"So you're not even going to speak to me?"
  2684. >Damnit, she sounded genuine, and you didn't want to fuck things up in a whole new way just because you were pissed
  2685. "It's okay."
  2686. >"It's not okay, Anon, don't think me a fool."
  2687. >Perceptive
  2688. >Well, the thing was that you didn't really care about your hair or the lump on your head, it was the fact she was willing to do it to you that sort of freaked you out
  2689. >After all, what if you weren't as close as you wanted to be with her?
  2690. >You didn't really know, persay, what you wanted from tonight, but you definitely knew it wasn't this
  2691. >"Could you slow down a little? In fact, let's stop and talk... please."
  2692. >"Please?"
  2693. >You almost stumble from stopping so quickly, and the unnannounced deceleration made Trixie bump into your back, half goosing you with her horn
  2694. >Turning around, you stare at her readjusting illusion, a bit flustered from the collision
  2695. >You sigh and run your fingers through your new look, trying to find the right words
  2696. >"What would you want me to say, Anon? I'm sorry!"
  2697. >The two of you simply looked at each other, standing in the middle of the mall with crowds simply pushing past without any clue of what's transpired
  2698. >When you didn't say anything, she backed off a little bit and crossed her arms, most likely regretting she ever said it
  2699. >But... She was actually sorry, wasn't she?
  2700. >You'd definitely find a way to get her back later, but... maybe this worked in your favor
  2701. >That thought calmed you down immensely, and it actually did make you feel much better knowing you cared a lot more about her than a few immature giggles
  2702. "...Just the fact that I know you're telling the truth, well, it means a million times more to me than a head of hair."
  2703. >She seemed almost shocked at your sudden turn-around
  2704. "Look, i'm sorry, I shouldn't have been like that. So what if we got a little carried away? Let's not let that ruin anything, alright?"
  2705. >Trixie slowly nodded, along with a small smile that started creeping up on her countenance
  2706. >"You still deserved it, though."
  2707. "Deserve what? You said it yourself, I match with you now. It's like I'm your assistant."
  2708. >Her smile comes full circle, a bit of a laugh escaping her breath and giving a little quip before returning to walking beside you
  2709. >"Fine, you can grace me with your aid, Anon."
  2710. "Besides, the night is still young, and there's one more place I want to take you before heading home."
  2711. >"Really? We've done much today... I suppose when I asked you to go out, you really took it to heart."
  2712. >Of course you took her to heart...
  2713. >You loved her.
  2714. >...
  2715. ---
  2716. >...
  2717. >Holy shit this traffic is heavy
  2718. >It was only like 6:30, it was past rush hour, damnit!
  2719. >You suddenly see an opening as the left turn light blinks on, reflexively turning your signal on as you desperately throw your wheel to the left and-
  2720. HONK HONK
  2722. >Now you were half sprawled out in the straight-only lane and the light turned green
  2723. >Missed that turn, but what the hell ever
  2724. >It was somewhat your fault for not getting over quickly enough, but you weren't expecting there to be a huge pileup all of a sudden
  2725. >Which you were now following, and you barely made five car lengths before having to slow to a crawl
  2726. "You doing okay over there?"
  2727. >You glanced at the passenger's seat, where a previously absolved Trixie was halfway faded between her human illusion and normal pony body, taking a slight rest to regain some of her strength
  2728. >She was also looking at you like you killed somebody
  2729. >"I should ask the same thing, Anon. You were quite the hothead back there, even worse than I got when I was booed off the stage back home. What happened?"
  2730. >You must've been oozing pure hatred for that stupid bastard that cut you off, and at her words you realize you've been gripping the steering wheel with white knuckles
  2731. >You relax your grip and resign to keeping the wheel in check with your thumb since you were moving at a snail's pace anyways
  2732. "Sorry, didn't mean to go off like that... I guess everyone does when they drive from time to time. It's an unusual phenomenon known as 'road rage'. Have fun with that, if you're serious about driving."
  2733. >"Oh, is it a proven medical condition?"
  2734. "Not really, but it sends enough people to the hospital to be a big thing, you know. Big metal vehicles and emotions don't roll well together."
  2735. >"...Really?"
  2736. >You had to, come on, it was right there
  2737. "I guess I'm not that punny, am I?"
  2738. >She audibly groans and looks out her window away from you
  2739. "I'm sorry, really. I'll stop horsing around."
  2740. >"Sweet Celestia..."
  2741. >As you made your way forward at about five miles per hour, you think you see the source of this gigantic traffic jam
  2742. >There were a bunch of people taking up half the four-lane road, with road blocks and security guards protecting the circle, and some dude in the center of it all
  2743. >...Wait a minute
  2744. >That wasn't any dude
  2745. >"Anon, who is that? With the way he's dressed, I'd go out on a limb and say he's a magician!"
  2746. >You looked back at her to respond, but you were cut off by a nice ear-wrenching shout that you did not miss this past week
  2747. >"I THOUGHT you said magic didn't exist!?"
  2748. "Ow, shit, it doesn't! Seriously!"
  2749. >"Then explain that!"
  2750. "Magicians here aren't magical!"
  2751. >"Stop being absurd!"
  2752. "Stop being acute!"
  2753. >"ANONYMOUS!"
  2754. >Okay, you probably should lay off the puns
  2755. "Alright! Let's stop shouting, already, I need my ear for work, you know..."
  2756. >She sighs heavily, her illusion shaking slightly before reappearing in full force before returning her attention to what you were saying
  2757. "Magic doesn't exist here, at least... it's not supposed to. When you see magicians here, they're not actually performing spells or fantastic incantations or whatever, they're just utilizing techniques that play with your perception to make it seem like they're doing something impossible."
  2758. >She pondered your words intently, simply staring around you for a moment while you focus on driving
  2759. >"So... nothing more than tricks? Foolish plays on the mind?"
  2760. "Well, when you make it sound like that-"
  2761. >"Can we stop here? I'd like to see his act, if that's fine with you."
  2762. >She didn't really give you a choice considering she had already opened the car door, forcing you to stop lest you injure her
  2763. "Trix- TRIXIE! WAIT! ...Fuck."
  2764. >Well, shit, at least there was a line of cars you could park next to
  2765. >You pulled in quickly and haphazardly got out of your shitty vehicle, jogging up to the group and catching up to the easily-identifiable Trixie who had impatiently pushed her way to the inner ring to the many protests of the audience
  2766. >You apologize on her behalf while you followed the beeline she made, as she was overseeing the magician's act
  2767. >He was one of those small name, big ego types with the way he handled himself with his fancy hat and jacket, and yet he was using his hat as the collection jar
  2768. >At the same time, he wasn't poor enough to warrant that because he obviously had enough to buy off the security guards here, so he was just making a show and playing on people's inability to connect things together
  2769. >In any case, it seems he was skilled in what he did, at least...
  2770. --
  2771. >>"Now I've got three cups here, ladies and gentleman, here's the walnut that I previously found behind my ear, guess I'm nuts, right?"
  2772. >A few forced chuckles from the easily-entertained audience, and one more groan from the already-tired-of-it Trixie
  2773. >>"Now you see this walnut, I'm going to take it, push up my sleeves so you don't call any tricks, see, nothing here. Now watch closely, or else you'll probably miss it because you're picking your nose or something, here, the walnut's going to go in the middle cup, and I'm gonna be like one of those Las Vegas con artists that hussle people on the streets and start shuffling, taking this cup, going over here..."
  2774. >As he kept running his motherfucking motormouth he began to expertly shuffle the cups around with enough noise to mask the walnut, and after about eight seconds or so you lost track of it
  2775. >>"Alright, who wants to guess? I could've guessed nobody, it's not like it's an easy task."
  2776. >"The one on the left. Please, it's hardly magic when you switch the walnut with one of the other cups and use petty hand gestures to cover it."
  2777. >Based magic pone
  2778. >>"Aah, I see we have a naysayer amongst the crowd."
  2779. >Well, that just went meta
  2780. >The street performer gives a cocky little smile as he lifts up the left cup, revealing not one, but two walnuts
  2781. >>"Would you mind telling me how it worked, then?"
  2782. >Trixie was silent, crossing her illusioned arms
  2783. >>"Right then. The switcheroo seems to be getting a little old, so let's try another trick that hopefully someone won't ruin the fun of, shall we, people?"
  2784. >The crowd was more or less responsive, mixing between cheering for the performer while laughing a bit at Trixie
  2785. >And yet, unlike her previous reactions to such taunting in the shows, she didn't react at all, just looking at this guy in fervent concentration, like she was thinking
  2786. >You were intrigued at the fact she was focusing so much, and you weren't about to shy away from her just because you became the center of attention
  2787. -1
  2788. >So you steeled yourself alongside her and knew you'd be supporting her regardless of whatever she decided to do
  2789. >>"Alright, now if I may have a volunteer for this next trick, ... Ah yes, you in the dopey hawaiian shirt, yeah, you, come here."
  2790. >A slightly overweight, balding man who looked like he just came from Honolulu bumbled up to the table where the magician was setting up a few tools and a sparkling cloth
  2791. >>"Alright my good sir, that's a nice watch you have there, but I bet you I can make it better. Could I see it for a moment?"
  2792. >The old guy happily slips off his watch like he's getting a fortune and obliviously hands it to him, nodding and backing away so he wasn't being stared at by the general masses
  2793. >You sort of feel sorry for the guy, being that autistic as to completely trust him
  2794. >>"Now watch, ladies and gentlemen, as I take this watch..."
  2795. >He shows everyone the watch in question, and begins to wrap it up in the shimmering cloth
  2796. >He then sets it on the table, and pulls what seems to be a solid ball-peen hammer out of his toolbox
  2797. >He readies himself, raising it up high in the hair, and slams it down
  2798. >Only to stop right before impact, and look up at the attentive audience
  2799. >>"No, that's an old washed up parlor trick, isn't it? I think i'll just do this instead, see if you can figure out what I do here!"
  2800. >He puts the hammer down, then suddenly grasps the wrapped watch
  2801. >He snaps up the cloth, and opens it up to reveal nothing inside
  2802. >Cheering and applause abound, the magician gets impatient and holds up a hand after only a few seconds
  2803. >>"Alright alright, now, I want all of you now to feel your pockets. Go ahead, check them, see what's in them,"
  2804. >Much of the audience obliges
  2805. >>"And I'll bet you my career that the watch is with a man with... dark auburn hair..."
  2806. >He seemed to be concentrating, so apparently he's a fucking mentalist too
  2807. -2
  2808. >>"...about six feet, bit on the skinny side, and.... red? No, maroon shirt!"
  2809. >Suddenly, a guy about halfway in the middle of the group on the other side pulls out a similar golden watch out of his pocket, visibly freaked out
  2810. >He matched the description, and the impressed audience made a deafening uproar
  2811. >The startled man walks up through the crowd to give the magician back the watch, who bows as he returns it to Mr. Hawaii
  2812. >>"So, my little exotic turtledove, how do you think I managed that, if you're the biggest expert here?"
  2813. >Seemingly flaunting his success in her face, you start getting a little bit pissed off
  2814. >In fact, you were about to enter your enraged state you've recently acquired, until Trixie spoke up
  2815. >"The two men that were involved with the event were hired actors."
  2816. >The magician lost his smile, but didn't lose his composure as the horde of people started 'ooo'ing and whispering to each other
  2817. >>"Now pray tell darling, how you came to all of these confounded conclusions?"
  2818. >So began the typhoon of bitchification
  2819. >"You have three cups on your table, but when you first set them up you had hidden an extra walnut in one of the cups after you showed the inner empty contents to the audience. You did that by throwing it down out of your sleeve as you set it down, and the clatter of the other two cups masked the fact that the walnut hit the table. You were able to do this because you had no reason to accentuate your sleeves until there was the need to show you weren't pushing anything up them when ready to start shuffling. A simple routine where you always know where the walnut is let you put two in one. That was an easy enough deception."
  2820. >>The magician was silent, leaning over the table and staring intently at her like she just slapped him in the face
  2821. -3
  2822. >"As for the other trick, you previously talked to the two that you interacted with, and gave the man in the red shirt a duplicate of the watch that the fat one gave to you. As for what happened to that watch, when you covered it with the cloth..."
  2823. >She began to circle his table and subconsciously pushed him out of the way, her illusioned fingers suddenly going straight for something under the table's leg and pulls it
  2824. >A compartment on the surface of the table slides subtly to reveal a golden shine
  2825. >"You pulled this mechanism on your table and covered the sounds with your constant blabbering, covered it back up while making an unecessary distraction with the hammer, and flipped the cloth with nothing inside in the first place. Since you knew the one in the red shirt beforehand, you were easily able to describe him and simply make it look like you had psychic ability."
  2826. >Now he looked absolutely livid, as the crowd was more or less silent and a few were expecting a fight
  2827. >>"Whoopdey fucking do, you found me out, ruined everyone's fun, good job--"
  2828. >"Thank you."
  2829. >She simply walked back to your side, and people were talking rapidly about the sudden turn of events
  2830. >It was true what she did was awesome, but you're surprised she's just walking back like this
  2831. "Hey, uh, nice job."
  2832. >"Oh, thanks. I just had to do something, knowing he was just playing these people for their money."
  2833. >Definitely some development since she's been here with you
  2834. >You're unsure if it was your influence or not, but you're not about to toot that horn
  2835. >However, seeing her so dejected was taking more of your thoughts
  2836. >It's like she lost the light, the innocence of what she used to do, just a dull look in her eyes
  2837. >She gave a heavy sigh, and crossed her arms as she turned to walk back out of the group
  2838. >"I guess magic isn't anything here. Too bad, this so called 'Earth' is missing out..."
  2839. >That's when you stop her
  2840. -4
  2841. "Hey, hold on a sec."
  2842. >"What?"
  2843. "...They don't have to miss out, do they? Why don't you do one of your acts?"
  2844. >At this point, you were trying to talk over the group so much that they had heard this, and everyone went dead silent at the sudden inclusion of the idea that Trixie was a magician herself
  2845. >"..W-what?"
  2846. "You need to show these people real magic. Show them what it's really about. There's nothing wrong with a little showiness, so long as it's there for the entertainment and fun. Go show this jackass what it really means to be a master, a mistress of magic!"
  2847. >She look positively dumbfounded, and she stole a quick glance at the magician
  2848. >You could practically feel him burning a hole into your head with his glare
  2849. >"...A-are you sure I should?"
  2850. "I don't mind. In fact, I want to see it myself. No, I don't care what I saw in the show, even if it was accurate. It was something you've learned from, right?"
  2851. >Trixie looked at you with those big, wide violet saucers for eyes, her cuteness level breaking the scales
  2852. "After all, i've never actually seen your show in full or in person... I wouldn't mind being dazzled by somepony as amazing as you are."
  2853. >She gives you one of the most sincere smiles that you've ever seen her with
  2854. >"... Alright. Let's... give it a shot, then."
  2855. >You give her your own, along with a reassuring rub on her whithers, which for the illusion was her waist
  2856. >She suddenly turns back to the smug magician
  2857. >herewego.gif
  2858. >The sudden ferocity and volume of her voice instantly brought memories of Trixie in the show back to your mind, and even a little nostalgia hit you from it
  2859. >"Since you've so blatantly asked to see that which can never be unseen, I shall enlighten you all with the most spectacular event in all your lives!"
  2860. >She began walking with a powerful presence beginning to surround her, and as she made her way to the center of the ever-expanding crowd, a glistening blue light began to overtake her form, her hands glowing madly
  2861. -5
  2862. >"Now, prepare yourselves to witness the Grrrrrrrrrreat and Powerful TRRRRRIXIE!"
  2863. FLASH!
  2864. >A powerful blue light and what you mistook as a purple smoke bomb went off where she stood, and when it cleared, the sight was truly something to behold
  2865. >Her humanized illusion was now clad in a properly edited form of her trademark wizard hat and cape, complete with an intricately-detailed performer's suit and a shining, starry glittering vest
  2866. >You've never been more attracted to anyone in your entire life
  2867. >Yet, the magician looked like he was about to wet himself
  2868. >The rest of the crowd was dead silent for a few moments, until they finally processed what had transpired
  2869. >Queue completely deafening applause, cheering and screams of confusion and "HOWDIDSHEDOTHAT" jargon
  2870. >"Oh my, Trixie hasn't even begun her act and you're all eager for more? Well, this is going to require a great and powerful assistant!"
  2871. >...
  2872. >wat
  2873. >Why are you sliding forward
  2874. >Why is she slowly getting closer in your vision
  2875. >Oh dear god no
  2876. >"This is Trixie's wonderful friend and very recently hired assistant, Mr...."
  2877. >Suddenly, magic strips your jacket and shirt in one go, exposing your chilly nips
  2878. "UUH, CAN YOU NOT?!-"
  2879. >"ANONYMOUS!"
  2880. >The same violet smoke and bright lights enveloped your vision, and when you regain sight, you suddenly have on black slacks, a white dress shirt, and your very own glittering starry vest that actually fit you perfectly
  2881. >So she actually conjured that, because you can feel it and everything
  2882. >Well, you suppose that having white hair was rather beneficial for this, on the bright side
  2883. >The crowd was going motherfucking nuts, and almost all of them have pulled out their phones to record the transpiring events
  2884. >Trixie leaned in a little closer to you, somehow whispering in your ear through the crowd's banter
  2885. >"You did say you'd be my assistant, right?"
  2886. >You did say that before, but it was just to make her feel better about the whole hair incident
  2887. -6
  2888. >She gives you a devious smirk, and she redirects her attention to the crowd
  2889. >"Now, for the safety and the comfort of your precious lives, Trixie will be performing her magic on her lovely and talented Mr. Anonymous. For her first demonstration --which she reminds you is simply a warm up for her more advanced techniques-- She would like to ask you all a very important question!"
  2890. >The crowd's high-decibel noise suddenly died down as if everyone suddenly had a bad case of stage fright
  2891. >"Trixie understands that humans are incapable of flight! That is, not without special machinery such as airplanes or hell-I-coptors."
  2892. >Fuck, you tried to get her to pronounce that right during one of your late night history lessons, but she just refuses
  2893. >...Wait, flight?
  2894. >"But, Trixie assures everyone that this is no longer the case."
  2895. >>"So what? You're going to make him float off the ground? Seriously, that's just cruddy and overdone, you arrogant hack. How about you quit beating a dead horse, and let me get back to my show?"
  2896. >You could've sworn you saw Trixie's face twitch at that shit
  2897. >"Float, you say?"
  2898. >Her hand began to raise in a slow crescendo of a humming energy, getting higher and higher pitched as a feeling crept up around your skin, a prickling sensation that made your hair stand on end like static electricity
  2899. >Suddenly, people were gasping and pointing at you
  2900. >You figured she had lifted you, but why did it feel so different from before?
  2901. >Sure enough, when you gain enough courage to look down, you were definitely levitating off the ground
  2902. >Oh god, you were way past all of the tallest buildings in the city
  2903. >You were flying like fucking Superman
  2904. >Thankfully nobody was up here to hear your girly screams of mixed terror and thrill
  2905. >The tingling vibes across your body lurch, and you immediately stop in the air, then start flying forward
  2906. -7
  2907. >You were very high in the sky now, not quite the clouds but definitely, very majorly off the ground
  2908. >The sensation must've been protecting you from the harsh wind and cold, because you didn't feel shit
  2909. >The initial shock subsiding... you were flying
  2910. >You go full autist and throw out your fists in front of you like the big man himself
  2912. >You were rushing through the air, literally living so many fantasies and dreams you've thought up over your entire life right now!
  2913. >This whole fucking day, despite the fuckup...
  2914. >Feelsgoodman.swf
  2915. >When you take a glance down, it looks like the people are still able to see you
  2916. >Well, you're now the first person ever to raid a city with spaghetti
  2917. >Another interesting sight was that Trixie seemed completely unphased, as if this didn't even put any strain on her magic whatsoever, even with her hand glowing madly
  2918. >Well shit, it took you this long to figure out she used her illusioned hands as the substitute for her horn
  2919. >Half the crowd was looking at her hand as well as you, trying to figure out how this was possible
  2920. >And the magician looked pale enough to pass as an AIDS patient
  2921. >You suddenly take a dive downward, and start weaving through the various light poles and decorative trees across the Cincinnati road
  2922. >After another minute or so like this, doing flips and spirals, Trixie lets you land back in the center of the group next to her, going forward at sprinting speed
  2923. >You were prepared for this after the last time she picked you up, however, and you managed to stop yourself from faceplanting by backpedaling
  2924. >Trixie raises her 'hand' to her face and blows on it, the violet magic wisping away like gunsmoke
  2925. >To risk cliche, the crowd goes wild
  2926. >The sheer amount of energy they were producing with their combined sound waves could heat up a cup of coffee in a few months time, or however the hell that one science fact went
  2927. >This time, though, they were cheering and screaming at you specifically
  2928. -8
  2929. >People could probably roast marshmellows on your cheeks right now, but delighting to you, Trixie stepped in and pat you on the ass
  2930. >You didn't complain
  2931. >"Now, you wonderful group of exquisite creatures! Trixie is going to do a little experiment!"
  2932. >You straighten up your vest like a professional, even pulling up the tie and bit and combing your striking white hair out with your fingers
  2933. >Might as well act the part, right?
  2934. >Trixie acted like she was expressing her deep personal secrets, walking around you as she spoke
  2935. >"She's performed time after time that old hat trick with the box and the crosscut saw, but Trixie has always wondered... Why hide it? Why not simply allow it to breathe free, and see the majesty of such a trick for ourselves?"
  2936. >At this point, she reached an illused hand within her cape, and pulled out... her hand
  2937. >The crowd was silent besides a cough here or there
  2938. >"Not so enthused, are we? Well, Trixie never said she actually used the saw, did she?"
  2939. >All of a sudden her hand starts glowing like she was going to fire a kamehameha
  2940. >Instead it turned out to be some weird spirit sword shit, a magical energy blade jutting out from her illusioned hand
  2941. >And she just sliced you through your waist
  2942. >You literally just stood there and watched her throw that shit like a baseball bat and it crossed through you
  2943. >You are dead
  2944. >She just fucking killed you
  2945. >....Oh wait
  2946. >You're not feeling anything
  2947. >You slowly start to poke where she sliced you, and you suddenly fall down and smack your face onto the pavement
  2948. >You heard screams and gasps, even a few stomping steps of people backing away
  2949. >You look up, trying to find the source of whatever it was that was causing such a reaction, because you knew it was about what just happened
  2950. >You try to get up, but instead you get kicked in your balls
  2951. "OOF holy shit..."
  2952. >"Oh, hah, let me help you there, my divided assistant."
  2953. >...Divided
  2954. -9
  2955. >She raises you up with her magic, now eye-level with her, and she turns you around
  2956. >You see nothing but your pants
  2957. >...YOUR LEGS?!
  2958. "OH MY GOD! WHAT THE FUCK!?"
  2959. >It was like a cartoon, as if you just bifurcated and it closed off the would-be wound before you saw anything
  2960. >You start moving your legs, and just watch them flail about without the counterweight of your torso and head
  2961. >The bizarre situation slowly defrosted as you were trying to get used to moving your legs around without them falling, and now people were starting to laugh and record everything once they realized you were fine
  2962. >Trixie set your torso down on the ground, and you get up on your hands, walking like a shithead toddler on your palms as you go to handstand next to your legs
  2963. >You wanted to be the best assistant you could be for her today, after all, it's the least you could do after that silent treatment you gave her
  2964. >So you started to riverdance, both legs and arms
  2965. >People were laughing like crazy watching you fail epically
  2966. >But it was alright, this situation had gotten so weird it didn't even affect you anymore
  2967. >After a few rather retarded antics from your twisted mind, Trixie stepped in, who looked like she was going to die from a ruptured lung
  2968. >"Oh, okay, you've proved your status as a great and powerful comedian, Mr. Anonymous. You'll fit back right into place, like this..."
  2969. >She lifts up your torso half and plants your form together, and your stomach makes a very odd squeaking noise as there's a small flash of light from where she sliced you before
  2970. >Your body was whole once again
  2971. >"Trixie says, give it up for Mr. Anon's wonderful display of talent!"
  2972. >As the crowd gives you a standing ovation (even if they were already standing), Trixie snapped her metaphorical fingers and a sudden firework blasted in front of you with a shiny violet checkmark in the air
  2973. >You just gave a sheepish, spaghetti-intensifying shrug and put your hands in your pockets, forcing the attention back onto Trixie
  2974. -10
  2975. >"I'm sure you've all had a wonderful time so far, but, let Trixie ask you all a very important question... Shouldn't there be a little audience participation?"
  2976. >The crowd was still recording, but apparently they weren't too keen on joining in, especially with her little disclaimer that she had stated when she began
  2977. >"Don't worry your little heads, my faithful watchers, no danger is posed to you, but it will be ... grand."
  2978. >That couldn't have been a coincidence
  2979. >Suddenly, she starts walking rapidly towards you from the other side of the group, her hand raised threateningly
  2980. >Oh jeez oh fuck oh damn it's battletoads all over again
  2981. >She suddenly plants a very realistic feeling hand over your mouth, probably beefing up the illusion to make it look more real
  2982. >You know, whatever the fuck she just did to you
  2983. >Your throat was building up a massive heat, but you didn't feel like it was burning or anything
  2984. >"Let's play a little game! Mr. Anonymous is the big bad dragon that is terrorizing the city! You have to protect it by shouting as absolutely as loud as you can!"
  2985. >Your throat was like, on fire
  2986. >Was it on fire?
  2987. >"Every time you cheer, you'll stop the big bad dragon's assault and send him back from where he once came!"
  2988. >The crowd seemed to be ready, and a lot of the phones had been pocketed, but there was still a few idiots wanting to record ever-- oh dear god your throat was burning now
  2989. >You try to blow it out, but all of a sudden blue flames rocket out of your mouth
  2990. >What in the actual fuck has she done to your body this time!?
  2991. >Well, now you're a dragon
  2992. >Let's fuck shit up
  2993. >"Ready, dragon? Ready, guardians?!"
  2994. >"And, shout!"
  2995. >You pull in a big huge breath, and just as the crowd shouts for the loudest you've heard them all day, you breath out a massive fireball that bounces away from a protective shield that almost seemed to eminate from their screams
  2996. >Trixie was a damn good sorceress, even if she got overshadowed by Twilight in the show
  2997. -11
  2998. >"Wonderful! You've all staved off the dragon on the first try, a lot more impressive than back home, Trixie adds."
  2999. >Just then, Trixie goes up and slaps your mouth again
  3000. >Your fiery throat calms down, but now it was starting to feel itchy
  3001. >She suddenly whispers into your ear, her hot, exhausted breath coating your lobe in sweet succulent Trixie moisture
  3002. >"Breath again."
  3003. "...You sure?"
  3004. >"Trust me."
  3005. >You pull in a big breath, the itching almost making you cough, and people were pointing at you and starting to shout in panic
  3006. >You blow out, and your lips start dispensing some sort of green substance that starts flying everywhere into the crowd
  3007. >You finish the breath and snatch out of of the floaty greenies from the air, and you look at it
  3008. >Holy fucking shit, this is a hundred dollars in your hand
  3009. >You must've breathed out a million dollars' worth!
  3010. >The crowd's cheers and screams gave way to "MINE!"s and "GIMME!"s at this point, getting really grabby
  3011. "This is so fucking illegal."
  3012. >"The bills are technically real, sure, but they'll disappear within the hour. Let them have their fun, haha."
  3013. >Still, those people that buy stuff are going to be pissed when they have to return it
  3014. >Ah well, it's the thrill of the moment, you suppose
  3015. >You watch Trixie walk over to the magician, who was blanked out, just staring into space as he was looking at a few airborne bills fall into his outstretched hand
  3016. >"I know you were expecting me to uh, beat a dead horse, was it?"
  3017. >He didn't even respond
  3018. >She taps the bills on his hand, and from where you stood it looked like she replaced Benjamin Franklin with a portrait of her winking, smiling self
  3019. >Topkek
  3020. >She walks back to the center of the grabby group as most of the important bills have been pocketed
  3022. >Good thing you told her that, that could've been real awkward if she said mares and gentlecolts
  3023. -12
  3024. >For being so greedy, they sure did love a powerful voice, as the crowd more or less got back to where they were, besides a select raggedy few still arguing over a pile
  3025. >"I'm afraid the Great and Powerful Trixie is getting a bit run down, but she has one more present in store for you all, a gift from her to those of you who've given Trixie so much gratitude and praise, and so, she dedicates this finale to you!"
  3026. >Then she looks at you, giving you such a beautiful smile, and she says something softly so only you could hear
  3027. >"But mainly for you, Anon. Thanks for putting up with me today, and I hope this makes up for it at least a little bit."
  3028. >Trixie stands at the center, her legs going slightly wide as she closes her eyes in concentration, and she places her hands together out in front of her
  3029. >...Huh, that was odd, it's become the shape of her horn
  3030. >The amalgation of horn and hand began to glow a very bright blue-violet hue that only increased in intensity
  3031. >It reminded you of Purplesmart's aura when she lifted the ursa minor and water tank at the same time
  3032. >She slowly began to break apart her fingers, and your head started to hurt
  3033. >It was another prickling sensation in the base of your brain, like when she was reinforcing her illusion, except... bigger
  3034. >She seemed to be visibly struggling, sweating even
  3035. >And that's when you started getting worried
  3036. >Her human illusion began faltering, beginning to see small flashes of her pony form
  3037. >You took a few steps toward her, fully prepared to throw yourself over her to keep from being seen
  3038. >You were not about to let her go like that
  3039. >All of a sudden, the illusion returns in full force
  3040. >And the sun itself suddenly dips down into the sky, replaced by a rising moon
  3041. >
  3042. >W-what?
  3043. >You thought Twilight was more powerful... Or you know, motherfucking Celestia
  3044. >How did she?...
  3045. -13
  3046. >The masses were even more disturbed than you were, looking up at the perfect night sky in fright, fear, panic, and yet there was awe and excitement and banter among the truly mind-boggled
  3047. >After a moment, the moon began to take its descent back towards the horizon, the shining sun coming back to where it was before
  3048. >Trixie was half red in the face, sweating all over, shoulders heaving and breathless
  3049. >She had time to regain her composure as the crowd were still looking in fear and awe at her now
  3050. >Opening her eyes once again, she gives that same arrogant smile, and raises her arms in triumph
  3051. >"That will be all from the Grrrrrreat and Powerful Trixie! She hopes that you all have been able to have a taste of what true magic really is... Tell your friends and your family, let it spread throughout the world, and maybe give another shining ray of hope through their lives. Trixie bids you all ado!"
  3052. >She throws up her hand one more time, and a powerful cascading storm of fireworks burst from her palm, exploding everywhere like the fourth of July
  3053. >The crowd was louder than it had ever been, parting for Trixie when she nudged and beckoned you, walking through the crowd and towards your car
  3054. >You quickly scoop up your shirt and jacket and follow her, who had quite a fast pace on her
  3055. >You catch up and run to her side, looking back at the crowd just in case any of them decided to eavesdrop
  3056. "Trixie! That was absolutely awesome, how did you manage to move the sun and moon like that?"
  3057. >"Please, Anon, let's... gh..."
  3058. "...Trix?"
  3059. >Her gait slowed immensely, and she was suddenly her original pony self, illusion completely broken
  3060. >Without even a single bit of hesitation, you throw your jacket over her as well as you could, picked her up, and sprinted for your car
  3061. >You almost ran into the door you were going so quickly
  3062. >Open the door
  3063. >OPEN IT!
  3064. >You swing it open and you stow Trixie on the floorboard in front of the seat, closing the door back quickly as you ran and slid over the hood
  3065. -14
  3066. >Trixie hadn't been seen at this point and was more or less safe, but you've always wanted to try that
  3067. >But that was way too close... You had no idea how much that had taken out of her
  3068. >She had no magic left at all if it just dropped like that in the middle of public
  3069. >You had successfully gotten into your car and turned the key, and you quickly back out before the horde could figure out what had happened to their beloved new idol
  3070. >You stomp on it and go off the other way, rushing out into traffic and stopping a bunch of people in their tracks as you break a bunch of traffic laws
  3071. >Once you were safe on the road going 50 or so, you look out down at Trixie
  3072. "Okay, we're safe now. You can get up."
  3073. >She slowly pokes her head out from your jack
  3074. >God that's cute
  3075. >However, she looked like she ran ten miles and got a horrible flu from how bad she looked
  3076. "Are you okay?"
  3077. >"...I think so, I should be fine."
  3078. >Fuck man, you didn't know how much more your heart could take from a day like this
  3079. "I'm going to go ahead and take us home, okay?"
  3080. >"That would be welcome..."
  3081. >You give her a smile, and you take the two of you home, saving the obvious questions for later
  3082. ---15
  3083. >You had driven for about a half hour or so, and Trixie had just climbed back onto the passenger's seat, very cautiously massaging her horn with her hooves
  3084. >"That might have been the greatest act i've ever performed, but I'm sure as hell paying for it..."
  3085. "I wouldn't doubt it. Like I said before, Trix, that was... unspeakably awesome. Even though I'm speaking about it now. You know what I mean."
  3086. >She gives you a rosy-cheeked smile, and flips her mane out of her eyes once she's done stroking herself
  3087. >...L-lewd
  3088. >Man, it's been a while since you've gotten a boner, it's like you respected her more and more as time went on
  3089. >And uuh, sometimes you forget that...
  3090. >As Trixie starts speaking, you turn off your cruise control and push the gas pedal manually so you had an excuse to hike your knee up
  3091. >"Well Anonymous, I couldn't have done it without you, you know. I'm well aware of my magnificent power, but your assistance made it possible. A lot of what I did needed a volunteer, something most ponies back home wouldn't have stepped up for."
  3092. "Not that I stepped up for it in the first place."
  3093. >Oh fuck, avert, DIVERT.DLL
  3094. >"What was that-"
  3095. "So, how did you move the sun and moon? I thought only the princesses could do that?"
  3096. >Trixie didn't seem to notice what you said before, so you sighed in relief as she thought for a moment
  3097. >You had some time to process what had happened and already had a hunch of how she did it, but you were still curious
  3098. >"I've had a lot of time to practice my illusions this past week, a lot more than I did back home. I've always had this really radical idea in my mind, that I could truly prove my title as the Great and Powerful, by moving the bodies that only two were ever known to do in the history of Equestria. Of course, not even with a powerful artifact and someone of my abilities could ever match the powers of Celestia and Luna."
  3099. >You had a sudden thought to keep her away from anything that resembles the Alicorn Amulet here
  3100. >That would be some really unecessary trouble, and who knows how the OP would fuck with you on something like that
  3101. >"So, I resolved to find a way... And one night, I did. Actually, that night was about two nights ago, when I realized how proficient I was becoming with my illusions due to our little situation."
  3102. "So that's why you suddenly wigged out and went to bed early?"
  3103. >"..Yes, that was the reason. But what I found out, is that my illusions could not only just affect me, but the environment around me, and... presto. It still takes a large majority of magic for me to hold the spell for even a moment, as you've seen, but... It worked."
  3104. >Yeah, during one of your history lessons she just froze for a second, then excused herself to bed
  3105. >You were concerned for her and almost went in there to go see what was wrong
  3106. >Thankfully she just had an epitome, but if it had been something else, that would've been pretty shitty on your part, and you make your eponymous mental note not to do that again
  3107. >Damn, even you cringed at that pun
  3108. >But, that was pretty much the only time this whole week you were able to ... take care of business, without her knowing, so you did
  3109. >You were getting restless again, and you make sure your knee was hiked up higher
  3110. >...
  3111. -----
  3112. >
  3113. >
  3114. -----
  3115. >The two of you drove back home in a peaceful bliss after the great and powerful works done with bringing magic back into the world
  3116. >You talked a little with her about the illusions and what you were going to eat when you came home (You had plans for it already), but more or less you both just wanted to rest a little after so much shit happening today
  3117. >You weren't tired, persay, you could still feel that magical monster coursing through your veins after all this time, even
  3118. >Though it was feeling like it was starting to wear off, not that it mattered since you were going home
  3119. >You just hoped the crash wouldn't come by the time you did everything you wanted to do tonight
  3120. >...That came off a bit more sexual than you wanted, but whatever, it's your thoughts damnit
  3121. >Either way, as the sun was finally beginning to set across the horizon, you pull your car into the back lot behind your house
  3122. >When you took a look at Trixie's state, she looked a little disappointed at the radio, probably because she was enjoying one of the tunes blaring in the car only to cut in the middle of it when you turned off your car
  3123. "Hey, I got speakers in my house, we can listen to it in the livingroom if you want."
  3124. >"Oh? Ah, I see, we're home. I just have to say again, Anonymous, today was... It was very enlightening, to say the least. I mean... You know, it was... fun."
  3125. >You couldn't help but smile at her half-assed attempt to sound nonchalant
  3126. "I had a good time too, Trix."
  3127. >You unlock the doors and step out of your car, getting your shirt and jacket as you did, stretching as you made your way quickly around to the other side and opened her door for her
  3128. >After all, you didn't think she'd be able to use her magic for a while, and those hooves aren't exactly capable of opening the little metal bar your vehicle calls a handle
  3129. >You had a mental image of Trixie flailing trying to get the door open and you tried not to laugh as she stepped outside, flipping her mane
  3130. >You look around intently and make sure nobody was watching, and once satisfied walked with her to your back door
  3131. >For what could only be described as grace from karma, she didn't question going through your backdoor
  3132. >Your front door very definitely had something you wanted to surprise her with
  3133. >This was going to be difficult to get it all right, but by jove you're going to make this awesome
  3134. >Going in, feeling the sweet heat and pleasure of your home and that sweet smell of...
  3135. >...Magic and sugar
  3136. >Your kitchen
  3137. >What the fuck
  3138. >"Oh... I forgot about this. It was a messy experiment, what else could I say?"
  3139. >There was some sort of mystical blue glitter mixed with the energy drink stank all over your counter and a bunch of completely destroyed cans, like they'd been shot multiple times with a 12-gauge shotgun
  3140. "... ...Wha-"
  3141. >"I will clean it, don't worry."
  3142. >You decide to just fuck it all and wave it off, magic can clean magic right?
  3143. >Going into the living room, you perform the arduous ritual of throwing your shit haplessly on your livingroom table
  3144. >You keep the starry magician's vest on for now, however
  3145. >It worked perfectly, she basically already dressed you for success
  3146. "I just think it's good to be home, honestly. Trixie?"
  3147. >She had moved past you to go lounge on the couch when you called her, now looking at you
  3148. >"Hmm?"
  3149. "How about I make us something that won't kill us in five years? Can you wait an hour or so for dinner?"
  3150. >"Oh, uhm, I suppose not, do you need any help?"
  3151. "No no, you rest right now. You've had a long day, and it's my treat."
  3152. >She sounded surprised, but then again the eight days she's been here it's been different takeout food because you normally can't cook for shit
  3153. >This time, however, was different
  3154. >Your dad always says that extra 10% always pays off, so you're heeding that advice today in lieu of his memory, to win over a talking azure unicorn with a penchant for expanding your lower horn
  3155. >
  3156. >You're so glad she can't read your min--
  3157. >You're so glad she can't casually read your mind without the need for contact and concentration
  3158. >By the time you finished this odd tirade of thoughts, you heard background noise, realizing it was the TV
  3159. >Trixie had started flipping through the channels, and you figured she was pretty pre-occupied
  3160. >So you snoop behind the couch and to your front door, pretending to watch the TV, and when she looks at you, you smile and offhandedly wave
  3161. "Just gonna get the mail."
  3162. >"Alright."
  3163. >When she returns her gaze to the radiation box, you unlock the door, still watching her, and tug on the doorknob
  3164. >Tug on the- no, holy shit, this was going to be more arduous than you anticipated
  3165. >You go into the hallway on your left and enter your bedroom, looking for something decently heavy, distracting...
  3166. >Aha!
  3167. >You go to the bottom of your closet where a bunch of unpacked boxes lay and start digging through the possessions you have but never bothered to take out
  3168. >BISMUTH!?
  3169. >You didn't even know people made a meme out of it until your recent escapades on 4chan
  3170. >You had bought it a few years back with some birthday money because it looked really neat, an oxidized lab-grown crystal, about a pound and a half, and cost about $90
  3171. >Fuckin' sweet deal, though you had forgot about it until now, and it was to serve a divine purpose
  3172. >You make your way back to the front door and throw it over Trixie's head from the safety of the corner, and with great success she didn't even notice until it hit the table all the way across the room
  3173. >And shattered something glass
  3174. >Fuck
  3175. >"Aah! .. W-what is that? Anon, where'd..."
  3176. >She couldn't find you, for you were the great and powerful white boy blending into your walls
  3177. >Just kidding you were hiding behind the corner like a bitch
  3178. >You heard hoofsteps towards the intrusion, and while she went to study the colorful metal you sprang into action
  3179. >You precisely measured the direction of your force so you could pull on the shitty door without making too much noise, and bingo
  3180. >Propped up on your frame was that lovely UPS package, which you cradle into your arms like your newborn child
  3181. >It was fuckin' expensive so you weren't about to drop it
  3182. >You look back as you close the door, and you could see Trixie hovering the bismuth in the air, scratching her chin with her hoof in such a diabeetus-inducing way
  3183. >The door made a large squeaking squelch, and you veer into the hallway just as Trixie looks back at you
  3184. >Didn't stop her from continuing the conversation though, as you found a place to hide this shit
  3185. >"Anon, where did thi-- Where are you going?"
  3186. "One sec!"
  3187. >"Did you throw this?"
  3188. "No, what is it?"
  3189. >"It's some sort of... It's almost like a rainbow colored staircase, and I believe it broke one of your potted plants! What is the meaning of this?"
  3190. "It's called Bismuth!"
  3191. >"SO, you did throw it!?"
  3192. >You know, it's one thing for her to have magical powers, but it's just downright unfair she's a lot more intelligent than you
  3193. "...One sec!"
  3194. >You stow the package under the aformentioned packing boxes, knowing you'll return to it in a while
  3195. >You sigh in relief as you walk out of the bedroom, and bump into Trixie in the hallway, getting a mouthful of metal
  3196. >"Oh!"
  3197. >Vocal cords weren't even turning at the shock
  3198. >You tasted blood
  3199. >"...I am so sorry, Anon, I didn't expect you to come out so quickly!"
  3200. >You grab the levitating bismuth from her grasp
  3201. >You had a split toe, a lump on your head, a sore shoulder, and now you think you chipped a tooth
  3202. >And for some reason, you didn't even acknowledge it
  3203. "It's called a bismuth crystal, it's actually an element, atomic number 83. It's a niftly little thing, has some useful properties in stuff like wires, but when it's oxidized it makes a decent piece of art."
  3204. >"..What do you mean element?... An element of harmony!?"
  3205. >Suddenly the crystal gets ripped out of your grip
  3206. >"I don't believe it!"
  3207. "No, not harmony. Elemental substance."
  3208. >You back into the bathroom as Trixie keeps examining the crystal, and you spit a nice glob of blood into the sink and check your reflection
  3209. >Nothing broken, just a split gum that wasn't too bad
  3210. >"Again, I apologize for running into you. It almost seems like I'm a magnet for physical torture."
  3211. "It's fine, nothing major. Let me go make dinner, alright?"
  3212. >"Okay... I cleaned the counter for you, by the way. And the flower pot."
  3213. >You turned to thank her, but she was already back in the livingroom
  3214. >You think you've done enough prepping, so let's get this show on the road
  3215. >...
  3216. -----
  3217. >...
  3218. >Damn, she cleaned up nice
  3219. >Even wiped up the weird soap stains on the back of your sink, and here you were thinking that she had no magic left
  3220. >That just gave you the drive to make this a really nice meal
  3221. >Before you started in the kitchen, you looked up on your laptop the song she had been listening to on the ride home and put it up on speakers
  3222. >Trixie actually had a smile on her face as she was simultaneously analyzing the metal crystal, bobbing her head to the pop music, and watching... King of the Hill, apparently
  3223. >That threw you off, so you went back into the kitchen, and cracked your knuckles
  3224. >And now to utilizes the ingredients you bought all those days ago for this moment
  3225. >You slap your oven on preheat at 375º, and you get out a mixing bowl with a whick
  3226. >Rummaging through your fridge, you pull out some cottage cheese, monterey jack, cheddar, mozerella, milk, chile pepper, anise seeds, and mustard, then you go to your cabinets and pull out some seasonings, and of course the macarones
  3227. >You stir all the cold ingredients up with the whick, whistling a tune matching with the blaring beat
  3228. >While that sits, you take a baking pan from your lower cabinet and spray it with some vegetable oil
  3229. >Then goes in the extra cheese and pasta into the mix...
  3230. >Stir...
  3231. >And plop, into the pan it goes
  3232. >You take some aluminum foil out and cover it
  3233. >Just then you hear the ready signal from the oven, and you open the door, pushing in the tray and setting the timer for 40 minutes
  3234. >Alright, you didn't have to come back for a while, so let's get that package prepped
  3235. >Trixie was busy in her own little world, allowing you to freely traverse to your room without effort
  3236. >You close the door and remind yourself to keep an ear out as you slide out the package from the closet
  3237. >You set it on your bed and open it up, thereafter pulling out the contents to make sure all was well
  3238. >When it passed your high-stakes inspection, you lay it out on the bed and throw the quilt over it, just in case
  3239. --1
  3240. >You bend down and take your supplies out from under the bed, and get to work...
  3241. >...
  3242. >You bend up and set the mac and cheese on the stove
  3243. >You then strip off the foil, now sprinkling the breadcrumps and basil over the top
  3244. >"Anonymous, how much longer will it be? This crystal is beginning to look like an appetizer!"
  3245. "Hold up, Trix. Perfection takes time, and you can relate, right?"
  3246. >"Hm, I suppose so. It better be as good as you're boasting!"
  3247. >Fuck yeah, ego stroke buys you time
  3248. >You finished preparing the sides of the lovely three stroke meal you've created, and start to set the plates with a decent helping on both, finishing up with a little seasoning, and putting the slightest bit of garish on the top of the main course just to be a smartass
  3249. >Finally, after an hour's preparation you bring the plates outside and you can almost see Trixie drooling when you make an appearance
  3250. "I'm not going to say any clichès, but dinner's served. I hope this suits you.."
  3251. >You set the plates down on the table, along with a few napkins and two glasses
  3252. >You pulled a bottle from your wine cabinet beforehand to go with those
  3253. >Trixie's silverware was already glowing though, so you snatch it out of the air and set it back down
  3254. "One second, I want to put a little music back on. It's not the pop you like, but I think it'll grow on you."
  3255. >She was just staring at the food
  3256. >Turning off the television, you then pull up the youtube link and start playing it through the speakers at a nice calm volume, then you dim the lights a little bit to give a more relaxing atmosphere
  3257. "Like it? Baked gourmet mac and cheese, side order of cornbread and green beans, and guess what?"
  3258. >She barely looks up at you, but you continue anyways
  3259. "I was talking to a friend of mine, and he said he can get some hay down from his uncle's farm for me, so you can get the main portion of your diet and not have to feel starved all the time."
  3260. --2
  3261. >"That would be wondrous... Can we eat now?"
  3262. >You pick up your fork and eat some macaronies in response
  3263. >Trixie does the same immediately, and once she's taken a few bites she suddenly becomes privy to the song you put up
  3264. >"You put a spell on me?... Hm, a rather sensual tone, don't you think?"
  3265. >She took a sip of her wine as she said so, and it was tantalizing
  3266. >You just give her a smile, and keep on dining
  3267. "So, I wanted to ask you something important, if that's alright."
  3268. >She finishes chewing before she spoke, also taking one of the napkins and dabbing her lips with it
  3269. >For some reason that made you unf
  3270. >"What's on your mind, Anon?"
  3271. "Well, how are you holding up? Have you been adjusting well?"
  3272. >It was something you honestly wanted to know, and while it wasn't the most mood-setting topic, this was more important now that you actually got here
  3273. >She hesitated before speaking, her eyes suddenly becoming much more somber in their light
  3274. >"Well, like I've said before, being here is much more preferable to Equestria. It's no small feat to attribute to you though, Anon."
  3275. "What do you mean?"
  3276. >"You've been..."
  3277. >Trixie sets down her silverware and devotes her full attention to you, and it almost looked like she was shying away, something rather uncharacteristic for her
  3278. >However, it looks like the azure mare steels herself and she continues
  3279. >"Anonymous... There hasn't been anyone in my life that has ever been as kind as you, or as generous or forthcoming, and I know that, whyever that mysterious person brought me here, I could never be thankful enough that it was on your doorstep..."
  3280. >That's when she looked you right in the eyes, her words faltering for a moment
  3281. >"I've been a horrible, gigantic burden on you, it hasn't left my mind since you said I could stay here, but-"
  3282. >You stop her right there
  3283. "Trixie."
  3284. >You reach out and take her hoof within your hands, feeling the soft, warm heat of her fur
  3285. >You could see the slightest blush as you spoke, which aided your confidence
  3286. --3
  3287. "I don't know if you realize this, but I never once had any single thought about you being a burden. I might've gotten a little irritated before, but it was just a bit of a shock and I was in the heat of the moment. You might not have been here that long, but you've managed to bring me out of a life that was going absolutely nowhere, because I was doomed to sit in front of a computer for the rest of my years and make meager wages and encase myself in a bubble that I never would've been able to escape. You're amazing, Trixie, and honestly..."
  3288. >You weren't sure if you should say this, but you were going to anyways
  3289. "...If there was an opportunity for you to go back, I'd... I'd ask you to stay."
  3290. >The wide-eyed mare stared at you for a long time, and when she couldn't find the words to respond, she just put her other hoof over your hands, giving you such a teary-eyed smile
  3291. >That look then turned into one of confusion when you slipped your hands away and stood up
  3292. "I've got something for you."
  3293. >You walk behind her and go behind the couch, where you had stored it
  3294. >"...F-for me?"
  3295. >You nod, and pull out the gift bag
  3296. >It was a nice white one with green polkadots, you couldn't find any her color but it didn't matter much
  3297. >A big bow kept the bag shut, with a sporting traditionally tied gift tag
  3298. To: The Great, Powerful and Lovely Trixie Lulamoon
  3299. From: Anonymous
  3300. >Signed with your best handwriting possible, still pretty shitty
  3301. >You set it slowly in front of her, and you watched her be stone still, as if she didn't know what to do
  3302. >You pulled up your chair to sit closer to her, and you gesture towards it
  3303. "Go on, it's yours. Open it."
  3304. >You put a hand over your mouth to have an excuse to wipe your eyes, because you didn't want to start crying, as her tears were brimming
  3305. >She slowly undoes the ties by hand, removing the bow after smelling it, giggling slightly
  3306. >You had put a little dab of monster on there to see if she'd notice, just to lighten the mood a little
  3307. --4
  3308. >She removes the bow and puts it on the table, opening the bag to see a lot of packing tape
  3309. >After a few seconds of digging, you wish you had a camera to take a picture of her face when she saw it
  3310. >She glanced at you for a moment with those violet halos, then carefully pulled out...
  3311. >A laptop
  3312. >An Asus, to be specific, with specs that would make your computer want to kill itself
  3313. >She held it within her hoofs, looking at the lid, when she nearly gasped in surprise
  3314. >You had previously bought the laptop off of the asus site, pulling a few strings with one of your computer nerd buddies to get some custom orders on it before it was shipped to you
  3315. >On the center of the lid was her cutie mark, in all of its proud glory
  3316. >At the bottom, was her full name, engraved with a beautiful cursive font
  3317. >Trixie looked right up at you
  3318. >"Is this why you had your savings transferred for me?"
  3319. >So it was, and now you know where that note you left on the fridge went
  3320. "Yeah. It's for you. It's all in your name and everything, and i'll show you how it all works."
  3321. >Before you even knew what had happened, the laptop had been tossed on the couch, Trixie jumped on your lap, and you had a powerful vice grip around your neck and waist
  3322. >"Anon! This is the most amazing, wonderful gift anypony's ever given me, I can't believe you'd do that for me!"
  3323. >She retracted and planted her soft, wet lips on your cheek
  3324. >Then on your other cheek
  3325. "Haha, Trixie-"
  3326. >"I love you so much!"
  3327. >Then... Your lips.
  3328. ---5
  3329. >Time itself seemed to halt for the two of you.
  3330. >She looked into your eyes, completely unbelieving at what she had done.
  3331. >And yet, she had put a second kiss upon your lips, much more gentle, still looking at you.
  3332. >A feeling you've never felt before rose in your chest, and your heartbeat sped, your skin getting red and hot, but you didn't care about that.
  3333. "I love you too.."
  3334. >Only another second passed, before you slid your fingers in her mane and kissed her with more passion than you ever had.
  3335. >Her tongue slid between yours, and all atmosphere was lost as you became one with one another, bodies moving in sync and emotion flooding each other like a tangible flowing river.
  3336. >Emotions that have been bottled up far too long, far too deep, that are surfacing with a raging current that will not be stopped.
  3337. >Love, and happiness, more powerful than any sorrow or hatred.
  3338. >At some point, she had led you into the bedroom.
  3339. >At some point, you had been laying together.
  3340. >At some point, you had been stripped.
  3341. >At some point, Trixie's lustful whimpers melted over your body through the night.
  3342. >And at some point, you found yourself rustled, sweaty, satisfied and loving with a likewise Trixie, arms over her whithers and holding each other tenderly under the covers, looking into each other's soulgates.
  3343. >Telling her you'd never let her go.
  3344. >Her telling you she would never leave you.
  3345. >Telling each other you loved them.
  3346. >Falling fast asleep, cuddling and content.
  3347. >...
  3348. >If there was anything that you could ever say about this night, it's that you realized that your life had changed forever in just those few seconds...
  3349. >And it was more than you could ever ask for.
  3350. -----
  3352. >There's always been something missing.
  3353. >Something missing from your life, that is.
  3354. >It was never really clear to you what had really been that you were looking for, why you kept going on.
  3355. >Living your life in futile hopes of finding it wandering blindly during your time on this earth.
  3356. >Everything you've experienced in life has been... sort of droll. Like your senses were dulled at birth, and you never knew what it was like to live to the fullest.
  3357. >That is, until she came and changed everything.
  3358. >It was a blessing in disguise, at least at the beginning. She had came into your life through a random thread on /mlp/.
  3359. >No rhyme or reason why, just given to you, by the OP if anyone else's accounts are to go by.
  3360. >You realized early on that you really lucked out, however. You got Trixie, somepony that had hated her life on Equestria, fully assimilating to a world that was ready to accept her, and giving you that very thing that you were missing.
  3361. >Trixie was that thing for you. She was your light, your vision, your love and emotion.
  3362. >That's how it felt, anyways.
  3363. >As you sat here with her, playing a vidya on her laptop and cuddling with each other under a blanket in the soothing light of magical candles, thoughts of the others and their experiences crossed your mind.
  3364. >These thoughts came across often, knowing that you had the perfect opportunity to change both your life and hers, and yet there's others that most likely ended up with some of the happier ponies that were torn away from their homes, and even worse, those that have lost theirs to the rules of the thread.
  3365. >Just thinking about it made you all the more protective of her, but you had to restrain yourself.
  3366. >Trixie was great and powerful, after all.
  3367. >"I still don't get this game's premise!"
  3368. "Wait, what? Why not, it's easy enough to get, and you're smarter than me with shit like this."
  3369. >"No, I mean it's trivial for any unicorn moderately versed in the old magics to create portals, but it's nothing like this little machine on our arm! All it does is act like some sort of movable doorway, it's impossible!"
  3370. "It's not like we have this technology in real life, Trix. It's science fiction, emphasis on fiction. If you wanted a real explanation they say something about quantum tunneling in the second one, but--"
  3371. >"There's a second game!?"
  3372. >Whoops
  3373. "Er.. Yeah. It's better than this one, for the record."
  3374. >"Oh, I'm sure it will be, with all the difficulty this one has promised."
  3375. >Trixie gives a derivative sneer at the screen before finishing the room she was in and going onto the next one.
  3376. >She probably didn't want to play it because getting to the end took her barely an hour and she's been complaining about the triviality.
  3377. >In any case, you direct her to one specific part she needed to do and helped her out, but she figured it out before you even finished your sentence.
  3378. >... Great and powerful, not patient.
  3379. >For better or for worse, she was still a jaded, arrogant, all-knowing and inconsiderate pony.
  3380. >And you love every single bit of her because of it.
  3381. >Now you held that great and powerful pony in your arms, and now you're wrapping your arms tighter, eliciting that signature Trixie smirk.
  3382. >....You know what?
  3383. >Life would never be completely fulfilled by any one event, or even person for that matter.
  3384. >...But it was still pretty damn enjoyable.
  3385. >And you can certainly tell you were going to live your life to the fullest.
  3386. >With that thought, you kiss Trixie on the cheek, a little yelp following.
  3387. >She looked at you with those shining violet eyes, and you couldn't help but truly kiss her.
  3388. >She kisses you back.
  3389. >Finally, you realize what you've been looking for.
  3390. >A friend.
  3391. >A lover.
  3392. >Someone to lean on, someone to hug.
  3393. >Someone to laugh with, cry with.
  3394. >Someone to love, and be loved by.
  3395. >The Great and Powerful Trixie had really arrived.
  3396. -End-

The Great and Powerful Trixie Has Arrived

by Trixiefap

The Sun Has Risen

by Trixiefap

Storytime! Option 2: Trevor

by Trixiefap

Trixie and Anon Rob a Bank

by Trixiefap

AJ Tries to Castrate Anon

by Trixiefap