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Trixie and Anon Rob a Bank

By Trixiefap
Created: 2022-06-28 03:21:38
Expiry: Never

  1. [Author's Note: If you haven't read The Great and Powerful Trixie Has Arrived, this might not make much sense.]
  2. [This was a write trade between Trixiefap and Nehem from 2014.]
  4. >It wasn't fair.
  5. >You finally had gotten your life settled with Trixie.
  6. >You both had everything you wanted in life, but more importantly, in each other.
  7. >What good would that be if you ended up in jail, or worse?...
  8. >No, don't think about it, just get ready and go.
  9. >The more you put it off, the higher the chance you'll back out.
  10. >Backing out isn't an option, after how he threatened you.
  11. >You pull up in your driveway, having a very bleak feeling as you stepped out of your car, and walk into your apartment complex as you made sure your jacket was covering your waist.
  12. >His thoughts echoed in your mind, overtaking all of your processes until you realized you had unlocked and opened your shit-hinged door without even realizing it.
  13. >Trixie was on the couch, currently watching the history channel. It was amazing how intrigued she became with the past of this world, but you didn't need to ask her why. Seeing that look of wonder and adventurous prose on her face already told you it was something she loved.
  14. >Which made it all the more difficult for you when you walked in the door, and she gave you such a wonderful, heartwarming smile.
  15. >"Welcome back, Anon. ... What's wrong?"
  16. >Her face fell rather quickly, did the gravity of the situation really show that much on your countenance?
  17. >You close the door behind you, trying your best to put on some kind of smile.
  18. "Nothing's wrong, it's fine. Uh, what are you watching?"
  19. >She hesitated for a moment. After living with you for so long, she had learned a lot of your idiosyncrasies, and you knew hers as well. This time around, you knew she could see right through your little lie.
  20. "...Alright."
  21. >You pick up the TV remote and promptly turn it off. After an awkward moment of silence, you beckon her, making your way into the bedroom.
  22. >You held open the door for her once she walked in, and you closed it; you didn't really know why, but it felt right.
  23. >As you began to speak, you started to look through your dresser drawers. You normally would've waited until after talking to her to do this, but this way you had an excuse not to look at her.
  24. "I met an old... associate after work today. Back when I was about 18 or so, I didn't have the job I had when I met you, Trix. In fact, I was unemployed at the time, and I needed to do something desperate to get money, sort of like your situation back in Equestria."
  25. >She was silent, but you felt the urge to continue.
  26. "The problem was, I didn't have any talents to live off of unlike you, and well, it was all or nothing. I met this guy, and we... scratched each other's backs. I helped him with a little deal he wanted to make with his other friends, and I got a cut of his profit."
  27. >"What kind of deal, Anonymous?"
  28. >You glossed over her question, since the details were unimportant to you.
  29. "However, the deal didn't go over so well, and while I managed to slip away, he got caught by the police --this world's guards, I guess-- and was sent to federal prison for five years."
  30. >"...So he's been released, recently."
  31. "And he was pissed at me. He thinks I'm the one that ambushed the deal or something, and he wants me to make up for it."
  32. >You find what you were looking for, under a large stash of old clothing and wires that Trixie hadn't tampered with. It was a rather old, ratty box.
  33. >"What does he want you to do?"
  34. >"He wants the money back, with interest. He's got nowhere else to go so he needs a payoff to get back on his feet."
  35. >You set the box on the bed in front of Trixie, and you see her look of great disturbance.
  36. >"Do... Do you have enough to--"
  37. "I'm afraid not, and he wants it by tomorrow. ...."
  38. >You ended up choking on your words, and Trixie's eyes meet yours. They glared at you with an intensity you didn't know she even possessed.
  39. >"What happens if you don't deliver?
  40. >"...What's he going to do?"
  41. >There's hundreds of million things you want to say right now, besides the truth. But she deserves to know, especially as you've already decided what you had to do.
  42. "He'll... He'll kill me."
  43. >She shuts her eyes before tears could flow, despite knowing what was coming.
  44. >The urge to stop and just go hold her was strong, but you had to be the pillar for this whole thing.
  45. "There's only one way I can get the money he wants... And, fuck. Every fiber in my body tells me not to ask you, but I... I'm going to need your help, Trixie."
  46. >You expect her to refute your offer, tell you she isn't any sort of criminal, but instead you're surprised.
  47. >She nodded without hesitation.
  48. >"I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe, Anon. I'll do whatever you need me to do, I don't care what it is. You're the only one in this world I know and you're the only one I c-care about."
  49. >The sheer emotion in her voice simultaneously warmed your heart and gave you a sense of confidence you hadn't previously possessed, so you went right for the jugular.
  50. "...Alright. We have to rob a bank."
  51. >You throw open the lid of the box, revealing your Glock 17 that your friend gave you for the deal.
  52. >"...O-okay. I've stolen before, never robbed, but... First time for everything."
  53. >Her countenance made it quite clear she was having some rather uncomfortable memories rushing through her mind, but she seemed to change the subject so she didn't have to deal with it.
  54. >"This looks like something from that Halo game you have."
  55. "Perceptive, but not quite. It's a gun. Pistol, to be a little narrow. Think of it as a more portable, deadlier, more efficient bow and arrow that you don't need to wind back."
  56. >Trixie looked back up at you, her eyes betraying her true emotions. "...Deadlier?"
  57. "If we're going to do this, we need to be armed, and we have to take out anyone that gets in our way, even if that means..."
  58. >Trixie's eyes widened in sudden, intense fear, and your confidence was quickly faltering.
  59. "L-look, it most likely won't even come to that, so long as we play this smart, okay? In fact, depending on what spells you know, we might not even get in trouble at all."
  60. >You slowly remove the gun from the box, and you start checking it over. It was still armed, and had a few extra clips with it. You weigh it in your hand, memories of things you never wanted to remember again beginning to resurface in your mind's eye.
  61. >You look back up at her, thinking about something.
  62. "Have you had any luck with that advanced polymorph spell you were telling me about?"
  63. >She blanked out for a moment, vexed by the sudden change of topic from something so serious.
  64. "Oh... Well, actually, I have. I'm able to do it, but each transformation takes a gigantic portion of my magic. I could only change twice before I'd be completely drained, but it doesn't tax me while transformed."
  65. >That works out, you imagine. She could transform, you'll do what you need to do, she can transform back and hide in the back of the car.
  66. "Does your magic recuperate while you're transformed?"
  67. >"A bit more slowly, but yes."
  68. "Any chance you could transform now, and we could wait a couple hours? We're going to need to be as prepared as possible."
  69. >Trixie gets up and jumps off of the bed, and her horn begins to radiate a significant amount of energy, coloring the entire room a dark azure as her eyes began to glow with blinding light.
  70. >Your jaw drops to the floor, and you end up leaning back against the dresser because you couldn't stand up straight from the mixture of fright and anticipation you were feeling.
  71. >You saw a magical cocoon envelope her body sort of like when Rarity was given wings in that one episode, but tinted silver and violet, and so much more vibrant in real life.
  72. >The cocoon changes shape, raising from the ground as there was a slight silhouette of Trixie's changing body, until the magic finally dissipated.
  73. >Her form was just like her illusion, with minor changes. It was slightly taller, dwarfing your 5"5' stature even more than usual, and some of the details that were easily overlooked were completely solid, simply adding more beauty to her already nigh-perfect form.
  74. >And she was naked, but you've been through that routine already and it didn't matter really.
  75. >Didn't mean you didn't take it in, because, >no hooves, but still.
  76. >She must've known what you were thinking, because she gave you a slight smile and quickly left for the closet, going to put some clothes on.
  77. >As you were waiting, you looked at the gun in your hand. Raising it up, you do your best to remember everything your friend taught you about shooting.
  78. >Arms straight, but not rigid for rebound shock. Right hand firmly grasping the clip, finger off the trigger until ready to fire. Left hand under the right, aim down the sights with your right eye--
  79. >"Anon, what're you doing?"
  80. >Upon hearing Trixie's voice, you hooked up the gun and lowered your arms quickly.
  81. "Oh, just checking memory, that's all."
  82. >Trixie was wearing your clothing since she actually needed some instead of being able to throw it in with her illusion, but she pulled it off quite well, considering you were both about the same size when she was humanized.
  83. >"Are you ready?"
  84. >She raises an eyebrow. "Ready?"
  85. "These next few hours aren't us going to be sitting around with our thumbs in our asses, you know. I need to ask you about your spells so I know what we could and couldn't do, teach you how to shoot, reload, what not to do with a gun,--"
  86. >"I think I get it..."
  87. >You smiled sheepishly, both of you giving a few light chuckles before the darkness of the situation overwhelmed you both.
  88. >So much in fact, Trixie's eyes started to glass with tears, despite her best efforts not to let that happen.
  89. >It was as if your body began to move on its own; setting down the weapon, crossing over to Trixie and giving her her first proper human-to-human hug.
  90. >You caress each other tightly, appreciating every moment of closeness with her as you could before you might be going out, only... not to come back.
  91. >...
  92. "Alright, quick review since we're driving."
  93. >She looked at you and nodded subtly, then returning her sullen gaze out of the window.
  94. >Normally you'd comfort her right now, but this was too important to screw up so you wanted to go over it one more time so all of the details were fresh in her mind.
  95. "When we get there, i'll park on the street across the fence around the back of the building so we're not as easily seen when we make the getaway."
  96. >You pull out a piece of paper from your pocket, a primitive sketch of a bird's eye view of the building and where the car is parked, and where the vault is located.
  97. "Read this over again, we got a few minutes."
  98. >You hand it to her, and she hesitantly takes it, her eyes beginning to scan it and make sure everything's still where it's supposed to be.
  99. "When we park, you'll go inside the main lobby and ask to deposit for my account, do you still remember the number?"
  100. >"Uh-... 192145762845?"
  101. "Yeah, that's right. And then what do you do?"
  102. >"I wait for the accountant to leave the desk, then I'll set fire to the security button and spread it so everyone has to evacuate, right?"
  103. "Yeah, just not too close to the back, and try not to block anybody off. We're going to avoid any and all death and injuries as much as possible."
  104. >"I sincerely hope so, Anon."
  105. "Also, make sure they don't see you doing it, make it look like their little button malfunctioned, okay?"
  106. >"Right... It's pointless otherwise."
  107. >She was very intent on not screwing anything up it seems, because she was focusing on the paper and not even giving you a glance.
  108. "Good. While you're doing all of this, i'm going to come in a minute or so beforehand and ask to meet with my advisor which'll be a few minutes, and go to an inconspicuous spot near the back. Now, When you've done your thing, you'll come over to me once everyone's cleared. Trixie?"
  109. >She finally looks back up at the sound of her name.
  110. "Are you sure you can blast through steel? Like I said before, it's like a superstrong version of iron."
  111. >"I'm pretty sure I can, it'll just take the majority of my magic to do so. Don't patronize me on my capabilities, it's well enough that i'm doing most of the work on this!"
  112. >Shit, sorry. Jeez...
  113. "Thank you for helping, though. It's just really hard to rob a bank without at least some cash to sow, and there's no way in hell i'd ever have enough to buy any explosives."
  114. >"You can thank me when we're alive after this."
  115. >You didn't say anything about that, and instead continued on the plan
  116. "So if-... when, you're able to blow in the vault, we can just shoot off the locks and start bagging as much as we can as fast as possible, we get the bags full, our pockets full, hop over the fence from the back, and drive off, hopefully without anyone realizing what happened due to the distracting fire in the building. We could already be home by the time anyone even found out."
  117. >"Best case scenario..."
  118. >"...Anon?"
  119. "Yeah?"
  120. >"...Nevermind."
  121. >You go to put your hand on her shoulder, rubbing it for reassurance.
  122. >You knew what she was going to say, and that's all that mattered.
  123. >So you then slide your hand down her arm, interlocking your fingers with hers.
  124. >That must've been an interesting sensation for her, for her first time having real fingers.
  125. "I love you too, Trix."
  126. >...
  127. >You shift into park, but you keep the car on since this whole trip isn't going to take very long.
  128. >You and Trixie both get out of the car and start walking down the sidewalk that will bend around to the bank.
  129. >Without any words needing to be spoken, you give her a pat on the ass to lighten the mood before she began to walk off the other direction.
  130. >It was still pretty funny to hear that little yelp, not to mention arousing, but you had a job to do.
  131. "Remember Trixie, keep that gun hidden or they'll stomp on that security button before you can say 'psycho'."
  132. >"Yes, I know. Just be careful, Anon..."
  133. >You wave to each other as you make your way into the bank, wiping a bit of sweat off your brow while pushing the glass doors open.
  134. >There was still a bit of a line, but thankfully you didn't have to screw with that.
  135. "Excuse me, mister?"
  136. >One of the workers behind the counter looked up from something he was writing.
  137. >>"Yes, sir?"
  138. "Can I meet with my advisor? Her name's Jane, it's really important."
  139. >>"I'll see if she's available. Have a seat over there."
  140. >He points you to the waiting lounge near the back, and you didn't have to be told twice.
  141. >Sitting down, you pick up a Science Weekly magazine from a table and start to pretend reading it.
  142. >Sure enough, a few minutes later, the elegant Trixie came in through the doors, still looking quite unsure of herself.
  143. >You still hated doing this to her... This was exactly the kind of thing she was trying to get away from in Equestria, and now because of your careless decisions, it's just like reliving it all over again, you imagine.
  144. >She gets in line and slowly makes her way to the front booth, pulling out the check you gave her and sets it inside the window gap.
  145. >"Hello, I'd like to... deposit?"
  146. >Hopefully her amazing acting skills wouldn't cause any suspicion.
  147. >>"Uhm.. Sure, here's a counter deposit slip, fill it out."
  148. >....You stupid-ass bastard!
  149. >Trixie can't write in human form without using her magic, she's had fingers for three hours!
  150. >You were about to get up and abort the whole thing, when you suddenly smelled plastic.
  151. >As soon as it hit your nose, other people looked up sniffing just like you, so it wasn't just your imagination.
  152. >Wow, you didn't even see her do anything, but she must've already done it, as there were now licking flames from under the booth, which instantly began to spread across the entire desk.
  153. >The large mass of people in the room started screaming fire and chaos erupted; workers filed out over the back swinger that closed off the counter, just hurdling over it since it was locked.
  154. >Trixie herself was pushing through the masses running for the exits when the sprinklers turned on.
  155. >You weren't worried though, her magical flames weren't about to be pissed on by shitty century-old technology.
  156. >As more and more people filed out, a few upstanding citizens trying to organize the flow, Trixie reached your position and you led her to the door behind the counter with the 'Employees Only' sign.
  157. >You push it open and work your way through the empty hallways, until something snags on your foot.
  158. >You tumble down with Trixie on top of you, realizing she had just pushed you to the ground.
  159. "Hey, wha-?!"
  160. >"Ssh."
  161. >When you stopped talking for a second, you heard footsteps in one of the adjacent office spaces.
  162. >She had put the two of you down so you wouldn't be seen, but if they came out... Well, it wouldn't matter.
  163. >Suspense grew as the people walking and talking seemed to be security guards making sure the most important documents were salvaged before the flames took the whole building down.
  164. >Speaking of fire, smoke was starting to billow through the ceiling, so you two were running out of time.
  165. >The footsteps head towards the door, and your hand instinctively reaches for the gun on your waist.
  166. >Please... Please don't...
  167. >The door opens.
  168. >Your heart stops.
  169. >The two of you were completely silent when it happened.
  170. >Footsteps right behind where you two were.... running away.
  171. >They didn't see you, probably because they were worried about the smoke!
  172. "Oh, fuck me..."
  173. >"Not right now, come on."
  174. >Trixie helps you up and you find your way to the 'Financial Records' door, busting it open with a well-placed kick.
  175. >It was great to be stupid sometimes. The only reason you know everything back here and how old this building is was because you've had so many meetings with your advisor trying to figure out how the hell to set up a green account, and you've seen almost every inch in this place.
  176. >Even the permanent vault, when some poor schmuck had left the iron locked door open during a schedule change.
  177. >The smoke in the air was getting thicker and one of the corners of the room was starting to wilt from heat, so you know you had to make it quick.
  178. >You close the door as best as you can behind you after you let Trixie in, and the two of you face the thick industrial steel door, plain besides the large metallic restraints, wheel lock and number pad.
  179. >Yeah, there was no way you were going to figure out the code, it's not like they just have it lying around.
  180. >Trixie, however, looked a bit intimidated at the scale of the vault, and it looked like she was starting to second guess her abilities.
  181. >In fact, you both just stood there for a few moments as her eyes were darting over the vault
  182. "Not to pressure you, but we don't have much time."
  183. >"I'm aware, Anon!... I just, didn't think it'd be quite this intimidating..."
  184. >Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
  185. "C-can you still do it?
  186. >After another moment of billowing smoke starting to cloud the room, Trixie raises her tensed hands and they begin to glow a proverbial cerulian glow, beginning to crackle with sheer unadulterated magical power.
  187. >The radiance of the spell became so intense that you couldn't even open your eyes, your senses completely distracted by the brightness and smoke filling your lungs and the ringing from the spell-
  188. >There was a crack in the air, sort of like a firecracker, then a massive explosion that suddenly made you go deaf.
  189. >The force of it also knocked you and Trixie back into the far wall, sending you into a coughing fit made even more exasperated by the pollution.
  190. >By the time you were able to stand up, however, you had to duck back down because the smoke was too thick.
  191. >Running over to Trixie, you help her up despite her human inexperience making it rather difficult.
  192. "Are you alright?"
  193. >"I think I have some bruised ribs, but otherwise fine..."
  194. >Nodding curtly, you both suddenly look up at the vault.
  195. >That shit was blown the fuck out.
  196. "C'mon."
  197. >Trixie trails behind you as you walk over the violet flames licking at the semi-molten steel, and you unholster your glock, motioning her to do the same.
  198. "Remember what I said, hold it solid and make sure the trigger isn't touched when you turn off sa-"
  199. >You were cut off by a loud gunshot, and a squeal of terror.
  200. >"OH CELESTIA!"
  201. >She had dropped the gun on the floor with shock plastered on her face.
  202. "Fuck, Trixie, I told you it'd be loud!"
  203. >"I'm sorry, I can't hear!"
  204. >You give an indignant sigh and a cough, going over to her and picking up her gun, forcing it back into her shaking hands.
  205. >Then you halfway-yell into your ear, turning off the safety on your own gun, going akimbo.
  206. "Like a cannon, remember? Now i'll shoot the locks off myself while you teleport the bags, alright?"
  207. >She quickly nods, and you take aim as you're crouched under the smog.
  208. BANG!
  209. BANG!
  210. BANG!
  211. >Each shot brought you closer and closer to a panic attack, trying to speed things up faster and faster before people figured out the shots weren't because of the fire.
  212. >Eventually, you had all the shelf locks shot off using a sizable portion of your ammo, and Trixie joined you as the both of you began to take the unmarked notes and throw them into the bags with fearful haste.
  213. >"At least this is easy, your currency is paper instead of coins..."
  214. "We have coins too, remember?"
  215. >"Who needs a 'dime' or a 'quarter' when you can just carry weightless cloth?"
  216. "Whatever, just fill the side pockets of your bag, then stuff your pockets. We need to go!"
  217. >As panicky as you were feeling and the situation getting worse, you suddenly thought about how well this was going.
  218. >If you weren't seen on the way to the car, you'd be completely fine, scot-free with nobody having known at all.
  219. >You double-time with throwing the cash in the bag, haphazardly zipping the main compartment and just forgetting the pockets, you most likely had enough.
  220. "Okay, that's fine, let's go!"
  221. >"But you said to stuff my-"
  222. "We have enough, we need to go!"
  223. >You throw the bag over your shoulder and give Trixie her gun, which she shakily takes.
  224. >Once she has a free hand after getting her own bag, you take her wrist and lead her out of the vault, both of you almost to the ground trying to avoid the smoke.
  225. >When you get outside the vault, half of the previous hallways were in flames.
  226. >Instead you turn left, then make your way through what you hope is the back manager's hallway, and find the backdoor, which you quickly shoot the lock off of and force open.
  227. >You and Trixie almost fall out of the doorway as the smog screen starts ventilating into the outside, and you both collapse on the concrete.
  228. >You hear her take a deep breath of fresh air, and you do the same.
  229. >This time, she helps you up and you both look at your salvation, the metal-link fence.
  230. "Trixie, do you have any magic left?"
  231. >You looked back at her glassy violet eyes, dread suddenly flowing over them and your countenance.
  232. >"I'm sorry, I don't. It took all I had to break that vault!"
  233. "Damnit, alright, let's go."
  235. >Trixie had been looking back in shock, but you didn't so much as move a hair, simply dropping your gun to the side and doing exactly what he said.
  236. >"A-anon?"
  237. "Do as he says, Trixie!"
  238. >You didn't quite mean to be that harsh, but she had to do it now, before something bad happened.
  239. >After a few seconds and a metallic clatter, she knelt down next to you, mimicking your position.
  240. >Footsteps cascading towards you both down the concrete of the parking lot.
  241. >Your heart pounding in tandem.
  242. >There was only one way you were going to stay with Trixie, and it meant doing something you couldn't normally do.
  243. >You summoned all of the will you had at once, psyching yourself out as you began to feel hands start pulling your wrists down behind your back.
  244. >That's when you push forward and stand at the same time, breaking his grip on you, flip around, and headbutt the police officer right in the nose, sending him sprawling back.
  245. >No time to get your gun, his partner was already aiming.
  246. >You move faster than you ever have before and intercept him before he fires, but he was expecting that.
  247. >The police officer was struggling with you for control of the deadly weapon, his finger itching and twitching on the trigger just waiting for the barrel to face you.
  248. >Closer and closer, because he was stronger, more experienced.
  249. >Easy enough to say it was self defense, and you were the criminal.
  250. >You were about to die.
  251. BANG!
  253. >You fall to the ground, clutching your right pec in bloody agony.
  254. BANG!
  255. >The cop then falls beside you, unmoving.
  256. >"Oh no, no no no Anonymous, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"
  257. >You suddenly saw Trixie kneeling over you with your glassed over eyes, unable to speak because of the shock, and your lung felt like it was being flooded with blood.
  258. >She was so pale, tears flowing down her face.
  259. "Y-... .. You...?"
  260. >"I t-tried to aim, like you told me to, b-but you were both moving and I... I couldn't..."
  261. >"I was just trying to save you! WHY DID YOU RUSH HIM LIKE THAT!?"
  262. >"..To save.. you.."
  263. >Her anger disappeared as quickly as it came, but there was no time for emotion, no more time.
  264. "We... need to go... now..."
  265. >Your vision was slipping and your strength failing, but you somehow managed to get up with a lot of effort and aid from Trixie.
  266. >She had wordlessly draped your bloody form over her shoulder, and her legs faltered under your weight.
  267. >"Please, Anon... Don't..-"
  268. "I... I won't... let's go..."
  269. >With silence behind you, the two of you limp forward towards the fence, you leaving your gun behind because it was useless now.
  270. >You couldn't aim for shit anymore, not with your life starting to fade.
  271. >It looks like you spoke too soon with the whole going well part.
  272. >Meanwhile, Trixie was on the verge of a breakdown when you caught a glimpse of her, she was crying to no end, trying to stifle the moans and whimpers she was involuntarily making.
  273. >It hurt you more to see her like that than the bullet wound through your chest.
  274. >But for some reason, niether of you stopped. Niether of you gave up, not to carry out this suicide mission, not to help the stupid fuck you owed.
  275. >It was because you loved each other, and it didn't need to be said.
  276. >When she reached the fence, she audibly grunted in concentration, a very faint glow eminating from her hands.
  277. >She was still trying to use magic--
  278. >Scratch that, she did use magic.
  279. >The fence crumped in the center of the links, allowing the two of you to push through instead of climb over.
  280. >She was exhausted by the time the two of you got to the running car, but your body failed you and you collapsed on the passenger's side of the car, Trixie nearly going with you.
  281. >"Anonymous!"
  282. >...You had to.
  283. >You didn't want to do it.
  284. >But there was no other way.
  285. "Trixie... I n-need you to drive.."
  286. >To your great surprise (dulled by the dire situation), she immediately opened the passenger door and helped you inside, closing the door as soon as your legs were in.
  287. >She runs over to the driver's side and gets in, then suddenly freezes.
  288. >"... I... I've never driven as a human before... I can't use my magic, either.."
  289. "It's... not that hard, you just, feel the pedals with your right foot, just... remember what you learned, before, and.. "
  290. >You start coughing profusely, blood draining down your chin and shirt.
  291. >It was at the very core of your abdomen, throbbing through your entire body and burning your head, dizzying you, your vision blanking further and further, a wave of pure agony and suffering wracking your muscles and nerves with absolute torture.
  292. >At that point, Trixie was tugging at your shirt, more stone-cold washes of spasming misery shaking your dying form.
  293. >You couldn't do anything about it anyways, but it turns out she was tying the shirt around your shoulder with the knot on the wound, which hurt like hell but helped with the bleeding.
  294. >It wasn't going to be long now, though...
  295. >You were shivering and your heart was beating so hard you thought it was going to explode.
  296. "...G-go."
  297. >You could barely even make noise at all, but she heard you and looked at the brakes under the wheel.
  298. >With a few frustrating attempts, Trixie finally manages to shove the car into drive...
  299. >And you're slammed back into your seat as the car starts roaring down the road, just as you started to hear police sirens.
  300. >Thankfully, Trixie was a quick learner, and she was at least staying in the road as she passed by cars, going by your progressively weaker directions as you drove.
  301. >But you still heard sirens.
  302. >"Those guys are following us, Anon!"
  303. >You refused to let her get taken down with you.
  304. "...Han mh... gun.."
  305. >"What? The gun?"
  306. >Trixie takes a few glances at the gun she laid in the console, then risks a second to pick it up and put it in your hand, swerving back into place once she started to quickly drift.
  307. >You roll down the window and try your best to move, but every motion you tried to make shacked your body with pulsating pain, burning the hole in your chest even further.
  308. >You barely coughed as your grip wavered, the gun falling out of the window.
  309. >That's when it misfired.
  310. >The police heard the gunshot and assumed you were shooting at them, possibly endangering the people on the streets, and they then took careful fire, shots suddenly shattering the back windshield.
  311. >Trixie screamed and panicked, the wheel going haywire from her erratic movements-
  312. [spoiler]Blackness.[/spoiler]
  313. >
  314. >Your eyes opened... You somehow weren't dead yet.
  315. >You felt all different kinds of pains now, but they were quickly fading, being overtaken by a warm, comforting feeling.
  316. >It contrasted greatly with what you seen, as your reeling vision was able to make out the fact the car had crashed into a tree.
  317. >You look over and see Trixie, in her pony form and bleeding from her head, scratches and wounds all over her body from the shattered glass, trying to wake you.
  318. >"...Anon... What do we do? We're trapped, and you're so hurt, please don't... Anon?"
  319. >You couldn't speak.
  320. >There was no longer any air in your lungs, and you were blacking out.
  321. >All you could do now was reach out to her with what little strength you had.
  322. >Trixie saw this, and took your hand in her hooves, tears and blood streaming down her face.
  323. >"...I'm sorry."
  324. >She began to lean in, and so did you...
  325. >Please, just... one more kiss.
  326. >"A-anon!? WHAT'S HAPPENING!?"
  327. >You open your eyes and suddenly see ugly black tendrils of magic grabbing Trixie from a portal of pure darkness, with police officers staring wide-eyed at the sight.
  328. >They grabbed every one of her limbs, her horn and neck and began pulling her into the void.
  330. >You felt tears streaming down your bloody face, completely unable to help her as your vision fades out.
  331. >
  332. >The last thing you saw was her disappearing before you, and your last breath right after.
  333. >It wasn't fair.
  334. >It wasn't...
  335. >...
  337. END

The Great and Powerful Trixie Has Arrived

by Trixiefap

The Sun Has Risen

by Trixiefap

Storytime! Option 2: Trevor

by Trixiefap

Trixie and Anon Rob a Bank

by Trixiefap

AJ Tries to Castrate Anon

by Trixiefap