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The Sun Has Risen

By Trixiefap
Created: 2022-06-28 03:13:54
Updated: 2023-10-03 02:36:00
Expiry: Never

  1. [Copied by author from]
  2. [Author's Note: Based on the old two-option Storytime! threads.]
  4. Enjoy!
  7. >A wonderful sunny day on Earth.
  8. >Cars pass by, clouds roll through the sky, but the one thing that always remains constant, is the sun.
  9. >It gives warmth and light to the life beneath it, and dear FUCKING GOD MAKE IT STOP.
  10. >It's 109° F, 95% humidity and a 99.9% chance of ass sweat.
  11. >This isn't a fun day, you were lying before.
  12. >In the midst of the summer, you sit on your recliner, wishing that you had the thing you wore on your head that was basically a rag.
  13. >A do-rag? No, cowl.
  14. >That's right, a cowl.
  15. >Too bad you're [spoiler]c-howling[/spoiler] for cooler weather.
  16. >It's too bad that you had a day-off today, normally you'd go out with your friends.
  17. >That's a lie too, you don't have any friends.
  18. >Just people who hang around and eat your food.
  19. >There's one right now, let's call him Kirby.
  20. >At least, you named him Kirby when you first met him because he literally ate all of your housewarming food when you got this apartment.
  21. >He's sitting there on your couch, sprawled out with his not quite fat, not quite skinny, but most definitely unexercised body.
  22. >”Hey, can we watch something that doesn't rot my brain? Maybe like that documentary of the North Pole, that's a good one...”
  23. “You're a faggot who eats my food and sleeps here more than you do at your parents' house. I'm choosing the next channel.”
  24. >”Fuck you, I've gotten better since I've been here!”
  25. “Name one thing.”
  26. >”I wear pants now, don't I?”
  27. >You clench your eyes with your finger and thumb in awe of stupidity.
  28. “Kirby, I told you I didn't have a problem with it but you have to wear underwear.”
  29. >”You're just a prude. Or your dick's small-”
  31. >Kirby shuts right the fuck up after that, and you keep flipping through your Netflix mindlessly, the sweat of your brow starting to pour into your mouth, making you even more thirsty.
  32. >Each flip of the channel makes you want to vomit into your own ass so you don't feel so dry in your colon.
  33. ---
  34. >You apologize for that image, but it's fucking hot and-
  35. >There's something you can watch.
  36. “Hey, ever watch this?”
  37. >The autoplay function of Netflix starts up the first episode, beginning an exposition about Equestria.
  38. >That's right, Mein Leitle Poner.
  39. >”Aww fuck, when did they get this back on?”
  40. “I don't know, but it's about fuckin' time.”
  41. >You see, you might think that Kirby is just a fucking waste of space who doesn't deserve to live right now.
  42. >And you'd be surprised to find that the answer is exactly that.
  43. >You don't mean to sound like a dick, but he really is a sack of shit.
  44. >But he's your sack of shit.
  45. >You're just the cart the sack goes on.
  46. >The two of you met through a con, funny enough.
  47. >The two of you sat together at the panel where they had the many voice actors of MLP read off one of the scripts with different voices from their career.
  48. >The two of you laughed your ass off at Bender saying “Bite my great and powerful ass”, and the two of you have been vitriolic best buds ever since.
  49. >He's just a ponyfag, possibly a brony; you're the one that's the depraved horsefucker.
  50. >If that doesn't tell you something's wrong with him, then just keep reading.
  51. >But anyways, the point is that you both love the little ponies on the big rectangular screen, so here's something you and him could watch to ride out this heat wave.
  52. >But you've seen the premier so many times, you're getting bored pretty quickly.
  53. >Kirby over there is just having a grand time, even sung along to the main theme.
  54. >You always skipped it, but you're doing something else now anyways.
  55. >/mlp/
  56. >Why? Because the story requires the presence of the board, faggot.
  57. >On your smartphone, you take a good look at the catalog, subtly drinking the overly-condensated glass of ice, which is no longer ice, just cool, refreshing water.
  58. >You know, the thing that doesn't help your heat problem at all.
  59. >”Hey, you even watching man?”
  60. “I'm listening.”
  61. ---
  62. >”Fine. You got anything to eat today?”
  63. “I had a sandwich, there's more lunch meat if you want it.”
  64. >Before you even finish, Kirby is up and headed for the kitchen.
  65. >Dear fucking god.
  66. >Eh, you're pretty well off, you can buy enough to support him.
  67. >The main reason you haven't let him straight up move in is because of his lack of employment.
  68. >No way you taking up a NEET.
  69. >While he's busy making himself a monster between toast, you look through the catalog some more, having to wipe your phone's screen because of the sweat on your thumb.
  70. >Then there's one that catches your eye.
  71. >You're pretty sure this is just a repost, but you go into it anyways.
  72. >Even if it was just for Twilight's crotch at full display in front of a computer.
  73. >Two options, you see.
  74. >Two options to read.
  75. >You want to pick one.
  76. >But two is just more fun.
  77. >Now that you've got your autistic rhyming out of the way, you take a closer look at it.
  78. >Well, option one is pretty straightfoward, but then again, you're going to have to relieve yourself at some point.
  79. >You aren't quite sure if that counts, but you know that without genitals, they still have ponuts.
  80. >And you're going to spring on that shit because of your lack of willpower.
  81. >Goodbye portal to Equestria, so that's out.
  82. >Option two makes you feel a little bit of guilt, but hey, your own personal fucktoy?
  83. >Okay, you don't really want that, if you were gonna pick that option, you'd make it a pony you'd really want to be here, and that's the catch 22.
  84. >The more you like that pone, the more bad it'll feel if they were caught, or worse yet, the fact that you stripped them from Equestria.
  85. >
  86. >Fuck everything, it's a fictional choice.
  87. >As if on queue, Kirby comes back with a fucking quadruple toast BLT.
  88. “Where did you even get bacon?!”
  89. >”Found it underneath the extra coffee cream, what?”
  90. “Whatever. Hey, if you could have any pony here right now, to f- talk to or whatever, who would you want?”
  91. ---
  92. >Kirby gives you a condescending look.
  93. >”You were going to say fuck, weren't you?”
  94. “Yeah, but I know your delicate psyche couldn't handle xenophilia.”
  95. >”I think the term is bestiality.”
  96. “They're sapient, dipshit.”
  97. >”...Don't you mean sentient?”
  98. >You're about to launch 4th of July fireworks right up his ass, if it weren't for the flames that would make everything even hotter.
  99. “Whatever, who would you pick?”
  100. >He thinks for a moment as he watches Nightmare Moon get revealed to Ponyville on the TV.
  101. >”Hmm… I guess Spitfire.”
  102. >You didn't expect that.
  103. “Why's that?”
  104. >”She's like Rainbow Dash, but with a better color palette.”
  105. “But Dash a shit.”
  106. >”Says the sunfag.”
  107. >And there we go.
  108. >The only thing that you actually do like about the sun, is that its tattooed on the ass of your favorite.
  110. “Yeah, looking at a thread on here. Option two is bring one here, and they'd fall in love with you. I'd go Celestia anyday.”
  111. >”Of course you would.”
  112. >Hey, what can you say?
  113. >It's weird, after you said that out loud, your phone turned off by itself.
  114. >The Samsung logo showed up too, so it was a hard shut down.
  115. >It's almost as if it was punishing you for picking Sunbutt.
  116. >Heh, maybe it was going to make you disappear just like a discovered option 2.
  117. >That'd make the whole story real fun, just have the protagonist disappear after what, three posts?
  118. >Fuck that.
  119. >You try to turn the phone back on, but it's not responding.
  120. >If this motherfucking piece of plastic and acid stopped working on you, you're going to shit thunder.
  121. “Damnit...”
  122. >”What's up?”
  123. “Phone went blank. Just paid this off, too.”
  124. >”Bummer man, you should've got an iPhone.”
  125. ---
  126. “Cancer aside, I really can't get it to turn on. I didn't hit it hard or anything, it just... poofed off.”
  127. >”Got the warranty?”
  128. “Yes I got the fucking warranty, you rancid piece of fuckshit. Hey, you brought your car over here, right?”
  129. >”Yeah, but as far as I know, I'm a rancid piece of shit, and last I checked feces can't drive.”
  130. >This fucking guy.
  131. “Sorry, sorry. I need to see if someone at the tech store can get this working again, but I only have enough gas to get to the station on my payday.”
  132. >Kirby sighs, and sits back up, having already finished his monstrosity of a sandwich.
  133. >”Just let me use the bathroom real quick.”
  134. “How quick?”
  135. >”It's a deuce.”
  136. >You pray that he doesn't clog the toilet again.
  137. >You hear the door slam, and after a few more tries, you finally get your phone back on.
  138. >Thank fuck, that would've sucked.
  139. >Since it takes Kirby literally eons to take a shit, you decide now would be the best time to take care of business.
  140. >One zip of your pants later, and you're going to town on pubic… town.
  141. >Everyone masturbates, but only you can squig a pinch in less than a minute.
  142. >Pulling up your favorite white ass, you lick your lips, imagining you're licking just a little more.
  143. >You're starting to climax with the force of a thousand suns, pun intended, when something thumps.
  144. >Initially, you think it's in the bathroom and Kirby fell asleep on the can or something.
  145. >But then you realize it's right in front of you.
  146. >With a man.
  147. >Standing right there.
  148. ---
  150. >>”Quiet down.”
  151. >The mysterious man's tone somehow dulcied your decibels, and you close your mouth.
  152. >>”Your wish is granted. But you are the only one who may see her. Remember this.”
  153. >After a suspicious repetition of the second option's rules, you now notice there's a very large burlap sack on the ground next to him.
  154. >The dark-clad stranger begins to fade away from existence, only when it dawns upon you that this is because of the thread.
  155. “Wait!”
  156. >The fading momentarily stops, giving you one request.
  157. “...Did you seriously just teleport in here while I'm wanking my dick? Couldn't have just shown up 30 seconds later?”
  158. >His form disappears completely as you ask, but you could've sworn his eyebrow raised.
  159. >Now that you think about it, maybe that wasn't the best thing to ask him.
  160. >You stand up slowly, looking over the sack that he left, the realization now kicking you in the fucking head.
  161. >Oh god, that's actually her.
  162. >Equestria's fucked.
  163. >…
  164. -----
  165. >...
  166. >If you had known this was going to be real, you'd have picked a pone that wasn't, you know, not as tall as you were with a technicolor automotion mane and tail.
  167. >But also, holy shit this is real.
  168. >You're not even sure what to do right now.
  169. >You start moving towards the bag, but you then think about the fact your hard cock is still flapping around, start to put it back in, but curiosity gets the best of you and you go towards the bag anyways.
  170. >Before you make it there, you stop in your tracks, hearing a flush.
  171. “...Oh shit.”
  172. >Looking back, you calculate that you have approximately 20 seconds before he comes back out.
  173. >He might be a pig-ass eater who likes flashing his dick to random people, but he at least washes his hands.
  174. >But in this case, it doesn't matter because this sudden opportunity is going to be history if you don't think of something fast.
  175. >C'mon brain, don't let your master down!
  176. plegh
  177. >Fucking damnit, you drowned it in too much alcohol today.
  178. >Guess you'll have to come up with something yourself.
  179. >Looking around frantically, you start grasping the bag with fervor, and shout the first thing that comes to your mind.
  180. “Hey, you better have flushed twice!!”
  181. >There's a momentary silence besides your sudden struggle to lift over 100 pounds off the ground.
  182. >”But there's nothing in the toilet!”
  183. “I don't give a shit, … Get it?”
  184. >”Fuck you, dude!”
  185. “Whatever, just flush again so the pipes don't burst like I did inside your mom last night!”
  186. >”UUUGH.”
  187. >The instant you hear more footsteps towards the bathroom, you breathe out air as you lift as hard as you can, managing to lift the alicorn-filled bag a few inches, which is all you needed.
  188. >Your dick slapping against what, with your luck, probably is her head, you do a duck walk as fast as humanly possible with your nonexistent biceps flexing harder than your Oscar Mayer Weiner.
  189. >It's going great, you're already halfway to the bedroom when you hear a massive THUMP.
  190. ---
  191. >You look down, and realize the bag is too fucking big for the skinny hallway.
  192. >You either hit her horn, or her massive ass.
  193. >Celestia dabestia ass.
  194. >But that's NOT GOOD RIGHT NOW SHE WON'T FIT.
  195. >You try again at a different angle, and you try tightening the neck within your grip to slacken the angle of the bag's droop.
  196. >It barely works, and she manages to get completely stuck between the wall.
  197. >”There's your second flush, Hitler.”
  198. “Did you wash your-”
  200. >You'd scream no, but you're running out of your well of ideas very quickly.
  201. >You try budging the bag some more, but it's not even touching the ground its so jammed.
  202. >You have yet to see movement in the bag, so she's still asleep or outcold, but you have T-minus 5 seconds to think of something fast.
  203. “..Uuuh, uh, yeah, just uuh, the receipt is in my bottom drawer in the bed- er, bathroom, can you get it real quick?”
  204. >A slight hesitation occurs.
  205. >”Why the hell would your receipt be in the bathroom drawer?”
  206. “If you look, I'll spot you Pizza Hut tonight, no budget!”
  207. >A few seconds later, and you hear the door close again, rummaging noises intensifying.
  208. >It never fails!
  209. >Now, how to get this Goddess of an entire world unwedged from your shitty apartment hallway…
  210. >Perfect.
  211. >You kneel down and crawl underneath the bag, and sprint to your room as fast as I can't think of anymore ways to say ASAP.
  212. >Slamming open the door, you and your exceedingly hard dick look around the room.
  213. >When you spot it, you snatch it up and pass through the gates of hell once more.
  214. >WD-40.
  215. >Unscrewing the cap, you pour copious amounts of oil on both sides of the bag, front and back, emptying the entire canister.
  216. >Once completed, you jump back over and you psyche yourself out for a moment, walking rapidly for a few moments and breathing quickly.
  217. ---
  218. >Once you feel ready, you get into a football stance, and you rush forward with all of the might your pelvic air thrusting has given you over the years.
  219. >With one powerful push, you throw your shoulder into the bag, and it launches past the walls.
  220. >Then you immediately regret your decision.
  221. >As the bag unclenches its stubborn grip against the walls, Celestia's horn clips the corner of the hall, and some sort of latent magical essence makes a light spark.
  222. >And it ignites that wall's side of oil, enflaming the entire hallway in one shot.
  223. >Through the sudden flames, you also see the bag fly past the bedroom door with a ball-receding thud, and it rolls right into your bedroom dresser.
  224. >The 50” LED TV that sits upon the dresser then tumbles, and falls onto the bag, glass shattering everywhere.
  225. >But you don't give a shit about that, considering your house is now on fire.
  226. “OH GOD!”
  227. >”What?”
  229. >”What?!”
  230. >You hold back your hand, looking subtly annoyed at the first degree burn on your oil-laden finger, trying to put it out.
  231. >This is not going well.
  232. >You take a step back, and rush through the ring of fire that is your hallway with your head and arms tucked into your torso.
  233. >You feel flickering flames licking against your skin and clothes, but you thankfully don't combust.
  234. >There's no more time for games, it's time to end this.
  235. >You march into the bathroom, pushing open the door and moving past Kirby and the toilet, grabbing the fire extinguisher.
  236. >”Oh god, what did you do? WHY IS YOUR DICK OUT?!”
  237. >You pass by an instantly distraught Kirby, who whimpers as your dick passes mere inches from his face, and you pull up the nozzle of the extinguisher.
  238. >You pull off the clip and aim at the base of the flame like you were always taught, your black hole stomach might-as-well-be-roommate trying to ask you what in the hell is happening.
  239. ---
  240. >Unfortunately, as you press the trigger of the armed extinguisher, it turns out that it's a full-sized retail Class B:C S-9873, and you've never used one in your entire life.
  241. >As the nozzle launches its fervent torrent, your grip slips and it whaps you right in the face, stars and lights replacing your vision.
  243. >As you hold your newly-attained black eye, the nozzle flies the extinguisher right into the flames.
  244. >Then there's an explosion of white, knocking you right on your ass.
  245. >And all was still.
  246. >…
  247. >It takes a minute for you to register what happened.
  248. >Kirby, too.
  249. >The two of you sit there, one leaning against an ashfoam-covered toilet seat.
  250. >The other with an erect dick, a black eye and a bloody nose.
  251. >You slowly get up, looking at the damage that's just been done to your house.
  252. >While nothing is on fire anymore, there's massive amounts of foam coating the entire hallway, and any portion that's not covered is blackened ash from the fire.
  253. >It's spread through your carpet, with a splash radius that goes all the way through your bedroom and bathroom.
  254. >There's a most likely battered alicorn princess outcold in a dirty sack, covered by a broken TV that you now have to replace.
  255. >So your first action after letting the events of recent sink in, is zip up your pants, your open-mouthed shock expression unchanged.
  256. >”...What in the actual -fuck- were you doing, Anon?!”
  257. “I had a visitor.”
  258. ---
  259. >Kirby gets himself up and walks up next to you, his semi-fat face getting far too close to yours.
  260. >”What kind of visitor came that just set fire to your apartment? And were you trying to molest them or something?!”
  261. >You honestly don't have any idea what to say, or how to say it.
  262. >You just turn your head and look at him.
  263. “..I, uhh… Need to clean up. Can you come back tomorrow?”
  264. >Kirby looks over the mess one more time, then throws his hands up.
  265. >”I just thought it was a messed up phone. Whatever. Going to Pizza Hut. See you tomorrow.”
  266. >He stomps his way through the foam, and you hear your front door open, you still standing there, taking in the mess.
  267. >”Oh, and your dick is small!”
  268. >To that, your bitchfriend slams the door.
  269. >You move through the clutter of destruction, and take a look inside of your bedroom.
  270. >All is still.
  271. >For a moment, anyways.
  272. >A second or two after you look in, a bright orange glow envelopes your broken television, and it flies off to the side of the room, hitting the shelf full of games, breaking the shelf itself and all the games within slide onto the ground, creating even more of a mess.
  273. >And you see an alabaster white mare with a flowing mane, holding her bruised and cut head.
  274. >”...Mmff, I certainly didn't expect to wake up like this...”
  275. >Her voice is heavenly, even better than in the show.
  276. >However, you're too scared to say anything.
  277. >She looks up with her violet eyes, and spots you, in all of your burnt, ashed, bloody-nosed and black eyed glory, in the doorway.
  278. >You look back at her, and during the staring contest, a bit of fire reignites on the wall.
  279. >…
  280. -----
  281. >It seems like forever since either of you have moved, let alone spoke or looked anywhere else.
  282. >You don't know about her, but besides the huge catastrophe that was that last event, you're looking at Celestia herself.
  283. >That's not something you can say in real life often.
  284. >But the silence had to break at some point, and you end up coughing it away, ash still in your throat.
  285. >As if the subtle motions of coughing jump started social interaction, you finally say the first words.
  286. “Hi, uh, I can explain… You see, uh...”
  287. >Celestia raises an eyebrow at your spergy hesitation, and she breaks eye contact to observe your destroyed room.
  288. “Well, here's what happened. I got visited by some creepy-ass dude,”
  289. >As you begin your explanation, her attention returns.
  290. >She starts to stand from the ripped cloth and glass as you continue.
  291. “And he dropped you off in this sack here. I was just looking on a forum board that gave two options about, uh, you guys… Equestria, in general.”
  292. >Celestia raises one of her graceful, gold-clad hooves and feels the side of her head, to which she sees blood.
  293. >You trail off at this sight, wondering how much longer you had left to live.
  294. >”What is your name?”
  295. >Better response than you expected, being completely honest.
  296. “Er… Anonymous.”
  297. >”Continue, Anonymous.”
  298. >Her voice saying your name was almost enough to make you feel safe, but you remember that she herself is the possible threat.
  299. >You contemplate whether to lie or not, but considering your luck so far, you want to be on your best behavior.
  300. “Right, yeah. Two options, and this is just some random guy asking, y'know, hypothetical questions,”
  301. >The Princess shakes her other hooves of any shards, and she begins to walk towards you.
  302. >It doesn't help your composure.
  303. “A-a-and the s-second option was that y-your favorite pony; er, well, more like of your choice, would come to you, but can't be seen b-by… anyone… else...”
  304. ---
  305. >As she approaches you, you realize that not even including the horn, she actually is taller than you.
  306. >You didn't expect that, and you feel yourself starting to shrink.
  307. >She gives you a concerned look, of all things.
  308. >”So I'm to believe that I was taken, presumably for your amusement?”
  309. >Fuck that was a loaded die, shit that die's got like six ones on it you roll it and there's no good way out you know what I mean shit fuck what do you say?
  310. “N-no.”
  311. >You can smell her scent through the salt of the blood pouring from your nose.
  312. “At l-least, that's not what I had in mind. Hypothetical.”
  313. >She tilts her head and looks behind you, seeing the central site of explosion.
  314. >”You seem to have had trouble with this guest. Do you know who he was?”
  315. >Man, if you're going to be honest, it's going to suck.
  316. “I really don't, and this… trouble, wasn't him.”
  317. >She gives you an interested look.
  318. >With all the cuts and bruises she had, you're surprised she was so… calm.
  319. >Not to mention they look pretty bad, and you're resisting the urge to try and help her, as it's starting to give you feels seeing your waifu like this.
  320. >”It's been quite a while since I've been injured. Whoever this mysterious stranger is, he's quite powerful, especially to be able to subdue me.”
  321. >You look down at the ground for a moment, clearing your throat.
  322. “Yeah, well… See, this whole mess is kind of… my fault.”
  323. >”...Which part?”
  324. >You don't like how she said that.
  325. “J-just the house being destroyed, and our… injuries. I swear to God I had nothing to do with the kidnapping and I had no idea it was going to happen.”
  326. >”Hm.”
  327. >Celestia moves towards you, and you shrink back as she passes you into the living room, seemingly taking in her surroundings.
  328. >”This is quite the interesting place, Anonymous… Where are we, exactly?”
  329. >You're silent for a moment, simply staring.
  330. ---
  331. >She finally smiles as she looks back at you, probably thinking you were just staring because she was the Princess, like being a celebrity.
  332. >”So long as I know my relative position, I should be able to return to Canterlot. I'll confer with my council and have your dwelling repaired, and do not worry, we will find this stranger.”
  333. >How are you going to break it to her?
  334. >Maybe she won't believe you at first, and leave, just to be seen and taken away forever.
  335. >What if after the situation sinks in, she blames you for going to that thread, and tries to banish you to the moon or something?
  336. >You certainly don't want anything happening to you or her, despite the trouble that's coming with this whole fucked situation.
  337. >But you said you were going to be honest, and damnit, if you're a depraved horsefucker who treats his assclown friend like shit, then you have to redeem yourself somewhere.
  338. >So what else to do than just… tell her?
  339. >You take a deep breath, wiping your lips of blood.
  340. “We're on Earth.”
  341. >”Earth? I don't believe I've ever heard of a township with such a name. Unless you're being coy?...”
  342. “No… I wish I was. Earth is uuh… not in Equestria.”
  343. >Celestia turns to face you, her mane covering one of her eyes, but you can tell she's not as calm anymore.
  344. >”Really? … How far from Equestria?”
  345. >Was there any theories about Equestria being in the same universe as ours?
  346. >Even if there was, it's still just autismoes trying to prove their cartoon horses were real.
  347. >But what's that say about you now, staring at one?
  348. “I… I don't know. In this world, we have a show on our television, kind of like a play you can watch from home, and it's… about you guys. In this world, you're fictional. So, I'm guessing you're probably… out of universe.”
  349. >”What? That's impossible, is it not?”
  350. >You shake your head with nothing else to say.
  351. >Celestia isn't looking so regal anymore.
  352. ---
  353. >”There must be some mistake. Fictional? Do I not stand here in front of you, able to see me with your own eyes? You call me and all of my subjects something untrue? Equestria is here, and you're lying to suit your needs.”
  354. >Her wings are starting to unfold, and she's no longer with a sweet countenance.
  355. >”What do you gain? Speak the truth, 'Anonymous', or you will have some explaining to do.”
  356. >Okay, that's not good.
  357. >But it'll be good in the e-end, right?
  358. >The end might be near, but you have an idea.
  359. >You hold up both hands in peace.
  360. “Okay, I know what you're thinking Princess, b-but just let me show you, okay?”
  361. >She stands still, a glare from her experienced eyes watching your every movement towards the remote.
  362. >You very slowly pick it up, and then realize that you can't turn it on because she's blocking the way.
  363. “O-okay, I'll show you I'm telling the truth, I promise, just… I need you to move like, three feet to the left.”
  364. >”What are you planning to do?”
  365. >Her horn is starting to glow.
  366. >RED ALERT
  367. “I will show you the er- play that I was talking about. You'll even see yourself in here, just allow me to show you, and move out of the way of the thing I'm pointing this at, alright?”
  368. >She eyes you carefully, and she makes a few sidesteps, clearing the way.
  369. >You quickly pound on the power button of the smart remote, pulling up Netflix as quickly as possible.
  370. >Celestia seems to be suspicious of the technology.
  371. >”Is this magic?”
  372. “It's kind of like a projector, just all built into one thing. Here.”
  373. >You move the cursor over to MLP, and she gasps.
  374. >”Those are the Elements of Harmony. ...Is it true?...”
  375. >You click onto the thumbnail, and it takes it right back to where it left off where you set it before.
  376. >It's later in the episode, when Nightmare Moon is facing Twilight alone, right before her friends get there.
  377. ---
  378. >You can't see her facial expression as her ethereal mane is covering it, but she slowly sits down as she watches the unfolding events, and you stand there, letting it play.
  379. >The show goes through, to where the elements are finally used, the element of magic revealed, and Celestia herself showing up to comfort the reformed Woona.
  380. >You still can't tell what she's thinking, but you hope she doesn't consider you a spy or something.
  381. >Or wondering why her ass is so big on TV or something, but this is a lot more serious.
  382. >After the aesop of the premier ends and the credits roll, you find it safe to turn off, and you set the remote down, watching her.
  383. “So, yeah… That's how the show started, for us. It's just a fictional cartoon that many people around the world love, and that's all we thought it was… you know, except for me, now.”
  384. >After all that shit that happened in the last half hour, the explosions, injuries and thought to be impossible events that would have humanity rolling over the new age with news.
  385. >But you'd never thought you'd see the one and only Tia in real life, turning towards you with tears gently flowing down her cheeks.
  386. >It nearly breaks your heart.
  387. >”How did your people find this?”
  388. “W-what?”
  389. >”How did you see this, and why did you display it to your world as if it were mere entertainment?”
  390. “I didn't do it, Celestia. Th-”
  391. >”Then who!?”
  392. >Her voice became fierce, as if she were talking to one of her many villainous adversaries.
  393. >You aren't sure if you should speak right now, but you do it anyways.
  394. “You gotta realize that we had no idea that it was real. Who knows, maybe there was some kind of quantum dimensions between your world and the writers of the show or something, but you have to believe me when I say there was no ill will. I actually thought that was really heartwarming, for the record… The re-uniting, I mean.”
  395. >She looks back at the unpowered TV for a moment.
  396. ---
  397. >”My sister, Luna… She had been gone for a millenia, and it was my fault. ...”
  398. >She closes her eyes, and new tears follow the path of the old, and you actually hear light sniffles.
  399. >You weren't prepared for this.
  400. >She looks back at you.
  401. >”Is this reparation?… For what I've done?”
  402. “What do you mean?”
  403. >”My being here… I've been taken from my home, and if it truly is across the heavens themselves that make the distance, then I have no way of returning. Now I'm gone, with the one pony in my life that mattered most, left alone to rule?”
  404. >You only now realize the irony that's transpired.
  405. >With it, you also understand that it's actually your fault.
  406. >You meant nothing by it; it was a stupid fucking thread on 4chan for fuck's sake.
  407. >You never would've clicked on it if you had known it was real. Who would?
  408. >But it's your fault all the same, and now she's stuck here, and Equestria is stuck without their Sun.
  409. >A long silence passes after she says this, sorrow hanging in the air as a great contrast to what happened just previously.
  410. >You couldn't help it.
  411. “...I'm sorry.”
  412. >She opens her eyes again.
  413. >”You did nothing...”
  414. “Yes I did. If I hadn't just waited for a friend to come back from a break, I never would've found that thread, and this never would've happened. God, Celestia, I'm so sorry.”
  415. >For that matter, you're sorry about Kirby, too, even if he did call your dick small.
  416. >She doesn't say anything.
  417. “If I ever find that guy who dropped you here, I'll make sure he gets you back where you belong. I promise. I won't let him get away with this. ...”
  418. >That promise was a bit empty for you, but it seemed to give Celestia some of her confidence back.
  419. >”… You did nothing wrong, Anonymous. I've seen many confessions over my long life, and I know when one is being genuine. I simply can't help but feel as if… fate itself arranged this to take place. If anything else, after what I've done to my sister, I-”
  420. ---
  421. “Hey, don't do that. I know you're down, but no need to kick yourself. We've all made mistakes, big and small, but we learn from them.”
  422. >Celestia smiles at your words, but you know it's only half-heartedly done.
  423. >You felt like hugging her, but you're pretty sure that'd be too far.
  424. >Not to mention you're socially awkward as fuck and would probably accidentally caress her ass or something.
  425. >...
  426. >”...Anonymous, could I see this, 'thread', that you speak of?”
  427. >You become aware of the phone in your pocket, and your fingers removing it from said location.
  428. “Alright, but if you see any replies, this uh, conversational ground is sort of… degenerate.”
  429. >Celestia wipes her cheeks tenderly, almost making you d'aww.
  430. >”I've seen plenty in my time, I'll be fine.”
  431. >She stands once again and begins to look over your shoulder as you turn on the phone, beginning to search through the tabs for the site.
  432. >Once you find it, you bring up the post, and she reads it quicker than you could ever read anything in your sad, GED-approved life.
  433. >”Hmm. It seems like there are many who have fantasies.”
  434. >You hadn't even gotten to the posts after it.
  435. >You shove the phone back in your pocket, laughing nervously.
  436. “Y-yeah, well you know, they're mostly teenagers. Probably.”
  437. >She smiles again, amused by your antics.
  438. >Then her voice grows somber.
  439. >”I still may never see any of my subjects again, because of this… I'm not sure what to do, now.”
  440. >You look back at her, sighing.
  441. “I can't say I know, because you saw what the terms for it was.”
  442. >Tia nods slowly at the confirmation.
  443. >”I may never be seen by another. If these forces were able to overwhelm me without my knowledge, and have the power to transport across dimensions, then I fear what would happen if the terms were violated...”
  444. >Even at this point, she's still as royal and in control as ever.
  445. >One of the many reasons why you already knew you loved this mare, but it's only going to grow.
  446. ---
  447. >Along with the guilt, but you push that to the back of your mind.
  448. >”Anonymous. As a native of this world, would you have any advice?”
  449. >wut
  450. >The most powerful pony in existence, both in this universe and the next, just asked you for advice.
  451. “...You mean, like, living here?”
  452. >She nods again.
  453. >”I'm unsure of how different this world is from my own. Are there other ponies here, still?”
  454. “Kind of. They exist, but they're not anything like what you're thinking, and they're not intelligent. At all.”
  455. >”Are there means to live without interaction… with others?”
  456. >You wonder what she's trying to imply.
  457. >It might be a bit of a burden on you, but that was the point of the thread anyways.
  458. >You start scratching your head, proposing the only logical choice.
  459. “I think it would be best if you, uh, stayed here.”
  460. >She looks for a moment over at the foam and ash of the hallway.
  461. >”You are kind, allowing me to take residence…. Are you sure I would not be a burden?”
  462. >What kinda drugs this bitch be on, a burden?
  463. >Now it's your turn to smile.
  464. “Of course not, Tia. Er-”
  465. >She becomes a bit surprised by the casual nicknaming.
  466. “I mean, Celestia. Sorry, I didn't-”
  467. >”Oh, it's quite alright. Only Luna has ever called me 'Tia', before, that's all. But, if you're sure I could stay, then I thank you.”
  468. “Don't mention it. It might not be a palace like you're used to, but I can get the food we need, at least.”
  469. >If Kirby doesn't fucking eat it all.
  470. >...Oh god, Kirby.
  471. >How are you going to juggle Celestia being here with your friend constantly trying to come in here?
  472. >The unholy abominable luck that you've had today gave you the night off, but you know Kirby.
  473. >He's going to be back tomorrow, just like he said.
  474. >But you'll just have to cross and burn) that bridge when you come to it.
  475. “Alright… Let's get ourselves patched up, then.”
  476. >…
  477. ---
  478. (Perspective – Equestria)
  480. >Among the night under Luna's moon, Equestria is sound asleep.
  481. >Ponies across the world have their heads softly resting on pillows, tired eyes closed and rejuvenating themselves for the next day amongst the Sun.
  482. >Until it happens.
  483. >You know the shit that happens, it's not like this thread hasn't had old history or anything.
  484. >You see, when Anon decided to be a nigger and actually say out loud that he wanted option 2, he was granted it, and he was the first to be granted Celestia.
  485. >But that doesn't mean Option 1 isn't still in effect. Anon simply is not there.
  486. >During the fateful night, suddenly hundreds of ponies blinked from existence, including our beloved Elements of Harmony, both of the Princesses, many residents of Ponyville and Canterlot alike, even a few gryphons.
  487. >The others who have taken Option 2 are having their own wishes granted.
  488. >Those that picked one, find that it's not quite what they had in mind.
  489. >The rest that remained on Equestria for that short period, learned that alongside this sudden crisis of rapture, they were suddenly missing something very valuable to them.
  490. >Let us take a moment to examine this predicament on a journey with one of the ones who hadn't been taken.
  491. >Here's one that still lives within the world, a quaint little dragon named Sp-
  492. >Well shit, he's gone too.
  493. >Who the fuck wants Spike?
  494. >Whatever, give me a second, this shit is complete chaos and I'm tired of sounding like a storyteller.
  495. >How about-, damnit, what the fuck!?
  497. >For fuck's sake, let's go really obscure, uhh…
  498. >Here, this little shit.
  499. >Granny fucking Smith.
  500. >She was rather distraught when she woke up to find her pudenda and ponut gone, but it was only further exacerbated when her children up and went missing.
  501. >If both of those events weren't clues as to something going horribly wrong, when she went outside to find help, it was still nighttime.
  502. ---
  503. >So, of course she'd blame Luna, or in this case, it'd be Nightmare Moon.
  504. >Sorry, Granny, she's taken too.
  505. >”Eeh! W-what's that?… Who's the whippersnapper talkin' there!?”
  506. >Oh, that's me. I'm the narrator.
  507. >”You were the one who took all my sweet ponies away, and my babymaker too, din'tchu?!”
  508. >As much as I'd like to take credit, gonna have to say no. I'm just telling the audience what's happening.
  509. >”Audience?!”
  510. >Anyways, she was angry and confused, is the whole point.
  511. >Like she always is, but now there's a reason.
  512. >”H-hey!…”
  513. >Alright, getting back to storyteller mode.
  514. >There were many others like her that thought Nightmare Moon was the problem, but as more and more kept disappearing, it was apparent that it wasn't just Celestia's absence that was the problem.
  515. >Whatever force that's behind these options on this /mlp/ thread is destroying Equestria.
  516. >If you're not taken, you're left with your friends and family gone, never to create more.
  517. >Without the necessary faculties, it won't be long before they perish.
  518. >Some are attempting to use their magic to replace what once was lost.
  519. >Some are traveling to Canterlot, intending to ask the Princesses of lost what is happening, or what to do.
  520. >As Equestria begins its fall, other nations such as Gryphonstone and Yakyakistan are left to pick up the pieces, now having to take the lead over the world at large, guiding their people through the everlasting night.
  521. >But there is still hope.
  522. >While Equestria experiences the apocalypse, there is one who will find out what's going on.
  523. >But you're going to have to wait, because I can't find her.
  524. >Seriously, it's way out from Ponyville and even with the reduced population it's hard to-…
  525. >Oh god, somebody took Granny Smith.
  526. >FUCK EVERYTHING. Go back to Anon or someshit, I need a break…
  527. >...
  528. ---
  529. (Perspective – Anon)
  530. >You lead Celestia past the incorrigible destruction of your hallway, towards the bathroom.
  531. >She steps around some of the foam, looking a little concerned.
  532. >”If I might ask, what did happen here?”
  533. >A million different thoughts run through your head about if you should tell her.
  534. >It's not like you're going to have to worry about keeping your story straight with your friend or anything, considering if they ever meet it'd be a moot point, because she'd be fucking gone.
  535. >That's gonna suck.
  536. >Oh well, you've been honest so far, right?
  537. >You take a glance back at her as you enter the bathroom, starting to search through the cabinets for the first aid kit.
  538. “I uuh… I was trying to hide you when you first appeared, because of that no-see rule. And uuh, when you were dropped off, I kind of had a friend over.”
  539. >Celestia nods in understanding, now rubbing one of her legs as if in pain.
  540. >You're getting to that.
  541. >”I see. You must have had some trouble doing so, I'm assuming?”
  542. >Finding the kit, you set it on the counter and clear your throat.
  543. “Y-yeah… You wouldn't fit.”
  544. >She looks back at the hallway.
  545. >”I… wouldn't fit?”
  546. “Well, in the bag you're kind of wrapped up in a ball, and you just didn't fit.”
  547. >”So I was too large.”
  548. >You look at her.
  549. >Her face says it all.
  550. >You just insinuated that she's fat.
  551. >Oh god, what have you done?
  552. “Gh, uh, …. I didn't… You're beautiful, you know that?”
  553. >All of a sudden, a heavenly giggle.
  554. >When you see the simper on those glorious lips, you realize that she was fucking with you.
  555. >”Why, thank you.”
  556. “...I see what you d-did there.”
  557. >Your voice went a few octaves too high.
  558. >Quickly attempting to perform damage control to the hull breach of pasta from your every orifice, you open the kit and start getting gauze and cloth ready with some isopropyl alcohol.
  559. >You wordlessly motion for her to give you one of her hoofs, and she grants you the royal frog.
  560. ---
  561. >You wet the cotton ball, and you very carefully wrap your fingers underneath her shoe, slipping it off much more slowly than you intended.
  562. >You set the golden decoration down on the counter, noting that it felt rather soft for metal.
  563. >That thing is probably real gold.
  564. >Now you brush your hand against her bare hoof, ready with the wet cotton.
  565. >When you take a risk and look back up at her, she was giving you an interesting look.
  566. >”My my, you're quite gentle.”
  567. “Uh, thanks. This won't feel gentle, though.”
  568. >”Go ahead.”
  569. >You ready up some cloth, and start to treat her wounds, pressing the alcohol upon her many cuts.
  570. >You feel some muscle twitches in her leg, so she does feel it.
  571. >But her countenance and tone betray that notion very convincingly.
  572. >”So, you never finished your story.”
  573. >You work down through her hoof, beginning to take some bandages over the cleaned and ointment-covered areas.
  574. “Yeah, so anyways, I had to find a way to get you through, since my friend was here in this very bathroom, doing bathroom things. As it turns out, the -hallway- was so skinny, that I managed to wedge you in tight enough to where you didn't even touch the ground.”
  575. >”And you're not one for magic, yes?”
  576. >You nod.
  577. “In fact, I'm pretty sure real magic, you know, not illusions? It doesn't really… exist here.”
  578. >”No magic?”
  579. “Mmn-mmn.”
  580. >First gauze goes on, tying it carefully around a multitude of cuts in the most efficient location you could.
  581. >”How does your kind live in your day-to-day life?”
  582. “What do you mean?”
  583. >”With nothing to move your sun and moon, what is it like outside?”
  584. >You look up for a moment to see that she's being serious.
  585. >Well, she is from a different dimension.
  586. “It's all automated by a thing called gravity.”
  587. >”You mean to say that the force that keeps our hooves on the ground is the same force that manages the cycle of day and night?”
  588. >You tie up a second gauze, and motion for her to switch hooves.
  589. ---
  590. “Well, yeah. Gravity's made by a bunch of psuedo-wave particles called gravitons, and the more they hit something, the more that something is attracted to the original source.”
  591. >”That is rather advanced technology. What is your species called?”
  592. “Human. Er, you just meant normally, right?”
  593. >Celly nods, offering you her other hoof, to which you remove the golden slipper as well.
  594. >”Yes. Human… I cannot say I've heard of them in Equestria. So, what did you do about my wedged form?”
  595. >It's obvious she mainly wants to know just how badly you fucked up, so you take a breath and get it over with.
  596. “Alright, so you were stuck. I figured I could take some oil and lubricate the bag so I could push you through, so I did just that. But my friend who was here, he was about to get out and see you.”
  597. >Celestia takes a polite sniff of the air, and of the sides of her fur.
  598. >”Hm..”
  599. “Yeah, I got a shower you can use, sorry… Well, the oil worked. A little too well. See, I pushed, and managed to get you out, but I don't know what the he- heck happened, whether it was a pin on my pants or it was just really dry or something,”
  600. >You intentionally leave out the fact it was her horn.
  601. “But the oil decided to catch fire, and it nearly burned my house down.”
  602. >She was speechless, but you were focused on cleaning her up to look at her reaction.
  603. “In the meantime, I pushed you out of the way enough so you were nowhere near it, but you also bumped into my dresser and the TV fell on you. That's what you threw off when you woke up. Again, sorry.”
  604. >”...I-It's quite alright...”
  605. “So I marched in here, got a fire extinguisher, and put out the flame. That's the story.”
  606. >You feel like a fucking idiot.
  607. >You did before, but now that the mare you wanted to impress and look good in front of now probably thinks the same thing, and you can feel heat rising in your face after telling her about your incompetence.
  608. ---
  609. >”I'm sure it was disorienting finding yourself in a rare situation as today has been. I know that I feel this way, too.”
  610. >You smile a bit at her playing it off cool, and she smiles back.
  611. >You tie the gauze around her other wounds on that arm, and after a quick inspection, they seem to be good.
  612. “Alright. ...”
  613. >But, her whole body is bruised and cut.
  614. >Like her back legs.
  615. >...Shit.
  616. >Celestia must've seen what you were looking at.
  617. >”Don't worry about the rest of me. I've seen your process, and I should be able to take care of it. Thank you.”
  618. >Her horn glows much more lightly than before, and the supplies of the first aid kit start orbiting around her form, beginning to clean herself much more quickly than you were able to.
  619. >Now that it was her being busy, you felt the need to fill the silence as she did.
  620. “So, now that you're here to stay, I should probably ask you some things.”
  621. >”Mm, what is it?”
  622. >She looked like she was concentrating, but was still looking at you with a warm welcome.
  623. “Uh, well, what do you eat? I'll be taking a trip to the store soon to pick up cleaning stuff, so I might as well get things for you while I'm out.”
  624. >”Oh, yes. Well, normally I would partake in oats from the Palace's storage with some Ponyville-grown apple juice, for breakfast. During lunch, I'd have a variety of fruits from Canterlot's many produce markets freshly picked by the owners, and I didn't have supper often due to my royal duties...”
  625. >Not sure you'd be able to pick out the most fresh fruit of all time, but you at least knew to get bananas that were slightly green, watermelon that sounded hollow when you knock on it and all that shit.
  626. >”Of course, I know I shouldn't expect the same. It might be nice to try the food of this world. It's never too late to explore new opportunities.”
  627. “How about cake?”
  628. >Everything Celestia was levitating suddenly stops in its tracks.
  629. >”You have cake?”
  630. ---
  631. >Oh fuck, she looks ravenous all of a sudden.
  632. >Damnit brain, you've fucked your master over once again.
  633. >Cake's expensive, yo.
  634. “Er… I can get some. Wha-”
  635. >”If you could- I mean, if you'd be able to, angel's food would be, ...”
  636. >Now who's getting rosy cheeks?
  637. >It's so fucking cute, you can't contain your grin.
  638. “I'll be sure to get some, don't worry. After all, I want to make you feel as at home as possible.”
  639. >You feel something wet hit your bottom lip, and your fingers feel a liquid.
  640. >It's red, of course. You haven't even messed with your nose yet, and your shirt's all bloody now.
  641. >”You need medical attention of your own, Anonymous. Do you have an icebox?”
  642. >Oh right, lack of technology.
  643. “Yeah, it's called a refrigerator here, though. It's powered and everything. Here, let me around and I'll get some for us.”
  644. >Celestia sets down the supplies, looking nice and patched up already.
  645. >She does take a dab of gauze and gently levitates it to your nose, and you take it to apply pressure.
  646. “Thanks. Guess I was a little busy making sure you were okay.”
  647. >”I've had to treat some broken noses in my time, more my sister's in our youth than anypony else, but all the same.”
  648. “Your sister got a broken nose?”
  649. >Celestia confirms this as the two of you move back out to the livingroom, then the kitchen.
  650. >”While we were being raised in the old castle of the Everfree Forest, we used to get into many dangerous situations because Luna would find something fun to do, and I always followed her to make sure she didn't get hurt. Oh dear, it's been quite a long time since I've remembered my childhood...”
  651. >You open the freezer, finding some icepacks that you hand to Celestia, then put one over your eye and nose.
  652. “Yeah, I was actually going to ask, but I wasn't sure if it was, you know, proper.”
  653. >Celestia's glow envelopes the icepack, and she places it on what seemed to be her worst bruise, which was on one of her knees.
  654. ---
  655. >”It's fine. It's refreshing to find conversation with someone that wasn't secretly afraid or intimidated by me, actually...”
  656. >Well, you were intimidated, but not in the same way she meant.
  657. >DAT ASS
  658. >Yes, you're still thinking about it.
  659. >It's not like the fire extinguisher went and broke yo' dick.
  660. >You tried not to look right at her cornucopia as she led the way into the bedroom.
  661. “Stick with me, Celestia, you'll learn all about the life of a common fool. I'll show you the ropes.”
  662. >She gives that polite giggle again, making your glucose levels raise even higher.
  663. >”I can't wait.”
  664. >Now that your nose is plugged and black eye iced, you've come to a social impasse.
  665. >There's not much to do right now, because you need to go to the store before you clean anything up.
  666. >But you're not about to leave when Celestia first came here.
  667. >You're still wowing about the fact a real live My Little Pony was standing in front of you, actually starting to like you.
  668. “So...”
  669. >”So.”
  670. >She's fucking with you again.
  671. >That smile, doe.
  672. >The two of you start walking back into the livingroom, and you finally think of something to say.
  673. “So, what do you do for fun?”
  674. >”Me?”
  675. >Right, she's a- was, a busy princess.
  676. “No, the table. He says he likes things sitting on him.”
  677. >”Oh? Does the couch feel the same way?”
  678. >Hey, your autism is being accepted.
  679. “Why don't you check and see?”
  680. >Giving you a bemused look, she turns around and plants her backside upon the cushion.
  681. >As bad as it sounds, when she falls asleep you're probably going to do bad things to that lucky-ass cushion.
  682. “It's not a royal throne or anything, but I got it at Morris' Home Furnishing. They make good shi...shtuff.”
  683. >”Sounds like you were about to say something else?”
  684. >You've managed to keep your filter on pretty tightly since she's been awake, but you're just a naturally foul-mouthed person.
  685. >Then again, in 2016, who isn't?
  686. >But you tried, for the sake of her being a princess.
  687. ---
  688. “Oh, uh… It was the same thing, I was just… N-nevermind.”
  689. >”I think I understand.”
  690. “Yeah, just stuff. Furniture, obviously.”
  691. >You sit on the other side of the couch, contemplating whether or not to turn the TV on to get off this subject.
  692. >”It's okay, Anonymous.”
  693. “What? 'Course it's okay. I just meant stuff.”
  694. >”Mhm, sure.”
  695. >Oh, she's playing you, is she?
  696. >Fuck that shit, you're striking back.
  697. “Fine, what did you think I was going to say?”
  698. >She raises an eyebrow, but you're distracted at the sudden possibility you were about to hear something once thought impossible.
  699. “Yeah, that's what I-”
  700. >”I believe you stopped yourself from vocalizing a vulgar term.”
  701. >Damn.
  702. “Which one?”
  703. >Now she smiles again, but with a bit more devious look.
  704. >”You should know I have a sibling that does the same tricks, Anonymous.”
  705. >Yeah, figures.
  706. >Maybe you could watch TV or something.
  707. >Maybe she'd get a kick out of watching the show?
  708. >But first, you were going to make this happen.
  709. “Aww, c'mon Princess. You're not getting what's going on, here.”
  710. >”Oh?”
  711. >Word carefully, brain.
  712. why didn't you put your dick away
  713. >Fuck off, brain.
  714. “I mean, you might be a Princess, but without a kingdom to run, you don't have to watch yourself around your guards or diplomats. You're just here, with a random guy that honestly doesn't give a… fuck.”
  715. >Her eyes widen slightly at the big ol' F bomb.
  716. >Maybe you didn't read her right, but you said it now, there's no going back.
  717. “But seriously, you were working constantly, day in, day out. Now's your chance to loosen up, relax, put your feet up! Or hooves, whatever. My point is, you can be yourself here. Don't let me stop you from at least having fun and making the best of a bad situation.”
  718. >She looks at you with curiosity for a moment, her shimmering mane only making her look that much more beautiful.
  719. ---
  720. “C'mon. It's a big lifestyle change, so baby steps. What did you think I was going to say?”
  721. >Here's hoping she doesn't get mad at you already.
  722. >In fact, her eyebrows are curling in, oh shit.
  723. >It's as if she was insulted that you could even think to say something like that to her.
  724. >Oh shit, you ruined your chance, didn't you?
  725. >She's just thinking you're some depraved peasant who she would never be caught dead talking to-
  727. >”Shit.”
  729. >Your diamond-hard boner literally rips through your pants at the sound.
  730. >Okay, not literally, but holy SHIT.
  731. >You stare with your eye and mouth wide open, completely dumbfounded.
  732. >Celestia's cheeks are redder than ever, and she begins fanning her face a bit with her wing.
  733. >Turns out what you thought was anger was merely her trying to get the guts to say it.
  734. >”Oh dear, I deeply apologize, I didn't mean to… blurt it out like that… I'm not used to saying-”
  735. “That was awesome. You're awesome.”
  736. >”...Really?”
  737. “Yes, really! Oh man, it's normal to hear in conversation in life now, but you ever have that feeling where you've seen or heard something you'd never thought you would experience in your entire life? I just had that. Er, not that I'm implying anything, just… That was awesome.”
  738. >You're geeking out too much, Anon.
  739. >Reel it back.
  740. >”I haven't uttered any vulgarities…. I'm not sure, maybe never. I think I may have said something in private with my sister when we learned what they meant, but nothing came of it. I was far too fearful of my parents and their royal-bound lifestyle, as you know.”
  741. >You take the remote for the TV in your hand, leaning back and appreciating your accomplishment.
  742. “Are you sure it wasn't something that isn't really a curse but as kids you found it funny?”
  743. >Celestia shrugs, still a little flustered from her impulsive action.
  744. >”It was quite long ago.”
  745. “How long ago?”
  746. >Celestia thinks for a moment, and quite obviously gets nowhere.
  747. ---
  748. >”I can guarantee that I'm older than 1500. However, when time passes by in such large quantities, your mind tends only to remember the necessary things.”
  749. >Isn't that true.
  750. >You've forgotten just about everything from your childhood except for the times that you broke bones, and when you first told your parents you hated them.
  751. >Aah, teen angst.
  752. >But her answer does raise a question.
  753. “I wouldn't ever ask you how old you were, but on that topic, uuh...”
  754. >Celly looks at you, a little more calm now.
  755. “As I've watched… Well, you and the rest of Equestria on this show here, well… Are you immortal? It's something I've, well, many of us wanted to know.”
  756. >The sudden change in topic followed with the slightest bit of mood whiplash, and she frowns slightly.
  757. “...I'm sorry, that was too personal.”
  758. >”It's fine. There's many new things to experience here, and that I can see will include questions I've never truly had to answer.”
  759. >Shit man, you didn't mean to bring it down like that.
  760. “You don't have to answer, really. I shouldn't have brought it up.”
  761. >”Curiosity is never a maleficent quality, Anonymous. I am. As far as I know, and from what has taken place in my life, I don't believe I'll ever see an end. Not a peaceful one, anyways.”
  762. >Now you feel bad for asking it, but she answered.
  763. >But despite your better judgement, you now wonder to yourself if she just meant ageless, or truly immortal.
  764. >”I see the machinations of your mind. If I were to engage in combat and lose, … No. I would not return or revive. My sister and I have long lives, but if it be sword or magic, we could perish.”
  765. >You nod slowly.
  766. “Just ageless, then. Er, thanks for telling me, and if I ever pose a question that's personal like that, I'll try to be more careful.”
  767. >With that, the line of dialogue ends between the two of you, at least for that conversation.
  768. ---
  769. >Feeling a rising awkward silence, you brandish the remote in hand, and power on the TV.
  770. “Let's see what we have to watch...”
  771. >Onwards to Netflix.
  772. >Considering you didn't have standard cable, it was either this, Youtube or Crunchyroll.
  773. >Yes, you watch anime.
  774. >You already watch a show about colorful pastel ponies, and look where that got you.
  775. >”Anonymous?”
  776. >As you begin to browse through the list of shows in an attempt to remove the cursor from MLP, you grant her your full, unwavering, undivided attention, free of the distractions of life.
  777. “Huh.”
  778. >”This play, that you've shown me of our world… Might I be able to view more of it?”
  779. >Your thumb stops clicking, and you sit up so you don't sound like some fat NEET when you speak.
  780. “Well, uhh… I wasn't sure if you wanted to, but we could… Are you sure about this?”
  781. >She looks back at the screen, and you can't tell if she's just mesmerized about the TV's existence, or if it was the subject matter.
  782. >”Yes. I want to see just how accurate the humans have told our story. If it is, I'll at least have something from home to remember by...”
  783. >Her voice is sullen by the end of the sentence, and it's all you can muster not to turn the TV right off there and go get her some cake, or do something to get her mind off it.
  784. >But she wants to see it.
  785. >Who are you to deny her?
  786. “Okay. We'll watch it, and hopefully it all checks out on your end. Although it mainly focuses on the Elements, won't see too much of what you're used to, probably.”
  787. >”That's fine.”
  788. >You maneuver back up to the show, and boot up Ticket Master.
  789. >This should be fun.
  790. >…
  791. ♫ My Little Pony, My Little Pony…. ♫
  792. ♫ Aah, aah, aah, aaaah… ♫
  793. >You've watched this show all the way through several times.
  794. >But no matter how much you mindlessly view this cartoon that you've somehow grown addicted to, you'll never get used to this intro song.
  795. >The songs are fine in the show, This Day Aria was pretty damn good.
  796. >Flutterbutter's solo in Cutie Mark Chronicles was diabeetus-tier sweet.
  797. >The main theme?
  798. >No, you usually mute it because you're a pussy.
  799. >But you forgot to this time.
  800. >Celestia's fucking face holy shit look at her face
  801. >You can't tell if she's just shocked, or if there was a hint of actual disgust in there.
  802. >But probably not, look who we're dealing with.
  803. “...You alright there?”
  804. >She lightly shakes her head, blinking in confusion.
  805. >”Oh, nothing. It's just… rather elementary, don't you think?”
  806. >Leaning back on the couch, you shrug.
  807. “I mean, it's not like it was made for the general masses, at least at first. The demographic was little girls.”
  808. >”So I see...”
  809. >The intro finally ends, and the episode begins.
  810. >And then another.
  811. >Here goes another.
  812. >You and Celestia start to marathon the first season, the clock ticking by more and more as you look at it less and less.
  813. >Overall, she seemed rather jubilant at the fact many of the factors that included her knowledge were spot on.
  814. >She just kept watching, all the way to A Bird in the Hoof.
  815. >That one was interesting.
  816. >It let her see exactly how Fluttershy took Philomena and tried to cure him, and everytime she popped up on screen in that sad end-of-cycle state, Celestia brightened up and she even told you a story about her.
  817. >Turns out, Philomena did pranks like she did to butterhorse quite a bit.
  818. >Including one time where the eponymous phoenix used the light of one of the palace torches to create a gigantic silhouette that made it look like a dragon was attacking the inner sanctum when Luna first woke up.
  819. >Even Princesses have accidents, apparently.
  820. ---
  821. >You were rolling at that story all the way to the end of the episode.
  822. >Once the credits rolled for it, you paused the stream to take a quick break.
  823. “Oh man, that really took the energy out of me. You got to tell me more stories, shit.”
  824. >Celly
  825. >”I'm sure to remember that when there's time. Oh, I haven't been able to sit still for this long in ages.”
  826. >To drive the point home, she gets herself up and stretches her legs in a polite manner, and while you stealth-creep dat plot, you see the clock in your peripheral vision.
  827. >It's been nearly 4 hours, and it's about 9 p.m.
  828. >Thankfully during the summer, it's only now starting to sunset.
  829. >”It will be odd not to have to perform my spell, anymore.”
  830. >It's like she reads your mind.
  831. “You mean moving the sun?”
  832. >”Indeed… I wonder how Luna is doing. I had to raise and lower both celestial bodies myself during her time away. I hope that she fares well...”
  833. >Man, even after all that time, her mind was still on it.
  834. >You're pretty sure that she hasn't realized that a lot of other ponies have probably gotten taken from Equestria too, unless the OP singled you out.
  835. >That'd be a fucking ride, can other owners of pones see your pones without consequences?
  836. >You make a mental note to check the thread again, whether it's on your phone or your computer.
  837. >With that set, you're not about to tell Celestia that her sister's probably getting assraped by some weird cave troll in his mom's basement.
  838. >Hopefully she can't read minds for real.
  839. “I'm sure she'll be fine. The rest of the Elements are probably finding a way to get you back as we speak. Hell, it'll probably just be a matter of time before they rip open a portal and get you back in there.”
  840. >Her shining violet eyes look back into yours, a smile beneath their glow.
  841. >“Thank you. I doubt I'll ever have that chance… But it's nice to hear someone is still positive.”
  842. ---
  843. >Before you can say anything else, her lips part, and a loud yawn emanates from her gut.
  844. >That one picture from the yearbook with the Chinese kid's name Dam Son pops into your head.
  845. >”Aauuuuu…. I do believe I'm ready for slumber. ...”
  846. >She looks at you probably thinking where was she going to sleep, but you were more interested at why she wants to sleep at 9 p.m.
  847. >Don't only old people sleep at that- oh.
  848. >Fuck.
  849. >”If I might bother you for a moment-”
  850. “Nah, nah. The bedroom's got the only real bed, and not saying anything towards your general body image in any shape, form, or fashion, but I don't think the couch would work out.”
  851. >Celestia's face grows concern at this statement.
  852. >”I don't want to remove you from your own bed, I'm already imposing.”
  853. >She worries a lot, doesn't she?
  854. >You guess with her kind of occupation, that's kind of a requirement.
  855. >Gonna have to break that mold, too.
  856. “Hey, don't worry about me. I've slept on this couch a lot, and that chair. I have some pretty damn annoying insomnia episodes and sometimes the bed doesn't cut it for sleep, so I have plenty of experience out here. Besides, it can't be imposing if you live here, right?”
  857. >”...I suppose you do have a point.”
  858. >You're just ready to fucking jump in those sheets the instant she wakes up.
  859. >You swear you're not a perv. Not a big one.
  860. “Of course, and if it makes you feel better, I'll get a new couch that's got a foldout. Now let me show you to your new quarters, my majesty.”
  861. >As you say this, you make your way into the hall, and give a bowing wave to really sell it.
  862. >Too bad that wave points to crusting foam and staining ash, BUT YOU'RE NOT EVER GONNA HAVE THIS CHANCE AGAIN.
  863. >And boy howdy, was it worth it, because you got a really good laugh out of her.
  864. >”Oohoh, alright. Lead the way.”
  865. >You step around the foam, and hear crackling behind you as if a hoof didn't have the same grace.
  866. ---
  867. >Yeah, probably need to get that cleaned up soon.
  868. >You open the door and just as you expected, you come into your sleeping quarters that the Princess of the world would be fit to spend the night in.
  869. >You know, with all the dirty clothes strewn around, three or four mostly-eaten dinnerplates on a TV tray, hoof beat on the compuuuuuuuuu-
  870. >You close the door behind you with a resounding thud.
  871. >”Oof! Anonymous!”
  872. >Oh god you shut it in her face.
  873. >You slammed a door into Sunhorse's face.
  874. “Oh go- fu- sorry, sorry, just uuh, just give me a second, forgot it was so disshevelled!”
  875. >”I understand your predicament, but the hallway-”
  876. >You're tuning her out at this point, going over to your laptop to get to your browser settings, clear your browser history, uninstall your browser, delete system32, and take a fire axe to your harddrive.
  877. >Alright, just the first two, but you've made the point of making sure that she never sees what was just on your screen in a million years.
  878. >Even though she'll probably still alive by then, if she hasn't been seen.
  879. >If she's not seen...
  880. >As you look at the delete history option, this fact sinks into your mind like cement in a river.
  881. >She's immortal.
  882. >You're not.
  883. >Not even withstanding the fact that it'd be horrible for her to live out your death if the option 2 was serious about the love thing, what is she going to do after you've become too old or die?
  884. >How could she not be seen with living eyes for… eternity?
  885. >It's obvious that she can't stay in these four walls, either.
  886. >That's imprisonment no matter how much you shake your ignorant stick at it.
  887. >What the hell have you done?
  888. >You've ensured her death by choosing her.
  889. >You find yourself staring at the computer screen, mouse over the button for an undetermined amount of time, before her voice finally snaps you out of it.
  890. >”-open the door, I'm coming in. Anonymous, answer, please!”
  891. >It's been almost seven minutes.
  892. “Sorry!”
  893. ---
  894. >”Are you alright?”
  895. “Y-yeah, fine, just come in...”
  896. >You click the button and close the lid of the laptop at the same time she swings the door open.
  897. >Standing up, you unplug your computer and place it in the nearby dresser drawer, your motions looking rather empty.
  898. >Celestia takes a look around for a second.
  899. >”… I'm just a tad bit confused, what was cleaned?”
  900. “Er, sorry, sorry...”
  901. >You wordlessly start grabbing your shirts and pants, throwing them in the hamper rather forcefully.
  902. >You forget for a moment that Sunhorse was in the room, and her voice startles you.
  903. >”I've never seen contemplation like that without something being amiss. What is wrong, Anonymous?”
  904. >Who is she, Zecora now?
  905. >You clear off the bed enough so it looks like a bed, and you stack the pillows up for her.
  906. “Nothing.”
  907. >When you look up after fluffing, her gaze almost pierces into your soul.
  908. >Jesus, with a look like that she probably never had to interrogate in her life.
  909. “Okay, okay. I just got a little bummed out after… thinking about all of this. I know you said not to worry, but I can't help knowing that it's my fault. I don't want to put anything else on your mind either.”
  910. >For some reason, the confession didn't really help the way she was staring at you.
  911. >”All emotions exist for a reason. Worry and concern are two sides of the same coin, Anonymous, and they are a part of the wealth that is what we are. But as you said, we will make the best of it.”
  912. >Her gaze finally softens when you nod, and she smiles again, walking up to you and the bed.
  913. >As her magic pulls the covers back, you feel wet, hot mare lips wink on your cheek.
  914. >[spoiler]Not that kind, but soon.jpg[/spoiler]
  915. >Her kiss quite literally sends shivers down your spine and feelings you didn't know existed surging through your body as she gracefully climbs into your bed.
  916. >”Thank you for everything today, Anonymous. I wish you a peaceful slumber.”
  917. “C-call me Anon...”
  918. ---
  919. >As you drift towards the door, you can't take your eyes off her.
  920. >”Hmhm, goodnight, Anon.”
  921. >You routinely flip off the light and close the door, still staring at the crack between the door and frame where she was.
  922. >And just like that, she's asleep.
  923. >Leaving you to pick up the pieces of the transpired events.
  924. >You thought you'd either be getting crushed in a sea of depression, or fucking jumping for joy at that kiss.
  925. >Looks like the highly varying emotions have made you come full circle, and you're pretty neutral.
  926. >But you still have to find a way to fix this situation, or at least make it better.
  927. >As you step back around to the livingroom, you feel like you need to do something.
  928. >After all the supernatural shit that went down, you having had a one-in-a-million impossible event that no other human would ever see, and you took that opportunity and sat on the couch watching TV with it.
  929. >Feeling wired and wide-awake, there was absolutely no way you were getting to sleep tonight.
  930. >Not unless you did something to help it come on.
  931. >So you grab your keys and wallet, and scribble a quick note to place on the front door should Celestia get up before you get back:
  932. ---
  933. Dear Princess Celestia,
  935. went to the store, be back later
  936. -Anon
  938. >After looking at your masterful work of scribing art, you tape it up on the front door, and head out.
  939. >Closing the door lightly behind you, you head off in the briskly cool night and get in your car, clipping your seatbelt in and pulling out your phone.
  940. >Since you were in the writing mood, you pull up Kirby's phone number and throw him a quick text.
  942. Yo sorry about today. Just haven't felt too great lately and have had some problems with attention, accidentally dropped a lightsaber on the ground and lit up the whole hall. I need to clean up the mess, can you skip tomorrow and come back on Friday?
  944. >Send.
  945. >Oh god, fucking random ass autocorrect.
  947. Lighter*
  949. >No immediate text, but this is Kirby we're talking about.
  950. >You'd be surprised if he even saw it tonight.
  951. >Ah well, either way.
  952. >The keys turn in your ignition, and you pull out of the driveway, taking off for the store.
  953. >…
  955. (Perspective - Equestria)
  956. Oh, hi. Narrator here. Going to pass this to someone who isn't fucking insane, because the writer has trouble writing third person. Blame him, not me. Here we go…
  957. >...
  958. >”WHAT'RE WE GOING TO DO!?”
  961. >Pandemonium.
  962. >That's all you see around you.
  963. >You don't blame them, with everything that's happened while ponies were asleep, you don't know what you'd be more scared of.
  964. >How the moon is still high in the sky, the sun nowhere to be found.
  965. >The fact that something very personal to you has disappeared off the face of your rump.
  966. >Or how there's multitudes of famous or well-known ponies young and old, mare or stallion that have been napped by probably the same force that's taken everyone's basic functions.
  967. >You walk through the streets of Manehattan, watching the masses running through the streets, fleeing to nowhere, pushing away those that get in their way.
  968. >The only ponies that are keeping any amount of previous sentiments are the families making sure their frightened, traumatized foals are with them.
  969. >Who are you, looking out at these crowds, the only one silent and without panic?
  970. >It's not important.
  971. ---
  972. >What is important is that you find out what's going on.
  973. >Obviously there's some sort of apocalypse or armageddon happening, at least, that's what the tinfoil hats say.
  974. >You don't have any theories as to what's really taking place, but damned if you're not going to find out what's happening.
  975. >You take flight with a beat of your wings, a satchel packed with the bare necessities for travel.
  976. >Higher and higher you fly, passing the skyscrapers and chaos below as you find yourself touching the unorganized clouds.
  977. >The weather team has most likely joined the mob of confusion.
  978. >You think as you fly towards the magical capital of Equestria.
  979. >If the moon still hangs above your head, then that must mean both Princesses have been taken by this mysterious force.
  980. >This same force is probably responsible for your lack of reproductive systems.
  981. >It's something powerful enough to remove the most magically attuned beings in the world, including these Elements of Harmony people keep talking about.
  982. >Without them, that could leave Princess Cadance in the Crystal Empire to help lead the country through this crisis.
  983. >But she's gone too.
  984. >So is the Captain of the Guard, Shining Armor.
  985. >If Luna's been confirmed missing, it's probably not Nightmare Moon.
  986. >The chaos god Discord also must be taken, since he would normally show himself if he was triumphant over the Princesses and elements.
  987. >Then who could've done this?
  988. >Manehattan hasn't seen anything big like Ponyville has in recent years, but nothing like this.
  989. >Who would want to do this?
  990. >You notice that it's getting colder in the air, the lack of sun beginning to take its toll.
  991. >Your speed increases as you head off to Canterlot, hoping to get an answer before the world turns on its head.
  992. >...
  993. -----
  994. (Perspective - Anon)
  995. >Red light.
  996. >Godfuckingshit this light is taking forever.
  997. >It's not even funny, it's been red for over a minute and there's nobody here at this intersection except you.
  998. >When it finally turns green, you immediately swerve left into the dead parking lot of a 7-11.
  999. >You live in a pretty deserted town, almost a village at this point.
  1000. >With a high volume of elderly and young, not too many people are out at 10 o'clock in the evening.
  1001. >Parking at Pump #1, you get out and lock the door behind you.
  1002. >Normally you don't care, but you spent $200 at the supermarket and you aren't about to lose your shit from a terrible streak of luck.
  1003. >Including a carpet cleaning, a shit ton of cleaning supplies, lots of angel food cake, fruits and vegetables, and The Last Unicorn on DVD.
  1004. >You uhh…
  1005. >...I-It was an impulse buy.
  1006. >What the fuck are you, the cinema police?
  1007. >It's a good movie, watch it sometime.
  1008. >After swiping your card and filling your tank back up, you stroll up to the door of the gas station and take a quick peek inside.
  1009. >Not a soul, of course.
  1010. >Not even the clerk was present, probably in the back snoozing like the Indian he is.
  1011. >You're not being racist, he's actually Indian, red forehead dot thing and all.
  1012. >Pressing your fingers around the bar, you open the door, a nice little ringing bell breaking the otherwise silent atmosphere.
  1013. >Still nothing.
  1014. >Interesting, because he'd usually be out here the instant he heard that to make sure that punks couldn't steal his shit.
  1015. >Oh well, you need a pick-me-up and you're going to get it.
  1016. >Taking a quick stride over to the coffee machine, you pour yourself a heavy sugar beany concoction and wonder why you do this to yourself.
  1017. >You're trying to stay awake so you don't crash your car, for one.
  1018. >As soon as you pulled out of your driveway the high of energy that made you go out in the first place sort of fell through.
  1019. ---
  1020. >Now you're regretting leaving so quickly, even if Celestia was probably just asleep.
  1021. >For some reason, you weren't so sure if she was.
  1022. >After all, if you got involuntarily pulled from your world that you ran for thousands of years and were told you're never going to see it again, you'd probably not get much shuteye either.
  1023. >You need to get home.
  1024. >As you turn towards the counter, you finally see Mr. Apu pop out of the employees room, looking rather sweaty and ragged.
  1025. >”...H-hello sir, welcome to Speedway sir, would you like ass-s-sistance?”
  1026. >He's really flustered.
  1027. >He's usually just nervous, but this is overkill for him.
  1028. >You set your coffee on the counter, and pick up a bag of skittles from underneath to be rung up.
  1029. “...You alright, Babu?”
  1030. >Again, not racist. Nametag says it right there.
  1031. >He looks back at the employee door for a minute, then chuckles as he swiftly scans your things.
  1032. >”I am vedy fine, sir! Eeehhhh, that will be seven ninety five dollars, sir!”
  1033. >What the fuck?
  1034. “Seven hundred ninety five dollars for a cup of coffee and skittles?”
  1035. >Babu wipes his brow with his impossibly hairy forearm and starts pounding his finger on the register's keys.
  1036. >”Oh, I'm vedy sorry sir, just a moment, just a moment!”
  1037. >After a quick moment of awkward rectification, it's now $7.95.
  1038. >You look at his eyes for a moment, and he's still sweating.
  1039. >His tone becomes harsher all of a sudden.
  1040. >”Will that be cash or credit, sir?”
  1041. “Er… Cash.”
  1042. >You remove your wallet and pull out a few bills, and he rips them out of your grip, getting change as quickly as he can.
  1043. >Something's not right here.
  1044. >He's either hiding something, or he's really trying to get back to something important that you've interrupted.
  1045. >...Noooo.
  1046. >There's no motherfucking shitty titty way that this is happening.
  1047. >Well, if this is true, you have confirmation that it is happening to other people.
  1048. >For fuck's sake, this better not be real.
  1049. ---
  1050. >It's just your mind playing tricks because what's happened to you is fucking extraordinary and that's all you can connect the dots with.
  1051. >You stare at this poor bastard as he paws change into your palm, anxiously looking back between you and the door.
  1052. >”Okay if you need any more assistance please ring the bell, thank you come again!”
  1053. >He didn't even give you a chance to respond.
  1054. >Babu turns and goes right through the door, but he slams his face into it when it won't budge.
  1055. >You stare with morbid curiosity at the sight, the Indian clerk cursing in his native tongue and grasping for his keys, trying to get it unlocked.
  1056. >He looks back at you for a second, giving a half-assed smile when you haven't moved an inch.
  1057. >He finds the right key after what seems like eternity, and he swiftly turns it and opens the door.
  1058. >Just as he does, however, you see him trip over something and he holds onto the door for dear life.
  1059. >”STOP NO NO NO-”
  1060. >”I'm getting out of here! AAH!”
  1061. >You actually backpedal at the sight before you.
  1062. >Scootaloo?!
  1063. >Oh god, what the fuck!
  1064. >Figures a slurpee jockey would have a little kid pone.
  1065. >Wait, you're looking at her.
  1066. >And she's looking at you, frightened just like you thought she would be.
  1067. >Babu finally gets on his feet and stares at the two of you, and then it happens.
  1068. >Scootaloo's form suddenly turns partially transparent.
  1069. >”H-hey, what's happening!? I feel funny… I, s-somepony help!”
  1070. >She splits apart like you were crossing your eyes, flickering between each form more and more rapidly.
  1071. >”H-H-H-H-E-E-E-E-L-L-L-P-P-P-P-P M-M-M-”
  1072. >A blinding flash of light suddenly bursts from the flickering, and you shield your eyes by instinct.
  1073. >When you finally blink enough to see, there's nothing.
  1074. >She's gone.
  1075. >And you know she's gone for good.
  1076. ---
  1077. >When you regain your sight completely, you find Babu staring right where she was, fingers almost ripping out what little hair he has.
  1078. >He makes incoherent whimpers, completely at a loss for words.
  1079. >You just made him lose his chance.
  1080. >The crippling realization that what you just witnessed could very well happen to Celestia leaves your tongue twisted, but you know you can't imagine what he's going through right now.
  1081. >Not if he has any of the feelings towards Scoots that you do for your own ray of sunshine.
  1082. >When you look back up at his face, he finally gains enough composure to say something.
  1083. >”MY CHICKEN!”
  1085. >Your face falls flat, and you walk out of the store without a word.
  1086. >You stuff the skittles in your pocket as you unlock and get in your car.
  1087. >Another turn of the keys, and you roll out of the lot with a squeal of your tires.
  1088. >You're so fucking mad.
  1089. >You were actually experiencing empathy for another person for the first time in many years, and he didn't even know what kind of fucking opportunity he got.
  1090. >If he wasn't trying to get her to lay eggs, he was probably going to gut her and actually eat her or something.
  1091. >Or he would've tried to get a rooster and got her seen by a seller or someone in public the very next day.
  1092. >He didn't even fucking know what it was, he probably just saw the thread somehow when one of his stupid friends that did watch the show gave him the link.
  1093. >Whatever, at least you have insight now.
  1094. >Others are getting ponies, and you won't be able to do jack shit if Celestia gets seen.
  1095. >As you race home, you make a resolve to make sure that never happens.
  1096. >…
  1097. >Back where you started.
  1098. >The coffee didn't help much, but seeing that horrifying visage of a disappearing filly kept your eyes wide the entire way home.
  1099. >There's not enough therapy in the world to get you back to normal.
  1100. >It's got you on edge because that very thing could happen to you.
  1101. ---
  1102. >You get out of your car with half-shaking hands, trying to calm down by treating it like any other shopping spree.
  1103. >You take out the carpet cleaner and as many bags as you can carry, closing the back door with your foot, and saunter up to your house.
  1104. >If she's awake, you hope nobody sees her from behind your back or something.
  1105. >In fact, you set down your carpet cleaner and sort through your keys, unlocking the knob, and sighing in preparation.
  1106. >With one swift motion, you turn the doorknob and throw yourself in, pulling the cleaner in behind you and slamming the door.
  1107. >As you look around your dark livingroom, you see nothing out of the ordinary.
  1108. >No sunpone, no worry.
  1109. >Your heart can't take this kind of stress.
  1110. >You've got to ask her if she's got some kind of spell to shield her form, would that work?
  1111. >If someone saw her when she was invisible or covered by something, does that count, or would she be safe?
  1112. >You don't want her being in any situation where that could be tested.
  1113. >You set all of your shit down, and collapse into the recliner, completely exhausted.
  1114. >Usually you stay up past 3 or 4 a.m., but right now it's only about midnight.
  1115. >It hasn't been even 7 hours yet, and you feel like your entire world would be shattered if she got taken from you.
  1116. >OP's stupid option 2 rule, a portal to Equestria or otherwise.
  1117. >You find yourself nodding off, eyelids getting heavier.
  1118. >The thought keeps running in your mind.
  1119. >If she leaves, you don't know what you would do.
  1120. >If something happened to you and you couldn't protect her.
  1121. >If you screwed up…
  1122. >Your eyes shut.
  1123. >If you failed….
  1124. >Blackness overtakes you, and the sweeping darkness of slumber beckons you.
  1125. >...
  1127. [This one remains unfinished - contact Trixieflap#6733 on discord for more information]

The Great and Powerful Trixie Has Arrived

by Trixiefap

The Sun Has Risen

by Trixiefap

Storytime! Option 2: Trevor

by Trixiefap

Trixie and Anon Rob a Bank

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AJ Tries to Castrate Anon

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