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White Pony Harem

By Trixiefap
Created: 2022-06-28 03:25:28
Expiry: Never

  1. [Author's note: This was a requested piece during a few short threads about color-coded harems, basically a 'how many ponies of this color can you fit in a short']
  3. >Day White in Equestria.
  4. >Why is it white?
  5. >No, it's not snow. Or cloudy weather in general.
  6. >White ass.
  7. >Now don't fuckin' drop the story yet, you can explain.
  8. >See, you love the color white.
  9. >You love fucking things, too.
  10. >It'd only be natural to fuck white things, right?
  11. >When you got zapped into Equestria, and saw heavenly flanks like Rarity's and Fleur's....
  12. >Well, you decided to skip all pretenses of monogamy back home and took your fetish to its logical conclusion.
  13. >White pony harem.
  14. >How?
  15. >You come from Earth, you dumbshit, you have plenty of technological knowledge that’s let you rise to the top of the food chain, and you used your money to start something big.
  16. >Real big.
  17. >Now, you awake in your bedroom on a double-king sized bed, feeling very refreshed from a good night's sleep.
  18. >Not only did you get to sleep naked, you got to sleep naked tonight with Linked Hearts and Flutter-
  19. >Holy shit, that scared you.
  20. >It's just Crescendo.
  21. >She's known as the aryan version of Fluttershit, same mane style but blonde.
  22. >But white coat, which is the important thing.
  23. >You wrap your fingers through her mane, watching her sleep for a moment before getting yourself up.
  24. >Getting dressed, you get ready for the day, and the first thing you do is get a shower going on with some white khakis and a t-shirt that Rarara made for you.
  25. >Such a sweet gal, it's because of her that your entire wardrobe is your favorite color.
  26. >Getting out of the shower, you shake off your dirt from the 'dirty' night, and you step out of the bathroom.
  27. >The first thing you see is that Blade Runner found his way into your room and started polishing your white shoes.
  28. >"H-hey Mr. Mous! Did you want your other shoes polished too?!"
  29. "Dude, what did I say about barging into the bedroom? You're a bit too young to stumble into... what could be taking place here."
  30. >His eyes float to the ground in shame, and he flips his rag over his wither.
  31. >"Sorry, Mr. Mous..."
  32. >Sorry that he's starting to wake up your lovely mares, hopefully.
  33. >Aww, you can't be too hard on the colt.
  34. >He's white, after all.
  35. "Hey, don't sweat it. Go see if Pipsqueak needs help getting his brown spots polished off."
  36. >You both laugh with the power of 1000 racists, and he waves goodbye quickly before scampering off out of the bedroom.
  37. >No, you're not a fillyfucker.
  38. >Not that they wouldn't allow you to do a little something with them if you wanted, considering your reputation.
  39. >Your harem's just grown so big, there's a lot more to it than sex now.
  40. >In your big house lies pretty much an entire community, which you now need to go check on.
  41. >Linked Hearts rubs her eyes as she sits up, spotting you as you were about to leave.
  42. >"Hey babe, where you goin'...?"
  43. "I gotta go check on the rest. I'll be right back, trust me."
  44. >You give her a rather lustful look, and she cuddles up to Crescendo with a giggle.
  45. >Oh yeah, you'll be coming back.
  46. >You walk out of the door sporting a bit of latent morning wood, and Cold Front suddenly whizzes past you in the hall.
  47. "No running!"
  48. >Before you even finish, Cotton Cloudy and Hope zip past you next, nearly tripping you away.
  49. >If you had your way, your harem definitely wouldn't include foals.
  50. >But these mares and stallions got kids, man.
  51. >That's why you love being human, there's no chance of impregnation.
  52. >You walk through the white carpet and walls with countless decorations and paintings to find yourself in the kitchen.
  53. >As always, Sugarberry and Strawberry cream are up and early, making breakfast for the rest of you.
  54. >Once your harem started growing bigger than just the sexual circle, you wanted to keep every single occupation within it filled with the color of superiority.
  55. >That means your cooks, your nurses, even your financial colleagues and advisors, all white ponies.
  56. >It's easier than you think.
  57. >"Hello, Anonymous! Care to try some angel-food cake we just made? Fresh out of the oven!"
  58. >Sugarberry holds up a plate, and the smell assaults your nasal cavity with blankets of warmth and delectable senses.
  59. >Your mouth waters over the plate, and you can't help but accept.
  60. "T-thanks..."
  61. >Her look of satisfaction is almost as good as this fucking cake.
  62. >Holy shit, your cheeks are tingling with zesty goodness.
  63. "Fffthn' gud thbb!"
  64. >"Huh?"
  65. >You swallow, which is almost painful that you had to let go of such wonderful flavor.
  66. "I said, fucking good job! What'd you do differently?"
  67. >She blushes, the redness of her cheeks becoming a nice contrast with her white fur.
  68. >"Oh, I just added in a little more ginger, maybe some berry filling... you like it?"
  69. "If you made it in bulk, we'd be rich on top of our rich."
  70. >She giggles a little bit, and goes back to work with a little skip in her step, helping out Strawberry Cream with another dessert.
  71. >One of these days you're going to get fat enough to be spit-roasted and sugar will bleed from your pores.
  72. >You keep eating the angel food as you walk out of the kitchen, opening one of the doors with your back so you don't have to use your hands.
  73. >You end up in the dining room, where a large mass of snow was sitting.
  74. >Wait, it's not even winter.
  75. >Oh yeah, white ponies.
  76. >These ponies are the rich section though, they always hang out in the dining room since most of your fine art is here.
  77. >Fancy Pants is the first to see you, to which he gives you a bowing nod from his seat.
  78. >"It's good to see you walking and about, my dear Mr. Mous. Were you up late last night, again?"
  79. "Hey, what do you think I do around here? Just loiter with some delicious cake?"
  80. >He raises a single eyebrow.
  81. >A crumb of cake falls off of your lips, and you lick them in response.
  82. "Fuck you."
  83. >Star Dream, another stallion with heavy pockets, snickers immaturely.
  84. >"Wonderful display of manners, good sir."
  85. "We don't have financial understandings over manners anyways. How's the rest of you doing?"
  86. >Many of the ponies look up from their high-class dishes to give you polite greetings, especially Dainty Doves.
  87. >She's the only one in the rich section that you've porked, after all.
  88. >She's scheduled for Tuesday.
  89. >"Mm, you should try some of this soufflé, its taste is... orgasmic~"
  90. "Trust me, I can't wait for it. Got to wait your turn, Dovy."
  91. >Another of your colleagues, Shooting Star, gets your attention.
  92. >"So, did you manage to contact Persnickity yet? He could be a real asset to the future we're building, after all."
  93. >And there goes your morning with that shit.
  94. >You hate that guy, and the fact your rich friends are trying to get him in the harem isn't a very good
  95. "Nope, nothing still. That uptight bastard stopped returning my letters the instant I mentioned a unified bit pool."
  96. >Most of them groaned, especially Black Marble.
  97. >"Have you tried some flattery? I heard that he has a certain... quality about him that might suit you, Mr. Mous. Would it not benefit our goals if we had him on our organization?"
  98. "It's a harem, stop avoiding it. I might be a sexual deviant, but I'm not going to swordfight with the likes of him. I'll find someone else."
  99. >Majesty, the marge-looking maned one, scoffs at your lax disposition.
  100. >"Good luck finding one of our stature... and color. I bet you'd employ another off-white like that scum, Twilight Velvet!"
  101. >Oh no you didn't.
  102. "Velvet's better than you in the sack, and in looks. At least with her I can find my way around the beehive."
  103. >Many pompous Statler and Waldorf-esque "Dohohoh!"'s are shared around the table, and Majesty just rests her head on her hoof, looking defeated.
  104. "Anyways, I gotta go check the rest of the place. Gg, no re."
  105. >"What?"
  106. >You leave before they can decipher what you said.
  107. >Royal Blue passes by you on the way out, probably to go complain to her rich parents why Diamond Tiara couldn't get in either.
  108. >However, the instant you leave the diningroom, there's a huge explosion noise and the ground shakes beneath you, nearly knocking you over if it weren't for the wall.
  109. >...There goes the rest of your cake on the floor.
  110. >As if on queue, Pearly Stitches picks up the pieces and starts cleaning the carpet, even though an old hag like her shouldn't be doing that.
  111. >You're a bit too pissed to care, at the moment.
  112. "Fuckin- HAY!"
  113. >You stomp like an autistic faggot over to the window and shove it open, sticking your head out to the front yard to see what that was.
  114. "What's going ooohhh... shit."
  115. >There's a comically huge crate sitting in your hard, its carry ropes being dropped as you watch.
  116. >After that, a certain white and pink dragon flies from the top, stopping right in front of you.
  117. >"Oh, so so sooooo sorry, Mr. Mous! I was just delivering the uuh, package you sent for... you know... that one?"
  118. >You're drawing a blank.
  119. "....Oh! Yeah, the statue right?"
  120. >He nods quickly.
  121. >It's a white marble statue of the entire harem.
  122. >What? Your rich colleagues make you roll in bits, and everyone's gonna know that white is supreme, white is the ruler.
  123. >You can feel your middle lip starting to grow.
  124. >"I didn't mean to wake you, if that's what I did... I could always make it up to you~"
  125. >Fizzle gets uncomfortably close to you, fluttering his eyelids.
  126. >"You could punish me... I wouldn't mind. I deserve it..."
  127. "You're not until tomorrow, but don't you worry about that. Just get Whitewash and Great Scott on placing it, it shouldn't be too hard."
  128. >He nods, a little disappointed that he isn't getting something.
  129. >"It might be a little hard for me..."
  130. >You take a little look down, and he isn't kidding.
  131. >"...Come back tonight."
  132. >Fizzle squees in excitement, flapping his wings as he shivers with joy.
  133. >"I promise I'll be a good dragon!"
  134. >You just give him a goodbye as he flies away.
  135. >What a faggot.
  136. >Then again, you sort of are, too.
  137. >You give a little wave to Hazel Harvest, tending to the gardens around the house, and she blows you a kiss.
  138. >She’s Saturday, too.
  139. >You back up and close the window, turning around to face the living room.
  140. >Most of the ponies are awake now, it seems.
  141. >Rarity's talking with Twinkleshine and Starry eyes right now, with Sweetie Belle next to her, eyeing you from afar.
  142. >She in particular wants to be in the 'grown up' circle, as the foals call it.
  143. >Soon.jpg
  144. >It must've been hard for Rarity to join this whole thing when the rest of her friends couldn't, though.
  145. >Well, there was debate about Rainbow Dash, but...
  146. >"Anoooooooooon!"
  147. >Fucking hell, speaking of that.
  148. >You look down to see Lemon Daze, complete with her own hat.
  149. >"Didja change your mind yet?"
  150. "Nope."
  151. >"C'mon! She'd be so awesome to have here, and she doesn't break the rules!"
  152. "No."
  153. >"She has a rainbow-colored mane, which means all of her colors mix together to make white!”
  154. “All of her colors mix together to make white. Yes, I know, but it doesn’t matter. She’s not actually white, and what’s this harem for, Lemon?”
  155. >“For white, but-”
  156. “No buts. Only your butt. When you’re older. Or something.”
  157. >She stares at you for a moment, confused.
  158. >”...Wha-”
  159. “Royal Blue’s in with the rich ponies. She might be getting a big allowance that she could share with you, too.”
  160. >Her eyes light up instantly.
  161. >”AWESOME!”
  162. >She runs off into the dining room, probably disrupting the fancy atmosphere.
  163. >You had a giggle.
  164. >Walking through the livingroom, you see the rest of your harem conversing, watching movies, hanging out in general.
  165. >Your house is pretty damn packed, now.
  166. >Most of those who joined the harem decided that there was no point living anywhere else.
  167. >Because of that, your big house has a lot of stuff in it, too.
  168. >You have to be sure all this shit doesn't get stolen by the hick ziggers and SJW's.
  169. >That's why you've got Bulk Biceps and Fast Clip guarding the door.
  170. >Even your bodyguards are supremacist white, bitch.
  171. >The most valuable thing in the house, however, is the bass cannon set up by Vinyl Scratch.
  172. >It’s disgusting dubsteb that many of the housemates don’t care for, but she throws the best raves this side of Equestria.
  173. >Once a month, the foals all go to babysitters or friends’ house, and everyone gets a pacifier out of the backroom because the shit goes down hard.
  174. >Speaking of, it’s about time for a morning session.
  175. >Shit, you need to get back to your ladies.
  176. >You move past the ocean of white fur that is your livingroom, and on the way you pass by the couch, where three stallions are watching some hoofball on the projector.
  177. >”Yo Anon, you wanna see how the Little Broncos kicked your team’s flank?”
  178. >Yep, that’s him.
  179. >Hondo Flanks, Rarity’s big-assed dad.
  180. >He’s got his two best friends with him too, Hay Fever and White Lightning.
  181. >Hay’s got an entire trashcan devoted to his snotty tissues.
  182. >He was white, what can you say?
  183. “I think I’m going to go pound a different kind of flank, if you catch my drift.”
  184. >They start hollering and expressing some enthusiasm, especially Lightning.
  185. >”Who’re the lucky mares this time, bro?”
  186. “Well, last night was Link and Cres. I’m going up for seconds after I’m done with the shit I’m doing.”
  187. >”Niiiice! Hey, when you’re done we’re starting another session with Vinyl. Be there or be square, dude.”
  188. “...Are you smoking?”
  189. >”Maybe.”
  190. >You look behind him and snatch his bud from his hoof, and take a good hit from it.
  191. “Shame on you.”
  192. >You blow smoke into his face as you hand it back to him.
  193. >”With all these foals around-”
  194. >You start coughing for a moment until you get it under control.
  195. >It was the cake, you swear it.
  196. >”Look at him, he can’t even hold it and he’s giving us shame!”
  197. “Bitch, I do what I want. Now excuse me!”
  198. >You blow the rest of the magical smoke out of your lungs and exit the livingroom after saying hi to some of your other fucktoys, going to check on the secretary in her office.
  199. >But first thing’s first, you need to check on the clinic ward.
  200. >Yep, you even have your own mini hospital in here.
  201. >And there was only ever one nurse who could run it.
  202. >You walk in through, and see an interesting sight.
  203. >Nurse Redheart was just finishing putting a splint on another white pony’s... Well, his dick, but you couldn’t tell who it was because he’s buried his face into the pillow.
  204. “What happened here?”
  205. >Redheart looks back at you with a sympathetic smile.
  206. >”Oh, he tried a little too hard with one of the mares a few hours ago, and he got some pretty severe swelling. He should be fine. Now that he’s finished, I need to get back to the actual hospital for a little while - everything seems to be fine here.”
  207. “Alright. You still up for Thursday?”
  208. >She gives you a sultry look as she passes you.
  209. >”You betcha. See you then, Mr. Mous.”
  210. >She sways her hips a little as she walks away from you, and flicks her tail up for a second.
  211. >Damn, you need to get back upstairs.
  212. >Just one more stop.
  213. >You walk further back into your house, and find the secretary’s office.
  214. >With all the advertisement and renovations that it takes to run this mega harem, you need one to be able to keep track of it all.
  215. >Who else but Raven to do so?
  216. >You knock on her door, and walk in to see her already taking a call.
  217. >”We’re always looking for new recruits, of course! Uh- hold please. Hi, Anon!”
  218. “Hey, how’s everything going?”
  219. >”I’m talking to a potential recruit, is what’s going on. His name is Eff Stop, and I’ve seen him around... He’s pretty handsome.”
  220. >She winks at you, [spoiler]probably in more than one way[/spoiler]
  221. >”In fact, I might even ask that if he joins... Well, could he join us on Monday?...”
  222. “I’ll check him out, but I trust you. Get him in, and he’s in.”
  223. >”Oooh, goodie!”
  224. >Raven claps her hooves together, but gets serious again.
  225. >”Oh, one more thing.”
  226. “Hm?”
  227. >”Princess Celestia is here to see you, and she’s right out back.”
  228. >...Oh fuck.
  229. >Is she here to shut you down?
  230. >You had a few run-ins with Twilight and Zecora about a white pony-only establishment, so maybe the former told on you.
  231. >Fucking Twatlot.
  232. “I’ll... see to it. Thanks, Raven.”
  233. >”Be careful, baby!”
  234. >You close the door, trying to think.
  235. >Now you wish you hadn’t taken that hit, because your mind’s already starting to get cloudy.
  236. >You don’t smoke much.
  237. >You look out towards the back door, deciding to just bite the bullet and go in guns ablazing.
  238. >Walking over to it, you take a semi-big breath and walk in, doing your best to look professional while high.
  239. >”Hello, Anonymous.”
  240. >You hear Princess Celestia, and yet you see three of her.
  241. >Wait, no, there’s three different ponies.
  242. >Her, Shining Armor and Prince Blueblood.
  243. >What are they doing here?
  244. >”I suppose you’re wondering what we’re doing here, yes?”
  245. “Well shi- oot. I bet you read my mind. What can I do for you?”
  246. >She gives you a light smile before continuing.
  247. >”I was given a letter by my student, Twilight Sparkle recently about your, as you call it... harem.”
  248. “Okay, about that, I didn’t mean to be in any way impolite or-”
  249. >”Oh, of course Anonymous! I know you only meant well. I’m here, and have brought my nephew and guard-captain with me to see what the fuss was about.”
  250. >...Wait, what?
  251. “You... You want to join?”
  252. >No wonder the three of them are white-furred.
  253. >”Perhaps... what do you do here? What is the purpose?”
  254. >Oh, how wonderful.
  255. >You wrap your hands together as a smile involuntarily creeps upon your face.
  256. “How do you feel about mares and stallions, Princess?”
  257. >She blinks for a moment, but responds quickly.
  258. >”I love my subjects dearly, why?”
  259. >Your smile only gets bigger.
  260. “I have some subjects of my own I’d like you to meet upstairs...”
  262. And that’s how Anon conquered Equestria with his country-wide harem of supreme white bitches. Any questions?

The Great and Powerful Trixie Has Arrived

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The Sun Has Risen

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Storytime! Option 2: Trevor

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Trixie and Anon Rob a Bank

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AJ Tries to Castrate Anon

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