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Crossdressing Royal Guard x Trixie

By Trixiefap
Created: 2022-06-28 03:28:13
Expiry: Never

  1. [Author's note: A request for a Trixie Thread. lmao]
  3. >Be a royal guard
  4. >A guard for Celestia herself, only now you're on patrol around Canterlot
  5. >At least, you're supposed to be
  6. >Your squadron is currently under the assumption that you've come down with a bad case of Poison Joke
  7. >All alone in the royal quarters
  8. >You have to be alone for this
  9. >You'd be the laughing stock of the squad, no, all of Canterlot, if anypony knew what was going on right now
  10. >It's something so sinister, so horrible that even you have a hard time admitting it to yourself
  11. >But it's something you can't live without
  12. >As you stand in front of the mirror, admiring your pristine glass slippers and strawberry lip gloss, you can't contain the joy within you
  13. "Oh, hello there my good mare, how are you tonight?..."
  14. >You give a little wink at yourself with your fake eyelashes, really taking in the blush and earrings
  15. "I just couldn't help but notice that you've got the most beautiful eyes..."
  16. >You strut your assets across the reflective surfaces, loving the way this gala dress is hugging your flanks
  17. >Oh, it wouldn't be complete without stockings, would it?
  18. "You're the star of the night, baby..."
  19. >You trot up to your lovely self, and plant a big smooch on the mirror, leaving a perfect red kiss right on it
  20. >It's tiring having to be such a high point of authority every day
  21. >Having to look manly and tough, ready to take on any threat
  22. >You hate it so much
  23. >You know you're a mare at heart, but Celestia knows you can't have any good luck, even something like being born a colt
  24. >Every once in a while, you just have to be yourself, and looking at your reflection, this is you
  25. >You in drag
  26. >And you love every second of it
  27. >You flip your mane back and flutter your eyes, doing your best impression of a little schoolfilly's giggle
  28. >You'd take yourself on a date, alright
  29. >You become so engrossed in your form, your perfect, luscious body, that you don't even hear the click of the front door
  30. Ding-ding...
  31. >No, you're too busy being the most beautiful creature in all of Equestria
  32. >Ponies would line up and even pay to see you on the catwalk if you could just go out like this
  33. >No more guard duty, no more pointing spears at dirty thieves, just you, your looks and your--
  35. >You spin around, seeing a blue mare with a starstruck cape
  36. >Ohfuckohfuckohfuck
  37. >You've heard of Trixie before, she's a serious bitch
  38. >And she's seeing you in drag
  39. >"...Are you... in a dress?"
  40. >Quick, have to think of something
  41. "...Ghhuuuhhh-uhh.."
  42. >Well, fuck
  43. >Thanks for nothing, brain
  44. >Her initial reaction settles down, and she begins to grin, an evil, evil grin
  45. >"You're a guard, aren't you?"
  46. >You can do nothing else but stammer, so you just nod instead
  47. >You're shaking like a motherfucker
  48. >Then, she laughs
  49. >She bursts out laughing harder than when you drank so much you pissed all over the bartender and soaked her head to hoof
  50. "H-hey.... y-you won't tell anypony about this.. w-will you?..."
  51. >"HAHHAHAA.. A valiant royal guard of Celestia's army, dancing around in a dress! Not even the Great and Powerful Trixie could provide entertainment like this, oh, please tell her this was a bet!"
  52. >You nod your head quickly, hoping she'd take the lie and just leave you alone
  53. >"Oh, don't play Trixie. You're just a little sissy, aren't you?..."
  54. >What the fuck
  55. >She's getting closer to you
  56. >S-stahp
  57. >Before you can react, Trixie instantly turns you around with a quick flash of her magic.
  58. >"Stockings, tail braids? You certainly went the extra mile, didn't you, little sissy? What's your name, anyways?"
  59. >Does she really think you're going to tell her that?
  60. >Wait a minute
  61. >You're a fucking royal guard
  62. "Excuse me, miss, but I never allowed you back here! If you don't leave right this instant, I'll put you right in the stockades!"
  63. >She's lifting up your dress
  64. >"...PANTIES?! AHAHAHAHA, You're not just a sissy crossdresser, you're a colt cuddler, aren't you?"
  65. "N-no! Y-you're under arrest-"
  66. >"Oh please, Trixie knows you don't have the spine. She has a show to do tonight..."
  67. >Your hooves are suddenly lifted into the air
  68. >Her horn flares with power, and azure ribbons flow out of the tip, wriggling like tentacles as they tie around your wrists and ankles, propping you like a puppet into the air
  69. >And your legs are spread
  70. >"...And Trixie think you're just what she needs to, unwind~"
  71. >No way, she can't be serious
  72. >"Now, tell me your name, sissy."
  73. "...A-"
  74. >"You know what? Nevermind... Trixie has more important things to do, like this..."
  75. >There goes your lace panties
  76. >And there is your shameful, shameful boner
  77. >Your erect horsecock stands at attention as Trixie's eyes widen in surprise
  78. >"Wow, she didn't know you were so pathetic, getting turned on by getting called names. You're a real freak, aren't you?"
  79. >You look away from her in shame as your cock twitches
  80. >She's right
  81. >You are a freak
  82. >Only freaks go around changing into mares' clothing
  83. >Only freaks wish their entire life had been different, thinking they're trapped in a stallion's body
  84. >Only freaks get horny being shit on like dirt
  85. >Stop, you can only get so hard
  86. >"Now then, what should the Great and Powerful Trixie grace you with, little sissy?"
  87. >She puts two hooves on your chest, and jumps up right on top of you
  88. >Pleasure wracks through your body as your shaft slides against her soft fur, causing you to whimper
  89. >"Oh, what's that? You like this, you disgusting pervert? How dare you touch Trixie with that meat log!"
  90. >SMACK
  92. >She just slapped your ballsack like a newton's cradle
  93. >"You're not allowed to touch Trixie unless she demands it! Now repeat after me, sissy..."
  94. >She pushes your face back to her, making you look right at her
  95. >"Trixie is my mistress. Say it!"
  96. >You're not gonna say shit
  97. >You attempt to struggle and wiggle out of the magic prison, but all you get is another painful smack to the stallionhood
  98. "AAUHG!"
  100. "Trixie... i-is my mistress..."
  101. >"Louder, you pathetic whelp!"
  102. "Trixie is my mistress..."
  103. >SMACK
  104. >"Next time I'll electrocute them! Trixie is my MISTRESS, scream it out!"
  106. >She grins with a satisfied look on her face, biting her bottom lip
  107. >You want to go home
  108. >"Good... Say it again, but this time, look at your mistress in the eyes."
  109. >She leans up real close to you, making it hard not to look
  110. >You feel something wet on your leg
  111. "Trixie is my MISTRESS..."
  112. >"Now... say 'Please make me cum, mistress...'"
  113. >You can only think of what would happen if your squad came in right now
  114. >You wouldn't just be a laughing stock, you'd lose your job, not even able to handle a little arrogant magici--
  115. >SMACK
  116. "GHAAAUH!"
  118. >There's no other way...
  119. >"...P-please... make me cum, mistress.."
  120. >You see her horn start to electrify
  121. >You feel your eyes dilate to pinpricks
  122. "Please make me cum, mistress, please!"
  123. >All of a sudden, she leans in and forces her tongue down your throat
  124. >As much as you'd like this normally, you can barely breath with her being so rough
  125. >She even sucks on your tongue like a lollipop before letting you go
  126. >Trixie slowly parts from the kiss, a line of saliva connecting between your lips
  127. >Then you get a solid slap to your face
  128. >"You're going to make me cum before you do, you little sissy..."
  129. >She stands up on top of you, and turns around, flicking her tail up
  130. >Trixie's vulva is soaking wet, her juices already dribbling down her cheeks
  131. >Her winking clit starts to descend upon you before you can even get a chance to breath
  132. >She sits on your face, locking her thighs around you as she moans lightly
  133. >"Now, you little pervert... start licking or your junk gets capital punishment!"
  134. >pleasefuckno
  135. >You stick out your tongue and start lapping for your little junior
  136. >The effect is immediate, her body beginning to rock and groan at the intense pleasure
  137. >Her mare juices start drooling down your face, begging you to continue
  138. >It tastes like pixie stix, appropriately enough
  139. >You lick and suck away at her perfect pony pussy, hearing your new mistress gasp in erotic waves of ecstasy
  140. >While this is going on, you begin to lose feeling in your legs from the suspension and her weight on your abdomen
  141. >You'd also be noticing the fact that she hasn't touched your dick at all, if you weren't starting to run out of air
  142. >You keep drinking her sweet juices until you have to breath lest you pass out
  143. >So you stop licking and turn your head past her cheeks to breath
  144. >Your only warning is a crackling sound and a flash of light
  145. >The pain is unimaginable agony, electrocuting your testicles until you couldn't feel them anymore
  146. >"Did I say stop, you fucking sissy? Trixie was almost there and you ruined it! Keep going or you're not gonna get off at all!"
  147. >What a fucking bitch
  148. >Yet, even after that torture, you're still rock solid
  149. >You reluctantly push your muzzle between her jiggling cheeks, delving back into her velvety walls
  150. >"Uuuhgg... oo-ohh, that's it..."
  151. >Her moaning and squealing slowly crescendos, gradually getting louder and louder
  152. >You quicken your pace, doing little circles right at the sweet spot, even using your lips to suckle her clit
  153. >"Almost... a-a-aaahhh!~"
  154. >Her legs tighten around your head as you plunge your tongue as far as you can into her chasm
  155. >A wave of new juices splash on your face and gets in your eyes as she cums, her muscles contracting and massasing your muzzle with orgasmic pleasure
  156. >You drink every drop that comes into your mouth to avoid drowning, swallowing and swallowing until she's finished
  157. >"Ooohhh... f-fuck... ...The little sissy can do something right, after all, huh..."
  158. >Trixie slides herself off of your body, allowing you to breath and let the fresh air fill your lungs
  159. >Everything smells and tastes like sweat and sweet, and your fur is matted from her fluids
  160. >You look up and see your throbbing horsecock, still unattended to
  161. >She's still standing there
  162. >Not even caring
  163. >All this shit she put you through, and she's not even going to do you
  164. "Hey... what about me?"
  165. >Trixie looks up at you with a grimace
  166. >"What about you?"
  167. "..."
  168. >She glances at your dick, then laughs again
  169. >"Oh, you want it too?"
  170. >She slowly walks over to your backside, her face separated down the middle by your twitching stallionhood from your point of view
  171. >"You don't deserve it."
  172. >...What
  173. >"Give Trixie one good reason why she should waste her time making a disgusting, perverted colt-cuddling sissy cum?"
  174. >You look for the right words, your speech becoming increasingly inhibited by sexual desire
  175. >That's when it hits you
  176. "...P-please... Trixie- er, mistress... please make me cum-"
  177. >"The Great and Powerful Trixie isn't going to let herself be fouled by your wimpy excuse for a dick... But she does have an idea..."
  178. >Her horn begins to glow a dark blue, another evil smirk plastered on her muzzle
  179. >Your balls shrink up in anticipation of the pain...
  180. >But it never comes
  181. >You hesitantly open one eye to see what's happening
  182. >Trixie concentrates, a light beginning to form between her legs
  183. >You've seen enough hentai to know where this is going
  184. >She focuses her magic as something down there begins to grow
  185. >The light warps into solid matter, growing longer and longer until...
  186. >It fades away, revealing Trixie with an impressive horsecock dangling under her, quickly getting aroused
  187. >"This is a little spell Trixie's been saving for just such an occassion... something a little faggot like you would more than enjoy, she's willing to bet!"
  188. >She rears up and wraps her arms around your thighs, the tip of her futacock pressing right into your tight asshole
  189. "So, you little worm... should Trixie take it easy, or dive right in? Your choice."
  190. >Is she really giving you a choice?
  191. >You open your mouth to speak, but she cuts you off with a powerful thrust that shoves nearly half of her massive shaft right up your sphincter
  192. "OOOAAHHH!"
  193. >"OOOH FUCK YESS!"
  194. >She went in dry
  195. >The stupid bitch went inside dry
  196. >Your ass is on fire
  197. >"Don't worry, little faggot, I'll make you real loose...!"
  198. >She's enjoying this so much she went first person
  199. >Inch by inch, Trixie slides into you further and further, tightening around her magical schlong as you try to shit her out
  200. >It doesn't work, and she finally sinks into you as far as she can
  201. >At this point, something inside your body is brushed just the right way
  202. >It's like heaven
  203. >You then experience an earth-shattering orgasm that starts flipping your cock up and down, semen flying all over your dress and stockings
  204. >Trixie cackles at your misfortune, not even caring you got a little of your jizz on her cheek
  205. >"You like it, don't you? You like a stallion's dick up the ass, just like the colt-cuddler you are!"
  206. >You're not gay
  207. >You swear you're not, but whatever she did just...
  208. >Trixie bends down, getting a better vantage point as her futacock pulls out of you
  209. >Then she thrusts again
  210. >She pulls herself up close to your suspended form, wrapping her arms over your waist as she starts rutting the everloving daylights out of you
  211. >Your rectum is going to explode
  212. >Your brown eye slowly tears apart from her aggressive fucking, pounding you silly, and there's nothing you can do about it
  213. >She even starts panting and sweating from the work, mindlessly slamming her pelvis against your flanks faster and faster
  214. >But, to your great fortune and health, even magically created horsecocks only last so long
  215. >One more heart-pounding thrust from the azure mare, and she explodes inside of you
  216. >"Aaaahhhhh~"
  217. >Trixie keeps pumping as the musky white liquid shoots up through your colon, and bubbles out of your opening from the pressure
  218. >The feeling makes you feel dirty and used, like a cheap wad of tissue paper that you've used many of in your lonely times
  219. >Finally, the magician slows her thrusting, winding down and popping out of you with a slimy 'schlick' noise
  220. >Her cock begins to magically fade away, changing her back into a full mare once again
  221. >"Thanks for the little pickmeup, sissy. Now Trixie must go wash herself... Have fun hanging there, hahaha..."
  222. "W-wait!"
  223. >Trixie leaves your presence, going right out the door and disappearing from your life forever
  224. >She also left you bound and suspended from the ceiling in magical ribbons, smeared makeup and cum all over your face and dress, panties balled up around your ankles with your receding cock hanging out and your ass shriveled and filled with semen
  225. >You're not sure if you're more ashamed that a traveling performer could overpower a royal guard like you, or that you liked it
  226. >Either way, you need to find a way out of these binds before your squad comes bac-
  227. Ding-ding...
  228. >No
  230. >"...S-sir?!"
  231. >Today was a get-fucked-by-a-futa-in-a-pretty-little-dress kind of day
  232. END

The Great and Powerful Trixie Has Arrived

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The Sun Has Risen

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