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Fluttershy Robs Anon's House

By Trixiefap
Created: 2022-06-28 03:30:39
Expiry: Never

  1. >You awaken in your way too small bed.
  2. >You wish you hadn't, or else you'd still be swimming in Celly's Sunny D.
  3. >feelsbadman.jpg
  4. >That's when you hear it.
  5. >A door creaking open out in the living room.
  6. >Then a cute little sneeze.
  7. >Fuck that sneeze, you know exactly who it is.
  8. >You get up and don't even bother to get your bat that you got for Hearth's Warming Eve by Top Cunt.
  9. >Not that'd it do much good against a real burglar, being pone-sized and all.
  10. >She thought it'd be funny watching you try to swing a tiny stick at a ball thrown by a Wonderbolt Reserve.
  11. >You thought it'd be funny to give her a black eye with a good swing, and boy howdy was that funny.
  12. >Oh right, story.
  13. >You silently open your door and utilize your superior humanoid toes to sneak through the hallway, and peer around the corner to affirm your hunch.
  14. >Sure enough, the instant your eyes flash across the wall, you see pink and yellow amatuerely concealed by black clothing.
  15. >"..Shh! Angel, we'll wake him... Please don't do that..."
  16. >Oh Flutters, why did you bring the asshole along?
  17. >This was doomed from the start.
  18. >You'd be amused if you weren't pissed off at getting taken away from that dream.
  19. >Wait...
  20. >You watch as Fluttershy carefully opened the clit- er, wrong story.
  21. >She's taking your shit, is the main ideal you're trying to get at here.
  22. >You're not sure if you should confront her now, or see what shitty-ass things she tries to take from your house.
  24. >It intrigues you that Bananahush would need to steal anything.
  25. >What could she possibly need from the only human in Equestria's low-rate home?
  26. >Let's watch and see, shall we?
  27. >The shy pegasus carefully saunters through your home, doing her very best not to touch anything that might make noise.
  28. >She fails at this spectacularly, as she apparently thought light was for furfags or something, because holy shit.
  29. >Her first step takes her right into the table and she bashes her knee against it.
  30. >That even hurt you.
  31. >You can barely make out brimming tears through the darkness of the night, but she continues while barely making a whimper.
  32. >After knocking over your lamp, she finally clears the furniture and starts moving more quickly.
  33. >Straight at you.
  34. >Holy fuck, hide!
  35. >You pull some James Bond bullhockey and slide from your peeping corner right into the bathroom, closing the door as silently as you can.
  36. >The pitter-patter of hooves hitting carpet reaches your ear, and you press it up against the wooden door to listen closer.
  37. >You hear her walk towards the bedroom, and you move out of the crack of the doorway to trail her.
  38. >Until you step on something.
  39. >You only have the slightest squeak as your warning before two broad teeth sink into your bare foot.
  40. >You gasp and cover your mouth as you wrench the Bunnig off your foot, looking him in the eyes.
  41. >This bitch is furious.
  42. >He's just swinging his little fists around like Muhammad Rabbi or someshit.
  43. >You pull out your patented bottle of Chlorofap from your pajama pocket.
  44. >What? It's choloform and lube in one bottle! It's so much more convenient to have a nice pre-sleep fap and then sniff your hand to be out like a light.
  45. >You open the bottle and squeeze a little touch right on his nose, and he's gone to wherever he likes to take his twisted little mind.
  46. >Casually throwing the babbit into the toilet behind you, you sneak back into your bedroom where Timid Tapioca went.
  47. >Why did she go here?
  48. >Once you peer into the bedroom, you see her messing with your dresser drawer.
  50. >Oh shit, oh shit, she's going to find your fleshlight!
  51. >What do you do?!
  53. >Ladies and gentlemen, this is what your favorite pretty little shy pone does in her spare time.
  54. >She looks through a weird ape creature's underwear drawer in the dead of night.
  55. >Disturbing, yet arousing.
  56. >A little more arousing.
  57. >She pulls some of your underwear out of the drawer with her wings.
  58. >Little more...
  59. >And she brings them closely up to her muzzle, giving them a lust-filled sniff, her eyes glazing over in creeper-level pleasure.
  60. >Welp, you're not sure what to think at this point.
  61. >"Oh my goodness..."
  62. >Her exclamation gets your attention, and you peer out a little farther to see what's happening.
  63. >Yep, she found it.
  64. >She holds the fleshlight between her hooves, eyes wide as she stares down the very, very used hole.
  65. >You're not that social, to be fair.
  66. >But what you see next definitely turns more disturbing than arousing.
  67. >After giving it a looksee, she parts her moist lips, and gives the center of it a tiny lick.
  68. >"..Ooohhh~"
  69. >She's licking where your dick was.
  70. >Nope, nope nope nope nope nope-
  71. >Throw something, anything!
  72. >You reach around the door and pick up something slick from the other end of the dresser, and throw it across the room.
  73. >Your arm's gatta go fast, and it's gatta be sanic fast!
  74. >She doesn't see you, which means mission success.
  75. >Then the thing you threw across the room smashes into the wall, shattering into a million pieces.
  76. >...Aw shit, that was your gamecolt.
  77. >Fuck it, you can buy another one.
  78. >The important thing is, Silent Butter nearly jumps out of her fur and flies right into your bedsheets.
  79. >Probably scared the piss out of her.
  80. >In your bed.
  81. >Oh, how you hope you were wrong.
  82. >But now she's vulnerable, and she can't see you.
  83. >What should you do in light of this very interesting opportunity?
  85. >It'stime.jpg
  86. >Before commencing the inevitable, you decide to have a bit of fun.
  87. >Got to have an appetizer before the main course, right?
  88. >Tiptoeing across to the bed, you crack your knuckles and prepare to enter maximum overdrive.
  89. >Your gluteus and leg muscles rapidly clench and then expand to propel you off the ground and into the air with no contact to the floor, a phenomenon that black people call 'jumping'.
  90. >I know it's such a foreign concept to you white supremacists, but it works quite nice.
  91. >As you soar through the air about to land on the creeper autist-equivalent of the mane six, you realize that you're white.
  92. >You plummet immediately to the ground as a result of this quaint realization of simple physics, and you slamjam on top of the eponymous mare.
  93. >The reaction is instant, and she whips around trying to get out of the cocoon you've made.
  94. >You dig around the blanket and clamp down, not giving her escape.
  95. >"AAH! H-help me!... Uh, please, I can't.. g-get out!"
  96. >Not happening, for you have a wonderful idea.
  97. >A criminal breaking and entering your home will suffer another criminal breaking and entering into her perfect pony pussy.
  98. >Just thinking about it throws you into action, FUCKING JUSTICE STYLE!
  99. >You wrangle the blanket around her body and tighten it around her, making a net that completely immobilizes her upper area.
  100. >"Ooh, w-who's there?! S-somepony help... n-no...!"
  101. >You're already pushing the blanket over her rump.
  102. >Out pops her tail and backside, presented to you like a burripone.
  103. >You want to savor this sight.
  104. >All she has on is those black leggings and some shorts that barely stretch over the butterdonk.
  105. >Time to fix that.
  106. >You wrap your fingers around the band and rip away, the flimsy fabric giving way to your superior human strength in the world of pastel-colored ponies.
  107. >"Aahh, w-wait!... Anon, please... I.."
  108. >She knows it's you.
  109. >...Don't care, gonna sex anyways.
  110. >Your fingers grab her cutie marks and squeeze around them like a rolling pin on dough.
  111. >You grope the jiggling ass of shypone with gusto, kneading it around with one hand as your other slips off your pants, your dick already doing its impression of the Washington Monument quite well.
  112. >Fluttershy's weak and frail protests finally come to a stead, and she speaks as loudly as she can.
  113. >Which still isn't very loud.
  114. >"P-please, w-wait! I'm..."
  115. "You're...?"
  116. >She sniffles under the covers, quivering underneath your grasp.
  117. >"I-I'm... I'm a virgin... D-don't do this, please..."
  118. "It looked like you really wanted this a minute ago, what happened? Didn't like the taste of my jib?"
  119. >You poke a bit at her backside with your rod to emphasis it.
  120. >She starts to sob, her tears staining through your blankets.
  121. >Now she's too emotional to talk.
  122. >Hmm, she seems pretty scared.
  123. >Then again, she obviously wants it from the way she sniffed right through your boxers.
  124. >Should you go through with this?
  126. >Of course you're going to, it's Flutterbutter.
  127. >She wouldn't tell a soul, and she'll probably like it, too.
  128. >You move yourself a little closer and let your meatstick draw some circles on her ass.
  129. >The mere touch of it sends her entire body into shivers, and she buries her face into her hooves despite being covered by a blanket.
  130. >Enough with that, actually.
  131. >You pull the blanket off and pull her even closer, and now you slide your manhood between her cheeks, letting her feel one for the first time.
  132. >"Aoouh-h-h..."
  133. >It's a mixture of moans and sobs, but that doesn't deter you one bit.
  134. >You pull her tail up and you begin to push forward.
  135. >Her head catapults up and her tear-stricken eyes widen in shock as the tip starts to part her lips.
  136. >You might not've fucked many ponies while you were here, but damn, she's tighter than all of them.
  137. >"Noooooohhhohh..."
  138. >Flutter's hooves fall in front of her and she braces her back legs, as if preparing for the entry.
  139. >But as tempting as it is to just wreck her poon, you're here to teach her a lesson.
  140. >You push just a little bit further and feel some resistance.
  141. >There it is.
  142. >Her breathing quickens, her heart bangs against her chest, and her tail flicks all over your body.
  143. >Perfect.
  144. >Just as you're about to rip the hymen, you pull back completely out of her.
  145. >It takes a second to do so, as her behind follows your receding pole like a magnet.
  146. >Her panting moans turn into whimpering protests, and she finally makes eye contact with you.
  147. >"W-wait... why'd... why'd you stop?"
  148. >Ohoh, this just got interesting.
  149. "I thought you wanted me to stop."
  150. >Butterbutt looks away from you, a torrential wave of guilt washing over her so obvious that even you could see it.
  151. >"..."
  152. >The silence must mean she was lying.
  153. >Her tears start up fresh, but it's not going to work.
  154. >You grab the fur on her back, brace your free hand on her rump, and you push with all of your might while pulling her simultaneously.
  155. >Your shaft slides through her tight walls so fast, it doesn't even recognize the fact there was a hymen there.
  156. >And you don't stop until you hilt.
  157. >"GGHHHAAAAAA!~"
  158. >She's screaming in a potent combination of shock, pain and gratification, and her wings unfold and stiffen out on each side at the same time.
  159. >It's a real scream too, not a Butchersty squeal that barely breaks whispering level.
  160. >The feeling is absolutely incredible.
  161. >She's squeezing so hard on your dick you're pretty sure she's going to pop your cherry, too.
  162. >In fact, you can't pull out.
  163. >Damnit marepussy, when will you let the doing do the do?
  164. "...I'm sort of stuck, here..."
  165. >"O-oh.."
  166. >After a moment, she relaxes a bit and you pull out, eliciting a moan from the both of you.
  167. >You can do nothing but relish in the sight of that trickle of blood that goes across your shaft, and the juicy flutterbutterbutter over the rest of your crotch.
  168. >It's too much.
  169. >You thrust forward and enter her again, losing all control you had as you begin to use Flustered Mustard as your personal fleshlight.
  170. >Each time your balls slap against her, she yelps and twitches her wings in a way that just makes you go insane.
  171. >You grab her by the hips and pound every inch of the broken pegasus as you possibly can, lost in pure ecstasy.
  172. >"Oh.. Oh oh oh oh oh ohhh..."
  173. >She's loving it too.
  174. >Her tongue's even sticking out in blissful, tantalizing love, rocking against your every thrust and filling up the house with the sound of smacking and the smell of lust.
  175. >Eventually, you can feel yourself coming close, and apparently she feels it as well.
  176. >"Aaah- ah AH AH AH AH-"
  177. >You still have a lesson to teach, you didn't forget that.
  178. >She starts to tighten around you for the kill, but you're not having it.
  179. >You pull out completely and straighten up.
  180. >"Ahh-- Anon..!"
  181. >She looks back at you with pleading eyes, her cunt winking and drooling of her fluids in preparation for that which was to never cum.
  182. >You, however have fingers.
  183. >You start pumping yourself, and within seconds your dam breaks all over her backside.
  184. >Cum flies out and hits her in the mane, the neck, stains all over her black sweater, finally dribbling over her tail and ass as you feel sweet release.
  185. >Now she looks at you with familiar sadness, starting to shake and jiggle her flanks towards you.
  186. >"B-but... wh-"
  187. "You broke into my home to steal my underwear and revealed the creepiest side I've seen of any pony since I've been here. Why would I let you cum?"
  188. >Tears start falling down her face once more, looking defeated.
  189. >You can't help but feel a little bad.
  190. >There's a way you can fix this.
  191. "Alright... You really want to cum?"
  192. >She nods slowly, sniffling as she waits for you.
  193. >Just dripping wet.
  194. >You lean over and pull out the Chlorofap from your pants, and uncap it.
  195. "Smell this."
  196. >She looks a bit confused, but when you lean in she smells it without question.
  197. >Yellowquiet then slumps down on the bed, falling unconscious nigh-instantly.
  198. >All is still as you revel in your succeeded mission.
  199. >You pull out your phone and take a few pictures of her worn pussy and cumstained body, then get off the bed.
  200. >You wrap the blanket around and wipe your semen off of her, placing the dark stains under her cunt to make it look like hers.
  201. >You put the tub of Chlorofap in one hoof and use your fingers to take a bit of her juices and rub them across her other hoof.
  202. >For added measure, you take a few tissues from the dresser and ball them up, throwing them every which way on the bed.
  203. >You take a few more pictures from a standing view, and you exit your bedroom.
  204. "I wonder how she'll feel when I tell Twilight about her midnight stroll to masturbate in my bed."
  205. >end

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