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The Masters Legendary Quest - 1

By Trixiefap
Created: 2022-06-29 02:13:58
Updated: 2023-09-27 01:21:12
Expiry: Never

  1. [Author's note: Took a while to find everything posted from this one as the pastebin was incomplete.
  2. This is a CYOA which is on, but due to the way it logs it's only a forgotten paste on that site. I've reformatted and fixed errors, added in things that were missing from the pastes, etc.
  3. Now I present to you here, the full story of the text adventure RPG from 2014 that hopefully someone will recognize.
  4. If not, be warned that most rules were made up a few threads after the start as we were gathering our bearing on how things worked. Quality will increase when Everfree Forest is introduced, and futhermore when the Crystal Empire is introduced. Read on, and contact Trixieflap#6733 on discord for any questions or information.
  5. P.S. The archive links at the beginning are to follow along to discussion of choices and what players actually chose to do in the threads, if you'd like that to follow along.]
  8. {{{{ … … … The following gamelog contains content related to the franchise of My Little Pony: Friendship is magic (Generation 4) and follows the canon of the animated series PREDATING the Season 3 Finale ‘Magical Mystery Cure’ with NSFW language, themes and fan-based wonkery. Any attempts to make sense of the coherence of the story’s plot, characters or events are pure speculation… … … … … … … … … … …}}}}
  9. .
  10. .
  11. .cs/{#%^*([errerrrerrr
  12. err
  13. err
  14. err
  15. err
  16. err
  17. errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..
  18. ..
  19. ..
  20. ………………………………………………………
  21. Loading…
  22. Masterlog.exe loading…
  23. done!
  24. parsing…
  25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  28. The Master's CYOA
  29. Legendary Quest: Corruption of the Shadow
  32. >You awaken, your legs covered in soft blankets. As your eyes wander the area, you realize that your surroundings match
  33. that of a hospital room.
  34. >…How did you get there?
  35. >You start to make your way out of bed, only to find that your legs feel weak.
  36. >In fact, you can’t stand up right now at all, struggling for a moment before deciding to look around first.
  37. >Ahead of you is the doorway to the room. In the corner, you find a window.
  39. >What is your first command? _
  43. >It is a challenge to do it, but you manage to get up out of the bed after using enough willpower.
  44. >Something intense must have happened to you to make you this weak, putting you in a hospital.
  45. >The first thing you decide to do is inspect the window.
  46. >You use every object possible to support your weak legs on your way there, but you end up knocking a few things over.
  47. >There has to be an explanation, so your eyes gaze to the outside world.
  48. >The outside world looks quite a bit different from what you are used to.
  49. >It’s almost as if you are in a cartoon.
  50. >An amazingly bright, pastel-colored world of happiness.
  51. >You’ve been inert of comprehensive thought at the beginning, but as you stir and return to lucidity, your mind begins to reform.
  52. >This is not where you remember being last, yet…
  53. >You can’t remember where you were last at all.
  54. >One thing for certain, however, is that this world is not your world.
  55. >You still have a few items on your person.
  56. >How do you wish to proceed?
  58. [COMMANDS]
  59. >Help/Inspect - Shows command list, shows additional information to subject inspcted
  60. >Inventory - Shows inventory and stats
  61. >Speak - Speak to x
  62. >Look - Look around the current room/setting, adds additional information and reveals things in your current location
  63. >Go - Go to x (Direction/item/person etc.)
  64. >Search - Search for x
  65. >Grab/give - Grab x and add it to inventory, or give something from it.
  66. >Drop - Remove x from your inventory.
  67. >Use - Use x from inventory or environment
  68. >Attack/Defend - Attack x, or defend from it (dpecifically to start a battle)
  69. >Equip - Equip x to you or others
  70. >Status - Shows status of Anon and other party members (specifically stats, no items)
  71. >???<
  72. [LOCKED]>Recipes - Shows known recipes
  73. [LOCKED]>Other - Custom command for extra freedom, case by case basis if accepted
  74. [LOCKED]>Directory - Checks the Directory
  75. [LOCKED]>Change - Changes perspective of narration between party members (Limit 3 per thread)
  79. >You examine your pockets to see what you’re carrying.
  81. Party members [LOCKED]:
  82. >ANONYMOUS (cc)
  83. [HP: 100/100][Status: You seem healthy enough… You feel fine, normal even, besides the weak legs after not having stood for a while. But nothing major.]
  84. -Inventory: Pocket Knife, iPhone, Wallet
  87. >The smartphone has a few apps, such as a camera, flashlight, contact list, a compass, etc.[ADMIN: Inspect it for a full list!]
  88. >However, you get such an interesting urge to just… fucking stab that shit.
  89. >You firmly grasp your knife from within your pocket and flip it open, your mouth curling into a dark and cruel smirk as the blade reaches closer and closer to the screen.
  90. >Sadism has always been your true-
  91. >Wait, what’s that?
  92. >You suddenly hear footsteps from outside the door of the hospital room!
  93. >Your knife was almost touching the screen of your phone, and you’re just standing there like an idiot.
  94. >What should you do?
  97. >You quickly bring up the video functionality of your phone, noting it is at 75%.
  98. >You didn’t know why, but it could be in your interest to film what’s about to happen.
  99. >Whatever it may be, you have no idea whatsoever.
  100. >You hold the camera out as… a pony, dressed as a nurse, enters the room.
  101. >She raises an eyebrow at your antics.
  102. >Her eyes grow weary at the knife in your hand.
  103. >…Idea!
  104. >You quickly place the knife back in your pocket, pulling out your wallet in its place.
  106. >You open it up with religious zeal, starting to fling the money right at the nurse pony.
  107. “Take my cash, goyim!”
  108. >As the green paper begins to fill the room, the nurse looks at you like she forgot to give you your medicine, and speaks.
  109. >”Uhm, are you alright, sir?”
  112. >You run out of money to throw at her, but something else was catching your attention now…
  113. >Your eyes scan her body, noting smooth white skin and a cotton candy pink mane.
  114. >A round rump in the back with a big red cross on each flank.
  115. >….U-unf
  116. >Her eyes catch you staring, and a small blush forms before she clears her throat.
  117. >”I .. I guess you are alright.”
  119. >You seem healthy enough… You feel fine, normal, besides the weak legs after not having stood for a while, but nothing major. [HP: 100/100]
  120. >…You also have a half chub, dat pony rump man mmf
  121. >So, what now?
  124. >Insert [COMMAND NOT VALID]
  126. >You decided that you probably should speak properly now.
  127. “Hey, do you know where I am, hot stuff?”
  128. >The blush on her cheeks reddened even darker, and she starts stepping over your money as if it were shredded paper.
  129. >”You’re in the Ponyville hospital, odd creature. You were knocked out cold, and we didn’t want to leave you on the edge of the Everfree forest!”
  130. >That’s true.
  131. >”May I ask how you got there?”
  132. >What should you say, or do?
  133. >You grip your phone as a lewd thought enters your mind.
  134. >However, upon further inspection of her muscular thighs and overall athletic physique, you decide that this isn’t exactly the best course of action.
  136. >Do you still wish to continue? Y/N
  138. >Y
  139. >You swiftly approach her, quickly hooking around the nurse pony.
  140. >Gripping your phone with fanatical lust, you turn on the vibrating function of it,
  141. >You take the dive and shove your vibrating phone into her marehood.
  142. >The first thing you notice is her muscular thighs spasming, probably from the shock of what you’ve just done.
  143. >The second thing you notice is absolutely unimaginable pain as a hoof cracks into your skull.
  145. [You have died.]
  147. >… You can suddenly see an ocean of memories as you float in a dark abyss.
  148. >The more recent ones shined brighter than the ones further back, almost asking you to choose them instead.
  149. >Which point in time would you like to access?
  153. >How… How did you get there? You didn’t remember anything besides waking up in the bed.
  154. >All of a sudden, you had a mental image of a zebra mugging you of your hash! NO, YOU GREW THAT OUT OF YOUR OWN SHIT!
  155. >Wait, no, just a flashback. That was weird.
  156. "I dunno, just woke up there. By the way, what the fuck is Ponyville? This is 'Murica, right?"
  157. “… Oh and yes, you may ask.”
  158. >smile.png
  159. >Too bad you didn’t have a tophat to put on right now.
  160. >Her look of confusion could tell you she had no idea what ‘Murica was. That’s not good at all.
  161. >”Do… Do you mean Equestria?”
  163. >Penis on pony stranger not found.webm
  166. >There is a door and a window that can be used as exits.
  168. >"Forgive me Mi'lady. I believe I may have suffered head tr-tr-trauma from my recent incident. You see, I am no native to Equestria, though I have oft dreamed of visiting here. Can you give me any details on my condition or who has a vested interest in my well-being at this time?" <COMMAND NOT FOUND
  169. >You take your hand and slap it onto your crotch, humping the air in a poor imitation of Michael Jackson
  170. >This only elicits even stranger looks from the pony who was just trying to be a little nice to you, and you felt a little weird doing this random shit.
  172. >Directions to the bathroom we need a mirror <COMMAND NOT FOUND
  174. “Sorry about that, I could have a concussion, who knows. My name is Anon, and I’m what’s called a human. We’re actually endangered, like… I’m pretty sure i’m the last of our kind.”
  175. >This was probably completely untrue, as there was no way you could be sure of something like that.
  176. >Hopefully it’d give a bit more sympathy to take attention off of your quaint bursts of insanity.
  177. >”Oh my goodness, that’s terrible! I guess it was a good thing we got you away from that dangerous forest. My name is Nurse Redheart, and i’ve been watching you for the last few days that you’ve been unconscious. You look to be quite well, though. Would you want to take a walk outside, get some fresh air and sunlight?”
  179. “Thanks for looking after me, I wish I had a real way to repay you, considering my money’s from a different world apparently. The walk sounds nice, but only if you’re with me, baby.”
  180. >You give a little wink, like the sly devil that you are
  181. >”Oh.. Oh my, well, come right this way, A-anon!”
  182. >She didn’t seem to mind your outgoing practices, that’s definitely promising…
  184. >You go with Nurse Redheart to the door, and she opens it for you, the two of you then stepping out into the busy hallways, most too busy to even look up.
  185. >”This way!”
  186. >She starts walking off to the right, naturally assuming you’d follow.
  187. >What do you do?
  193. >You get a thought, pulling out your smartphone to check your quest log
  194. >…Wait, this isn’t any sort of quest log, and you’re not in an RPG. Dumbass…
  195. >…But now that you think about it, a quest log would be rather innovative to your interests here.
  196. >It’d definitely help you keep track of what you need to do in this new strange world, but not on your phone.
  197. >Stuff like that can take a nice healthy place in your mind.
  199. >The first thing you add to this new quest log is, (Date Redheart)
  201. >You follow Redheart with gusto, as if multiple voices screamed at you all at once.
  202. >She began leading you to the outdoors, a set of double doors open to the cool rushing air and natural light beckoning the two of you.
  203. “So, how did you find a passion for nursing, anyhow?”
  204. >”Oh! Well, It was a few years ago. I wanted to help ponies across all of Equestria, to keep families together and to repair the lives of those who normally would’ve lost them. It was always a dream of mine, and one day, I found a little foal that had broken his arm out at the school playground, and I couldn’t do anything else but help the poor thing, I patched him up, and I got my cutie mark like you see here!”
  205. >Suck her horsecock <COMMAND NOT FOUND
  207. >Add questlog: Suck own dick <You’re not that flexible, bro.
  209. >Say the Navy Seals Copypastas. Twice <COMMAND NOT FOUND (And besides, you didn’t memorize that shit)
  212. “That’s amazing. I really admire that, I mean, you must have a lot of stallions lining up to ask you out.”
  213. >Redheart looked rather lightheaded as the two of you stepped into the outside, the warmth of the sun’s rays and the light breeze sweep over you like a blanket.
  214. >”My, I don’t think anypony’s said anything like that to me before…”
  215. >That means she’s single, definitely.
  217. “Well, being so new here I’ll need some of this world’s money. Is there anything I could do for you? …Anything?”
  218. >You give another wink to her to stress the point you wanted to make.
  219. >Her face was redder than a cloud-stricken sunset.
  220. >”Uhm, maybe not what I think you’re thinking, but I think there’s a few openings at the hospital, actually…”
  222. >In fact, you were technically with her outside now, banded together, might as well since she’ll be showing you around.
  223. >NURSE REDHEART ADDED TO PARTY! (She is now accessible with commands.)
  225. >Added to questlog: Dance like an ogre. (Yeah uuh, feel free to put this in the back.)
  227. >You look at your phone to play the anthem of He-man, but you forgot to put it in your song list. Oh well.
  229. >Ask her if she's had experience patching up soldiers <COMMAND NOT FOUND
  232. >Quest Log: Dating Redheart should be enough incentive to be her partner nurse.
  234. “I’m certainly interested, tell me more about the openings. I’ve always had a passion for this line of work.”
  235. >”Well, if I recall, they were looking for a janitor to help with the heavy hours that poor Scruffy has to suffer through the night.”
  236. >So much for Doctor Anon…
  237. “In any case, are there any unused rooms here at the hospital, or… Maybe, if it’s not too much trouble, could I stay at your place?”
  238. >Redheart thought for a moment, putting a cute little hoof up to her chin.
  239. >”I’m sorry, I can’t think of any places in the hospital you could stay without money, but… I could take you in until you got on your feet. So long as you don’t wave a knife around or grab your crotch.”
  240. >She made a little giggle that melted your heart.
  242. >You seem healthy enough… You feel fine, normal, besides the weak legs after not having stood for a while, but nothing major. [HP: 100/100]
  243. >(Redheart) She feels completely healthy, if a little flustered by Anon’s swings at her. [HP: 125/125]
  244. >You inspect the location around you. Behind you (south) is the hospital you just left with Redheart, some ponies just passing through, some looking at your odd form. Far out in front of you (north) is a small village, but catching your eye is a large tree building.
  245. >There were a few other people that seemed to get your attention:
  246. -An orange mare that was bustling with a cartload of apples
  247. -A light cream-colored pony with a red mane currently tending to a garden
  248. -A rather eccentric pink pony bouncing through the town
  249. -And… definitely not a pony, some sort of weird bull man that was giving a pep talk to a crowd of physically-challenged ponies.
  250. >Besides these odd characters, the rest were wide open plains (east/west)
  252. >While you were thinking about what to do, you instinctively make a motion to grab your fedora, but nothing was there. You lost your fedora, fucking hell!
  254. >Asking for arousal meter. <COMMAND NOT FOUND
  257. >Your stomach suddenly growls and you come under the realization you haven't eaten breakfast yet.
  258. "Um, heh, is there anywhere to get some grub around here?"
  259. >Redheart giggles at you before walking past you.
  260. >"Come on, I'll show you to my home and I can make you some breakfast when we get there."
  262. >As she leads you, your eyes avert directly to her tail.
  263. >And her asshole.
  264. >Which admittedly grabbed your attention with how tight it looked.
  266. "So, thank you for offering me the job and let me crash at your place. Just, thank you for helping me out."
  267. >She looked back at you and gave a warm smile that could just melt your heart.
  268. >"It's no trouble, I'm just happy to help!"
  269. "Heh, maybe you can teach me a thing or two about nursing while we stay together."
  270. >She laughs a bit before continuing on through town.
  271. >Your thoughts drift towards her comments about the knife, and you decide to speak up again.
  272. "You know, if my knife makes you uncomfortable I could just toss it?"
  273. >She seems to ponder the idea for a moment before responding.
  274. >"No, no. That is alright, just be careful with it. I could also hold it for you as well."
  276. >Browsing the scenery you see a few flowers and decide to pick them for your new mare friend.
  277. >Swiftly you pluck them from the ground and hand them to her with a light bow.
  278. "For you, beautiful."
  279. >She blushes, the red bleeding into her naturally white cheeks.
  280. "What a gentlecolt."
  282. >Pleased with yourself take a look towards the sky, admiring the clouds.
  283. >Suddenly memories flood your vision.
  284. >Memories of people, of Earth.
  285. >Damn, how did you get from Earth to here?
  286. "Wow, I guess I am already a little homesick."
  287. >You realize you said that last one out loud, eliciting a sad look from Redheart as she stops walking for a moment.
  288. >"I'm sorry you are homesick. What is your home like?"
  289. >Your thoughts are still hazy, but you can put a few things together.
  290. "Well, for starters there are a lot more things like me. We're called people."
  291. >She listens intently, smirking slightly.
  292. >"I hope they are all as charming as you."
  293. >Now it's your turn to blush.
  295. >You take the knife out of your pocket, handing it to her.
  296. "Go ahead and hold on to it for me, thank you for offering."
  297. >She gives a small sigh as she takes it, storing it away.
  301. >You two continue onwards to Redheart's house, which seems a nice enough place.
  302. >It is a bit small, and you need to crouch, but it is better than sleeping on the ground.
  303. >"So, what would you like to eat?"
  304. >You want to spit out meat, but think twice about it when you notice there is nothing but vegetating options displayed in the house.
  305. "Got any apples?"
  307. >As you two eat, you chat.
  308. >You share what you can remember about your home, and in turn she tells you all about Equestria and her town; Ponyville.
  309. >You talk into the night until she gets up to leave.
  310. "Where are you off too?"
  311. >"Well, I do work graveyard shift, but please make yourself at home. I'll try to fix you up something large enough tomorrow!"
  312. >She leaves hurriedly, possibly running late.
  313. >You move towards the kitchen, looking over the various foods to eat before you hit the sack.
  314. >Your eyes wander over her window, and in the night sky you can see the stars.
  315. >Suddenly, you get a feeling.
  316. >A sick, twisted, wrong feeling in the pit of your stomach.
  317. >Dread.
  321. >The earth begins to shake as the night sky you were looking towards is covered in a black mass.
  322. >Slowly it recedes, revealing the bright stars once again.
  323. >You had a bad feeling about this.
  325. >You rush out of the house, trailing after Redheart as she looks towards the night sky in curiosity.
  326. >Soon, she starts to head towards the graveyard.
  327. >As you rush to her though, you see her veer off towards the hospital.
  328. >You reach a hand toward her back and she jumps in fright.
  329. "Did you see that!?"
  330. >You hear the own fear in your voice, unexplained fear.
  331. >She simply nods, unease setting into her expression.
  332. "What was it?"
  333. >"I-I don't know…"
  334. >You have a REALLY bad feeling about this.
  337. >You move closer to Redheart, slowly placing a hand on her back.
  338. >Rubbing slowly you attempt to ease both of your nerves before speaking.
  339. "Maybe we should get somewhere safe, back to your house."
  340. >"Anon, I can't. I need to go check on the patients…b-but maybe you can accompany me?"
  341. >You nod, accepting that for now as you follow close behind her.
  343. >You scan the surrounding are, looking for any signs of danger.
  344. >Alas, there is nothing, and whatever had blacked out the stars has vanished.
  350. >COMMAND (Take knife) INVALID.
  353. >You stick behind Redheart, walking briskly as your eyes dart around to search for potential danger.
  354. "So, how long will you be working for?"
  355. >"As I said, I work graveyard shift."
  356. >A yawn escaped her lips at the end of that sentence and it struck you that she hadn't slept today.
  357. >Neither had you for that matter, as preoccupied with each other as you were.
  359. "You know I could hear you yawn, when do you usually sleep?"
  360. >"Heh. I usually sleep during the day, but I had a pleasant guest I got lost in conversation with."
  361. >You blush from the compliment, as well as realizing you played a role in her lack of sleep.
  362. "Say, do you have any medical pamphlets or other material I could read as I accompany you?"
  363. >"Hmm. I am sure I can dig up something."
  365. >The rest of the walk goes without conversation.
  366. >You inspect the surroundings one more time, finding nothing.
  369. >Overall it looks like an ordinary hospital, small beds for the ponies and larger beds for…well, larger creatures.
  370. "Um, do you have anywhere I could sit and read while I wait for you."
  371. >"Sure, you're old bed isn't taken. You can rest in there. Oh! Here!"
  372. >The white mare hands you a medical pamphlet, the topic seems to be about procreation.
  373. >As you watch her wander off you can't help but think that you'd love to procreate with her.
  374. >Following Redheart you arrive to the Hospital room you woke up in.
  375. >You look around for a mop, but can't seem to find one.
  376. >Maybe next time.
  379. "Thank you, stay safe. I will be here if you need me."
  380. >She smiles at you, heading off hurriedly to attend to her duties.
  381. >You open the pamphlet and begin reading.
  382. >Quickly, your eyes get heavy and your vision gets clouded in darkness as sleep embraces you.
  384. >Status: Fully healed.
  385. >Inventory: Pamphlet added.
  387. >You awake, fully rested as a white hoof shakes your arm awake.
  388. >You turn to her to see that Redheart isn't quite as cheery as you left her, fatigue setting into her features.
  391. >Redheart leads you out as she makes her way home.
  392. >You can tell she didn't get any rest.
  393. >As you approach her door, she turns to face you.
  394. >"Hey Anon. I really need to get some sleep. Feel free to relax at the house, but try to keep it down. You can browse the town if you want too. Oh! In case you get hungry or want to buy something."
  396. >Inventory: Coin pouch added.
  397. >Inventory: 25 bits added.
  399. "Thank you, gorgeous."
  400. >She blushes before moving towards her bedroom.
  401. >You stand in the doorway, thinking about what to do for the day.
  404. >You run up to Redheart, grabbing her attention as you gently place your hand on her back.
  405. >She turns to face you as you lean in close, whispering.
  406. "Redheart, could I please kiss you?"
  407. >She blushes deeply, taken aback by your question.
  408. >Clearing her throat, she continued to her bedroom.
  409. >"Maybe someday, hun."
  410. >She giggles a bit as she closes her door.
  411. >Though defeated, you take pride in the fact that she did say someday.
  413. >You head out the door, randomly wandering off as you bring out your pamphlet to read.
  414. >Procreation, the best of all reading material.
  415. >Glancing up you found yourself in a town center.
  416. >There seemed to be a few ponies out and about, a few looking at you in curiosity.
  417. >Among the buildings you spotted a gingerbread like house as well as a carousel.
  418. >In the center a few stands were set up, and you could see a few ponies selling various goods.
  419. >Well, it looked like there was a lot to explore.
  421. >You pull out your wallet to inspect it more closely, opening it up and remembering how you tossed out your cash.
  422. >In it is a few credit cards and what appears to be a driver's ID license.
  425. >You look for the closest pony near you who happens to be a cream colored mare.
  426. "Excuse me, do you know where I can find a library."
  427. >She is obviously a bit perturbed at your appearance, but she answers you regardless.
  428. >"Um, yes. You just go right down that direction, it will be a large tree."
  429. >You thank her and begin to make your way as the gingerbread house catches your attention again.
  431. >DECISION:
  432. >A) Gingerbread house.
  433. >B) Tree
  436. >You decide the library can wait as you make your way to the gingerbread building.
  437. >As you approach you see a pair of ponies walk out, donuts in each hand.
  438. >Suddenly, you were very hungry.
  439. >Upon entering you see a pink mare behind the counter.
  440. >She was finishing helping a few customers bef-
  441. >"Hi there stranger, I'm Pinkie Pie! I haven't seen you here before!"
  442. >She had zoomed in front of you, her mouth moving at a mile per minute as words quickly lost meaning and more resembled bullets of air hitting your face as her snout pressed to your nose.
  443. "Uh! H-hi."
  446. >"Hi! What's your name?"
  447. >She smiles radiantly, lightly bouncing in excitement as she awaits a response.
  448. "Uh. I'm Anon. Are you an employee here?"
  449. >"You bet! Nice to meet you Anon!"
  450. >She extends her hoof to you, and you grip it in return with a tight shake.
  451. >"So, what can I get you Anon?"
  452. >Hmm. Good question.
  455. >You look over the menu.
  456. >God, a chocolate cake sounds so good right now, but it is also 12 bits.
  457. >Hmm, what to do.
  458. >An idea pops into your head, and you boop Pinkie on the nose.
  459. >This, in turn, causes her to giggle maniacally at your silly antics.
  460. >"Hey now mister, at least ask me to dinner first!"
  461. >She flutters her eyelashes at you, laughing at her own joking and teasing.
  462. >You laugh with her and lean in to whisper.
  463. "Look. I know I am new here, but I don't have many bits. Could I get a discount?"
  464. >"I'd love to! Last time I did though, I got in trouble with Mr. and Ms. Cake. Sorry!"
  465. >She smiles regardless as you debate if the quality is worth the cost.
  467. >Well, she does work here, you might as well see if she has any recommendations.
  468. "What would you recommend? I am looking for something breakfasty."
  469. >"Well! You can try our strawberry frosted vanilla cupcakes!"
  470. >That sounds delicious, actually.
  471. "How much?"
  472. >"10 bits for two! It's a sale we have going on!"
  473. >Hmm. Sounds enticing enough. Let's do it!
  474. >You place down 10 bits and she takes them happily.
  475. >"Just one sec!"
  478. "Oh! Wait! One more thing. Do you know what Redheart's favorite snack is?"
  479. >"I do! You know her? I'll go ahead and get it! I'll pay for it myself! I owe her anyway, hehe."
  480. "I do know her! Thank you very much, Pinkie!"
  481. >Perfect! Now you just have wait.
  484. >You observe the shop, it was plain enough but nice.
  485. >Maybe it was the atmosphere or the pink mare, but you couldn't help but smile.
  486. >You wait a bit longer, and see Pinkie approach the counter again with your cupcakes.
  487. >"Here you go Anon! I'll bring Redheart's cookies to her personally after work! Then maybe we can hangout? Where do you live? What's your favorite food? Favorite color? Wha-"
  488. "I live with Redheart, and that sounds splendid. See you then, thank you Pinkie!"
  489. >"No problem Anon, see you later!"
  490. >You exit the shop, making your way towards the direction that other mare pointed you in.
  491. >Soon enough, you run into a giant tree.
  496. >You begin to eat as you continue your medical studies, quickly finishing the pamphlet along with your meal as you approach the door of the this tree…house?
  497. >You look around, but see nobody.
  498. >Raising a hand you knock, the only sound you hear from inside is the thump of what you presume to be hoof steps approaching.
  499. >A purple unicorn opens the door, eyeing you with intrigue before speaking.
  500. >"Hello. How may I help you?"
  503. >You begin to inform her of your purpose for being at her door.
  504. >Then you are distracted by the mare’s appearance
  505. “Damn, you’re cu-”
  506. >She snaps out of her trance, seemingly just realising how different you look from the rest of the races of Equestria.
  507. >“What are you, anyway?”
  508. “Well, my name is-”
  509. >”I’ve never seen anything like you in Equestria!”
  510. >You keep up your patience as you try to respond again.
  511. “That’s probably because-”
  512. >“This is AMAZING!”
  513. >Stopfuckinginterrupting.
  514. >“A new, undiscovered sapient- you are sapient, aren’t you?”
  515. >You nod.
  516. “Yeah, I am. Anyways-”
  517. >“I can’t believe it! A new sapient species! May I ask you some questions?”
  518. >Looks like there’s no stopping her. Might as well humor her.
  519. >The two of you talk back and forth until sunset.
  520. >By the time you are done, you are pretty damn tired.
  521. >Twilight excitedly waves goodbye to you as you leave the library.
  522. >You wave back in turn, deciding to make your way back to Redheart’s house.
  523. >In a few minutes, you are walking down the path to her house when you realize something.
  524. “God dammit, I forgot the books!”
  525. >As you make your way back, your thoughts wander to the anomaly that happened last night.
  526. >Curiously enough, it seems like others didn't see or feel it.
  527. >Maybe nobody was talking about it, either way it was an itch in your mind that you couldn't scratch.
  528. >As you approach your temporary home, you see Pinkie making her way there as well.
  529. >She waves enthusiastically as you both enter the house, finding Redheart as she is mid bite into an Apple.
  530. >Pinkie speaks to Redheart, pulling out some cookies as the nurse slowly rolls her eyes at the pink mare's excessive speech.
  531. >You aren't really listening though, that feeling is building up.
  532. >The dread from last night. Something bad was about to happen.
  534. >CONTINUE?
  537. >You clear your throat grabbing the attention of the two.
  538. "Hey, look. I have th-"
  539. >Suddenly instinct took hold, you practically tackle the two to the ground as you hold them close and shield them with your body.
  540. >That's when it happens, darkness floods the sky as the roof is torn apart right above you.
  541. >Buildings fall apart and the ground shakes violently underneath you.
  542. >Out of the corner of your eye you can see ponies being pushed across the ground from the force, what looks like pegasus trying to push their way against the force or flying from it.
  543. >Unicorns rush out, including Twilight as they set up a barrier to attempt and block the onslaught.
  544. >It stops, and only then do you see a mass of shadow soar past over the town.
  545. >Even with a glance you can see the town was ravaged, ponies were injured.
  546. >Some took just a scratch, others were already being attended to by what you assume are nurses.
  547. >Yet somehow, you were unharmed. How?
  548. >You stand up as you see Redheart and Pinkie, fear distorting the nurse as the party pony takes a serious expression to her face.
  549. >How? How are you unharmed?
  553. >You turn your attention to the two mares again.
  554. "Hey, are you guys alright?"
  555. >Redheart is still a bit shaky, but she forces her legs to work as she stands.
  556. >Pinkie seems to be squinting out to where the shadow fled, attempting to find it in the night sky.
  557. >Neither give a response, but you can see they are also unharmed.
  558. >You approach Redheart as she simply looks up at you, slowly regaining her composure.
  560. >New Quest: Fuck bitches, get money.
  563. >As Redheart surveys the wreckage her eyes begin to widen, focusing on a few who are injured not far from her home.
  564. "I guess you'll need help with the injured, is there anything I could do?"
  565. >She rushes past you to the injured, only shouting over her shoulder in response.
  566. >"No! Don't worry! If I need your help I'll come get you!"
  567. >Pinkie shifts behind you, catching your attention.
  568. >"Fuck, I can't find it. What WAS that thing Anon?"
  569. >Well, shit, you’d figure they would have some odd horse-equivalent of cursing.
  570. >At least it wasn’t something stupid line like ‘Buck’.
  571. >"I’m gonna try and help out however I can!"
  572. >That’s something you were glad to hear, the more help for whatever’s happening, the better!
  573. >"Oh, and Nonny. Thank you for protecting me."
  574. >Before you could blink, the pink pony had bounced up and planted a kiss right on your cheek, giggling at what she did just seconds later.
  575. “R-right. I guess you could come with me, and let’s see how we can help these guys.”
  576. >PINKIE PIE ADDED TO PARTY! (She is now accessible by commands.)
  578. >Unleash Duck on Ponka. <COMMAND NOT FOUND (…Duck? I bet you meant to say fuck, didn’t you? You dirty bastard.)
  583. >Status: (Anon - You’re a bit shaken, but have been completely uninjured by the passover, but why? [HP: 100/100])
  584. (Redheart - The passover had shaken you and there were slight aches on your body from being pushed down by Anon, but nothing major. [HP: 125/125])
  585. (Pinkie Pie - Bouncing with energy, not even the recent incident can slow you down! [HP: 100/100])
  587. >You start looking around with Pinkie at your side, seeing if there’s anyone in need of assistance.
  588. >Among others, there were a few calls of distress:
  589. -There was a mint-green colored pony that was trapped under wooden debris;
  590. -A small dragon near the library that had been knocked unconscious by other flying debris, seemingly unable to be reached due to black magic
  591. -Another pony, purple and red in color was moderately injured by glass from a bar, struggling to get herself up
  592. -Finally, there was a dark grey mare that had been burned profusely by the passing of the dark magic, completely motionless as she lay on the ground
  593. >As you follow Pinkie's lead, you see another sight that diverted your attention
  594. >Dat glorious, plump pink Ponka rump.
  595. >You get a sudden urge to grip her sides and fuck her right there and now.
  596. >A powerful déjà vu runs through your bones as you second guess yourself.
  597. >Do you wish to continue this action? Y/N
  599. >N
  601. “Pinkie, go find help for that grey mare over there!”
  602. >She looks where you were pointing to, and she gasped in her hooves.
  603. >”Ohmygosh, Octy! I’m right on it, Nonny!”
  604. >As she ran off towards ‘Octy’, your previous feelings of unadulterated intense lust turning into something else.
  605. >You wanted to ride her, but ride her like a knight in shining armor towards the aid of those in need!
  606. >You almost step towards her, but you shake your head and get the thought out of your mind.
  607. >Maybe later, but for now there were other things that needed tending to.
  608. >Your attention returned to the mint-colored pony and the dragon, knowing they were both in dire need.
  609. >It was very difficult to decide… But in the end, you know that the mint pony needed more help, she could be crushed any second now!
  610. >You sprinted towards her and were kneeling besides her in mere moments, looking at the heavy beam she was desperately trying to support, slowly failing.
  611. >”Nnngh, h-help..!”
  612. >You throw your hands under the beam and heave with all of your might, the beam slowly giving to your higher human strength, allowing Lyra to escape from it.
  613. >You drop the beam as soon as she dashed out from under it, the beam breaking as it fell to the ground.
  614. >As you were heaving in exhaustion, the mint pone came up to you with tears in her eyes.
  615. >”T-thank you…”
  616. >You wave to her, too out of breath to speak well.
  617. >Do you wish to help others [A], talk to the mint pony [B], go regroup with your party members [C], or Other? [D]
  620. >Option A selected.
  621. >You see Pinkie at the side of the mare with the grey coat, head to her chest as you presume she is looking for a pulse.
  622. >Twilight seems to be trying to disperse the black magic surrounding the dragon, desperate to reach it.
  623. >The purple pony was now attempting to dislodge shards of glass from her body, falling to the ground every time she attempted to stand again.
  625. >What would you like to do?
  628. >You decide that now isn’t the time to just sit back and observe.
  629. >Without hesitation, you kneel down to her prone form.
  630. >This is definitely something you’ve never done before. If only you remembered those books.
  631. >She already looks like she’s dying, and the blood loss might help dull the pain a bit, so it’s not like you can make it any worse, right?
  632. >You grasp the first glass shard, and gently pull it from her flesh.
  633. >A nice stream of blood begins to seep out of the wound.
  634. >Oh fuck. This isn’t good; there’s so much more glass, and if this one wound produces this much blood…
  635. >This won’t do, you need to get her to proper medical attention.
  636. >You pick her up, applying pressure to her wound with one hand.
  637. >A few moments later, you find a nurse that’s free.
  638. >Putting Berry Punch down next to her, you explain the situation.
  639. >She assures you that the purple mare will be alright, and sends you on your way.
  641. >There are still the two others, and some time has passed now.
  642. >You see Pinkie struggling to lift the gray mare up, still as death, and move her towards the nurses.
  643. >Twilight is still assaulting the black magic around the dragon with her own, obviously frustrated as she tries to push through.
  644. >What would you like to do?
  647. >Dammit, sorry dragon.
  648. >You rush to Pinkie to assist with the gray mare.
  649. >"Nonny, we need to get her to the nurses! She’s barely breathing."
  650. >You nod, leaning down as Pinkie assists with putting her on your back.
  651. >You hook your arms arms behind your back, holding her tight to you as you push forward.
  652. >God, she was heavier than you thought.
  653. >Using all of your might you trudge toward a few nurses and gently remove the weight from your back.
  654. >"Octy, please be okay…"
  655. >Pinkie's voice could just about break your heart, was there something you could have done sooner?
  656. >No time to think about that, you place “Octy” on the ground and allow the nurses to tend to her.
  658. >Finally, you turn your attention to Twilight and the dragon, immediately rushing to them with Pinkie in row.
  659. >"Spike, no…"
  660. >As you get closer, you can see tears streaming down Twilight's cheeks.
  661. >Her attempts to reach Spike failing.
  662. >You approach, staring at the poor dragon's crumpled body.
  663. >Motionless.
  666. >You riddle your brain for something, anything.
  667. >You weren't harmed.
  668. >Could you be immune?
  669. "Twilight. Look, this is going to sound crazy, but let me try something. I think I am…resistant, or immune or something."
  670. >She looks up to you, tears in her eyes as she simply nods.
  671. >Desperation clearly present in her features as she takes your maniacal ranting as a potential solution.
  673. >You take a step back, ready to charge into the black matter that seemed to hiss and spit back at you.
  674. >The dark magic, terrifying and evil, stared into your very soul.
  675. >You take a deep breath, and you charge.
  676. >CONTINUE?
  679. >Here goes everything.
  680. >You rush the darkness, pushing through with ease.
  681. >Inside you feel a force push on your body, and a light sting across your skin.
  682. >Aside from that though, you appear to be fine.
  683. >You look over your shoulder as Twilight stares mouth agape, and Pinkie cheers you on!
  684. >Running, sprinting, you reach the little dragon.
  685. >Black scars seem to etch over his body, but you can see the faintest sign of breathing in his features.
  686. >You waste no more time, grabbing him and rushing back through the black magic out to the fresh air.
  687. >A few nurses run to you as they see you emerge, but your vision is soon clouded by a mix of purple and pink as the two mares knock you to the ground in a tight embrace.
  689. >That is all Twilight can seem to say as Pinkie simply giggles.
  690. >"Nonny that was amazing!"
  691. >You feel pretty proud of yourself right now, then a rather loud clearing of the throat draws your attention past the two mares to the source.
  692. >Redheart is standing there, a bit flustered by the display.
  693. >"I'd like to inspect Anon and make sure he is alright."
  694. >Twilight blushes, getting off of you immediately.
  695. >Pinkie simply bounces up, and the two leave towards the center of town where all are non congregated.
  696. >"Jeez Anon, that was so dumb of you…but pretty brave too. All those ponies are alive thanks to you. Others are still missing. Let's hope they are as fortunate…"
  697. >Redheart looks down towards the ground, but gives a weak smile when she looks up.
  698. >"I'm glad you are okay."
  699. >You can't help but blush and want to cheer up the cute nurse in front of you.
  700. >You want to ask about those you rescued, or what is going on.
  701. >You want a lot, your emotions are a bit of a whirlwind.
  703. >What do you want to do?
  708. >You really wanted to cheer up this nurse, and you knew exactly how.
  709. "Redheart."
  710. >She locks eyes with you, ready to respond.
  711. >Except she can't, because your lips are pressed to hers.
  712. >She doesn't resist either, in fact, she pushes back fairly hard.
  713. >As soon as the blissful experience started, it ended leaving you two blushing as you fumble for something to say.
  714. "So…who exactly did I rescue?"
  715. >"Oh, oh yes! Well, there was Lyra, Berry, Octavia, and Spike."
  716. >Who should you ask about first?
  718. >It is not quite the time to dance, but you have been wanting to for sometime.
  719. >Maybe because of how nerve racking this all was.
  720. >Just have to wait for now, but soon you will unleash your moves upon the world.
  722. >Wait, wait. First of all, are there others that need help?
  723. "Is there anybody else that needs help?"
  724. >"No, not for now. Everybody is okay…everybody found that is."
  725. >You look out, seeing that ponies are searching through rubble and debris.
  726. >You can't save everybody, no matter how much you want to.
  728. "Alright, what about Berry?"
  729. >"She was the purple mare with glass lining her body. She'll need stitches, but she'll live."
  730. >Phew, good.
  732. "What about Spike?"
  733. >"Well, good thing you grabbed him when you did. You saved his life. He is breathing, but he hasn't woken up yet…"
  734. >Shit. You took too long…
  735. "So…why is he a dragon?"
  736. >Redheart looks at you quizzically, arching her head to side slightly.
  737. >"That is his species…?"
  740. "What about the other two?"
  741. >"That'd be Octavia and Lyra. Lyra is fine, just a bit shaken from almost being crushed. Octavia is breathing, and awake. Lots of coughing and wheezing. It'll take time for her to recover."
  743. >Satisfied with your questions you move towards the town center.
  744. >Reaching for your pamphlet as reading material before putting it away again, remembering that you finished it.
  745. >Redheart follows behind, and you decide you need to try and help with rescue efforts.
  746. >En route towards what little remains of a house, you speak up.
  747. "Hey, do you have any clue what that all was?"
  748. >"No…no idea. Twilight might know? Magic is her expertise after all."
  749. >You make a note to speak to her as soon as you are done with the rescue crew.
  750. >You see the the mint pony staring down at the rubble of the house, other ponies gathered around her.
  751. >What is going on?
  752. >You approach behind and you instantly regret it.
  753. >A cream colored mare lays there, still half buried in the rubble.
  754. >Her body a perfect example of what a body should not be able to do.
  755. >Lyra, is in hysterics, bawling her eyes out.
  756. >You reach a hand out to grip her shoulder, but Redheart stops you.
  757. >Shaking her head as a sign to leave her be for now.
  758. >You wonder what that pony meant to Lyra.
  760. >As you approach another crumbled home, Twilight approaches you.
  761. >"How were you able to pass into that magic unharmed?"
  762. >That was a good question.
  764. "I have no idea…I wasn't injured in the initial attack, so I figured I wouldn't be injured by the aftermath either?"
  765. >You grinned nervously, only now realizing how terribly flawed your logic could have been.
  766. >"Fascinating. I'll have to research this, we'll set up a mee-, gah! Focus, focus. Look. However it works, it's because of you that Spike isn't dead. I owe you, and I think you should help in finishing what did this."
  767. >Her look is determined, and you feel flattered that she wants your help in the first place.
  770. >You examine your surroundings, looking over the destruction.
  771. >You'd do what you can, but seeing that other pony dead did a number on you.
  772. >So, maybe Twilight knows what is going on?
  773. "Well, Twilight, what just…happened?"
  774. >She fidgets, a nervous tone seeping into her voice.
  775. >"I'm uh. I am not sure. Nothing has been that powerful, not Nightmare Moon, not Chrysalis, not Sombra. As strong as Discord was, this isn't his style either…"
  776. >The names were lost to you, but her lack of an answer only furthered to distress those within earshot.
  777. "Well, what are we dealing with then?"
  778. >Twilight looks over the destruction before staring into your eyes, her expression grim.
  779. >"A monster."
  780. ...
  782. >You thought of something just as Pinkie Pie finished with her business, joining the three of you in the silent contemplation that had befallen the destroyed night.
  783. “Twilight, if this thing is such a monster, then why doesn’t the magic hurt me?”
  784. >Her eyes widen at this statement, and she begins to ponder what it could possibly mean.
  785. >”What exactly did you feel when you ran through those flames?”
  786. “…Well, there was a sort of force, like a resistance, and it did sting me a little bit but no real pain.”
  787. >Twi looked completely bewildered at this.
  788. >”But… That makes no sense! No dark magic has ever been so ineffective to anyone before!”
  789. >Pinkie and Redheart gave her a questioning look, and she gave an exasperated sigh.
  790. >”You see, dark magic like we’ve seen tonight is a very rare occurrence, and very few ponies have ever mastered it enough to practically use it. The reason for this is because it’s highly unstable -not something to be played with- because its dangerous and unpredictable. Being able to shrug it off like Anonymous does is completely unheard of!”
  791. >Pinkie starts making ‘Ooh’s and ‘Aah’s in bizarre excitement.
  792. >”Does that mean Nonny is like a super-powered alien robot guy who can totally tank the most dangerous magic in all of Equestria?!”
  793. >”That’s just it… I don’t know. What exactly are you, Anon?”
  794. “I’m just me, a normal human. Maybe humans aren’t affected by magic because there isn’t any in our world?”
  795. >”It’s a possibility, but we wouldn’t really know unless we ran some tests.”
  796. “…Maybe later.”
  798. “Is there anything else we could help with, while we’re here?”
  799. >”Right now, we’ve gotten all the ponies that could be helped, the only thing left to do now is cleanup, but we save that for the construction workers. The best thing you could do is get some sleep, and come back by
  800. the treehouse for those tests. It could be really important to this threat!”
  801. >Redheart speaks up.
  802. >”What would you be doing in the meantime, Ms. Sparkle?”
  803. >”I’ll be contacting the Princesses and preparing the Elements of Harmony in case whatever that thing is, comes back.”
  804. >Wait, what-
  805. >”Don’t worry about what they are, either, they’re just something that can help us. Pinkie, are you going or staying?”
  806. >”I think I’ma stick with Anon for now, Twi! He’s really cool and they might need my help for whatever amazing adventure they plan on going!”
  807. “What adventure?”
  808. >>”THE adventure! The whole point of this game, duh!”
  809. >You, Twilight and Redheart gave her strange looks, but she just started bouncing around and humming a catchy tune.
  810. “…O-okay.”
  812. >Status: (Anon: Your skin tingles from the recent exposure to dark magic, but you have no injuries. Feels good man. [HP: 100/100])
  813. (Redheart: The large amount of work you’ve done to help the injured tonight has left you completely exhausted, lowering your abilities slightly. [HP: 120/125] [Fatigued])
  814. (Pinkie Pie: Death and destruction has settled upon you, but you won’t let it get you down, not when other ponies are counting on you! [HP: 98/100])
  816. >Twilight gave her goodbyes to the party and left for the library, saying she was first going to make a stop to see how Spike was faring.
  817. “Is there anything else we can do, Redheart? It seems pretty clear at this point, and maybe I could watch you now if you were still on duty.”
  818. >”Not that I can see, but I’ll most likely get called to the hospital very soon, so I need what rest I can get.”
  819. “Alright.”
  820. >What do you do now?
  824. >you get a flashback of your past life-<COMMAND NOT FOUND (Pinkie: Do you really think that this happened before he came here?)
  827. >The day is over, and nothing else is occupying your time now.
  828. >You’ve been feeling feverish all day, and you are pretty sure that the only thing that will cure it…
  829. >…Is dancing like an ogre.
  830. >It happens out of nowhere. You begin to bust out your moves right where you stand.
  831. >The surrounding ponies watch in awe at the spectacle before them.
  833. >This goes on for a good two minutes before you begin to wind down.
  834. >Once you finish, you feel a lot better.
  835. >You feel something.
  836. >Taking some time, you ponder on this feeling.
  837. >Then it hits you.
  839. ~*Ability unlocked: Ogre Dance! (Causes mass confusion to enemies if post ends in 0, 2, 5, 8, 9, will otherwise do nothing.) *~
  841. “So, where do the three of us sleep for the night, then? Your house is demolished for the time being, Pinkie’s shop is caved in…”
  842. >Redheart gives you a “thank you captain obvious” expression.
  843. >”I’m aware, Anon. I’m thinking.”
  844. >Something comes to mind.
  845. “Any spare rooms in the hospital maybe?”
  846. >The nurse shakes her head.
  847. >”You know that’s not possible, there’s too many injured. That place is going to be packed, unfortunately.”
  848. >Pinkie decides to chime in.
  849. >”We could go catch up with Twilight and ask to stay with her?”
  850. >You realize that’s probably your party’s best bet.
  851. >”If she’ll let us stay, that is?”
  852. >The excitable mare grins and gives a small bounce in place.
  853. >”Oh, of cooourse she’ll let us stay! She might not be the element of kindness like Fluttershy but she’s always been a really really nice pony and she’d totally let us stay there with her!”
  854. >The pink pony just smiles after that breathless sentence, and starts bouncing off after her.
  855. >You and Redheart quickly follow, eventually catching up with her and asking for a spare room.
  856. >Thankfully, Twilight agrees.
  857. >”You could normally stay in the basement, but I had a lot of equipment out recently. The earthquake didn’t help much, either. I hope the guest bed upstairs will do for you.”
  858. >All three of you assure her that it’s fine, and make your way up.
  859. >There are two beds, one is what you assume is a guest bed, and her own.
  860. >Twilight catches up with the group and speaks.
  861. >”I’m sorry, we’ll probably have to share beds tonight.”
  862. >Pinkie hops up from her position beside you, landing on Twilight’s bed.
  863. >Twilight just shakes her head and giggles.
  864. >”So, it looks like it’ll be me and Pinkie, and you and Redheart.”
  865. >The poofy-maned mare in Twilight’s bed gives the two of you a wink, and lays her head back down.
  866. >This ought to be interesting
  867. >You and the nurse shift awkward glances, then shrug.
  868. >A few minutes later, both of you are sharing the same bed, ready to sleep for the night.
  869. >You hold the white pony close to your body, deciding that holding back on the romance is just plain underrated.
  870. >After a kiss to her cheek, you say goodnight, and fall asleep.
  872. ~*All party HP restored! Fatigue removed from Nurse Redheart*~
  873. >The next day, you wake up deciding that it might be a good plan to help Nurse Redheart at the hospital.
  874. >She is hesitant at first, unsure of your medical abilities; after a bit of convincing though, she decides to bring you along and see what smaller tasks you could help with.
  875. >Later, the two of you arrive at the hospital.
  876. >For the next few hours, you help the nurse, even earning a bit of pay for your performance.
  880. Awaiting command inputs…
  883. [21 bits obtained]
  885. >The mare in bed thanks you and Redheart for your assistance, and it warms your heart as she turns her body to the side to sleep.
  886. >She'd has a nasty cut along her side, which thankfully the medical staff was able to stitch up.
  887. >With a quick check up on the patient done, you and Redheart walk out.
  888. "Who's next?"
  889. >"That's it Anon, our list of patients is done for now."
  890. >Phew, this was harder than you thought.
  891. >You did pick up a few tricks though.
  892. >Checking the surroundings, you spot a few medical booklets.
  893. >Real medical booklets, not on procreation.
  894. >You snag a few, never know when they'll come in handy.
  896. [Medical pamphlets added to inventory!]
  897. [Medical knowledge increased! You are now capable of beginner use of medical supplies.]
  899. >You think back to the previous nights events.
  900. >Those that you rescued fresh in your mind, Octavia and Berry should be here somewhere.
  901. >Berry, she was cut up pretty bad.
  902. >Maybe you should give her a visit before heading out.
  903. "Hey, Red, do you know where Berry is at? I wanted to check up on her too."
  904. >She giggles a bit at the nickname before responding.
  905. >"Yes, I do. I'll show you the way."
  907. >En route to Berry's room conversation between you and Red cease.
  908. >The silence let's your mind wander, and soon you find the nurse invades your thoughts.
  909. >She was cute, smart, caring.
  910. >It might not be the best time, but dammit you had to ask.
  911. "Hey, um. Red?"
  912. >"Yes Anon?"
  913. "Would you, maybe, like to go to dinner with me tonight?"
  914. >A bright smile from her was all the answer you needed, but she replied anyway.
  915. >"I'd love to!"
  916. >The excitement in her voice filled your entire being with warmth.
  918. >You finally reach Berry's room and as you enter her head snaps to attention, eyes lighting up once she recognizes you.
  919. >"It's you! Thank you so so so much!"
  920. >You smile, glad to see she is okay.
  921. >There were a few bandages wrapped around her wounds, but overall she seemed to be alright.
  922. >In fact, it seemed she was better than alright once she got out of bed and ran to you.
  923. >Hooves wrapped around you in a tight embrace before she audibly winced and backed up, remembering her injuries.
  924. >"I should probably take it easy."
  925. >Berry looks past you towards Redheart before signaling you to get closer.
  926. >You kneel down, curious as she whispers in your ear.
  927. >"Hey, uh, think you could one more thing for me? I could reallllllyyyy use a drink right now."
  928. >This did not seem like a good idea.
  929. >"I could make it worth your while, I wouldn't mind repaying you."
  930. >She ends that sentence with a wink and you nervously laugh it off.
  931. >Redheart steps between you two and stares Berry in the eyes.
  932. >"No alcohol."
  933. >Berry looks at bit disheartened, but holds her tongue regardless.
  934. >"Well I need to at least get out of this room! I am can't stay stuffed up in here. Hey! Maybe I can tag along with you guys?"
  935. >Redheart rolls her eyes as she looks toward you, waiting for you response.
  936. >Well, why not?
  937. "Sure. Come on, let's get some fresh air. We could all use it."
  938. >The nurse trots behind you as the drunk follows suit.
  939. >Let's see, Twilight wanted to see you today.
  940. >Octavia was still here in the hospital, as well as well as Spike whose status hasn't changed.
  941. >You wonder how Lyra is doing as the image of that mangled body invades your mind.
  942. >No no, shake those memories. Let's see, what t-
  943. >"Hey Nonny!"
  944. >Redheart and Berry shriek and you clutch your chest to keep your heart from popping out.
  945. >You all turn to find Pinkie behind the group, smiling as if her sudden appearance wasn't strange.
  946. >Well, looks like the gang's all here.
  949. >What would you like to do?
  952. >You figure it'd be best to go to Twilight's now, get that out of the way.
  953. "Alright, let's head to Twilight's guys."
  954. >The group nods, following your lead as you leave the hospital.
  955. >Suddenly a brilliant idea strikes you.
  956. >Why walk, when you can ride?
  957. >Let's see, you definitely want to ride Red, but not in that way.
  958. >Berry is in bad shape, so no go on her.
  959. >Pinkie.
  960. >Pinkie.
  961. "Pinkie, can I ride you?"
  962. >Pinke began giggling at the statement.
  963. >Redheart's eyes widened and nostrils flared in clear disapproval.
  964. >Berry gave a sly smile along with bedroom eyes.
  965. >"Nonny…at least ask me to dinner first!"
  966. >You heard an audible huff from the nurse.
  967. >Shit.
  968. "I meant. I mean…not like. Like, you know. On your back."
  969. >She giggles madly at you.
  970. >"You’re waaaay too heavy for me Anon!"
  971. >Redheart pushes past you, obviously displeased.
  972. >Berry nudges you and gives you a wink.
  973. >Pinkie laughs maniacally.
  974. >Damnit.
  975. >As you and the mares travel, you decide to spark conversation.
  976. >Who would you like to speak to?
  979. >You approach Redheart and attempt conversation.
  980. "So, uh. About that."
  981. >She turns to you with a deadpan expression, obviously still pissed.
  982. "It was a bad joke, I'm sorry. The only person I want to ride is you."
  983. >Her face flushes red in embarrassment and fury.
  984. >You simply smirk.
  985. >As she walks faster you hear her mutter something about 'better be a good dinner'.
  988. >You speak to Berry next, figuring you should get to know her better.
  989. "Hey Berry, so, what's up?"
  990. >"Well, I still want that drink. Among other things I want in my mouth."
  991. >She winks at you, giggling at your blush.
  992. >Well, isn't she quite the flirt.
  993. >"I'm sorry Anon, I am just busting your balls is all. I got a way with stallions…and mares."
  994. >Jesus.
  995. "I bet you do."
  996. >"Oh, was that sarcasm? Watch."
  997. >Before you can reply, Berry trots up to Redheart.
  998. >Slapping her on the rear and whispering into her ear.
  999. >She looks back at you winking.
  1000. >Red looks back at you, a nervous grin on her face, a burning anger in her eyes.
  1001. >That dinner better be fucking amazing.
  1004. >You approach Pin-
  1005. >"Hey Nonny, what's up?"
  1006. "Hey Pinkie, do you know anywhere that serves dinner. To take Redheart to, of course."
  1007. >She looks at you quizzically, tilting her head.
  1008. >"I don't think any eateries are still standing Nonny…"
  1009. >She looks down at the ground and you realize that above all she is talking about where she was employed.
  1010. >Instantly she bounces back up in excitement.
  1011. >"Why don't I help you make a dinner though!?"
  1012. >You smile, happy to see somebody with so much determination to smile.
  1013. "Sure, thank you Pinkie."
  1015. >Soon enough, you arrive at Twilight's treehouse.
  1016. >As you raise a hand to knock on the door, you can hear light sobbing on the other side.
  1017. >You remember how hard she was trying to free Spike from the dark magic.
  1018. >His condition hadn't improved at all.
  1019. >They must have been close.
  1020. >What would you like to do?
  1023. >You knock on the door, gently.
  1024. >Pushing down the urge to just kick the bitch down.
  1025. "Hey Twilight, are you okay. We're coming in."
  1026. >You hear some shuffling before getting a response.
  1027. >"Y-yeah. Just hold on a bit. O-okay."
  1028. >You look back to the group, everybody sharing a somber expression.
  1029. >Soon enough the door opens, and Twilight stands there.
  1030. >Her eyes are red, but she is shedding no more tears.
  1031. >She gives a smile and pushes as much joy as she can into her voice.
  1032. >"Please, come in."
  1035. >You embrace Twilight immediately, catching her off guard.
  1036. "It'll be okay Twilight. He'll be okay."
  1037. >She embraces you as well, whispering.
  1038. >"Thank you."
  1039. >You let her go as the others enter the room.
  1040. "So, about my magic resistance…"
  1041. >You trail off, waiting for Twilight's response.
  1042. >"That'll have to wait, without Spike I can't contact Celestia. So I'll need to go to Canterlot and speak with her personally. I was actually hoping that you and you friends would want to accompany me?"
  1043. >You look to Redheart and Berry as they look back to you, awaiting your response.
  1044. >Pinkie hops over to Twilight, wrapping a hoof over her neck.
  1045. >"Of course Nonny will join us! That is the adventure!"
  1046. >You can't help but share the bewildered look the others have plastered on there face.
  1048. >What do you say? Yes or no?
  1050. >CONTINUE?
  1053. "Yes. Yes we'll join you."
  1054. >You hadn't turned around yet, still looking to Berry and Red for reactions.
  1055. >Both nodded in agreement to your decision.
  1056. >Twilight smiled and Pinkie jumps high into the air, releasing a high pitched-
  1057. >"YAYYY!"
  1058. >Crossing your arms, you nod and respond.
  1059. "As long as I get those books I asked for."
  1060. >You give your best shit eating grin and Twilight responds with a smirk.
  1061. >Twilight raises a hoof to you, ready to shake on it.
  1062. >As you grasp it firmly you can hear the door behind you open.
  1063. >"Oh, since you are joining us. You can meet my other friends, aside from Pinkie."
  1064. >You turn to see three mares standing there, one mare flying in the air.
  1065. >"What the fuck are you?", says a cyan mare floating at your eye level.
  1066. >"Don't be so rude darling.", responds a unicorn with a purple mane.
  1067. >"It, um…seems kind of big.", squeaks a yellow pegasus hiding behind the group.
  1068. >"Ah wouldn't worry sugarcube, he don't look so tough.", speaks a orange mare wearing a stetson hat.
  1069. >Well, looks like you had a few introductions to make.
  1073. >You stood before the mares, striking a heroic pose.
  1074. “My name’s House, medical doctor and destroyer of cunts!”
  1075. >It was like a chain reaction.
  1076. >While the majority of those present were completely and utterly stunned, Pinkie and Berry started guffawing and leaning on each other for support.
  1077. >The rainbow colored pony had started laughing when they did, and the rest just got sort of an embarrassed look.
  1078. “Uh, heh, sorry about that, don’t know what came over me.”
  1079. >Pinkie and Berry were rolling on the floor, unable to stop laughing.
  1080. “Well, while they’re doing that, let me start over. My name’s Anonymous, I’m what’s called a human, and not much to say besides I have no idea how I got here, but I do know what I want to do, and that’s to learn the practice of medicine, and maybe even become a doctor one day.”
  1081. >Twilight broke the inevitable silence that followed.
  1082. >”Ooooo…kay.. Well, introduce yourselves, mares. He doesn’t bite, just… blurts things out like that from time to time.”
  1083. >Sometimes you thought you had split personality disorder.
  1084. >”Er, … Rainbow Dash.”
  1085. >”Rarity, it’s a pleasure.”
  1086. >”Applejack, good ta meet ya.”
  1088. >…Good god.
  1089. >Those juicy apple hips.
  1090. >If you weren’t trying to go after Redheart, you’d be wanting to keep the doctor away right now.
  1091. >It makes you want… to…. U-unf!
  1092. >”Ahem, uh, excuse me?”
  1093. >Wait, what?
  1094. >Everyone was staring at you.
  1095. “Oh, … Sorry, spaced out. Who’s the shy one?”
  1096. >”…”
  1097. “Sorry, didn’t catch that?”
  1098. >”..F…s..”
  1099. “I can’t hear you.”
  1100. >”..F…"
  1101. >Twilight interjects, clearing her throat before she speaks.
  1102. >"This is Fluttershy."
  1103. >An accurate name, if you think so yourself.
  1104. >You’ve met all of Twilight’s friends
  1105. >Well, now that you are acquainted with everyone, you should probably get to business.
  1106. "So, when do we leave for Canterlot Twilight?"
  1107. >"We'll be leaving bright and early tomorrow morning, everybody has things to attend to beforehand I am sure."
  1108. >That sounded good to you, you needed to make dinner after all.
  1109. >And it had better be a good fucking dinner.
  1110. >What should you make tonight?
  1112. >You managed to get a quick look at their expressions after the aforementioned burst of unadulterated human humor.
  1113. >The ones that you had just met all seemed offput by it, but with Twilight’s assurance, they quickly forgot about it.
  1114. >Guess you weren’t the class clown you thought you were.
  1115. >Something you noticed however was that Redheart was silent about the whole thing.
  1117. >You have the perfect idea.
  1118. >As the other friends of the purple pony leave for their own lives, you turn to her.
  1119. “Alright, Twilight, mind if I raid your kitchen for what I need to make?”
  1120. >She scratches the back of her head with her hoof.
  1121. >”Uh.. Sure, are you making dinner?”
  1122. >You respond with a grin.
  1123. “Indeed I am. Everyone take a load off and I’ll show you how a human cooks food.”
  1124. >Twilight looks at you, a look of sudden shock crossing over her features.
  1125. >”Wait, you’re not going to put meat in it, are you?”
  1126. >You stop in your tracks, giving her a double-take.
  1127. “Is there something wrong? Is someone here vegan?”
  1128. >They look around uncomfortably, and you realize what’s going on.
  1129. >Ponies don’t eat meat, they’re herbivores! For the most part, anyway.
  1130. “Oh, that’s right, nevermind. I can still make it great without, don’t worry.”
  1131. >>”NONNY!”
  1132. >HOLY FUCK!
  1133. >A pink blob of pony appears from seemingly nowhere, right in your face.
  1134. “W-what?!”
  1135. >>”Remember? I’m helping you cook!”
  1136. >Oh, right.
  1137. “Well, come on Pinkie, I’ll show you the tricks of the Italian trade.”
  1138. >>”What’s an Italian?”
  1139. >Twilight leads the two of you into the kitchen, where you rub your hands together and got started by setting a pot of water over the magical stove, Pinkie setting it alight for you.
  1140. >…
  1141. >It is a long, rough ride and you get multiple burns on your hands from the weird ass pony stove, but you do it.
  1142. >The party is all set up in the dining room (Because the library has one) awaiting the magnificent bounty, Pinkie completely ecstatic with bouncy energy in anticipation.
  1143. >”C’mon, c’mon, put down the plate already!”
  1144. “Hold on, hold on. It’s really heavy, you know.”
  1145. >In fact, the plate wobbles in your hands as you set it down, but you manage not to break anything.
  1146. “Ta da!”
  1147. >It is a large main setting course of pristine, perfectly coiled spaghetti with spiced sauces of many different kinds, with plenty of garlic bread on the side, and for the cherry on top, you set down some glasses and pour each of the ponies a glass of expensive-looking red wine.
  1148. >”Anon, I told you not to use that one, it’s for special occasions!”
  1149. “And this isn’t special, with special guests here?”
  1150. >You wave to Berry, but especially Redheart, who blushes slightly.
  1151. >So, who do you sit next to?
  1153. >You grab a chair left out for you and plop right down next to Redheart as everyone digs in.
  1154. >This meant you’re also sitting next to Berry, and she was already drowning her second glass of wine.
  1155. >Oh, this should be fun.
  1156. >Everyone’s digging into their own bit of spaghetti, and as you wait for comments on it your pockets start to leak with the same noodles.
  1157. >”My goodness, Anon…”
  1158. >Redheart was looking at you, with a noddle dripping out of the side of her plush lips.
  1159. >”This is very…. very…”
  1160. >You hinged on each and every word she was saying, almost falling out of your seat from leaning.
  1161. >”…Amazing. I didn’t know it could taste like this!”
  1162. >All the others were too busy eating to speak, but they nodded in confirmation.
  1163. >Well, Pinkie tried to speak, but she just sprayed sauce everywhere.
  1164. >Twilight used her magic to clean off the table while the rest of you chuckled at the display.
  1165. >”You should probably swallow before speaking, Pinkie Pie.”
  1166. >U-unf.
  1167. >Pinkie pie gets the food into her stomach, and the mouth is clear for takeoff.
  1168. >”I really really like how you made it Anon! Oh I know I helped but you did most of the work because you made the sauce and stuff but it’s really cool how other ponies’ cooking tastes better than yours but even though I helped it tastes spuntabulous! Oh, I said other ponies didn’t I? I know you’re not a pony, silly billy, I’m just used to calling ponies that, but you’re people not ponies, but p-”
  1169. >>”HAY! You just… you even… like… you talk a lot, don’tcha?”
  1170. >Berry seemed to be liking that fifth glass of wine. You made a note to get more soon.
  1172. “By the way, Red. It was really awesome watching you nurse all those ponies back to health today. It was inspirational, babe.”
  1173. >She smiled at your compliments, slowly forking her spaghetti as her attention was all on you.
  1174. >”Thank you, that actually… means a lot to me.”
  1175. “Really, you have a way with those hooves that’s just like magic. Er… You know what I mean.”
  1176. >She laughed, resting her chin on a hoof as she stared at you a bit more sensually.
  1177. >Twilight was arguing with a drunk Berry for what she said, and Pinkie was bloating her stomach with your pasta. What now?
  1179. “You know… your eyes are beautiful. They shine like the gates to the universe above, with a twinkle for every star illuminating the night sky."
  1180. >”Oh… Anonymous~”
  1181. >Redheart curls in a little bit and blushes a furious red, those deep blue eyes like a window to her soul.
  1182. >That was a bit cheesy, but still.
  1183. “Do you mind, if I get a closer look?..”
  1184. >”Not at all…”
  1185. >It was nothing short of eternal bliss as her juicy, hot lips met with yours, her breath tickling your face in that wonderful way.
  1186. >The heat of the moment led you to try something you normally wouldn’t have.
  1187. >You prod her opening with your tongue, slowly entering…
  1188. >To your great pleasure (and surprise), she not only accepts it but reciprocates.
  1189. >You put your fingers on her chin and slowly lift her head, your tongues intertwining with intense emotion, feelings beginning to build up in your chest, becoming closer and closer together as you melt into each other-
  1190. >>”Excuse me, lovebirds?”
  1191. >…Whoops.
  1192. >You and Redheart look over at the other three, who were simply staring at your erotic theatrics.
  1193. >Actually, Berry Punch had her own bedroom eyes…
  1194. >Twilight interjected before that thought could keep going, however.
  1195. >”Since most of us are finished, I think it’s time we went to bed… And get some -sleep-. We have a long day tomorrow and we need to be well-rested.”
  1196. >She picks up the empty plates and glasses with her magic as she, Pinkie and Berry left the table, now talking about the little moment you just shared with Red.
  1197. >Redheart gives you a little rub on your back before getting up herself, eliciting a groan from your blue-balled self.
  1198. >”She’s right…”
  1199. >What would you like to do/say?
  1202. "You're right Twilight. Goodnight everybody."
  1203. >You wink to Redheart, and she immediately understands.
  1204. >"Goodnight everybody, thank you for housing is again, Twilight."
  1205. >Twilight smiles to Redheart, and the two of you depart to bed.
  1206. >As you two leave you can see her raising her eyebrows up and down, obviously more knowledgeable to what your future antics could include.
  1207. >The two of you climb into bed, facing each other as you place your hand on her hoof.
  1208. "So…"
  1209. >"So…"
  1210. >You stretch out your arm, faking a yawn as you pull Red in close.
  1212. >What would you like to do?
  1215. >You know exactly what to do.
  1216. >You lock lips with her, holding her tight against your body as you feel her quiver to your touch.
  1217. >She stares you down, eyes half lidded and hungry as her hooves force you down into the bed.
  1218. >Climbing on top of you, she kisses down your neck.
  1219. >The nurse is surprisingly skilled at taking off your clothes while she does this.
  1220. >Her lips trail down your body until they reach your boxers.
  1221. >Gripping the elastic tight with her teeth as she pulls them off, exposing your girth.
  1222. >She grinds against your bulging erection before allowing it entry into the gateway to heaven.
  1223. >You feel the warmth of her inner tunnel, and hear the moans seep through her pursed lips.
  1224. >You both tried to be quiet.
  1225. >Tried.
  1227. [QUEST COMPLETE: Date Redheart (1/1)]
  1229. >…
  1230. >You woke up in the morning, a grin plastered on your face as you turn to see that lovely pink mane.
  1231. >Red is fast asleep, a countenance of peace and contentment.
  1232. >You have never seen such a radiant, beautiful face.
  1233. >And you got to tap that, hot damn!
  1234. >Twilight hasn't come to get you two out of bed yet.
  1235. >You must have woken up pretty early then.
  1236. >Checking the clock, it was around 8:30.
  1237. >Well, might as well start the day.
  1238. >What do you want to do?
  1241. >You decide to check your medical pamphlet and read it as you walk out of the room.
  1242. >Carefully removing yourself from the sweaty, intertwined sheets, you give Redheart one last longing look at her before continuing onward, taking a look at the pamphlet in full.
  1243. >It seems to be a 'First Aid 101' of sorts, covering the basics of wounds and who to go to if certain things happen.
  1244. >This is pretty useful to learn about, you suppose.
  1245. >You might as well take up Twilight's end of the agreement and leaf through any medical books she may own, if you’re serious about this whole doctor thing.
  1246. >As you approach though, you can hear Twilight speaking to…Applejack?
  1247. >"Look AJ. I have everything under control, don't worry.”
  1248. >Her voice sounded calming, like she was trying to reassure a child.
  1249. >"Damn it Twi! Ah don't trust that there Anon for one sec. First he shows up out of the blue, and then he's just so happens to walk through that thing’s magic like nuffin'! An’ for that matter, he’s just plain weird, like, what was that stuff he was sayin’ last night about our… y’knows?"
  1250. >Did that comment at your introduction make that much of a first impression?
  1251. >Looks like not everybody was very happy that you were around.
  1252. >"Not tuh mention that they 'dun showed up at the same time. …No, Twi just lis-"
  1253. >"AJ!"
  1254. >Twilight hisses out her name, trying to silence her clear irritance with her friends opinions.
  1255. >She sighs with a bated burden, and regulates her voice before continuing, as if this conversation had been going on a while.
  1256. >"All the more reason to have him tag along where we can keep an eye on him. I’ve had some of the same suspicions, but we can’t be sure until we are actually -sure-, right? Can't you just trust me?"
  1257. >All you hear are a few grumbles, and the conversation halts right there.
  1258. >You want to confront them, maybe go back and tell of what you heard to those you trust.
  1259. >That’d probably be a bad idea though.
  1260. >Hell, you still wanted to leaf through those books.
  1261. >What would you like to do?
  1264. >You have to confront them, make sure they know you aren't out to harm them.
  1265. >You step out to see Twilight reading, Applejack laying down with her hat bent over her eyes.
  1266. >The second you step in AJ props her head up, tipping her hat towards you as a gesture, and a curt greeting to follow.
  1267. >"Mornin'."
  1268. >Twilight flashes you a smile, using her magic to levitate a book towards you.
  1269. >It seems like a pretty extensive medical booklet on various diseases and how to treat them.
  1270. [‘Medical Book (Diseases)’ has been added to your Inventory.]
  1272. >"Good Morning, Anonymous! How did you sleep?"
  1273. "I slept fairly well, just had a bad dream."
  1274. >This caught AJ's interest, and you could see her sitting up in your peripheral vision.
  1275. >"Really?", Twilight responded, "What was the dream about?"
  1276. "Oh. Just about these two mares who didn't trust me at all. Thought that I was related to whatever caused the chaos yesterday."
  1277. >You dared looked Twilight in the eyes, and a bit of surprise slips into her expression.
  1278. >Turning your head to AJ it was apparent she dropped her act, now showing a bit of anger flood her vision.
  1279. >"Did that dream end with ya' gettin' beat to a pulp, Anon?"
  1280. >AJ stood up now, moving closer to you without any hesitation.
  1281. >"It was only after ya' showed up that that thing came here and wrecked our town! Then all them nice ponies were injured or died! C’mon, even you gotta admit there that ain’t no coincidence, huh? Nothin’ like that’s ever happened to Ponyville’s ponies before! Not even with all the stuff we had ta’ face in the past!"
  1282. >You search for something to say, but when you think about it you realize nothing could truly explain the coincidence.
  1283. >But you’re losing the match here, you’ve got to say something.
  1284. "Look, I know-"
  1285. >"No."
  1286. “You can’t even-“
  1287. >The orange mare was dangerously close, rage burning in her eyes.
  1288. >"Stop talking, partner."
  1289. >Shit, this is going horribly.
  1290. >Twilight was staring on in horror, seemingly frozen by the turn of events.
  1291. >Suddenly you thought, what about dancing?
  1292. >Maybe it was the stress of a pissed of mare with legs that could crush your skull, but this seemed like a solid idea, right?
  1293. >Would you like to use Ogre Dance ability? Y/N?
  1296. >You aren't going to dance, you aren't even going to stand for this shit.
  1297. "So what? This is all my fault? I’m to blame? Fuck that. Do I look like something that can cause all of this-"
  1298. >She takes a step towards you.
  1299. >"I told you to stop talking partner."
  1300. >You step towards her, leaning into her face.
  1301. >AJ's nostrils flare, as she grits her teeth in rage.
  1302. >Nose to muzzle.
  1303. “I’m not going to just fucking stand here and get shit on after all I’ve done!”
  1304. >”An’ what exactly have ya’ done to help!?”
  1305. >You lean in even closer, nose pressed against her own.
  1306. “I spent most of my day HELPING other ponies yesterday. Getting them to people who could stop them from dying, saving them from what happened! What did YOU do, huh? Stuff your face full of apples?”
  1307. >Twilight stands now, trying to get between you two.
  1308. >"Hey! Come on! Why don't we all just calm down, talk this out in a mature manner?"
  1309. >You simply point to AJ in response.
  1310. "Look, you don't have to like me or trust me, but I am not to blame here. You want a scapegoat, you want to be angry? Fine. Hit me."
  1311. >You lean in, pointing at your cheek to encourage her.
  1312. “If you think this was me and I’m just an evil shadowy menace, do it!”
  1313. >AJ appears flabbergasted for only a moment before a devilish grin crosses her face.
  1314. >"Mah pleasure."
  1315. >Before she can even continue, a strikingly powerful purple aura surrounds her and pulls AJ out of your range.
  1316. >Twilight, horn aglow and a glare of seriousness, drops AJ on the ground and stands between you two.
  1317. >"Cut it out, you are both acting like little fillies! Look, Anon. From what you told me when we spoke before, you seem kind. Really, you do. However, the possibility that this is related to you is too strong to ignore. That is the hard truth, and you shouldn’t be exasperating the situation."
  1318. >You just soak in the words, understanding her concern, albeit still a bit angry.
  1319. >She looks to AJ next.
  1320. >"You. We can't prove anything and we shouldn’t be trying to, so stop taking out your anger on Anonymous. I am sorry Applejack, but you can't blame eve-"
  1321. >She snorts in response, cutting her off as she walks toward the door.
  1322. >"Ah'll be outside."
  1323. >She slams the door behind her as she leaves.
  1324. >You can't help but wonder what her deal is.
  1325. >Fucking bitch.
  1326. >…You don’t really mean that, you’re still just in the heat of the moment.
  1327. >But for fuck’s sake.
  1328. >What would you like to do?
  1330. "So…is she always this ill tempered?"
  1331. >Twilight sighs, shaking her head.
  1332. >"She can be stubborn, but… you have to understand, her brother was badly wounded in that attack. She almost lost him, and it is taking everything in her power to hold in that anger as best she can. Sometimes… she just can't."
  1333. >You nod, accepting that answer and not pressing the subject further.
  1334. "So, where are the others?"
  1335. >"Well. Rainbow is probably asleep in the clouds right now, and Fluttershy was checking up on some of her animals."
  1336. >Okay, and you know Red and Berry are here at the library.
  1337. "What about Rarity and Pinkie?"
  1338. >"Rarity went to check in on her little sister, and Pinkie… who knows."
  1340. >In that case, you figure it's time to see if Redheart is still asleep and if Berry is still alive after all she drank.
  1341. >En route you browse over your new medical book, learning a little bit about Equestrian diseases.
  1342. >You walk into Berry's room first, not wanting to wake Redheart just yet in case she is asleep.
  1343. >Opening the door you see that Berry is groggily rubbing her eyes, possibly having heard you asleep.
  1344. "Morning, sleepy head."
  1345. >She gives you a deadpan look, obviously hungover.
  1346. >"Yeah, yeah, morning ya tall-ass monkey."
  1347. "How'd you sleep?"
  1348. >"I didn't. A certain couple of someponies were boning all night long."
  1349. >She gives you a sly grin and chuckles a bit.
  1350. >"Sounded like a good time, maybe I'll get in on that action."
  1351. >You laugh nervously, her bluntness both aroused you and terrified you.
  1352. >Terrified at the thought Red might overhear, somehow.
  1353. "M-Maybe someday."
  1354. >You try to play it off cool, combatting her sexuality with your own in an attempt to catch her off guard and cease how blunt she spoke to you.
  1355. >"Oooohhh~. I'll have to work my charm on the nurse then won't I?"
  1356. >She winks, looks like your plan backfired.
  1357. >Though, admittedly, not in a bad way. At all.
  1358. >"You know, I was just about to have a great afternoon nap, but I got woken up again by a hell of a commotion, what was that about?"
  1359. >Shit.
  1360. >What do you want to do?
  1362. "Well, Applejack kind of blew up at me, and I… sort of blew up right back at her."
  1363. >"What happened?"
  1364. >Her usual flirty tone was gone, and now she sounded truly worried.
  1365. "She thinks that I might be involved with that thing that attacked the village, or linked to it at least."
  1366. >"Uh uh. No no no no. Nothing like that could be related to you. You saved my life, Anon. I don't care what that hick AJ thinks, I will always have your back."
  1367. >Wow. Didn't that just melt your heart?
  1368. "Thanks Berry. You're the best."
  1369. >"You weren't saying I was the best last night."
  1370. >That was short lived.
  1371. "WELL. Anyway, Twilight told me her brother got injured. She's probably looking for something or someone to blame."
  1372. >"Big Mac is a nice stallion, that's a shame he got hurt. She shouldn't have blown up at you though. Next time, I'll be there to stand by your side."
  1373. >You can't help but smile at her loyalty.
  1374. >As she gets out of bed, you can see her bandages and wounds.
  1375. >They were healing, but maybe you could help out a bit more with them.
  1376. >You decide to put some of your newfound knowledge to the test.
  1377. >"Uh, Anon. Why are you staring at my cuts?"
  1378. >Whoops.
  1379. "Just going to re-bandage them!"
  1380. >It took a bit, but you did an alright job.
  1382. [Used Medkit on Berry Punch]
  1383. [Berry Punch has been healed slightly!]
  1385. >"Thanks Anon, but uuh, they’re a little tight. S’okay though, I’m used to being -tight-."
  1386. >Nope.
  1387. >You wave goodbye and step out the door as fast as that rainbow-mane tomboy.
  1388. >With that done, you figure it might be time to check in on Red.
  1389. >Leaving Berry for the moment, you make your way and enter Red's room with silence.
  1390. >Looks like she is still out cold.
  1391. >What would you like to do?
  1393. [STATUS]
  1394. >Anonymous: x
  1395. >Redheart: x
  1396. >Pinkie Pie: x
  1397. >Berry Punch: [HP: 160/200][She’s feeling a lot better now, though her wounds aren't fully healed. Let's do this!]
  1398. >You read over your book a little more, skimming through the pages and absorbing the information.
  1399. >For the most part, you have learned what you need, but the book will be good to reference.
  1401. [You now have rudimentary knowledge of Equestrian diseases, and have filed them to your knowledge analogs of human diseases in your head.]
  1403. >She still hasn't stirred, so you wake her up the only way you know how.
  1404. >Belly rubs.
  1405. >You place your hand on her belly and oh so slightly curl your fingers inwards.
  1406. >She moans in her sleep, slowly opening her eyes as she giggles.
  1407. >For a moment, you think about having a little fun as your hand trails down her stomach.
  1408. >She picks up on what you are thinking and gives a smirk.
  1409. >"Redheart! Anon! Get down here, let's get ready to go!"
  1410. >Dammit. So much for getting training in gynecology.
  1411. >Redheart grumbles just like you do as she hops out of bed, walking out of the room.
  1412. >”She’s right, we should go… Rain check? Hmhmhm.”
  1413. >Well, off to Canterlot.
  1418. >As you arrive at the station you decide to empty your inventory of all medical material except your trusty procreation pamphlet, beng that your pack is starting to get heavy.
  1420. [Removed xxxxxxx from Inventory.]
  1422. >Then you scoop it back up when you realize what a grave mistake you made tossing it all.
  1424. [Added xxxxxxx from Inventory. Wanna make up your mind?]
  1426. >You would staple it to your body, if you had one.
  1427. >Gotta hoard those books.
  1428. >While you’re having an existential crisis on knowledge vs. weight, you hear your name.
  1429. >”Anon, the train’s about to leave, get over here!”
  1430. “One sec!”
  1431. >Making sure they weren’t going to fall out, you skimpy on over real nice to the boarding station.
  1432. >Once everybody has finished their preparations, you all board the train, a gruff mustached stallion taking 6 tickets.
  1433. >The view is nice, and you were seated with all your friends as well in a cozy little booth.
  1434. >Reminds you of Harry Potter.
  1435. >Jesus, can’t remember your family or life but you remember a fictional wizard teenager.
  1438. >You then trail off and think about practicing your hand to hand skills on the train.
  1439. >However, with ponies around you in such close quarters, that might be a poor idea.
  1440. >Well, the word is built out of poor ideas right?
  1441. >You just say fuck it and go for it anyway.
  1442. >Standing up, you assume a completely unorthodox and untrained stance, your party watching you with curious eyes.
  1443. >You end up gaining a basic understanding of the skill, but fall on your face.
  1444. >This prompts you to stop.
  1445. [Bad hand to hand combat skill acquired! -3 HP]
  1447. >You nonchalantly sit down with the stares turning into quiet laughter.
  1448. >…
  1449. >As you ponder the shape of a passing cloud while Pinkie rambles on, you hear the door to your cabin open.
  1450. >Pinkie rambles on insistently until Berry placed a hoof over her mouth, silencing the mare.
  1451. >You turn your head to see Applejack standing in the doorway, looking towards you.
  1452. >"Uh. Heya' Anon. Mind if ah have a word… In private?"
  1455. [Inventory]
  1456. >Anonymous: Medical Pamphlet (First Aid), Medical. Pamphlet (Procreation), Medical Book (Diseases), Phone, Wallet.
  1457. >Redheart: Pocket Knife, First Aid Kit.
  1458. >Berry Punch: Flask, Matches (4).
  1459. >Pinkie Pie: Various Sweets, Party Cannon.
  1462. >As bad as it may sound, you were waiting for this.
  1463. >Not for that reason, no.
  1464. "Sure. Let's talk."
  1465. >You walk out of the cabin, turning and giving everybody a smile.
  1466. >Berry gave a worried look, but your smile seemed to reassure her.
  1467. >You follow AJ to an empty cabin, sitting across from her as you wait for her to speak.
  1468. >Silence invades your eardrums as you both fidget in your seats.
  1469. >You really don’t want to be the one to have to apologize; it would be a dent to your pride.
  1470. >…In a colorful world full of ponies.
  1471. >However, the more allies you have here, the better.
  1472. >The fact that this is just means to an end helps you begin your apology.
  1473. "Look, I'm sorry fo-"
  1474. >"Look, ah'm sorry fo-"
  1475. >You both halt your speech, and this time she speaks up.
  1476. >"Ah'm sorry for how I acted. I shoulda have just let ya' say yer peace. Just…ah'm just upset, like Twi said. Ya' know? I uhh… Ah shouldn't have taken it out on ya'."
  1477. "It's okay Applejack, I'm sorry about your brother. I swear, on cupcakes or whatever Pinkie says, I had nothing to do with this. I even tried to help, I never lied about that."
  1478. >She seems a bit flustered at the mention of her brother, but she holds her tongue.
  1479. >"Ah…yeah. Thanks. Just from here, startin’ anew?"
  1480. “Starting off fresh, I could go for that.”
  1481. >She extends out a hoof, a symbol of peace between you two.
  1482. >She gives a light smile as you take it, giving her a strong shake.
  1483. >With that settled, you both depart back to your cabins.
  1484. >Well, that went better than you expected.
  1485. >As you settle down, Pinkie and Redheart look at you curiously.
  1486. >"What was that about, Nonny?"
  1487. >How do you respond?
  1491. >You contemplate reading the medical material again, but decide that you already know enough from these.
  1492. >They’re not exactly Uni-level material, after all.
  1493. >The only other thing you can think of to do right now is unleash your alpha, and do some more flirting with Redheart.
  1497. >After some back and forth conversation with the nurse, you feel the train hit the breaks.
  1498. >Damn, and you were thinking of finding something to spar with, too.
  1499. >You can’t say for certain, but you really wanted to beef up your fighting skill.
  1500. >It’s almost like you may need it in the future, and your lizard brain is telling you to get ready.
  1502. >The various passengers file off of the train without issue.
  1503. >You follow behind Redheart as always, getting a wonderful glimpse of dat rump.
  1505. >Just as you reach the front of the vehicle, the urge hits you hard.
  1506. >You quickly swat the white mare across her ass.
  1507. >A high pitch squeak of surprise escapes her mouth, and a tint of pink enters her face.
  1508. >She turns her head and smirks at you, which you return.
  1509. >You get off the train into the city of Canterlot.
  1510. >…
  1512. >Holy God Almighty.
  1513. >What the hell is this place?
  1514. >You thought they were some basic-level technology like it was the 1800’s or something from what you saw before, a little bit of magic on the side.
  1515. >This puts motherfucking Camelot to shame.
  1516. >Oh, you get the name’s reference now.
  1517. >The point is, this is a big ass super magical city built into the side of a MOUNTAIN.
  1518. >That is fucking hardcore.
  1519. >Your face mirrors the marvel and wonder in your head, and the party indeed sees this.
  1520. >Twilight chuckles a bit.
  1521. >”I see by your face it’s pretty impressive. I used to live here when I studied under the Princess, y’know!”
  1522. “…Can’t say I’ve ever seen a place like this back home…”
  1524. >You and your group follow in two with Twilight and her friends.
  1525. >Making a beeline straight for the castle, you marvel at its sheer size even out in the distance like this.
  1526. >On the way, you see that there are a few shops of many different topics, and there’s even a directory that you spot.
  1528. [“Welcome to Canterlot, Equestria’s Capital! We hope you enjoy your stay at the most dazzling, magical place in the world! Please see below for some great tourist areas and information for your stay.”]
  1529. >Hotels and Inns<
  1530. Trot & Travel Inn (25 bits per night, 40% discount for every extra pony)
  1531. Hooflight Hotel (30 bits per night, 30% discount per extra pony, includes room service)
  1532. Mr. Rich’s Magical Motel (40 bits per night per pony, luxury service and rooms)
  1533. Canterlot Royal Suite (100 bits per nigt per pony, advanced luxury service, rooms, and knighting ceremony invitations)
  1534. >Stores<
  1535. (See the top post for more information)
  1539. >Civil Services<
  1540. Canterlot Royal Guard Department: Medium alert (Mobilized for Ponyville and Crystal Empire)
  1541. Mountainteers Fire Fighters Department: Low alert
  1542. Sun & Moon General Hospital: Supplies are low, there are no current sales!
  1543. Canterlot’s Peak Plaza (Hosting the Summer Sun Festival – Only 6 months away!)
  1545. [Post]: We’re very sorry, but all military, weapons, armor and magical combat businesses are not currently allowed in Canterlot at this time for security reasons. We hope that you understand. -Princess Celestia
  1547. [Newspaper Post]: PONYVILLE DEMOLISHED BY ROGUE DARKNESS – See Front Page Appendix C for the horrifying tale of the black wind that shredded this little crossroad town to pieces! See the projects for construction, and what is this of a hairless monkey making an appearance?
  1549. [New Postage]: The Crystal Empire is holding their Annual Crystal Fair in just a few weeks! Train tickets on sale until the Fair opens!
  1551. >Guess you’re the alien now.
  1552. >How did they know you come from monkeys, anyways?
  1553. >Once you approach you see Twilight speaking with a guard who in turn moves into the castle.
  1554. >Twilight trots back to the group before doing so.
  1555. >"It'll only be a moment. I need to make sure Princess Celestia is free, and get you guys some Royal Passes!"
  1556. >Your group nods in understanding, and she trots off into the seemingly infinite Main Hall.
  1557. >Well, you might as well make conversation.
  1558. >Your party is here, as well as the rest of Twilight's friends who opted to stay behind and socialize.
  1559. >Plus Twilight herself of course. Once she coms back. Soon.
  1560. >Who would you like to speak to?
  1564. "Oh nothing, just making friends."
  1565. >Berry gives you a smirk while Red while Pinkie simply give you a few bright smiles.
  1566. >You lean towards Red, ready to ask a few questions and maybe practice what you've read about.
  1567. "So, nurse, could you teach me a few things about the profession?"
  1568. >"Well, we don't have anything to really practice on, but I'll tell you a bit more you might not know!"
  1569. "Okay sure. Lay it on me!"
  1570. >You two discuss a bit about burns, and how to treat them.
  1571. [Additional knowledge (Burns) acquired!]
  1572. >"I hope that answered a few of your questions Anon. You know I am always happy to help.
  1573. >Oh, I know from last night you big booty bitch.
  1574. >"What was that Anon?"
  1575. >She is blushing madly, eyes darting across from her and back to you.
  1576. >Oh shit, did you say that out loud?
  1577. >You look towards Berry and Pinkie, thankfully they are lost in conversation and didn't hear you.
  1578. >You clear your throat, making eye contact with Red.
  1579. "I think you heard me, babe."
  1580. >You chuckle a little.
  1581. >Red simply leans back in her seat, though you do see a slight smirk out of your peripheral vision.
  1584. >You lean over and kiss Red, taking her by surprise.
  1585. >"Nonny! Get a room!"
  1586. >”Goodness me, you two do that in p-public?”
  1587. >Seems like Rarity’s a prude, eh?
  1588. >You break the kiss, causing Pinkie to giggle at your quick response to her statement.
  1589. >As soon as your lips parted you hear an 'mmmmm' come from Berry's direction.
  1590. >…
  1591. >You all sit and chat, making small talk as you near Canterlot. [What happened here?]
  1592. >Red stands suddenly, catching your attention.
  1593. >"Excuse me, I need to use the little fillies room."
  1594. >As she walks out, Pinkie bounces after her.
  1595. >"Me too!"
  1596. >All you hear is a trail of Pinkie's blabber as they make their way to the bathroom.
  1597. >With you and Berry alone, you decide to prod on her seduction skills.
  1598. >"So, Berry, I want to seduce Redheart. A lot. Any pointers you can give a fella'?"
  1599. >She takes a swig of her flask, leaning in towards you.
  1600. >"I could. Would you like tips, or a more on hands approach?"
  1601. >She runs a hoof lightly against your crotch, giggling at her own teasing ways.
  1602. >"Well Anon. There isn't much to it. Be charming, but assertive. Don't be afraid to get rough either. Oh! And spank, a lot, A LOT. Oh and another thing…"
  1603. >Berry might talk even more than Pinkie when sex is involved.
  1604. >You wonder what would happen if you talked about alcohol?
  1607. >You decide to approach Redheart, making sure to show off your sweet dance moves to the guards as you go.
  1608. >They look to you, quizzically and then back to Twilight.
  1609. >She simply gives a nervous laugh and turns away.
  1610. "Hey babe."
  1611. >"Hi stud."
  1612. "So, you come here often? I don't usually see such attractive mares wandering around."
  1613. >"Not usually, huh?"
  1614. >You laugh a bit as she grins, before giving her another swat on the ass.
  1615. >She blushes and her smile vanishes as she gives you a playful jab in the side.
  1616. >"Anon! Save it for the bedroom…seriously."
  1617. >She gives you a half lidded gaze, and you smile back at her.
  1618. “So, getting serious, I had a question I wanted to ask you.”
  1619. >”Mmm?”
  1620. “Are bacteria in Equestria growing resistant to antibiotics at all, like for example, Penicillin? I remember they did back in my world.”
  1621. >Taken a bit aback by the sudden change in mood, she adjusted rather quickly and remembered something.
  1622. >”Oh, that’s actually been quite the scare in the Equestria Daily. Many of the traditional medicines we’ve used for infections have failure rates skyrocketing in the past few months.”
  1623. >Fluttershy, of all ponies, interjected with this.
  1624. >“Oh my, y-yes, I’ve noticed that a lot of my home remedies aren’t working like they used to… I have a lot of sick animals at home that need more attention, but I don’t know what to do, and the whole scary shadow thing didn’t help them, either…”
  1625. “Damn, I hope that doesn’t have anything to do with it.”
  1626. >Ask Rarity what kind of special talents someone has to have to get on this elite task force dispatched by the kingdom itself to deal with problems like this.<COMMAND NOT FOUND
  1628. >Quest Log: ADDED [Apple of my Eye: Develop friendly relations with Applejack (0/1)]

The Great and Powerful Trixie Has Arrived

by Trixiefap

The Sun Has Risen

by Trixiefap

Storytime! Option 2: Trevor

by Trixiefap

Trixie and Anon Rob a Bank

by Trixiefap

AJ Tries to Castrate Anon

by Trixiefap