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The Master's Legendary Quest - 2

By Trixiefap
Created: 2022-06-29 02:16:23
Expiry: Never

  1. ...
  2. >After a little bit of small talk, Redheart had gotten into an intense medical-relate discussion with Twilight that was way out of your league, so you had slowly backed away and stood by Berry, watching them go back and forth like a democrat and republican.
  3. >Fuckin’ ‘murican memories.
  4. “You have any booze on you?”
  5. >She gave you a raspberry as she dug out a shiny metal flask from beneath her mane.
  6. >”Do you really think I’d go anywhere without it? Have a sip of this, it’ll knock ya’ flat on your ass.”
  7. >Ooh, strong stuff.
  8. “Don’t mind if I do…”
  9. >You take the flask, and from it a small sip.
  10. >As soon as the foul liquid touches your throat, you wretch and barely keep it down as it burns your throat like a Chocolate Bhut Lah pepper.
  11. “Oh dear god, what is this?”
  12. >”It’s my special brand! Can’t stuff too much in it, so make it strong and you can get drunk anywhere.”
  13. >It tasted like moonshine, except even more bitter.
  14. >You hand the flask to her, trying to wipe your burning eyes.
  15. “That’s… that’s really strong, shit.”
  16. >”In fact, I use this stuff for a special little trick of mine. Maybe I’ll show it to ya later, if you ask nicely…”
  17. >Berry gained a devious grin on her muzzle, but you were too busy reeling from that shit that was already making you tipsy.
  18. “T-thanks…”
  20. >That drink was getting to your head.
  21. >You were getting a little bolder than you usually would be, and bad things usually happen when that happens.
  22. >As Berry is busy filling herself with her special brand, you begin to look at the group of conversing ponies like a wild pack in nature.
  23. >Closely you look and begin to prowl, careful not to alert the alpha-mare of the group, the one with rainbow thighs.
  24. >This one’s cunning and very easy to startle, so you must be careful, the sly little sheila.
  25. >As you approach her from behind and prepare, you tap her on the shoulder mid-sentence.
  26. >”That’s when I said to him, you’re not coming insi-- ..Huh?”
  27. >All attention was on you now.
  28. >Herewego.jpg
  29. >You point at Dash.
  30. >Used Ogre Dance!
  31. “You just got served!”
  32. >…
  33. >After the long and tedious awkward silence, Berry was the first one to break the silence.
  34. >”Maan, you -cannot- hold your liquor, Anon.”
  35. >Dash herself looked like she was about to explode with 50 megatons of pure spaghetti sauce.
  36. >”…If anyone asks, you don’t know me, kay?”
  37. >You scratch your head and whistle nonchalantly as you make your way back to the group.
  38. “Whatever.”
  40. >After a little while longer, one of the Canterlot guards gets the attention of the group.
  41. >”Your presence is now requested with Princesses Celestia and Luna. Please follow me.”
  44. >You are about to enter the Canterlot Palace with your party and Twilight’s friends.
  45. Do you wish to continue? Y/N
  48. >Status: (Anon) You’re feeling right as rain, with a little bit of moonshine coursing through your veins and impeding your inhibitions. [HP: 100/100, Tipsy]
  50. >As the rest of the group and your party begin to walk through the gates to go meet the Princesses, you turn around and begin sliding your feet.
  51. >Your legs move in a way that makes it look like you’re moving forward, but actually going backward.
  52. >You believe this is called ‘Moonwalking’.
  53. >Maybe Luna would like it, heh.
  54. >A few of Twilight’s friends near the back had looked back and seen you, along with the guards standing at the gates, completely bewildered.
  55. >You flash them a drunken grin.
  56. “Sup?”
  57. >After your grand entrance into the palace, you take in the sights of the suddenly massive main hall.
  58. >It’s amazing the work that gets put into the intricate designs of places like these, but the difference between chapels in your human world and this one is foundationally important: Magic.
  59. >There were levitating braziers, shimmering stain-glass panels, and one large throne with a smaller, darker one perched on top of pristine marble steps.
  60. >It was absolutely immaculate.
  61. >Yet all of this paled in comparison with the two ponies you saw at the bottom of the crests of the steps.
  62. >An alabaster pony with a mane shimmering and waving despite the absence of wind, with a similar midnight blue pony with a night-themed mane that twinkled with dazzling beauty.
  63. >In your day and age these types of monarchs were the stuff of legends, but here perched atop their thrones were two beings that carried the weight of a nation, neigh, a world, on their shoulders.
  64. >As you drew closer you could see they carried that weight well, an air of authority surrounded them and if it were not for the purity of their smiles you would feel like an ant ready to be squashed in the presence of these two regal creatures.
  65. >"Hello, my dearest student."
  66. >The alabaster one spoke, and even her voice carried that same tone of sincerity and power that her appearance suggested.
  67. >"Hello Princess."
  68. >She smiled warmly at Twilight as she grazed her eyes over the crowd of ponies, recognition clear in her vision.
  69. >Until her eyes landed on you, that is.
  70. >For a moment you felt fear as she examined you closely, but soon that soft kindness returned in her gaze.
  71. >"Twilight, who is your friend? He seems to be a rather interesting creature.”
  72. >Twilight looks towards you, for a moment seeming to forget you were there.
  73. >"My apologies! Celestia, Luna. This is Anonymous. He calls himself a 'human'. Anon, go ahead, say something to the Princesses."
  74. >You looked towards them, now noticing how warily the mighty midnight blue monarch eyes your movements.
  75. >She still held a smile to you and the others, but you could see plain as day that there was a coldness deep inside that separated her from the other.
  76. >Everybody awaits your response.
  77. >How would you like to speak to a deity?
  80. >You can't help but notice the beauty of the one Twilight referred to as Celestia.
  81. >It might be your intoxication, but the thought of flirting with her crossed your mind.
  82. >You want to make a good impression at the same time, appear polite and noble in the presence of rulers.
  83. >As your thoughts clash with each other, your mouth opens to speak.
  84. >A loud crash sounds off and you realize it isn't coming from your throat.
  85. >The world tilted and your body felt weightless for a moment before spasms flew up your spine.
  86. >You’re on the ground, and the impact has brought you back to reality as you see your group strewn across the floor.
  87. >Turning your head, you see the princesses standing tall, battle ready as a dancing shadow stood before them.
  88. >It moved to and from in such an odd manner that it's species was indiscernible.
  89. >If it even was a species, your mind couldn’t grasp that this thing was in this plane of existence.
  90. >As you stand you feel the power emanating from all three, so fierce it threatens to collapse the very ground that supported you.
  91. >This entity, the thing that ravaged a town of innocents, sprouts what you can only call limbs from its origin.
  92. >Arms that grasp at the princess's skulls with firm hands.
  93. >You thought that they’d miss, that these deities would jump or fly out of the way effortlessly.
  94. >Yet they couldn’t see the speed of such horror just as you couldn’t.
  95. >They wail, they scream, they thrash about as their horns spew magic.
  96. >You could see Twilight, and the others charge to their aid only to be knocked back by a pulse of dark magic, crashing to the wall of the other side with such force it cracks the marble.
  97. >With a final cry from this entity, the two leaders fall to their sides as the shade finally releases them from its grip.
  98. >There’s a sudden shift of power, and the amazing presence you felt from the Princesses before now seems to be converged on this shadow.
  99. >It turns to the group, appearing to eye over them all even without any facial characteristics.
  100. >Shit shit shit!
  101. >Why is it moving forward? Who do you protect? Can you protect anybody?
  102. >What are you supposed to do?
  106. >You can't let it reach the group, you need to protect your friends.
  107. "Your dark magic a shit. Doctor House is gonna' give you a five finger colonoscopy!"
  108. >Yelling out that taunt with your best Macho Man Randy Savage pose, the dark figure halts its advances.
  109. >Angling toward you, it moves slowly as you become the new target.
  110. >You weren't scared. You resisted the dark magic before, regardless you stay on your toes in case there are any other tricks you don't know of.
  111. >You thought about yelling to Twilight to put up a shield spell, but you’ve got more important matters on your hands like this thing literally about to rip your nuts off.
  112. >No weapons are on you, your pocket knife is with Red. Fuck! What else can you use?
  113. >Looking down to your most trusted weapons you clench your fist and prepare yourself.
  114. >You decide the best course of action is to just straight up punch it in its fucking face.
  115. >Wait, it’s made of shadow.
  116. >Maybe it’s weak to light?
  117. >You scramble for your phone, practically ripping apart your pocket to use the flash on the camera.
  118. >All hope leaves you as you find that the screen is dark, that the phone is dead.
  119. >Looking up you find that the shade has accelerated its pace, about to be face to face with you.
  120. >A few of the others were recovering from the blow earlier while those battle ready rushed to your aid.
  121. >You raise your dukes, ready to fight as the adrenaline makes you want to strip your clothing and release your most primal instincts of survival.
  122. >You strike, releasing a fast punch aimed at the closest thing you could call a head.
  123. >It recoils, but only slightly as you feel your arm become entangled inside of the swirling darkness.
  124. >Slowly you watch as a new limb forms, a slick black blade attached to the end of wretched twisted arm.
  125. >The blade touches your throat and that mockery of a weapon twisted by the abyss feels colder than death.
  126. >The group is mobilizing behind this monster and as they charge the creature simply stands, almost seeming to observe you.
  127. >The blade lowers and the shade glides through the air, hurdling back through the entrance it made.
  128. >You watch as AJ holds Rainbow back from giving chase.
  129. >Twilight rushes to the princesses in tears.
  130. >Red and Berry approach you, mouths moving rapidly in hysterics.
  131. >Chaos unfolds around you, but you hear nothing except your own thoughts.
  132. >Why didn't it kill you?
  133. >Why didn't it…
  134. >…
  139. >The shock and adrenaline begins to melt away from your psyche after the incident has passed, with Redheart and Berry looking over you.
  140. >You can barely even make them out with your vision, and it feels like you are about to pass out completely, but then something caught your ears.
  141. >”Please… please wake up…”
  142. >For some reason, the familiarity of this voice gives you the push you needed; you strain every will of your being to stay awake, shaking the dizziness from your head as your vision and senses return properly.
  143. >Redheart’s and Berry’s forehooves were suddenly around your neck, a pony sandwich.
  144. >You can't help but embrace them both, hugging then for dear life.
  145. >”Thank Celestia you’re alright!”
  146. >”Don’t scare us like that again, you dumbass!”
  147. >You feel yourself being helped to your feet, and you look around at the calamity.
  148. >There were shadowy slices across the once beautiful sanctuary, and a huge crater in the center of the hallway.
  149. >It seems like everyone was blown back by the force of whatever had caused it, and some of the group is a bit… well, fucked up.
  150. “Is everyone okay? How are all of you holding up?”
  151. >Most of the ponies affirm their health, but you notice in particular they are gathered around the Princesses… and the sight before you makes your jaw drop.
  152. >Their manes, once thick, lustrous and flowing, were now drooping and dark, their faces gaunt and eyes sunken in like they were holocaust survivors.
  153. >They could barely even lift their heads off the ground.
  154. >Twilight herself appears particularly disturbed about this, on the verge of tears.
  155. >”What did that thing do to you..?”
  156. >Luna was the first to speak.
  157. >”Our… our magic is gone.”
  158. >Large gasps come from Twilight and her friends.
  159. "Did you know what that shadow was? How it did what it did to you?"
  160. >Your concern bled into your words, and both princess simply shook their heads for your answer.
  161. >Celestia wills herself to stand, her knees nearly giving out on her from the effort but quickly got support by those nearby.
  162. >Luna has more concern in her voice than her sister, but it still stays strong.
  163. >”Whatever this creature has done to us… it will prevent any future preparations to find the beast. I thought we had more time."
  164. >Celestia nods slowly, hesitating before speaking again.
  165. >"We will need you to find this shade and discern it's reason for this attack, Twilight Sparkle."
  166. >She slowly nods, and looks to the rest of her friends.
  167. >”We’ll find whatever we can, Princess Celestia, you can count on it.”
  169. >The first thing you think of doing when this was said is checking over the group and making sure that everyone is alright.
  170. “Before we do anything, I think we should check everyone for any injuries. Red?”
  171. >”That’s a good idea. I even have a first aid kit on me that we can use.”
  172. >…
  173. >Everyone who had anything wrong with them got patched up, considering it was all minor.
  174. >Besides the Princesses of course, but that’s not something a first aid kit can fix.
  175. >After Redheart finishes the inspection (allowing you to help), Celestia spoke up, slightly better after having some time to rest. [Party’s HP has been healed slightly!]
  176. >”I was not sure of your friend here at first, Twilight, but Anonymous has proved himself to act with our safety at heart, albeit in his own way.”
  177. >You aren’t sure if you should take that personally or not, but that was sort of weird.
  178. >”So I must ask you, Anonymous. You have these interests to us, so would you like to help track down this creature that has been tormenting our subjects with the Elements of Harmony? It would be of a great service to Equestria, and a very honorable action to prove your allegiance properly, not that you haven’t already.”
  179. >You think for a moment, those that have been with you for all this time, and decided to ask a question.
  180. “Actually, is it alright if I went separate ways with my own group? We’ve already gotten to know each other so well, I think our teamwork would be helpful to something like that.”
  181. >Pinkie literally bounces over to your side.
  182. >"YEAH YEAH! Twi, can I go with Nonny? Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!?"
  183. >Twilight looks at her, a very surprised look on her face.
  184. >Something must be connecting Twilight and her friends through these ‘Elements’, so this is a pretty hefty change.
  185. >”Y-You want to go with Anon, Pinkie?”
  186. >She nods with exuberant energy, which honestly made you feel a little warm inside.
  187. >A few of her friends however began to protest at this action, simultaneously making points about the dangers that they could come across and what could happen if they’re not together.
  188. >”Ah’ve come to terms with Anon, but that’s crazy talk wantin’ to separate us! C’mon Pinkie!”
  189. >”Pinkie darling, I see you have an affinity for this Mr. Anonymous, but you must come with us!”
  190. >”Oh… i-if that’s what you w-want…”
  191. >”We’re the six that’ve saved the world so many awesome times over, you’re gonna skip out now?”
  192. “Wait wait wait, okay, how about we don’t engage this monster ourselves, but we come and relay it to you guys when we find out where it’s hiding? That way, you can all be together when we face it down, for whatever reason you need to stay together.”
  193. >You still don’t know what was so special about those specific six ponies.
  194. >Twilight rubbed her chin, still looking a bit unsure.
  195. >”I… suppose that would work- AH!”
  196. >She is tackle-hugged by Pinkie before she even finished.
  197. >”I super-duper Pinkie promise that we won’t fight the big mean shadow by ourselves, Twi, we’ll come right for you guys! Thank you so much!”
  198. >Twilight can't help but smile at her enthusiasm.
  199. >"Alright Pinkie. You can get off of me now."
  200. >The party pony giggles as she bounces towards Red and Berry.
  201. >"First thing’s first, if we are going to do this we need preparations. Celestia, I will need to get some things in order and I am sure Anon and his friends need some equipment as well. Is that okay Princess?"
  202. >The monarch smiles weakly as she nods her head in response.
  203. >With that, Twilight heads off. Her friends hang around the castle entrance, openly talking amongst each other about what they may need.
  204. >You turn to Celestia and Luna, a myriad of questions flowing through your mind.
  205. "Would we also be able to obtain some more medical supplies, in addition to the equipment you are allowing us already? Also, do you have a library or archive where we could search for information on this creature?"
  206. >"Yes, ask any guard and they can take you."
  207. >Perfect.
  208. >Looks like you have a lot to do. It wouldn't hurt to get more familiar with Twilight's other friends either.
  209. >What should you do first?
  212. >You run after Twilight, trying to get her attention.
  213. >She turns to face you as you stop in front of her, taking in a deep breath before speaking.
  214. "Twilight, could you maybe run some sort of spell on the trails that thing left behind? Maybe you can discern something about it?"
  215. >Twilight looks at you flabbergasted, simply gawking and blushing.
  216. >"I…uh. I didn't think of that. I can try, it will take a bit. So you should go about your business."
  217. "One more thing Twilight. Do you think it possible to maybe store some magic or a spell in gems? You know…we aren't exactly unicorns over here."
  218. >She raises a hoof to her chin, thinking about the question for a bit.
  219. >"Theoretically…yes. It would take time though, which we don't have much of. I wish you had asked me sooner! That would have been a great experiment…"
  220. >Shit. That magic could have been useful.
  221. >Well, first things first, chat with the others and restock on supplies.
  222. >Then you can go do some research in the library.
  225. >Twilight’s friends seem to be pretty important, and you have a chance to talk to the rest of them now.
  226. >You decide take this opportunity by the balls.
  227. >The best course of action, you decide, is to just wait for a break in the conversation.
  228. >Eventually, it dies down enough for you to join in.
  229. “Sup guys?”
  230. >All of the ponies give you a short greeting, each one matching up with their personalities just as you’d expect.
  231. >”Howdy!”
  232. >”Greetings, darling~”
  233. >”H-hello…”
  234. >”Sup?”
  235. >Rainbow Dash is the first to speak up after the usual salutations.
  236. >”We’re just talking about what we need for our raddest, newest awesome adventure!”
  237. >You furrow your brow a bit.
  238. “Newest? I overheard the commotion before, you guys have done this before?”
  239. >The next voice comes from your side.
  240. >“Of course we have! Almost every week!”
  241. >One of the ponies clears their throat. It’s the really pompous looking one.
  242. >“Pinkie, I think you may be… over exaggerating a bit.”
  243. >The pink pony in question doesn’t seem to really acknowledge this.
  244. “So, how are you all holding up after the attack?”
  245. >You get various responses, but they are all generally positive. Most have gotten over the initial shock.
  248. >Most of the shops in town will have the standard accessories, a few might even have some more exotic weapons to suit you.
  249. >You know, basic stuff. The shops that could have been here aren’t, but with the recent attack, that may change.
  250. >Of course, you can always scour the armory and inspect the library as well.
  251. >Decisions dec- what is Pinkie doing?
  252. >The Pink mare is crouching in an exaggerated manner, apparently going unnoticed as she removed guards helmets and stack them atop each other.
  253. >Hm. You might just have to try that.
  254. >Pinke, you sneaky devil.
  256. >First thing’s first, the armory.
  257. >You lead the party, and you channel your inner Solid Snake and crouch walk all the way.
  258. >Red and Berry give you strange looks, while Pinkie stays next to you and crouches right alongside you.
  259. >Together, you and the pink ninja make your way towards the the massive storehouse for weapons, avoiding the sights of patrolling guards as you go.
  260. >Upon arrival, the three delve inside and search for anything that could be of use to them.
  261. >You stop for a moment however, approaching the guard posted outside.
  262. "Hey, any chance you know where we can get some medical supplies?"
  263. >"Of course, you can pick some up here. Just let me know and I'll take you over."
  264. >You nod and smile, walking into the armory yourself.
  265. >It seems there are mostly spears and and armor made for ponies, though you do spot a few daggers.
  266. >You grab a spear, deciding it is much better than nothing.
  268. [Basic Guard Spear acquired! (+5 PA)]
  270. >You hear Pinkie 'ooohh' and 'aahhhh' as she grabs two daggers.
  272. [Dual Wield Daggers acquired! (+2 PA each)]
  274. >Redheart and Berry grab some armor, with Red also grabbing a spear for protection.
  276. [Basic Guard Armor x2 acquired! (Helmet, crest, boots - +10 PD total)]
  277. [Basic Guard Spear acquired! (+5 PA)]
  279. "You don't like the weapons Berry?"
  280. >She smirks at you, holding up her ‘fists’ as she delivers rapid jabs to the air.
  281. >For being a drinking mare, she actually can throw them pretty fast.
  282. >"I think I'll be okay Anon. Oooh! These could be useful though."
  283. >She grabs some horseshoes, admiring them like a pair of boxing gloves.
  285. [Horseshoes acquired! (+4 PA, +4 PD)]
  287. >With the group decked out, you make a mental checklist of what else you all needed.
  288. >Berry could use more fire sources, as well as the need for more first aid kits.
  289. >Potential information of the creature from the library is important as well.
  290. >Wait, why wasn't Pinkie wearing any armor?
  291. >"It would slow me down silly filly!"
  292. >Wait. You didn't speak out loud.
  293. >What.
  295. >What would you like to do?
  297. >Before heading out, you decide to grab a second spear.
  298. >Just in case, you never know what might happen.
  299. "Okay guys, let's split up for a second. Berry and Red, you two get a hold of some medical supplies and anything else you two might need. Matches, maybe even duck tape. Anything you can think of."
  300. >Berry raises a hoof to her head and salutes you, moving off on her mission.
  301. >Red pauses by you, whispering over.
  302. >"You know, I would have liked to go with you Anon. Oh well, I'll get the supplies… See you soon."
  303. >Despite the tone of her voice, she reassures you with a smile.
  304. >You and Pinkie then turn, heading off toward the library as Red and Berry follow the guard.
  305. >Sneaking all the way, you finally find the section of books you are looking for.
  306. >Lore on creature first, medical books second.
  307. >Mid grab towards a book you catch Pinkie looking towards you out of your peripheral.
  308. "What's up Pinkie?"
  309. >"Oh nothing. Just thinking back to when you wanted to ride me Nonny."
  310. >She giggles, but looking at her face you can see her wink at you.
  311. >Welp.
  312. >Whether that was a simple tease or a slip of truth, you did not know.
  313. >Now, time to focus.
  315. >…
  316. >Time flew by as you and Pinkie searched, but you came up empty handed.
  317. >You found a few medical books, but all of them required some type of magic to utilize. Ultimately proving useless for you.
  319. >Heading back you meet up with Red and Berry, who are fully stocked.
  320. >The rest of Twilight's group seems to have gathered everything they wanted as well.
  321. >While they are relaxed near the castle entrance, Twilight is beginning to examine the remnants of the monster that attacked earlier.
  322. >She is extremely focused it seems, might be best not to disturb her.
  323. >Looks like you have some free time. What would you like to do?
  326. "So, how did you two enjoy your trip?"
  327. >Red blushes as Berry grins widely.
  328. >"It went great! We bonded, like mares do."
  329. >Red only blushed deeper as she walks toward you.
  330. >"She really seems to like my rump. She has smacked it more than you did the other night."
  331. >Welp.
  332. >These ponies are making you use that Jim Halpert look too much.
  333. "I'm sure she’s just messing around, haha. So, uhh, anyway. Would you mind giving me a few First Aid Kits? Oh, and Berry, can I have that ducktape?"
  334. >"Sure thing!", they say in unison.
  336. [First Aid Kit x3 acquired!]
  337. [Duck Tape acquired!]
  339. >Berry smacks the nurse on the ass again, excited.
  340. >"Jynx! You owe me a fuck."
  341. >What.
  342. "What?"
  343. >"What?"
  344. >Red seems taken aback, Berry keeps her shit eating grin the whole time.
  345. >"I said you owe me a soda."
  346. >She trots off with that, approaching Pinkie who has been talking off AJ's ear.
  347. >"What is with her?"
  348. >Uhhhhhhhhhh.
  349. "Dunno."
  350. >Besides the blatant lie as you have a pretty good idea, you start placing the supplies in your pack.
  352. >After talking with Redheart for a bit, things died down as the party began to watch Twilight work her magic, simply running out of things to talk about for the time being.
  353. >At some point, Redheart had been talking with Pinkie while you were chilling on the palace steps with Berry, both of you very well bored out of your mind.
  354. >During this silence, you had a sudden intuition as your eyes wandered to Redheart’s deliciously juicy rump.
  355. >You lean over slightly towards Berry, being in the middle of refilling her flask with something she got from her shopping spree.
  356. “Hey Ber… Want to play a game?”
  357. >”I’m all up for games, Anon. What do we do?”
  358. >Your eyes once again drift toward that lush ‘n’ plush pony rump.
  359. “Just follow my lead.”
  360. >You get up, her following suit.
  361. >You try to make yourself blasè as Berry walked with you towards the other two, and once you get in close enough, to take a seat to the side, Pinkie giving you a quick glance before being sidetracked by Red’s dialogue.
  362. >Quickly clearing your throat, you lean in like a creeper, your face becoming aligned with Red’s from behind her.
  363. “Hi.”
  364. >”Oh my-… Hi, Anon.”
  365. >Then you slap her on the ass.
  366. >She gives a little yelp that may or may not have awoken your third leg.
  367. >Berry then interjects before she could say anything.
  368. >”It’s nice to see you, Red!”
  369. >A hoof goes right across those rosy cheeks.
  370. >”AH! Hey, now both of you are doing that?”
  371. >She turns around to confront you while Pinkie tries her absolute hardest not to laugh.
  372. >The rest of Twilight’s friends were watching with mixed reactions, to say the least.
  373. “Mmmmmmmmmaybe.”
  374. >You reach around and slap her ass again, her cheeks getting redder by the second.
  375. >Both sets.
  376. >”S-seriously guys, it’s not funny anymO--OH!”
  377. >Berry got her again, biting her lip as she tried not to laugh either.
  378. >You reached over again, but she jumped back down two or three steps cradling those pink, round flanks.
  379. “The game is called Red’s red cheeks! Who can spank that ass more!?”
  380. >”NOOO!”
  381. >You and Berry give chase down the Canterlot Palace steps, Pinkie cheering all of you on as you interject her on both sides and play monkey in the middle, with Redheart’s gluteus as the monkey.
  382. >”6!”
  383. “7!”
  384. >”Shit, come here, nurse, let me give you that physical!”
  385. >As the constant sounds of slapping, protesting and cheering went on, they seemed to echo through the chambers, one certain purple pony getting more and more distracted.
  386. >She tried her hardest to keep up her tracking spell, but the noise began to pound at her ear drums, stronger and stronger until she could no longer take it.
  387. >Twilight snaps, and she turned around to the sight of you and Berry taking fan slaps as you two ran right behind a waddling Redheart.
  388. >”STOP!”
  389. >It was like a freeze frame in a movie, you being mid-step as your hand was now groping her ass, Berry almost on top of her because she couldn’t stop, and Pinkie… was literally mid cheer, frozen in the air.
  390. >”I know this is taking a little longer than expected, but can you please keep it down?”
  391. >You all seem to line up all at once and put your arms/hooves behind your backs as if a teacher was lecturing her students, and say in unison:
  392. >>”Sorry, Twilight.”
  393. >She gives a curt nod, then walks back into the palace to continue her spell-searching.
  394. >Redheart rubs her glowing pink rump as she looks at you and Berry with a pout lip.
  395. >”I don’t think I’m gonna be able to sit down for a while…”
  396. >That was actually a legitimate concern, plus, while the last checkover went rather well, most of you weren’t at top physical form.
  397. “Actually, now would be a good time to make completely sure we’re all ship shape, especially since we’ve got better supplies and we’re going on this journey and… I call Redheart.”
  398. >You start inspecting her ass immediately, pulling out one of your first aid kits and
  399. begin to ‘patch’ her up.
  400. >Interestingly enough, she didn’t protest this time.
  401. >…
  402. “There we go, it looks like everyone’s healthy as a horse.”
  403. >”…What?”
  404. >You wave your hand.
  405. “Er… nothing, just an expression.” [Party at full health!]
  406. >Twilight’s distraction set her back slightly, so you still had to wait a little longer.
  407. >What would you like to do to pass the time?
  410. >Party members [4/7]:
  411. >ANONYMOUS: [HP: 100/100]
  412. Inventory: Medical Pamphlet (First Aid 101/Procreation) Medical Book (Diseases), Phone, Wallet, Bit purse (36 bits), Full roll of duct tape, First aid kit (3)
  413. Current questlog: [Wait for Twilight to finish her work][Become a doctor][Develop friendly relations with Applejack] Newly added: [Get Pinkie to slap your ass]
  414. Abilities: Basic hand to hand combat, Beginner medical use, Ogre Dance
  415. Equipped: T-shirt, Jeans/underwear, Tennis shoes, Spear
  417. >REDHEART: [HP 124.999/125]
  418. Abilities: Expert use of medical supplies
  419. Inventory: First Aid Kit (4), Knife
  420. Equipped: Royal Guard Medic-issued armor, Spear
  421. >PINKIE PIE: [HP 100/100]
  422. Abilities: Highly energetic attacks, Party cannon
  423. Inventory: Party Cannon, various sweets, ???
  424. Equipped: Dual-wield daggers
  426. >BERRY PUNCH: [HP 200/200]
  427. Abilities: Throw beer bottle, Drunk Dragon, Fisticuffs
  428. Inventory: Flask, 12 bits, Box of matches (10)
  429. Equipped: Forehoof Horseshoes, Royal Guard armor
  431. >You stretch your body out a bit as you stand.
  432. “This might take a while longer, so who wants something to eat? I can go get us whatever we need. Besides, I was wondering if I could talk to Red alone for a little while.”
  433. >”Oh? Oh, okay, sure.”
  434. >Berry speaks up first.
  435. >”Just get me some hard liquor for the trip! This flask isn’t gonna cut me, I think…”
  436. >The rest of them either didn’t want anything or just something small, except Pinkie, who wanted a huge cake.
  437. >You explained that bits were still a bit sparse, so she settled for a Canterlot-recipe blueberry icing cupcake.
  438. >That still was probably going to cost you, but oh well.
  440. “Oh, by the way Dash, I was wondering something.”
  441. >She looked around as if you meant someone else, then reluctantly spoke.
  442. >”…Huh? What is it?”
  443. >A devious smirk curled on your face as you spoke.
  444. “Do the carpets match the drapes?”
  445. >You brace yourself for massive waves of anger and shock, but you only received confusion.
  446. >”What does that mean? Like, at my house? I… I guess…”
  447. >In hindsight, that could’ve ended badly, so you sigh in relief.
  448. >You leave with Redheart and begin walking the grand streets of Canterlot alone with her.
  449. >What do you say?
  452. >The two of you go forth, collecting what you need as you admire the city.
  453. >Your eye keeps drifting to the mare next to you though, who still has a bit of trouble walking normally after your antics earlier.
  454. "Hey Red. Have I mentioned yet how sexy you look in that armor?"
  455. >The nurse laughs a bit as you two continue your trek.
  456. >"Well. I gathered as much from earlier, but thank you Anon."
  457. >You lean down, whispering in her ear.
  458. "So, what's your fetish?"
  459. >"Hm. Well. I like being on top, as you know."
  460. >She gives you a wink, driving your penis into maximum overdrive.
  461. >"However, there is one thing. It drives me absolutely wild…"
  462. >What is it? What is it? WHAT IS IT!?
  463. "What would that be, gorgeous?”
  464. >"Well…"
  465. >Raising her hoof she signals you to get closer, and you comply immediately.
  466. >She leans in, her lips hovering right next to your ear, practically touching your skin.
  467. >"…you'll have to find out next time we fuck."
  468. >That tease made you want to choke the nurse out and pound her marehood, possibly at the same time.
  469. >Maybe that’s her fetish? Dammit, you'd just have to wait.
  470. >After a bit more walking you can tell that you and Berry's antics really did take a toll her.
  471. >She was walking a bit slower. If there were ever a time to be a gentleman, it would be now.
  472. "You know you can ride me if you want babe."
  473. >Dammit.
  474. >"Heh, thanks for the offer. I don't think doing that in public would be a good idea though…"
  475. "I meant, I can carry you. In fact, I insist that I do."
  476. >She blushes.
  477. >”Oh, my my. What a gentlecolt."
  478. >You lean down, letting Red press her crotch into your upper back as she gets adjusted.
  479. >She wraps her hooves around your neck and nuzzles into your hair while you carry the rest of the food.
  480. >"Thanks babe…you're great. You know that?"
  481. >All you could do is smile. Hell, those words got your heart beating a million miles a minute.
  482. >Arriving back at the castle, you find that Twilight has concluded her study.
  483. >Setting Red down you pass out the food, handing Twilight her's last as you sit down to speak to her.
  485. "Well, what did you find?"
  486. >Twilight takes a deep sigh, before responding.
  487. >"Well, Not much. What little I could discern we already knew, but maybe if I had a piece of it…if that is even possible to obtain. I'm sorry, I really tried. UUUGH! This is frustrating!"
  488. >She digs into her meal as her brow furrows, ending the conversation right there.
  489. >Her face was scrunched into a mixture of irritance and disappoint, and with that you decide to leave her to her own thoughts.
  490. >It’s not like you were going to be able to help with that, having zero context for actual magic.
  491. >You take a look around at the rest of the current group.
  492. >You could see Rainbow and Rarity talking, while AJ was slumped against a wall with her hat tilted down.
  493. >Twilight continued her mirror, while Berry appeared to be showing Red how to box.
  494. >Pinkie was mucking around as usual, juggling her food and her daggers with expert ability.
  496. >What would you like to do?
  499. >You seek out Red, deciding it might be good to train a bit with both your newfound weapon and your natural weapon.
  500. "Hey Red, let's go see if Berry wants to teach us a thing or two about fist fighting.
  501. >"Do you mean hoof fighting Anon?"
  502. >Damnit.
  503. >The two of you seek out Berry and ask her to train you, Berry smirking as she pushes out in her hooves in an impression of Muhammad Ali.
  504. >”You got it fucko!”
  506. [You are now more proficient with your fists.]
  508. >Seems more like bar brawling than any other real style, she tought the two of you.
  509. >Either way, anything helps, right?
  510. "Hey Red. Could you find a guard that would help us train our spears?"
  511. >Red stifles a laugh at your comment, but nods and go off to fulfill your command.
  512. >You take this opportunity to question Berry.
  513. "Okay. Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing. …So…what can I do to make Red go wild. Any tips?"
  514. >"Oh Anon. Do I need to give you a personal lesson?"
  515. >Gulp.
  516. >You mean unf.
  517. >Gunf?
  518. "Uh…"
  519. >She rolls her eyes and begins with some solid tips, but soon babbles about her own fantasies. Just like the train.
  520. >She’s been around quite a lot, but it leaves little to the imagination and without much of that ‘romance’ aspect you were looking for.
  521. >Damnit.
  522. >Red soon returns, and the two of you commence some basic training in spears.
  523. [You are now able to handle your spear properly.]
  525. "Hey, you wouldn't happen to want to join us, would you?"
  526. >The guard chuckles a bit before responding.
  527. >"My duty is to be here and keep watch. Thanks for the offer though."
  528. >Well, worth a shot.
  530. "You know. I was thinking, maybe Twilight can find something from where that thing touched me on my neck?"
  531. >Red seems to ponder this for a bit.
  532. >"It couldn't hurt, right?"
  533. >As you walk towards the purple mare, you can see she isn't feeling much better.
  534. "Hey Twilight? Do you think inspecting where that thing touched me on my neck could yield any results?"
  535. >She says nothing, but stands up regardless as her horn glows.
  536. >You kneel down, and she begins to inspect the area.
  537. >Soon enough, she gives another sigh and simply nods.
  538. "Hey Twilight, don't worry about it."
  539. >"It isn't that easy Anon, but thanks for the words."
  540. >You look to Red who looks back at you with sad eyes.
  541. >The nurse sits next to Twilight and puts a hoof around her neck, trying to comfort her.
  542. >She points her hoof away, signaling you to do whatever you need to do.
  543. >"I got this, we’re old friends."
  544. >If anybody could cheer up Twilight, it would be that nurse.
  546. >You decide to approach Applejack, leaving Red to a medical discussion she has started with a still disgruntled Twilight.
  547. >Before you can even speak, Applejack addresses you.
  548. >"Hey there Anon. What can ah do for ya'?"
  549. >Somehow she knew you were there without even lifting her hat from her eyes.
  550. "Uh, well. I figured we could chat a bit. You know, get to know each other a bit."
  551. >She lifts her hat up to look you in the eyes and gives a light smile.
  552. >"Sure Anon, what do ya' want tah know?"
  553. >What do you say?
  556. "Uh, well. What do you do for fun? Hobbies? Do you like apples?”
  557. >You blurt the last line out of your mouth, unable to think of anything specific to ask.
  558. >She gives a sly smile and chuckle.
  559. >"Uhh Well. Ah do love apples. As far as fun, ah work a lot. So seeing Twi and the others is mah fun, more or less. Don’ get me wrong, I go to a sisterhooves social with my lil’ sister Applebloom now and then, but there’s not much free time when you’re workin’ a farm the size of ours.
  560. “That makes a lot of sense.”
  561. >”I got ah question for you now Anon."
  562. "Yeah, what is it AJ?"
  563. >She doesn't say anything at first, just studying you.
  564. >"Why didn't that thing kill ya' back there? It could have, but it didn't. Any clue as tah why?"
  566. >What do you say?
  569. "He knew if he struck me down I'd be more powerful than he ever could imagine, or maybe he just found my insults amusing and decided to leave me be."
  570. >AJ cocks an eyebrow, possibly even getting irritated at how conceited you made yourself sound just now.
  571. "Look, Applejack. I honestly don't know. Maybe it was because I was going to give him a colonoscopy with my fist I was so angry. Maybe it couldn't hurt me, maybe it was running late for a dentist appointment. What I do know, though, is that I just wish it hadn't run off. I don't want it to create more trouble. Especially if it does happen to be connected to me."
  572. >AJ accepts just keeps eyeing you, searching for something and obviously coming up empty handed.
  573. >"Right. Whatever ya' say."
  574. "Do you really still not trust me, Applejack?"
  575. >She gives a smirk to that.
  576. >"Got a reason ah shouldn't? You’ve proven yourself a mildly good feller so far, but there still ain’t evidence."
  577. >You need to get her to trust you, with something like this distrust just wasn't an option.
  578. "Alright, how about you join me then? I mean afterwards when we split off. You do want to keep an eye on me, right?"
  579. >AJ sits up to that, and as she sees your smirk she can't help but laugh a bit.
  580. >"Okay partner. I believe ya', and if ya' need me to watch your ass Ah'll do that too. Coulda just asked, didn't have to ramble tah me."
  581. >She extends her hoof to you and you grasp it firmly as you shake it.
  582. >"Ah'm warning you though. If I find out that ya' got something to do with this, I'll put you right in the dirt, Anon. Just being honest, partner."
  583. >Fair enough.
  586. [HP: 220/220]
  587. >INVENTORY: Stetson hat, tri-braid rope
  588. >ABILITIES: Treekicker
  590. "Oh, one more thing. Why do you wear that hat, AJ?"
  591. >You see her face get flustered, and you can't quite tell what emotions she is feeling.
  592. >Pulling down her hat, she crosses her hooves over her stomach as she rests against the wall again.
  593. >"It's personal. Leave it at that Anon, if ya'd be so kind."
  594. >Her words sound pleasant, but her tone told you not to pursue this subject.
  596. >Outside you can see the sun is setting, and you figure that heading out tonight is probably a no go.
  597. >Twilight only confirms your thoughts when she speaks up.
  598. >"Okay everypony, let's finish up anything we have to do tonight and turn in. Got a big day tomorrow."
  599. >Everybody agrees, and the matter is settled.
  600. >Now that your business is done, no use in hanging around here.
  601. >Okay, you need a new plan of action.
  602. >Is there anything else you need to do to prepare?
  603. >As you think, you look for statues for some reason. You just seem to have an urge to find one.
  604. >You can’t find any. That makes you a bit… depresso.
  605. >So very depresso.
  606. >Maybe a bit of lifting will help that feeling.
  607. >Yeah, that sounds good.
  608. "Hey, anybody want to join me in a quick workout? I need to train a bit and get used to this weapon."
  609. >Berry trots to your side, whispering to you.
  610. >"I love a stallion who takes care of his body."
  611. >She winks at you, teasingly as Red comes up to you and tags along with a smile.
  612. >"Ah could use some activity too."
  613. >As AJ gets to her feet to join you, Rainbow blasts past her.
  614. >"If you wimps are going, I'm going too. I can’t fall behind Ms. Applethighs here!"
  615. >She sticks her tongue out, pointing at AJ who in response gives a smirk.
  616. >They rush to the training room, and you follow their lead.
  617. >Need those gains, man. They will prove most useful later on.
  618. >You and Berry decide to stick together during this time. There’s something you wanted to talk to her about, anyway.
  619. >Time goes by, and you discuss tactics to start up a threesome with Redheart.
  620. >Oh yeah, you’re going there.
  621. >Something in the back of your head was nagging at you as you spoke with Berry, however.
  622. >Would Redheart go for this?
  623. >Is she that kind of mare at all?
  624. >Eventually, a rough plan is decided on.
  625. >"It'll be cake. Speaking of which…"
  626. >You follow her eyes to find her staring at Red's ass as she practices with her spear.
  627. >Well, let's do this shit.
  628. >You got a nice room to stay in within the castle and you head there with Berry and Red following right behind you.
  629. >If the halls alone were anything to go by, man you’re sure waiting for what this bedroom looks like.
  630. >You’ve got 5-star hotels, then you’ve got Royal Suites, then you’ve got MAGIC Royal Suites.
  631. >Sweet Suites.
  632. >As soon as you open the door, you see Pinkie laying on your bed, eating a slice of cake.
  633. >"HEY GUYS! We’re sooooo going to have a sleepover tonight! Won't that be fun!?"
  634. >Pinkie.
  638. >…Pinkie…
  639. “Alright, new plan. How about, ou go for Pinkie while I go for Redheart, that sound good?”
  640. >Berry nods with a slight flutter of her eyes, and the three of you walk in, Berry starting to make her way to Pinkie.
  641. >You turn to Redheart, giving you a happy, blissful smile.
  642. “So uhh…”
  643. >You put a hand on her withers and rub her as sensually as possible with your fingers, eliciting a soothing hum from her.
  644. “How are you feeling?”
  645. >She responds.
  646. >“Hm… Wait, what is Berry doing?”
  647. >You steal a glance at where she was looking, and as it turns out, Berry was wasting absolutely no time at all.
  648. >You couldn’t hear what they were saying, but she was definitely invading her personal space, and Pinkie’s shade of pink just turned very, very red.
  649. “Redheart… I have a, sort of, proposition for you.”
  650. >She cocks an eyebrow as she stares up at you, obliviously enjoying the mini massage you were giving her.
  651. >Just a hint of worry in the eyes, however.
  652. “You know how we were talking about fetishes before?..”
  653. >”Mm, are you sure we should be talking about that here?”
  654. “Well… I never actually told you my fetish, did I?”
  655. >”No, I don’t think so, actually… Why?”
  656. >Here comes the make or break line.
  657. “Well… I’ve always wanted to… maybe try, I don’t know… A sort of… group, sort of thing…”
  658. >”…”
  659. “Like, maybe a threesome?”
  660. >Redheart clears her throat as she looks away from you, her face flushing instantly.
  661. >You couldn’t tell whether that was good or bad.
  662. >Carrying on, you look back at Redheart and see that she was smiling, but… not the way you’d like.
  663. >”Anonymous, uh, that’s… not something I’d want to try, at least… not for now, maybe not ever. I’m sorry, I just don’t think I’d feel comfortable with it.”
  664. >…Shit.
  665. >You were afraid of that.
  666. >You look back at the hot-colored ponies across the room, and to your disbelief, it looked like she was actually getting nowhere fast.
  667. >Pinkie was still being her fun self, but she ended up popping out and into existence away from Berry’s puckered lips.
  668. >Somehow.
  669. >Well, looks like your idea double failed.
  670. >”Besides, we need our sleep if we’re going to do anything tomorrow morning. Maybe later, babe.”
  671. >Redheart spanks you as she walks towards the bed.
  672. >Pinkie basically takes her place, trotting normally out of the room instead of bouncing like she usually does.
  673. >It probably has something to do with the potent spaghetti sauce smeared all over her cheeks, and the rapid darting of her eyes.
  674. >”H-hey Nonny, let’s do the sleepover later, o-okay? Between you and me, I think BP was trying to get me to do something super duper weird… Bye!”
  675. >She quickly zooms out of the door after that, closing it behind her.
  676. >You take this silence to look back at Berry, and… yeah, she’s just as bummed as you are.
  677. >She speaks to you softly while Redheart is getting ready.
  678. >”… Welpp, that coulda gone better.”
  679. >She undoes the lid to a brand new flask and starts chugging in her bed.
  680. “I mean, I’m glad you’re on the same page, but these are normal peop—ponies that probably don’t swing. We gotta ease them into it, right?”
  681. >She gives you a shrug, and you think about what just happened.
  682. >At this point, you could go ahead and get some sleep (A), or try pushing the threesome (B).
  683. >A or B?
  684. >Eh, best not to do that for now. Sometimes patience is the best option.
  685. >You lay down on the bed, and wait for the nurse pony to join you.
  686. >In less than a minute, you are joined by the white mare.
  687. >She climbs in, and you take the initiative to crawl closer to her.
  688. >You bring her close to your body, and lean your head into her ear.
  689. “You know, normal sex is always fun, but there’s one kind that’s also pretty damn good…”
  690. >Redheart responds in a bit of snark.
  691. >“Really now? What would that be?”
  692. >Your hand begins rubbing her body.
  693. “…Anal.”
  694. >”…”
  695. >The night ends with you whispering many words of anal wreckage into Nurse Redheart’s ear.
  697. >…
  701. >It’s a new morning.
  702. >The birds are singing, the cows are mooing, and you feel some shame in your pants.
  703. >Just like every morning home.
  704. >Looks like Redheart woke up before you; she isn’t here at all.
  705. >Thoughts of last night remind you to do something.
  706. >You’ve made a mental note to pick up some supplies for later use.
  707. >What kind of supplies? Well, a few naughty ideas come to mind of what you could use them for.
  709. [Quest added: Sexy shopping list.]
  710. [Objective: Get lube: (0/1) Get an assorted dildo set: (0/1) Get Rope: (0/1) Get a Bane mask, or one that looks close enough: (0/1) Get a rubber duck: (0/1)]
  712. >It’s going to be a bit hard remembering that without your phone.
  713. >In fact, you have another mental note
  715. [Quest added: Recharge phone]
  716. [Objective: Get your phone charged (0/1) “Maybe someone around her could charge the battery? Magic?”]
  718. >After getting dressed, you walk out of the room.
  719. >You have no idea where everyone else is.
  720. >What do you do?
  723. >First thing’s first, you need a shower.
  724. >Funny enough, you haven’t taken one since you’ve come to this world at all.
  725. >Maybe that’s why Redheart left early, she smelled that hyooman stank.
  726. >You go back into your room and into the bathroom.
  727. >After getting undressed, you get in and turn on the wonderfully hot water.
  728. >More thoughts of last night creep into your mind.
  729. >Man, you’d love to tear that ass up.
  730. >She didn’t seem so hard against it like the other idea, so it’s possible.
  731. >Looking downwards, you see that you are at full mast.
  732. >…You can’t help it, you have to take care of this first.
  733. >Secretly, you hope that Redheat, or maybe even Berry will come in and find you.
  734. >Alas, they do not.
  735. >Honestly, if Berry advanced enough you might consider it, but Redheart seems to be a pretty exclusive type of relationship.
  736. >If you had to guess, getting with Berry would stop you from continuing things with Redheart, at least right now.
  737. >But no time to think about that.
  738. >Pink. Pony. Pussy.
  739. >A few minutes later, you are completely relieved.
  740. >The shower continues as normal, except you sing about walking on sunshine while doing it.
  741. >You just suck so bad at singing, now you hope they didn’t come in at all.
  742. >You turn off the water and get out.
  743. THUD
  745. >Next thing you know, you are face down on the floor.
  746. >What the hell did you trip over?
  747. >On closer inspection, the offender happens to be a rubber duck.
  749. >Wait, why did you want this again?
  750. >Whatever, you’ll keep it anyway. It might come in handy.
  752. [Quest updated: Sexy Shopping List]
  753. [Objective: Get lube: (0/1) Get an assorted dildo set: (0/1) Get Rope: (0/1) Get a Bane mask, or one that looks close enough: (0/1) Get a rubber duck: (1/1)]
  755. >Next order of business is to get some food in your stomach.
  756. >…
  757. >You sit at a table in the royal dining room.
  758. >A great breakfast was served to you by the chefs, who are apparently on-call to any guests.
  759. >Faaancy.
  760. >Still no sign of the others though.
  761. >You sit and think for a bit on where to search next.
  762. >Eventually, you decide to check outside.
  763. >After many twists and turns in this labyrinth of a castle, you find the exit by sheer luck, and absolutely no way of remembering how to traverse it.
  764. >Lo’ and behold, right in front of you stands the group you are searching for.
  765. >You say hello to them, and they respond in kind.
  766. >”Where’ve you been, Anon?”
  767. >”What a slowpoke, I can go faster than that in my sleep!”
  768. >”Don’t ya worry sugarcube, you should see how long it takes Big Mac to get up sometimes.”
  769. >”That’s hot.”
  770. >”Wha- Berry?! I’ll kick your teeth in if ya say somethin’ like that again!”
  771. >Maybe you should wait and see if someone has an update on the situation at hand, but you need to resolve this phone issue before you split up with possibly the only unicorn that may know how to fix it.
  772. >As the two ‘mature’ mares of the group continue to bicker, you reach in your pocket, retrieving the communication device.
  773. >You take the back off and remove the battery.
  774. “Hey Twilight, I have a job that I think you could help me with. Mind lending me a hand- er, hoof? Horn, technically?”
  775. >She thinks for a moment.
  776. >”We really should be going soon. How long will it take?”
  777. >That’s a good question. Normally, most batteries take a few hours to charge completely.
  778. >You hold up the object to her.
  779. “I’m not really too sure. I need you to fill this with electricity or something. The simplest way to explain it is that this is a container for electrical power. If you could do that without blowing the whole thing up in the fastest way possible, that would be nice.”
  780. >The battery glows as it is taken from your hand by Twilight’s magical aura.
  781. >She inspects in closely; you explain the different parts of it to her to the best of your ability.
  782. >Soon, her eyes light up, a plan coming to her mind.
  783. >”Here, let me try this.”
  784. >She places it on the ground.
  785. >The purple unicorn aims her horn at the battery.
  786. >The horn and battery begin to glow.
  787. >It seems to drag on for minutes, until the glowing slowly fades out.
  788. >You look and see that the battery is still in tact.
  789. >It also has a faint glow to it.
  790. “Uhh… what did you do to it exactly?”
  791. >She pants for a while, until finally answering.
  792. >”It’s… somewhat complicated…”
  793. >A bead of sweat falls off of her forehead.
  794. >”All you really need to know… is that it has electricity in it, and it should run out much more slowly.”
  795. >Surprisingly, the battery isn’t any hotter.
  796. >You grab it, and stick it into your phone.
  797. >After pressing the power button, you see that it works just fine.
  798. [Quest complete: Recharge Phone]
  799. [Reward: You got your battery charged, what else did you want? Maybe taking an actual look at the thing would be beneficial to you.]
  801. [Status of phone:
  802. 100% Capacity
  803. 100% Battery Life
  804. Settings Menu Est. Time of charge: 17 days 3 hours]
  806. >”So… It’s time to outline the plan.”
  811. >You all gather around as Twilight clears her throat to speak.
  812. >"Okay, so here is the deal, the Castle of the Two Sisters has a lot of ancient books and tomes inside of it. Celestia and Luna know nothing of this creature, and as far as research goes I think this our best bet. With everybody here, making our way through the Everfree should be no problem!"
  813. "Hold on though Twilight. I looked up and down the library here in the castle and found nothing, why would this be any different?"
  814. >She cocks an eyebrow at you as if the words coming from your mouth has been gibberish.
  815. >"Well, these books are much older than those stored here. Thousands of years old. At a minimum."
  816. >Well, that just shut you the fuck up.
  817. "Alright. Well, let's get going then."
  818. >The whole party nods in agreement as you all take your leave from the castle.
  819. >You wait outside for a bit, as Twilight staggers behind to speak with the princesses.
  820. >If there was anything you wanted to do in Canterlot, best get it done now.
  821. >Your train will be leaving soon, after all.
  822. >You also have another thought, what the hell is the Everfree?
  823. >You heard about it when you first got here saying you fell near it, but that’s all.
  824. >Twilight isn't back yet, so you'd have to ask her later about this Everfree thing.
  825. >You did need to finish your shopping list, so maybe Berry or Pinkie could help you out with it too.
  826. >At the same time, you really wanted to dress up Sir Ducksalot [Where was the first mention of this name?] with the help of the happiest party pony around.
  827. >You don't have enough time to do both.
  828. >What would you like to do?
  830. >Got to get as much of that list done as you can.
  831. >You grab your party, minus Applejack, and head out.
  832. >Pulling Pinkie aside as you walk, you dawn a serious expression.
  833. "I have a serious task for you, Pinkie."
  834. >She place a hoof to her forehead as she stands alert on her hind legs.
  835. >"SIR YES SIR!"
  836. "I need you to find a nurse outfit for my little friend here."
  837. >You pull out Sir Ducksalot and hand him to Pinkie, her eyes widen as she takes hold of him.
  838. >Squeezing him ever so gently to make him speak.
  839. >Quack.
  840. >"I am on it Nonny. Count on me!"
  841. >With that, she bounces off.
  842. >You, Red, and Berry continue onwards shopping.
  844. >…
  845. >Well, you got your lubricant, and some rope.
  847. [Quest updated: Sexy Shopping List]
  848. [Objective: Get lube: (1/1) Get an assorted dildo set: (0/1) Get Rope: (1/1) Get a Bane mask, or one that looks close enough: (0/1) Get a rubber duck: (1/1)]
  850. >Unfortunately you didn't have enough for the assorted dildo set, and no mask you found could match what you were looking for.
  851. >You'd stay alert for the two remaining items. Hell, maybe you could even make your own one day.
  852. >As all of you meet back at the Castle entrance you see Pinkie bouncing around showing off your friend in his new duds.
  853. >Upon returning him to you the group glances at you strangely.
  854. >Red says nothing, nor does she make any expression.
  855. >She does pat you on the back however, and you aren't sure what that means.
  856. >It doesn't matter, nobody will understand you like Sir Duckaslot.
  857. >Nobody.
  858. "So, uh, let's all get on the train!"
  859. >”Here we go!”
  861. >”R-right, w-whatever you say Dash.”
  862. >”Oh dear, you should give Fluttershy the window, she loves looking at the nature!”
  863. >”Ooh ooh, I wanna see the bouncing bunnies! And the ants and the bees and the birds and the minotaurs and the yaks and the-“
  864. >”Pinkie! Calm down, it’s just back to Ponyville, we do this all the time.”
  866. >The boarding of the train is the same as before.
  867. >You sit with your group again, all of them making idle chatter as you watch the view roll by through your window.
  868. >What would you like to do/who would you like to speak to?
  871. >You look to Red and think back to last night's botched plan.
  872. >You want to speak about it, but hold your tongue not wanting to push the subject.
  873. >"You alright Anon?"
  874. >She must have caught you staring off.
  875. >You give her a smile, and she smiles right back.
  876. >Leaning over, you whisper in your ear as you pull your friend out from his hiding place.
  877. "So, babe, about that threesome."
  878. >She holds a hoof to her face, obviously a bit embarrassed or annoyed. You weren't sure.
  879. >"Anon, we tal-"
  880. >Quack.
  881. >Maybe it was the duck, or maybe it was the nurse outfit picked out by Pinkie.
  882. >Either way, Redheart stared blankly for a second, then abruptly broke out into hysterical laughter.
  883. >Job well done.
  885. >…
  886. >You leave your cabin, seeking out the apple horse.
  887. >She was strong, and you needed a bit more hand to hand training.
  888. >Berry’s was great and all, but you got the feeling she didn’t really know how to fight that well.
  889. >You can't always rely on the spear.
  890. "Hey AJ, could you help me for a sec?"
  891. >She ceases her conversation with Fluttershy, excusing herself for a moment.
  892. >"How can ah help ya', Anon?"
  893. "Well, I figured you could help me train a bit. Or spar maybe?"
  894. >"Heh, Anon. Ya' don't want to spar me."
  895. >Was that a fucking challenge?
  896. >”Ah mean, no offense to ye’ or anything, but you ain’t exactly the most fit thing Ah’ve ever seen, and Ah’ve beat minotaurs into the ground before.
  897. >It’s a fucking challenge.
  898. "You're just scared."
  899. >AJ was turning around to head back to her cabin and froze mid turn.
  900. >In fact, the rest of the mane six stops their talking and looks out from their cabin, apparently overhearing the conversation.
  901. >All was still.
  902. >"As soon as this train stops, ah'm going to show you a thang or two about sparring Anon. Mark my words."
  903. >Oh god.
  904. >She turns to you, fire in her eyes and a smirk on her face.
  905. >Looks like you'll get that training after all.
  909. >The rest of the train ride passed more or less without a hitch.
  910. >You missed most of it because you fell asleep, however.
  911. >You had thought to ask Pinkie about her trip with Sir Quacksalot, but damn your brain just told you to fucking go to bed, it’s like you were idolizing a brilliant azure pony or something.
  912. >… Huh, that felt weird.
  913. >In any case, you wake up to find yourself staring into big, bouncing blue eyes.
  914. >”Nonnynonnynonnynonnynonnynonnynonnynonnynonnynonnynonnynonny--”
  915. >Your eyes shoot open in irritation.
  916. “I’M UP! Fuck, I’m up..”
  917. >”You slept like a rock, Nonny! I should know, I’ve seen lots of rocks sleep in my childhood, and you beat ‘em all! Anyways it’s time to go, we’re here!”
  918. >Indeed, when you rose your head above the seats, you saw the rest of your group standing outside all geared up, looking rather impatient. It also looked like Berry was trying to give AJ a little of her flask, to her dismay.
  919. >Chuckling at the scene, you get yourself up and ready with all your shit, and you head out as Pinkie bounces behind you.
  920. >Just in time, it looks like too, as the train began to speed away the second you got off.
  921. >”It’s about time, Anon. I was getting a little worried you stayed up too late talking to me.”
  922. >Redheart chides you as you walk up to her, with that cute heart-melting smile of hers.
  923. >As you stand with your group, the five of you look around.
  924. >In front of you lies the Everfree Forest, your main destination. Looks a bit dark due to the thick foliage.
  925. >Applejack did offer to train you before you started, and that’d probably be a good idea.
  926. >Do you want to go in or spar first?
  929. >Taking out your phone, you quickly snap a picture of the entrance to the forest, thinking it was a lot scarier than any of Earth’s trees.
  930. >You decide it was time to get a bit of training under your belt.
  931. “Hey AJ, before we go, could you give me that spar we were talking about earlier?”
  932. >”Oh, that, you were serious? Hah, Ah’d be lying if ah said it wouldn’t be a good time. Let’s do it.”
  933. “Oh, is it alright if I play some music for it?”
  934. >She gave you a confused look, as well as the rest of the party that had decided to sit and watch.
  935. >Pinkie had somehow found a barrel of popcorn she was sharing with the rest.
  936. >”What do ya’ll mean by that? Are ya gonna play an instrument while yer fightin’?”
  937. “Not exactly…”
  938. >You take out your phone again and scroll down your long list of songs, finding the perfect one.
  939. [ADMIN’S NOTE: TITLE: Guile’s Theme from SF2]
  941. >As it begins to play, you crack your knuckles and neck, readying yourself for the highly surprised AJ.
  942. >”Uh, ah don’t know how that little square box can do that, but it’s sure gettin’ me pumped, alright. Ya ready?”
  943. “Yeah, It’s about time I showed you my Bro fu.”
  948. Applejack’s HP: 220/220 / Current weapon: Hooves
  949. Anonymous’ HP: 100/100 / Current weapon: Fists
  953. Loading. . . . .
  954. Loading . . . . . . . .
  959. First majority post for a party member to attack will be the attack that it’s derived from, i.e. the post number. The post number determines the attack/ability strength, for example, say someone attacks an enemy with AJ’s treekicker ability, and his post number is >17943184. The final digit is 4, so AJ hits for >4<, but the treekicker ability doubles the damage, so >4< (x2) = >8<, finally hitting for 8. However, if the post number had been something like >17943144, it ends with dubs, so the damage is doubled, i.e. >4< (x2) (x2 doubles) = >16<. Trips is x3, quads is x4 and so on.
  961. Inspect the abilities/status of each party member to figure out their stats.
  963. If any party member besides Anonymous hits 0 HP, they become incapacitated, and will require some sort of healing within 5 turns to bring them out of the negatives, or they’ll succumb to their wounds and die.
  965. However, if their HP goes under -50, it is an automatic death and they have to be raised back up out of the negative HPs, and then be revived by an appropriate method. Death also follows the 5 turn rule, to be revived.
  967. If Anon hits 0 HP, it is a game over like always.
  969. You can only roll for one party member per post, but you’re allowed rerolling up to three collective times to attempt a better score.
  971. If someone uses a called shot to attack a specific part of their opponent, they are able to set a damage limit to avoid overkill or for other reasons if they have mastered the form of attack they’re using.
  973. Certain abilities will have the benefits of the weapon they’re being used with, and some will not, depending on whether or not the ability can do so. For example, Anonymous’ Redheart Cummer benefits from the spear’s extra ability, but his Flamescythe does not. All basic/prime attacks given by the weapon will benefit, though.
  975. IF a character is dead, the ability of their revival depends on the method of fatality. If someone is crushed and their bones are broken, they can be raised above the negatives with a healing potion or healing magic and revived appropriately, but if it’s something more serious like decapitation, it takes strong healing magic and revival magic specifically. If their body is obliterated, they cannot be revived.
  976. Confusion - Subject’s chance to attack is decreased by 50% for however many turns it lasts.
  978. Stun/Blind - Subject loses x amount of turns depending on strength of the attack used.
  979. Poisoned/Burned/Frostbite - Subject loses a specific amount of health per turn.
  980. Exhausted - Subject is unable to fight to their best ability, reducing all stats by 25% for however many turns it lasts.
  981. Asleep - Subject is asleep and is completely incapacitated for however many turns it lasts.
  982. Manasealed - No magical attacks and no magical defense for however many turns it lasts.
  983. Incapacitated - Completely inaccessible until the end of battle (Unless ressurected)
  984. Fear - Afraid of enemy, lowering defense and attack by 25% for however many turns it lasts.
  985. Bleeding - Suffering physical damage per turn for however many turns it lasts.
  986. Minions or companions are to be commanded and given an attack along with their master during a battle to be of use, and will hit the enemy for a specific amount of their total HP
  987. Healing potions heal [50/75/100/Overheal]% of total health depending on potion strength, First Aid Kits normally heal 25% but are boosted by medical skill. Mana potions follow the same rule as healing potions but instead of overheal, they get excess damage or effect for the next spell.
  989. ATTACKING WITH BARE HANDS/HOOVES (Excluding crutch characters such as Zecora) IS -10% DAMAGE
  991. Spells learned from Tomes may be used immediately, but in order to use it at full capacity, you must train the ability. Spells will begin at 10% efficiency and will increase with each use until it strengthens to its full potential.
  993. Suicide-restarting is only allowed with the discretion of the Masters and the situation.
  997. Anonymous’ move. (Use >attack/other with ability/equipped weapon, last digit determines amount of damage plus multipliers for weapons during battle. Tutorial battle will utilize two digits.)
  1000. [BATTLE]
  1001. Anonymous removes his faithful Sir Quacksalot from his inventory, giving it a little quack before he throws it at Applejack.
  1002. >84<
  1003. Applejack gets hit square in the face, the hard bill poking her in the eye. Quack.
  1005. Applejack’s HP: 136/220
  1006. AJ is attacking. . .
  1009. Applejack rushes you down like a mad dog eye twitching from the impact. Ducking down she spins and prepares to deliver a buck. [Ability: Treekicker] [CRITICAL HIT]
  1011. Treekicker does heavy damage [1.5x and has 3 turn cool down]
  1012. Critical Hit for ability is 2x
  1013. Dubs is 2x
  1015. >132<
  1017. Anon: -32/100
  1018. >OH DEAR GOD
  1020. THUD
  1022. >You fall down, heaving as a hoof extends to help you up.
  1023. >"Don't be ah filly Anon. I went easy on ya', even if ya' hit me in the eye with that damn duck."
  1024. >You grab her hoof and lift yourself up with AJ's support.
  1025. >"Maybe one day you'll get close ta’ beatin’ me."
  1026. >She flashes you a cocky grin, and you scoff in return.
  1027. >Walking over to retrieve Sir Ducksalot and move back towards your nurse.
  1028. >"Oh don't fret sweetie, she won't admit it but you actually hit her pretty hard with… that thing. You threw a duck at her?"
  1029. >The rest of the group moves onward, Twilight rolling her eyes as Rainbow and AJ discuss when they should spar and who would win.
  1030. >Together, you all enter the Everfree.
  1031. >"Hey Twi?"
  1032. >She perks up to AJ's voice and looks back towards her.
  1033. >"What is it Applejack?"
  1034. >"Well, ah was thinking. Do you think Zecora might know a way tah find this thing with one of her fancy voodoo tricks or somethang?"
  1035. >The group ponders this, everybody giving their own opinion of which route is best.
  1036. >What do you think, the castle or this 'Zecora'?
  1039. >You prepare to speak, but first look over AJ and yourself, making sure you are both alright.
  1040. >She looks fine, no innuendo intended, as do you.
  1041. >Looks like that batte really was training, as if the numbers were lying.
  1042. >Numbers never lie.
  1043. >Numbers never lie.
  1044. >Number—okay anyways.
  1045. >Clearing your throat you speak up.
  1046. "I don't know who this 'Zecora' character is, but if she can help us we might as well go see her. Right?"
  1047. >Everybody seems to nod or mumble in agreement and the party proceeds to Zecora's.
  1048. >Whoever or whatever that is.
  1049. >Red leans into you, grabbing your attention as she speaks.
  1050. >"She is a Zebra, by the way. Specializes in potions and the like, and has helped out the mane group a lot."
  1051. >Huh, sounds like an alchemist.
  1052. >A respectable one at that.
  1054. >You walk up to AJ, giving her a pat on the back.
  1055. >"Yes, Anon?"
  1056. "I just wanted to say, good fight."
  1057. >You extend out a hand as she eyes you curiously.
  1058. >She smiles and extenders her hoof, accepting your handshake.
  1059. >Seems like she’s got a slightly better opinion of you now, even if it’s just being able to take a kick and good sportsmanship.
  1060. "Hey, Twilight. Do you have any location spells in case our party get split up or lost?"
  1061. >"Yes, I can use it as long as we are close enough to each other. I don't suggest straying too far though, otherwise I won’t work."
  1062. >You make a mental note not to wander away, and proceed to Zecora's.
  1064. >ATTACK FLUTTERSHY - Kick Fluttershy in the jaw.
  1065. >Would you like to proceed with this action? Y/N.
  1068. >You push back your sudden unexplained anger, and choose not to assault the fragile pegasus.
  1069. >Paragon for always.
  1070. >However, you decide to make conversation with her.
  1071. "So, Fluttershy, do you have a pet?"
  1072. >"Well, uhm… I-I have a few.”
  1073. >More info is needed. This is vital information for the mission.
  1074. “Such as?”
  1075. >She stammers and speaks in an inaudible tone.
  1076. “Huh?”
  1077. >The last thing you hear before you give up is a high pitched squeak.
  1078. >How rude.
  1080. >Looks like that plan didn’t work for now.
  1081. >Maybe you can keep that as an objective for later.
  1083. [Quest added: The Timid Pegasus]
  1084. [Objective: Have at least one full conversation with Fluttershy (0/1)]
  1086. >To pass the walk a bit faster, you decide to have some semi clean fun with Berry.
  1087. “So… Besides the stuff I’ve uuh, heard about already, anything from your past that was fun?”
  1088. >She gives you a look.
  1089. >”Whaddya mean? Like, shit I’ve done?”
  1090. “Yeah you know, like a story.”
  1091. >”Aah, not much to tell there dude. Honestly, before you saved me and I joined this little escapade, I’d only ever been out of Ponyville once before in my life, and that was in high school with a bunch of my old friends and we went to a carriage ride at makeout point.”
  1092. “…There’s a straight up makeout point?”
  1093. >”Yup. My friends almost all got pregnant at the same time. I got lucky though.”
  1094. “Jesus Christ.”
  1095. >”Who?”
  1096. “Err, nothing.”
  1097. >The two of you talk about many interesting things such as your past experiences and outrageous stories.
  1098. >You both end it with a stronger bond.
  1100. >There is still about a mile or so until you arrive, or so Twilight says.
  1101. >You’d like to play some music or a music video, but you never saved any to your phone that would fit the situation. You have not internet access either, so you can’t find any music to play for the whole group.
  1102. >You settle for just kissing Redheart on the cheek.
  1103. >”Ohh! Mmm, Hi Anon~”
  1104. >…
  1105. >Many more steps later, you arrive at Zecora’s hut.
  1106. >Twilight turns to you.
  1107. >”Here we are!”
  1108. >She knocks on the door, and waits for the occupant to answer.
  1109. >Is there anything you wanna do in the few seconds it will take for this Zebra to answer?
  1110. >A question comes to your mind.
  1111. “Hey, you said this is a Zebra, right? Are zebras any different than ponies or anything?”
  1112. >Unsurprisingly, Twilight is the first to answer.
  1113. >“Other than their appearance and their place of origin, no. They’re pretty much black and white earth ponies.”
  1114. >Interesting.
  1116. >You get the urge to consult the dark powers.
  1117. >Pulling out Sir Ducksalot, you hold him up to your ear.
  1118. “What is the answer to life, master?”
  1119. >Quack.
  1120. “Thank you.”
  1121. >You put him back where he belongs.
  1123. >The door opens; a zebra about the same size as the rest of the ponies is on the other side.
  1124. >“Hello my dear, who is this strange creature you have brought here?"
  1125. >She eyes you curiously and you feel a nudge from Red indicating you should introduce yourself.
  1126. "Hi, I'm Anon, nice to meet you Zecora."
  1127. >What’s with the rhymes?
  1128. >You go to continue your speech, when your friend decided to speak for you.
  1129. >Quack.
  1130. >You pull out Sir Ducksalot to avoid accidentally releasing his lion's roar upon the world again.
  1131. >Zecora smiles, looking upon your best friend.
  1132. >"Such a cute toy, with bill of orange. What is his name? For…"
  1133. >You wait for her to speak, but instead she seems lost in her own little world.
  1134. >Her face contorts in frustration and then a wave of irritance washes over her features as she stares, deadpan, ahead.
  1135. >"…I strongly dislike you."
  1136. >What did you do?
  1141. >Oh, you just figured out what happened.
  1142. >She said orange.
  1143. >…Porridge… storage? Fuck, doesn’t anything rhyme with that?
  1144. >If she wants rhymes, she’ll get rhymes.
  1145. “I don't want to be a prude, but what you said was quite rude.”
  1146. >Zecora’s eyes widen slightly by your sudden linguistic capability.
  1147. “We also have a matter to attend, that we hope you might mend. My friend Twilight, will give you the highlights.”
  1148. >Used Sir Ducksalot Quack. [spoiler]QUACK![/spoiler]
  1149. >It took a moment for Twi to even register what happened, and she then got nudged by Rainbow Dash to snap out of it.
  1150. >”O-oh! Yes, uh, we actually had something happen in Ponyville and Canterlot recently that we were wondering if you had any knowledge about.”
  1151. >Zecora nods after a moment, and she continues.
  1152. >”Two nights ago, there was an earthquake caused by some odd shadow that passed overhead the village, you might have felt the tremors? Anyways, it caused a significant amount of damage to the town and a few ponies actually lost their lives… Just yesterday, however, this shadow visited us again in the middle of the Canterlot palace. All we’ve been able to tell was that it’s some sort of magical entity that not even Celestia or Luna know about. Do you know of anything like that, something very ancient maybe?”
  1153. >Zecora walks back to the pot sitting in the center of her hut, tending to it as she spoke.
  1154. >”There was a legend back home, a creature of darkness whose shadows it roams.”
  1155. >She stirs the pot, looking into the sickly green liquid as she keeps going.
  1156. >”We never knew its name, but its great power professes great fame.”
  1157. >She seemed to still be open for questions.
  1158. >What should you ask/do?
  1160. >Twilight gets confused by Zecora’s sudden stopping point, so you fill in the silence with your newfound articulate prowess.
  1161. “This creature leaves us in great distress… Do you know of any remedies to fix this mess?”
  1162. >Zecora actually cracks a little smile at your efforts, but it falls when she speaks the truth.
  1163. >”I’m afraid I have not what you seek, as my resources are growing weak. But, if you can retrieve what I desire, I could bestow an enchantment of fire. This is a special flame that can cross the realms, and to use it against the shadow, it will overwhelm.”
  1164. >That was good news, but what exactly did she need?
  1165. >”What exactly did you need?”
  1166. >Well, Redheart beat you to that one.
  1167. >Zecora abruptly stops stirring, and begins to walk around the hut’s shelves, pondering.
  1168. >”…I request an ounce of Mortified Ember, this you must remember; three leaves of Wisp’s Weed, only found within the seed; and a Manticore Claw, from the greatest, mightiest paw.”
  1169. “I’ll add it to my log, since I can’t seem to keep it in my nog.”
  1171. [ADDED TO QUEST LOG: Zecora’s shopping list]
  1172. [Objective: ObtainOunce of Mortified Ember (0/1); Wisp Weed (0/3); Manticore Claw (0/1)]
  1174. “Hey, do you also have any potions in supply, and may we have some so we don’t… uh, die?”
  1175. >Before you finished your sentence, Zecora grabs a small row of vials filled with a deep red liquid, passing them out to your party.
  1176. >”I thought that you might ask, so have this, as it’s much healthier than that flask.”
  1177. >Berry sticks out her tongue after Zecora passes her, while she drinks with the rest of your party.
  1178. >You suddenly feel invigorated by the cherry taste of the potion, as if you were even stronger than before!
  1182. >Berry fiddles with the empty vial, belching after she downed it.
  1183. >”That feels weird… I can hardly think. …I need a drink. Gh- stupid-ass rhymes!”
  1184. >She snags her flask from her bag and starts draining away the thoughts of similar-sounding words.
  1185. “Thank you for your help. … Welp.”
  1186. >Is there anything else you’d like to say or do before leaving?
  1188. “Hey Zecora, I think for these items we’ll need a clue. It would be really helpful, thank you.”
  1189. >She nods in affirmation before speaking.
  1190. >”The Embers lay in fields of liquid earth, the dragon’s mountain at the sands of the heat’s hearth; The Wisp’s Weed keeps itself within the Everfree, hidden within the roots of the oak trees; and Manticores are found at the other end of the path, staying near the edge, but fear its wrath.”
  1191. “Also, you sound very knowledgeable with your potion-making ways, so would you care to join us in the fray? It’d really help us out if you came along, and uuh… I’ll bring the bong.”
  1192. >”My my, so eager for help you are… Alright, I’ll help you as long as you do not trek too far.”
  1195. >Status: (Zecora) HP: 150/150
  1196. Abilities: Brew Potion, Splash toss, Shoot dart
  1197. Inventory: Healing potion (2), Iron Hide Brew (1), Potion-making kit, Blowdart w/ poison darts (3)
  1198. Equipped: Forehoof bracelets, Earrings, Neck bracelets
  1200. >The rest of the party seemed to agree, Pinkie especially.
  1201. >”Ooooh, this is going to be such a super duper fun time, we have like a whole town coming with us now it’s going to be amazing, we can go camping out in creepy unknown mysterious places and fight the bad guys together and--”
  1202. “I-I think we got it.”
  1203. >Zecora excuses herself and begins gathering a few things to take with her on the journey.
  1204. >While this is happening, the party rests for a little while, as you sit next to Redheart.
  1205. “Hey.”
  1206. >”Hi babe.”
  1207. “You have a lovely rump that I got to smack, it just sounds like a bird with a lovely, beautiful quack
  1208. >Used Sir Ducksalot Quack.
  1209. >Redheart put a hoof over her mouth attempting to stifle her laughter, but to no avail.
  1210. >Then you smack her ass again, just because.
  1211. >”AH!”
  1212. >As if on queue, Berry found her way to her other side quick enough to impress Pinkie, and smacked her other cheek.
  1213. >However, before you could start that again, Zecora put out the fire under her pot as she proclaimed her next action.
  1214. >”I do not usually converse as often as we shall be, so I’m afraid I’ll be changing the way I speak. It never is easy trying to piece together such artistry with language.”
  1215. >That’d get on your nerves too.
  1216. >You should probably stop with the ‘artistry’ if she’s going to.
  1217. >You nod, and the party makes their way out of Zecora’s hut.
  1218. >Should you get on to the Castle of Two Sisters, or should you start looking for Zecora’s resources?
  1221. >"Let's head out to the castle, we need to find out what this thing is."
  1222. >Everybody nods following Twilight's command without question, just like you do.
  1223. >Man, you hope you can do that one day.
  1224. >Why do you smell copper?
  1225. >…
  1227. >En route, you approach the party pony with a few party related questions.
  1228. "Pinkie, do you know how to make fireworks?"
  1229. >"Of course Nonny! I do it all the time. I also make cakes! And balloons! Cake-Balloons too! Those are super hard though, I tried filling one with frosting before and it never blew up it just sagged and made a ‘pghhht’ sound so then I tried-“
  1230. >You tune her out, your question having been answered.
  1231. >I mean hey, could you deal with the motorist of mouths if it was a road trip to bumfuck-nowhere?
  1232. >You move to Zecora next, having a few more questions for her.
  1233. "So, Zecora. Do you think you could teach me a thing or two about potions and brewing?"
  1234. >She smiles widely, you suppose she is glad to see another taking such an interest.
  1235. >"Of course. I can teach you the basics when we return to my hut. I must warn you though, Anonymous, that it is not as simple as dripping and pouring as you may think."
  1236. "That’s alright. Oh! Please let us know if we pass by one the items on your list."
  1237. >"Of course, Anonymous."
  1238. >With that, you begin to ponder a few things.
  1239. >Lewd things.
  1240. >Things like cutting off Zecora's tail, or fucking Red right here right now.
  1242. >Would you like to proceed with this action? Y/N (Fuck Redheart in front of group.)
  1243. >Would you like to proceed with this action? Y/N (Cut off Zecora's tail.)
  1246. >You decide that that wouldn’t be the best idea.
  1247. >Even if Red enjoyed it, she’d probably be pretty pissed that you rammed your dick into her in front of all of the other group members.
  1248. >Forced haircuts aren’t that good, either.
  1249. >After you overcome your unusual urges, you think of a more reasonable activity.
  1250. >The prospect of medicine and potions intrigue you.
  1251. >Zecora and Redheart are on either side of you, this is the perfect chance to get the two experts in a conversation about it.
  1252. “So guys, is medicine and alchemy pretty much the same thing, or is there a difference?”
  1253. >They both think for a bit.
  1254. >”Well, I guess they are somewhat similar, just different methods and different effects. I won’t speak to the efficacy of alchemy myself because I’m not well-versed in it, but I do know that it’s able to produce powerful healing implements like the many potions that the hospitals use. Medicine, on the other hoof, is able to deal with the many different types of diseases and infections and just about anypony can learn it, not just those with a natural affinity.”
  1255. >Zecora chimes in.
  1256. >”Ah, but you forget that alchemy’s ancient practices have spanded many generations. Many recipes for ailments and illnesses alike do exist, but some are lost, and others are very rare. It is not a science like medicine is, but rather a way of life, and its rules and traditions are to be respected, unlike other…”
  1257. >You kind of zone out at that point.
  1258. >Maybe it’s because you listened to Pinkie for 10 minutes just before this, but man some of it’s starting to go over your head and you feel like you have ADHD.
  1259. >Once you come to, the conversation is over.
  1260. >They seem to have a closer relationship now.
  1261. >There’s a win somewhere, right?
  1263. >As you move through the wilderness various noises catch your attention.
  1264. >A bush rustling, a tree branch moving.
  1265. >You instinctively grip your spear and arm yourself.
  1266. "Hey guys, maybe we should be prepared. Just in case."
  1267. >Red and Berry follow your lead, while Rainbow flashes you a cocky grin as if to say 'I'm always prepared'.
  1268. >The rest, if not cautious before, are now ready for a battle at any moment and brandish any weapons they may have.
  1269. >Pinkie is the exception, opting to use her daggers to practice juggling.
  1270. >Fucking Pinkie.
  1271. >Hmm.
  1272. >Now that you think about it, you should learn a bit more about the creatures in the environment before you get assraped by whatever is in this magical forest.
  1273. "Hey Fluttershy, could you give me a little bit of information about the Manticore Zecora mentioned?"
  1274. >"O-oh yes. Uhm…well. It…uh…um…"
  1275. >Oh brother.
  1276. >"I-it has a lion body. A scorpion tail, and…b-bat wings."
  1277. >Well that just sounds fucking terrifying.
  1279. >You search your surroundings and notice a bush rustling near you.
  1280. >Inspect?
  1283. >A pack of Timber Wolves jump out of the bush!
  1285. [BATTLE START][ ][ADMIN NOTE: TITLE – Legend of Dragoon Battle 1 Theme]
  1289. Inventory: Medical Pamphlet (First Aid 101/Procreation) Medical Book (Diseases), Phone, Wallet, Bit pouch ( 6 bits), Full roll of duct tape, First aid kit (3), Lube, Rope, Sir Ducksalot
  1290. Current questlog: [Investigate Shadow][Become a doctor][Develop friendly relations with Applejack] [Get Pinkie to slap your ass] [Sexy Shopping List][Zecora’s Shopping List]
  1291. HP: 105/105
  1292. Abilities: Basic hand to hand combat, Beginner medical use, Ogre Dance, Quack, Basic spear combat.
  1293. Equipped: T-shirt, Jeans/underwear, Tennis shoes, Spear
  1295. REDHEART
  1297. HP: 130/130
  1298. Abilities: Expert use of medical supplies
  1299. Inventory: First Aid Kit (4), Knife
  1300. Equipped: Royal Guard Medic-issued armor, Spear
  1302. PINKIE PIE
  1304. HP: 105/105
  1305. Abilities: Highly energetic attacks, Party cannon
  1306. Inventory: Party Cannon, various sweets
  1307. Equipped: Dual-wield daggers
  1310. HP: 205/205
  1311. Abilities: Throw beer bottle, Drunk Dragon, Fisticuffs
  1312. Inventory: Flask, 12 bits, Box of matches (10)
  1313. Equipped: Forehoof Horseshoes, Royal Guard armor
  1317. HP: 225/225
  1318. Abilities: Treekicker, Lasso
  1319. Inventory: Flask (Apple cider), tri-braid rope, apples (3)
  1320. Equipped: Stetson hat
  1323. ZECORA
  1325. HP: 150/150
  1326. Abilities: Brew Potion, Splash toss, Shoot dart
  1327. Inventory: Healing potion (2), Iron Hide Brew (1), Potion-making kit, Blowdart w/ poison darts (3)
  1328. Equipped: Forehoof bracelets, Earrings, Neck bracelets
  1330. Timberwolf x 6 (35/35)
  1336. Berry punch used drunk dragon!
  1337. >10< To all targets!
  1338. All targets are ablaze.
  1342. Timber Wolf attacks!
  1343. >9< To Zecora! (x3 Critical)
  1347. Pinkie attacks!
  1348. >3< To wolf #1
  1349. >4< to all from burn!
  1351. Timber Wolf attacks Pinkie!
  1352. >5<
  1353. Pinkie: (100/105)
  1357. Berry used Drunk Dragon! (-1 box of matches, 8 left)
  1358. 3 turn cooldown
  1360. >6<, up to >7<, Fire against wood! Final damage: >14<
  1362. Timber wolf: (4/35)
  1363. Timber Wolf: (7/35)
  1364. Timber Wolf: (7/35)
  1365. Timber Wolf: (7/35)
  1366. Timber Wolf: (7/35)
  1367. Timber Wolf: (7/35)
  1372. Timber Wolf attacks Zecora!
  1373. >0<
  1375. >2< to all enemies! (Ablaze)
  1377. Timber wolf: (2/35)
  1378. Timber Wolf: (5/35)
  1379. Timber Wolf: (5/35)
  1380. Timber Wolf: (5/35)
  1381. Timber Wolf: (5/35)
  1382. Timber Wolf: (5/35)
  1384. Anon used spear attack!
  1385. >3<
  1386. Timber wolf 1 is destroyed!
  1388. A blast of magic takes out the rest of the enemies!
  1390. [BATTLE END]
  1392. >Wha-?
  1393. >Looking over, you see that Twilight is aiming her horn where the wolves once stood.
  1394. >”Those Timber Wolves will resurrect if the whole pack isn’t destroyed.”
  1395. >Oh.
  1396. >Well shit, you didn’t even get a chance to try.
  1397. >Maybe it’s because it’s the tutorial or something.
  1398. >There’s that copper smell again.
  1399. >You get a few compliments about your fighting skills, then you proceed to the castle.
  1400. >…
  1401. >The group arrives safely, no other bumps in the road.
  1402. >Twilight turns to the group.
  1403. >”Okay, here’s the plan, we go in, find the library, and see what information we can dig up on this thing. Simple enough.”
  1404. >Everyone nods in affirmation.
  1405. >You eventually find the library, and everyone splits up.
  1406. >What do you do?
  1410. >You attend to the wounds of your party members.
  1412. [ALL HP RESTORED! (One first aid kit used)]
  1414. >You look around the massive library, at a loss of what to do.
  1415. >What did Twilight bring you guys here to do?
  1416. >You remember something about finding information about the shadow or whatever.
  1417. >Eh, who cares what she wants anyway?
  1418. >You turn to your party.
  1419. “Hey guys, let’s find some books on medicine or alchemy.”
  1420. >Red shakes her head.
  1421. >“While I’d love to further my knowledge on it, we should really focus on trying to find something that will help us against this threat. The library is too big for just a few of us to be searching.”
  1422. >The rest of your group nod their heads and murmur in agreement.
  1423. >Oh, right. The giant shadowy monster thing.
  1424. >Fuck it, you’ll do it yourself.
  1425. “Hey Red, you wanna tag along with me?”
  1426. >The nurse nods.
  1427. >“Sure, why not?”
  1429. >You’ve managed to find some interesting books on your excursion.
  1431. [ADDED TO INVENTORY: Intermediate Medicine, Notes of Starswirl The Bearded: Portals]
  1433. >On your way to your reading spot, you almost trip over a lump of butterscotch.
  1434. >Oh wait, that’s just Fluttershy.
  1435. >You never did get that info out of her.
  1436. >There’s always a possibility that you could get a book with info about manticores, and not have to deal with her.
  1437. >However, you’re too lazy to find more books.
  1438. “Hey Red, I gotta take care of something, you gonna be alright doing your own thing?”
  1439. >She nods.
  1440. “Yeah, I’ll be fine.”
  1441. >After a kiss, you part ways.
  1442. >Without a word, you sit down next to the pegasus who is looking down at a book.
  1443. >She doesn’t notice at first, but eventually she looks up from the text and faces you.
  1444. “Yo.”
  1445. >The pony stutters out a faint “Hello”.
  1446. >Okay think, how do you get this thing to start talking to you and giving info?
  1447. >You notice the butterflies on her flank.
  1448. >Hm, you’ve actually noticed marks on all of the ponies here, you’ll have to ask about that later.
  1449. >For now, you’ll just assume that they are just ass tattoos, and that they represent the interests of the pony they are on.
  1450. “So, butterflies, huh? Do you like them?”
  1451. >She perks up just a bit.
  1452. >”O-oh… Yes, I do…”
  1453. >Good start so far. Wait, isn’t she supposed to have a major hard-on for animals or some shit?
  1454. >Man, your paragon thoughts you normally have aren’t really here right now.
  1455. >You speak up again anyways.
  1456. “What about other kinds of animals? Which do you like?”
  1457. >It looks like the meek pegasus is getting a bit more interested in the conversation.
  1458. >”W-well, I like them all, really. I take care of all t-the animals in this forest and back in Ponyville, and umm, I patch them up if they’re feeling sick or hurt, and I really enjoy playing with them and making them f-feel better. If I had to choose umm, one kind of animal I reeaaallly like, I think that I would choose, bunnies. They’re so … cute, and cuddly. I have a bunny of my own, and his name is Angel, and…”
  1459. >…
  1460. >After what feels like endless babbling about animals, you remember what you came here for in the first place.
  1461. “By the way, is there anything else you can tell me about manticores? How aggressive are they?”
  1462. >Fluttershy ponders for a bit.
  1463. >”Well um, their tails are poisonous… and they are just as aggressive as a lion. They can fly, too…”
  1464. >Oh right, you asked her this before.
  1465. >That is still terrifying.
  1467. >So, what now? You can attempt to find some books on what’s attacking Equestria, go to your spot and read your current books, stay here and talk to Fluttershy some more, or something else.
  1470. [ZECORA][HP: 150/150]
  1471. Abilities: Brew Potion, Potion toss, Shoot dart
  1472. Inventory: Healing potion (2), Iron Hide Brew (1), Potion-making kit, Blowdart w/ poison darts (3)
  1473. Equipped: Forehoof bracelets, Earrings, Neck bracelets
  1476. >Oh, you forgot something!
  1477. >You’re a bit curious about dark magic, so you’ll pick up a book on that as you travel back to your reading corner.
  1478. >Sure enough, you find the perfect aisle to peruse in before heading out.
  1479. >…
  1480. >Turns out you got more than just a dark magic book on the way back.
  1481. >Quite a nice find though, if you do say so yourself.
  1482. [ADDED TO INVENTORY: A Crash Course on Dark Magic, A book (with a faded title that’s too hard to see. It seems to be all about sex though, so it shall be called) “The Book of Sex”]
  1484. >You settle down in the spot you have claimed for yourself, and decide to read through the portal book.
  1485. >Surprisingly, it uses the standard ArabicERRRRRRRR [ERR – LINGUISTIC CORRECTION ERROR 0x823] Roman alphabet.
  1486. >It tells of many of Starwirl’s portals.
  1487. >They are all primarily enchanted mirrors it seems.
  1488. >Most lead to… alternate worlds? Interesting, maybe this could explain how you got here.
  1489. >A few pages later, you see a very interesting section.
  1490. >It starts off with a picture of what looks like a human. Below it are details telling about a world where every pony is a human, and the society being much more technologically advanced. [Contradicting information compared to later installments of this item – check on later]
  1491. >Huh, maybe you should keep this in mind.
  1492. >However, comprehending the text is just a little out of your depth.
  1494. [You require more knowledge of magic and its properties to view this document.]
  1496. >That’s enough of that for now.
  1497. >You proceed to read the other books you have.
  1498. >…
  1499. >After reading a bit more, you close the book and stretch.
  1500. >You’ve learned a bit from the medical book, but will need some real practice to completely master the new info.
  1501. >As for dark magic, a lot of the book didn’t really make sense to you. Guess you’ll need to understand basic magic first.
  1502. >You’re a bit sleepy right now.
  1503. >Hm, would there be a way to tranquilize that manticore?
  1504. >You know just the Zebra to ask.
  1506. “Hey Zecora, do you know if you could make tranquilizer darts?”
  1507. >She nods with a smile.
  1508. >”If I have the proper ingredients, yes. I know of a poison that makes creatures rest.”
  1509. >You nod in approval.
  1510. “Cool, let’s stay on the lookout.”
  1513. [Sleeping darts: 2 blue leaves, 1 red herb]
  1515. >Putting stuff to sleep sounds good and all, but what really sounds nice is a gun.
  1516. >You make a list of stuff to gather on your phone.
  1518. [QUEST ADDED: Firepower]
  1519. [Obtain Metal Pipes (0/4); Wooden Handle (0/1); Small Mechanism (0/1); Gunpowder (0/1); Reusable Ignitior (0/1)]
  1521. >You put your phone away, and begin your next task.
  1522. >Walking over to Twilight, you ask a question.
  1523. “Can you tell me the basics of magic?”
  1524. >Her head shoots up as soon as you ask the question.
  1525. >”I’d love to!”
  1526. >…
  1527. [Obtained knowledge of basic magic! This doesn’t mean trueknowledge of any kind, more knowledge that ‘it exists’ in a more complex way besides visuals alone.]
  1529. >You still can’t use it, though, apparently you need magic ‘inside of you’.
  1530. >Something she spoke of about it being ‘inherent’ mana within unicorns, Saddle Arabians, certain Zebras and other magical species, with the rest only having magical enhancements like Earth Ponies being naturally stronger and in tune with nature, and pegasi being able to fly extremely fast and being lighter than normal.
  1531. >You’d think with that logic Fluttershy would be an earth pony, but who knows.
  1532. >Before you leave, you hand Twilight the book on dark magic.
  1533. “Could you explain this to us?”
  1534. >”Oh, I see. Well, there’s many types of magic that exist in this world, and Dark Magic is, as you could probably guess, dangerous. It’s only used by those with a wicked mind or a black heart, and while powerful, usually doesn’t have any function outside of pure destruction or methods of control…”
  1535. >She goes on to explain what dark magic is, and shows a bit on how to use it.
  1536. >”Remember, dark magic is only used in extreme emergencies by anypony normal and good like us, and should be approached with extreme caution if it has to happen.”
  1538. >Another idea strikes you.
  1539. >If you could tame that manticore, you could go riding into battle like a badass.
  1540. >However, if it got injured, you wouldn’t know how to care for it.
  1541. >The closest living source of info about that stuff is only a few steps away, so you decide to just ask her now.
  1542. “Hey Fluttershy, mind if I ask a few more animal questions?”
  1543. >She happily obliges.
  1544. >”Y-yes, I would love to!”
  1546. [Basic vet skill learned! Reminder that these basic skills will disappear if not trained in a certain time period.]
  1548. >It’s pretty much the same as healing wounds on humans and ponies, so you’re pretty sure you have the ability down without need to practice.
  1549. >Also, Ms. Banana Hush seems to have opened up quite a bit since your first encounter; that’s a quest you can check off.
  1551. [Quest: Get Fluttershy to open up: COMPLETE]
  1552. [Reward(s): Well you’re better acquainted with an animal lover… Woohoo..?]
  1554. >You notice Redheart walk past.
  1555. >You gaze at that great booty once again as she goes by.
  1556. >It’s nice.
  1558. >…
  1559. >You’re still having some trouble coming down from that battle earlier. You wish to learn some more combat strategies.
  1560. >Walking over to Applejack, you call her name.
  1561. “Yo AJ!”
  1562. >”Howdy there Anon, havin’ any luck?”
  1563. >You shrug.
  1564. “Yeah, I guess you could say that. Hey, you wanna practice some more fighting moves?”
  1565. >The orange mare rubs her chin with a hoof.
  1566. >“’fraid Ah can’t do that, partner. Ah need some rest after our last few scuffles. Not tah mention we’re in an old library; Twi’d never lemme live it down if Ah were to ruin somethin’ here.”
  1567. >Damn, these guys aren’t any fun.
  1568. >No wonder you could only really see her in the background.
  1569. >…
  1570. >You walk through the dank old hallways, looking around for anything you might have missed.
  1571. >However, after some long, tedious searching, you stumble upon the banana pony a third time, looking at a few spiders that had created a little nest in the corner of a bookshelf.
  1572. >You had a devious plan hatch within your mind as you watched her tend to them.
  1573. >Maybe it wasn’t the smartest idea, but it’s something to pass the time anyways.
  1574. >Looking up and down the bookcase nonchalantly, you step closer to her and she hears your footsteps, actually giving you a small smile from underneath her mane.
  1575. >”Uhm, h-have you found anything yet?..”
  1576. “Not really… but I did have one more thing to ask you.”
  1577. >”What is it, um, exactly?”
  1578. >You fling out your phone and turn on the flashlight, getting up real close and shining it down from above.
  1579. “What do you know about Bane?!”
  1580. >The intense volume of your voice shrivels the shy pony to the ground, shaking with fear.
  1581. >”Uh- uhh, I… I-I-I--”
  1582. >>>> “WHERE IS BANE!?”
  1583. >Her attempts to speak become incoherent babbling, now hiding futily from you with her hooves over her head.
  1584. >You rear up to start going full batman, but she stretches her wings and flies away from you in fear.
  1585. >Well, she isn’t going to be able to talk for a while.
  1586. >You actually feel kind of bad for doing that, after the nice conversations you had before.
  1588. [She may remember this later. Actions have consequences!]
  1590. >You make your way back to the main hall, where most of the group has gathered after a long time searching.
  1591. >So far, your quest has advanced the time by four hours, and it is now mid afternoon.
  1592. >You still had a few things to look for and you haven’t found much of interest about the shadow, nor has the rest of your party.
  1593. >Pinkie is currently looking at something intensely at the back wall, however.
  1594. >What do you do now?
  1597. >That’s when you spot it.
  1598. >The mother of all seats, the prime seat that seats any seating pleasure.
  1599. >For your ass.
  1600. >It was the old throne of the castle, one of two, anyways.
  1601. >You just felt like you had to sit there, like your ass was calling to it.
  1602. >Or that’s just you farting, but you were too busy walking towards it.
  1603. “Hey Red?”
  1604. >”Yes, Anon?”
  1605. “C’mere real quick.”
  1606. >She gives you a little smile and follows you as the two of you walk up the cracked and dusted steps.
  1607. >You motion for her to sit in the bigger throne, bowing at the same time.
  1608. “My Queen.”
  1609. >”Oh my… Yes, my King.”
  1610. >She sits down with a little wiggle of her rump, and you sit next to her in the other throne.
  1611. “I bet we’d make great leaders.”
  1612. >”You can lead all you want, but I’ll stick to giving ponies their physicals, thank you.”
  1613. >She gives a little giggle, and the two of you rest in the still-soft cushions, hand in hoof.
  1614. >Life is good sometimes.
  1615. >You knew you had to get up at some point when the rest of your party gave up, though.
  1616. >Except Pinkie…
  1617. >You get off the seat and begin walking towards her, when you spot Fluttershy separated from the rest of the group, who were talking happily, yet she was moping in the corner.
  1618. >You attempt to approach her, but the instant she sees you she backs up a few feet and cowers under her mane, shaking like a rattle.
  1619. >Hopefully you’ll be able to apologize after she’s calmed down a little bit.
  1620. >Continuing on, you check out Ponka’s interesting antics with a certain dark-looking book she was eyeing.
  1621. “Got a thing against that book? I’ll have a sturdy talk with it if it’s giving you problems.”
  1622. >”Oooh, my Pinkie sense is all over this thing, I bet it’s something important!”
  1623. >You respond in a questioning tone.
  1624. “Important to what?”
  1625. >”To the plot!”
  1626. “… Err, wh-”
  1627. >”You know, what’s keeping this story going?”
  1628. >One of these days you’d figure out what the hell she was saying.
  1629. “Let me see it for a second.”
  1630. >You take the book and inspect it thoroughly.
  1631. >The book tells of many of Equestria’s mythical creatures.
  1632. >By “mythical”, you mean mythical to this world, surprising as it is.
  1633. >Skimming through the pages reveals many an interesting creature. Some are friendly, some are aggressive monsters.
  1634. >The one that sticks out to you the most though is the section about a demon of sorts that steals magic from any living being that has it.
  1635. >Apparently it seeks out the most powerful sources first, then goes for the rest.
  1636. >This seems to be the most likely match to your current foe, although this unnamed monster has a body unlike the one that is terrorizing Equestria right now.
  1637. >Maybe you should bring this to the group…
  1638. >You can do this, or something else. Is there anything else you’d like to do here before moving on?
  1641. >INSPECT Brew Potion
  1643. Allows Zecora to create a minor elixir utilizing her potion-making kit befitting the situation, but is very limited in capability.
  1645. >INSPECT Splash Toss
  1646. If an appropriate potion is available, Zecora will throw either a beneficial or damaging potion, giving an area of effect with a 10 foot radius.
  1648. >INSPECT Shoot Dart
  1650. Zecora will shoot from her blowdart with excellent accuracy, sending a draining poison through the receiver that will kill them unless cleansed of it.
  1652. >INSPECT Creature’s appearance in the book
  1654. >The picture itself has some sort of figure that looks familiar, but it is too old and worn to make out any details. Then again, the shadowy being didn’t have a body at all, so that wouldn’t make a difference.
  1655. ...

The Great and Powerful Trixie Has Arrived

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The Sun Has Risen

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Storytime! Option 2: Trevor

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Trixie and Anon Rob a Bank

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AJ Tries to Castrate Anon

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