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The Master's Legendary Quest - 4

By Trixiefap
Created: 2022-06-29 02:21:54
Expiry: Never

  1. >You and Pinkie had mainly finished off the beast with some well-placed dagger stabs and… something weird that happened to you.
  2. >You’ve definitely used the last of your magic, but maybe the but end of it was more powerful than the rest, because you just fucking smoked that shit.
  3. >It left you totally exhausted on top of your sleep deprivation, however.
  4. >You fall backwards on the ground, loving the fact you didn’t have to stand anymore.
  5. >Redheart and Berry walk over to you and fill your vision with their worried countenances.
  6. >”Babe… Are you alright?”
  7. >”That last spell was wicked, Anon! How’d you do that?”
  8. “I… I don’t know…
  9. >Pinkie returned from the Manticore’s corpse and pushed you up from your rest, despite your protests.
  10. >”Nonny! Get the claws before you forget, so we didn’t do all of that for nothing, we made him have boo-boos!”
  11. “Er, Pinkie… He has more than boo-boos…”
  12. >”Sssh, you’ll wake him! Now get the claws!”
  13. >You didn’t want to argue with her right now, so you took out Zecora’s claws, and got to work.
  14. >You snipped each and every claw off, just to make sure she was well-stocked in the future, and well, this Manticore wasn’t going to need them, that’s for sure.
  19. Reward: Return to Zecora to get a fire enchantment on your weapon that can take down Bane!
  21. “What’s this…?”
  22. >You had tangled the clippers in the Manticore’s mane, but when you got it out, something square fell out of it.
  23. >Redheart’s attention was caught by the noise it made on the ground, and she came over to investigate just as you picked it up.
  24. >”Anon, that’s a shield, where’d you find it?”
  25. “In its mane. That’s weird…”
  26. >Looking over it, it was a nice silver squareshield with the emblem of Equestria on it. A bit burnt, but in decent condition.
  27. >Hmm…
  28. >Your party could use the extra defense.
  30. [Who do you give the shield to?]
  31. -Anonymous
  32. -Redheart
  33. -Berry Punch
  34. -Pinkie Pie
  35. -Save it for AJ
  36. -Store in Inventory
  38. >You looked at the shield, then at Red, who was eyeing the shield with an intriguing curiosity.
  39. >With everything you’ve learned and received from the journey, most of your party hasn’t gotten nearly the same treatment.
  40. >Especially Redheart.
  41. >You hold out the shield to her.
  42. >”Wait… Are you giving it to me?”
  43. “Yeah. You need it more than I do, besides, it’s made for a pony. Go full spartan, Red!”
  44. >”Spartan?”
  45. “Er… It’s a warrior that specializes with spear and shield.”
  46. >”Oh… Well, thank you Anonymous. I hope I put it to good use.”
  48. [Redheart receives shield!]
  51. >She puts it on nice and snug on her off arm, and she gives you a wide smile.
  52. >The party was tired and silent, as were you.
  53. >You decide to search around the clearing a little bit, and look for any treasures you might’ve missed, like in the cave.
  54. >Unfortunately, luck didn’t shine for you in that aspect, but you get a sudden thought.
  55. >Maybe the treasure was right there in front of you.
  56. >That hide on the Manticore was tough as nails, the blades could barely get through it.
  57. >And Redheart has a knife.
  58. >Do you want to skin the Manticore, or head back to Zecora’s?
  60. [NEW QUEST][Experiment with magical abilities: Learn Levitation (0/1); Learn Light spell (0/1); Discover one new magical ability (0/1)]
  61. [MODIFIED QUEST][Become a Doctor: Master medical knowledge (0/1); Master medical experience (0/1); Doctor’s Kit (0/1); Master alchemy knowledge (0/1); Master healing spells (0/1)]
  63. >It would make ending its life useful if you took its hide for use, at least.
  64. “Hey Redheart, can I see the knife I gave you before?”
  65. >Still busy playing around with her new shield, she took a moment to look up at you.
  66. >”Oh, uh, yes. Here.”
  68. [Redheart gives you a Knife.]
  70. “Thanks. HEY PINKIE!”
  71. >Pinkie was talking with Berry about the big fight with a small frown on her muzzle, probably having been told of the Manticore’s true condition. She bounds over to you nonetheless, still as erratic as ever.
  72. >”Hi Nonny, what is it?”
  73. “I need you to do something for me. You were the pony that took this guy down, even if I just helped, so you should reap your reward, right?”
  74. >Ponk gives you a puzzled stare.
  75. “Well, you said before metal armor would just slow you down, right? Well this stuff that the Manticore’s made of, his hide? That’s really tough, but really light and flexible. I’d like you to skin his hide so we can make you some proper armor for the journey ahead.”
  76. >For the second time since you’ve known her, she stopped bouncing to remain perfectly still.
  77. >”..Uh… Skin him? B-but..”
  78. “Pinkie, hey, listen real quick.”
  79. >You kneel down to her height and look her straight in the eyes.
  80. “He’s gone because we were just defending ourselves, okay? Nothing’s going to bring him back, so we need to make sure that he gets a proper goodbye from Equestria by preserving him in some form. By making armor out of his hide, you’re keeping his memory alive!”
  81. >She was like an innocent child, er, filly, with the way she looked at you.
  82. “Trust me, we’ll send the rest of him off like a true Manticore would be, down the river. But keep him in memory, as a ferocious beast that will protect you in your future adventures. Besides, he won’t feel a thing, he’s already up in a happier place, okay?”
  83. >She sniffles and nods, slowly regaining her happy demeanor.
  84. >”Okay Nonny, but, there’s still a problem.”
  85. >You had stood up as she said this, looking back down at her.
  86. “What?”
  87. >”I don’t know how to skin, silly filly! We’ve never had any reason to before!”
  88. “Redheart and I will help you, you’ll be fine. Here.”
  89. [You give Pinkie a Knife.]
  91. >She got to work starting from the head, and while you gave her tips, made conversation with Red.
  92. “Hey, since you got a nice little shield now, it’d probably be a good idea to learn how to bash things with it. If you knock something with a solid piece of metal, it’ll always slow down.”
  93. >”I was just thinking about that, actually, but I’m really not sure about having the strength to do it. I’m just a nurse, after all.”
  94. >Red giggles a little bit to lighten the sentence, but you weren’t having that.
  95. “ ‘Just a nurse’… You’re a lot more than that Red, especially to me.”
  96. >Hey eyes began to glisten with love and affection…
  97. >Then manticore blood sprayed over both your faces.
  98. >Wow, that was a potent moodkiller.
  99. >…
  100. >Pinkie proceeded to finish skinning the Manticore with your careful aid and Redheart’s knowledge, until a nice, well-cleaned hide was in her bag, ready for armorization.
  104. >With the help of the entire party, you shoved the remains of the Manticore into the rushing river, sending his body off to the wilds unknown.
  105. >After that bit of hard work combined with the long battle, it was already nearing noon, and today’s train leaves at 3 P.M. according to what Twilight had previously told the party.
  106. >You decide there was nothing else to look for here, so you took a victorious retreat from the clearing-turned-battleground.
  107. >You were now walking back to Zecora’s hut through the dense forest.
  108. >Would you like to do anything during the return?
  112. [Loot]
  113. [BATTLEGROUND]: You have found 1 blue herb and 2 red herbs!
  114. [You find nothing else of interest.]
  116. >As well as finding a few herbs, you manage to find a small but bright dandelion, freshly bloomed.
  117. >You pick it as you return to the party, and walk up next to Redheart.
  118. >With a rub of her withers, you slip the dandelion behind her ear, letting the fresh smell waft over her nose.
  119. >”Oh, thank you Anon. That’s really nice…”
  120. “Only nice for the nicest pony around, Red.”
  121. >She nuzzles your side, walking closely with you through the forest as Berry and Pinkie were arguing about something small.
  122. >”You’re too kind, sometimes. I really don’t deserve it.”
  123. “Don’t even joke like that, babe. You are quite possibly the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
  124. >”Hey.”
  125. >You look back, seeing she wanted something, so you bent down.
  126. >Redheart kisses you intently, stopping both of you in your tracks as you lose yourselves in the passion and fervor.
  127. >Before it could go on, however, Berry’s voice rang out through the forest like a cone into your eardrums.
  128. >”LOVEBIRDS! We need to get back to Zecora and AJ!”
  129. >Red broke the kiss with an apple red blush on her snowy cheeks, but you stole one more quick peck before straightening, which turned into a stretch and yawn.
  130. >Holy hell, you were tired.
  131. >”Coming! Dr. Anon here needs to take a sabbatical anyways.”
  132. >Dr. Anon… That’ll be the day.
  134. >…
  135. >The party eventually gets back to Zecora’s hut at high noon, with you in the lead, ready for bed.
  136. >A quick knock on the door and you walk in, waving to Zecora, who… Wasn’t looking all that well.
  137. >”Claw, pot, now!”
  138. >…Holy shit.
  139. >You scrounge the claws out of your bag and throw one in the glowing amber chamberpot, and it suddenly erupts into flames of white and red.
  140. >Zecora was prepared for this apparently, because she was back at it in a flash with cool-colored powders that she began to sprinkle into the pot, dying down the flames, and turning the pot a pulsing red.
  141. >After a few more minutes of silent viewing as she works, she finally sets herself down and wipes her mane back into place.
  142. >”You are lucky you came at the potion’s glow, as it was about to blow.”
  143. “Damn… Guess we were close…”
  144. >A yawn interrupts you.
  145. “Where’s AJ, anyways?
  146. >Zecora looks at your party, her expression clueless.
  147. >”She is not with you?”
  148. >Redheart shakes her head, and you feel her beginning to push you towards Zecora’s cot.
  149. >”She must not be here yet. Let’s get you to bed, mister, you can still get a few hours of sleep.”
  150. “Ugrgh.”
  151. >Should you go to sleep, or wait for AJ to return and get first dibs on items?
  154. >Redheart’s insistence was pretty convincing, but you had just one condition.
  155. “Hey, you’re still pretty banged up.. Come rest with me.”
  156. >She sits you on the cot, and after a second of hesitation, gets up on it with you.
  157. >You take the opportunity to take her and lay her at the end comfortably, pat her side, then rest your head next to hers.
  158. >”Having fun there, babe?”
  159. “Mmmmh, yeah. Wake me up when… she gets here…”
  160. >”Only because you’re delusional from lack of sleep… Mhn.”
  161. >She cuddles up next to you, letting you use her as a pillow.
  162. >The outside world seemed to melt away, no sound nor light, as you fell into a blissful slumber with your sweetheart.
  163. >…
  164. >Something slams into your chest, knocking the wind out of you.
  165. “HUUGH--… Ow…”
  166. >You open your crusty, unwilling eyes and the light seems to blind you, as you feel a throbbing pain in your stomach and something stirring behind your head.
  167. >When your senses finally come to, you felt a little better.
  168. [Anon and Redheart fully healed, all status effects removed!]
  170. >…And there was a huge-ass spear on you, with a sweaty-looking Applejack giving you a death glare.
  171. >”You. Owe. Me.”
  172. >You looked out into the hut, seeing the rest of the party giggling at your misfortune, and Redheart’s hooves suddenly wrap around the spear laying on you.
  173. >”Wow… Anon, have you looked at this, yet?”
  174. >You shake your head to get rid of the dizziness, and take a solid look at your new spear.
  175. >Solid oak wood for the handle, it looks like. Reinforced… Double-ended, and just your size, too!
  179. >You take it up and strap it where your old spear was as you look at what AJ had gotten.
  180. >It’s a huge fucking sack that you’re doubtful even you can lift, and most of them have their fill.
  181. >You take your share handily as you give AJ an apologetic look.
  182. [Berry received a bottle of hard liquor! (Increases Drunk Dragon multiplier by .8x)]
  183. [Berry received a box of matches! (12)]
  184. [Redheart received medkits! (5)]
  185. [Redheart receives extra gauze!]
  186. [You receive medkits! (5)]
  187. [You receive mana potions! (2) (Heals 5 mp each)]
  188. [You receive literature! (Alchemy 102: Pony’s Guide to Transmogrification; Practical Engineering for Practical Problems)]
  189. [Applejack has received apples! (9)]
  192. >”I couldn’t find nothin’ about no healing spells, I was told you were lucky to get those mana potions, only ones they had in town!”
  193. “How much did this all cost, anyways?”
  194. >”Too much.”
  195. >AJ sits far away from the boiling cauldron, resting on her own cot as she waves her face with her hat.
  196. “Are you alright?”
  197. >”I had to lug that stuff all the way over here, and they’re lot heavier than a cartload of apples, that’s for sure. It was mainly that spear, though, got everything else in no more than 20 minutes, but I had to stay with the smithy to make sure he did everything ya wanted. Like I said, you owe me big, Anon.”
  198. >Berry finishes filling her flask while she cuts in.
  199. >”Oh c’mon AJ, loosen up a little bit. I’ll get you back when the time comes.”
  200. >AJ doesn’t even look at her.
  201. >What the fuck comes next?”Can you get me back 78 bits?”
  202. >Berry drops her jaw, looking at you for a second.
  203. >”You’re on your own, dude.”
  204. “That much?”
  205. >”The three gems you gave me were with like 40 each, but the spear was over 200 because of the extra metal or something.”
  206. “Wow, damn. Sorry, I’ll go with you next time, and I’ll definitely pay you.”
  207. [You are currently 78 bits in debt to AJ.]
  209. >Zecora taps her pot a few times with her hoof, and the entire party gets surprised at the radical change that they didn’t notice before.
  210. >The contents were completely gone, sans a powder that was forming in the center of the pot, creating some sort of ethereal substance that defied gravity.
  211. >”The enchantment is ready to be applied, so let magic and blade collide.”
  212. >You look at your new spear, and the ready enchantment.
  213. >The party had split away from the pot to allow you clear passage to the pot, looking expectantly at you.
  215. [WARNING: This is a one-time enchantment that is very possibly the only thing that can stop the Shadow (as far as you know), and must be treated with caution. It can be enchanted on any viable weapon.]
  217. >Do you wish to enchant your new spear? Y/N
  219. >INSPECT Double-Blade Spear
  221. [Basic-level basic quality spear, +10 base physical damage, grants ability Parry]
  222. >Parry: Attempts to block an incoming attack by deflecting it. (Physical and low-level magic only, 50% success rate)
  223. >Inspect Enchantment
  224. >From what you know about this enchantment, it is fire-based and will grant an intense amount of magical damage to your attacks, as well as make it possible to attack beings like the Shadow. You may only use/apply this enchantment once, to one weapon, and Zecora cannot make a second one.
  227. >You walk forward, the decision having already been made.
  228. >New spear in hand, you walk up to the pot, when you realize something.
  229. “Uh… How exactly do I do this?”
  230. >”Let your blades connect with the magic, and it will bond like wax with a wick.”
  231. >You sort of understood what she meant, but you had two blades now.
  232. >Coming up close, you raise your spear, and start swirling it around, edging it closely to the ethereal orb.
  233. >A few painful agonizing seconds later, you swing both blades into the orb, which latched onto both sides like a fly to glue.
  234. >You stop spinning it so you didn’t accidentally chop somepony’s head off.
  235. >There isn’t any big boom like there was when it was being made, however, as when you did this it tints the blades’ edges a sheen, metallic red, and… that’s it.
  236. >You feel a slight bit of heat from it, but it seems the enchantment has been successfully applied.
  237. [Spear has been enchanted. Upgraded to Rare quality.]
  239. >”Exercise caution during combat, as you will injure yourself or others treating it like a bat.”
  240. “Yeah, probably shouldn’t touch the blades at all, got it. Thank you, Zecora, I’ll do my best to get done what needs to be done. Also, AJ, I won’t just pay you back, but if you ever need any favors, whether its labor or helping you with the flu, I’m your man.”
  241. >You smile at her, with a shine in your teeth and everything.
  242. >AJ smiles back, and tips her hat.
  243. >”Thank ya kindly, I truly appreciate that.”
  244. >Pinkie looks at her watch.
  245. >…Wait, she has a w--
  246. >”I think we’re gonna be late for the train, guys!”
  247. >She is even more shaky than usual, so she’s serious about that.
  248. >The party gets ready, helping Zecora clean up since they crashed there for the night and made a mess.
  249. >Before long, you were prepared to head out and bid Zecora a final farewell.
  250. >In face, you were just about to say something, but AJ suddenly cuts you off.
  251. >”Oh wait, I forgot somethin’!”
  252. >Redheart is straightening her bag as she speaks.
  253. >”What did you forget, and I hope you can still find it after cleaning?”
  254. >AJ went to where the bag she had was stored, and pulled something pristinely white out of the very bottom of it.
  255. >”I took an extra stop at the hospital, which just added to my time, so sorry about that, uuh, here.”
  256. >She hands it to you, and you unravel it.
  258. [Applejack gives you a Doctor’s Trenchcoat.]
  260. “..Whoa…”
  261. >”Biggest size they had. I couldn’t find anything remotely close to your size anywhere else, but you’re always talkin’ about how Red here inspires you to be a doctor, so I figured I’d humor ya.”
  262. >You had already been undoing your shit to put it on, and indeed it fit, even if the back bowed out backwards slightly.
  263. >It looks pretty fly, actually, and it fits nice.
  264. >Setting your stuff on top of that, you still have your tats showing on your palms, but now you had a nice, pristine jacket with straps and all for all your little potion-making kits and darts.
  265. >You see the red plus sign on the back too, and you make a mental note to see if you could add some hearts to it for a little symbolism.
  266. >Redheart herself is eyeing you very intently.
  267. >”My my, it fits you so well… I’m not talking about the size, either.”
  268. >It’s a nice feeling when your marefriend makes you blush.
  269. >Berry interjects at this point, pointing at Pinkie who looks like she is about to explode.
  270. >”I think she wants us to get a move on, so let’s do so before she blows a gasket.”
  271. >Before leaving, you turn back to Zecora.
  272. “You’re always welcome to join us still, if you want?”
  273. >Zecora shook her head.
  274. >”The journey is much too far for me. Go and stop that shadow, ‘Nonny’.”
  275. >Yeah, she’s been hanging around Pinkie too much, time to leave.
  276. >It was afternoon, and the train leaves at 3 o’clock.
  277. >According to Pinkie’s apparent watch, you have a little under an hour to get to the train station.
  278. >What would you like to do?
  280. >One more thing…
  281. “Zecora, is there anything else you can part with that could help us out?”
  282. >She looks around her shelves, but then rummages through her bag.
  283. >”Aah, there is one thing, I meant to give. If you hadn’t reminded me, it might’ve been more difficult to live.”
  284. >She hands you a familiar-looking vial, except this one was larger and much more viral.
  285. >”It forever imbues with energy to last longer, choose wisely.”
  287. [Hidden Bonus: Become best friends with Zecora - Complete]
  288. [ACQUIRED VIRALITY POTION (Permanently raises one party member’s HP by 20)]
  290. “Thanks a million. Alright, let’s get going…”
  291. >You couldn’t help it.
  292. >You walk up to Zecora and give her a tight embrace, to which she reciprocates with enthusiasm.
  293. >”Come back again another time, and we’ll catch up. Maybe spend a few days that are not in peril. I wish you luck, Anonymous.”
  294. >Looks like when she’s being genuine, there’s no rhymes to go with it.
  295. >The two of you part, and then the rest of the party suddenly rushes from behind you and hugs you both in the center.
  296. “Oooh, Okay, that’s crushing my pelvis, OW… I NEED THAT!”
  297. >They let go, Redheart giggling a little louder than the rest.
  299. >With nothing left to stall leaving, you and your party wave goodbye to Zecora, who waves back, and exit her hut, traveling down the road to Ponyville with haste.
  301. >…
  302. >…
  303. >It’s not long before you were out of the forest, back in the clean plains.
  304. >Would you like to do anything on the way to the Train station?
  307. >During the long road ahead, you needed to make some conversation, and you knew just how to do that.
  308. >You adjust your gait to walk alongside AJ.
  309. “Hey, AJ?”
  310. >”How’s it hangin’, Anon?”
  311. “Pretty low, just gotta get excited.”
  312. >She’s silent for a moment, trying to hide a smile.
  313. >”Come up with that all by yourself?”
  314. “Easy now, I’m trying.”
  315. >This time she laughed out loud a bit.
  316. >”At least you’re active, that’s fine in my book. Now, what did ya’ll need?”
  317. “Well, just wanted to ask you something. When we get some extra bits on our side to gear us up a little more, what kind of armor and weapon were you looking for? Considering the journey we’re taking, we’re gonna need it.”
  318. >She looks ahead for a moment, simply pondering during the stroll down the dirt road, admiring the cool summer breeze flowing through her mane.
  319. >”I guess if you had to ask me, I’m more pow than zap, if you get me. Make a hit count, and don’t worry about hittin’ again. Something big, something two handed, maybe for a weapon if I needed it… and I don’t care, any armor would do, it’s not like I’m gonna need to move around as fast as Pinkie does, boy howdy.”
  320. >Do I hate niggers. … Shit, where the hell did that come from?
  321. >Anyways, you give her a nod, noting what her preferences were in case you needed to buy for her for any reason.
  322. >You take this lull in conversation to think about that virality potion.
  323. >The party had resigned to leave you to your decision, because it was a gift to you from Zecora.
  324. >You thought about drinking it yourself, but there were so many conflicting thoughts in your head, you thought it best to simply keep it for now, just in case.
  325. >After that, on the last leg of the journey, you look at the markings on your palms as you lag behind the group, trying to ponder about the fact that you had magic…
  326. >…But the only thing you’ve been able to do is use it like a DBZ character.
  327. >You’ve seen Twilight and Rarity move things around without even looking at them, and it caused no strain to them at all, and that was straight up levitation, right?
  328. >It couldn’t be that hard, at least not like healing with all that manipulation.
  329. >You see a stray rock on the road, and as you pass by, you raise a hand out to it, trying to think about the fact that you can move that shit with your mind.
  330. >…Nothing happens.
  331. >Figures.
  332. >Another rock passes by, and you try the thought of talking to it, asking it to move…
  333. >Nope.
  334. >…
  335. >The time seems to fly by, and the Train station was now under your feet, feeling wooden floors for the first time in days.
  336. >You didn’t make much progress with your magic, but you did learn something.
  337. >Actively channeling your magic like you were was hard work, but that was the point.
  338. >You realize that magic was just another muscle in your body, just not a physical one.
  339. >It is exercisable just like any portion of your body, and you had done that quite a bit without actually using any of it. Maybe it is a form of meditation?
  341. [You have gained 2 MP.]
  343. >You and your party arrive at the train station, the clock saying 2:50, and the train isn’t here yet.
  344. >As of right now, there aren’t many others at all on the train station, most having taken yesterday’s train.
  345. >What would you like to do?
  350. [QUEST ADDED: SPEAR MASTERY (Learn Spear Juggling (0/1))]
  352. “Oh, AJ, could I get my phone back, by the way?”
  353. >”Oh, sure Anon. Forgot I even had it…”
  355. [Applejack gives you an iPhone.]
  356. “Thanks, this could really be of help…”
  357. >”By the way, hope you don’t mind, but while I was waiting with the smithy I got a little bored and uuh, snooped around a bit. That angry birds game is pretty fun once I figured it out.”
  358. >She smiles at you when your look of surprise shown.
  359. >You’re very glad you gave your porn folder a password.
  362. [You examine the area.]
  363. [No matches found.]
  367. >There is a two-way Postbox at the corner of the Trainstation, complete with complimentary envelopes and stamps!
  368. >You walk over to this Postbox and enseal the clippers inside, stamping it with a lick and writing Zecora’s name on the front, setting it nicely into the ‘Outgoing’ slot.
  370. [The clippers have been sent to Zecora. She will appreciate this handily. Hoofedly. You know whatever.]
  372. >When you’ve completed this, there was still some time to wait, but you’ve had some time to look at how Redheart fights, as of late.
  373. >You walk up to her and give her a light flick on the ear.
  374. >”Huh? Oh, babe, you scared me..”
  375. “Sorry. Uh, I was wondering if you wanted to train a little bit, see if we can get that shield working a little more in your favor?”
  376. >”I don’t see why not, but don’t use that hulking spear on me. Don’t want any unecessary injuries, right?”
  377. “Implying I’d ever willingly hurt you.”
  378. >You equip your old spear and go off into the plains a ways with Redheart, ready to train with her.
  380. [BATTLE START][ ][ADMIN NOTE: TITLE – Punch Out Training Theme Smash Remix]
  382. Anonymous: [HP: 105/105][MP: 12/12]
  384. Redheart: [HP: 130/130]
  386. [ANONYMOUS]
  387. >Uses Coach!
  388. “Try running at me with your shield up and center, I guess, and push out like you’re doing a hook punch to slam it, maybe?”
  390. [REDHEART]
  391. >Attacks with Training move
  392. >Redheart fumbles with your description!
  393. >0<
  395. [ANONYMOUS]
  396. >Uses Coach!
  397. “Sorry, uuh, what I mean is try running at me, and do an upward and forward motion with your shield when you come up on me so the force, uh, distributes properly?”
  398. [REDHEART]
  399. >Attacks with Training move
  400. >Redheart does as you say, but only manages to push you back.
  401. >0<
  403. [ANONYMOUS]
  404. >Uses Coach!
  405. “Okay, it’s a bit hard to explain if I don’t know it myself, so moving on… Try to practice your spear combat. Instead of lunges, try swipes?”
  407. [REDHEART]
  408. >Attacks with Training move
  409. >Redheart tries a different method of combat, but couldn’t learn from simple direction.
  410. >0<
  412. [ANONYMOUS]
  413. >Uses Coach!
  414. “Alright, that didn’t take, sorry uh…
  415. [BATTLE END]
  417. >”I’m sorry Anon, I just couldn’t figure out what you were trying to teach me.”
  418. >That was a significant waste of time.
  419. >Even though you knew a little better how to handle your own spear, it was something else entirely teaching someone else.
  420. >Maybe when you get more proficient, it would be possible?
  421. >As well as with the shield bash, you had no clue what you were doing, and it wasn’t the wisest idea to try and teach something you’ve never done yourself.
  422. >Nevertheless, the train is approaching, so you and Redheart return to the party to wait for it.
  423. >Berry had been watching the little display, and she nudges you once you get back on the platform.
  424. >”Didn’t have too much luck there, buddy?”
  425. “N-no, not really…”
  426. >”You uuh… Are you like that in the bedroom, too?”
  427. “Okay, changing subject. Train’s here!”
  428. >Pinkie is bouncing in pure ecstatic anticipation, probably to see her other friends again.
  429. >A blow of the steam and a screeching halt later, you find yourselves talking to the Ticketmaster.
  430. >”Tickets for… 5?”
  431. “We’re on official business with Twilight Sparkle.”
  432. >”Oh, really? Names?”
  433. “Anonymous, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Berry Punch, Nurse Redheart.”
  434. >”… Ah, you’re all clear. Climb aboard, I suppose. NEXT!”
  435. >Filing into a free cubicle, you set down your things and prepare for the train ride.
  436. >Small conversation can be heard until the train finally sounds its horn, rolling out of the station with a few other ponies waving goodbye to their traveling kin.
  437. “Alright, so what’s the damage?”
  438. >AJ gives you a puzzled stare.
  439. >”The what now?”
  440. “Er, how long is this ride going to be, I mean?”
  441. >At the mere thought, Pinkie’s mane deflates slightly.
  442. >”Oh Nonny, we never told you… It’s going to be a super-duper long whole 12 hours!”
  443. >Oh sweet Celestia.
  444. “Holy shit.”
  445. >Berry Punch seems shocked as well, most likely never having been to the Crystal Empire herself.
  446. “I’m so glad AJ got me this liquor, now. Well, what do we do for all this time?”
  447. “Redheart, can you help me patch these guys up real quick? Pinkie and Berry still haven’t been tended to.”
  448. >”Oh, right. They told me not to worry about it before, but now it’s 3 against 2.”
  449. >They roll their eyes as Redheart unleashes a medkit upon them.
  450. [Berry and Pinkie fully healed, all status effects removed! -1 Medkit]
  451. >”Thanks Red, now I don’t have to waste any booze trying to dull the pain.”
  452. >Pinkie gives Red a big hug before bouncing just as well as she had been.
  453. >AJ was amused, anyways.
  454. >”Well, Anon. You managed to kill 10 minutes. Any other ideas?”
  455. “Haha, well, I got some books to read actually, things that could be important to taking out this shadow. What are you gonna do?”
  456. >In response, AJ takes her hat and shoves it down over her face, laying back on one of the cushioned seats.
  457. >Good idea, actually, but you wanted to see what you could learn from these.
  458. >Do you want to do anything before or after reading the books while riding?
  460. >Gotta stay diligent.
  461. >You take a seat on a nearby train bench, and pull out a book.
  462. >This will hopefully kill some time.
  465. [RECIPE LEARNED: SCOOTER {Ingredients: Wheel & Axle, 2x4 plank of wood, Wooden Handle, Handful of bolts} (Vehicle: Faster out-of-combat travel, nets 100 bits to merchants)]
  467. [RECIPE LEARNED: IRON HIDE BREW {Ingredients: 1 small gem, Yeti hair, 1 cup of Gypsum; Makes 5} (Gives +5 def. up for 5 turns per brew)]
  468. [RECIPE LEARNED: SMOKESCREEN BOMB {Ingredients: Haze flower, Combustible Powder, Fuse; Makes 1} (-1 match, Throwable, covers entire target party in smoke. Reduces hit chance by 50% for 3 turns. Usable on own party for escaping.)]
  471. >That was a lot of reading, and your eyes are heavily strained.
  472. >It’s almost dusk now, and a lot of your party members are asleep.
  473. >The only ones that aren’t are Berry and Pinkie, and the former was borderline drunk.
  474. >You look around and see all of the bored looking passengers.
  475. >They all look so… vulnerable.
  476. >To pranks, that is.
  477. >This is too good of an opportunity to pass up; you must do this.
  478. >Getting up from your seat, you go to Pinkie and Berry.
  479. “Hey you two, you wanna do something?”
  480. >Pinkie looks at you with a massive grin.
  481. >”I’d LOVE to!”
  482. >Berry turns her head from looking out the window, speaking in a somewhat bored tone.
  483. >”What do you have in mind?”
  484. >You smirk deviously, letting the idea you had in mind sink in…
  485. >…
  486. >“Aha! Gotcha!”
  487. >Pinkie and Berry laugh as a random pony pulls a telescope away from their eye, revealing a black ring encircling it.
  488. >You roll your eyes at the harmless prank.
  489. >That’s not your style, you need something bigger.
  490. >As you look around and think, an item on the wall of the next car over catches your eyes.
  491. >Another passenger opens the door to go through.
  492. >You head through the door after him, but not before the door closes.
  493. >There it is.
  494. >It appears to be a freaky, crazy-eyed, green, pink-nosed mask out of some tribal era or something.
  495. >How did it even get here?… Oh well.
  496. >You take it off of it’s resting place, and put it on your face.
  497. >Heading back, you look for an unsuspecting victim.
  498. >After a brief search, you find one in the form of a sleeping mare in the a seat in the back… Who looked like she was made of crystals.
  499. >Interesting, but not enough to deter you from your chosen path.
  500. >With a smirk, you get closer.
  501. >One you are close enough, you step in front of her.
  502. >Leaning closer, you tap her on the shoulder area.
  503. >The slumbering mare rises into consciousness after a moment, yawning and stretching but still very oblivious to her surroundings.
  504. >When you are sure she’s in the perfect state between sleep and alertness, you yell.
  506. >You hold your arms out at your sides as you hop to each of your feet.
  507. >A shriek of terror escapes her mouth.
  508. >You scream even louder.
  509. >This goes on for about ten seconds, until she stops.
  510. >At this point, you begin to laugh.
  511. >She is blubbering and stuttering, sweating and shaking, and you laugh a little less.
  512. >Then you hear something hitting the ground.
  513. >There is a puddle of piss between her legs, dripping haplessly on the floor.
  514. >Now you aren’t sure whether to laugh or feel bad.
  515. >The decision is finalized when she runs away in a dribble of tears and urine.
  516. >Well, shit.
  517. >You return to Pinkie and Berry, noticing everyone else on the train is in fact awake because of your little stunt, now.
  518. >Pinkie looks over at you, an uncharacteristic scowl on her face.
  519. >”That wasn’t very nice, Anon! Don’t you see what you did?”
  520. >The alcoholic sitting next to her also starts to scold.
  521. >”Yeah Anon, not cool. I might get a bit sour at the counter, but I’ve never made somepony else cry and piss themselves.”
  522. >You cross your arms.
  523. “How was I supposed to know that would happen?”
  524. >They didn’t even argue with you anymore. They simply went back to their cubicle and left you standing there.
  525. >You did feel bad though. If you saw her again, you’d apologize.
  526. >…
  527. >Well, there isn’t a lot to do now.
  528. >It’s a bit tense with Berry and Pinkie right now, but nothing relationship damaging, so you need to take their minds off you for now.
  529. >Suddenly, you remember your idea to build a gun.
  530. >This train probably has everything you need, now that you think about it.
  531. >They might even have spare parts you can use!
  532. >You get up and head for the front. It would probably be a good idea to ask the pony who runs this train about it.
  533. >That seemed to be a bit of a challenge in and of itself, as the door to the conductor’s room was locked.
  534. >You give it a few knocks, and wait for a moment.
  535. >The door clicks on the side, and it slides out to reveal a mustached stallion with blue and white striped clothing.
  536. >”Uh, yes? What can I do you for?”
  537. “Hello, I was wondering if there were any spare parts for the train that you could possibly part with, maybe?”
  538. >He twiddles his ‘stache as he thinks.
  539. >”Well, what exactly were you fancying?”
  540. “I was looking for metal pipes, and if there’s any extra, an ignition mechanism.”
  541. >”Well, normally I don’t do this, but you sound like you know what you’re talking about. Follow me to the back, hairless.”
  542. >He closes the door behind him and begins walking through the aisles. leading you onward.
  543. >Along the way, he gives you a quick summary of how they get extra parts and where they’re taken, giving you a bit of know-how with Equestrian tech.
  544. >It definitely wasn’t nearly as advanced as Earth’s, their most recent invention was… Well, this train and it’s high-caliber speed.
  545. >He takes you through the back and through a side door.
  546. >You’re suddenly being led through very dark hallways, with nothing but heat and red light from the burning coals of the workers shoveling fuel into the furnace.
  547. >Even farther than that, he finally stops at a long line of shelves in one of the back compartments with a modicum of storage containers.
  548. >”If you’re looking for anything like that, it’ll be in one of these boxes. I just ask that you be careful when you’re searching, we have to keep everything ship-shape, as it were.”
  549. “I’ll be sure to do that. Thanks, Mr… uh, Conductor.”
  550. >”Name’s Steam Pocket, and you’re welcome. Don’t doddle too long.”
  551. >He gives you a goodbye nod, leaving you in the barracks of the containers.
  552. >There were three main aisles: Shrinkage, Scrap, and Magic.
  553. >Which aisle do you search first?
  555. >The Scrap Aisle seemed like the best place to begin, due to its high potential to harbor items that you may very well need.
  558. [ATTENDING TO LIST . . .]
  559. Red herb: >0<
  560. Blue herb: >0<
  561. Wisp weed: >0<
  562. Lifeleaf: >0<
  563. Rizzleberry Bunch: >0<
  564. Haze Flower: >0<
  565. Ounce of Combustible powder: >2<
  566. Fuse: >0<
  567. Gypsum: >0<
  568. Yeti Hair: >0<
  569. Wheel & Axle: >1<
  570. Wooden handle: >1<
  571. Small gem: >0<
  572. 2x4 plank of wood: >1<
  573. Gauze: >0<
  574. Isopropyl alcohol: >0<
  575. Set of bandages: >0<
  576. Needle & String: >0<
  577. Metal Pipes: >2<
  578. Gunpowder: >0<
  579. Reusable Ignition: >1<
  581. Loot:
  582. [STORAGE]
  583. >You have found 2 ounces of combustible powder, 1 wheel & axle, 1 wooden handle, 1 plank of wood, 2 metal pipes, and 1 reusable ignition!
  585. >You really lucked out in the scrap, but it took a half hour to sort through this aisle alone, and you were sweating up a storm in this cramped heat.
  586. >There was still more to search for, however.
  587. >You still had the Shrinkage and Magic aisles.
  588. >Which one next?
  591. >You felt like you needed to look through the Shrinkage aisle next, so you took a quick breather, fanned yourself off, cracked your knuckles and got down to work.
  594. [ATTENDING TO LIST . . .]
  595. Red herb: >0<
  596. Blue herb: >0<
  597. Wisp weed: >1<
  598. Lifeleaf: >1<
  599. Rizzleberry Bunch: >1<
  600. Haze Flower: >1<
  601. Ounce of Combustible powder: >0<
  602. Fuse: >0<
  603. Gypsum: >1<
  604. Yeti Hair: >0<
  605. Wheel & Axle: >0<
  606. Wooden handle: >0<
  607. Small gem: >0<
  608. 2x4 plank of wood: >0<
  609. Gauze: >2<
  610. Isopropyl alcohol: >0<
  611. Set of bandages: >1<
  612. Needle & String: >1<
  613. Metal Pipes: >1<
  614. Handful of Bolts: >2<
  615. Gunpowder: >0<
  616. Reusable Ignition: >0<
  618. Loot:
  619. [STORAGE]
  620. >You have found 1 Wisp weed, 1 Lifeleaf, 1 Haze flower, 1 bunch of rizzleberries, 1 cup of gypsum, 2 rolls of gauze, 1 set of bangages, 1 needle/string, 1 metal pipe, and 2 handful of bolts!
  622. >You felt a bit bad, you took a little more out than you should’ve, but the berries were expired, so you had to take what you could get.
  623. >You also stabbed your finger on the needle.
  624. [-1 HP]
  625. >It was time to fish out the last aisle, and you hoped you’d be able to find something good in there.
  626. >Search Magic aisle? Y/N
  629. >Well, you’ve found many useful things in the other aisles, why not this one, too?
  630. >Even if it had the pony equivalent of a skull and crossbones as a warning sign.
  631. >You straighten your increasingly dirty jacket, limber up, and get searching.
  634. [ATTENDING TO LIST . . .]
  635. Red herb: >0<
  636. Blue herb: >0<
  637. Wisp weed: >0<
  638. Lifeleaf: >0<
  639. Rizzleberry Bunch: >0<
  640. Haze Flowe--
  642. >In the middle of searching, you saw one of the boxes you just nudge move on its own.
  643. >That was rather curious… You start to move towards it.
  644. >The entire box suddenly rips apart from the inside, and something glowing a radiant violet claws its way out of the box, a dark magical smoke flowing out of the holes!
  645. >…It…
  646. >It’s a rat!?
  647. >It’s a fucking huge rat, it’s like 3 feet long!
  648. >And it was staring at you funny.
  649. >…. Oh boy.
  651. [BATTLE START][ ][ADMIN NOTE: TITLE – Calliope by cheshyre]
  654. [HP: 104/105]
  655. [MP: 12/12]
  656. Inventory: (Use >inventory to expand!)
  657. Abilities: Basic hand to hand combat, Basic alchemy skills (Allows brewing of low-level potions and enchantments), Basic medical use (+25% medkit efficiency), Basic Veterinary knowledge (Allows kit usage on animals), Basic Engineering skills (Allows creation of simple mechanical devices), Ogre Dance (1-4 Fail, 5-9 Succeed, confuses enemy), Moderate spear combat (+5 dmg), Very High Magical Defense (+20 magical armor), basic knowledge of Everfree weeds, {S.S.S. +15 dmg with Anon’s/Red’s separate damage. 5tcd}, Shoot dart, Brew potion (non-com), Mega Buster (2 MP, Good attack, 3 turn CD), Saber Slash (1 MP, +15 magic dmg, 75% hit chance, 2 turn CD), Parry (50% hit)
  658. Equipped: Doctor’s Trenchcoat (+10 HP to medkit usage), tattered Jeans/underwear, Sneakers, Mysterious markings, Double-bladed spear (+10 damage)
  659. Magic-Infused Rat [HP: 225/225]
  660. [AWAITING BATTLE COMMANDS] [Rabid Bite (+10 P dmg, 5% hit poison), Tail Smack (+15 P damage, 25% to induce bleeding), Vomit (x1.5, +20 acid damage, 3tcd)]
  663. [ANONYMOUS]
  664. >Attacks with Saber Slash
  665. >2 (+5+15 m+10 p+15ss)< >47<
  666. [MIR +12 magic defense]
  667. >35<
  668. [MIR HP: 190/225]
  671. >Magic-Infused Rat attack Anonymous with Rabid Bite!
  672. >5 (+10) = >15<
  673. Anonymous: [HP: 94/105][MP: 11/12]
  677. 1
  678. [ANONYMOUS]
  679. >Attacks with Mega Buster!
  680. >35< [-2 MP]
  681. [MIR +12 MD]
  682. >23<
  683. [MIR HP: 167/225]
  686. >Magic-Infused Rat attacks Anonymous with Rabid Bite!
  687. >9 (+10) = >19<
  688. Anon: [HP: 75/105][MP: 9/12] “This thing bites hard, I’d better be careful…”
  690. 2
  691. [ANONYMOUS]
  692. >Attacks with Moderate spear combat
  693. >2 (+5+10p+15m) = >32<
  694. [MIR +12 MD]
  695. >20<
  696. [MIR HP: 147/225]
  700. >Magic-Infused Rat attacks Anonymous with Tail Smack!
  701. >0 (+15)(x2) = >30<
  702. Anon: [HP: 45/105][MP: 9/12] “Aaaagh, Fuck!”
  706. 3
  707. [ANONYMOUS]
  708. >Uses medkit
  709. >+25% (+25% skill) (x2 doubles) = 100%
  710. [Anon is fully healed! HP: 105/105]
  714. >Magic-Infused Rat attacks Anonymous with VOMIT! [3 turn CD]
  715. >5 (+20)(x1.5) = >37<
  716. Anon: [HP: 68/105][MP: 9/12] “That’s just disgusting!”
  720. 4
  721. [ANONYMOUS]
  722. >Attack with Shoot Dart (Sleeping) (75% hit chance)
  723. >It hits successfully, sticking into the Rat’s neck and putting it to sleep.
  724. [MIR HP: 147/225, S]
  732. 5
  733. [ANONYMOUS]
  734. >Attacks with Mega Buster! [-2 MP][3 turn CD]
  735. >22 (x2 doubles) = >44<
  736. [MIR’S defenses are lowered!]
  737. [MIR HP: 103/225]
  738. [MIR IS AWAKE!]
  742. >Magic-Infused Rat attacks Anonymous with Tail Smack!
  743. >9 (+15)(x2 doubles) = >42<
  744. Anonymous: [HP: 24/105][MP: 7/12] “F… F-fuck… Gh..”
  747. 6
  748. [ANONYMOUS]
  749. >Use medkit
  750. >25% (+25% skill) = 50%
  751. [Healed for 52.]
  752. Anon: [HP: 76/105]
  754. >Magic-Infused Rat attacks Anonymous with Tail Smack!
  755. >6 (+15) = >21<
  756. Anon: [HP: 55/105][MP: 7/12]
  758. 7
  759. [ANONYMOUS]
  760. >Attacks with Shoot Dart (Sleeping) (75% hit chance)
  761. >Successful hit! The Rat gets stuck with a second dart, falling fast asleep.<
  762. [MIR HP: 103/225]
  769. 8
  770. [ANONYMOUS]
  771. >Uses Virality Potion
  772. >As you drink the warm maroon liquid, you feel a sudden invigoration within your body, exploding and radiating your strength to all new levels!<
  773. [Anonymous gains +20 HP!]
  774. [Anonymous fully healed, all status effects removed! [HP: 125/125]
  777. 9
  778. [ANONYMOUS]
  779. >Attacks with Saber Slash [2 turn CD]
  780. >4 (+5+10pd+15md) = >34<
  781. [MIR’s defenses are lowered!]
  782. [MIR HP: 69/225]
  787. >Magic-Infused Rat attacks Anonymous with VOMIT!
  788. >8 (+20)(x1.5) = >42<
  789. Anon: [HP: 83/125][MP: 6/12] “My clothes are ruined… Shit.”
  793. 10
  794. [ANONYMOUS]
  795. >Attacks with Mega Buster!
  796. >98<
  797. [MIR +12 MD]
  798. >86<
  799. [MIR HP: -17/225]
  800. [MIR HAS DIED]
  801. [BATTLE END]
  803. >You strike your hand forward with maximum BACK THE FUCK OFF, one of your most powerful busters yet, completely shattering the Rat’s morale and life in one shot.
  804. >The force of the knockback shrunk its head into its body in a disgusting neck-snap that made it look like a diseased snatch.
  805. >Then it started to spasm and siezure as the burns took its toll, until finally it vomited something solid out onto the ground before burning like nitric acid reacting with sugar, leaving nothing but smoked remains, and something glowing in front of it.
  806. >You take your already dirty jacket and pick up the item through the cloth, wiping it off to reveal…
  808. ]Loot[
  809. [RAT]
  810. [AQCUIRED AMULET OF HEART'S CALLING (+5 HP while equipped, grants ability Heart’s Calling: Gives entire party +50% attack strength for 3 turns)]
  815. >You lower your spear with a very tentative relaxing motion.
  816. >That was disgusting, your clothes are ruined and vomit-spattered, and Pinkie and Berry were probably still mad at you.
  817. >Well… Hopefully this necklace would cheer up one of them. Or that pony you scared. In any case, at least something good came out of all this.
  818. >You straighten yourself out and put the necklace in a safe place, looking back at the Magic aisle.
  819. >Would you like to continue searching, or return to the cubicles?
  824. >You felt like you accomplished something today, and you felt like pressing your luck.
  825. >Cracking your neck, you step over the rat carcass and get back to work.
  829. Ounce of Combustible powder: >2<
  830. Fuse: >0<
  831. Gypsum: >1<
  832. Yeti Hair: >1<
  833. Wheel & Axle: >0<
  834. Wooden handle: >0<
  835. Small gem: >2<
  836. 2x4 plank of wood: >0<
  837. Gauze: >0<
  838. Isopropyl alcohol: >1<
  839. Set of bandages: >0<
  840. Needle & String: >0<
  841. Metal Pipes: >0<
  842. Gunpowder: >0<
  843. Handful of bolts: >0<
  844. Reusable Ignition: >0<
  846. Loot:
  847. [STORAGE]
  848. >You found 2 Ounces of combustible powder, 1 cup of Gypsum, 1 Yeti hair, 2 small gems, 1 bottle of Isopropyl alcohol, and 1 Recipe (Alchemy): <Invisibility Potion>!
  849. >Now that was a nice find.
  850. >You were a bit disappointed that you couldn’t find everything you needed, but you had plenty of supplies, at least.
  851. >Not to mention this necklace and alchemy recipe.
  852. >There was nothing else left to do here.
  853. >What would you like to do?
  858. >INSPECT Ounce of Combustible Powder
  860. [It is a light, red powder that can be used in a multitude of recipes for anything fire if nothing else is available. Not to be confused with gunpowder, it is used as a flammable fire source, not an explosive reaction.]
  862. >Finished here, you start retracing your steps back to the normal cubicles, looking back at the mess that the rat’s carcass had left on the floor, but at least it was easily cleanable.
  863. >Through the red coal lights, the dark hallways, and you push your way back through the side door into the cubicles.
  864. >A bit of walking later and you find the rest of your party conversing normally, until you approached them.
  865. >They smelled you before they saw you, AJ being the first to vocalize your suspicion.
  866. >”Oh, goodness, that smells worse than the chickens back home during high noon in summertime!”
  867. >They each covered their noses as you appeared in the doorway of the cubicle, and Redheart gasped.
  868. >”Oh Celestia, what happened to you, Anon? You’re covered in… In…”
  869. >Berry finished for her.
  870. >”Who blew chunks all over you, seriously? Did you go on a drinking binge after that scare or something?”
  871. “I fought a giant mutated rat that nearly killed me.”
  872. >Needless to say, they were speechless.
  873. “I got a bunch of supplies, though. I’m making something to give to that crystal pony I scared, and uuh… Gonna go talk to the conductor real quick. Okay?”
  874. >They slowly nodded in unison.
  875. >You stood there awkwardly, until your legs made you take off back towards the conductor’s door.
  876. >Once you reach it, you go to knock on the door, but it opens before you ever touch it.
  877. >Steam Pocket stands there once again, but this time he has a clothespin on his nose.
  878. >”Good gravy, hairless, what is that horrible stench you’re carrying?”
  879. “There was a magically corrupted rat in that magic aisle that attacked me, so I put it down. Might want to get a cleaning team on that by the way, uh, thanks for letting me take a look at those spare parts, it really helped me out.”
  880. >He nods as he adjusts the clothespin.
  881. >”Right, you’re welcome again son, anything else?”
  882. “I was wondering if you maybe had any blank schematic papers that I could use? I have something in my mind that could be beneficial to Equestria, but I need something official to use.”
  883. >He looks back for a second at the other conductor that was working, and back at you.
  884. >”One second, I might have just the thing…”
  885. >The door closes on you, and you stand there with the vomit seeping ever deeper into your clothing.
  886. >A few moments later, and the door opens, the other conductor handing you your desired item and closing it right afterward.
  889. “Alright…”
  890. >What do you do now?
  895. >Stowing the schematic paper in your bag, you start walking back.
  896. >You make a quick stop back at the cubicle, looking at Pinkie.
  897. “Hey Pinkie, can you do me a big, big favor?”
  898. >Her normal smile had faltered when she saw you, but she kept her peppy spirit up.
  899. >”Sure, Nonny. What do you need?”
  900. “Can I get a few sweets real quick?”
  901. >As if she knew what you were going to do, she rummages through her pack and threw you a few cupcakes. And a slice of cake.
  902. “Thanks.”
  903. >”Use ‘em right Nonny, those are super-good sweets I was saving for later!”
  904. “Okay!”
  905. >You walk away quickly.
  906. >Getting into the bathroom, you take the han-- er, hoof towel, and wet it down, trying to soak out as much of the puke as possible.
  907. >Then you started rubbing the sweets through the darkest part of the stains and your cleaned skin, then wash all of that down.
  908. >It was just so soaked in, it’ll be permanently stained. At least it was a dark brown and made your doctor’s jacket look rustic by the time it dried.
  909. >The smell was still there, just not as prominently now. It was sickly sweet.
  910. >Before you left, you also took a leak while you were at it.
  911. >Once you were finished, you removed yourself from the bathroom, one major thing in mind now.
  912. >You return to the cubicle, waving to the party as they greet you once again.
  913. >Well, Berry and Pinkie were still silent.
  914. >You cut anypony off that was about to speak as you removed something from your bag, and held it out to AJ.
  915. >”Eh, what’s this?”
  916. >You drop two small gems in her hoof, which elicits a surprise response.
  917. >”Wow, that was quick! Where’d ya find these, partner?”
  918. “I took a stroll through the spare containers in the back that the conductor let me look at. That’s where I found the rat that attacked me, even. In any case, I’ll be right back one more time, then I’ll be here, promise.”
  919. >”Alright, take your time, that smell’s still there, by the way, and I think it mixed with those sweets Pinkie gave ya.”
  920. >Shit.
  921. >You walk away at that, clearing your throat.
  922. >You found a nice, quiet place to work, and pulled out your materials, getting to work…
  923. [YOU CREATED SCOOTER! (-1 Wheel & Axle, -1 Wood plank, -1 Wood handle, -1 Handful of bolts)]
  925. >…
  926. >Looking at your successful creation, you made sure it is nice and sturdy, the handle swingy, and it looked pristine.
  927. >You carry it over your shoulder as you return to the cubicle one more time.
  928. “Oh, Berry, Pinkie?”
  929. >They give you a lazy look over.
  930. “Do you know where I can find that crystalline mare that I uh, scared? I wanted to go apologize.”
  931. >”She’s near the same compartment she was before, just one over.”
  932. >Berry goes back to drinking her flask afterwards.
  933. “Thanks.”
  934. >You make your way back to where you had left the scary mask, but it was gone.
  935. >Or maybe… It wasn’t there at all?!?!
  936. >No, that’s stupid, someone must’ve put it back.
  937. >Anyways, you look around a bit and find her right where Berry said, one cubicle over, with the door closed.
  938. >You walk to it, and take a deep breath before knocking.
  939. >”LEAVE!”
  940. >Oh, wow. That wasn’t friendly.
  941. “C’mon, I wanted to apologize.”
  942. >”Yeah, because that’ll make it so much better!”
  943. >You stand there biting at your lip in frustration.
  944. >Should you press to apologize, or leave her alone?
  947. “Look, I’m sorry, okay? This isn’t one of my best moments, I’ll admit, but I was trying to liven up the twelve hour ride. I deeply apologize for any trauma I caused you, and uuh… I made you something.”
  948. >She was silent for a moment.
  949. >”… What is it?”
  950. “It’s a gift. Open the door! I killed a giant mutated rat to get the materials for this you know!”
  951. >Another moment of hesitation, and she very slowly opens the door, her eyes darting over your form.
  952. >”Is that… A scooter?”
  953. “Yeah. Made it for you.”
  954. >She looks back up at you, any previous emotions of fear or anger gone.
  955. >”That’s… very nice of you.”
  957. [You give a scooter to the Crystalline Pony.]
  959. >”I accept your apology…”
  960. “Thanks… What’s your name?”
  961. >“Wheaties.”
  962. >Interesting name.
  963. “Wheaties, would you like to come over and meet my friends? It doesn’t look all that fun being over here all alone.”
  964. >She looked unsure, but after a moment, she set the scooter inside her cubicle and nodded.
  965. >You smile and take her back with you.
  966. “By the way, are there any showers on this train?”
  967. >”Uhm, not that I’ve seen, I think it’s just the one bathroom.”
  968. “Damn, oh well.”
  969. >You make your way back to the cubicle, and wave to the group.
  970. >Redheart beams as she sees you’ve reconciliated with her.
  971. >”Anon, introduce us!”
  972. “Well, this is Wheaties. That’s Redheart,”
  973. >You point at each of them in tandem, giving a personal greeting.
  974. >”Hi!”
  975. “Applejack.”
  976. >”Howdy there.”
  977. “Berry Punch.”
  978. >”Hey. Want a drink?”
  979. >Wheaties declined politely.
  980. “And that’s Pinkie Pie.”
  981. >”Hi Wheaties! Nice to see you again!”
  982. >The crystal pony looked at her in confusion for a moment.
  983. >”…O-oh! Back at the Crystal fair. Hello again.”
  984. “Crystal fair?”
  985. >”A big celebration that renews the love that defends the city.”
  986. “…That’s really cool. Tell me or Redheart if you need any extra love.”
  987. >You give her another smile, and she was blushing.
  988. “Anyways, you’re welcome to stay with us for the rest of the trip if you’d like?”
  989. >She accepts your offer, and you let her sit in.
  990. >What would you like to do now?
  992. [RECIPES COMMAND ADDED: Allows you to check known recipes and whether or not you have the ingredients for them.]
  994. “By the way, we’re going to be going on a little trip when we get to the Crystal Empire, and we could always use a helping hand. We’re investigating something that happened out in Ponyville, and you’re welcome to tag along.
  995. >Wheaties looked at you, then the rest of your party for confirmation.
  996. >They all nodded in unison.
  997. >”Uhm.. I guess I could tag along, for a while… I guess..”
  1000. >WHEATIES
  1001. [HP: 100/100]
  1002. Abilities: Natural armor (+5 PD), Diamond Skin (Invulnerability for 1 turn, 5 turn CD)
  1003. Inventory: Mane braid, Bit pouch (50 bits), Scooter (Faster OOCombat travel, 100 bit sell)
  1004. Equipped: None
  1006. “So Wheaties, tell us about yourself. Anything about the Empire too would be useful, if you’d like.”
  1007. >”Oh, well, There’s not much to say. We recently had our city restored after a millenium of depression without any love to power the Crystal Heart, thanks to Our Saviour, Spike, and Twilight Sparkle.”
  1008. >Spike…
  1009. “Isn’t that the little dragon guy?”
  1010. >AJ and Pinkie nod.
  1011. >”Yeah, that’s the one. I surely hope that little fella’s alright…”
  1012. >Wheaties looked at AJ intensely.
  1013. >”Did something happen to him?!”
  1014. >AJ looked like she just got slapped.
  1015. >”..Uh.. Well, er… Let’s just say…. He came down with a little case of coma.”
  1016. >Wheaties started to tear up, so you tried to change the subject while reassuring her.
  1017. “Er, Spike will be just fine, he’s just recovering right now. Anyways, Pinkie! I meant to ask you before, what kind of fuel do you use for those fireworks?”
  1018. >”Oh, well all fireworks are made with Kablooie powder, everypony knows that!”
  1019. “..K-kablooie powder?”
  1020. >”Yeah, Nonny, you’ve never heard of it?”
  1021. “…Is it by chance a very dark grey, or black powder that explodes when you light it?”
  1022. >”Yup!”
  1023. >So Gunpowder here is called Kablooie powder. You make a note to try and change your vocabulary.
  1026. “Also, is there any chance I could get some of that powder here at the Crystal Empire?”
  1027. >”Are you kidding? There’s hundreds of stores all over the city that sells like totally everything! I remember this one time when me and Twilight were taking a stroll and we found this store that was selling these big huge d-”
  1028. >You tone her out as she began on another one of her tangents.
  1029. >…WAIT A MINUTE.
  1030. >”- but it turns out they never had any to begin with, which like totally wasted our time, so we went to go get some digeridoos elsewhere.”
  1031. “…Oh. Uh, cool.”
  1032. >While the rest of the mares began to engage in conversation, you sit at the corner of the cubicle, spreading out your schematic paper and getting ready to begin your invention.
  1033. >While you don’t have the engineering background to actually make a gun or its schematic yet, you could definitely jot down ideas, and you already had a name for it.
  1034. >You begin writing in the part space, AKA the name.
  1035. >Freedom… Uninhibited… Cock Kicker… Extreme … Reaper--
  1036. >”What are you doing, babe?”
  1037. >A wild Redheart appears! …Fuck!
  1038. “Oh, uuh, nothing.”
  1039. >You try stowing the paper behind you, but her hooves stop your arms before you can do that, and you both freeze.
  1040. >She looks at you with an innocent smile, as she takes the paper out of your hands, your cheeks beginning to turn beet red.
  1041. >You know you would’ve had to reveal it eventually, but it would’ve been a lot less embarrassing with actual schematics under the name.
  1042. >”Freedom Uninhibited… Ahem, Cock Kicker… Ex… … Anon, why does this spell…”
  1043. >She looks at the other mares, still engaged in their own lingo, then lowers her voice, giving you a sultry look.
  1044. >”Why does it spell Fucker?”
  1045. “Because it’s an extreme reaper, that kicks cocks, and it advocates freedom uninhibited. It’s not my fault that’s the abbreviation.”
  1046. >She looked at you.
  1047. >You look back at her.
  1048. >She looks at you some more.
  1049. >You stare into her eyes.
  1050. >She stares into your soul.
  1051. “… I thought it’d be funny.”
  1052. >”That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
  1053. >There’s a lot of reasons for why you love her, but this was a prominent one.
  1054. >”So what is it?”
  1055. “It’s a weapon idea I have, could be useful for not just our needs, but for all of Equestria’s defenses.”
  1056. >”Oh…”
  1057. >You have another thought, and you start properly folding up the schematic as you speak.
  1058. “I have something to show you.”
  1059. >She sits patiently, which is easy considering that’s what she’s been doing for the last 11 hours when not sleeping.
  1060. >You take out your phone, and motion for her to come closer.
  1061. >She complies and starts snuggling with you against the corner, the phone’s screen facing away from the rest of the party.
  1062. >You take a deep breath as you go into your private folders, and type the 4-number pin.
  1063. “Before I show you what I’m about to show you, just know that in my world this is completely normal to have, and most males have these pictures for … self-servicing objectives.”
  1064. >”…”
  1065. >You swipe into the folder, revealing your stash.
  1066. “These are other humans, uuh… Y-… You okay?”
  1067. >She was squinting with a scowl on her face, looking rather… angry.
  1068. >”Wait, can you make these pictures bigger? I want to see that third one.”
  1069. >You don’t hesitate, pulling up a picture of a dominatrix giving her slave some punishment.
  1070. >”This looks really violent!”
  1071. “There’s safety words and stuff if it gets to be too much. You uuh, like that?”
  1072. >”Well… Not particularly. Just curious…”
  1073. >You back out and let her browse, letting her use your finger as the pointer.
  1074. “I thought something like this would be a bit kinky, don’t you?”
  1075. >”I didn’t even know… That could go in that far…”
  1076. >You and Redheart eventually spend the rest of the final hour looking at porn.
  1077. >All that time, and you never found her fetish, at least based on those pictures.
  1078. >Which means her fetish is probably something you don’t have as one.
  1079. >You don’t want to straight up ask her until the time came, so you let it drop.
  1080. >…
  1081. >Looking out at the midnight sky, a sudden magical voice rings throughout the train.
  1083. >You recognize Steam Pocket’s voice, even if muffled by magic.
  1084. >The party gets themselves ready, and you hoped you could get a hotel room with a shower.
  1085. >The train then finally stops, and your party walks into the hallway, looking at the exit.
  1086. >Would you like to do anything before leaving?
  1089. “Oh, Pinkie, when I asked you before I forgot: Did you have any fireworks that I could get that powder from, maybe?”
  1090. >She gave a slowly receding smile, eventually looking a bit sad.
  1091. >”I’m sorry Nonny, those fireworks are for emergencies only! I can’t just let them go, but I’m sure there’s a bunch of stuff in the city! I’ll help you look!”
  1092. “Thanks. Hey, I’ll meet you guys outside, I need to go talk to the conductor one last time.
  1093. >They nod and begin single-filing out of the exit with the rest of the deportees while you went back to the front, rapping on the slide door for the final time.
  1094. >”We’re getting ready, stop your rush and relax!”
  1095. “Uh, No, it’s me, Anon!”
  1096. >A few seconds later, Steam Pocket opens the door, looking just a bit more tired.
  1097. >”Oh, what’s going on hairless? Need more parts or something?”
  1098. “Actually, I was wondering if you knew any engineers in town, possibly? I need a bit of help with this schematic I’m making, and any leads would definitely help.
  1099. >He thinks for a second, re-adjusting his hat as he does so.
  1100. >”The only engineer I know that’s permanently stationed in Crystal is a buddy of mine named Gyro Gear. He’s out near the Half-Diamond Avenue, a big clockwork store, you’ll know it when you see it.”
  1101. >Well, he sounds like a fucking bitch.
  1102. >… You couldn’t hold a name against him though.
  1103. “Alright, thank you.”
  1104. >”No problem.”
  1105. >He closes the door, and that would be the last you ever saw of Steam Pocket.
  1106. >Where did you come from, where did you go.
  1107. >Where did you come from, cotton-eyed pock?
  1108. >…Shit, now that song is stuck in your head.
  1109. >You make your way out of the train, just barely stepping out into the cool night air as it begins moving, and find your party waiting outside on the platform.
  1110. >Redheart meets you halfway and you give her a peck on the lips, probably an after effect of not being able to take care of business on the train.
  1111. >”So what did you two gentlecolts talk about?”
  1112. “There’s an engineer in town and I’m hoping to go see him eventually…”
  1113. >Berry looks out at the station exit, and back at the rest of the party, actually looking a bit antsy.
  1114. >”Can we go, already? I want to get a spiffy hotel and get those really tiny wine bottles, they taste sooooo good… Oh and uuh, I collect them.”
  1115. “Spiffy hotel? Between all of us we have 80 bits total from the money I gave AJ, and she’s not using that on this trip, so we’re broke.”
  1116. >Wheaties looks up at you and clears her throat.
  1117. >”Uhm, well, you all could stay at my place, maybe? It would be cramped with all of you in there, but I haven’t had visitors in years.”
  1118. >You look around at the party, and there were no objections.
  1119. >Would you like to stay at Wheaties during your time in the Crystal Empire, or do you want to try and scrounge up bits for a hotel?
  1121. >WHEATIES
  1122. >INSPECT Manticore Claw
  1123. >STATUS
  1125. [Manticore claws are decidedly very rare, as they do not let you near them without a tranquilizer or if they’re dead. The claws in turn have become a very sought-after commodity, netting up to 25 bits per claw. The claws you have are slightly battle-worn, but still very sharp and pristine, most likely able to net this price, or be attached to weapons to increase their damage.]
  1127. Party members [6/7]: (* means not currently with Anon/party)
  1128. >ANONYMOUS
  1129. [HP: 125/125][MP: 12/12]
  1131. Inventory: Med. Pamphlet (First Aid 101/Procreation), Med. Book (Diseases), Wallet, Bit pouch (Small gem (2), 0 bits), Roll of duct tape, Lube, Rope, Book of Dark Magic (W/ potential info about Shadow), Small mechanism, Potion-making Kit, Blowdart, Sleeping darts (1), Manticore Claw (15), blue herbs (4), Red herbs (2), Medkit (3), Small mana potion (2), Alchemy/Engineering Books (Transmogrification/Practical), Metal pipes (3), Reusable ignition, 4 ounces of combustible powder, Wisp weed (1), 1 handful of bolts, Roll of gauze (2), Haze Flower, 1 bottle of Isopropyl alcohol, Yeti Hair (1), Gypsum (2), Amulet of Heart’s Calling, Blank Schematic paper
  1133. Current questlog (5/10 total):
  1134. >[Investigate Shadow]
  1135. >[Become a Legendary Doctor] - Master medical knowledge (0/1); Master medical experience (0/1); Doctor’s Kit (0/1); Master alchemical knowledge (0/1); Master healing spells (0/1); Optional [Legendary]: Get famous (Be known in Canterlot, Crystal Empire and Ponyville) (0/3)
  1136. >[Firepower] - Metal Pipes (3/4), Wooden Handle (1/1), Small Mechanism (1/1), Kablooie powder (0/1) , Reusable Ignition (1/1)
  1137. >[Spear Mastery] - Learn Spear Juggling (0/1)
  1138. >[Spicing up the Bedroom] - Find Redheart’s fetish (0/1)
  1140. Abilities: Basic hand to hand combat, Basic alchemy skills (Allows brewing of low-level potions and enchantments), Basic medical use (+25% medkit efficiency), Basic Veterinary knowledge (Allows kit usage on animals), Basic Engineering skills (Allows creation of simple mechanical devices), Ogre Dance (1-4 Fail, 5-9 Succeed, confuses enemy), Moderate spear combat (+5 dmg), Very High Magical Defense (+20 magical armor), basic knowledge of Everfree weeds, {S.S.S. +15 dmg with Anon’s/Red’s separate damage. 5tcd}, Shoot dart, Brew potion (non-com), Mega Buster (2 MP, Good attack, 3 turn CD), Saber Slash (1 MP, +15 magic dmg, 75% hit chance, 2 turn CD), Parry (50% hit, deflects enemy atk/counters 50% dmg)
  1142. Equipped: Doctor’s Trenchcoat (+10 HP to medkit usage, vomit-spattered), tattered Jeans/underwear (vomit-spattered), Sneakers (vomit-spattered), Mysterious markings, Double-bladed spear (+10 P dmg., +15 M dmg, can attack spectrals)
  1144. >REDHEART
  1145. [HP: 130/130]
  1146. Abilities: Expert Med. Skill (+75% medkit efficiency), {S.S.S. +15 dmg with Anon’s/Red’s separate dmg.. 5 turn CD}, Block (Increases Def. ^ by 5 and 25% chance to negate all dmg.)
  1147. Inventory: Medkit (4), Roll of gauze
  1148. Equipped: Royal Guard Medic-issued armor (+2 armor), Spear, Squareshield (Basic, +5 Def. P)
  1150. >PINKIE PIE
  1151. [HP: 105/105]
  1152. Abilities: Highly energetic attacks (Basic attack, hits twice), Party cannon (x3 damage, 5 turn CD)
  1153. Inventory: Party Cannon, various sweets, ??? (“Hammerspace, Nonny!”), Manticore hide, Knife
  1154. Equipped: Dual-wield daggers (+2.5 dmg per)
  1156. >BERRY PUNCH
  1157. [HP: 205/205]
  1158. Abilities: Throw beer bottle, Drunk Dragon (1.2x multiplier AoE, 2x against wood, 3tcd), Fisticuffs (Basic attack)
  1159. Inventory: Flask, Box of matches (19), Bottle of hard liquor (DD up)
  1160. Equipped: Forehoof Horseshoes (+5 dmg), Royal Guard armor (+2 armor)
  1162. >APPLEJACK
  1163. [HP: 225/225]
  1164. Abilities: Treekicker (x2 damage, 2 turn CD), Lasso (Immobilizes enemy for 3 turns), Tussle (Basic attack)
  1165. Inventory: Flask (Apple cider), tri-braid rope, apples (12), iPhone
  1166. Equipped: Stetson hat
  1168. >WHEATIES
  1169. [HP: 100/100]
  1170. Abilities: Natural armor (+5 PD), Diamond Skin (Invulnerability for 1 turn, 5 turn CD)
  1171. Inventory: Mane braid, Bit pouch (50 bits), Scooter (Faster OOCombat travel, 100 bit sell)
  1172. Equipped: None
  1174. “That would be very kind of you, Ms. Wheaties. I hope you can hold our rather expansive personalities, though.”
  1175. >”Oh, it’s no problem, just try not to break anything.”
  1176. >At that point, everyone besides Wheaties take a nice long look at Pinkie.
  1177. >”Huh? What’s everypony staring at?”
  1178. “…Nothing, let’s go.”
  1179. >You end up leading alongside Redheart, walking out past the station gate.
  1180. >… Wow.
  1181. >If you hadn’t seen that mysterious tree from before, this would’ve made you shit your pants, but it’s still pretty damn awesome.
  1182. >It wasn’t called the Crystal Empire for nothing, apparently, as the entire street and all of the buildings were crystalline just like Wheaties.
  1183. >…That castle, it reminds you of the Eiffel tower, just a million times more pristine and mystical.
  1184. >Apparently your group caught you staring, because AJ lampshaded your awe.
  1185. >”Ya know, I had that same look when I first got here. It grows on you quickly though, seein’ everything so shiny all the time. Hopefully we won’t have to stay for a whole week like last time.
  1186. >Pinkie bounds up to AJ and put a hoof around her neck.
  1187. >”Oh come on, we had so much fun last time! It was really funny when we got you to pull that prank on rarity with the mud in her--”
  1188. >”I think that’s enough for now, Pinkie, but thanks for the memories.”
  1189. >…You want to know what happened with the mud.
  1190. >It doesn’t seem like something AJ wanted to discuss however, so you changed your attention back to the holy grail of crystal cities.
  1191. >There is a lot to do, and a lot of things to find, especially when you spot the directory at the side of the station’s entrance.
  1193. [“Hello and welcome to the Crystal Palace! We hope you enjoy your stay, or if you’re returning, we give you a warm welcome! If you’re having problems navigating the streets, please refer to this directory for assistance.”]
  1195. >Hotels and Inns<
  1196. Trot & Travel Inn (35 bits per night, 20% discount for every extra pony)
  1197. Hooflight Hotel (40 bits per night, 15% discount, includes room service)
  1198. Mr. Rich’s Magical Motel (80 bits per night per pony, luxury service and rooms)
  1199. >Stores<
  1200. Hammer & Sickle (Sells tools and parts for all things industrial, gardening, hardware and construction)
  1201. Gyro Gear’s Great Scientific Wonders (Sells Scientific/Engineering gizmos)
  1202. Fortuna Potions (Sells magical items, trinkets, and enchanting/alchemy ingredients)
  1203. Maregaze’s M&S Lover’s ‘Retreat’ (Sells adult items)
  1204. The Protected Wither (Sells weapons and armor, all things combat)
  1205. Tricks and Needles (Sells all things clothing, tailor-made!)
  1207. [New Postage]: The Crystal Palace is currently closed to all visitors and non-important personnel due to unforeseen circumstances. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask the Royal Guards.
  1209. [New Postage]: THE CRYSTAL FAIR IS COMING! Tomorrow begins the wonderful event where love is restored and fun is to be had! This year, there will be a new event hosted by none other than Iron Will, creator of the Assert-Your-Self training program! A tournament of epic proportions, fight your way to the top and the 2,000 bit grand prize!
  1210. >Interesting…
  1211. >You’ve just entered the streets of The Crystal Empire past midnight, and it looks like you wouldn’t be able to talk to Cadance or Twilight for a while.
  1212. >What would you like to do?
  1217. >INSPECT Old Spear
  1219. [This is the spear you first received at the Canterlot armory. It’s a bit old and battle-worn, but mentioning that it was used under Celestia’s personal army definitely leaves it a high value item. Sell value approximately 50 bits.]
  1221. >The first thing you decide to do is get some good armor.
  1222. >Sure, the coat is cool and all, but it doesn’t protect shit.
  1223. >Not that you’re gonna get rid of it, you’ll just wear it over whatever you buy.
  1224. >For a few minutes, you and your companions walk down the reflective paths of the Crystal Empire.
  1225. >Eventually you end up at the front door of The Protected Wither.
  1226. >You hold the door open for your group, then go inside once everyone else enters.
  1227. >…
  1229. [Protected Wither]
  1230. >”Top of the mornin’, ponies… and ape thing. We sell high-quality protection for all of your battle needs, and it sure looks like your group needs some, especially if you’re thinking about goin’ into the Tournament, or worse, the Tundra.”
  1231. >”So, what can I do for you all? Buying or selling?”
  1232. -Buy
  1233. -Sell
  1234. -Exit
  1235. -Talk to Storeowner
  1239. >SELL
  1242. >Inventory: Picked: Manticore Claw (10), Old Spear
  1243. >”Well then, where’d you find these things? Manticore claws are definitely rare, and that’s a Celestia guard spear! Good find, I’ll most likely add it to my collection.”
  1244. [Sold 10 Manticore Claws for 250 bits.]
  1245. [Sold Old Spear for 50 bits.]
  1246. [Your bit pouch: 300 bits]
  1248. >”What can I do for you?”
  1249. -Buy (Reveals list of items and prices)
  1250. -Sell (Sell inventory)
  1251. -Exit (Leave the store and return to game)
  1252. -Talk to Storeowner
  1254. [Protected Wither]
  1255. [ARMOR]
  1256. Gryphon armor (Use for Gryphons and Humans) “Some of this armor might just fit ya!”
  1257. >(AL) Avian Leather Set (+10 Physical Defense for full set, 75 bits)
  1258. -Avian Leather Salet (2)
  1259. -Avian Leather Harness (3)
  1260. -Avian Leather Gloves (1)
  1261. -Avian Leather Greaves (2)
  1262. [Extras: Avian Leather Boots - No armor, but lowers exhaustion rate and looks very nice. 15 bits]
  1264. >(AC) Avian Chainmail Set (+20 Physical Defense/+5 Magic Defense for full set, 180 bits)
  1265. -Avian Chainmail Cap (5)
  1266. -Avian Chainmail (7)
  1267. -Avian Chainmail Talons (5)
  1268. -Avian Chainmail Sabatons (3)
  1269. [Extras: Avian Buckler - +10 P.D./40 bits]
  1271. >(AP) Avian Plate Set (+40 Physical Defense/+20 Magic Defense/+15 HP for full set, 600 bits)
  1272. -Avian Plate Helmet (8)
  1273. -Avian Platemail (15)
  1274. -Avian Plate Gauntlets (8)
  1275. -Avian Plate Cuisses (7)
  1276. [Extras: Avian Kiteshield - +40 P.D./200 bits]
  1278. ---
  1280. Pony-made Armor (Use with all three races)
  1283. >(CL) Crystalline Leather Set (+10 P.D. full set, 65 bits)
  1284. -Crystal Leather Salet (2)
  1285. -Crystal Leather Protector (3)
  1286. -Crystal Leather Shoes (1)
  1287. -Crystal Leather Flankguards (2)
  1288. [Extras: Crystal Leather Cloak - No armor, but lower exhaustion rate and completes the set’s aesthetics. 12 bits]
  1290. >(CL) Crystalline Chainmail Set (+20 P.D./+5 M.D., 160 bits)
  1291. -Crystal Chainmail Coronet (2)
  1292. -Crystal Chainmail Breadth (3)
  1293. -Crystal Chainmail Sabatons (1)
  1294. -Crystal Chainmail Flankguards (2)
  1295. [Extras: Crystal Buckler - +10 P.D./36 bits]
  1296. >(CP) Crystalline Plate Set (+40 P.D./+20 M.D., 550 bits)
  1297. -Crystal Plate Helmet (8)
  1298. -Crystal Platemail (15)
  1299. -Crystal Plate Flankguards (8)
  1300. -Crystal Plate Hoofguards (7)
  1301. [Extras: Crystal Squareshield - +40 P.D./180 bits]
  1302. >(HG) Highguard Plate Set (+100 P.D./+70 M.D., 2,500 bits)
  1303. -Highguard Plate Helmet (20)
  1304. -Highguard Platemail (30)
  1305. -Highguard Flankguards (25)
  1306. -Highguard Hoofguards (25)
  1307. -Highguard Shield Wall (+75 P.D./+30 M.D.)
  1309. >”Also, there’s medic-issued armor for each of the pony armor sets, for a small 10% embroidery fee.”
  1311. [WEAPONS]
  1312. >Swords
  1313. -Crystal Rapier (1 handed, +10 Physical Attack, Grants Parry / 50 bits)
  1314. -Crystal Zweihander (2 handed, +35 P.A., Grants ability Crush / 80 bits)
  1315. -Highguard Longsword (½ handed, +40 P.A., Grants Parry, Grants ability Precision Strike / 140 bits)
  1317. >Spears
  1318. -Double Blade Spear (You currently own this item)
  1319. -Crystal Lance (1 handed, +10 P.A., Grants Parry / 50 bits)
  1320. -Crystal Poleaxe (2 handed, +35 P.A., Grants Parry / 80 bits)
  1321. -Highguard Glaive (½ handed, +40 P.A., Grants Parry, Grants ability Downforce / 160 bits)
  1323. >Hammers/Maces
  1324. -Crystalforge Mace (1 handed, +15 P.A. / 50 bits)
  1325. -Crystalforge Hammer (2 handed, +40 P.A., Grants ability Hammertime / 85 bits)
  1326. -Highguard Morningstar (½ handed, +55 P.A., Grants ability Whirlwind / 175 bits)
  1328. >Axes
  1329. -Crystalline Hacker (1 handed, +12 P.A. / 40 bits)
  1330. -Clarion Battleaxe (2 handed, +36 P.A., Grants Block / 85 bits)
  1331. -Highguard Sparthaxe (½ handed, +50 P.A., Grants Block, grants ability Chop / 145 bits)
  1333. >Daggers
  1334. -Crystal Stiletto (1 handed, +5 P.A. / 20 bits)
  1335. -Clarion Twins (DW, +12/+12 P.A., Grants ability Backstab / 70 bits)
  1336. -Highguard Poniards (DW, +25/+25 P.A., Grants ability Ambush / 125 bits)
  1337. -Sir Prize and Miss Direction (DW, +60/+40 P.A., Grants ability Darkstrike, Grants Parry / 400 bits)
  1338. >”That’s my entire selection, plus the same embroidery cost if you desired. So, see anything you like?”
  1340. -Buy item(s)
  1341. -Back to Menu
  1342. -Exit
  1346. Anon: [HP: 130/130][MP: 12/12]
  1348. >You have selected Medic-issue (AC) set for 198 bits.
  1349. >Do you accept? Y/N
  1351. >N / CHANGE
  1353. >You have selected Medic-issue (AC) set for 198 bits.
  1354. >You have selected Avian Leather Boots for 15 bits.
  1355. [TOTAL]: 213 Bits
  1356. >Do you accept? Y/N
  1358. >Y
  1360. [You have acquired Avian Chainmail Cap]
  1361. [You have acquired Avian Chainmail]
  1362. [You have acquired Avian Chainmail Talons]
  1363. [You have acquired Avian Chainmail Sabatons]
  1364. [You have acquired Avian Leather Boots]
  1365. [You have traded for 213 bits.]
  1366. >Your bit pouch: (87 bits)
  1368. >”Good trade. Were you buying armor for the rest of you, or was that all the business you had?”
  1371. -Buy
  1372. -Sell
  1373. -Exit
  1374. -Talk to Storeowner
  1377. “Do you know where we could find metal pipes, or Kablooie powder?”
  1378. >”I don’t sell things like that, but I’m pretty sure that Gear’s shop down the road and that Hammer & Sickle place have stuff like that.”
  1380. -Buy
  1381. -Sell
  1382. -Exit
  1383. -Talk to Storeowner
  1385. >INSPECT Tattered, Vomit-splattered Jeans/Underwear
  1386. >INSPECT Vomit-splattered Sneakers
  1388. [These things are hideous and disgusting. But, maybe there’s appeal in that. Clothing that’s from another world is bound to land you a jackpot, at least, to the right crackpot.]
  1390. >EXIT
  1392. >”Come again, you’ve done a lot more for this store than you realize!”
  1393. >You exit the store with the party, now looking yourself over as your group members admire your new gear.
  1394. >Redheart especially.
  1395. >”I have to admit, you look really spiffy, and I love the medic attire, too…”
  1396. >You liked how she said that.
  1397. >Pinkie suddenly pokes your chainmail in curiousity.
  1398. >”Ooh, clingy… So if I stabbed you, it wouldn’t go through?”
  1399. “Well, uh, that’s not necessarily how armor works!”
  1400. >You were tap dancing away from Pinkie’s sudden swings, until you were able to say that.
  1401. >”..Oh. Sorry Nonny, hehe.”
  1402. >AJ adjusts her hat as she looks up at the twinkling stars.
  1403. >”Maybe when we cash in a little more you can buy some armor for us, huh Anon?”
  1404. “Yeah, I was looking at that directory and it said something about a tournament. 2,000 bit prize, and I’m thinking of entering.”
  1405. >There’s a gasp somewhere, but you are assaulted before you can find out from who.
  1406. >Berry instantly jumps onto your chest and presses your cheeks together with her hooves!
  1408. “Ath Rbth Mhr Iths…”
  1409. >She lets you breath a little better, only now getting used to her weight upon you.
  1410. “I read it just fine, Berry! I figured it could be a little seed money, fuck, now please get off?”
  1411. >She slides down with a slightly embarrased look on her face.
  1412. >”Besides, I think if anyone was going to jump him, it’d be me.”
  1413. >Redheart slaps your ass, an echoing metal clang sounding through the night.
  1414. >You were glad you were out of those jeans, now nobody can see your crystal boner.
  1415. >It is currently 1:30 A.M.
  1416. >What would you like to do?
  1419. >You think about the late timing, and considering the 12 hour train ride, you wanted to be sure the rest of your party wasn’t suffering because of your tasks.
  1420. “Hey guys? If any of you wanted to go rest at Wheaties, that'd be fine, I still have some things I'd like to do.”
  1421. >To your surprise, the majority of the party sighs in relief, AJ expressing their revelation.
  1422. >”Thanks Anon, ya don’t know how much that means, we were just bein’ sure you were okay, ya know. Let’s high-tail it, girls!”
  1423. >Redheart naturally stands by your side, but you had plans that required a different setup.
  1424. “Hey babe… Is it alright if you go on with them and go get some rest? I don’t want you getting exhausted again just because of me.
  1425. >Red looks up at your eyes and hesitated.
  1426. >”..O-oh. Alright, that’s fine. Will you be alright by yourself?”
  1427. “Uh… Hey, Pinkie!”
  1428. >The bouncing pink menace stopped mid-air and looked back at you, before resuming her course back to you.
  1429. >”Hey, what’s up Nonny?”
  1430. “I need you to stay with me actually, if that’s okay. Red’s worried about me being alone, and besides, we need to get your armor made for you, remember?”
  1431. >”Ooh, that’s right! Well I can stay up all night, doesn’t matter a ditty to me!”
  1432. >She smiles and nods rapidly.
  1433. >Redheart is persuaded by these turn of events, and gives you a rub on the waste.
  1434. >”Alright, Anon. Be careful, okay? Mares, wait up!”
  1435. >She runs off to go join with the rest of the leaving party, putting you and Pinkie alone.
  1436. >”So where are we gonna go? Cake store? Candy store? Cupcakes or muffins or danishes…”
  1437. “I was thinking Gyro Gear’s place next.”
  1438. >”Ooh, sciency!”
  1439. >So you and Pinkie set off into the night, getting down to the Great Scientific Wonders and walking in, Pinkie at your side.
  1440. [Gyro Gear’s Great Scientific Wonders]
  1442. >”Ohohoho my, customers!-- Er, I mean uuh… Welcome to my fine, busy establishment! Oh, you’re an interesting thing, aren’t you? What is it that you require of me, you odd, odd ragtag pair?”
  1444. -Buy
  1445. -Sell
  1446. -Exit-Talk to Gyro
  1448. >TALK to Gyro
  1450. “Hello, are you Gyro Gears?”
  1451. >This dirty-green furred, lime-maned stallion looks puzzled that you would ask him that.
  1452. >”Oh yes, I-I am. It’s on the name of the store, after all.”
  1453. “Oh, right… Well anyways, my name is Anonymous, this is Pinkie,”
  1454. >She bounces up past the counter as she yells one word.
  1455. >”HI!”
  1456. “… Pinkie Pie, and we’re friends of Steam Pocket, the conductor. Do you know him?”
  1457. >Gyro rolls his eyes and slaps his head down on the counter.
  1458. >”Oh, boy do I know that guy, he’s… I guess he’s a cousin, but by marriage. I hate him, but he gets me customers, l-like you.”
  1459. >He raises his head back up, elbows on the counter.
  1460. >”So uh, what can I do for you, Anon Y Moose?”
  1461. >…Wh, what?”
  1462. “Er, Anonymous. Muss.”
  1463. >”Isn’t that what I said? Moose!”
  1464. “I’m not a moose, It’s muss.”
  1465. >”Okay, fine. Musk.”
  1466. >Oh, that’s so much better.
  1467. “Y--… You know what, sure. Anyways, Steam referred me to you when I told him about this invention that I had.”
  1468. >Gyro’s eyes seemed to light up as you said the special I word.
  1469. >”A… new invention, from somepony besides me!?”
  1470. “Yeah. The problem is, I know sort of how it works and what it does, but I don’t really have the Engineering background to really make the schematic.”
  1471. >He actually starts to laugh, pounding a hoof on his chest.
  1472. >”Well have no fear, Musk, for I have a sort of knack for these things! Check ‘em!”
  1473. >What, did he get dubs?
  1474. >Oh, it’s his cutie mark. It was a wrench writing on a white and blue piece of parchment.
  1475. >”I can surely help you with that, if you got the bits!”
  1476. >What? Surely he isn’t a jewpone?
  1477. “Steam referred to me in good will, I was hoping I could get this patented so I could make some money off it!”
  1478. >”And you will! But my time is precious, and uuh.. I need to keep the store afloat, so I take what I can get.”
  1479. “Fine. Anyways, what’s the rate, and I still need a few things for the schematic.”
  1480. >He nods in understanding, walking out from behind the counter as he directs you to his shelves.
  1481. >“Just tell me what you need!”
  1482. ...

The Great and Powerful Trixie Has Arrived

by Trixiefap

The Sun Has Risen

by Trixiefap

Storytime! Option 2: Trevor

by Trixiefap

Trixie and Anon Rob a Bank

by Trixiefap

AJ Tries to Castrate Anon

by Trixiefap