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The Master's Legendary Quest - 5

By Trixiefap
Created: 2022-06-29 02:28:12
Expiry: Never

  1. >BUY
  4. -Watch (Gives you time of day wherever you go if inspected. / 25 bits)
  5. -Compass (Gives you ease of direction so you don’t get lost within the Tundra. / 25 bits)
  6. -Oil Lamp (A light source for whatever fine night may need you. Comes with oil! / 40 bits)
  7. -Cutting Torch (Whether you need fire or a weld, this is the torch for you. / 300 bits)
  8. -Flying Pedalcopter (A fully operational 1 pony flying machine, pedal-powered! / 2,000 bits)
  9. -Grappling hook (A device that can get you where you need to be! / 500 bits)
  10. -High-speed Equestrian Airship (“Oh, this is not for sale, I’m holding onto it for Princess Celestia. … No, trust me, you don’t have the bits for this.”)
  12. [RECIPES]
  13. -Recipe for Defibrillator (“It’s a new invention I made, just patented!” / 75 bits)
  14. -Recipe for Fetlock Rocket (“It’s a slingshot, what are you, daft?” 55 bits)
  15. -Recipe for Kablooie-mite (“Used as a mining explosive, but I’d look the other way for other uses…” / 80 bits)
  16. -Recipe for Multi-Tool (“I couldn’t think of a good name for this… What, Swiss Army Knife? What’s a Swiss?” / 100 bits)
  17. -Recipe for Clockwork Robot (“Very expensive, but it’s a wonderful invention of mine that may never see the light of day…” / 250 bits and quest to finish)
  20. -Rubber Duck (“Oh, this thing? You can have it if you want, kh.” / Free)
  21. -Miniature Dragonball set (9001 bits)
  22. -Miniature Chaos Emerald set (108 bits per emerald)
  23. -Jimmy Neutron Wig (Trade for a Pizza)
  24. -”Cooking” set (Complete with black hat and sunglasses, 80,000,000 bits)
  25. -Kablooie Powder (24 bits per ounce)
  26. -Metal Pipe (15 bits)
  27. -Help with Blueprints/Engineering Lessons (80 bits per hour)
  29. >He looks at you expectantly.
  30. >"What do you need, friend?"
  32. -Buy item(s)
  33. -Return to menu
  34. -Exit
  36. [Authpr's Note: These two lines were just a shoutout to one of the regular players of the CYOA. Auzguy, wherever you are, thanks for making this experience fun.]
  37. >Statue Check [ERR 0x08234HGU – auztism IS NOT A VALID CHECKSUM FOR USER AUZTIST]
  38. >You check for some statues, but the only rock hard thing around you is the crystal. That sky blue crystal.
  40. “I’ll just take that duck then…”
  44. “Before I buy, can I sell some stuff?”
  45. >”Uh, s-sure.”
  47. >SELL
  50. >Inventory: Picked Manticore Claw (2)
  51. >”Oh, well, rare indeed, but I’m not sure I have too much use for these. I’ll still take them though.”
  52. >Selling Manticore Claw (2) for 30 bits total.
  53. >Do you accept? Y/N
  55. >N / HAGGLE
  57. “Can I get them for 20 each? I got 25 a piece back at the weapons store.”
  58. >He thinks for a moment, looking a bit pained at the offer.
  59. >”…I-I don’t know man, I have no use for these things. I was going to pawn them off.”
  60. “Let’s both be real here. I’m pretty sure you rarely get customers hee and I’m paying you quite a lot if I can sell these. 20?”
  61. >”… …Alright, fine.”
  62. >Selling Manticore Claw (2) for 40 bits total.
  63. >Do you accept? Y/N
  65. >Y
  67. [You trade Manticore Claw (2)]
  68. >Your bit pouch: 127 bits
  70. >”Okay, what did you want from my wares?”
  73. -Watch (Gives you time of day wherever you go if inspected. / 25 bits)
  74. -Compass (Gives you ease of direction so you don’t get lost within the Tundra. / 25 bits)
  75. -Oil Lamp (A light source for whatever fine night may need you. Comes with oil! / 40 bits)
  76. -Cutting Torch (Whether you need fire or a weld, this is the torch for you. / 300 bits)
  77. -Flying Pedalcopter (A fully operational 1 pony flying machine, pedal-powered! / 2,000 bits)
  78. -Grappling hook (A device that can get you where you need to be! / 500 bits)
  79. -High-speed Equestrian Airship (“Oh, this is not for sale, I’m holding onto it for Princess Celestia. … No, trust me, you don’t have the bits for this.”)
  80. [RECIPES]
  81. -Recipe for Defibrillator (“It’s a new invention I made, just patented!” / 75 bits)
  82. -Recipe for Fetlock Rocket (“It’s a slingshot, what are you, daft?” 55 bits)
  83. -Recipe for Kablooie-mite (“Used as a mining explosive, but I’d look the other way for other uses…” / 80 bits)
  84. -Recipe for Multi-Tool (“I couldn’t think of a good name for this… What, Swiss Army Knife? What’s a Swiss?” / 100 bits)
  85. -Recipe for Clockwork Robot (“Very expensive, but it’s a wonderful invention of mine that may never see the light of day…” / 250 bits and quest to finish)
  88. -Rubber Duck (“Oh, this thing? You can have it if you want, kh.” / Free)
  89. -Miniature Dragonball set (9001 bits)
  90. -Miniature Chaos Emerald set (108 bits per emerald)
  91. -Jimmy Neutron Wig (Trade for a Pizza)
  92. -”Cooking” set (Complete with black hat and sunglasses, 80,000,000 bits)
  93. -Kablooie Powder (24 bits per ounce)
  94. -Metal Pipe (15 bits)
  95. -Help with Blueprints/Engineering Lessons (80 bits per hour)
  97. >He awaits an answer.
  99. -Buy item(s)
  100. -Return to menu
  101. -Exit
  105. “One more thing.”
  106. >”Er, yes?”
  107. >You slowly pull out your phone from your pocket, waiting.
  108. “I want to show you something completely out of this world, something so advanced from my world that your mind will be blown, garunteed.”
  109. >Gyro looks like a little kid in a candy shop, until his excitement falters.
  110. >”Wait… What’s the catch?”
  111. “I’d like a discount to your store.”
  112. >”Wha? N-no!”
  113. “This fantabulous, super amazing invention that has technology that you couldn’t even dream of and you don’t want to see it?”
  114. >Your words were so enticing, Pinkie (who had been quiet up until now) began bouncing in place profusely, a wide grin on her muzzle.
  116. “Pinkie!”
  117. >”Sorry Nonny…. whatisitwhatisitwha…”
  118. “Pinkie. Actually, can you do something for me real fast?”
  119. >She was already next to you, tail wagging in expectancy.
  120. “Uh, Here, take this…”
  121. >You strip your Doctor’s coat from over your chainmail and hand it to her.
  122. [You give Pinkie your Doctor’s coat.]
  123. “Take that over to the tailor shop and see how much it is to clean it up, and put hearts around the cross like Redheart’s cutie mark. While you’re there, go and see how much it is to get your Manticore armor made, too. And oh, It’s dangerous out there at night, so take this.”
  124. [You give Pinkie Sir Ducksalot Mk. II]
  126. >Quack.
  127. >She makes a big gasp as she sees the lord and savior has returned.
  128. >”I shall do as you command!”
  129. >She bows before you and takes off, leaving you alone with Gyro, whom you promptly turn to.
  130. “So Gyro, how about it? The ultimate technology.”
  131. >He looked very unsure, but you’ve been good to him up to this point.
  132. >”5%.”
  133. “25.”
  134. >”25!? I… I can’t! I’ll go 10 and no more!”
  135. “I understand, sorry… 20.”
  136. >He started sweating, his eyes darting across his store as he shuffled in place.
  137. >”Don’t make me do that, I need the bits!”
  138. “15 and I’ll even let you touch it.”
  139. >He looked like he was about to have an aneurysm.
  140. >”Fine! It’s the last thing I’m giving you though, no more haggling!”
  145. “Alright, I’m ready to buy.”
  147. [UTILITIES]
  148. -Watch (Gives you time of day wherever you go if inspected. / 21 bits)
  149. -Compass (Gives you ease of direction so you don’t get lost within the Tundra. / 21 bits)
  150. -Oil Lamp (A light source for whatever fine night may need you. Comes with oil! / 34 bits)
  151. -Cutting Torch (Whether you need fire or a weld, this is the torch for you. / 255 bits)
  152. -Flying Pedalcopter (A fully operational 1 pony flying machine, pedal-powered! / 1,700 bits)
  153. -Grappling hook (A device that can get you where you need to be! / 425 bits)
  154. -High-speed Equestrian Airship (“Oh, this is not for sale, I’m holding onto it for Princess Celestia. … No, trust me, you don’t have the bits for this. Even with the discount.”)
  155. [RECIPES]
  156. -Recipe for Defibrillator (“It’s a new invention I made, just patented!” / 64 bits)
  157. -Recipe for Fetlock Rocket (“It’s a slingshot, what are you, daft?” 47 bits)
  158. -Recipe for Kablooie-mite (“Used as a mining explosive, but I’d look the other way for other uses…” / 68 bits)
  159. -Recipe for Multi-Tool (“I couldn’t think of a good name for this… What, Swiss Army Knife? What’s a Swiss?” / 85 bits)
  160. -Recipe for Clockwork Robot (“Very expensive, but it’s a wonderful invention of mine that may never see the light of day…” / 212 bits and quest to finish)
  163. -Kablooie Powder (20 bits per ounce)
  164. -Metal Pipe (13 bits)
  165. -Help with Blueprints/Engineering Lessons (68 bits per hour)
  167. >Buying 1 ounce of Kablooie Powder, 1 Metal Pipe, 1 hour of lessons
  168. Total: 101 bits
  169. Do you accept? Y/N
  171. >Y
  173. [You trade 101 bits.]
  174. >Your bit pouch: 26 bits
  179. [Reward: Well, you’re getting lessons now. Will you reap the benefits of your labor?]
  181. “Let’s do this.”
  182. >Gyro Gear leads you into the back room where he keeps all of his excess ingredients and tools, and you hold out your schematic along with all of the Ingredients for it.
  183. >”Before we start, show me that technology you were talking about, first of all!”
  184. >You raise your phone without hesitation, and it took him a second to realize what just happened.
  185. >You hold it to his face as you swiped the screen with your finger, showing the icons and the sounds made from the speakers.
  186. >You show him the music, the pictures (not the porn), all of the gadgets including the light and the compass and vibration.
  187. >Interestingly, he was silent throughout the entire thing.
  188. >You finish with your little presentation and slowly set it back on the table, waiting for some sort of reaction.
  189. “So… pretty cool, huh?”
  190. >He looks you in the eye, simply nodding.
  191. >”It… It was completely over my head… I couldn’t even begin t-to, to even figure out what it could me made of or how it runs…”
  192. “So that’s a no go if I were to offer to sell it?”
  193. >”Musk, no offense, but not even the airship I’m holding for Celestia would ever be enough to pay for such a leap in technology like that. I’m not asking to buy, so let’s give you that lesson, It’s getting late!”
  194. >Well, it was worth a shot. At least he didn’t regret the discount.
  195. >You lay down your schematic, and at Gyro’s prompt, you lay it out, allowing him room to work with the blank paper.
  196. >He gets his tools ready as he looks it over, but he suddenly freezes.
  197. >”Freedom Uninhibited … C-cock Kicker Extreme Reaper.”
  198. “Yeah.”
  199. >”…”
  200. >You just stand there with a triumphant smirk.
  201. >”Fucker.”
  202. “Yep.”
  203. >He rubs his eyes with his hoof, then wordlessly prompts you to set the ingredients on the table.
  204. >Your lesson begins.
  205. >…
  206. >For an entire hour, you covered the history of firearms from your world, to your bet knowledge described how the shotgun works and the pieces involved, and by the end, he had told you just as much about how engineering would work based on the information you gave him.
  207. >About halfway through, Pinkie had returned but she stayed quiet during your lesson, opting to play with the gizmos and gadgets Gyro had so as not to bother you.
  208. >You made sure to thank her, but now the lesson was over.
  211. >Unfortunately, while you learned a lot, you still didn’t learn how exactly to make it.
  212. >”As I said before Musk, it’s not easy trying to put all this stuff together. It’s comprehendable, but I can’t… Can’t explain it until I make it.”
  213. “Can you make it?”
  214. >”I will for a fee, that’s the price of carrying out schematics. A sort of commission.
  215. “How much?”
  216. >”For something this complicated, I’d have to say… For a ballpark, maybe 150 to 200 bits.”
  217. >You no longer had that kind of cash, you were virtually spent.
  218. “Okay, let me get back to you on that.”
  219. >”Sure thing. You can’t patent it until you’ve made a full working model of the schematic, so I’ll tell you about that whole jargon when you get the bits you need.”
  220. >You nod and hold out a hand to which he puts his hoof in and shakes.
  221. >”Thanks for this amazing technology, really. It definitely put a light in my dark mood, that’s for sure!”
  222. “No problem.”
  223. >You walk back out to the front of the store, and Pinkie quacks Sir Ducksalot in your ear.
  224. >You snatch him up and stow him away.
  230. >”So Nonny I went to the tailor and he told me it was a bunch of bits to clean up the coat but the stitching wasn’t too much--”
  231. “How much, exactly?”
  232. >Pinkie sits still to think for a moment.
  233. >”Well, I think he said 70 bits for the clean, and 25 bits for the cutie mark stitch!”
  234. >You currently have 26 bits.
  235. >What would you like to do?
  237. >You turn back to Gyro, knowing that there was no way you could just walk out.
  238. >You silently thank Pinkie as you walk back up to the counter.
  239. “Gyro?”
  240. >He looks back in surprise.
  241. >”What’s wrong, Musk?”
  242. >You sigh deeply, looking back at a worried Pinkie.
  243. >It was now or never.
  245. “Gyro, I’m going to tell you something you cannot tell another living soul, no matter what, as it’s top secret and I shouldn’t even be telling you. The reason why I’m out here with Pinkie here and the rest of my little party is because we’re tracking down something that attacked Ponyville and the Princesses, some sort of shadow that we call Bane. It’s destroyed the city, stole the Princesses’ powers, and it’s going after Princess Cadance next. I need that gun to help fight it, because our party was enlisted to track it down, but I just don’t have the money right now. I swear on my mother’s life and the fate of this world that I will pay you back, but for now, Please just heed my words and help save Equestria.”
  247. >He looked rather skeptical, so you take out your phone and move around the pictures until you got to the picture of the tree.
  249. “Take a look at this. On our way here, we came across this tree that felt like it was the spirit of Equestria itself, and when I got close to it, it touched my body and gave me strange powers, and these are the catalyst.”
  251. >You set the phone down, undo your coat, and find a way to raise your chainmail to show your marked abdomen.
  252. >The look on Gyro’s face told you all you needed to know.
  253. >You return your chainmail and coat back down and stow away the phone.
  254. “Believe me when I say I wouldn’t joke about something like this. Can you find it in your heart to get that done? I have all the ingredients here, you saw it. Please.”
  255. >You stare intently at him, and you can feel his resolve waver.
  256. >After a very long silence, he sighs.
  257. >”If you’re telling the truth, it’d be awfully wrong of me not to accept. But, on the off chance, I can’t waste all that time without some sort of backup plan. I’m sorry about the situation, Musk. Is there any way you could maybe give me something as collateral, so I know you’d get your money here?”
  258. >You thought about it for a moment.
  259. >Do you give him something in return from your inventory, or leave the situation be?
  262. >You look back down at your phone, then up to him.
  263. “I’ll tell you what.. Let’s make a deal, then?”
  264. >”Deal?”
  265. >You nod in finality.
  266. “I’ll give you this schematic and all the rights to it, your patent, your production and sell, everything.”
  267. >He looks at you in complete disbelief, his ragged mane covering his sight.
  268. “In return for the excess, you’d teach me about engineering from time to time and we’d split the profits 50/50, royalties to me. How does that sound?”
  269. >He rubs his chin in deep thought, his distrustful eyes scanning you thoroughly.
  270. >”I guess… We have a deal.”
  271. >You grin and go to shake his hoof again which you do.
  272. “You won’t regret it, trust me.”
  273. [You give Gyro Gear the F.U.C.K.E.R. Schematic.]
  274. [You give Gyro Gear the related ingredients.]
  276. “I’ll be here for a few days, but I’ll be going where the shadow takes me, so I’ll check back in unless you come get me, okay?”
  277. >He nods, brushing the hair out of his eyes.
  278. >”That sounds swell. This might just pull me out of debt, Musk. I can’t thank you enough… Oh, here.”
  279. >He walks out from behind the counter and pulls something out from the display case, turning around and putting it in your hand.
  280. >”It might not be my style, but it’s something I want to give to you. I won’t be needing it now that I’ll be running a luxury store, thanks to you.”
  282. [Hidden Bonus unlocked: Give the Gear a Break]
  283. [Gyro Gear gives you a Mana Tesseract! (Increases magical defense of a party member by 20 permanently.]
  285. “…Are you sure?”
  286. >”Yes you deserve it. Have a good time in Crystal Empire Musk, and you’ll be hearing from me!”
  287. >You and Pinkie wave goodbye as you leave his shop, returning to the cool night air.
  288. >Pinkie obviously preferred being outside, having all the room in the world to bounce and jump.
  289. >”Wowie zowie Nonny, he was really nice! What should we do now?”
  290. >Well, what should you do now? You still have those 26 bits…
  293. “One more stop Pinkie, before we go to bed.”
  294. >”Totally!”
  295. >Pinkie was as ecstatic as ever, most likely happy at seeing you act so nice.
  296. >You walk through the night, and there were very few ponies walking the streets in the dark like this.
  297. >There was one, however, and you wondered if you should approach him and ask him about the tournament.
  298. >He looked a bit shady with a black cloak, but he was minding his own business, not causing any trouble.
  299. >Ask the stranger about the tournament? Y/N
  303. >You start walking towards him, Pinkie following in suit.
  304. “Hello there, stranger. Have a minute?”
  305. >He didn’t look up. That’s strange…
  306. >Pinkie tries her hand.
  307. >”Mr. cape man, my friend here wants to talk to you! It’s not very nice to just ignore anypony like that you know!”
  308. >This time, the stranger slowly raises his head, revealing some dark eyes from under the shadow of his cloak.
  309. >>”You know… You guys shouldn’t be out wandering out here so late at night… Could be dangerous…”
  310. >As the mysterious stallion says this, a few others in similar cloaks come from the nearby alley, beginning to circle you.
  311. >You don’t like where this was going at all.
  312. >”Hey Nonny, do they want a party?”
  313. >The original stranger suddenly pulls a knife from his cloak.
  314. >>”Yeah, let’s party. We’ll have a lot of fun with you, baby.”
  315. “Don’t you dare!”
  316. >They rushed you!
  317. [BATTLE START][ ][ADMIN NOTE: TITLE - Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga Rookie and Popple]
  320. [HP: 130/130][MP: 12/12][Defenses: 20 PD, 25 MD]
  322. Inventory: Med. Pamphlet (First Aid 101/Procreation), Med. Book (Diseases), Wallet, Bit pouch (26 bits), Roll of duct tape, Lube, Rope, Book of Dark Magic (W/ potential info about Shadow), Potion-making Kit, Blowdart, Sleeping darts (1), Manticore Claw (3), blue herbs (4), Red herbs (2), Medkit (3), Small mana potion (2), Alchemy/Engineering Books (Transmogrification/Practical), 4 ounces of combustible powder, Wisp weed (1), 1 handful of bolts, Roll of gauze (2), Haze Flower, 1 bottle of Isopropyl alcohol, Yeti Hair (1), Gypsum (2), Mana Tesseract (^ 20 MD permanently), Sir Ducksalot (He’s looking a bit redder than usual..)
  324. Abilities: Basic hand to hand combat, Basic alchemy skills (Allows brewing of low-level potions and enchantments), Basic medical use (+25% medkit efficiency), Basic Veterinary knowledge (Allows kit usage on animals), Basic Engineering skills (Allows creation of simple mechanical devices), Ogre Dance (1-4 Fail, 5-9 Succeed, confuses enemy), Moderate spear combat (+5 dmg), Very High Magical Defense (+20 magical armor), basic knowledge of Everfree weeds, {S.S.S. +15 dmg with Anon’s/Red’s separate damage. 5tcd}, Shoot dart, Brew potion (non-com), Mega Buster (2 MP, Good attack, 3 turn CD), Saber Slash (1 MP, +15 magic dmg, 75% hit chance, 2 turn CD), Parry (50% hit, deflects enemy atk/counters 50% dmg), Heart’s Calling (5tcd, Gives 50% attack boost to entire party for next turn)
  326. Equipped: Doctor’s Trenchcoat (+10 HP to medkit usage, vomit-spattered), Mysterious markings, Double-bladed spear (+10 P dmg., +15 M dmg, can attack spectrals), Amulet of Heart’s Calling (+5 HP), Medic-Issued Avian Chainmail Cap (+5 P.D./+1 M.D.), Medic-Issued Avian Chainmail (+7 P.D./+2 M.D.), Medic-Issued Avian Chainmail Talons (+5 P.D./+1 M.D.), Medic-Issued Avian Chainmail Sabatons (+3 P.D./+1 M.D.), Avian Leather Boots (Lowers exhaustion)
  328. >PINKIE PIE
  329. [HP: 105/105][Defenses: None]
  331. Abilities: Highly energetic attacks (Basic attack, hits twice), Party cannon (x3 damage, 5 turn CD)
  333. Inventory: Party Cannon, various sweets, ??? (“Hammerspace, Nonny!”), Manticore hide, Knife
  335. Equipped: Dual-wield daggers (+2.5 dmg per)
  336. Kingpin: [HP: 120/120] [Abilities: Deep Stab (+25 dmg, 10% chance bleed), Manhandle (x4) 3tcd, Triple Strike (3 hits, 75% hit each, +25 each, Patchjob (Heals for 50% of health, 7tcd)]
  337. Thief 1: [HP: 100/100] [vvv Abilities: Stab (+10 dmg), Manhandle (x2) 2tcd, Double Strike (2 hits, +15 each]
  338. Thief 2: [HP: 100/100]
  339. Thief 3: [HP: 100/100]
  343. [ANONYMOUS]
  344. >Attacks with Saber Slash
  345. >5 (+5+10PD+15MD+15MD) = >50< [-1 MP][2 turn CD]
  346. [KP +10 PD]
  347. >40<
  348. [KP HP: 80/120]
  349. [PINKIE PIE]
  350. >Attacks with Highly Energetic Attacks!
  351. >8/8 (+2.5/2.5) = >21<
  352. [KP +10 PD]
  353. >11<
  354. [KP HP: 69/120]
  357. >Kingpin attacks Anonymous with Manhandle! [3 turn CD]
  358. >9< (x4) = >36<
  359. [ANON +20 PD]
  360. >16<
  361. Anon: [HP: 114/130]
  362. >Thief 1 attacks Anonymous with Stab
  363. >9< (+10) = >19<
  364. [ANON +20 PD]
  365. >0<
  366. >Thief 2 attacks Anonymous with Stab
  367. >9< (+10) = >19<
  368. [ANON +20 PD]
  369. >0<
  370. >Thief 3 attacks Pinkie Pie with Double Strike
  371. >9 (+15) / 9 (+15) = >48<
  372. >Pinkie is Bleeding!
  373. Anon: [HP: 114/130][MP: 11/12][Def: 20PD/25MD] “What’s up with this boss guy?! He hit right through my armor, he’s crazed!”
  374. Pinkie: [HP: 57/105, B] “Ghh.. Owie..”
  378. 1
  379. [ANONYMOUS]
  380. >Used Sir Ducksalot!
  381. >Quack.<
  382. >That wasn’t very effective…
  383. [PINKIE PIE]
  384. >Attack with Highly Energetic Attacks!
  386. >3/3 (+2.5/+2.5) (x3)(Crit x1.5) = >56<
  387. [KP +10 PD]
  388. >46<
  389. [KP HP: 34/120]
  392. >Kingpin attacks Pinkie Pie with Deep Stab
  393. >4 (+25) = >29<
  394. Pink: [HP: 28/105, B] “I’m… This hurts, Nonny…”
  395. >Thief 1 attacks Pinkie Pie with Double Strike!
  396. >4/4 (+15/+15) = >38<
  397. Pink: [HP: 0/105] “…”
  399. [PINKIE IS INCAPACITATED! End the battle before she dies!]
  401. >Thief 2 attacks Anonymous with Stab
  402. >4 (+10) = >14<
  403. [+20PD]
  404. >0<
  405. >Thief 3 attacks Anonymous with Manhandle!
  406. >4 (2x) = >8<
  407. >0<
  408. Anon: [HP: 114/130][MP: 11/12][Def: 20PD/25MD] “PINKIE!! I’LL BE RIGHT THERE!”
  409. Pinkie: Incapacitated (She is dying, but still alive. End the battle quickly before she succumbs to her wounds!)
  413. 2
  414. [ANONYMOUS]
  415. >Attacks with Mega Buster! [-2 MP][3 turn CD]
  416. >79<
  417. [KP HP: -45/120]
  420. >Thief 1 is afraid! He runs away!
  421. >Thief 2 is afraid! He runs away!
  422. >Thief 3 is afraid! He runs away!
  424. [BATTLE END]
  425. [Loot]
  426. [KINGPIN]: >You find a mysterious shadowy substance…
  427. [BATTLEGROUND]: Thieves had ran away in a hurry after a recent heist, the ground has been littered. You find 77 bits.
  430. “PINKIE!”
  431. >You run over to her battered, bleeding body, holding her in your arms.
  432. >What do you do?
  435. >Use Medkit on Pinkie Pie
  436. >25% (+25% skill) (+10 bonus) = 50%+10
  437. >62 heal, 20 base revival<
  438. >42<
  439. [Pinkie Pie HP: 42/105]
  441. >USE Med supplies to create makeshift medkit
  442. >USE makeshift medkit on Pinkie Pie
  444. >20% (+25% skill) (+10) = 45% +10
  445. >57<
  446. [Pinkie Pie HP: 99/105]
  447. >You healed her pretty well using the extra supplies, but she iss still unconscious, so you have to carry her.
  448. >You pick her up gently and keep her close.
  450. [Pinkie Pie added to inventory]
  452. >You had a pink pony to take care of from these heavy wounds.
  453. >What do you do?
  456. >INSPECT Sir Ducksalot
  458. [The Mk. II of your favorite lord and saviour. He’s looking a little bit redder than usual, but he still quacks just the same! Well, mostly…]
  460. >INSPECT Shadowy Substance
  462. [You don’t know what to make of this. Your markings burn when you touch it as if they hated each other, leading you to suspect the magic was the shadow’s. It could be very important to the investigation, so it’s advised you take this to someone who knows what to do with it.]
  464. >The best course of action as of right now would be to take her directly to Redheart at Wheaties’ house.
  465. >You know where it is as she told you on the way, but it’d be a bit of a hike.
  466. >…
  467. >Carrying Pinkie in your arms, you finally find your way to the humble abode by 3:00 A.M., and you kick the door as you have no hands to knock with.
  468. >She’s so injured… Her bandages have mostly soaked dark red all the way through.
  469. >After what seems like centuries, the door finally gets opened by Wheaties, who gasps the minute she sees you.
  470. >”Oh Celestia, what happened to her!?”
  471. >This outburst immediately brought the rest of the party to the door as you step in, AJ up in front.
  473. “Thieves… Redheart.”
  474. >She nods without hesitation, and she gives you direction to set Pinkie in the bedroom, and you slowly lower her down onto it as Redheart jumps up and gets to work.
  475. >”I hope you made the ponies who did this suffer, Anon…”
  476. >She looks under the rest of the bandages to get an idea of her state, and she turned pale over her white fur, covering her mouth.
  477. >”They’re so deep…”
  478. “I know, I… I tried to protect her, but that fucking stranger was crazy-eyed, something was wrong with him and he just wouldn’t stop… and I failed.”
  479. >Red looks at you in the eye.
  480. >”Anon, you saved her life. Now, while I do this, you should go comfort the others out there.”
  481. >After a moment of silence, you do as she says, now stepping out of the bedroom and closing the door behind you.
  482. >Go comfort the others? Y/N
  485. >Y
  487. >You walk back out to the livingroom, where the rest were waiting, very worried.
  488. >AJ had tears brimming around her cheeks, and the other two looked like they didn’t know what to do with themselves.
  489. >As soon as she saw you, she rebounded on you with a vengeance.
  490. >”Well!? What do you have t’ say for yourself, Anonymous?”
  491. “What?”
  492. >”You were with her, right?! You better been with her, and if you were, why didn’t you protect her?”
  493. >She was yelling at you quite loudly.
  494. >”You have all these special powers and armor now and you couldn’t even help her! She’s in there DYING, Anon, my best friend, and YOU COULDA STOPPED IT!”
  495. >She stops for a second with fresh streams running down her face, a look of intense anger and sorrow as she glared at you.
  496. >Berry and Wheaties were too shocked to do anything.
  497. >What do you say?
  500. >You act purely on instinct at this point, doing the only thing you can think of.
  501. >You kneel down and wrap your arms around her tightly, speaking no unnecessary words.
  502. >AJ tried to get out of it first, but she very quickly let her emotions overtake her, and the dams burst.
  503. >She hugs you back as she cries into your shoulder, giving her a place to grieve and to vent.
  504. >At some point, she even manages to choke out a few words out of her sobs.
  505. >”I… I-I’m sorry Anon… I know… know that you tried y-your best…”
  506. >At that point, you suddenly feel Berry and Wheaties’ hooves around the two of you, making a group hug around AJ as the torrent of emotion floods away.
  507. “It’s okay…. She’s gonna be fine, don’t you worry…”
  508. >After a good deal of time had passed, Redheart had left the room with a bit of bloodstains on her face and front hooves, and the group breaks the hug as she comes out.
  509. >”She’s stable, but it’ll take some time for her to heal, unless we can get something magical going… It’ll be a while before she’s back to top physical form again.”
  511. [Pinkie Pie has left the party.]
  513. “I’ll see what I can do about that… But for now, there’s something I have to tell you guys.”
  514. >You give AJ a pat on the withers as you go and sit on the couch, moving your bag around for easier access.
  515. >They watch you as you remove the shadowy substance and hold it out in front of them, the eerie black smoke inching down your arm and making the markings on your palm glow a faint red from the heat.
  516. >”I found this on the kingpin that stabbed Pinkie… I think it’s the reason why he was so insane, not feeling any pain or remorse or fear. This has something to do with Bane, but I’m not sure what…”
  517. >Wheaties steps up closer with a strange look in her eyes, coming up very close and squinting at the dark mass.
  518. >”…I think I’ve seen this before.”
  519. >AJ, Berry and Redheart gain a surprised look.
  520. >”Where?”
  521. >Wheaties looks back at Red’s question, and shakes her head.
  522. >”I don’t know, it just looks familiar… I might’ve saw it on some stray animal just a few days ago when I was visiting a family member in the plains.”
  523. “Do you want to hold onto it and see if you can find out where these things are coming from, then?”
  524. >”I could for now, sure.”
  525. [You give Wheaties the shadowy substance.]
  527. >With that out of the way, the tension seems to slow down in the room some.
  528. “Well, to get our minds off of all of this, I had a few questions about the Tournament, Wheaties.
  529. >”Uh, alright.”
  530. >What do you ask her?
  533. [QUEST ADDED: Vigilante Justice - Track down and murder the thieves that attacked Pinkie (0/3)]
  534. {NOTE: This quest is of a morally ambiguous nature, and might not sit well with your other party members.}
  536. >"What are the rules, where and when is it, how do I sign up, and what should I watch out for?”
  537. >Wheaties stood a little dumbfounded, whether it was your lack of knowledge about it or how much you asked her, you’re not sure.
  538. >”Uh, well, registration starts at noon tomorrow, down at the Diamond Ridge Park… You sign up by writing your name, race, and choice of weapon, and how it works, well, it’s completely single, everypony for themself, it goes up in brackets and initial battles are randomly chosen. The winner gets 2,000 bits, runner-up gets 1,000, and the winner has a chance to fight Shining Armor as a sort of trophy match. There’s plenty of breaks and complimentary medical attention between rounds, and uuh, I believe that’s it. For the actual battles, it’s pretty much anything goes, knockout, ringout or forfeit ends the match, and uh, it hasn’t happened yet but if you kill anyone you’re disqualified from the tournament and depending on the circumstances, would be arrested.”
  539. >It sounded pretty straightforward.
  540. >”If you were planning on entering, Anon, you’ll probably need some better gear… Your armor now is fine, but you can’t expect to win just going in there gung-ho, ponies and gryphons from all over the world fight in that tournament.”
  541. “…Well, we need the money. Specifically for you guys…”
  542. >That’s when you had a sudden thought.
  543. “Redheart?”
  544. >She looks at you.
  545. >”Yes, Anon?”
  546. “Do healing potions have any different effect on a pony’s health than a medkit?”
  547. >She blinks.
  548. >”Of course, if it’s a decent potion then you’re able to completely cure all wounds rather quickly, they dry up like a pear. The problem is that they’re rare and expensive.”
  549. >You remembered that Zecora had a good deal of them. She must’ve been saving them for good use.
  550. >Now you feel rather lucky that you have the ability to create them.
  551. >It was 3:30 A.M. and you and your party were recovering from the incident with Pinkie Pie.
  552. >What do you do?
  554. [QUEST UPDATED: VIGILANTE JUSTICE (Track down and take in the thieves that attacked Pinkie (0/3))]
  556. >You pace the entirety of the room for many minutes.
  557. >No matter what you do, you can’t keep your mind off of what has happened recently.
  558. >Eventually, you decide that just walking around here isn’t getting anything done, so you do the only thing you can think of at the moment.
  559. >It takes a little while to find a good spot to set up your potion making stand at; once you do, you set it up and get to work.
  560. >The rest of the party knew what you were doing once you set up the stand, and didn’t ask questions, taking this time to sleep as you work.
  561. >…
  562. >You make two healing potions, both taking an hour to make.
  566. >…
  567. >Leaning back in your seat, you examine your work.
  568. >Not too bad.
  569. >You stand up and stretch your limbs after being in one position for so long.
  570. >The potions on the table have cooled down enough for you to handle, so you grab them both and proceed to where Pinkie is located.
  571. >Stepping into what you assume is Wheaties’ guest room, you locate the bed Pinkie is sleeping in, along with Redheart keeping watch, monitoring her condition.
  572. >You walk up to Pinkie, and place both potions on the nightstand eliciting a smile from Red.
  573. >”Good thinking.. She’ll need it.”
  574. >A second passes, and you realize what a bad idea it might be to give her both of them.
  575. >One would most likely heal her enough so she’d be back to full strength, but two would be overkill.
  576. >You don’t even want to imagine what would happen if she had caffeine, let alone a healing potion overdose.
  577. >With that disturbing thought out of the way, you take back the other flask.
  579. [-1 HEALING POTION]
  581. >After storing the spare potion away, you walk over to Redheart.
  582. >Keeping your voice down, you speak.
  583. “Hey, is there anything I can do to help?”
  584. >The nurse just shakes her head before replying.
  585. >”It’s alright, we’ll be fine. You should get some rest after doing so much work in such a short time.”
  586. >You nod.
  587. “Alright well, just call if you need anything.”
  588. >At this point, you start feeling the effects of working so long.
  589. >Yeah, sleep doesn’t sound too bad right now.
  590. >Being too lazy to find out where you should sleep tonight, you just go back to the living room and flop onto the couch.
  591. >”OW, GET OFF!”
  592. >Holy fuck, you sat on Berry.
  593. “Sorry! I.. You just blended into the seat’s colors!”
  594. >”Whatever, just go over there!… Fuck..”
  595. >Oops.
  596. >…
  597. “HEEUUUGH..”
  598. >”Awake yet, Anon?”
  599. >You open your eyes and see Berry, who is sitting on your stomach and drinking brandy.
  600. >You look over at the clock and see it’s about 9 a.m.
  601. “Okay, isn’t it a little early to be drinking…”
  602. >”Nope. Get up dude, you got someone to go see.”
  603. >Should you get up now, or push off Berry and keep sleeping?
  605. >See, sitting on Berry last night was an accident but she just has to go and be like that.
  606. >You must’ve really pissed her off with that.
  607. “Okay, fine, I get it… I didn’t mean last night, it’s not like I was looking around for you to sit on, okay?
  608. >”Yeah, I know…”
  609. >As you start to get up, you wrap your arms around her, and she gives a little yelp from the surprise.
  610. >A quick and tight hug, then you throw her off the couch, getting yourself on your feet.
  611. >Berry had somehow kept her glass upright the entire time.
  612. >”Alright lover boy, ready?”
  613. “Ready for what?”
  614. >”HE’S UP!”
  615. >You look around at the empty living room, when all of a sudden you’re tacked back into the couch by a ludicrously fast pink blur.
  616. >You are being choked by her tight embrace around you, even.
  617. >Yep, you can’t breathe.
  618. “P…”
  619. >”You saved my life Nonny! Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou--”
  620. “Can… Can’t…”
  621. >”Huh? Can’t what?”
  622. “..B-breath..”
  623. >Pinkie promptly lets go of your neck and chest, and you suck in a big gulp of air.
  624. >”S-sorry, I’m just so glad you were there and helped me…”
  625. “Don’t mention it..”
  626. >You give Pinkie a big smile, and realize everyone else is watching with big grins on their faces.
  630. >”So what’re you gonna do about the big fight competition, Nonny? They told me you were thinking about entering!”
  631. “..Yeah, maybe. The bits would pay for your guys’ protection, most likely…”
  632. >AJ looks at the rest of the party, then back at you.
  633. “Wait, for us? I don’t know about you, but my hide’s thick enough to outlast anything, sugarcube.”
  634. “Trust me, I think we’ll all be needing some extra protection… I just have that feeling.”
  635. >What would you like to do?
  637. “Now, I still have more things to do. Pinkie’s well-being was top-priority and I couldn’t get it done before. Anyone want to come with me?”
  638. >Pinkie still hasn’t let go of you, so you pretty much assume she is going.
  639. >Redheart nods.
  640. >”I’ll come.”
  641. >Oh well. Looks like surprising Redheart was not an option now.
  642. >Pinkie must’ve realized she was there, because as Red spoke, she let go of you and starts whistling.
  643. >She didn’t seem to notice, though, weird.
  644. >You snag a quick glance at the pink bounce, and you couldn’t help but notice a faint blush.
  645. >…Interesting.
  646. “Alright. Berry, AJ, Wheaties?”
  647. >AJ shakes her head.
  648. >”Sorry, but we were actually gonna head out and have some fun at the fair before we came to watch ya, Anon. Thanks for offerin’, though.”
  649. >Sounds decent enough.
  650. >You all walk outside, and you, Red and Pink wave to the other three as you make your way to Tricks and Needles, stepping inside after holding the door for your party members.
  652. [Tricks and Needles]
  654. >“Hello there, welcome to the Tricks and Needles, where we make your dreams of appearance come true and more! ..Oh my, you look ghastly! Can we fix that coat for you? Trust me, it’s no bother, I have extra help by Ponyville’s very own Rarity in the back!”
  656. -Buy
  657. -Sell
  658. -Modify
  659. -Exit
  660. -Speak to Shopowner
  661. -Speak to Rarity
  664. >SPEAK to Shopowner
  666. “Hello, I had a quick question. I was wondering if you knew about the situation with the weapon shop? It sounded like there was financial issues or problems there.”
  667. >”Oh, I’m not sure, I haven’t spoken to many other shopowners lately, as I’ve been helping set up the fair. Sorry I couldn’t be more helpful in that area. I can be helpful in others, though, like that coat!”
  669. >SPEAK to Rarity
  671. “May we speak to Rarity, please?”
  672. >”Oh, you know her? One moment, I’ll see if she’s available.”
  673. “Tell her Pinkie Pie is here.”
  674. >Pinkie smiles wide and waves at the shopkeep.
  675. >”Alright, one moment…”
  676. >The shopowner disappears behind the back door for a moment, and the next, Rarity appeared and bounded up onto the counter, meeting Pinkie halfway in a hug.
  677. “Not much of a way to celebrate the Crystal Fair, sat behind a sewing machine, now is it?”
  678. >Rarity rolls her eyes at your comment.
  679. >”Oh Darling, It’s so nice to see you all! I’m sorry we haven’t kept in touch, ever since Twilight and the rest of us got here it’s been nothing but madness!”
  680. “What happened?”
  681. >She looks at you and her face droops wearily, as if she were remembering the events with vivid detail.
  682. >”The Palace was closed when we got here, and we were planning on getting a room in the Royal Suite, but none of us had enough bits to even stay at the hotel, and I refuse to partake in such nasty locations as that Trot & Travels.”
  683. >She actually shudders.
  684. >”So we’ve been making due on our own paces, and split up until the Palace re-opened. I’m here, with the lovely Miss Stringtie of course, Fluttershy is currently helping the Crystal Fair for her share, Twilight is trying to contact Cadance and Rainbow Dash, well… She flew off trying to find a way to break in, but I haven’t heard from her since.”
  685. >Since? That was two days ago. The thought leaves your mind soon afterwards.
  686. “Alright… any news from Twilight, maybe? Whereabouts of Bane?”
  687. >Pinkie, Rarity and Redheart all groan at the mention of your nickname.
  688. >”The SHADOW, darling, hasn’t been spotted anywhere, so she was quite confident we beat it here, and so did you, apparently.”
  689. “We actually found its presence here.”
  690. >Rarity’s eyes widen in fear.
  691. >”Y-you have?”
  692. “A pack of thieves jumped me and Pinkie last night, and the boss fell, but… he had a black, shadowy substance escape from him. It was definitely the shadow.”
  693. >She looks around on the ground, unable to create words.
  694. “Look, don’t worry, we’ll find it and take it out. I got that enchantment from Zecora, so we should be fine.”
  695. >She nods, and gives you a weak smile.
  696. >”Alright, I believe you, Anonymous. Now that we’re caught up, what did you come in here for?”
  697. “Well, I wanted to get this coat cleaned up, and add a little bit of stitching to the back, if you didn’t mind… I’m also a little bit under the bank, if you get me, so, I was wondering…”
  698. >A magical force had already removed your coat from your body.
  699. [You give Rarity your Doctor’s Trenchcoat.]
  701. >”It’s no problem at all, dear! What do you need stitched?”
  702. >You take a glance at Redheart, and lean in close, beckoning Rarity.
  703. >Curious, she leans in with her ear pointed up, then you speak in a whisper.
  704. “I’d like it very much if you could modify the red plus to be Redheart’s cutie mark, and put ‘Legendary Doctor’ lining the top and bottom of it.”
  705. >Rarity coos silently and couldn’t help but steal an envious glance at the mentioned.
  706. >”It will be wonderful, Anonymous, I’ll be sure of it!”
  707. >She begins to walk back to the door, when she stopped for a moment as Stringtie returned.
  708. >”By the way, anything else you wanted will be done by her, as I’ll be busy, of course. See you in a little while!”
  709. >You, Red and Pinkie wave, the latter pouring out goodbyes.
  710. >”Be back soon Rarity! I’ll miss you even if it’s only for a little while because you’re the superest duperest best friend a pony could ever have- Oh, she’s gone…”
  711. >Miss Stringtie catches your attention.
  712. >”So, what could I do for you, then?
  713. -Buy
  714. -Sell
  715. -Modify
  716. -Speak to Shopowner
  717. -Speak to Rarity [Unavailable]
  720. >SPEAK to Stringtie
  722. “Uh, actually, I was wondering if you were in the business of making a decent armor, out of leather?”
  723. >”Well, I can stitch up a nice jacket, but nothing like armor as I’m unsure of how to go about reinforcing it. I could make you a base, though, and you could go to the Protected Wither and get it armored?”
  724. >It was a possibility.
  725. >Do you want to get the base of the Manticore armor made? Y/N
  730. >Y
  732. [Pinkie gives Stringtie Manticore Hide.]
  734. >The shopowner looks at the material for a second, then does a double-take at Pinkie when she realized what it was.
  735. >”Manticore hide? This is… exotic! It’s unbelievable quality, too, where did you find it?
  736. >You take a look at Pinkie to see her response.
  737. >She scratches her head and gives an awkward smile.
  738. >”Uuh, Well it was such a silly thing, we were in the Everfree, umm…”
  739. >She stopped, trying to find the words.
  740. >You just realized how innocent Pinkie is.
  741. “We were acting in self defense and we ended up taking it down… So we put the poor fella to use one last time.”
  742. >Stringtie nods in understanding, taking it back wordlessly.
  743. “Uuh, w-wait, how much is it!?”
  744. >”It’s just a base, I’ll be done in a few minutes. No charge!”
  745. >Well, fucking sweet.
  746. >While you were waiting for both of the tailormares to finish, you look back at Redheart for a moment.
  747. >”So, what did you whisper to Rarity, might I ask?”
  748. “It’s a surprise, you’ll see in a second. Oh, by the way, can we split our medkits evenly for now? I might need them, if that’s alright.”
  749. >”Sure! … I have four on me.”
  750. “I have… two.”
  752. [Redheart give you a Medkit.]
  754. >Now that’s done, and you were still waiting.
  755. >Rarity would be a while, but Stringtie would only be a few minutes.
  756. >Would you like to do anything while waiting?
  758. >You’re getting a bit bored, but you have some things on your mind.
  759. >For example, you are about to enter a tournament that Wheaties, despite knowing your capabilities, told you to watch out for.
  760. >Maybe a little bit of practice wouldn’t hurt.
  761. “Hey guys, either of you feel like sparring?”
  762. >Both of them look a bit unenthusiastic.
  763. >You could understand; last time you tried it with Red, it was a complete failure, and Pinkie is still probably getting used to seeing sharp objects.
  764. >You shrug and decide you aren’t going to push it, you could mess around later when you weren’t inside an expensive store.
  765. >During this time, you decide to look around at some of the displays that are here, while making small talk with your friend and marefriend.
  766. >All of the mannequins seem to be pony and Gryphon-shaped, making it a bit hard for you to imagine these high-quality cuts on you.
  767. >You pass the time looking and talking with Pinkie and Red about what foods to eat while you were sick, to which they both expressed disgust for chicken soup.
  768. >Nobody likes chicken soup for the soul, damnit.
  769. >Before you know it, the time had passed quite quickly and Stringtie re-appears.
  770. >”All done! Hopefully this will fit her nicely, will it not?”
  771. >Pinkie bounces up to the counter and grabs it with her mouth, a happy expression on her face.
  772. >”Thmmf youuu!”
  773. >That’s Ponka for you.
  774. >”Hey, Nonny~”
  775. >Huh?
  776. >You look at Pinkie and see her modeling the base armor, well formed to her body and keeping her pink, shiny, bouncy rump exposed.
  777. >For a second, you caught yourself staring and look at Redheart, who had her eyebrow raised while staring at you.
  778. “L-looks good, Pinkie.”
  779. >She giggles, but you couldn’t tell if it was a funny giggle or not…
  780. >Stringtie takes this lull in conversation to speak.
  781. >”Oh, I checked in with Rarity, and she said it would be about 30 minutes to get out the stains and stitch it. I would do some other things while you wait, but you’re free to browse the shop, if you’d like?”
  783. -Buy
  784. -Sell
  785. -Modify
  786. -Exit
  787. -Speak to Stringtie
  788. -Speak to Rarity (Unavailable)
  791. >”By the by, all of my wares come in any desired color, but multiple colors cost extra!”
  793. [HEADWARE]
  794. -Sunhat (“Keeps the sun out of your eyes! What else?” [24 bits])
  795. -Coif (“It keeps you cool under the heat, a high plus if I might say.” [Lowers exhaustion rate, 40 bits])
  796. -Stetson hat (“This one’s a fan favorite, I have someone from Ponyville ordering these by the crateful!” [45 bits, slightly increases leg strength])
  797. -Ballcap (“Oh, it’s not very fancy, but any colt comes in here and this is the first thing they look at.” [10 bits])
  798. -Pork Pie hat (“I keep getting strange bald stallions buying these. A lot of them have goatees too, I wonder if it’s a trend…” [50 bits, slightly increases alchemy output])
  799. -Fedora (“A wonderful and classy choice. I remember the first time I sold one, it was returned because this couple’s son got spaghetti sauce all over it.” [70 bits])
  800. -Tophat (“High Class for High Ponies!” [100 bits])
  802. -Corset (“Tight and stringy, keeps a nice form for you mares.” [40 bits])
  803. -White-collar Dress Shirt (“It looks grand on any stallion, or what’s it called, hyooman?” [40 bits])
  804. -Swashbuckler’s Shirt (“Unisex and Universal, you can’t go out without something stylish like this.” [30 bits])
  805. -’I wish I weren’t here right now’ T-shirt (“A little humor can brighten up anyone’s day, don’t you think?” [15 bits])
  806. -Thick winter coat (“The summer doesn’t last forever, and it works for those rough-weather days if you still need to go out.” [45 bits])
  807. -Flannel Shirt (“A bit uncouth for sure, but it comes with ultimate comfort, and the ponies of the south seem to like it!” [20 bits])
  810. -Checker-pattern skirt (“It has a librarian look to it, and it’s quite breezy.” [15 bits])
  811. -Bell-bottom shorts (“A set of shorts that remind us of a simpler time…” [15 bits])
  812. -Genuine Kilt (“The forefathers of the gryphons started this trend, and it’s the best way for stallions and er, men alike to enjoy open-ended breezes!” [30 bits])
  813. -Overalls (“For the dirtier jobs, so you don’t have to have so much laundry.” [25 bits])
  814. -Black Latex Covers (“Don’t wear it out in the sun, it gets very hot!” [35 bits])
  817. -Avian Leather Boots [You currently own this item]
  818. -Cowpony Boots (“The boots of the west!” [Lowers exaustion rate, 50 bits]
  819. -Black Latex Boots (“Whether for those kinky nights or for sneaking around, there’s many uses for these.” [40 bits])
  820. -Stockings (“A bit of lingerie for the bedroom, tame, but enticing. Comes in patterns of diamond, hearts, bubbles, and all kinds of colors!” [20 bits])
  821. -Crystal Slippers (“It’s like you’re a real princess, real crystal too!” [100 bits])
  824. -Gala-themed Dress (“If you don’t have a home pattern, then this is a great look for the upcoming Gala!” [80 bits])
  825. -Celestia-themed Dress (“Praise the Sun!” [80 bits])
  826. -Luna-themed Dress (“Praise the Moon!” [80 bits])
  827. -Crystal/Cadance-themed Dress (“Praise the …uh, crystals?” [80 bits])
  828. >”I only have a few sets of robes, but I received them from Fortuna Potions in their big sale, so I believe they have magical qualities!”
  829. -Magician’s Robes (+6 MP, +5 MA [95 bits])
  830. -Practitioner’s Robes (+4 MP, +10% medkit/healing effectiveness [95 bits])
  831. -Royal Robes (+2 MP, Allows passage into Crystal Palace with appropriate ID [150 bits, Royal I.D.])
  832. -Highguard Robes (+12 MP, x1.5 MA, +10 MD [200 bits])
  834. >"So, what do you like?
  836. -Buy item(s)
  837. -Return to menu
  838. -Speak to Stringtie
  839. -Wait
  841. >WAIT
  843. “That’s alright, we’re saving bits for other things right now, I was just expecting to pay for the base and the stitching, but you really helped us out.
  844. >”Oh, you’re very welcome, but please, if you need anything else, feel free to return! I’ll see if I can’t help her so it comes along quicker.”
  845. >Stringtie leaves for the back, and you think about what you needed to do.
  846. >Whether Red or Pinkie want to or not, you need to practice even if it means by yourself.
  847. “Alright, I’m going to go have a little training session outside if you guys want to watch.”
  848. >”Okey dokey lokey!”
  849. >”Don’t be too reckless now, Anon.”
  850. >They follow you outside, where you draw your spear and start spinning it around, getting a good feel of the weight and balance.
  851. >For every little bit of training you do, it feels like you get more and more proficient, but you never actually learned how to feel where the spear goes, how to move it, and it cost you a little bit of potential.
  852. >For the next half hour, you attempt to remedy this….
  853. >…
  854. >”I wish I could handle my spear like that, goodness!”
  855. >”Wow Nonny, that was so cool, you’re all like woosh and fwing and shlick!”
  856. >You hold up your spear on your shoulder, letting your nose hang in the air at the compliments.
  857. >Oh yeah, you did really well.
  858. >It never occured to you to just feel it out, and you’ve come up with something good for the tournament.
  860. [UNLOCKED FLAMESCYTHE (You overcharge the enchantment on your spear using your unbound magic to create a powerful electroflame slash attack.) {Good attack, +10 MA, 4 turn CD, 2 MP}]
  862. >Stringtie just then pops her head out of the window, waving down your group.
  863. >”She’s finished, everypony, come in and see!”
  864. >You make your way inside, wondering how it will turn out…
  869. >Inspect Flamescythe
  870. [A powerful attack utilizing magic and enchantment to create an electroflame slash that deals heavy damage. Uses 2 Mana Points, Good attack (last two digits of roll), adds 10 Magic Attack. 4 turn cooldown.]
  871. {Experience: 0 / 500}
  873. >Inspect Mega Buster
  874. [A basic attack turned up to 11, a release of potent magical energy in an elliptical sphere that explodes upon impact and leaves little behind. Uses 2 Mana Points, Good attack (last two digits of roll), 3 turn cooldown.]
  875. {Experience: 290/300}
  876. >As you walk into the door, you’re suddenly assaulted by a multitude of levitation spells, removing and replacing things on you with disorienting speed.
  877. >Once it finally ends, you open your eyes back up and look down, seeing the pristine white coat that you know and love.
  878. >That’s when you heard Redheart gasp, too.
  879. >”Anonymous… that’s my cutie mark, isn’t it?”
  880. >You look on your back and barely see the stitching, but it was all there.
  881. >LEGENDARY DOCTOR, with the modified health sign to be Red’s cutie mark.
  882. “That’s the surprise, yeah.”
  883. >Red looks like she almost had tears in her eyes.
  884. >Before they could fall, though, she walks up to you and embraces you in a tight hug.
  885. >”I can’t believe you’d do that…”
  886. “Only for the mare I love.”
  887. >
  888. >She breaks the hug and looks at you, wide-eyed.
  889. >So did Pinkie.
  890. >What was wrong…?
  891. >Oh, oh boy.
  892. >You just said you loved her, didn’t you?
  893. >How could you slip so easily? How long has it been, two weeks--
  894. >”I love you too, Anon.”
  895. >Now it was your turn to stare.
  896. >…Yet, it was welcoming, with so many emotions going through your mind right now…
  897. >You loved her.
  898. >You love Redheart.
  899. >It was only a second longer before you and Red share the most passionate, unifying kiss you’ve ever kissed.
  900. >You heard Ms. Stringtie making squee sounds in the background, with Rarity sobbing tears of joy, if her personality’s anything to go by.
  901. >It seemed like a blissful eternity before the kiss was broken, but you were happy.
  902. >And you wanted to make sure that she would be protected.
  903. >You remove the Mana Tesseract from your bag, and offer it to her.
  904. [You give Redheart the Mana Tesseract.]
  905. “Here, I’d like you to have this… Gyro gave it to me.”
  906. >The intricate designs of the tesseract intrigued her, but the gift itself was pounding her heart with this newfound love, you could tell.
  907. >”T-thank you..”
  908. >It looks like she didn’t know what to do with it, as she was just looking it over like jewelry.
  909. “You uuh, drink it.”
  910. >She nods in embarrassment, a little red rosying her cheeks.
  911. >”Right…”
  912. [Redheart’s MD has increased by 20!]
  913. >After she drinks it, a little hair-raising spasm courses through her body, and she makes a little cute yelp.
  914. >”Oh wow, that has a kick…”
  915. “You should be as immune to magic as I am, now.”
  916. >Red looks back at you and gives you another tight hug.
  917. >The moment finally passes, and you take the time to look around.
  918. >Rarity was drying her tears, Stringtie was fixing some of her displays with a smile on her face, and Pinkie…
  919. >She was staring at the ground, interestingly enough.
  920. “Pinkie, are you alright?”
  921. >The pink menace looks right up at you with her trademark grin.
  922. >”Yeah Nonny, I’m super duper happy for you guys!”
  923. >Happy times were exchanged as you admire your newly refurbished coat.
  924. >The process took about an hour, leaving you at 10:00 A.M.
  925. >What would you like to do?
  927. “Well, I still need to do a few things before I register, so I guess, thank you Rarity, Ms. Stringtie.
  928. >Rarity nods and waves a hoof.
  929. >”It’s a pleasure, darling. Anything to promote the wonderful romance between you and Ms. Redheart here!”
  930. >Stringtie nods.
  931. >”Indeed, if there’s anything else you need, feel free to return!”
  932. >You wave your goodbyes to the duo as you leave with Red and Pinkie, your white coat flowing behind you.
  933. >As you return to the outside world, you have another step in your day that you needed to take care of.
  934. >Red and Ponka side by side with you, your party walks back over to Gyro’s shop.
  935. >You walk in behind after them once you open the door, and Gyro pops his dirty head from underneath the counter.
  936. >”Oh, h-hello again, Anonymous. I was just dealing with this recipe here, and for Celestia’s sake, it’s really really complicated!”
  937. >You nod in understanding.
  938. “I know, but you’ll get it.”
  939. >He gets himself up and puts his elbows on the counter, looking at the three of you.
  941. >”So, uh, what’s up? Anything you need?”
  943. -Buy
  944. -Sell
  945. -Exit
  946. -Talk to Gyro Gear
  949. “So, as your new business partner, I had some ideas to swing by you.”
  950. >He looks back behind him for a moment, fidgeting.
  951. >”Uh well, … Alright, swing it by me, I suppose.”
  952. >As you begin your planning, Redheart and Pinkie go excuse themselves to browse the wares a little bit, knowing how long-winded you could get sometimes.
  953. “I was going to go down to the Protected Wither and ask the guy about selling this weapon and distribute it to increase the product’s profits. See, stores like that always have trade routes, but it’d work even better because it works as a protection method, so he can make trade routes with the royal guards and make a large surplus with them, and other weapon shops could work as well. This would make you the prime producer and you’d get the majority profit, too.”
  954. >He was completely dumbfounded, but he picks up his expression after a second.
  955. >”You’ve uuh, put a lot of thought into that. But I heard money, and that’s always good for me, y-you know? Er, sorry, keep going.”
  956. “Sort of, but I had something to ask you, too.”
  957. >He waves you on.
  958. “Is there any chance Redheart here and myself could get a Defibrillator from you, and its recipe?”
  959. >”No, no no no, you’re paying for that stuff!”
  960. “Hear me out! We would go out and promote it at the tournament, both of us being in the medical career--”
  961. >Redheart interrupts.
  962. >”You’re not actually certified, babe…”
  963. >Pfft, you learned from the best, right?
  964. “Anyways, we can show the uses of the defibrillators there, which will extend to the hospitals that could use them.”
  965. >Gyro steps in, a little confused.
  966. >”Wait wait, what are you talking about, tournaments and hospitals? All the defibrillator does is create an electric shock to magnify magnetic properties!”
  967. “…You do realize it can jumpstart a heart too, right?”
  968. >He blinks, apparently not registering what you said.
  969. “At least, that’s what they do back in the human world.”
  970. >”…So, it’s not an invention?… I-I, I just got a lucky guess, on something that’s already invented elsewhere?”
  971. “Er, well, for all we know my world’s in another dimension, so it’s not really elsewhere… here, uh, anyways you’re still the main inventor here, don’t worry.”
  972. >He sighs and waves you on again.
  973. “Getting back to the point, promoting the defib will give it a lot of popularity and net you a lot more customers here too, and probably even get you a royalty deal if you sold the recipe to the medical trade.”
  974. >He looks back under his counter for a second, and he removes a box from underneath with his magic, setting it down on the counter and opening it, revealing a first model Defibrillator.
  975. >He seemed absent-minded at this point, now cradling the invention within his hooves.
  976. >”So you can save lives?… Wow… D-didn’t think I had it in me..”
  977. >You snap your fingers, regaining his attention.
  978. >”Oh, er, sorry…. Continue.”
  979. “Well, I’m done. I was just wondering if you’d give us the set and the recipe so we could promote it for you.
  980. >He sighs and looks right at you.
  981. >”I appreciate what you’re trying to do man, b-but…. I need the bits now, man, at least give me something!”
  982. “Is it tight here, or something?”
  983. >”Yes, I’m going bankrupt, alright?!”
  984. >He said that rather loudly and seems to have startled himself.
  985. >Red and Pinkie gasp and cover their muzzles at this revelation, and you stood there a bit shocked.
  986. >You didn’t know what to say to that.
  987. >He says it for you, after a moment.
  988. >”Look, d-don’t worry about it, alright? I just, I know you’re trying to get stuff here and that’s amazing and I thank you, f-from the bottom of my heart, but free isn’t something I can do. If you really want to help, you’d buy it, okay?”
  989. >You nod, unable to press the situation further.
  990. >What would you like to do?
  991. -Buy
  992. -Sell
  993. -Exit
  994. -Talk to Gyro
  997. [UTILITIES]
  998. -Watch (“Gives you time of day wherever you go if inspected.”) {21 bits}
  999. -Compass (“Gives you ease of direction so you don’t get lost within the Tundra.”) {21 bits}
  1000. -Oil Lamp (“A light source for whatever fine night may need you. Comes with oil!”) {34 bits}
  1001. -Cutting Torch (“Whether you need fire or a weld, this is the torch for you.”) {255 bits}
  1002. -Flying Pedalcopter (“A fully operational 1 pony flying machine, pedal-powered!”) (1,700 bits}
  1003. -Grappling hook (“A device that can get you where you need to be!”) {425 bits}
  1004. -High-speed Equestrian Airship (“Oh, this is not for sale, I’m holding onto it for Princess Celestia. … No, trust me, you don’t have the bits for this. Even with the discount.”)
  1005. -Defibrillator [1 in stock] (“My only copy, so keep it safe!”) {26 bits}
  1006. [RECIPES]
  1007. -(Recipe) Defibrillator (“Here, If you’re serious about the promotion, I’ll lower it a bit extra.”) {XX 44 bits}
  1008. -(Recipe) Fetlock Rocket (“It’s a slingshot, what are you, daft?”) {47 bits}
  1009. -(Recipe) Kablooie-mite (“Used as a mining explosive, but I’d look the other way for other uses…”) {68 bits}
  1010. -(Recipe) Multi-Tool (“I couldn’t think of a good name for this… What, Swiss Army Knife? What’s a Swiss?”) {85 bits}
  1011. -(Recipe) Clockwork Robot (“Very expensive, but it’s a wonderful invention of mine that may never see the light of day…”) {212 bits and quest to finish}
  1014. -Kablooie Powder {20 bits per ounce}
  1015. -Metal Pipe {13 bits}
  1016. -Help with Blueprints/Engineering Lessons {68 bits per hour}
  1017. [New!] -Miniature Zeppelin {75 bits}
  1019. >”So, uhm, what do you want to buy, if… if you are?”
  1021. -Buy item(s)
  1022. -Inspect item(s)
  1023. -Back to Menu
  1024. -Exit
  1027. >Selected:
  1028. Defibrillator
  1029. (Recipe) Defibrillator
  1031. >Total: 70 bits
  1032. >Do you want to buy these items? Y/N
  1037. Your bit pouch: 34 bits
  1039. >Gyro thanks you as soon as you give him the bits.
  1040. >”It might not be that much in the grand scheme of things, but every little bit helps, you know, heh… Uhm, are you sure you didn’t want to buy anything else?”
  1041. “I’m running low as it is, thanks for the offer though. …”
  1042. >You have an impulsive action run through your body.
  1043. >You can’t just leave him as is, for some reason, you just feel like he needs it.
  1044. >You reach over the counter as he took the bits, and you wrap your arms around him.
  1045. >”Hey, what are y-, gh, uh… …”
  1046. >A few pats to his back, and you let go, feeling a bit of sauce run down your pockets.
  1047. >”Er… Well, first time I’ve been… been hugged by a, uh, human…. or my life, but okay.”
  1048. >Never in his life…?
  1049. >”T-thanks.”
  1050. “No problem. Hey, don’t worry, my friend. I’m going to show this stuff off and help you, even if it kills me. Got any business cards we could use?”
  1051. >He shakes his head, still a little glassy from the out of nowhere hug.
  1052. >”N-not really, no…”
  1053. “Alright, that’s fine, I’ll find a way.”
  1054. [QUEST ADDED: The Long Road Ahead - Expand Gyro’s Consumer Base (0/1)]
  1055. >You nod and give him a proper hand-hoof shake, which he takes, and you look at Red and Pinkie, both smiling at the warmness you’ve displayed.
  1056. >That ordeal took about half an hour, making it 10:30 A.M.
  1057. >What would you like to do?
  1061. >Inspect Defibrillator
  1062. [A new invention by Gyro Gear, it apparently has the ability to magnetize electrical appliances and metals. But the real purpose is to jumpstart the circulatory system of any living thing, using the power dial. (25% chance to revive incapacitated/dead party member, requires power source)]
  1064. >Inspect (Recipe) Defibrillator
  1065. [Defibrillator - 2 Tin pads, 2 insulated handles, 1 Electric manifold, 1 Dial mechanism, 2 strong magnets]
  1067. >Your next stop is going to be back to the Protected Wither, to start off this business trade, and to see what the new weapons are all about.
  1068. >You wave one last goodbye to a still shocked Gyro Gears, Red and Pinkie waving as well.
  1069. >You open the door for the two and walk out into the blisteringly cold heat of the sun.
  1070. >It’s still weird, but you traveled north for 12 hours so you weren’t really surprised.
  1071. >At least it’s summer, right?
  1072. >You talk with Red and Pinkie about these thoughts on your way back to the weapon store, and when you finally make it there, it was the same old store you know and love.
  1073. >Except there is a huge caravan pulling a lot of crates into the back
  1074. >Must’ve been the new shipment.
  1075. >Pinkie suddenly rushes ahead and opens the door for you and Red with a huge grin on her face.
  1076. >”After you, loveponies!”
  1077. >”Thanks Pinkie Pie, haha.”
  1078. “M’lady.”
  1079. >Oh fuck, full autism engage…
  1080. >You’ll commit honorable sudoku later.
  1081. >You shake that thought out of your head as you walk back into the weapon store, where the storeowner is currently being overrun by moving ponies and setting crates back in the armory.
  1082. >There is one thing you see new alongside the rest of the weapons: Bows.
  1083. [Protected Wither] - Owner: Mr. Ironsmith
  1084. >”Welcome back, my hairless friend! Did you come back to see the new shipment?”
  1086. -Buy
  1087. -Sell
  1088. -Exit
  1089. -Talk to Mr. Ironsmith
  1092. -Talk to Mr. Ironsmith
  1093. “Hello, I actually came by to offer you a business proposal, of sorts.”
  1094. >He gives you a once-over, regarding you carefully.
  1095. >”Well, spit it out. I’m doing great now, but it couldn’t hurt to hear what you have to say, I suppose.”
  1096. “Thanks. First off, you told me before when I bought stuff here that I helped the shop more than I realize. May I ask what you meant? No issues in the financial department, is there?”
  1097. >To your surprise, Mr. Ironsmith lets out a haughty guffaw, his ash-strewn mustache billowing in your face.
  1098. >”Oh, heavens no! Quite the opposite actually, you see, your purchase finally brought me over the limit to expand my shop with an entirely new category of weapons that I should’ve had in the first place: Ranged! The hype is going to buy out my store with the upcoming Equestria Games, athletes and medalists will be lining up to buy my wares for target practice!”
  1099. >Well that is certainly a relief.
  1100. >It’s odd though, how such a relatively peaceful country like Equestria would have more need for weapons and armor than they do scientific advances.
  1101. >You try not to dwell on that thought as you continue.
  1102. “Anyways, my good friend Gyro Gear and I invented a powerful, unparalleled, brand new weapon that’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen in your whole life. It’s still in development, but I was wondering if you’d accept the offer that I’m proposing. See, you have connections with weapon shops and guards across all of Equestria, right? If Gyro sells them to you in bulk, you could handle distribution, send them out, get a large net profit, and you’ll both be happy, along with him and I receiving royalties for the patent. Does that sounds like something you’d like to do?”
  1103. >”What exactly is this superweapon you’re talking about?”
  1104. >You stick out your chest with an arrogant smirk.
  1105. “I call it the Freedom Uninhibited Cock Kicker Extreme Reaper!”
  1106. >A moment of hesitation, and an odd look on his face is your entire existence right now.
  1107. >”Boy, are you trying to be funny or something?”
  1108. “Yes.”
  1109. >Mr. Ironsmith says something before he drinks his coffee he had on his counter.
  1110. >”…Well, what is it?”
  1111. “The technical term is called a shotgun. Think of a crossbow, right? Except replace the arrow with a metal ball called a bullet, replace the winding mechanism with gu-- Kablooie powder, and you fire two at once, able to shoot twice before reloading. Did I mention these bullets fly over 500 times faster than arrows?”
  1112. >He suddenly spills coffee over his face and looks at you like a cow looks at an oncoming train.
  1113. >”No fooling, that fast? What’s it do to meat?”
  1114. “Completely shreds it if you’re closer than 20 feet.”
  1115. >His excited look is replaced with disappointment.
  1116. >”20 feet?”
  1117. “It’s a shotgun and used for close-range combat. However, we’re going to make more models with widely different capabilities, single shots with very high range, and when I say high range, I mean for miles.”
  1118. >He nods as you speak, rubbing his coffee-stained chin.
  1119. >”That sounds interesting… I’ll talk to that greasebag and see what he’s got for me. Thanks for the heads up, hairless creature.”
  1120. “Call me Anonymous.”
  1121. >”Anonymous, pleasure doing business. Now, let me show you -my- business proposal…”
  1122. -Buy
  1124. [ARMOR]
  1125. Gryphon armor (Use for Gryphons and Humans)
  1126. >“Some of this armor might just fit ya!”
  1127. >(AL) Avian Leather Set (+10 PD) {75 bits}
  1128. -Avian Leather Salet (2)
  1129. -Avian Leather Harness (3)
  1130. -Avian Leather Gloves (1)
  1131. -Avian Leather Greaves (2)
  1132. [Extras: Avian Leather Boots - No armor, but lowers exhaustion rate and looks very nice. You currently own this item.] {15 bits}
  1134. >(AC) Avian Chainmail Set (+20 PD/+5 MD) {180 bits}
  1135. -Avian Chainmail Cap (5) (You currently own this item.)
  1136. -Avian Chainmail (7) (You currently own this item.)
  1137. -Avian Chainmail Talons (5) (You currently own this item.)
  1138. -Avian Chainmail Sabatons (3) (You currently own this item.)
  1139. [Extras: Avian Buckler (+10 PD)] {40 bits}
  1141. >(AP) Avian Plate Set (+40 PD/+20 MD/+15 HP) {600 bits}
  1142. -Avian Plate Helmet (8)
  1143. -Avian Platemail (15)
  1144. -Avian Plate Gauntlets (8)
  1145. -Avian Plate Cuisses (7)
  1146. [Extras: Avian Kiteshield (+40 PD)] {200 bits}
  1148. Pony-made Armor (Use with all three races)
  1149. >(CL) Crystalline Leather Set (+10 PD) {65 bits}
  1150. -Crystal Leather Salet (2)
  1151. -Crystal Leather Protector (3)
  1152. -Crystal Leather Shoes (1)
  1153. -Crystal Leather Flankguards (2)
  1154. [Extras: Crystal Leather Cloak - No armor, but lower exhaustion rate and completes the set’s aesthetics.] {12 bits}
  1156. >(CL) Crystalline Chainmail Set (+20 PD/+5 MD) {160 bits}
  1157. -Crystal Chainmail Coronet (2)
  1158. -Crystal Chainmail Breadth (3)
  1159. -Crystal Chainmail Sabatons (1)
  1160. -Crystal Chainmail Flankguards (2)
  1161. [Extras: Crystal Buckler (+10 PD)] {36 bits}
  1162. >(CP) Crystalline Plate Set (+40 PD/+20 MD) {550 bits}
  1163. -Crystal Plate Helmet (8)
  1164. -Crystal Platemail (15)
  1165. -Crystal Plate Flankguards (8)
  1166. -Crystal Plate Hoofguards (7)
  1167. [Extras: Crystal Squareshield (+40 PD)] {180 bits}
  1168. >(HG) Highguard Plate Set (+100 PD/+70 MD) {2,500 bits}
  1169. -Highguard Plate Helmet (20)
  1170. -Highguard Platemail (30)
  1171. -Highguard Flankguards (25)
  1172. -Highguard Hoofguards (25)
  1173. -Highguard Shield Wall (+75 PD/+30 MD)
  1175. >”Also, there’s medic-issued armor for each of the pony armor and avian sets, for a small 10% embroidery fee.”
  1177. [WEAPONS]
  1178. >Swords
  1179. -Crystal Rapier (1 handed, +10 Physical Attack, Grants Parry) {50 bits}
  1180. -Crystal Zweihander (2 handed, +35 PA, Grants ability Crush) {80 bits}
  1181. -Highguard Longsword (½ handed, +40 P.A., Grants Parry, Grants ability Precision Strike) {140 bits}
  1183. >Spears
  1184. -Double Blade Spear (You currently own this item)
  1185. -Crystal Lance (1 handed, +10 P.A., Grants Parry) {50 bits}
  1186. -Crystal Poleaxe (2 handed, +35 P.A., Grants Parry) {80 bits}
  1187. -Highguard Glaive (½ handed, +40 P.A., Grants Parry, Grants ability Downforce) {160 bits}
  1189. >Hammers/Maces
  1190. -Crystalforge Mace (1 handed, +15 P.A.) {50 bits}
  1191. -Crystalforge Hammer (2 handed, +40 PA, Grants ability Hammertime) {85 bits}
  1192. -Highguard Morningstar (½ handed, +55 PA, Grants ability Whirlwind) {175 bits}
  1194. >Axes
  1195. -Crystalline Hacker (1 handed, +12 Pa) {40 bits}
  1196. -Clarion Battleaxe (2 handed, +36 PA, Grants Block) {85 bits}
  1197. -Highguard Sparthaxe (½ handed, +50 PA, Grants Block, grants ability Chop) {145 bits}
  1199. >Daggers
  1200. -Crystal Stiletto (1 handed, +5 PA) {20 bits}
  1201. -Clarion Twins (DW, +12/+12 PA, Grants ability Backstab) {70 bits}
  1202. -Highguard Poniards (DW, +25/+25 PA, Grants ability Ambush) {125 bits)
  1203. -Sir Prize and Miss Direction (DW, +60/+40 PA, Grants ability Darkstrike, Grants Parry) {400 bits}
  1204. >[NEW!] Ranged
  1205. -Quiver (“Required to hold arrows properly! It holds 24 with our special space-expanding pattern.”) {20 bits}
  1206. -Longbow (R, +10 PA, +5 Balsa) {25 bits}
  1207. -Crossbow (R, +20 PA, +7 Balsa) {40 bits}
  1208. -Crystal Composite Bow (R, +36 PA, +10 Balsa or +3 Crystal) {80 bits}
  1209. -Highguard Recurve (R, +64 PA, +1 quiver of Balsa or +20 Yew or +10 Crystal or +3 Hollowmetal) {185 bits}
  1210. -Balsa Arrows (R) {10 bits per 4 / 40 bit fill}
  1211. -Yew Arrows (R, +3 PA) {15 bits per 4 / 75 bit fill}
  1212. -Crystal Arrows (R, +10 PA) {20 bits per 4 / 90 bit fill}
  1213. -Triple-reinforced Hollowmetal Arrows (R, +20 PA) {40 bits per 4 / 185 bit fill}
  1214. -Hunting tips (Adds +5 PA and 75% chance to bleed) {+25% bits to arrow price}
  1216. >”That’s my entire selection, plus the same embroidery cost if you desired. The ranged shelf is full so please feel free to buy plenty! Now, what’ll it be?”
  1218. -Buy item(s)
  1219. -Inspect item(s)
  1220. -Back to Menu
  1221. -Exit
  1224. >Inspect (Recipe) Defibrillator: Power Source
  1225. [There seems to be a slot in the side of the mechanism in the blueprints that seems to be a universal input device, maybe for an electric rod or a unicorn's horn, it seems. You check the model you have with you and confirm that it's there.]
  1228. >Speak to Mr. Ironsmith
  1229. “Hey, my friend Pinkie here actually has a base for manticore-hide armor that the tailors made for her, and we were wondering if you could reinforce it to make her some leather armor?”
  1230. >”Oh, a drop ‘n’ force, haven’t had those in a while. Let me see the base and I’ll tell you what I’d be charging.”
  1231. >Pinkie nods and bounces up to your side, taking off the base and handing it to Mr. Ironsmith.
  1232. [Pinkie gives the shopowner Manticore Armor Base.]
  1233. >”There you go Mr. Blacksmith armor sharp things man!”
  1234. >He chuckles at her enthusiasm, and takes a minute to look over the base and its dimensions, even using one of those small one eye magnifying glasses.
  1235. >”Well… When did you need it by?”
  1236. “Before noon, if you could swing it.”
  1237. >”Before noon!? Anonymous, you’re certainly a bold one…”
  1238. >He sets it down and removes his magnifier, looking dead in your eyes.
  1239. >”If you want this done before noon, I’ll have to put my entire team on it, and it’d run you about 50 bits. Can you do that?”
  1240. >X X X
  1241. [You don’t have enough bits!]
  1242. >What do you say?
  1244. -Haggle
  1245. “Mr. Ironsmith, I really appreciate you setting aside your time for me. However, we are going to be dealing with you in the future with this trade route we’re setting up, plus, as you said yourself, I improved your store with my last purchase? I think a little discount is in order, don’t you think?”
  1246. >”’Mouse, do you really think that I’m going to fall for that line? It’s true, but if you want a discount, it’s called patience.”
  1247. >Red pats you on the leg and goes to look at the bows.
  1248. >”Have fun with this, Anon, I’ll leave you two to deal with it.”
  1249. >Y-your heart.
  1250. “Are you sure, Smith? The reason I’d like it done before noon is because I’m registering for the tournament that’s coming up, and if I get that prize money, I’ll be spending most of it here, believe me.”
  1251. >Now he’s interested, a buggy-eyed expression rising his face.
  1252. >”Oh really? You’re gonna spend 2,000 bits here?”
  1253. “If I get it, and if I get that armor.”
  1254. >He thinks for a moment.
  1255. >”40.”
  1256. “30.”
  1257. >”36.”
  1258. “34, and that’s my entire pouch.”
  1259. >He actually begins laughing again.
  1260. >”You got a lot to learn about hagglin’ son, you don’t tell the guy how much you got! … Alright, 34.”
  1261. "While we're at it, remember those Manticore Claws? What's your opinion on strapping a few to some horseshoes, in terms of safety and effectiveness per claw? When do we start hitting diminishing returns? I wouldn't ask you not to turn a profit on them, but if you have any left after the tournament, we might come back for them."
  1262. >”I think you should worry about that after you get some more bits, but as for the process itself, it is doable, and manticore claws are the sharpest around. Probably three each would do the trick, any more would be a waste. Now, the armor…”
  1264. >Selected Manticore Armor creation for 34 bits, to be done by 11:45 A.M., one hour from now.
  1265. >Do you want to buy this item? Y/N
  1269. >Y
  1270. Your bit pouch: 0 bits
  1272. >”Alright, 11:45 on the dot. Be here or be square…”
  1273. >He trails off looking at the base as he walks into the back, and a few minutes later a much younger looking mare comes out and proceeds to replace him, giving you an innocent smile.
  1274. >You’re done with business for now, and you are broke, so there isn’t much to talk about.
  1275. “So Pinkie, your armor is getting made, and it should be pretty strong since it’s Manticore hide.”
  1276. >She nods erratically.
  1277. >”Thanks Nonny, after what happened last night, it was sooo scary, and now it won’t happen anymore!”
  1278. “Well, not that severely. Anyways, we got some waiting to do.”
  1279. >What would you like to do for the next hour?
  1281. “Hey Redheart?”
  1282. >She looks back at you.
  1283. >”What’s up?”
  1284. “Do you know if the hospital here has medical books like your hospital, or maybe even anything about healing magic?”
  1285. >She thinks for a moment as she returns to your side along with Pinkie, as the three of you walk out of the door.
  1286. >”I’m not sure about the magic part, but I’m sure they have some high-level things in their library, most likely.”
  1287. “Alright. Think we can head there real quick, see if there’s anything we could pick up?”
  1288. >”Sounds fine by me. Pinkie?”
  1289. >She was distracted by some sort of crystal bug on the road, but she waves at you both as if she’d catch up.
  1290. >Seems good enough, so you get directions from the directory, and head off to the Mi Amore Hospital.
  1291. >When you get there, it’s a rather large building that’s not in the business district, making a rather long walk time.
  1292. >You arrive inside, the current time being 11:05 A.M.
  1293. >In front of you is the Receptionist’s desk, who’d know the most about the layout of the hospital.
  1294. >To the left marks the surgery/patient hallways.
  1295. >To the right marks the waiting room, break rooms, cafeteria, and hospital library.
  1296. >What would you like to do?
  1299. >You walk up to the receptionist’s desk, and wave to the rather striking violet-maned crystal pony sitting behind it.
  1300. >”Hello, welcome to the Mi Amore Hospital, what can I do for you today?”
  1301. “Hello, my name is Anonymous and I’d like to see the head of the office here, if he/she’s available.”
  1302. >The receptionist begins writing down the information.
  1303. >”Her name is Miracle Shine, but today she’s going to be in meetings all day, trying to make a deal with the tournament representees you know, that whole tournament thing is probably going to make us very busy, haha… You have armor and spears, are you entering?”
  1304. “Oh, just me, but that’s not why I’m here. I have a life-saving invention that she needs to see, pronto. It can revive ponies from the dead, if used correctly.”
  1305. >Apparently Redheart and Pinkie were busy browsing Gyro’s wares when you were talking about it before, because they suddenly express great surprise when you say this, especially Redheart.
  1306. >”Wait a minute, the device you were talking to him about revives ponies from the dead?!”
  1307. >”Ohmygosh Nonny!! HowdoesitworkcanIseeitohIwannaseeitworknotthatIwanttoseeadeadponyIjustwanttoseeifitreallyworksornot--”
  1308. “Guys! It’s not guaranteed, it just jumpstarts the heart with a focused electric shock, okay?”
  1309. >The receptionist gets herself up from her seat.
  1310. >”I’m going to go directly to her about this, alright?”
  1311. “Er, I have a few more questions. Was there any…pony that was admitted into the ER for knife wounds recently? Maybe from the business district?”
  1312. >The receptionists goes through many logs of parchment trying to find who’ve you requested.
  1313. >”I apologize, but no, nobody that fits your description has been admitted recently.”
  1314. “Alright, thank you. We’ll be in the library if she wants to see us!”
  1315. >She nods and walks through the office door, leaving you alone in the main hall with Redheart and Pinkie.
  1316. “Want to check out the library, Red?”
  1317. >She nods, and turns to Pinkie.
  1318. >”Wait, where did Pinkie go?”
  1319. >You look around and see nothing.
  1320. >The Pink Blur is gone, that’s odd.
  1321. >You take a quick look outside and see she wasn’t there, which she would’ve been if she had left the hospital.
  1322. >So she is somewhere in here…
  1323. >You wonder if it has something to do with what you asked, but you’re not sure.
  1324. >It’s bugging you though, if she went for revenge… But that’s not her style, is it?
  1325. >….You hope to Celestia it isn't.
  1326. >Do you want to go to the Library, or search for Pinkie?
  1328. >This is too much. What if she decided to go looking for the injured thief that would’ve been here and do something rash?
  1329. >You aren’t about to let that happen.
  1330. “Redheart, I’m going to go look for Pinkie, I just have a bad feeling about this.”
  1331. >She looks back at you, now with a serious expression.
  1332. >”Are you sure?”
  1333. “Yeah, you can go to the library and see if there’s any books we can use, but I have to make sure she’s okay.”
  1334. >Redheart nods and goes into the right wing of the hospital, leaving you alone.
  1335. >Should you start looking in the patients/surgery hall, the break/library hall, or the restricted access office?
  1338. >You walk behind the receptionist’s desk after making a quick spot check, and you try to open the door.
  1339. >No dice.
  1340. >It was padlocked and everything, and you didn’t have any keys nor did you have any lockpicking experience.
  1341. >You could blast it into pieces with your magic, but your teachers always told you not to blow open doors with a powerful blast of pure magical energy.
  1342. >Would you like to try the other halls, or blast the door open?
  1346. >Blowing up the door probably wasn’t the best idea.
  1347. >Especially if you’re trying to befriend the hospital to accept your business proposal for Gyro.
  1348. >On top of that, if you can’t get in, it’s unlikely that she would’ve gotten in to.
  1349. >Since Red most likely would’ve caught her in the other hall, you decide to search inside the patient hallway and see if you could find her there.
  1350. >You step inside the door and begin the search.
  1352. [ATTENDING TO LIST . . .]
  1353. Patient Room #11A >Nothing<
  1354. Patient Room #11B >Nothing<
  1355. Patient Room #11C >Occupied<
  1356. Patient Room #11D >Nothing<
  1357. Patient Room #11E >Nothing<
  1358. Patient Room #11F >Occupied<
  1359. Patient Room #11G >Occupied<
  1360. Patient Room #12A >Occupied<
  1361. Patient Room #12B >Occupied<
  1362. Patient Room #12C >Nothing<
  1363. Patient Room #12D >Nothing<
  1364. Patient Room #12E >Nothing<
  1365. Patient Room #12F >Nothing<
  1366. Patient Room #12G >Occupied<
  1367. Patient Room #21A >Nothing<
  1368. Patient Room #21B >Nothing<
  1369. Patient Room #21C >Nothing<
  1370. Patient Room #21D >Nothing<
  1371. Patient Room #21E >Nothing<
  1372. Patient Room #21F >Occupied<
  1373. Patient Room #21G >Nothing<
  1374. Bathroom (Mare) >Nothing, was spotted and couldn’t check thoroughly<
  1375. Bathroom (Stallion) >Nothing<
  1376. Supply Closet >Couldn’t access, locked<
  1377. Surgery Unit #1 >Nothing<
  1378. Surgery Unit #2 >Couldn’t access, in use<
  1379. Surgery Unit #3 >Nothing<
  1380. Surgery Unit #4 >Nothing<
  1381. Surgery Unit #5 >Couldn’t access, in use<
  1382. Surgery Unit #6 >Nothing<
  1383. Surgery Unit #7 >Unlocked, couldn’t search, in use OH GOD<
  1384. Surgery Unit #8 >Nothing<
  1386. >You didn’t find her anywhere.
  1388. >That was an experience.
  1389. >At one point while searching the surgery rooms, you had accidentally walked in on a live birth.
  1390. >It was just as awkward as it sounds, because all of them looked at you as soon as the door opened.
  1391. >Including the newborn, who was already halfway out.
  1392. >You’re pretty sure you left a huge trail of spaghetti behind you on your way out.
  1393. >The image was ingrained into your mind…
  1394. >Especially the swollen crotchboobs.
  1395. >You try not to think about it as you return to the main hall.
  1396. >You couldn’t find her there, she wouldn’t be in the office, so Red must’ve found her or she was completely gone.
  1397. >You make your way to the library, passing up a few nurses on the way that subtly reminded you of her.
  1398. >You enter the library, and see the time.
  1399. >11:26 A.M.
  1400. >Shit.
  1401. >After another minute or so, you find Redheart with a stack of books on her back.
  1402. “Hey, did you see Pinkie around everywhere? I can’t find her and I’m getting really worried.”
  1403. >She looks up and raises a hoof.
  1404. >”Anon, she’s--”
  1405. “I mean, if she’s gone and she got the thief, who knows what’s going to happen? I know it’s Pinkie, but you do remember what happened last time, right?”
  1406. >The nurse tries to interrupt again.
  1407. >”Listen, Anon-”
  1408. “And that was with TWO of them, if she’s flying solo-”
  1409. >Redheart pipes up again, raising her voice with an obvious tinge of annoyance.
  1411. >You stop mid-sentence and turn around.
  1412. >There stood Pinkie, with books on her back and a warm countenance.
  1413. >”Gosh Nonny… First saving my life, now worrying about me? If you weren’t with Reddy I’d think you had something for me! Teehee~”
  1414. >She bounds away to the front desk, leaving your face flushed and slackjawed.
  1415. >Red walks from behind you and heads for the desk herself, giving you a bemused look.
  1416. >”Nothing on healing magic, but I have a few books for you. Come with me, ‘Nonny’.”
  1417. >She smiles and you dumbly follow her, opting to stay silent for now.
  1418. >At the desk, Redheart checks out and gets a few books that she found that would be useful, and using her favors as a supervising nurse, got them for free. For good.
  1419. “That’s a neat little perk.”
  1420. >”Oh, it’s always a plus to be nice to all of your patients, too.”
  1421. >Redheart gives you a few books and keeps a few for herself.
  1425. >It is now 11:30 A.M., and the head of office is nowhere to be found.
  1426. >The Receptionist hasn’t even returned yet.
  1427. >What would you like to do?
  1429. >There isn’t much time left, and you need to wait for the head of office, as this was something very important that you wanted to do before you registered.
  1430. “Pinkie, sorry about this, but we have to wait for the head here. Is there any chance you could go down yourself and pick up your armor? It’s already paid for in full, and after that we’ll meet you at the tournament registration, okay?”
  1431. >You could see a slight flicker in the constance that was her smile, but she is already nodding.
  1432. >”Sure Nonny, I’ll go! See you two there!”
  1433. “Also, if we happen to be late for the registration, can you sign me up?”
  1434. >”Okey dokey lokey!”
  1435. >She bounces out of the door humming a catchy tune, the books flying in and out of her bags.
  1436. >After you and Redheart exchange looks, you both sit down at a desk and decide to read for the time being.
  1437. >At least, she does.
  1438. >You get preoccupied with the defibrillator.
  1439. >You can tell it has to have some sort of power source, and Gyro forgot to give you one.
  1440. >But there is the possibility of using a unicorn horn, and it is powered by magic as well…
  1441. >This gives you an idea.
  1442. >You don’t want to break the thing on the first try, so you set it aside and hold up your fingers.
  1443. >You’ve been slowly getting more experience using your magic in refined ways. You’re still a novice though, despite most of your spells being pure brute force.
  1444. >There were fillies you’ve seen that levitate things all the time, and you don’t have the slightest idea of how to do it until you go to see Twilight or somepony else well-versed in magic.
  1445. >However, you try anyways, because there’s nothing else to do while you wait.
  1446. >…
  1447. >It was a complete bust.
  1448. >You just don’t have the right thought process, or something, because the only thing you managed to do in the ten minutes of waiting was blow a hole in the ceiling.
  1449. >Red wasn’t happy about it either.
  1450. >So here you now sit, guiltily reading your plaster-covered book, when the doors swung open.
  1451. >Miracle Shine you presume, if her professional doctor’s coat was anything to go by.
  1452. >Interestingly enough, she is a pegasus in the Crystal Empire, and you wonder how she got a permanent job here when the majority of crystal ponies seemed to be earth or unicorn.
  1453. >In any case, she trots right up into your face and gives you a very stern look, which makes your sack shrivel a little.
  1454. >”Alright, ‘Anonymous.’ I don’t have much time, but my receptionist said you have a life-saving invention that could change the world. So?”
  1455. >You and Red get up and give her a proper greeting, then there was an awkward silence.
  1456. >You didn’t really think about how to present this.
  1457. >What do you do or say?
  1459. >You suddenly begin channeling a spirit of a sleazebag with a very cheap mustache and bad ideas.
  1460. >But he finally has a good one!
  1461. >You pick up the defibrillator and start showcasing it, your mouth becoming separate from your body.
  1462. “Madam, I can tell that your time is valuable --as is mine--, so I'll try to keep this brief. Being well-versed in physiology and the science of the body, I'm sure you understand that keeping the heart beating regularly is an integral part of a patient's health. The heart's a muscle, of course, and as I'm sure you've seen countless times in hapless patients, if you run a bit of electricity through a muscle, it contracts it, right? What I've got in my hands is a device that runs electricity across a stopped or irregularly-beating heart; while certainly not a pleasant experience by any stretch of the imagination, you could bring back a pony from the very brink of death with this little gadget!”
  1463. >The sheer momentum with which you speak would rival Pinkie Pie’s tangents.
  1464. >In fact, Miracle Shine’s, Redheart’s and the Receptionist’s jaws drop to the floor.
  1465. “Consider that my sales pitch; and if you need any extra convincing of who I am, just take a look.”
  1466. >You make a quick turn to show her your modified coat’s half-truth words, and you turn back.
  1467. >You inspect her reaction very carefully, and it seemed to be a mix of stunned silence, excitement, skepticism and hope.
  1468. >The stunned pegasus takes another moment to regain her composure, and she clears her throat.
  1469. >”If what you say is true, it could be a great advancement in the well-being of Equestrian society as a whole. Who’s funding you?”
  1470. “Actually this business proposal is to get funds, really. I was hoping we could set up a trade route, as I’m working with Gyro Gears of the Great Scientific Wonders shop, as this is his invention, but I’m the businessman, so to speak.”
  1471. >She nods, and motions to see the defibrillator, which you oblige.
  1472. >She examines it closely, and looks back up at you.
  1473. >”I see that hole here, does it need power?”
  1474. “A unicorn’s magic or any form of lightning rod would do fine.”
  1475. >”Pretty accessible, we have plenty of unicorns working here… I have to say… I’m impressed.”
  1476. “That’s good to hear. If you want to set up a trade route, I’d go down to Gyro Gear’s shop and talk with him, see if you two can’t make a deal.”
  1477. >”Very well, Anonymous. You’ve got my attention, so tell Gyro I’ll be down there in a week’s time with a patient of mine that has severe arrhythmia. He better be ready.”
  1478. >The way she says this last line makes your Jr. retreat into your cavity.
  1479. >She gives a small nod and trots back out quickly, with her staff following her.
  1480. >As soon as she left, you and Red hug each other tightly and make victorious hops.
  1481. >”Anon, that was amazing! How did you talk so fast?”
  1482. “I watched a lot of bad car commercials, and ads for Oxyclean.”
  1483. >RIP in peace, you glorious bastard.
  1484. >”What’s a commercial?”
  1485. “Ads on TV.”
  1486. >She looks very confused now.
  1487. >”….TV?”
  1488. “Err…”
  1489. >The waiting and the talking brought you to 11:45 A.M.
  1490. >Registration is in 15 minutes, and Pinkie has most likely gotten her armor at this point.
  1491. >What would you like to do?
  1493. >”We’re running it a little close, Anon.”
  1494. >Yeah, right.
  1495. >….Right…
  1496. >You look around the library and find a piece of paper and pen, to which you start writing down the recipe for healing potions.
  1497. >After you make a quick set of instructions just to be sure, you turn to Red and give it to her, along with passing her the Defibrillator and the recipe.
  1498. [You give Redheart the Defibrillator, (Recipe) Defib., and (Recipe) Healing potion.]
  1499. “Here, I want you to take these for the tournament. I know you want to help out, and I realized just now that I’m not going to be able to show this stuff off, and you know more about medicine than I do, so go ahead and do your thing. We gotta run if we want to get there in time, right?”
  1500. >She nods, struggling to get the things in her bags quickly.
  1501. >”Good thinking, alright… Anon, just in case we don’t have time…”
  1502. “Hm?”
  1503. >You’re suddenly pulled down into a kiss with those succulent wet lips, which turned off your brain for a moment.
  1504. >She breaks it and stared at you with half-lidded eyes, biting her lip some.
  1505. >”You’ve been amazing these last few days, sans a few hiccups… Just want to make sure you had good luck for that tournament. Don’t get hurt, okay?”
  1506. “Okay.”
  1507. >With that, you both sprint/gallop out of the door, running once again.
  1508. >You make it out of the hospital at 11:54 A.M.
  1509. >A quick look at the directory tells you the park is about a half mile away.
  1510. >Do you want to push yourself to the tournament, take it steady, or other?
  1513. >You look at Redheart.
  1514. >She looks at you.
  1515. >You nod at each other, and look at the long road ahead.
  1516. >You and Red then simultaneously take off, running at top speed.
  1517. >This time she kept with your slower speed, staying side by side with you, however.
  1518. >It must’ve been an interesting sight to see: A normal earth pony nurse with medic armor running alongside a weird ape thing with gryphon chainmail and a red-streaked spear, sprinting/galloping down the road without any attention to the world besides their one goal.
  1519. >11:56.
  1520. >You are in chainmail and Redheart is staying with you, your speed is diminishing.
  1521. >11:57.
  1522. >It wasn’t long now, but such a long road ahead.
  1523. >You don’t think you were going to make it.
  1524. >11:58.
  1525. >You have to do something, this is going to be embarrassing if Pinkie had to sign you up, being late for your own match.
  1526. >That’s when you get an idea.
  1527. >Your eyes dart to everything that was around you, a sudden instinct of awareness overtaking your conscious mind.
  1528. >Out of all the chances, you spot Wheaties!
  1529. >She, AJ, Berry are all heading towards the Park themselves, also running.
  1530. “WHEATIES!”
  1531. >The call of her name startles her, and she looks around for the voice.
  1532. >You and Redheart wave, and you divert your path to her.
  1533. “Can I use your scooter real quick? I’ll give it back, I promise!”
  1534. >”O-oh, yes!”
  1535. >She undoes it from her pack and throws it to you as soon as you get in range.
  1536. >In mid-stride, you set it under your foot, pick Redheart up with one arm (making her do that little cute yelp), and start zooming down the road on the gifted scooter, AJ and Berry giving cheers and whoops as you go.
  1537. >You throw your foot across the ground harder and harder, the wheels making a high-pitched sound as they tear across the crystal road.
  1538. >You’re definitely glad you took your time making it sturdy.
  1539. >As the ridge and what you assume to be the registration desk, the line starts to fill up as your scooter changes tones when it hits the sidewalk of the park.
  1540. >You stop yourself and let Red down, give her the scooter, and run and join the line.
  1541. >12:00 P.M.
  1542. >Shit, just in time.
  1543. >Now you relax, and so does your party members.
  1544. >Redheart gives you an enthusiastic wave, and when you blink, Pinkie was right beside her, perfectly mimicking her movements.
  1545. >Wait, how is she here but not in line?
  1546. >Red and Pinkie look at each other, the exact same way.
  1547. >As you advance in the line, you get a nice little show of Red getting confused at Pinkie’s antics, so that was fun.
  1548. >So, you got here with your heroic McFly wind.
  1549. >You see AJ, Berry and Wheaties far off in the distance, still catching up.
  1550. >Is there anything you’d like to do while in line for registration?
  1552. >You get a little bored waiting for the line, so you decide to do a few poses with your coat when Redheart looks at you.
  1553. >You make sure to get in a little bulge of muscle from underneath the coat and show the cutie mark.
  1554. >She giggles, and you feel accomplished.
  1555. >Score.
  1556. >You still have like 20 combatants in front of you, so you decide it might be a good idea to check out the competition.
  1557. >Inspect competition
  1558. [There are many fighters here, as it is a 64pp tournament. A few did pop out at you that seemed a little extra dangerous, beyond the normal armored goon.]
  1559. -A Unicorn with a rather elaborate set of magically-attuned robes, with a hood shrouding the upper half of her face. She had plenty of spellbooks, and her horn had a slow, constant flame like a candle at its tip, though it was a dark violet flame.
  1560. -A Pegasus in what you assumed to be their home race’s plate armor, a sword and shield at his side with no emotion except determination plastered on him.
  1561. -A crystal pony playing home team, but looked rather inexperienced and undergeared, though he did have a pretty… sculpted body.
  1562. -Another bull-man thing like Iron Will, except you overheard a conversation that they were called Minotaurs. This one had interestingly tribal chain armor that accentuated his muscles, and he had sharp metal attachments to his horns.
  1563. -…A Buffalo? Yet it was talking! So, a sapient buffalo with a feather headdress that was actually smaller than some of the ponies here. Looked female, and had a lot of spunk on her face.
  1564. -Finally, you saw a rather large Gryphon. Not just large compared to ponies, but to gryphons. A headband was his only attire, but he looked like he’s been fighting his whole life, what with the scars on his beak and face.
  1566. >Among the rest of the crowd, you indeed spot Iron Will giving autographs to easily-impressed mares…
  1567. >You spot the royal guards that were overseeing the tournament, including a slightly orange-tinted stallion with a blue mane.
  1568. >And, oh yes, the big white stallion with a blue-striped mane. Twilight had told you about her Royal Guard Captain brother, Shining Armor. He must be him. He looks pretty tired for some reason, but that doesn’t detract from his heavily threatening appearance.
  1569. >As you were absent-mindedly looking around, you suddenly find yourself bumping into the registration desk.
  1570. >A well-dressed crystal mare catches your attention.
  1571. >”Hello, I’ve never seen your kind before! Here, fill out this form and we’ll verify the information, then ask you a few questions, and you’ll be on your way to the slot picks!”
  1572. >Alright, that’s easy enough.
  1573. >You look down at the paper, and read over the lines.
  1575. -Name:
  1576. -Age:
  1577. -Gender:
  1578. -Species:
  1579. -Primary method of combat:
  1580. -Secondary method of combat:
  1581. -Cutie Mark (If you have one):
  1582. -Weapon (If you have one):
  1583. -Reason for joining the tournament (Optional):
  1585. >How do you fill out the form?
  1588. >After a moment of thinking, you decide on mostly truth.
  1589. >…Mostly.
  1591. -Name: Dr. Anon Y. Mous, Ph. D. (Prefer Anonymous)
  1592. -Age: 24
  1594. -Gender: /Yes please/ Male
  1596. -Species: Homo Sapien Sapien (Human)
  1598. -Primary method of combat: Spear combat
  1600. -Secondary method of combat: Magic through the use of mysterious markings etched into the body.
  1602. -Cutie Mark (If you have one): None, but would like to use the adopted emblem on attire
  1604. -Weapon (If you have one): Double-bladed Spear with fire enchantment
  1606. -Reason for joining the tournament (Optional): Need money to become a Legendary Doctor in two universes.
  1608. ...

The Great and Powerful Trixie Has Arrived

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The Sun Has Risen

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Storytime! Option 2: Trevor

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Trixie and Anon Rob a Bank

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AJ Tries to Castrate Anon

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