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The Master's Legendary Quest - 9

By Trixiefap
Created: 2022-06-29 02:35:08
Expiry: Never

  1. >You walk up to the Guard’s desk and catch the attention of a new stallion.
  2. >Well, not really, as he knows you’re there but he doesn’t even look up from his desk.
  3. >”If you’re donating to the Foal’s Crystal Fair Toy Drive, it closed yesterday, we apologize for any inconveniences… Oh.”
  4. >There we go, now he’s looking.
  5. >”Oh, you’re Doctor Anonymous, right? Tournament winner?”
  6. “That’s me.”
  7. >”Wow, good to meet you! So uh, what are you doing here?”
  8. “Well, we were actually in here earlier trying to find a group that robbed the financial district and hurt my friend here, Pinkie Pie.”
  9. >She gives a little wave from behind you obliviously as you continue.
  10. “We've got a possible lead that they occasionally show up in Onyx Corner, but the more important point is that they may be making black market versions of the new weapon that you may have already scheduled shipments for, the F.U.C.K.E.R. If they're poorly made, or even well-made, they could be dangerous to both your men and themselves. If you hear any info on them, I'd like to be part of the investigation, if our excursion goes well, and I just wanted to inform you of that.
  11. >He nods in tandem with your words, letting you finish.
  12. >”Well Doctor, we’ve actually been quite aware of the situation in Onyx Corner, but we’ve been doing recon as of late so we didn’t stir up any controversy during the Crystal Fair. Ensuring protection of the city as a whole trumps some petty gangs, after all. However, thank you for bringing this information to us, It always helps knowing that the civilians are playing their part, too.”
  13. >How does the Crystal Fair protect the city?
  14. >You must’ve missed something about it, but you continue on, the issue at hand being more important.
  15. “It’s no problem, but I actually had something else to talk about, too. Did a blue mare with rainbow hair come by here earlier, maybe? We've been searching the whole city, but to no avail.”
  16. >”Rainbow Dash? She’s one of our missing ponies, and we have a search party going for her right now under Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle’s jurisdiction. If you had any leads, that’d be great.”
  17. “First, I could really use a map of the Tundra and any supplies you might be able to lend us, as my friends and I here are getting ready to try and find your missing Officer Tidal Wave out there, and we have reason to believe that RD is there too. Think you have one to spare?”
  18. >He looks through his desk for a moment.
  19. >”Well, I’m not… technically supposed to reveal the location of the outpost, but since you’ve been such a good samaritan, I don’t think it’d hurt to let you guys help, and after winning a tournament like that? Well, I know you can take care of yourselves. Ah, here we go!”
  20. [Desk guard gives you a Map to the Tundra Outpost.]
  21. >”It’s about 5 miles one way, so I’d suggest traveling during the day, because it gets bitter cold under Luna’s moon. Unfortunately, we’re actually running low on supplies ourselves, waiting for a shipment from Canterlot that’s late, so I can’t give you anything else. Some knucklehead working my last shift gave away our last spare hoofcuffs, can you believe it?”
  22. >You avoid that question like the plague.
  23. “Well, thanks for the help you’ve given us.”
  24. >Redheart nods.
  25. >”You’ve been very helpful, and we will do our best to find that officer.”
  26. >The desk guard nods and salutes you and your party.
  27. >You, Redheart, AJ, Pinkie and Berry all salute in turn, with Iron Will confused at the action and Gable standing stone still.
  28. >”Hey, you guys be careful out there, okay? I’ve heard there’s been some extra danger out on the pathway because of some frightened animals or something.”
  29. “We’ll be fine. Thank you!”
  30. >You and your party wave goodbye to the desk guard, leaving you with a map and virtually nothing else.
  31. >Applejack sighs and looks up at you.
  32. >”So, we goin’ through the snow?”
  33. “Looks like we are.”
  34. >What would you like to do?
  39. Party members [7/7]:
  40. >ANONYMOUS: [HP: 130/130, Exhausted][MP: 20/20][Stats: 20 PD, 25 MD / +10 PA, +15 MA wep / +75 PA ranged]
  42. Inventory: Med. Pamphlet (First Aid 101/Procreation), Med. Book (Diseases), Wallet, Bit pouch (1 bit), Roll of duct tape, Rope, Book of Dark Magic (W/ potential info about Shadow), Potion-making Kit, Blowdart, Sleeping darts (1), blue herbs (4), Red herbs (2), Medkit (1), Supply Medkit (5), Small mana potion (2), Alchemy/Engineering Books (Transmogrification/Practical), Lifeleaf (5), Rizzleberry bunch (3), 9 oz. of Kablooie powder, 4 ounces of combustible powder, Wisp weed (3), 2 handfuls of bolts, Haze Flower, Yeti Hair (1), Gypsum (2), Sir Ducksalot (He’s looking a bit redder than usual…), iPhone, Medical Expertise Books (Bleeding, clots, nasty gashes; stitches and poison treating), Fishing Rod and kit (Grants ability Fish), Pickaxe (+10 PA, grants ability Mine), (Book) Introduction to Architecture, Screwdriver kit (reduces bolt and screw cost by 3), Socket wrench kit (reduces wheel & axle and nut cost by 1), Foal’s Guide to Magic (Gives basic knowledge of magical theory, allows learning of basic level spells, levitation and luminate), (Tome) Ignite, (Tome) Shockwave, 1 Oz. of Thermite, (Tome) QUACK!, Four-Barrel Lead Ammo (24), Black Marker, Hoofcuffs (3), Cock Ring, Ultimate Knowledge of Medical Expertise: Volume XXVII, Medium Healing potion (66% restore, 4), Map to the Tundra Outpost
  44. Abilities: Basic hand to hand combat, Basic alchemy skills (Allows brewing of low-level potions and enchantments), Moderate medical use (+50% medkit efficiency, ½ chance to remove bleed/poison), Basic Veterinary knowledge (Allows kit usage on animals), Basic Engineering skills (Allows creation of simple mechanical devices), Ogre Dance (0-4 Fail, 5-9 Succeed, confuses enemy), Expert spear combat (+15 dmg, ½ crit chance), Call Shot (Call specific location to attack, focus dmg and -66% hit chance), Very High Magical Defense (+20 magical armor), basic knowledge of Everfree weeds, {S.S.S. +15 dmg with Anon’s/Red’s separate damage. 5tcd}, Shoot dart, Brew potion (non-com), Giga Buster (-4 MP, Good attack, +25 MA, 3 turn CD), Redheart Cummer (-2 MP, +25 magic dmg, 2 turn CD), Flamescythe (-2 MP, Good attack, +10 MA,
  45. 4 turn CD), Parry (50% hit, deflects enemy atk/counters 50% dmg), Heart’s Calling (5tcd, Gives 50% attack boost to entire party for next turn), Fish, Mine, Shoot (Shoots F.U.C.K.E.R.), Moderate knowledge of magical properties (Allows learning of basic/intermediate tomes, spellbooks and decent control of magic), Weak Levitation (noncom), Luminate (Light source, 1 MP per five minutes), Wallwalking (Lets your hands and feet stick to surfaces for 20 seconds, -5 MP)
  46. Equipped: Redheart-inscribed ‘Legendary’ Doctor’s Trenchcoat (+10 HP to medkit usage), Mysterious markings, Double-bladed spear (+10 P dmg., +15 M dmg, can attack spectrals), Amulet of Heart’s Calling (+5 HP), Medic-Issued Avian Chainmail Cap (+5 P.D./+1 M.D.), Medic-Issued Avian Chainmail (+7 P.D./+2 M.D.), Medic-Issued Avian Chainmail Talons (+5 P.D./+1 M.D.), Medic-Issued Avian Chainmail Sabatons (+3 P.D./+1 M.D.), Avian Leather Boots (Lowers exhaustion), F.U.C.K.E.R. (R, +75 PA, 7 turn reload, 1 oz. of Kablooie powder per 24 shots {1 shot is one full reloaded round, fires all 4 for each shell}), Thick Winter Coat
  48. >REDHEART: [HP: 130/130][Stats: 30 PD, 25 MD / +40 PA wep]
  49. -Abilities: Basic Spear Combat, Expert Med. Skill (+75% medkit efficiency), {S.S.S. +15 dmg with Anon’s/Red’s separate dmg.. 5 turn CD}, Block (+5 PD and 25% chance to negate all dmg.), Tesseract-bound (+20 MD), Parry (50% hit, deflects enemy atk/counters 50% dmg), Downforce (Good attack, +12 PA, split between all enemies, 3tcd), Beginner Magical Knowledge (Allows basic non-combat magic to be performed)
  50. -Inventory: Medkit (3), Roll of gauze, Ultimate Knowledge of Medical Mastery: Volume I, Defibrillator, Recipe for Defibrillator, Recipe for Healing potions, Lube, Ribbed Strap-on
  51. -Equipped: Medic-Issued Crystal Chainmail Coronet (+4 PD, +1 MD), Medic-Issued Crystal Chainmail Breadth (+6 PD, +1 MD), Medic-Issued Crystal Chainmail Sabatons (+6 PD, +1 MD), Medic-Issued Crystal Chainmail Flankguards (+6 PD, +1 MD), Medic-Issued Crystal Buckler (+10 PD, +1 MD), Highguard Glaive (1 hoofed, +40 PA, Grants Parry, Grants ability Downforce), Medic-Issued Crystal Leather Cloak (Reduces exhaustion), Thick Winter Coat
  53. >PINKIE PIE: [HP: 105/105][Stats: 12 PD, 6 MD, -25%B / +100 PA wep]
  54. -Abilities: Sugar Rush (+3/+3 PA, hits twice), Party cannon (x3 damage, 5 turn CD), Darkstrike (Epic attack (rnd) single, or Good attack AoE split, 90% chance to bleed enemies hit, 7tcd), Parry (50% hit, deflects enemy atk/counters 50% dmg)
  55. -Inventory: Party Cannon, Various sweets, ??? (“Hammerspace, Nonny!”), Knife, Anal Beads, Bit pouch (1 bit)
  56. -Equipped: Sir Prize and Miss Direction (+60/+40 PA, Grants Parry, Grants ability Darkstrike), Manticore Leather Armor (+12 PD, +6 MD, -25% chance to bleed), Crystal Leather Cloak (Reduces exhaustion), Hypno-Necklace (0-4 fail, 5-9 win, confuses enemy), Thick Winter Coat
  58. >BERRY PUNCH: [HP: 220/220][Stats: 40 PD, 20 MD, +15 HP / +44 PA wep]
  59. -Abilities: Throw beer bottle, Drunk Dragon (2.4x multiplier AoE, 4x against wood, 50% to burn for 3 turns, 3tcd), Fisticuffs (Basic attack), Do No Evil (Good Attack, +25 PA, 5tcd), Trample (+25 PA, 50% chance to crit for x2.5, 2tcd)
  60. -Inventory: Flask (old), Bit pouch (empty), Box of matches (19), Bottle of hard liquor (DD up), White Rum Flask (Increases alcohol-related abilities’ damage by x2), Vibrator
  61. -Equipped: Clawed Thick Iron Horseshoes (Modified, +20 PA/+24 Claw PA), Crystal Plate Helmet (+8 PD, +5 MD), Crystal Platemail (+15 PD, +5 MD), Crystal Plate Flankguards (+10 PD, +5 MD), Crystal Plate Hoofguards (+7 PD, +5 MD), Crystal Leather Cloak (Reduces exhaustion), Thick Winter Coat
  63. >APPLEJACK: [HP: 240/240][Stats: 40 PD, 20 MD, +15 HP / +50 PA wep]
  64. -Abilities: Treekicker (x2 damage, 2 turn CD), Lasso (Immobilizes enemy for 3 turns), Bash (Basic attack), Cyli-Spin (Good attack, +25 PA AoE split between enemies, 90% chance to stun affected enemies for 5 turns, 4tcd)
  65. -Inventory: Flask (Apple cider), Tri-braid rope, apples (12), Bit pouch (1 bit), Dildo
  66. -Equipped: Stetson hat, Crystal Plate Helmet (+8 PD, +5 MD), Crystal Platemail (+15 PD, +5 MD), Crystal Plate Flankguards (+10 PD, +5 MD), Crystal Plate Hoofguards (+7 PD, +5 MD), Empire Express (2 hoofed, +50 PA, Grants ability Cyli-Spin), Crystal Leather Cloak (Reduces exhaustion), Thick Winter Coat
  67. >GABLE: [HP: 200/200][Stats: 20 PD, 12 MD]
  68. -Abilities: Tough Hide (+10 PD), Expert Hand to Hand Combat (+15 basic attack, 10% chance to crit for x2), Winged Fury (x5, 3 turn CD), Screech (+15 PA, 20% chance to fear for 5 turns, 3 turn CD), Flight (Allows 3-dimensional travel / +20 PA, 40% bleed chance for 5 turns, 4 turn CD), Basic medical use (Able to use medkits), Rip and Tear (Good attack, 25% bleed chance for 5 turns, 5 turn CD)
  69. -Inventory: Red Headband, Bit pouch (2 bits), Karate Instruction Manual (Raises HtH combat ability)
  70. -Equipped: Avian Leather Salet (+2 PD), Avian Leather Harness (+3 PD), Avian Leather Gloves (Modified: Fingerless, +1 PD), Avian Leather Greaves (+2 PD), Enchanted Talonguard Bracers (+12 MD), Thick Winter Coat
  72. >IRON WILL: [HP: 275/275][Stats: +10 PD / +10 PA wep]
  73. -Abilities: Minotaur hide (+10 PD), Pummel (Basic attack), Charge (+25 PA, 2 turn CD), Enrage (+75% PA, -25% PD for 5 turns, 8 turn CD), Assertive Annihilation (Good attack, 50% chance to stun for 3 turns, 5 turn CD), OOOH YEEAAAH (Increases Party defense by 25% for 3 turns, 6 turn CD)
  74. -Inventory: Protein Shakes (3, increases HP by 20 temporarily), Bit pouch (37 bits), Coupon to Maregaze’s M&S Lover’s ‘Retreat’ (20% discount for one checkout)
  75. -Equipped: Pure rock hard knuckles (+10 PA base), Microphone (Increases voice volume at will), Necktie, Thick Winter Coat
  78. >Use (Tome) Ignite
  79. >As you absorb the intricate details of the magic stored within the tome, you feel uplifted within your mind at this newfound knowledge.
  80. [LEARNED IGNITE (-2 MP, Fire source, +25 MA, 50% chance to burn for 3 turns, 3 turn CD]
  81. [Spells learned from Tomes may be used immediately, but in order to use it at full capacity, you must train the ability. This spell will begin at 10% efficiency and will increase with each use until it strengthens to its full potential.]
  83. “Alright, I believe we have all the supplies we’ll need, so we’re ready to head out. If you guys see anything suspicious or clue-worthy, please let someone know, it’s always nice to use teamwork.”
  84. >Gable tightens his headband.
  85. >”It’s about time we actually got some work done.”
  86. >You have to agree with him there.
  87. >You leave the Guard Department with your party traveling behind you, and while you were walking you decided it’d be a good idea to take a good look at the map and memorize it just in case something happens.
  88. >…
  89. >You’re pretty sure you have the route down pat now, but there’s never any promises because you don’t know how old this map is.
  90. >For all you know there could be a cave in halfway down the trail, but you need to stay optimistic, right?
  91. >You and your group finally reach the outskirts of the Crystal Empire, where there is a rather fine line separating city from nature.
  92. >No really, there’s this bubble thing that you’re staring at, and just outside it is quite a bit of snow.
  93. >You look over at the sign on the road just to be absolutely sure.
  94. >Forward is the Winter Tundra and the outpost, to the left is another route to the Train Station.
  95. >Behind you is the Crystal Empire, but right now you’re not looking back.
  96. >You look at Redheart instead, and you give each other reassuring smiles.
  97. >Are you sure you want to go into the Winter Tundra? Y/N
  100. >Use (Tome) Shockwave
  101. >As you absorb the intricate details of the magic stored within the tome, you feel uplifted within your mind at this newfound knowledge.
  102. [LEARNED SHOCKWAVE (-5 MP, AoE +36 MA each, 25% chance to stun for 3 turns each, 7tcd)]
  103. [Spells learned from Tomes may be used immediately, but in order to use it at full capacity, you must train the ability. This spell will begin at 10% efficiency and will increase with each use until it strengthens to its full potential.]
  105. >Use (Tome) QUACK!
  106. >As you absorb the intricate details of the magic stored within the tome, you feel LIKE QUACKING! within your mind at this newfound knowledge.
  107. >Sir Ducksalot removes himself from your bag.
  108. >Wait, you’re not asleep, and this is actually happening.
  109. >Your entire party is now looking at the animate rubber red duck, beginning to quack on its own as it walks up to your shoulder.
  110. >Most of them are too stunned to speak, but Pinkie looks absolutely ecstatic.
  111. >”Oh Nonny, you made your own little pet ducky duck! You should name him Quackster! NO! SIR DUCKSALOT!”
  112. “H-his name is Sir Ducksalot. He is my master.”
  113. >Everyone there gives you weird looks.
  114. “Er, uh, anyways, what just happened?”
  115. >Redheart looks at the used tome in your hand, thinking intently.
  116. >”If I had to take a guess, it’d be that whatever little magic you just took from that tome is the culprit…”
  117. >Applejack walks up to you and looks at the quacking doll.
  118. >”Well… At least ya don’t have to feed it. But are ya sure you can’t turn it off?”
  119. “Well, uh, no. I think I just gave him life.
  120. ~Sir Ducksalot is pleased, mortal.~
  121. “Oh god.”
  122. ~Do not fear, for I am with you.~
  123. >You suddenly hear angelic choirs in your mind, but you try to shake them out.
  124. >Well, it looks like Sir Ducksalot is a real boy! Er, duckling, now.
  127. Sir Ducksalot: [HP: 25/25]
  128. [Your minion will attack with you during battles autonomously.]
  130. >Y
  131. >You make a closer inspection of the magical bubble surrounding the city, and you place your iron-clad fingers upon it.
  132. >You sink right through as if it wasn’t even there, but you can definitely feel the cold on the outside.
  133. >Looking back at the group, you ask one question.
  134. “Is everyone ready?”
  135. >”Ready, hon.”
  136. >”Can we have a party in the snow for Sir Ducksalot!?”
  137. >”Pinkie’s ready, and so am I, I guess. Hope it’s not too cold, gotta keep my hooves strong…”
  138. >”I’ve been ready, I need a place to cool down my flask!”
  139. >”Iron Will can take any backstabbing, cold-stinging blizzard you can throw at him!”
  140. >”Let’s just get this over with…”
  141. >With that, you step through into the cold, and the party follows you, and what follows them is a series of shivering and ‘brrr’ noises.
  142. >Redheart keeps to your side as you start to tredge through the snow and wind.
  143. >”I’m so glad you bought these coats, even if it did leave you a little… well, broke.”
  144. “It’s fine, but we have to hurry. 5 miles in this isn’t going to be pretty. By the way, have you finished that uhh, medical mastery book yet?”
  145. >She looks up at you and shakes her head.
  146. >”I haven’t had much time to read lately, if you didn’t notice.”
  147. “Ah, sorry about that.”
  148. >Inspect Redheart’s Expert Medical Skill
  149. [Redheart has been working as a nurse for a large portion of her adult life, and has gained much knowledge and experience on how to perform evaluations of anything related to medicine and anatomy. She can perform medical examinations, use medkits to their full potential and remove status effects with them, and can use an armada of medical tools.]
  150. Experience: 825/1,500
  152. >And so on it goes.
  153. >You are currently traveling with your party through the first stretch of the Tundra at approximately 1:45 P.M.
  154. >You suddenly see before you three pathways.
  155. >One pathway descends down into a quickly darkening valley.
  156. >The second pathway will bring you up to a mountain pass.
  157. >The third pathway will follow a similar path to the valley, but enters into some caverns.
  158. >According to the route, all three pathways will bring you to the outpost.
  159. >Which path do you take?
  162. >Search: Sticks/firewood
  163. [SEARCHING AREA . . .]
  164. [You have found nothing of the sort. It’s all snow around here, blankets and blankets of snow.]
  166. “Hey, everyone stand back for a second, I’m gonna decide which way we go real fast.”
  167. >AJ speaks up.
  168. >”Uh, why exactly do ya need us to be standin’ back, Anon?”
  169. “Gonna let the wind decide.”
  170. >You usher them back, and you draw your spear.
  171. >Gable gives you a very strange look.
  172. >”Oh, this is going to be wonderful. The human is going to throw a dangerous weapon into the wind. Nothing can go wrong, here.”
  173. >Berry leers at him from Iron’s side.
  174. >”Hey, at least he took charge! What ideas did you bring to the table, huh? Maybe if you stopped criticizing other ponies for a second you could get your head out of your ass, killer!”
  175. >Gable’s face contorts in anger as she takes a swig of her flask.
  176. >”Would you like me to become a killer?”
  177. >”Is that a threat, Goober? I need some meat to use these new claws on, anyways!”
  178. >”Then let’s see if you BLEED RUM!”
  179. “For fuck’s sake, quit it!”
  180. >You throw up your spear in frustration, and when you finally realize what you did, you look up and see the flailing, red-streaked weapon flying with the wind.
  181. >A few more seconds, and it lands directly on one blade end embedded in the snow.
  182. >It lands on the mountain pass.
  183. >You all stare at it for a few moments before you realize that it’s cold out here.
  184. “Alright, mountain pass it is.”
  185. >Should you go to the mountain pass, and what else would you like to do?
  187. >You start walking forward through the mountain pass, the climb beginning to steepen slightly after a minute or two.
  188. “Hey guys, just remember to be on the lookout for any creatures that can harm us. That corruption we’ve seen before could be out here, too.”
  189. >They agree in silence, rather unwilling to talk after that little outburst beforehand.
  190. >With the mountains towering over you as you approach them, you see another sign right at the point where the tread path slopes upward significantly.
  191. >This is definitely the way to the outpost, but you have a feeling that walking up into mountains during a blizzard might not’ve been the best way to go.
  192. >At least you don’t have to deal with complete darkness that the other two paths provide.
  193. >The harsh winds and temperatures seem to grow ever more bitter, almost to the point as if it was following you.
  194. >The others must notice this as well, as they bundle up as tightly as possible underneath their coats.
  195. >Around your surroundings are a large portion of rocks and boulders setting up a sort of barrier around the path, and behind them some very large mountainsides.
  196. >Every once in a while you see a tree holding onto the crevices for dear life.
  197. >Tree? There’s the sticks you were looking for before.
  198. >What would you like to do while walking through the mountain pass?
  203. >Search for Sticks/firewood, herbs
  204. [SEARCHING . . .]
  205. [ATTENDING TO LIST . . .]
  207. Sticks - 1
  208. Raw Wood - 0
  209. Firewood - 4
  210. Red herb - 1
  211. Blue herb - 0
  212. Lifeleaf - 0
  213. Wisp’s Weed - 1
  214. Rizzleberry Bunch - 0
  215. Haze flower - 3
  216. Four-Leaf Clover - 0
  218. >You have found 1 bundle of sticks, 4 pieces of usable firewood, 1 red herb, 1 wisp’s weed, and 3 haze flowers!
  219. >…
  221. >You hack away the last bits of wood from the tree while the party keeps a lookout, the wind billowing through your cloak and chilling you even further to your core.
  222. >At some point you decided to look around for some extra wood because the group wouldn’t stop arguing with Gable.
  223. >Apparently, they still have a problem with him.
  224. >You believe it’s a good idea to try and get them all a little warmer, so now here you are, chopping up a dead tree.
  225. >After you whittle the last bits away and you’re positive you can’t get anymore, you tune back into the ‘conversation’.
  226. >”-What? Are you gonna watch me take a piss, too?”
  227. >The hell is Gable going on about?
  228. >You hear Applejack reply to him.
  229. >”Ya takin’ me for some kinda pervert? Heck no! Just stay where we can see you, and we’ll all get along.”
  230. >The gryphon scoffs.
  231. >”Says the mare with a dildo in her bag, that bulge isn’t fooling anyone.”
  232. >To say she’s shocked is an understatement.
  233. >He just keeps on going, though.
  234. >”Listen, I don’t take orders from hicks.”
  235. >The orange pony’s eyes flare up.
  236. >”What did y’all just call me?!”
  237. >He laughs at this question.
  238. >”See what I mean? You’re a hick!”
  239. >Curiosity compels you to keep silent and see what happens next.
  240. >At this point, Berry decides it’s a nice time to jump in. Whether it be from just being too drunk, or actually having to say something is left to be seen.
  241. >”You two should get a room.”
  242. >Gable faces her furiously.
  243. >”Shut up, you drunken skanky whore! I wasn’t talking to you!”
  244. >Berry doesn’t seem phased whatsoever, only taking another sip.
  245. >Applejack however, retorts right away.
  246. >”HEY, now that was just uncalled for!”
  247. >Even Iron Will joins in.
  248. >”I’m with Applejack on this one. You, my friend need an attitude adjustment!”
  249. >As predicted, Gable just tells him to stay out of the argument.
  250. >That, of course only dragged him in.
  251. >Now Applejack, Gable, and Iron Will are all trying to speak at once.
  252. >They raise their voices until they all combine into one steady roar.
  254. >Jesus, Berry sure can belch.
  255. >”Excuse you.”
  256. >Berry looks at Iron, confused.
  257. >”Wha-? I didn’t belch…”
  258. >Just then, another roar erupts from behind the group, shaking the very ground you stand upon.
  259. >You all turn to see a massive furry form behind you.
  260. >Pinkie yells.
  261. >”It’s a yeti!”
  262. >Okay, either Pinkie is just joking, or these actually exist here.
  263. >Both are plausible explanations.
  264. >You turn around and…
  265. >You’re pretty sure you just pissed your pants.
  266. >What the hell is wrong with this yeti!?
  267. >His eyes are… black. Flaming black. Like shadows.
  268. >Oh no.
  269. >Your party gathers around you quickly as the Yeti charges!
  270. >Use Status to see abilities!
  271. Anon: [HP: 130/130][MP: 20/20]
  272. Redheart: [HP: 130/130]
  273. Pinkie: [HP: 105/105]
  274. Berry: [HP: 220/220]
  275. AJ: [HP: 240/240]
  276. Iron: [HP: 275/275]
  277. Gable: [HP: 200/200]
  278. Corrupted Yeti: [HP: 950/950]
  284. [ANONYMOUS]
  285. >Attacks Yeti with Shoot F.U.C.K.E.R. [7 turn CD][-1 Ammo]
  286. >The entire group gets startled by the sudden loud blast!
  287. >5 (+75 PA)(x2 Doubles) = >160<
  288. [+75 PD]
  289. >85<
  290. >Yeti: [HP: 865/950]
  291. [RED]
  292. >Attacks Yeti with Downforce! [3 turn CD]
  293. >99 (+12 PA)(x2 Doubles) = >222<
  294. [+75 PD]
  295. >147<
  296. >Yeti: [HP: 718/950]
  297. [PINKIE]
  298. >Attacks Yeti with Darkstrike! [7 turn CD]
  299. >34 (RND = 2) = >234<
  300. [+75 PD]
  301. >159<
  302. >Yeti: [HP: 559/950]
  303. [BERRY]
  304. >Attacks Yeti with Do No Evil! [5 turn CD]
  305. >82 (+25 PA) = >107<
  306. [+75 PD]
  307. >32<
  308. >Yeti: [HP: 527/950]
  309. [APPLEJACK]
  310. >Attacks Yeti with Cyli-Spin! [4 turn CD]
  311. >72 (+25 PA) = >97<
  312. [+75 PD]
  313. >22<
  314. >Yeti: [HP: 505/950]
  315. [GABLE]
  316. >Attacks Yeti with Rip & Tear! [5 turn CD]
  317. >44 (+15 PA)(x3 Triples) = >177<
  318. [+75 PD]
  319. >102<
  320. >Yeti: [HP: 403/950]
  321. [IRON]
  322. >Attacks Yeti with Assertive Annihilation! [5 turn CD]
  323. >63<
  324. [+75 PD]
  325. >0<
  326. >Yeti: [HP: 403/950]
  327. >Corrupted Yeti enrages! (+100% PA)
  329. >Corrupted Yeti attacks Gable with Murderous Instinct!
  330. >-90% HP (+100% PA) = >180% HP<
  331. >360<
  332. >Gable is taken by the Yeti and ravaged with teeth and claws!
  333. Gable: [HP: -160/200, I]
  334. >Gable has fallen!
  335. “Shit, we need to help him!”
  337. 1
  338. [ANONYMOUS]
  339. >Use Medium Healing Potion on Gable!
  340. >-1 MHP
  341. [REDHEART]
  342. >Use Medkit on Gable!
  343. >-1 Medkit
  344. [PINKIE PIE]
  345. >Attacks Yeti with Sugar Rush!
  347. >66 (+3)/46(+3) = >118<
  348. [-75 PD, but the attack hamstrings the Yeti! Defense lowered by 40 PD!]
  349. ><
  350. Yeti: [HP: 360/950]
  351. [BERRY PUNCH]
  352. >Attacks Yeti with Trample!
  353. >5 (+25 PA)(x2 Critical Strike!) = >60<
  354. [-35 PD]
  355. >25<
  356. Yeti: [HP: 335/950]
  357. [APPLEJACK]
  358. >Uses Lasso on Yeti!
  359. >AJ’s rope is thrown around the Yeti’s body!
  360. >The Yeti is enraged!
  361. >He snaps out of the rope with his berserking strength!
  362. Yeti: [HP: 335/950]
  363. [GABLE]
  364. >Given Medium Healing Potion!
  365. >+66% HP
  366. >+133<
  367. Gable: [HP: -27/200, I]
  368. >Redheart uses Medkit!
  369. >+25% (+75% skill) = >100%<
  370. >+200<
  371. Gable: [HP: 183/200, I]
  372. >He is still unable to attack, but he is stabilised.
  373. [IRON WILL]
  374. >Uses OOOH YEAAAH
  375. >Party’s defense increased by 25%!
  376. Yeti: [HP: 335/950]
  378. >Corrupted Yeti attacks Iron Will with Claw Flurry!
  379. >8 (+10 PA)(x5)(+100% PA) = >180<
  380. [-10 PD]
  381. >170<
  382. Iron: [HP: 105/275]
  383. >”Agh! Let’s end this hairy bastard already!”
  385. 2
  386. [ANONYMOUS]
  387. >Attacks Yeti with Giga Buster! [3 turn CD][-4 MP]
  388. >92 (+25 MA) = >117<
  389. [-35 PD]
  390. >117<
  391. Yeti: [HP: 218/950]
  393. [REDHEART]
  394. >Attacks Yeti wtih Basic Spear Combat!
  395. >9 (+40) = >49<
  396. [-35 PD]
  397. >14<
  398. Yeti: [HP: 204/950]
  399. [PINKIE PIE]
  400. >Attacks Yeti with Party Cannon!
  401. >8/8 (x3, +60/+40 weapon ammo)(x2 doubles) =
  402. >696<
  403. >Pinkie loads up her Party Cannon with Sir Prize and Miss Direction, creating a cacaphony of metal and confetti that tears through the Yeti’s chest, killing it on the spot!
  404. Yeti: [HP: -457/950]
  405. [Corrupted Yeti has died.]
  407. [BATTLE END]
  409. >Who knew a trinket used to make instant parties could be so… deadly.
  410. >You and the rest of the group watch as Pinkie pulls out her party cannon out of nowhere, throws her daggers in, and fires it right through the enraged Yeti’s chest.
  411. >It was a much bigger explosion of blood and gore than your shotgun, that’s for sure.
  412. >It falls to the ground on the spot with the daggers lodged into the chest, the air growing still as it takes its last breath.
  413. >Pinkie sits next to her cannon, looking mortified at what she’s done.
  414. >You weren’t sure what she expected to happen, but then again, she’s never tried something like that before.
  415. >Gable was out cold but stable, and Berry is now tending to Iron Will’s injuries.
  416. >Redheart and AJ are simply recovering.
  417. >What would you like to do or say?
  420. >The first thing you decide to do is pull out your medkit and run over to Iron Will, looking rather torn up and bloody from the Yeti’s onslaught.
  421. “Hey, how are you feeling?”
  422. >”I am better than okay!”
  423. “…I didn’t… uh, ask if you were okay.”
  424. >”Doctor?”
  425. “Yeah?”
  426. >”I, Iron Will, am very dizzy, and I think I’m going to sleep.”
  427. >He is bleeding profusely, and you realize what’s about to happen.
  428. “No no, Iron, stay awake. It’s very important that you do so, okay?
  429. >Used medkit on Iron Will
  430. >25% (+50% skill, -10% reserve) = 65%
  431. >+179 HP
  432. Iron Will: [HP: 275/275]
  433. >You withhold a few of the bandages, and you start walking over to where Gable lays while Berry and Iron thank you.
  434. >”You’re a real brother, brother…”
  435. >”Thanks, Anon. Maybe if you’re nice and Will here gets better, we can thank you a little more uh, privately~”
  436. >Redheart walks with you to Gable as she hears this.
  437. >”I think he’s fine, just doing his job Berry, hahaha..”
  438. >Use medkit on Gable
  439. >10%
  440. >+20 HP
  441. [Gable: HP: 200/200, KO]
  442. >You finish wrapping him up, and you check his eyes to see if there was any dilation, which thankfully there wasn’t.
  443. >After everything checks out, you begin to prod and shake him.
  444. “Gable.. Gable?”
  445. >A few more shakes and he finally stirs, wincing at the sudden pain he feels.
  446. >”Gh…”
  447. >You smile seeing that he’s okay.
  448. >A quick glance at Redheart shows she is very indifferent, but you ignore this.
  449. >Your attention returns to Gable, who is now beginning to form coherent words.
  450. >”Well, whatever the hell you did, Anonymous, it sure went well for me. Thanks…”
  451. >He pushes you off and slowly gets to his feet, getting used to his bandages.
  452. “You’re welcome…”
  453. >Redheart was going to say something, but you stop her and shake your head.
  454. >Turning around, you look back at Pinkie.
  455. >AJ stands next to her, but her position and countenance hasn’t changed one bit.
  456. >You walk over to her as a blistering wind freezes you even further, and you kneel down next to her, giving her a one-armed hug.
  457. “Hey. You did only what was necessary, Pinkie. You did what you had to do to protect us. Besides, it was corrupted with shadows, so it was probably in unbearable pain and you just released it from the evil. Think of it that way, okay?”
  458. >She slowly nods, but still buries her head into your side, hooves wrapping around you.
  459. >AJ joins immediately, giving her a group hug that keeps her warm in multiple ways.
  460. >…
  461. [LOOT]
  462. [YETI] - You find 6 bits, 3 usable Yeti Hairs, and by skinning it you receive 1 Yeti Hide.
  463. [BATTLEGROUND] - You find 1 bundle of sticks.]
  464. >…
  466. >It’s a few minutes before everyone becomes composed again.
  467. >Once Pinkie was taken care of, you get to work.
  468. >You go ahead and do the skinning yourself, since Pinkie isn’t about to do anything like that.
  469. >It was bad enough when she went to retrieve her daggers from the corpse.
  470. >When you finish, you stow the knife away with yourself so she didn’t have to look at it.
  471. >And finally, thoughts began to drift away from the fight, and towards what happened just before.
  472. >At the same time, the wind became even colder and harsher, now becoming an active complaint.
  473. >”Anon, we need ta get a move on I think, so we don’t freeze ta death out here!”
  474. >Redheart agrees.
  475. >”AJ’s right Anon, we need to get out of here, or do something about the temperature…”
  476. >What would you like to do?
  479. [QUEST MODIFIED: BECOME A LEGENDARY DOCTOR - Master medical knowledge (0/1); Master medical experience (0/1); Doctor’s Kit (0/1); Master alchemical knowledge (0/1); Master healing spells (0/1); Get famous (Be known in Canterlot, Crystal Empire and Ponyville) (1/3); Learn Basic Psychology Knowledge (0/1)]
  481. >At Redheart’s and Applejack’s request, you figure out what you need to do.
  482. >You take one of your bundles of sticks and fit them into smaller bundles that are good enough to hold each other.
  483. “Red, Berry, come here for a second, I need your help…”
  484. >They both come over with curious looks on their faces.
  485. “Hand me your gauze, Red.”
  486. >”Oh, uh, alright.”
  487. >She rummages through her pack and finds the roll, handing it to you.
  488. >You unravel it and start to cut it at specific points, beginning to wrap each set of sticks at the top and tie them tightly.
  489. “Alright berry, can you pour a little of that rum on all this gauze? Just give them a quick soak.”
  490. >”Aww, but that’s a waste!”
  491. “It’s all going to go to waste if we freeze to death, right?”
  492. >With that iota of logic presented to her, she gives up and starts carefully pouring small, steady streams of white rum over each of the clothpieces.
  493. >At this point, they now knew what you were doing.
  494. >”Just uuh, one question Anon. How are ya gonna light ‘em?”
  495. “You bring up a fair point, AJ, but watch this…”
  496. >You set up the torches on each of their bags sans Iron Will, whom you just hand it to.
  497. >Beginning with your own, you raise your fingers to the soaked gauze and concentrate on the knowledge you’ve absorbed before.
  498. >A few tries gets you nowhere, but after a few more, you begin to realize exactly how you were supposed to do it.
  499. >Finally, on the sixth try, your fingers begin to glow a powerful white glow similar to Twilight’s violet, and a small, lighter-sized stream of fire jets out of them, instantly setting your torch alight.
  500. “Hahaha, got you, bitch…”
  501. [Ignite used once. 20% effectiveness.]
  502. >You set the rest of your group’s torches alight, and most of them applaud.
  503. >”Well, looks like my lover can make a mean flame! What can yours do, Berry?”
  504. >Iron Will gives her a big eyebrow raise.
  505. >”Oh, you want to see what the big man is capable of? Sweetie, hand me that torch! You too, Nurse. Oh yeah, I’m gonna show you all how I became the showman of Equestria!”
  506. >This should be interesting.
  507. >He gets the torches after a moment, gives a nice, sparkly smile, and begins to juggle them from the ends.
  508. >For about three seconds.
  509. >He drops one and burns his palm on the other he accidentally grabs on the flame end.
  510. >”Ooho! That’s hot!”
  511. “Nooooooo, you think? C’mon, we need to get out of here.”
  512. >Redheart and Berry take back their torches while they’re giggling, and you look at him and Gable.
  513. “Now, seriously. If you two need someone to lean on or be carried, don’t hesitate to ask, please. Your health is my top priority, obviously, and I won’t take no for an answer if you guys need it just because you’re stubborn.
  514. >Iron Will thumps his chest and shakes his head.
  515. >”Your painkilling alcohol is all this man needs! Oh, and maybe some sugar on the side…”
  516. >Berry giggles like a mad schoolgirl and they nuzzle a little bit, but the cold doesn’t let them last long.
  517. >Gable is completely silent and unwilling to answer one way or the other, but he seems fine.
  518. >With torches ablaze already warming your group and melting the snow on the ground, you set off, the party in front of you.
  519. >Before you leave, you have a thought run through your mind, and you decide to act upon it.
  520. “Hey, go on without me, I’ll catch up. Oh, and Pinkie, give sweets to everyone so we have carbs to burn for heat!”
  521. >Pinkie nods at you.
  522. >”Okay, Anon.”
  523. >Redheart replaces her before you can think about how she said Anon instead of Nonny.
  524. >”Are you sure, babe?”
  525. >You nod with a reassuring grin, and they leave you as they begin to walk down the pass out of the mountains.
  526. >You approach the Yeti’s corpse, already beginning to freeze over, and you think about how you were able to retrieve that shadow essence from the Kingpin before.
  527. >You look over the Yeti’s eyes, and see they’re still black.
  528. >At this point, your markings began to hum from underneath your armor once again.
  529. >You slowly lower your hand down to the eyes, and once you got to about an inch away, the shadowy essence suddenly jets out of the pupils and begins to wrap around your arms in the style of the markings.
  530. >The shadow begins to get closer to your skin, and as they do, your markings vibrate more and more violently, and you can see them beginning to glow through your armor.
  531. >Should you see what happens, or try and shake off the shadow?
  533. >For some reason, even though you know what you should do…
  534. >You feel compelled to let this shadowy essence do what it wants to do.
  535. >It’s like it is calling to you, desperate, pleading to rejoin your body.
  536. >Rejoin, as if it had once been a part of you already.
  537. >You close your eyes, your fists flexing as the shadowy essence moves faster, faster, faster, swirling like miniature tornadoes around your arms as they finally begin to scrape your skin and soak into the markings that the magical tree has given you.
  538. >It is pure ecstasy.
  539. >A euphoria washes over you more powerful than any good food, relief of situation or orgasm you’ve ever felt, a feeling entirely new.
  540. >Then it is replaced with horrible, burning agony.
  541. >You feel your skin being splayed apart just like with the tree’s first ingraftment, except this shadow is embedding itself into other parts of your skin.
  542. >Further and further it reaches into your body, empowering you with magic you couldn’t even begin to describe.
  543. >After what seems like an eternity of conflicting pain and wonder, it finally stops.
  544. >You see all of your markings now glowing out of your armor, a dull violet instead of the bright red they once possessed.
  545. >Now the markings stretch all the way across your body, through your legs, feet, and even your face.
  546. >Your face…
  547. >You draw your spear and look at your face through the modicum of reflection it gives.
  548. >The tattooes curl around your eyes like an ornament of a statue, bleed into your mouth and other orifices, making you…
  549. >You didn’t like saying it, but it looks as if you were less human.
  550. >Yet, you feel the same…
  551. >And you see this new face smile at you, as you feel the budding of power beginning to bloom in your spirit.
  552. [Shadow has been engraved into your catalyst. +20% base MA and MD.]
  553. [LEARNED LIFE LEECH - (-5 MP, Attach your magical connection to another living being, giving 10% of their health to you)]
  554. >You look back at your shoulder, seeing a new change from the corners of your eyes.
  555. >Sir Ducksalot is as vocal as ever…
  556. >But his skin is far more red-tinted than before.
  557. >You swear you see some rather angry expressions coming from his face as well.
  558. >You also no longer hear his voice within your head.
  559. >You need to get back to the others.
  560. >Maybe give Gable a piece of your mind for acting like an ass, earlier.
  561. >That thought is interesting.
  562. >What would you like to do?
  564. >You try to quell the torrent of thoughts swirling around in your head as you return to the group.
  565. >The first thing you hear when you get back is the bombardment of questions.
  566. >”What happened back there, Anon?”
  567. >”Yeah, what was that?”
  568. >”Why didn’t ya do anything?”
  569. >”Are you okay, Nonny?”
  570. >Regaining composure, you respond to the first wave of questions.
  571. “I’ve never felt better, actually. As for why I didn’t resist, don’t worry about it.”
  572. >Your party looks on in shock and curiosity.
  573. >Then Redheart notices your face.
  574. >”Whoa, what’s with the new face marks?”
  575. >With a single finger, you point at your face.
  576. “Oh, you mean these? …Don’t worry about it.”
  577. >The whole group stares at you in a mix of confusion and irritation.
  578. >Applejack steps forward.
  579. >”The hay do ya mean ‘Don’t worry about it’? Them there shadows jumped inside ya!”
  580. >You shrug.
  581. “I appreciate the concern, but I feel that it is best that we get to the outpost for now. Follow me.”
  582. >After exchanging worried glances, you all go on your way.
  583. >What would you like to do on your way to the outpost?
  588. >The thing is, you didn’t want them to worry, even if they probably should.
  589. >The fact of the matter is, you were just too shocked to do anything, the effect was so sudden that you couldn’t unfreeze long enough to try and get it off.
  590. >You do indeed feel more powerful, but you instantly noticed the change in your mindset, as if you had suddenly lost a piece of your soul.
  591. >It’s not something you want, and you want to get rid of this thing as soon as possible.
  592. >On that note, despite the warnings in your mind telling you not to do so, you start looking through your bag and dragging your pace until you’re at the back of the group.
  593. >You find your book on dark magic that you received back in the Everfree Castle, and begin to search through it.
  594. >Surely there was something in it about removing corruption like this, right?…
  595. >…
  596. >Fuck.
  597. >The closest thing you could find after going through every single chapter was something about removing some sort of black magic out of your heart or something ancient like that.
  598. >It didn’t do you a bit of good, so the book was useless on this matter.
  599. >With that idea shot out of the window, you feel the ever decreasing temperature start to freeze you and your party further, even with the torches.
  600. >When you’re in the personal space of an open flame and you’re freezing like this, something’s wrong.
  601. >Everyone else feels it too.
  602. >”Anon, we need to hurry! It must be way down in the negatives by now, and we don’t have anything to treat hypothermia!”
  603. >Red definitely sounds a bit panicked.
  604. >You look up from your book as you put it away, seeing that they are trying their best to move quicker, only to be slowed by the lethargic snow.
  605. >You try to hurry up and keep up with their paces as you think further on what you could do, still trying to fight the voices back.
  606. >If all else fails… Call upon your master.
  607. “Master… How do I purge myself of this shadowy corruption?”
  608. ~Embrace it, my child, embrace the power!~
  609. “But it’s not what I want…”
  610. ~I see all. I know all. You need this power.~
  611. “R-right… Hey, what are you, exactly?”
  612. ~I cannot tell you this, mortal.~
  613. “Why not?”
  614. ~This is not the right reality.~
  615. >You decide to leave it alone for now, for your master grows weary.
  616. >…
  618. [ATTENDING TO LIST . . .]
  620. Sticks (bundle) - >0<
  621. Fire/Raw wood - >1<
  622. Red herb - >1<
  623. Blue herb - >2<
  624. Lifeleaf - >1<
  625. Rizzleberry bunch - >1<
  626. Wisp Weed - >1<
  627. Haze flower - >5<
  628. Four-leaf clover - >0<
  629. Mining Nodes - >0<
  632. [You have found more firewood, 1 Red herb, 2 Blue herbs, 1 Lifeleaf, 1 Rizzleberry bunch, 1 Wisp Weed, and 5 Haze flowers!]
  633. [Mining nodes are not prevalent in mountainous perks, only in their subsidiaries and cavities.]
  635. >…
  636. >You managed to search around a little bit while the rest of the group parted the snow, allowing you to catch up quickly.
  637. >You rejoin them and their current pace catches your attention.
  638. >It is a very sluggish speed, the cold taking toll upon them.
  639. >However, there in front of you, you can see the tiniest rays of light through the blizzard’s fog.
  640. “Hey, we’re nearly there!”
  641. >”B-boy, am I glad-d to s-s-see that l-light righ’ there…”
  642. >”YAY! We aren’t gonna freeze to death, Woohoo!”
  643. >”D-do y-y-you t-think t-t-t-they hav-ve l-liquor…?”
  644. >”L-let’s h-hurry…”
  645. >Pinkie and the ever silent Gable seems to be the warmest of the group, most likely due to their leather armor as well as their coats.
  646. >As they begin to use the last of their energy headed for the outpost, you try one more thing still being in the back.
  647. >You draw your spear, looking at the enchantment that has been destined to strike down Bane.
  648. >You look up and realize something.
  649. >Why do this? Why fight it so intently?
  650. >Is it not something that can help you in your goals?
  651. >Why not instead just cut your losses, and rid yourself of the weaker members of your group?
  652. >The ones that haven’t done anything…
  653. >Your eyes, growing deeper and deeper with a primitive bloodlust wash over Gable and Iron Will, and even Berry.
  654. >No!
  655. “No!”
  656. >Anything to get these thoughts out of your head!
  657. >You raise the spear and stamp the blade’s broad end on your face’s new markings, and you instantly feel the searing heat.
  658. >Grunting in pain and pulling away, you think you might as well should’ve just stuck the torch there.
  659. >You definitely feel a burn, anyways.
  660. >At least the thoughts were gone for now.
  661. >You regain your composure and look out.
  662. >You and your group are less than a football field away from the outpost.
  663. >Is there anything you’d like to say or do before you reach it?
  665. >You have a feeling in the pit of your stomach, and since your instincts have not lied before, you act on them without hesitation.
  666. “Everyone put out your torches… Let’s not be seen. Check around the outpost, and let’s make sure it’s safe before we go in.”
  667. >They give you some annoyed looks for cutting off their heat source, but they do as you ask, each torch going out one by one.
  668. >You put out your own, and it becomes a very long trek to the outhouse.
  669. >You finally get there, though.
  670. >Even if you’re freezing, you actually made it here.
  671. >Once the outpost comes within spitting range, the party begins to diverge to scout the surroundings.
  672. >There is a long and arduous spot check all around until you were satisfied.
  673. >There isn’t a way to see inside, but with no major sounds coming from within and the relative peace, you’re pretty sure it’s alright.
  674. >You and your group converge at the front door, and you pull on the handle.
  675. >You pull on the handle.
  676. >It’s not budging.
  677. >Oh boy.
  678. “It’s locked…”
  679. >”Well, knock!”
  680. >You do as Red says, rapping on the door a few times loudly.
  681. >There’s no response.
  682. >”C’mon, do something Nonny, it’s really really cold!”
  683. >What should you do?
  685. >You knock hard on the door a few more times, speaking right into the crack of the door.
  686. “If there's anyone in there, we need to get inside, it's freezing! Please open up, or we're popping the door open!”
  687. “Well, do any of you know how to lockpick?
  688. >They all shake their heads.
  689. “Nobody? Pinkie?… Gable… Berry?”
  690. >With a resounding no from the group, you wonder how you can get in this door short of blowing it to pieces.
  691. >Hell, why don’t you?
  692. >It’d be easy enough…
  693. >No, that’s the shadow talking again.
  694. >You think very hard on other methods, and one does come to mind.
  695. >You kneel down and face the lock at eye-level, raising your marked palms up to it.
  696. >You do your best to remember Twilight’s teachings back in the library, because now you need it.
  697. >Slowly but surely, a faint white and violet glow begins to permeate your hands and the lock.
  698. >It used to be just white, but so much for that.
  699. >You focus on the lock as you begin to levitate it, and then focus your magic on the tumblers.
  700. >You close your eyes in concentration, trying to imagine each of the metallic pieces rising up into the correct positions…
  701. >Aha!
  702. >You hear a clinging noise, and you test the doorknob.
  703. >Home free!
  704. >You rush into the door and the party follows in after, feeling the radiating heat burst out of the open door of the outpost.
  705. >As soon as everyone else is in, you close the place up.
  706. >There sounds of labored breathing surround you, your friends getting the warm air in their lungs.
  707. >The exhaustion from traveling through snow has taken it’s toll on everyone.
  708. >”It’s about damn time… …”
  709. >You look over at Gable who you just heard stop himself, and his eyes were darting across the room.
  710. >You and the rest of the gang simultaneously look over at his line of sight, and the mares gasp.
  711. >When you see it, it disturbs you immensely… but your thoughts are praising it.
  712. >There are three stallions.
  713. >Two seem to have been completely sucked of their life force, nothing but hollow shells of dead skin and bones, sunken eyes and withered manes, yet still alive, even if in comas.
  714. >The other has skin of charcoal, laying dead over the table with some sort of black, veiny substance gripping the table from his turned head.
  715. >He is definitely gone.
  716. >Complete silence overtakes the room, the only sound being the flickering, dwindling fire in the fireplace.
  717. >What do you do?
  720. >With everyone else completely subdued by sights they have never seen before in their lives, you take charge and start to assess the situation.
  721. >You examine the room very carefully, making sure there isn’t some lingering piece of the shadow laying around.
  722. >A quick check in every corner around the room tells you that there’s nothing else here that’s dangerous besides the stuff on the table, and that there’s a good few supplies that you can take from here.
  723. >Before you do this, however, you size up the two near-death stallions and go over to them, checking them carefully as you try to see what exactly happened to them.
  724. >Red comes over to you after a while, assisting you in your objective wordlessly.
  725. >You look over at her and open your mouth as you begin to explain what caused this, but there is no need.
  726. >She figures it out well before you do.
  727. >”Anon… They’ve been taken of their power just like the Princesses. It’s all the same symptoms.”
  728. “…Are you sure?”
  729. >”Weakness in body and mind, gaunt appearance, sunken eyes… loss of color in them too. It’s all the same.”
  730. >Then whatever the shadow’s doing, its infections of others is growing much stronger.
  731. >You’re glad you didn’t start talking first.
  732. >It’s not like you knew what you were going to say, you just assume you have the same ability as the infected because you have shadow corruption within you, now.
  733. >Due to their condition, there’s no need for medkits or healing potions, nothing’s going to fix them until the shadow is dealt with.
  734. >You sigh as you stand up, and Red takes your place.
  735. >”I’ll… I’ll get them stable, don’t worry.”
  736. >You remove a piece of firewood from your pack and throw it into the flames, to keep it alive longer.
  737. >Everyone can use the extra heat, as well.
  738. >Red waves you over for a moment, and you help her move the two live ponies closer to the fireplace, and farther away from the dead.
  739. >When you finish and look around, the rest of the party has barely moved an inch.
  740. >If they weren’t going to move, then you’ll do the work. Fine.
  741. >You’re better off by yourself anyways.
  742. >…No, no you’re not.
  743. >Your thoughts are beginning to overtake your reason.
  744. >Checking the time and seeing it’s about 8:00 P.M., it wouldn’t be a good idea to leave anytime soon.
  745. >You begin to gather supplies and make beds for everyone, when another thought catches you, this time your own.
  746. “Hey AJ?”
  747. >She looks over at you and refocuses her sight, then clears her throat.
  748. >”Uhm… Y-yeah?”
  749. “Can you watch that corrupted corpse? It could still be possessed, or at least dangerous, and if it starts moving, maybe lasso it and warn us. Just don’t get too close or touch it, okay?”
  750. >”Okay… got it..”
  751. >She slowly moves from the place she’s been standing and sits down near the table, watching it carefully as her ears and expression falls dramatically.
  752. >Her movement seems to break the tension that had befallen the group, and the rest of the party scatters to go relax wherever they can.
  753. >It also breaks the silence.
  754. >”Well, this is a fine little predicament you’ve gotten us into, doctor.”
  755. >You glance at Gable who is giving a once-over to the contents of the table.
  756. >He does not look happy.
  757. >In fact, he looks outright homicidal.
  758. >”First, you drag me out here from a place I could have broken out of easily, and now look where we are!”
  759. >What is he going on about now?
  760. >”If your goody-two-shoes ass hadn’t come around, I’d be halfway to Appleoosa by now! Now I’m stuck out here in sub-zero temperatures, with a group of ponies who’d rather have me dead, and one of the most idiotic monkeys I’ve seen in all of my years of living!”
  761. >This guy right here is starting to get on your nerves.
  762. “And just what makes you think I’m an idiot?”
  763. >He snorts.
  764. >”Oh, I don’t know… How about the fact that you’ve followed a really vague lead? Not to mention you followed it right into the middle of a deadly blizzard! Yeah, a pretty genius idea for a ‘Legendary Doctor’, I’ll say! That’s another thing, you traipse around in that shitty coat like some kind of bad clichè while acting completely moronic! I’m pretty sure you’ve outgrown the age of playing doctor, you blackmailing hairless freak!”
  765. >Did he just?
  766. >He just dissed the coat.
  767. >He’s going to fucking die.
  768. >You swear you feel a small chilly breeze.
  769. >Before you can get another word in, Pinkie breaks into the argument, desperate to break it up.
  770. >”Stop with the arguing! He hasn’t done anything wrong!”
  771. >You see Gable’s eyes light up. It seems he doesn’t like intruders very much.
  772. >He leans in, almost pressing his beak against Pinkie’s nose.
  773. >She slightly winces and recoils, but only just enough to be noticeable.
  774. >”You wouldn’t understand! You know why? It’s because you are too much of an airhead who’s far too infatuated with that dumbass animal to see anything wrong! See, you two would be great together; just start one big idiot family! Oh wait, that’s right, you don’t even have a chance with him.”
  775. >He gives a dark smirk with his final sentence.
  776. >Again, another cold gust brushes past you. Pinkie and Gable seem to be too preoccupied to notice it.
  777. >The pink mare stutters out a few inaudible words before Redheart takes over.
  778. >”You know, Iron Will was right, you DO need an attitude adjustment! All you’ve done on this expedition is complain and insult us. You’ve pretty much just been dead weight, considering the fact that you hardly lasted a minute in that last fight. Isn’t that what you base your whole life on? Really, you sound like the bigger clichè. At least Anon has gotten somewhere.”
  779. >Oho, You never knew she could have such a sharp tongue!
  780. >You shiver, as this time the breeze is a lot more noticeable.
  781. “Eh, guys? I th-”
  782. >Berry cuts you off.
  783. >”…I think you’re all being way over the top-”
  784. >The whole room erupts at once, saying the same thing.
  786. >She shrugs.
  787. >”Hey, I calls them as I sees them!”
  788. >The chill is even worse than before.
  789. >You feel your feet get extremely cold; looking down, you see that they are actually encased in ice.
  790. “Hey, I think-”
  791. >Yet again, you are interrupted by the argument breaking out, this time Applejack and Iron Will joining at the same time.
  792. >Through all of the commotion, you catch one statement from Gable.
  793. >A single statement that sets you off.
  794. >”You’re just as dumb as Anon was for absorbing that damn shadow!”
  795. >That’s it.
  796. >If he’s going to sit around insulting you, your friends, and the thing that makes you complete, he can go rot in hell.
  797. >It seems as if they’re all too caught up in their petty argument to even see that everyone’s legs were starting to freeze in ice.
  798. >Fuck ‘em.
  799. “That…”
  800. >Nobody hears you.
  801. ”Is…”
  802. >They don’t care.
  803. ”ENOUGH!”
  804. >Your voice echos and distorts as you see everyone pushed back by the force of your outburst.
  805. >Applejack looks over to you, and then down at your feet.
  806. >The rest of them see that they are starting to lose feeling in their legs, and they work to break them out.
  807. >Without a word, your markings flare in that deep violet shine, and you force your left foot from the floor, and smash it on the ground.
  808. >The ice shatters, scattering shining shards of frozen water around the room.
  809. >You do the same for your right foot.
  810. >This definitely earns their attention and fear.
  811. “It’s nothing… and you won’t be either in just a second.
  812. >At a casual pace, you stroll over to Gable.
  813. >He looks up at you, not even phased by your appearance.
  814. >You silently rear back your arm, palm ablaze, ready to obliterate his head.
  815. >It’s time you finish what you started!
  816. >”ANON, NO!”
  817. >Then the breeze returns, the strongest it’s ever been.
  818. >It’s enough to knock you over onto your side.
  819. >No, it’s strong enough to tear off the entire roof of the outpost!
  820. >An ethereal scream accompanies the shrill winds that blow your entire party back into the back wall, tables knocked over and fires put out instantly.
  821. >When you finally get yourself up to see what is causing this wind that has been plaguing you all this time, your anger falls quickly for fear.
  822. >It was some sort of… cloudborn monster, an equine form with blood red eyes that hovers above you with a commanding presence.
  823. >”IT’S A WINDIGO!”
  824. >Applejack looks absolutely terrified, and so does Pinkie.
  825. >You watch as the Windigo’s magic bears down upon you…
  826. >But you aren’t going to go down without a fight!
  828. >Anonymous: [HP: 130/130][MP: 16/20][Stats: 20 PD, 25 MD (+20% M up) / +10 PA, +15 MA wep / +75 PA ranged]
  829. -Basic hand to hand combat
  830. -Ogre Dance (0-4 Fail, 5-9 Succeed, confuses enemy)
  831. -Expert spear combat (+15 dmg, ½ crit chance)
  832. -Call Shot (Call specific location to attack, focus dmg and -66% hit chance)
  833. -Shoot dart
  834. -Giga Buster (-4 MP, Good attack, +25 MA, 3 turn CD)
  835. -Redheart Cummer (-2 MP, +25 magic dmg, 2 turn CD)
  836. -Flamescythe (-2 MP, Good attack, +10 MA, 4 turn CD)
  837. -Parry (50% hit, deflects enemy atk/counters 50% dmg)
  838. -Heart’s Calling (5tcd, Gives 50% attack boost to entire party for next turn)
  839. -Shoot (Shoots F.U.C.K.E.R.)
  840. -Ignite (-2 MP, Fire source, +25 MA, 50% chance to burn for 3 turns, 3tcd)
  841. -SHOCKWAVE (-5 MP, AoE +36 MA each, 25% chance to stun for 3 turns each, 7tcd)
  842. -Life Leech (-5 MP, Attach your magical connection to another living being, giving 10% of their health to you)
  843. >Redheart: [HP: 130/130][Stats: 30 PD, 25 MD / +40 PA wep]
  844. -Basic Spear Combat
  845. -{S.S.S. +15 dmg with Anon’s/Red’s separate dmg.. 5 turn CD}
  846. -Block (+5 PD and 25% chance to negate all dmg.)
  847. -Parry (50% hit, deflects enemy atk/counters 50% dmg)
  848. -Downforce (Good attack, +12 PA, split between all enemies, 3tcd)
  849. >Pinkie Pie: [HP: 105/105][Stats: 12 PD, 6 MD, -25%B / +100 PA wep]
  850. -Sugar Rush [Highly energetic attacks] (+3/+3 PA, hits twice)
  851. -Party cannon (x3 damage, 5 turn CD)
  852. -Darkstrike (Epic attack (rnd) single, or Good attack AoE split, 90% chance to bleed enemies hit, 7tcd)
  853. -Parry (50% hit, deflects enemy atk/counters 50% dmg)
  854. -Hypno-Necklace (0-4 fail, 5-9 win, confuses enemy)
  855. >Berry Punch: [HP: 220/220][Stats: 40 PD, 20 MD, +15 HP / +44 PA wep]
  856. -Throw beer bottle
  857. -Drunk Dragon (2.4x multiplier AoE, 4x against wood, 3tcd)
  858. -Fisticuffs (Basic attack)
  859. -Do No Evil (Good Attack, +25 PA, 5tcd)
  860. -Trample (+25 PA, 50% chance to crit for x2.5, 2tcd)
  861. >Applejack: [HP: 240/240][Stats: 40 PD, 20 MD, +15 HP / +50 PA wep]
  862. -Treekicker (x2 damage, 2 turn CD)
  863. -Lasso (Immobilizes enemy for 3 turns)
  864. -Bash (Basic attack)
  865. -Cyli-Spin (Good attack, +25 PA AoE split between enemies, 50% chance to stun affected enemies for 5 turns, 4tcd)
  866. >Gable: [HP: 200/200][Stats: 20 PD, 12 MD]
  867. -Expert Hand to Hand Combat (+15 basic attack, 10% chance to crit for x2)
  868. -Winged Fury (x5, 3 turn CD)
  869. -Screech (+15 PA, 20% chance to fear for 5 turns, 3 turn CD)
  870. -Flight (Allows 3-dimensional travel / +20 PA, 40% bleed chance for 5 turns, 4 turn CD)
  871. -Rip and Tear (Good attack, 25% bleed chance for 5 turns, 5 turn CD)
  872. >Iron Will: [HP: 275/275][Stats: +10 PD / +10 PA wep]
  873. -Pummel (Basic attack)
  874. -Charge (+25 PA, 2 turn CD)
  875. -Enrage (+75% PA, -25% PD for 5 turns, 8 turn CD)
  876. -Assertive Annihilation (Good attack, 50% chance to stun for 3 turns, 5 turn CD)
  877. -OOOH YEEAAAH (Increases Party defense by 25% for 3 turns, 6 turn CD)
  878. Windigo: [HP: 2,000/2,000]
  882. [ANONYMOUS]
  883. >Used Heart’s Calling! [5 turn CD]
  884. >Next round increases party’s attack damage by x1.5!
  886. >Used Quack Ray!
  887. >62 (+15 MA) = >77<
  888. [+50 MD]
  889. >27<
  890. Windigo: [HP: 1,973/2,000]
  891. [REDHEART]
  892. >Used Block!
  893. >+5 PD and ¼ chance to block all damage!
  894. [PINKIE PIE]
  895. >Attacks Windigo with Sugar Rush!
  896. >It misses! The Windigo is too far up to attack closely!
  897. >”Oh, phooey, I can’t jump that high!”
  898. Windigo: [HP: 1,973/2,000]
  899. [BERRY PUNCH]
  900. >Attacks Windigo with Drunk Dragon! [-1 match, 3 turn CD]
  901. >2 (x2.4) = >5<
  902. [+200% fire bonus!]
  903. >15<
  904. Windigo: [HP: 1,958/2,000]
  905. [APPLEJACK]
  906. >Attacks Windigo with Treekicker! [2 turn CD]
  907. >It misses! The Windigo is too far up to attack closely!
  908. >”Shoot, there’s no buckin’ way I’m gonna be able to get up there my own self…”
  909. Windigo: [HP: 1,958/2,000]
  910. [GABLE]
  911. >Attacks Windigo with Flight! [4 turn CD]
  912. >1 (+20 PA)(x2 double) = >42<
  913. Windigo: [HP: 1,916/2,000]
  914. [IRON WILL]
  915. >Uses OOOH YEEAAAH! [6 turn CD]
  916. >Party’s defense increased by 25% for next enemy attack!
  918. >Windigo attacks Applejack with Frozen Judgement! [Usable once]
  919. >”AAH-!”
  920. >At its most powerful with hate and strife seeded around your party, the Windigo’s eyes flash in a powerful pulse of natural magic, a single white shard suddenly rocketing into AJ’s form and encasing her in Ice!<
  922. Applejack: [HP: 0/240, I]
  923. >Applejack has fallen!
  924. “No! We need to thaw her out!”
  926. 1
  927. [ANONYMOUS]
  928. “Gable! Look, I’m sorry I lost my cool, alright?”
  929. >”Ghhh, this is no time for jokes!”
  930. “No, I mean, I’m sorry I was being such a bastard, you know… You’re a good guy, and, I really do want us to be friends!”
  931. >”Threatening to erase me into nothing is your idea of friendship!?”
  932. “It’s just been this whole trip, I’m really, truly sorry!”
  933. >”…”
  934. >Gable’s consideration of your request seems to sink in, and the Windigo’s power begins to falter!
  935. >100 (+50% Heart’s Calling) = >150 Friendship damage!<
  936. >Attacks Windigo with Shoot F.U.C.K.E.R.! [7 turn CD]
  937. >0 (+75 PA, R) = >75<
  938. Windigo: [HP: 1,721/2,000]
  939. [REDHEART]
  940. >”Gable! I still think you're rude and dangerous, and I'm still not happy you hurt my Anonymous… but I am sorry for what I said about you being dead weight. I don't hate you, I just don't like the way you act sometimes. I'll try to be nicer, if you'll do the same?”
  941. >”Should we really be doing this right now?”
  942. >”Yes! If we can’t protect each other then we’re all going to die out here, and I don’t want to see that happen to you!”
  943. >”That’s why I’m here.”
  944. >Redheart’s touching words waver the Windigo’s power!
  945. >100 (+50% Heart’s Calling) = >150 Friendship damage!<
  946. Windigo: [HP: 1,571/2,000]
  947. >Uses Parry!
  948. >½ chance to deflect the enemy’s next attack for ½ the damage!
  949. [PINKIE PIE]
  950. >”Guys, guys! Me and AJ did this play thing a while ago that had the Windigo in it, and it like feeds on hate and bad feelings! Keep apologizing! In fact… Gable, I was a really really bad pony, and so were you but… Please, let’s just be friends and forget the whoooole thing! Pinkie please?”
  951. >”You’re just saying that to save your own hide!”
  952. >”No, really! I had a run in with another Gryphon called Gilda who was Rainbow Dash’s bestest bestest friend, and she was a lot like you but we made up because even though we both did things wrong, we didn’t want those feelings between us!
  953. >”You made up, huh?”
  954. >”Well… I tried, and that’s what counts!”
  955. >”…”
  956. >Pinkie’s resolve to apologize to Gable waver’s the Windigo’s power!
  957. >100 (+50% Heart’s Calling) = >150 Friendship damage!<
  958. Windigo: [HP: 1,421/2,000]
  959. >Used Parry!
  960. >½ chance to deflect the enemy’s next attack for ½ the damage!
  961. [BERRY PUNCH]
  962. >”Hey, wingy! I don’t care if you call me a skank or not, but we got bigger problems on our hands and I don’t just mean this cloud guy! If we’re gonna keep travelling, we need to stay chill with each other!”
  963. >”RRGGH!”
  964. >”I mean, I’m not about to give you the cold wither-”
  965. >”-AARGH-”
  966. >”I just don’t want us drifting apart!”
  967. >”…That.. That was pretty clever… Fine!”
  968. >Berry’s humorous mood-lightening has ‘warmed’ Gable up, wavering the Windigo’s power!
  969. >100 (+50% Heart’s Calling) = >150 Friendship damage!<
  970. Windigo: [HP: 1,271/2,000]
  971. >Uses match and liquor on AJ!
  972. >Berry tries her best to light the ice up, but the alcohol absorbs into the ice too quickly, and water is too difficult to set alight!
  973. >-1 match
  974. >”Damnit!”
  975. [GABLE]
  976. >Attacks Windigo with Rip & Tear! [5 turn CD]
  977. >94<
  978. Windigo: [HP: 1,177/2,000]
  979. [IRON WILL]
  980. >“You guys have the right kind of attitude! Strong companionship is the only way to go and I’m starting to like it, so you better watch out Gable, because the next time I get my hands on you, you’re getting a big bear hug from Iron Will himself!”
  981. >”Oh.. Yippee..”
  982. >”Then when we get out of here, I’m takin’ you to the finest wine bar in the Crystal Empire, brother!”
  983. >”…Now that I can get behind, so let’s fuck this thing up!”
  984. >Iron Will’s thoughtful offer bonds him and Gable together, wavering the Windigo’s power!
  985. >100 (+50% Heart’s Calling) = >150 Friendship damage!<
  986. Windigo: [HP: 1,057/2,000]
  987. >The party regrouping and forming stronger bonds has shattered the powerful will of the Windigo!
  988. >200 (+50% Heart’s Calling) = >300 Friendship damage!<
  989. Windigo: [HP: 757/2,000]
  990. >The Windigo’s damage has been lowered by ⅓!
  991. >The Windigo is weakened by the intense damage, halving its magical defense!
  992. >Attacks Applejack’s ice prison with Pummel!
  993. >5 (+10) = >15<
  994. >The Ice begins to crack under the physical damage and friendly feelings coming from the group!
  996. >Windigo Attacks Berry Punch with Strife Drain! [7 turn CD]
  997. >6 (-¾ HP_ = >171<
  998. [-20 MD]
  999. >151<
  1000. Berry: [HP: 69/220]
  1001. >”AAAGAGAGHHHHG!!!”
  1002. >The Windigo is rejuvenated by the pain and suffering!
  1003. >+25% HP
  1004. Windigo: [HP: 1,257/2,000]
  1006. 2
  1007. [ANONYMOUS]
  1008. “Gable, if… No, -when- we live through this, there’s going to be a lot of riches throughout our journey and I always help out a friend… So when we get out of here and get some of that, we’re going to go house shopping, got me?”
  1009. >”…You don’t have to-”
  1010. “Trust me, I do, and I want to, I insist!”
  1011. >”…That’s.. kind of you…”
  1012. >Anon has patched things up with Gable, further severing the Windigo’s hold!
  1013. >100 Friendship Damage!<
  1014. Windigo: [HP: 1,157/2,000]
  1015. >Attacks Windigo with Life Leech!
  1016. >Your runes flare up in strength as you raise your hands to the Windigo, black tendrils flying out of your palms as they begin to wrap around the god of hatred!
  1017. >As the shadow begins to infect the Windigo, it unleashes a mighty roar more powerful than anything you’ve ever heard, making the Manticore sound like a kitten.
  1018. >The ground shatters, snow is blasted apart by ferocious winds as white electricity short-circuits the tendrils and reverse the polarity!
  1020. >You’re suddenly lifted into the air by powerful, blisteringly cold winds, and your tendrils begin burning off of the Windigo, its power begins to produce its own magical conduits that latch onto your body, an instant searing heat overcoming your entire form.
  1021. >You scream and yell in pure agonizing taint of your magic being stripped away from you, all of your dark thoughts and feelings ripping apart at the seams and threatening to tear out your very soul.
  1022. >Before you know it, you feel your life slipping away…
  1023. >The markings on your face disappear, and the voices that have been battling in your mind slip away, leaving you with nothing but thoughts of fear and cries for help.
  1024. >You’re let go of, falling far to the ground.
  1025. >You pound a crater into the heavy snow, and you feel your vision falter from the deadly height.
  1026. [Hidden Bonus: Fighting Hate With Hate]
  1027. [Reward: The corruption has been removed, along with its bonuses.]
  1028. >100<
  1029. Anon: [HP: 30/130, I][MP: 20/20]
  1030. [REDHEART]
  1031. >”ANON! Oh, someone help him! I’m coming, Berry!”
  1032. >Used Medkit on Berry Punch
  1033. >25% (+75% skill) = >100%<
  1034. >+220 HP<
  1035. Berry: [HP: 220/220]
  1036. >”Gable, if my special somepony.. err, human, if he really trusts you.. That’s good enough for me. I won’t ever doubt you again, so let’s make the best of it and be friends, okay? Now go help him!”
  1037. >”That sounds better than what we’ve been doing… Sure, I can go for that.”
  1038. >Redheart’s reconciliation with Gable further weakens the Windigo’s strength!
  1039. >300 Friendship damage!<
  1040. Windigo: [HP: 857/2,000]
  1041. [PINKIE PIE]
  1042. >”Oh Gable, I knew you had it in you! When we go back I’m going to throw you a super awesome megatastic party for you and we’ll have fun all night!”
  1043. >”Will it have beer?”
  1044. >”Right in the cake batter, woohoo!”
  1045. >”I’m holding you on that!”
  1046. >Pinkie’s reconciliation with Gable destroys the Windigo’s hold over them, further weakening it!
  1047. >300 Friendship damage!<
  1048. Windigo: [HP: 557/2,000]
  1049. >Uses Parry!
  1050. >½ chance to deflect the enemy’s next attack for ½ the damage!
  1051. [BERRY PUNCH]
  1052. >”Yeah man, drinking’s the best when you’re doing it with your friends, I can’t wait! Now hold on AJ, we’ll get you out of there!”
  1053. >Attacks AJ’s Ice prison with Fisticuffs!
  1054. >6 (+44 PA) = >50<
  1055. [GABLE]
  1056. >Attacks Windigo with Winged Fury! [3 turn CD]
  1057. >6 (x5) = >30<
  1058. Windigo: [HP: 527/2,000]
  1059. >”Alright… From now on, I’ll try to be a little less of a jackass. I’m… Damnit, I’m sorry!”
  1060. >Gable’s apology strikes a powerful note and severely damages the Windigo’s strength!
  1061. >500 Friendship damage!<
  1062. Windigo: [HP: 27/2,000]
  1063. [IRON WILL]
  1064. >”The drinks are on me, Iron Will, who’s gonna break this gal out of her cage like A WILD BULL!”
  1065. >Attacks AJ’s Ice prison with Charge! [2 turn CD]
  1066. >6 (+25 PA) = >31<
  1067. >The immense damage destroys the Ice block, freeing Applejack from the icy grip!
  1068. >Applejack is frostbitten!
  1069. >Applejack is incapacitated!
  1070. AJ: [HP: 100/240, B, I]
  1071. >The Windigo roars in pain and defeat.
  1072. >The glow from its red eyes begins to bleed into the rest of its body, and the winds suddenly begin forming cyclones and blizzard across the battlefield!
  1073. >The Windigo is enraged! (+140% MA)
  1075. >The Windigo attacks Gable with Cold Flow!
  1076. >0 (+50 MA)(+140% MA) = >120<
  1077. [-12 MD]
  1078. >108<
  1079. Gable: [HP: 92/200]
  1080. >”Gah, my wings!”
  1081. >Gable’s wings have seized up from the intense subzero temperatures, and can no longer fly!
  1083. 3
  1084. [REDHEART]
  1085. >”Anon… I love you, please be alright…”
  1086. >Redheart kisses your KO’d form.
  1088. [PINKIE PIE]
  1089. >Attacks Windigo with Party Cannon!
  1090. >+5/+5 (+60/+40)(x3) = >330<
  1091. Windigo: [HP: -303/2,000]
  1092. >The Windigo has taken far too much damage, and has become unstable!
  1093. [BATTLE END]
  1095. >…
  1096. [LOOT]
  1097. [WINDIGO] - You have received Sword of the Windigo Spirit! (2 handed, +35 PA/+25 MA, 10% Frostbite chance each attack, grants ability Frost Nova)
  1098. [BATTLEGROUND] - You have found Snow-bitten Tailguard (+3 PD), Window of Reality (Allows you to see into the future of different possibilities of your choices with limitations)
  1099. >The Sword of the Windigo Spirit is free to be given to any one of your party members.
  1101. >Who should receive the sword?
  1102. -Anonymous
  1103. -Redheart
  1104. -Pinkie Pie
  1105. -Applejack
  1106. -Berry Punch
  1107. -Gable
  1108. -Iron Will
  1112. >…
  1114. [REDIRECTING . . .]
  1115. >…
  1117. >You are Berry Punch.
  1118. >The battle you’ve just went through was way too intense for you, and now you need a drink.
  1119. >Maybe a fuck, but save that for when you’re not snatch deep in snow.
  1120. >You watch the big-ass cloud dude begin to unravel at its seams, exploding in a huge ring of white energy and wind that knocks you and the rest of your group down into the eroding snow.
  1121. >An explosion of epic proportions that would go great with a drink!
  1122. >You get yourself up and shake the snow out of your mane, looking around for Iron to make sure he’s okay.
  1123. “Hey, everyone good? Nopony frozen to death, right?”
  1124. >After a moment, you see each member pop their heads out of the snow, starting with your booty call.
  1125. >”Oh… Never knew destroying gods of hate could be so awesome! Are you okay, sweetums?”
  1126. >Oh, that makes you want to puke.
  1127. >You still tolerate it because you love what’s under that fur, though.
  1128. “I’m alright, I’m fine…”
  1129. >You take a big sip from your flask.
  1130. “Really fine… Where’s AJ? Where’s Anon, for that matter?”
  1131. >Pinkie and Redheart regain their composure and immediately begin to look, and Gable finally gets himself out of the snow, checking over his wings.
  1132. >You hope that he meant what he said while you guys were fighting.
  1133. >As your thoughts wander and buzz down from the rum, you see one more flash in the sky, and suddenly, a sword falls to the ground, embedding itself in the snow.
  1134. “Whoa…”
  1135. >You’re pretty sure nopony else saw that just now, so you pick it up and stow it in your bag.
  1136. >Anon probably wants to see it later, after all.
  1137. >You then turn your attention back to wingman.
  1138. “You okay?”
  1139. >”Fine…”
  1140. >Before he could continue, Iron’s rock-hard arm wraps around his neck, knuckles giving him a big fat noogie.
  1141. >”I knew you were good somewhere in that egg nougat of yours! Your attitude is officially adjusted, and we’re going drinking to celebrate!”
  1142. >Gable looks completely miserable at his actions, but he smiles at him anyway, at least after pushing him off.
  1143. >”Alright, alright…”
  1144. >Redheart then gets the three of yours’ attention.
  1145. >”Guys! I found them, they’re both out, come help!”
  1146. >Pinkie starts bouncing through the snow and the rest of you go in to help.
  1147. >Anon and AJ are completely knocked out, but AJ’s shivering.
  1148. >What do you do?
  1150. Sometimes, you’re just not going to be there for the action, whether it be you’re sleeping, away or just plain lazy. You are now able to switch perspectives between your party members at your leisure with the new >Change command, limited to three switches per thread. Just remember that actions still indeed have consequences.]
  1155. [BERRY]
  1157. “Hey Red, think you can take one of those red bottles and split it between these two? Maybe get their flanks up.”
  1158. >”I’m not sure Berry, I think AJ’s getting hypothermia, but I’ll do my best…”
  1159. >Red removes her cloak and wraps it over AJ’s, and then she removes a bottle from Anon’s belt and splits it between them.
  1160. >Red used Anon’s Medium Healing Potion
  1161. >33% to Anonymous
  1162. >+43 HP<
  1163. Anon: [HP: 73/130, KO][MP: 20/20]
  1164. >33% to Applejack
  1165. >+80 HP<
  1166. AJ: [HP: 175/240, B, KO]
  1167. >With the warming effects of the potion taking place, AJ stops shivering, but her color is still off, and she’s still wet in the midst of a blizzard.
  1168. “I think we need to get out of this stupid wind and find a house or something… Can we still use the outpost?”
  1169. >Everyone gives you a bored expression.
  1170. “Right, heh…”
  1171. >All of a sudden, your mind becomes filled with tons of ideas and thoughts that you feel as if they were not your own, but they’re good ideas nonetheless!
  1172. “Okay, if we can’t use that outpost there, then let’s get all the shit we can, find a sled or something so we can drag those two guys over there back home with us, look for things to keep us protected from this cold, like blankets or rags. In fact, we should relight our torches, don’t know why the hell Anon told us to put them out…”
  1173. >You pull out your matchbox and light one up, each member eagerly letting their torches relight and bring heat and warmth to the area.
  1174. [-1 match]
  1175. “And since we’re looking, see if we can find any extra torches or supplies, maybe notes on what happened here.”
  1176. >Everyone is silent.
  1177. “What?”
  1178. >Gable intervenes here.
  1179. >”It’s just… Never seen you take charge. It’s a refreshing change.”
  1180. “Well, our ringleader is sort of clonked out of his ass, so… Let’s get to work?”
  1181. >They all nod and they prop up Anon on Iron Will, and AJ on Gable.
  1182. >You and the group return to the Outpost, and get to searching.
  1183. >…
  1185. [ATTENDING TO LIST . . .]
  1187. Blankets - (4)
  1188. Torches - (2)
  1189. Sleds - (1)
  1190. Medkit - (0)
  1191. Supply Medkit - (1)
  1192. Rags/Cloth - (5)
  1193. Outpost Paraphernalia - (2)
  1194. Other - (1)
  1196. [LOOT]
  1197. [LIFE-DRAINED GUARD #1] - Badge I.D. (Iron Aegis - Lieutenant), Journal
  1198. [LIFE-DRAINED GUARD #2] - Badge I.D. (Bastion Aurora - Corporal)
  1199. [SHADOW-CORRUPTED GUARD] - Badge I.D. (Tidal Wave - Officer), Royal Pass, Missive from Shining Armor
  1200. [BATTLEGROUND] - Hunting Bow, Quiver (3 yew arrows)
  1201. [COMPILING LIST . . .]
  1203. [You have found 4 Blankets, 2 Torches, 1 Sled, 1 Supply Medkit, 5 Rags, a Bulletin about the increased aggressive behavior of animals, Iron Aegis’ Journal, a Tobacco-filled Pipe, a Magically-preserved Instant Dinner, 3 Badge I.D.’s, a Royal Pass, a Missive from Shining Armor, 1 Hunting Bow, and 1 Quiver (3a)!]
  1204. >…
  1206. >It takes a little while to scavenge the destroyed outpost, but you finish along with the rest of them and take a quick glance at the half-broken clock.
  1207. >It’s just about 10 P.M.
  1208. “Okay, let’s get these guys on the sled, I have an idea.”
  1209. >Gable carefully lumps AJ onto the found emergency sled, still trying to unfreeze his wings.
  1210. >”I have to ask, is this what you’re like sober?”
  1211. >You give him a very cautious look.
  1212. >”Sorry, sorry. Just wondering…”
  1213. >He tightens his headband and helps Iron Will throw Anon onto the sled next, then you and Pinkie drag the life-drained guards onto it.
  1214. >There’s just barely enough room for the four of them layed out like this, and AJ is still shivering.
  1215. “Okay, blankets on them…”
  1216. >You pull out the blankets you found looking through the building and your group helps you drape two of them over each set, then the other two for extra insulation.
  1217. “Okay, Pinkie, can you get AJ’s rope off her, and you get Anon’s rope, Red, and we’ll tie these blankets down, because these totally aren’t gonna stay with this kind of wind!”
  1218. >Pinkie and Redheart comply and take the ropes from the respective members and tie down the blanket, creating a little cocoon for them.
  1219. >Red notices that AJ is still shivering intently.
  1220. >”We need some sort of fire source, or she isn’t going to last long like this.”
  1221. >You think for a moment, brushing your snow-drifted mane out of your eyes.
  1222. “Uuh… okay, Pinkie!”
  1223. >”Huh?”
  1224. “AJ needs a lot of support right now, so you need to give her the biggest, longest hug you’ve ever given anypony, okay?”
  1225. >”Okey dokey Berry-loki!”
  1226. >She bounds over and wraps herself around AJ’s shivering form.
  1227. >”Oooooh she’s c-c-c-cold-d-d-d-d…”
  1228. >Hopefully that’ll buy her some more time.
  1229. >You frantically look around for something you can use as a heat source, because the torches were the only thing keeping the rest of you from a cold, bitter end.
  1230. >You take a swig of your flask after such hard work, and you look over at the fireplace, seeing it completely blown away with snow and ruining the logs that were previously hosting such a toasty fire.
  1231. “Hey, Anon’s got firewood, right?”
  1232. >Redheart, who had retreated to his unconscious body after the searching was finished, begins looking through his bag.
  1233. >”I think so… aha, here!”
  1234. >She pulls out three of the logs that he so oddly stowed with the rest of his things, and Iron Will and Gable, like the gentlecolts they are, move out the ruined snow-drifted logs, and you place them new ones in, dousing them with a bit of your rum and setting them alight with your lit torch.
  1235. >After a minute or so of tending, there was now a roaring flame in the half-destroyed fireplace, the sled the closest to it to keep the lazies from freezing.
  1236. >Now it’s nearing 10:30 P.M., the temperatures are going into dangerous subzero temperatures, and you have no foreseeable shelter for miles, sans maybe the cave on the way home.
  1237. >The party is surviving, but the torches have grown much dimmer than their first lit existence.
  1238. >What would you like to do?
  1240. [You give Redheart a Supply Medkit.]
  1241. >There’s nothing else to do at this point besides stay near the fire and stay warm.
  1242. “So… What now? Should we stay here? I mean, it’s a bit late to be charging into a snowstorm…”
  1243. >Redheart shakes her head to this notion.
  1244. >”We don’t have enough firewood or supplies to keep up the flames through the night… It’s not going to get much warmer during the day, either.”
  1245. “Then should we start heading back?”
  1246. >They all look around at each other, Gable breaking the lingering silence that follows.
  1247. >”We don’t have much of a choice, do we?”
  1248. >He flaps his thawed wings and holds them closer to the flames, making sure they were alright, most likely.
  1249. “We could head out to the cave we passed here, maybe… sleep there? Wind won’t ruin any fire we make inside.”
  1250. >Pinkie doesn’t look enthused by this idea.
  1251. >”But w-what if there’s more yetis, o-or bears, or big giant pumpkin monsters?!”
  1252. >Red facehoofs.
  1253. >”Why would there be pumpkin monsters out in the Tundra, Pinkie?”
  1254. >”I’ve seen them everywhere! They’re just like parasprites!”
  1255. “Alright, alright. Don’t worry Pinkie, if there’s anymore yetis, we’ll take care of it, okay?”
  1256. >Her ears fall.
  1257. “I mean, not like that. We can probably put it to sleep or something, right?”
  1258. >Redheart nods.
  1259. >”He does have those sleeping darts…”
  1260. “See? We’ll be fine…”
  1261. >You take a sizable slug of your flask to get your buzz back on, and you start looking through some of the notes you found while the others start getting ready.
  1262. >You begin with the Journal you took off of Iron Aegis.
  1263. >There are 5 entries.
  1264. -Date: Yesterday
  1265. -Date: 3 days ago
  1266. -Date: 4 days ago
  1267. -Date: 1 week ago
  1268. -Date: Tonight, approx. 6 P.M.
  1270. >Which would you like to view?
  1274. >1 week ago
  1276. Dear Journal,
  1278. Can’t really say I’m into doing stuff like this. I could never finish a mandatory essay on time, let alone have enough motivation to write something on my own time. That’s probably why I flunked out of school in the first place, now that I think about it. Maybe mom wouldn’t have shipped me off to military school if I passed. Anyways, my wife was the one who bugged me into doing this, so I’ll do it for her. Well, I’m a bit late on the draw, but better late than never, right? Hoping that we can get some confirmation on any chance of getting supplies. We won’t last much longer in this cold if we don’t.
  1280. >4 days ago
  1282. Dear Journal,
  1284. Finally got some confirmation from Rusty Ratchet. After a brutal three months, we’re finally getting some more supplies. We were running dangerously low and I’m tired of having to share my veggie pot pies with Bastion. I like the
  1285. guy, but he’s just a hog when it comes to food. I’m pretty sure I saw him eating meat, so I’m definitely watching my flank.
  1286. Anyways, Officer Tidal Wave is coming down with a full caravan and two other guards to replace us for the next six months. I’ll finally get home to my wife. She’ll probably be going into labor the minute she sees me, and we might actually be able to start our family. I really hope it’s a colt.
  1288. >3 days ago
  1290. Dear Journal,
  1292. Something isn’t right here. Tidal Wave got here today, but there wasn’t anypony with him. We asked him what was wrong, because he looked tired as hell. His eyes were even a little foggy, but he insisted he was fine. I don’t really trust him on that, but so long as I get out of here soon, I don’t care if he starts eating the logs in the fireplace.
  1294. I got a letter from her today. She’s already in the hospital. If Wave hadn’t screwed up, I would be going home to see her right now. It’s maddening to think we’re barely six miles apart and there’s no way for me to go home. I didn’t even get to see the birth of my young. But at least I’ll be happy with them for the rest of my life.
  1296. >Yesterday
  1298. Dear Journal,
  1300. Well, shit. Today’s just been fantastic. First Tidal Wave comes in acting like a brainwashed oaf, and then he attacks me for no good reason. After a short scuffle, I had no choice but to knock him out. I hate to admit it, but I’m still a bit shaken. There was more to it than just him being agitated, but I can’t pinpoint it. Something about his appearance was off.
  1302. I’m held up in my room right now with the door locked behind me. Tidal’s in the other room. I’m not going back out to check. I’m just going to sit in here, pack my things, and get ready to come home, because I miss her, and I just… I just want to come home.
  1304. >6 P.M.
  1306. Dear Journal,
  1308. I don’t know what it is, but Wave’s gone completely insane. He’s just yelling and babbling incoherently, screaming his damn head off. Bastion tried to calm him down, but he’s not listening to reason. His eyes are black and he’s got no color in his fur… there’s something seriously wrong with him. If he gets too dangerous…
  1310. Now he’s bashing against my door. I don’t hear Bastion anymore. He’s dead. He’s fucking dead. I don’t know what to do, this thing doesn’t even sound equine anymore, it’s just guttural noises, he’s fucking insane, I’m getting my spear and I’m going to end him, right here! White Dawn, if you read this, know that I love you and cherish you, and please take care of our foal. I love you so-[Writing becomes illegible]
  1311. [The rest of the page is torn with blackened edges here.]
  1313. >You try your best not to cry in front of the others.
  1314. >They don’t need to look at something like this right now, not when you’ve had such hard times out here.
  1315. >Not even another drink can help with this.
  1316. >You attempt to block what you just read out of your mind as you pick up the missive, in hopes that whatever you read here will ease your heart.
  1321. DATE: Approx. 1 week ago
  1322. CODE: ORANGE
  1324. Lieutenant,
  1326. It has come to my attention that your platoon has recently been removed from service in the Crystal Palace. Do not be alarmed at this action, as it does not mean that you’re out of a job. The Palace has been quarantined due to an illness that my wife, Princess Cadence, is suffering. She is cautious of her ailment and does not wish to afflict any other ponies with whatever she’s come down with, so your platoon has been relocated back to the guard station. It’s best this way, as there’s been an increase of crimes on the streets these past few weeks.
  1328. In more personal news, you might just be home to see the tournament. First annual one of the Crystal Fair, I’m really pumped to see what kind of fighters come to it, especially since Celestia’s done such a good job keeping the peace all these years. No action, know what I’m saying? Of course, I have to wait to judge until after I make sure Cadance is okay. I’ve never heard of an illness that takes the color out of your eyes and gives you grody mood swings, but I’m sticking with her through it all. Anyways, I hope you’ll be here so we can share a few drinks.
  1330. [Guard-Captain’s Signature]
  1331. Shining Armor
  1333. [End Document]
  1335. >Wow, looks like Iron Aegis is on his way to a promotion.
  1336. >At least, if he survives out here.
  1337. >Wait… What was that you just read about Princess Cadance?
  1338. “Oh… Oh no.”
  1339. >They all look back at you, Iron Will speaking first.
  1340. >”What’s going on, lovepunch?”
  1341. “The shadow got Cadance.”
  1342. >Redheart immediately gallops over to you and starts reading the missive you’re holding in your hooves.
  1343. >”We need to go. Now.”
  1344. >You really do need to get moving.
  1345. >The majority of the party is ready now, and it’s nearing 11 P.M.
  1346. >What would you like to do?
  1349. “Alright, let’s get off our flanks and get out of this dump. If we go quick, we can get back to the cave and save our heat before we freeze to death. Just let me do something real quick…”
  1350. >You quickly scan the outpost for one last time to find some sort of container.
  1351. >Anon has a penchant for collecting stuff like this, so you decided to get some of that black gunk for him.
  1352. >After a minute of searching and protests from the group, you finally find a little bowl with a lid you can use.
  1353. >You then approach the overturned table, and the sight on the broadside nearly makes you vomit.
  1354. >What was formerly Officer Tidal Wave had been anchored to the table by his head with the odd shadow stuff, but now that the table’s flipped, it looks more like the shadow had replaced his skin and it just wasn’t attached anymore.
  1355. >You’re looking at rotten brains.
  1356. >You stick a hoof over your mouth and suppress your gag reflex, not wanting to lose your buzz or taste acid for the next day, and you bring the container close to it.
  1357. >You very carefully begin to use the claws on your horseshoes to scrape off bits and pieces that looked deader than the rest, and when you think you’ve gotten enough, you cap it and throw it in your bag.
  1359. >Once everything is said and done, you rejoin the group and give them a toothy grin.
  1360. “Alright, ready. Keep the torches close, let’s get this firewood put out and take it with us. Iron, baby, can you pull the sled with Gable?”
  1361. >”Oh right I can, sugarberry.”
  1362. >It still sickens you, but you aren’t about to screw up a good night with him.
  1363. >You, Redheart and Pinkie take to putting out the flames and collecting what firewood is left while Iron Will and Gable strap themselves to each individual rope pulling the sled.
  1364. “Ready?”
  1365. >They all agree, and Iron and Gable start heaving, the snow beginning to pile around the edges of the sled as it’s dragged across the tundra.
  1366. >You and the party are now on your way back.
  1367. >While you are walking, you stay back near Pinkie and wait until Redheart gets involved in a conversation with Gable, then you speak lowly so nopony else hears.
  1368. “So, Pinkie…”
  1369. >”Hi Berry! What’s up?”
  1370. >A grin spreads across your muzzle as your devious idea hatches.
  1371. “I know Gable was just in the heat of the moment, but he was right, you know… I’ve seen you eye Anon a lot lately. Acting all weird around him like a filly with her first crush.”
  1372. >Pinkie’s cheeks blaze red instantly, and she stops bouncing.
  1373. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell nopony. Just for the record, uh.. Anon cares about you too.”
  1374. >She makes a tiny gasp, her big blue eyes staring right into your own magenta irises.
  1375. >”You really really think so?”
  1376. “Then again, he cares about all of us. He’s always helping someone with a problem whenever he sees it, like the good ol’ hero he is.”
  1377. >You could’ve sworn her mane got a little flatter when you say this.
  1378. “But…”
  1379. >Then it gets poofier.
  1380. “It’s not hopeless. If you want a piece of that, you just gotta ask Red. They probably wouldn’t mind, you know, being ‘open’.”
  1381. >She doesn’t say anything, obviously a little too embarrassed to keep up the conversation.
  1382. >It’s really strange, you’d think with the way she acts and being so outgoing and upfront about everything that she’d have been a little more… experienced. Like you.
  1383. >But you can’t always assume things.
  1384. >For example, you assumed she’d be into that foursome when you and Anon teamed up.
  1385. >That was more just to get with him, though.
  1386. >You still wouldn’t mind having a shot with that guy, but he and Redheart seem to have a really strong, faithful love.
  1387. >You’d only get in between it if they both asked you, that’s for sure.
  1388. >In any case, you decide to do a little more chopping so you didn’t run out during the night.
  1390. >There’s nothing in the basic plains of the tundra.
  1392. >After nearly an hour of travel, you finally come back to the diverging triple fork of the pathway.
  1393. >Wait a minute…
  1394. “..Uh.. Does anypony know which way we came from?”
  1395. >They look around for track marks, but the blizzard has long since covered their own.
  1396. >Not to mention you can’t even find the sign anymore, being buried under nothing but snow.
  1397. >There are three paths, but mountainous areas span across each, there being no sign of where the paths goe because of the blizzard’s accumulation.
  1398. >Which path do you take?
  1401. >Inspect Window of Reality
  1402. [A simple hoof-shaped mirror, it brings deceit to sight when you look into it. When your vision crosses its light, it reflects not what is around it, but what is around its time. It allows you to see a short distance into the future if you are about to make a choice, with vague interpretations of what might happen. There are no restrictions on usage, but take every vision you see with a grain of salt.]
  1405. >A thought crosses your mind that might just save you from turning into icicles.
  1406. >You walk over and begin thrashing around Anon’s bag, and you find the Map to the outpost in one of the pockets.
  1407. >Opening it, you take a very comprehensive look, and you feel the eyes and breath of the rest of the group hovering right behind your head.
  1408. “A little room, jerkwads…”
  1409. >They awkwardly shift back as you flick your eyes over the map in concentration.
  1410. >It looks like the left path goes back to the mountain pass, the middle path is through a valley, and the right path is the cave!
  1411. “Oh yeah, we’re going right, baby. See? I make a great leader.”
  1412. >You stick your nose in the air and lead the way, before quickly returning it back to the safety of your coat.
  1413. >…
  1414. >Another 30 minutes pass before your party finally reaches the maw of the cave.
  1415. >Snow drifts at least a house length into it, but this thing was huge anyways, it would be a while before you get to the other side.
  1416. >It might still be colder than the north pole, but at least there won’t be any windchill, and the heat’ll be insulated.
  1417. >With the rest of them eager to go in, you can smell the slightly pungent smell of sweat coming from the whiff of the cave.
  1418. >Do you want to enter the cave? Y/N
  1421. >N
  1422. >You get a little offput by that smell.
  1423. >Is something living in here?
  1424. >You slowly step in and look in through the tunnels as best as you can, but without light, it’s futile.
  1425. >It doesn’t help that the only light source you have is torches.
  1426. >Wait…
  1427. “Okay… Maybe it’s a little fishier than I thought. Here, let’s give these two a little more of that healing stuff. I think it’s time we woke up Anon, don’t you think? At least he knows what he’s doing. And a little extra to him, just in case.”
  1428. >Redheart nods at you and patters over to the sled, happy to get her hooves out of the snow.
  1429. >She reaches under the blanket and fishes out one more of his healing potions to use.
  1430. >Used Medium Healing Potion on Anon and AJ
  1431. >66% HP
  1432. >60%/40%
  1433. >40% to Anonymous
  1434. >+52 HP<
  1435. Anon: [HP: 125/130]
  1436. >26% to Applejack
  1437. >+62 HP<
  1438. AJ: [HP: 240/240]
  1439. >When Redheart finishes giving each of them their respective doses, you then wave over Pinkie whispering something into her ear.
  1440. >She nods at your command, and she suddenly makes a single bound onto Anon, a wide grin on her face as her lips part…
  1442. >”FUCK, WHAT?!”
  1443. >He instinctively raises himself up to the loud yell, but is snapped back down by the roped blankets, hitting his head on the sled.
  1444. >“Ow…”
  1445. “Good to see you up, Anon. How goes the hangover?”
  1446. >”Wha… but I didn’t drink…”
  1447. “You did get a nice little shock from the Windigo, though. Let’s help him out, mares…”
  1448. >You, Pinkie and Redheart slowly help him slide out of the blanket without disturbing Applejack, and you readjust the ropes so she and the two guards are still well-insulated.
  1449. >Once Anon shakes off his exhaustion and replaces his bag on his person, he reaches up and feels his face.
  1450. >”Oh…”
  1451. >Red affirms his sensation.
  1452. >”Whatever that Windigo did, that shadow’s gone out of you.”
  1453. >He actually sighs in relief.
  1454. >”Awesome… That was not a good idea.”
  1455. “We could’ve told you that, dumbass. Anyways, we’re backtracking through here, and we went through the caves this time so we can get some sleep and ride out the night. Good plan?”
  1456. >He nods after a moment.
  1457. >”Probably for the best… Why’d you wake me up, again?”
  1458. “Use those nostrils for a change and find out.”
  1459. >You point your hoof out at the cave entrance.
  1460. >Anon’s nose flares as he sniffs, and his eyes widen slightly.
  1461. >”I think that’s just the musk of the cave. But you’re right, it’s best to be prepared…”
  1462. >At least he smells it too, good for nothins’.
  1463. >With Anon awake, you feel a bit safer and braver to enter the cave now.
  1464. >Do you wish to enter the cave? Y/N
  1466. >Y
  1467. “You're right, Anon. Might be nothing… but I don't want to wake up with some hulking monster right on top of me, at least not without my permission.”
  1468. >You give a little wink to Iron, who waves at you with those magical fingers.
  1469. >A few of the group groan at the resurface of your romance.
  1470. >Well screw ‘em, because you’re screwing him!
  1471. “Think you could poke around with that dart gun and make sure we're safe to bed down for the night?”
  1472. >”I suppose we could, but I only have one dart left right now. I’m gonna have to be careful to make the shot, and not miss like I did before.”
  1473. “Yeah, you sucked. But you’ll be better this time-- OH! Can you give us a quick once-over with that medkit of yours, though? Not everyone got checked with the hustle and bustle of the Windigo exploding and all that.”
  1474. >”What, it exploded?”
  1475. “Yeah, we killed it! Oh, that reminds me…”
  1476. [You give Anon Sword of the Windigo Spirit and the Window of Reality.]
  1477. “Just wanted to make sure you got these little things, the thing dropped this stuff when it died.”
  1478. >”Oh… Alright. I’ll get to work, then…”
  1479. >Anonymous begins to check over each party member, patching up those that require it.
  1480. >Turns out, Gable wasn’t very healthy right now.
  1481. >”I’m fine, we just had bigger issues on our plate.”
  1482. >”Yeah, you’ll be fine when you get frostbite on your open wounds, that’s always a nice feeling.”
  1483. >Anon uses Medkit on Gable
  1484. >25% (+50% skill) = >75%<
  1485. >+150 HP<
  1486. Gable: [HP: 200/200]
  1487. >”…Thanks. You’re still wasting your time, though.”
  1488. >Anon nods, patting him on the shoulder.
  1489. >”No problem. It’s never wasting time when it’s for a friend’s health.”
  1490. >Doctor Anon, the paragon.
  1491. “Now that that mushy stuff is over, get that metal-clad ass in there and scout out that cave.”
  1492. >Anon removes his torch and lights it off yours, commenting as he does so.
  1493. >”Since when did you grow a commanding spine on you?”
  1494. “Since you fell three stories into a pile of snow.”
  1495. >You take a large swig as he shakes his head with a smile on his face.
  1496. >Then he takes his leave, blowdart armed and ready as he lets the torch lead the way.
  1497. >You and the rest of your party are now freezing in the snow, waiting for him to affirm safety.
  1498. >What would you like to do?
  1501. “Since he’s in there, probably wanna be ready if there’s something in there.”
  1502. >”Oh, right!”
  1503. >Everyone in the group readies their weapons, including you, making sure your claws were ready.
  1504. “If we hear anything, we rush in and give him a hoof, alright?”
  1505. >”Yeah. I’m not letting my Anon get hurt.”
  1506. >”Here we go…”
  1507. >”Iron Will’s knuckles are all he needs!”
  1508. >”I hope Nonny doesn’t find any pumpkin monsters…”
  1509. >You’re all attentive as you wait to hear for any sounds…
  1510. >
  1511. >”OH MY GOD!”
  1512. >You hold your breath, while Pinkie and Red gasp.
  1514. >”ANON!”
  1515. >You charge in with your group right behind you, all voices shouting in a united battle cry as you rush into the cave with all your weapons drawn!
  1516. >As soon as you see Anon, however, something’s off.
  1517. >He’s clutching his sides, not in injury… No, he’s laughing!”
  1518. >”hhhaaaahahaha… Y-you guys should see the looks on your faces!”
  1519. >Anon laughs so hard he starts snorting, but you’re just absolutely livid.
  1520. “I’m not even that much of an asshole when I’m smashed…”
  1521. >”Oh c’mon, it was funny!”
  1522. >You roll your eyes as Redheart makes a very agitated sigh.
  1523. >”Sometimes I just wish I could buck you into next tuesday…”
  1524. >”We got time.”
  1525. >”Anon!”
  1526. >”Sorry, sorry… Got your hearts racing th-OOOOGH!”
  1527. >You watch as something smashes into Anon’s side, sending him across the cavern and right into the wall!
  1528. [-35 HP]
  1529. >From the bottom of the beast’s stomach, a bellowing howl pierces your ears!
  1530. >Gable’s the first to spot the creature from the depths of the cave.
  1531. >”It’s an Ursa!”
  1532. >Redheart’s pupils dilate to pins as the monstrosity comes into view.
  1533. >”Ursa… Polaris…”
  1534. >The white-furred killer approaches swiftly as Anon regains his composure, jumping in front of the group as the beast rages in!
  1535. >The roar seems to awaken more of this animal, and two smaller ursa’s join the mother’s side!
  1536. >He blows through his dart, hoping to hit the mother before they have to fight another battle.
  1537. >”I can’t fucking see!”
  1538. >The dart misses!
  1539. >”Shit!”
  1540. ...

The Great and Powerful Trixie Has Arrived

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The Sun Has Risen

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Storytime! Option 2: Trevor

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Trixie and Anon Rob a Bank

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AJ Tries to Castrate Anon

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