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By Nebulus
Created: 2020-12-17 16:46:05
Updated: 2021-07-03 09:15:35
Expiry: Never

  1. Originally uploaded to Pastebin: December 8th, 2012
  2. ---
  4. >Day 92 in Equestia
  5. >"And here we have the Canterlot Catacombs!"
  6. >You look at the entrance to the underground complex, several signs and guards protecting it
  7. >The tour guide continues
  8. >"These catacombs were built under Canterlot after it was first built, and have stood undisturbed for thousands of years! Some archaeologists theorise that it goes right into the heart of the mountain!"
  9. >"Not even our fair princesses know how deep it goes, since the pony that designed it died shortly after it's creation and an unfortunate incident provoked the princesses into closing it off to the public."
  10. >"As a result, nop0ny has ever gone inside. It's unsure why they were even built but you can't deny that they're a marvellous sight to behold!"
  11. >You take in the entrance
  12. >It's a huge cavern carved right into Canterlot Mountain, a massive gaping maw that leads into a mysterious black abyss.
  13. >You stand with your arms folded, squinting at the ancient markings above the entrance and the stone pillars supporting it
  14. >You shudder to imagine what could have caused the construction of such a gargantuan project
  15. >"Come along, everyp0ny! Over here we can see the base of Canterlot Castle!"
  16. >You catch up to the tour group.
  17. >Twilight recommended it after she found out your love of History
  18. >So far it's been spectacular, some of these stone constructs would make even the Egyptians blush
  19. >You bump into a pony
  20. >Or she bumps into you
  21. >You're not sure
  22. >But you look down and see that it's the same pony who bumped into you the last 40 times today
  23. Please, ma'am. Mind where you're going
  24. >"Ja! Do not vorry, Monsieur, I vill be mort careful in da future."
  25. >What the fuck kind of accent was that?
  26. >Shake your head and continue on the tour
  27. >You swear you know that pony from somewhere, you just can't put your finger on it.
  28. >The tour group continues for another hour
  29. >You and the rest of them "oooh" and "aaah" at the various sights.
  30. >These ponies are expert stone mason.
  31. >Who'd a guessed it?
  32. >As the tour enters a small building at the base of the castle foundations, you notice the pony who bumped you looking over the edge of a cliff
  33. >She begins to teeter on the edge
  34. >Panic fills you as you run from the group and grab her by the haunches before she can go over
  35. >Drag her back by her rear and make sure she's ok
  36. What were you thinking?!
  37. >"Hark, Fair traveller! I was just stopping for a spot of tea and biscuits when I noticed that rather fetching drop over there. I just thought I should poke my nose in and see what it was like"
  38. >So now she's a sophisticated British person.
  39. >Wonderful
  40. Look, just be more careful around cliffs. You don't have wings and neither do I, I can't save you if you go over.
  41. >"Not to worry, mate. Ya'r a fine fella', I tell you that now. I'm right chuffed that you grabbed me arse when ya' did or I would have been a proper pancake!"
  42. >She prances off back to the tour group
  43. >You sit on the grass, utterly dumbfounded for a second
  44. >Shake your head and stand up, turning back to the tour group to watch the mare return
  45. >Something about the way she walks... Who IS that?
  46. >You can't tell under all the clothes she's wearing
  47. >The tour carries on into midday and you all settle down to eat some refreshments and talk about the tour
  48. >You're sat at a bench eating some sandwiches when a certain mare joins you
  49. >"Yo waddup, homes?"
  50. ...Hey
  51. >The mare is sat across from you, eating a nutrient bar and making random gang signs
  52. >She's still dressed in her outfit though
  53. >A top hat, a monocle, a gold neck chain, polkadot socks and a bright blue jacket that covers most of her back
  54. >She looks like a walking fashion disaster
  55. >You're glad Rarity isn't here or she would have just let her drop off the cliff before
  56. >"Aight. So check it. Me and my boys are gonna fuck around this here group, ya' dig?"
  57. I... dig?
  58. >"Nice. Better watch yo back, nigga. Shit's about to get cray cray up in here"
  59. >She leaves, humming what sounds like "Where da hood at" by DMX
  60. >You stare blankly at where she was just sat, trying to piece together what she just said
  61. >You try to finish your sandwich when you hear several screams from your right
  62. >Looking around you see the mare charging into the lunch area, flanked by a pack of Bears wearing gold chains and backwards facing baseball caps
  63. >Jesus Christ
  64. >The bears and the mare start flipping tables and harassing old mares with their new generation ghetto ways
  65. >You stare in stunned silence
  66. >The mare looks at you and taps a bear on the shoulder
  67. >"Yo, big B. Check out the monkey. Let's fuck his shit"
  68. >HA. YEAH. NAH.
  69. >Run like hell out of the lunch area
  70. >Hear the mare screaming after you and the roars of several angry gangsta-bears
  71. >Run for about 5 minutes until you see some guards
  73. >The guards look at you
  74. >Then see the bears
  75. >They charge the oncoming mob and begin beating the law into those beatnick hooligans and their strange music
  76. >While the Royal Canterlot Guard and a pack of misunderstood bears tangle, you notice what they were guarding
  77. >The Canterlot Catacombs
  78. >Hear someone clear their throat behind you
  79. >Turn and see the mare glaring at you
  80. >"Yo you got some nerve, good sir."
  82. >"Umm... I uhh- L-look, just h-hand over all your money, please."
  83. >Hang on a second
  84. >The cogs start turning
  85. >Before you can reach a conclusion the mare tackles you
  86. >You both start rolling over each other, each trying to beat the other into submission
  87. >Rolling past some warning signs
  88. >Don't notice
  89. >Keep trying to throw the crazy mare off you
  90. >Finally manage to kick her off
  91. >Look around
  92. >It's dark
  93. >Look to the left
  94. >See the outside world and the backs of several signs
  95. >Hear distant roars in the distance and screams for backup
  96. >Look back to the mare
  97. >She's got some kind of large box with a red button
  98. >Raise an eyebrow
  99. >Look back at the pillars holding up the front
  100. >Realise that they're covered in dynamite
  102. >The mare pushes the button
  103. >Your ears pop and you're thrown backwards, deeper into the cave as the explosives detonate, bringing the entrance down and sealing you in behind several thousand tons of rock
  104. >Now you're trapped inside an ancient catacombs that no one knows about
  105. >With a Cockney-Upper-Class-Gangster
  106. >Stand up groaning and rubbing your back
  107. >The mare is also a bit dazed, but still down
  108. >You hobble over to her and kick her in the shoulder
  109. Get up.
  110. >She shakily gets up
  111. >"D-did it w-work?"
  112. >Look around
  113. >Torches lit by magical fires light up the interior of the caverns, providing a feeble amount of light, but enough to see where you're going
  114. If you wanted to trap us in an ancient crypt, yeah. I guess it did work. Well done, retard.
  115. >"T-that's not very nice, mister"
  116. >She starts taking off her clothes
  117. >Yellow mane
  118. >Pink hair
  119. >Timid expression
  120. >You swear you know this pony from somewhere
  121. >She looks at you expectantly
  122. >You look back with a confused expression
  123. >She notices her small black moustache and hastily removes it
  124. >FUCKING
  126. >"eep!"
  127. >Tackle her
  128. >"Oh my~"
  130. >"S-so being trapped under Canterlot Mountain isn't your fetish?"
  131. >Feel your eye twitch madly
  132. You have exactly 10 seconds to get me out of here before I break every bone in your body
  133. >"b-but"
  134. One.
  135. >"I-I can't!"
  136. Four.
  137. >"Wait! you m-missed 3 numbers!"
  138. NINE.
  140. TEN.
  141. >If anyone was stood outside the collapsed entrance, they would probably hear a faint shouting coming from inside
  142. >Rather than the common cries for "help" or "is anybody out there" they would instead hear something not a lot of people say when trapped.
  145. >You chase Fluttershy around in a big circle
  146. >Tears stream down her face as she runs for her life
  149. >She unfurls her wings and takes off to the roof of the cave
  150. >"Now, mister, I'm sure you're very angry. But you need to calm down and relax. You can't get me up here so let's take a deep breath, and- AH!"
  151. >You narrowly miss her face with a stone
  152. >You pick up another and hurl it at her
  153. >Fuelled by an anger that only you can feel, you continue to throw stones and pebbles at the yellow demon
  154. >"Anon- AH!, Darling Pleas- EEK!, Just calm- AAAH!"
  156. >This goes on for another 45 minutes
  157. >Eventually you drop to the floor in tired defeat, your throwing arm aching
  158. >Fluttershy, not used to such prolonged flight, falls out of the air and starts panting for breath
  159. >You both look at each other from the floor, you glaring daggers and her smiling at you
  160. >"Is... Rock... Throwing... Your fetish?"
  161. >You would strangle her, but you're far too tired to even clench your fist
  162. >Instead you give up and drift off into an exhaustion induced slumber
  163. >Wake up to the feeling of something wet on your face
  164. >Water? A leak in the roof?
  165. >Open your eyes slightly
  166. >Fluttershy sloppily licking your face like a dog
  167. >She's making sure to get as much dribble on you as possible
  168. >"O-oh, hello, Anon! Did you sleep well?"
  169. >She blushes
  170. >"Did you dream about me?"
  171. >Stare at her for 10 seconds, your face bearing absolutely no emotion whatsoever
  172. >"Is that a yes?"
  173. >Push her off you and stand up
  174. Ok, Fluttershy. Listen up.
  175. >She stands to attention and smiles up at you
  176. These catacombs are massive, but there must be more than one entrance. I vote we go and find another one.
  177. >"G-go deeper into the cave? Ooh... But it's scary in here!"
  178. You weren't thinking about this very much when you strapped dynamite to the pillars, were you?
  179. >"Not really. I was too caught up thinking about your hot di-"
  180. Ok then. Well I'm going to go find and exit.
  181. >Walk over to a wall and pull off a torch
  182. >Blow the flame out
  183. >After a second it sparks up again, just as fierce as before
  184. >Yeah. Magic fire. Thank god for that.
  185. >Head deeper into the catacombs.
  186. >You nervously walk down the corridors, searching for any sign of another entrance, from the sound of wind to the smell of fresh air
  187. >Stop at a split in the path
  188. >Fluttershy bumps into your legs
  189. >"A-are we outside yet?"
  190. What do you think?
  191. >"I think this is a big dream and this is the part you strip off and make me a mare in these halls"
  192. That's not the answer I was looking for
  193. >"I want you to fu-"
  194. I GET IT.
  195. >Look at the section between the split
  196. Looks like ancient pony text. Can you read it?
  197. >"I can. But it'll cost you"
  198. >Sigh
  199. What do you want...
  200. >"Just give me a kiss on the cheek. That's all"
  201. >Lean down and lightly peck her on the cheek
  202. >She giggles madly and her wings spring up
  203. Yeah yeah. Now read it
  204. >"I can't"
  205. >She beams up at you
  206. >"B-but you're more than welcome to kiss me some more"
  207. >You kick her down one corridor and walk down the other
  208. >Mumble to yourself as you walk
  209. Fucking Fluttershy... Stupid Horse... Damnable Equine...
  210. >Come to another stop
  211. >An arrow pointing right is accompanied by a depiction of a snake
  212. >An arrow pointing left is accompanied by a depiction of a skeletal pony
  213. >Well that's an easy choice
  214. >You go right
  215. >You used to keep Snakes as a kid, you're fine around them
  216. >Enter a large chamber with a door at far end
  217. >The room is large and rectangular, with a sizable hole in the left-hand side
  218. Huh.
  219. >Walk towards to door at the end
  220. >Passing through the centre of the room and past the hole, you hear a faint hissing sound
  221. >Stop and look around
  222. >Wave the torch to try and see more
  223. >Nothing
  224. >Carry on walking when you hear it again
  225. >This time it's much louder and you hear a slight groaning, like when metal is put under a lot of strain.
  226. >Turn and look back at the hole
  227. >A pair of giant yellow eyes stare back at you
  228. Holy mother of god.
  229. >The eyes move towards you
  230. >Turns out they're attached to a snake, as expected
  231. >A snake of incredible proportions slithers out of the pipe and rears up in front of you
  232. >It's easily 10 times taller than you at full height, and it's fangs are dripping with venom so potent that it sizzles when it makes contact with the floor
  233. >You're petrified by it's eyes, they seem to stare into your soul and root you to the spot
  234. >Hear a sudden scream from the entrance to the room
  235. >Both you and the snake snap your heads around and look at the culprit
  236. >Fluttershy stands in the doorway, her face a visage of pure terror
  238. >Her voice snaps you out of your trance just in time
  239. >The basilisk's mouth shoots forward and takes a chunk out of the thin air where you were just stood
  240. >It roars in frustration and follows you
  241. >Your chest is burning as you run as fast as you can towards the exit
  242. >Fluttershy soars over your head towards the door and pulls it open
  243. >"Hurry!"
  244. >Another roar from behind causes you to speed up even faster than you thought you could run and you dive through the door, sliding on the floor behind it
  245. >Fluttershy closes the door behind you both just as the basilisk's head slams into it
  246. >The stone door shudders but holds
  247. >The impact makes the place shake slightly and dust falls from the ceiling
  248. >You pant for breath and clutch your burning chest
  249. >Fluttershy lands next to you and nuzzles your face
  250. >"Oh Anon! I was so worried! You scared that poor Basilisk so much!"
  251. You what?! I was nearly eaten alive!
  252. >"Don't be like that, he was just as scared of you as you were of it"
  253. >She smiles at you
  254. >You're beginning to hate that smile
  255. >Her hoof moves towards your crotch but you slap her away and stand up
  256. Lets just keep moving.
  257. >You both walk in silence down the corridor, the light of the torch your only source of sanity down here
  258. >Eventually you come to a set of 3 doors
  259. >Over each is a symbol like those before
  260. >Over the first is a depiction of a flame
  261. >The second bears a drop of liquid, possibly water
  262. >The third and final shows several flowing lines, based on the other two you guess that it must be wind
  263. >Turn to Fluttershy
  264. Well, we have a fine selection of death here.
  265. >She whimpers
  266. We have burnt alive, drowned, or blown to death
  267. >She perks up at the last one
  268. >"Do you want to be blo-"
  269. Shut up. Just tell me which you want
  270. >"I-I want to blow you"
  271. >Sign
  272. So the third door then. I suppose it's better than the other two. Lets go
  273. >You pull open the third door and step through, Fluttershy close behind you
  274. >The room you now stand in is, for the lack of a better word: Awesome.
  275. >A colossal circular room surrounds you
  276. >You and Fluttershy are stood on a small ledge over looking what seems to be a bottomless pit
  277. >You look up and no ceiling, it just goes on
  278. Ponies... Built... This...
  279. >Fluttershy looks just as awestruck as you are
  280. >"W-what do you think we have to do?"
  281. >Oh cool, she's getting into it. Maybe she'll actually be of help now
  282. >Survey the room and see platforms, like the one you're stood on all around the room
  283. >They're laid out in a fashion so that they look like steps
  284. >They just have a gap in between each one
  285. >And a bottomless pit if you miss it
  286. >Your eyes fall on the nearest platform
  287. >Gulp, take a deep breath, and jump onto it
  288. >It's completely solid
  289. >Sigh in relief
  290. >Turn back to speak to Fluttershy but watch as the platform she's stood on gives way and crumbles underneath her
  291. >She squeals and takes flight, hovering over where the platform just was
  292. >She looks sheepishly at you
  293. >"S-sorry"
  294. >Only Fluttershy would say sorry
  295. >Shake your head and jump onto the next platform
  296. >Just as you thought, the platform you leapt from gives way.
  297. >Guess you've chosen your direction now.
  298. >Onwards and upwards.
  299. >You start jumping from platform to platform, ascending higher and higher
  300. >Fluttershy hovers next to you the entire time
  301. >You look up after about 20 minutes of this and see what you think is the ceiling, lit up by a distant torch that you couldn't make out from where you used to be stood
  302. >"H-how much higher?"
  303. Just up there. How are you for energy?
  304. >"I'm fine..."
  305. >Continue upwards, stopping for breaks from time to time with Fluttershy until you reach the top
  306. >You jump onto the final platform and watch the one you jumped from crumble
  307. >Stare at the doorway in front of you, along with the torch you saw before
  308. >"Wow, Anon. You're sweaty. Umm, w-want me to lick it off?"
  309. >Ignore her and head into the doorway, torch in hand.
  310. >The torch is now your only friend in this hellhole
  311. >But you went directly up for so long, you have to be close to the top now
  312. >Come to another sign
  313. >This one has a piece of reflective glass embedded in the rock
  314. >A grimy looking human and a tired, ruffled pony stare back
  315. >"Mirrors?"
  316. Only one way to find out
  317. >You both step through the door
  318. >A small room greets you
  319. >In the middle is a tall mirror, stood on it's end, no doubt supported by magic of some kind
  320. >You and Fluttershy both walk over to it
  321. >You look at each other for a second before peering into it
  322. >Your feel light-headed for a second and blink several times to try and focus yourself
  323. >After the first blink you look around and see
  324. >...Your room?
  325. >Not your Equestrian room, your Earth room
  326. >You're back home!
  327. >You cheer and shout for a while and throw open the curtains
  328. >Cars and busy streets meet you
  329. >You feel tears streaming down your face and you feel a sense of euphoria wash over you
  330. >Run over to the bedroom door and throw it open
  331. >Practically throw yourself out the front door and breathe in that sweet carbon-dioxide filled air
  332. >Home
  333. >You're actually home
  334. >"Hey, what are you so happy about?"
  335. >Look down and see a chubby little boy eating an icecream
  336. >He regards you with a nervous look
  337. >You admit you must look a little bit crazy, covered in grime and grinning like a madman
  338. >But you're just so happy to be back
  339. Everything's gonna be ok, kid. Life has never been sweeter
  340. >Walk down the bustling streets and grin at everyone that you see
  341. >Hear a taxi-cab driver screaming and two teenagers laughing in a nearby cafe
  342. >Stop walking and smile
  343. >Close your eyes and tilt your head back, feeling the sun on your face
  344. >Open them to look at the beautiful blue sky
  345. >A dark, musty stone roof looks back
  346. >Realisation hits you
  347. >Look down and see the reality you thought you knew crumble and shatter like glass
  348. >You find yourself staring at the mirror
  349. >Your face is one of utter confusion and anger
  350. >About to scream when you notice Fluttershy next to you
  351. >She's still looking into the mirror
  352. >You're angry that you got pulled in like that, but you're still curious about what Fluttershy must be seeing
  353. >Watch her for a while
  354. >She's wearing a small smile and looks completely at peace
  355. >Place your head right next to hers and look at the mirror
  356. >Sure enough, you see what she sees
  357. >Herself and you
  358. >Sat on a sofa
  359. >Reading
  360. >That's all
  361. >You look back at her
  362. >Then back at the illusion
  363. >You're just sat there reading. No words. No crazy monkey sex. Just the two of you, sat in each other's company.
  364. >Fakeshy looks at Fakeanon
  365. >"Good book?"
  366. >Fakeanon smiles back and strokes her mane for a second, eliciting a happy sigh from Fakeshy
  367. >"Yup."
  368. >Well this is weird
  369. >Shake the real Fluttershy and whisper into her ear
  370. It's not real, we have to go.
  371. >She instantly snaps out of it and looks around frantically
  372. >"B-but where is.... oh..."
  373. >Her ears flatten and she looks on the verge of tears
  374. Hey, it's ok.
  375. >Pull her into a hug
  376. >She softly weeps into your shoulder for a while
  377. >"But we were so happy..."
  378. I know, I know. But we have to keep moving. This mirror is evil, it preys on...
  379. >Sigh
  380. ...Our deepest desires
  381. >Fluttershy looks up at you with a tear-streaked face
  382. >"A-are you ok?"
  383. Yeah. I'm fine. Lets go.
  384. >Walk past the mirror and continue onwards
  385. >That last room really took it out of you
  386. >You feel emotionally and physically drained
  387. >But you have to keep moving, there's no way in hell you're dying down here
  388. >You don't even know how long you've been down here
  389. >Walk through a doorway and are greeted by yet another room
  390. >This time there's set of stairs in the middle, and a tablet to the side
  391. >Walk over to it
  392. >It depicts ponies walking up the stairs to be greeted by... The sun and the moon?
  393. >You ponder this for a second
  394. >So it's like a stairway to the heavens?
  395. >Your mind recalls a long forgotten tune as you think
  396. >You hum to the tune absent-mindedly
  397. >Fluttershy taps you on the leg
  398. >"Umm, I think we just need to walk up it."
  399. >You look at her then the stairs
  400. >Nowhere else to go
  401. >You both proceed up the stairs
  402. >As you get closer to the top you hear voices and smell exotic scents
  403. >You look at Fluttershy and she looks at you
  404. >You're both tired, hungry, dirty and drained from this whole experience
  405. >And strangely, you feel almost like you've bonded together
  406. >Fluttershy isn't looking at you hungrily anymore
  407. >She seems... Normal. Like she's had enough and just wants this to end
  408. >You reach the top of the staircase and see a dead end
  409. >On the wall facing you you see the same Sun symbol
  410. >You feel like you've seen it before but you don't know where
  411. Hey, Fluttershy. What IS this symbol?
  412. >She looks at it for a second
  413. >"Oh, that's the cutie mark of the royal princess, Celestia."
  414. >As soon as she said Celestia the wall faded into thin air and your jaw drops
  415. >You look out into the room and several ponies look back at you
  416. >"Where... Did you just come from?"
  417. >Celestia and her council gawp at you as you and Fluttershy walk out of the wall, covered in dirt and gasping for air.
  418. >Look out the window
  419. >Yep. You're in Canterlot Castle
  420. >Look back at the Princess
  421. You don't wanna know.
  423. The End

[FLUTTERRAPE] Happy Birthday

by Nebulus


by Nebulus


by Nebulus

[FLUTTERRAPE] Three Anons One Pit

by Nebulus

[FLUTTERRAPE] Demon Swords and Dark Overlords

by Nebulus