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[FLUTTERRAPE] Hearths Warming Eve

By Nebulus
Created: 2020-12-17 16:46:05
Updated: 2021-07-03 09:29:39
Expiry: Never

  1. Originally uploaded to Pastebin: December 14th, 2012
  2. ---
  4. >Day Hearths Warming Eve in Equestria
  5. >Or, as normal people call it: Christmas
  6. >Or, as cynical fucks call it: Material Wealth - The Holiday
  7. >Or, as you call it: Friday
  8. >Wake up and groan when you realise what day it is
  9. >You always hated Christmas, it's just an excuse to give spoiled little shits expensive toys and lie to them about the "true meaning of Christmas"
  10. >Seems like Ponies have their own version of it here
  11. >Damn this world and it's uncanny similarities to Earth
  12. >Get out of bed and immediately start suffering from Frostbite
  13. >Shiver profusely and run into the shower
  14. >Turn it on and let the scalding water wash over you
  15. Aaaahh...
  16. >Warmed up and wide awake, you walk downstairs and into your kitchen
  17. >Get out some bread and toast that shit
  18. >While you wait for the bread to inevitably burn, you read the paper that was pushed through your door
  19. >Frontpage reads: "IT'S HEARTHS WARMING EVE!"
  20. No shit.
  21. >Turn the page to page 2
  23. >Flick through the paper quickly
  24. >Every single page reads something along the lines of "HEARTHS WARMING EVE OH MY GOD!"
  25. >Growl and scrunch up the paper
  26. >Open the door and throw it outside
  27. >"Ouch!"
  28. >Realise you just threw it at Fluttershy's face before she could knock on your door
  29. >She's dressed in the most sickeningly adorable outfit ever
  30. >All red n' shit.
  31. >Nice description, brain
  32. >No problem, bro
  33. >"H-happy Hearths Warming Eve, Anon!"
  34. >She smiles sweetly then flies up to your face
  35. >She leans in to kiss you and you stop her with your hand
  36. >She decides that this is good enough and starts getting intimate with your right apendage
  37. >Fucking Hands
  38. >You hear the toaster beep and run back inside, Fluttershy still attached to your hand, sloppily making out with it
  39. >You put the toast on the plate and start eating it, all with one hand
  40. >After a while you feel your skin start to go pruny from Flutterslobber
  41. >Shake her off and let out a short laugh as she flies into the wall
  42. >These ponies. Lighter than air
  43. >Fluttershy gets up and trots over to you, taking a seat opposite you from across your kitchen table
  44. >"So what are you going to do today, Anon? Are you going to spend it with... umm..."
  45. >She bats her eyelashes, resulting in a very convincing imitation of an epileptic fit
  46. >"The ones you... Love?"
  47. Nah.
  48. >"Oh..."
  49. >You sit there and eat your toast with you best "I dun giv a fook, niga" face on
  50. >She sits there and watches you with her best "I wan to giv u a fook, niga" face on
  51. >Seeing this you roll your eyes and finish eating
  52. Look. I'm gonna go into town, check out what's happening, then come back, ok? I don't care about this holiday of yours
  53. >"B-but Anon! This day is all about love!"
  54. Yeah, I've heard that one before
  55. >"N-no, really. If we don't love each other the sky demons will come and freeze everything!"
  56. You fucking what?
  57. >"Umm... N-nothing... Please spend the day with me"
  58. >She gets off her seat and trots over to you, placing her hooves on your lap and gazing up at you with her best puppy eyes
  59. >"Pleeeaaaase?"
  60. >You can't say no to that face
  61. >...
  62. >Oh wait yes you can
  63. No.
  64. >Kick her out the house and get on your boots
  65. >Open the front door and look at all the snow n' shit
  66. >Score 2 for Brain
  67. >Today is going to be a cold day
  68. >Pass Fluttershy's legs sticking out of a pile of snow waving in the air frantically while you walk down the road
  69. >Chuckle to yourself
  70. >The snow promptly explodes and Fluttershy runs after
  71. >She catches up and wipes snow off her face
  72. >"Oh Anon, thank you for saving me from that scary snow!"
  73. You really need to get laid.
  74. >"I know..."
  75. >You both enter Ponyville and start looking around
  76. >You spot Applejack selling Apples
  77. >Pinkie Pie partying
  78. >Twilight reading about the holiday
  79. >Rainbow Dash throwing snowballs at Rarity
  80. >Who looks mad as hell about all the snow on her clothes
  81. >So it's a normal fucking day, but with snow instead of mud.
  82. You seriously dragged me out here for THIS?
  83. >"B-but can't you see the love in the air, Anon?"
  84. >Watch the Cutie Mark Crusaders run by
  85. >Scootaloo is dragging along a giant candycane with her tongue and swearing profusely
  86. >Applebloom and Sweetie Belle laugh at her
  87. Nope.
  88. >"Oh... Ok..."
  89. >YOu carry on walking
  90. >See a shadow over you
  91. >Hear snickering
  92. >Look up and see Rainbow Dash
  93. >She's holding mistletoe over you and Fluttershy
  94. You've got to be fucking kidding m-
  95. >Fluttershy lunges at you and attaches her mouth to yours
  96. >You flail around and try to pry her lips off yours
  97. >Her mouth is like a suction cup
  98. >You can only imagine the damage she'd do if she got near your manhood
  99. >Shudder
  100. >Fluttershy thinks you're getting into it and crams her tongue down your throat
  101. >Eventually get her off by slamming her body against a tree
  102. >She releases your now sore and swollen lips with a loud pop
  103. >"Wow, Anon. That was amazing! W-was kissing under the mistletoe your fetish?"
  104. >Glare at her
  105. >Kick the tree you're stood next to
  106. >A large pile of snow falls from a branch and covers her
  107. >Hear a muffled voice from underneath it
  108. >"W-was that a yes?"
  109. >Grumble and complain to yourself while you head back home, nursing your poor lips
  110. >Unlock the front door and walk inside, stomping your boots on the mat on the way in
  111. >Everything is dark
  112. >Why are the curtains shut?
  113. >OH FOR-
  115. >Lights on
  116. >Music blares
  117. >Streamers everywhere
  118. >Beer and red plastic cups suddenly everywhere
  119. >Pinkie literally tears herself out of your sofa, getting stuffing everywhere
  121. NOOOO-
  122. >3 hours later
  123. >You, Pinkie Pie, and half of Ponyville, who all somehow fit inside your house are sitting/sleeping/puking on the floor of your house
  124. >Pinkie Pie looks at you, completely fucked out of her head
  125. >"H-hey, Anon... Don't l-look now, but"
  126. >She giggles and snorts
  127. >"F-fluttershy is trying to slip something into your drink"
  128. >Try not to shit yourself laughing at this simple statement of hers
  129. >Look towards where Pinkie is pointing
  130. >Fluttershy, who is also utterly shnozzled, is trying to empty an entire bucket of pills into a tiny plastic cup
  131. >You can't handle the absurdity
  132. >Your drunk mind shuts down and hands over the controls to your ineberated sense of humour
  133. >You and Pinkie Pie laugh for a long time, causing the passed out party-goers to moan and groggily get up
  134. >Rest your head on the torn up sofa with Pinkie Pie and look up at the ceiling
  135. >There's a pony hanging from your lights
  136. >Stifle a giggle
  137. >Pinkie Pie gets up and offers you a pill
  138. Wuzzit?
  139. >"It's a pick me up! Cures everything from Hangovers to Depression!"
  140. >Seems legit
  141. >Swallow it
  142. >Your mind becomes every colour ever.
  143. >Rise from the sofa with renewed vigor
  144. >Pinkie Pie bounces to your front door
  145. >"I gotta got to work! But thanks for the party, Anon!"
  146. >Look around for a clock
  147. >Find it
  148. >12:00
  149. >You had a party, with alcohol, at 9 in the morning
  150. >These ponies party hard
  151. >Watch and make sure the other residents wake up and are sent about their days
  152. >Some of them thank you, others mistake you for a coat hanger and try to pull off your pants
  153. >Fluttershy tries this about 15 times
  154. >Eventually they're all gone and it's just you and Fluttershy
  155. >"H-hey, Anon. Want a drink?"
  156. >She hands you a cup filled with nothing but pills
  157. >Laugh for a full minute
  158. >Ruffle her mane
  159. You so crazy, Fluttershy
  160. >"Are crazy mares your fetish?"
  161. >Walk outside into the freezing cold
  162. >Fall forwards into a pile of snow and just lie there
  163. >Your lips are sore, your head is pounding, your house is trashed, you've ingested 4 different kinds of illegal substance in the last 3 hours, you're lying face down in the snow and you're not wearing pants
  164. >Forget what you said this morning, this holiday is fucking radical.
  165. >Get up and grin
  166. >Feel the sunlight burn your eyes and you clamp them shut
  167. >Oh yeah. That's the stuff
  168. >Walk back inside to put some pants on, refreshed by the facefull of snow
  169. >Fluttershy is passed out in your hallway
  170. >You nudge her with your foot
  171. >"D-did we have sex"
  172. Hell no
  173. >"Oh. Can we?"
  174. Hell no
  175. >"Oh.
  176. >Walk upstairs and pull on some pants
  177. >Turn to your door but Fluttershy is blocking it, a determined look in her eyes
  178. >"Look here, mister. I want to make your first Hearths Warming Eve something to remember."
  179. You want me to remember? Do you have any idea how many drugs i've eaten this morning? I'll be lucky to remember my name after today.
  180. >She growls
  181. >"You WILL go with me to my cottage and we WILL drink coco and we WILL have a lovely time!"
  182. Fuck that. I'm gonna go find Pinkie and get some more of those "pick me ups"
  183. >Fluttershy tackles you to the floor and pins your down while stood over your chest
  186. >She grabs your collar and starts shaking you violently
  190. >You both start wrestling on your bedroom floor
  191. >Fluttershy forgetting the whole "cottage" thing and skipping straight to the sex
  192. >You trying to crawl to the kitchen to get something to eat
  193. >20 minutes later you're sat at your kitchen table with a glass of water and an icepack on your forehead
  194. >Fluttershy is unconcious on the table
  195. >You sigh and pull on a jacket
  196. >Pick up Fluttershy and carry her upstairs
  197. >Lay her on your bed
  198. >Write her a note and lovingly place it on her nose before kissing her on the forehead
  199. >It reads: "If you raid my fridge, I'll break your spine."
  200. >Walk out the door and head towards Pinkie Pie's Place
  201. >Heh. Alliteration
  202. >Score 3 for Brain
  203. >Walk through the entrance to Sugarcube Corner
  204. >Pinkie Sees you
  205. >"Heya, Anon! Great party, right?"
  206. It was awesome. We have to do it again sometime!
  207. >You and Pinkie spend some more time together before you decide it's time to go
  208. >She stops your just before you leave
  209. >"Wait! Anon, do you... Have somep0ny to spend time with today? Nop0ny should be along on Hearths Warming Eve!"
  210. >She looks at you with big eyes, drooping ears and a trembling lower lip
  211. >This pony.
  212. Pinkie...
  213. >She beams at you
  214. Do you want to hang out?
  215. >"YES!"
  216. >She leaps over the counter and hugs you
  217. I don't get it though, shouldn't you be hanging out with Twilight and the others?
  218. >"Twilight is passed out in the back room, Applejack is busy selling Apples, Rarity is in her basement creating a new dress out of Manticore skin and Rainbow Dash is asleep."
  219. What happened to Twilight?
  220. >"She can't hold a drink, Anon."
  221. >She shakes her head sadly
  222. >"It's sad, really."
  223. I can imagine. Well, lets go then!
  224. >You and Pinkie Pie enjoy the festivities and whatnot for the rest of the day and get back to your house at nightfall, laughing like idiots as you fall through the front door
  225. >"Ohhh Anon. You're such a crack up!"
  226. >You both get up and walk into the kitchen
  227. >Fluttershy is waiting for you
  228. >"Hello, Anon. Hello, Pinkie Pie."
  229. Woah, hey there, Flutters. You feeling better?
  230. >"Oh. I'm quite fine. I'm just confused as to why you would prefer spending the day with Pinkie Pie and not me"
  231. Well, the thing about that is-
  232. >"Am I not good enough for you, Anon? AM I NOT GOOD ENOUGH? HUH?"
  233. Ok, calm dow-
  235. >She pulls out a massive sack from under the table
  236. >A massive brown sack full of medals and framed certificates
  238. >She starts hurling medals at you
  240. >Turn to Pinkie
  241. We should get out of here
  242. >"Okie dokie lokie!"
  243. >You both run out the front door
  244. >Fluttershy follows, carrying her sack
  245. >Turn to look over your shoulder
  247. >She pulls on a costume identical to that of Santa Claus
  248. >Now she's flying overhead throwing certificates at you
  249. >You narrowly avoid a Nobel Prize for Adorableness and run towards Sugarcube Corner with Pinkie
  251. >You're being chased through a village by a talking horse dressed as Santa Claus who's throwing awards at you
  252. >How is this your life?
  254. >A medal for worst throwing arm hits you in the face as you look over your shoulder
  255. >The irony hurts
  256. >You slam open the door to Sugarcube Corner and throw Pinkie in first by her tail before following her and locking the door from the inside
  257. >You sit with your back to the door
  258. >Look at Pinkie, who's grinning at you and bouncing on the spot
  259. >"What's up, Anny?"
  260. I feel like I've done this before
  261. >Before you can explain you hear a thud on the roof
  262. >Hear footsteps pace all over it
  263. >Stay quiet and motion for Pinkie to do the same
  264. >She thinks you want to play Charades and starts imitating a cinema reel with her hooves then runs on the spot
  265. >Look towards the chimney in the corner
  266. >You don't even remember it being there
  267. >See a bit of soot fall from inside
  268. >Sweat forms on your forehead
  269. >Look back at Pinkie frantically
  270. >She's miming an animal roar silently
  271. >Hear a grunt from the chimney
  272. >You're sweating buckets
  273. >A yellow hoof appears
  274. >Your clothes are now soaking wet and your shoes are filled with sweat
  275. >Fluttershy gracefully lands at the chimney
  276. >And by that you mean she crashes to the foot of it and the sack of accolades follows her, squashing her
  277. >Try to get up
  278. >Slip on the floor, as you are now ankle deep in sweat
  279. >Pinkie is wearing Scuba gear and imitating a chicken
  280. >You try and open the door
  281. >It's locked
  282. >Who the fuck locked it?
  283. >Panic and start hammering your fists on the door as Fluttershy starts slowly wading through the now knee deep sweat towards you, dragging her sack
  284. >You throw yourself against the door, then turn around and fearfully stare at Fluttershy, who is now chest deep.
  285. >"Well well, Anon. Looks like you're trapped. Now, you've had this coming for a long time"
  286. >She reaches into her sack and pulls something out
  288. >Slam your eyes shut and prepare for the worst
  289. >"Here you go!"
  290. >Open them
  291. >Fluttershy is smiling at you behind her fuzzy white santa beard
  292. >She hands you a small award
  293. >It's a small statuette of a human striking a pose on a stand
  294. >The stand reads: "Nicest Human"
  295. >Blink
  296. >Look at the Pony, now neck deep in your own sweat at you, who's looking awfully proud of herself
  297. >Look at Pinkie Pie, who is waiting for you to guess what she's mimicking
  298. I don't know what it is, Pinkie Pie.
  299. >"UGH! It's Dramatic Conveinience, of course!"
  300. >On cue, the weight of all the sweat behind it causes the door you're led against to burst open outwards
  301. >You, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie ride the sweat tsunami out of Sugarcube Corner and sit in the snow
  302. >Fluttershy is still grinning from ear to ear
  303. >"S-so are nice awards your fetish?"
  304. >Look down at her
  305. Sure, why not.
  307. The End

[FLUTTERRAPE] Happy Birthday

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