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A Bat Combo

By Batbooper
Created: 2022-08-10 02:13:41
Updated: 2022-08-10 02:14:15
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Thank you for coming to Woona's have a nice night" uttered the Bat mare behind the counter
  2. >You grumble back a "you too" as you head out of Lunar Bay's favorite fast food joint
  3. >During the walk home a tasty Woona Chicken Burger was hastily devoured
  4. >That hit the spot , but what would be even better would be those tasty fries
  5. >Oh little Woona I love your little thig...fries I meant fries
  6. >Reaching into the bag has left you soured
  7. "Hey where are the fries"
  8. >After searching the bag the only contents was a burger wrapper and packet of ketchup. No no this won't do.
  9. >Storming back into Woona's you place the takeout bag onto the counter and nosily grab the attention of the manager
  10. "Ahem, Sir I demand though bring forth thine bat pony worker for a verbal tongue lashing, my fries oh Luna my fries were missing"
  11. >The Earth Stallion with mane of black and coat of Green looks at you oddly then hits you with a gut punch
  12. >Manager "I'm sorry um Sir but no bat pony is on shift tonight"
  13. >Showing utter shock you slap the back of your hand against your forehead
  14. "My word ooooh what aaaa scandal. A rogue, neigh, a vagabond has impersonated one of your crew. Tell me , young one was that back door always open?"
  15. >The pony looks rearwards seeing the backdoor to the kitchen is wide open
  16. >Manager "No...hey did you want a...he's gone"
  17. >Yes you were gone out the front door headed towards the alleyway. Time to catch a thief and maybe get a free large fry for it too.
  18. >Using your most intimidating pose, your shoulders are rounded up and your hair is slick back thanks greasy Woona. Stomping forward you scan the alley and a connecting one for the offender.
  19. >There down there by another alley is a tail poking out. It must be the bandit, well time to face justice, moon justice.
  20. >Pacing forward you come upon a scene
  21. >Inside a weathered cardboard box is the same Bat Pony Mare laying down with a fry in her mouth. As you prep you tongue lashing her head bends down with her neck between a wing and the fry disappears. She moves her head to the fry container by a hoof grabbing another fry.
  22. >With a new fry in her mouth her smile is small as she goes to repeat her last move, that is until she sees a tall green guy standing over her.
  23. >Her eyes go wide and he wings pull tight against her sides. She starts shaking and looks you in the eyes.
  24. >?? "Please don't hurt me I was hungry and that was the only food I could get"
  25. >From under her wing a small fuzzy face pops out. "Momma mo fwy pwez". Its a tiny bat colt with the largest eyes shimmering with hope.
  26. >She moves her head down to her foal whispering quick words, he tucks himself back under the wing.
  27. >She looks back to you. It was all to feed her foal. Looking at her she is mostly skin and bones. And here you were ready to drag her down to guard shack.
  28. >?? "If you will leave my foal alone, I will do anything" Her voice get scratchy at the end
  29. >The wind picks up in the alley
  31. >It smells like it will rain soon
  32. "How, how long have you been like this"
  33. >She looks down the alley both ways then back your way
  34. >?? "Its been months, I barely had the strength to do what I did earlier. I can't even feed my son every night, what kind of mother am I"
  35. >She breaks down sobbing
  36. >The little colt comes out from under the wing hugging his mother with his little hoofsies against her chest "no kwy momma". She uses her hooves to hold him close curtaining her front with her wings.
  37. >Anon you are the biggest jerk in history
  38. >You turn around and think of what to do. You walk out of there with your head down. It starts to rain.
  40. >Later you arrive back in the alleyway. There she is like you left her huddled forward in the box. Doing like you rehearsed you throw a large cloth over the Mare. She shrieks in surprise as the cloth covers her holding onto her foal for dear life.
  41. >She is light, way light. That makes it easier for what you are going to do.
  43. >Kicking the door open you trounce in and shut it with a back kick. The bundle had stopped fighting mere seconds after you snagged her.
  44. >You place it down on the couch and walk backwards.
  45. >The cloth unwinds with the Mare looking near heart attack levels of fear. Her little colt is hugging onto her chest with his wings and hooves.
  46. >She looks around seeing where she can run to and hide...that is until she smells it
  47. >You were no cook but Woona's was
  48. >In your hands is a tray with a big Woona combo.
  49. "I'm sorry for all the trouble" you look down at her in shame "So I thought I would make it up to you" You hold out the tray to her. She looks around still assessing her options. The fire is going in the fireplace, its warm, and there is more than enough food to feed her and the foal.
  50. >She grabs the tray and you back off to your kitchen.
  51. >With an eye kept on you she sits down on the couch and proceeds to cut half of the burger into tiny pieces. She whispers to her foal and he slowly climbs off of her and sits between her hooves. She feeds him little pieces until he cannot eat anymore. She cries as she eats her fill hugging her filly through her meal.
  52. >As she finishes you bring over a glass of water that she takes with a wing and helps her foal drink and then she finishes it off
  53. >After that she wings the glass back to you
  54. >She tries to hide a small smile
  55. "Whats your name"
  56. >"It's Dara and his name" as she nuzzles his fuzzy head "is Rigel"

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