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Booping ponies is considered an act of affection among ponies

By PussyHitler
Created: 2022-08-17 04:40:13
Expiry: Never

  1. Miscellaneous stories of Anon booping shenanigans
  2. -
  3. Start of the thread:
  4. > I want to annoy Dash a lot repeatedly
  5. ##
  6. >Booping ponies is considered an act of affection among ponies
  7. ##
  8. >boop pony
  9. >she starts getting giddy and blushes
  10. >ask her what's wrong and she runs away giggling like a school girl
  11. >anon is confused
  12. ##
  13. >Boop Cadence
  14. >Everyone gasps
  15. >Before having a chance to ask what's wrong, get thrown in jail by Shining Armour for trying to seduce his wife
  16. >Anon is confused
  17. ##
  18. >been booping Dashie
  19. >Dashie does not like it
  20. >"Hey Dashie"
  21. "Anon wha-"
  22. >boop
  23. >Dash stares at you
  24. >you smile retartedly and boop her again
  25. "That's it!"
  26. >Dash tries to punch and kick you
  27. >you somehow magically avoid everythign thrown at you and go full Jojo's bizarre adventure on her booping her continuesly while avoiding her attacks while Dash protests
  28. >Boop Boop Boop Boop Boop Boop Boop Boop Boop Boop Boop Boop Boop Boop Boop Boop Boop Boop Boop Boop Boop Boop Boop Boop Boop Boop Boop Boop Boop Boop Boop BOOOOOOOOOP
  29. >Dash is so angry right now
  30. ##
  31. >walking around town
  32. >run into Cheerilee and Big Mac
  33. >"Hi, Anon!"
  34. "Hello, Ms. Cheerilee and Mac!"
  35. >"Eeyup."
  36. >boop Mac on the nose
  37. >he turns a prominent shade of apple red, smiling meekly
  38. >Cheerilee looks shocked
  39. >whatjusthappened.jpg
  40. >you look at her in confusion
  41. >she looks like she's going to murder you
  42. >well this is awkward
  43. ##
  44. >Boop applebloom
  45. >Applejack and big mac see from afar and come running
  46. >Big mac tackles you to the ground as applejack grabs applebloom
  47. >Police show up and charge you with pedophilia
  48. >Anon is confused
  49. ##
  50. >Boop Luna
  51. >Everyone stands there in shock
  52. >Awkward pause
  53. >Luna boops you back
  54. >The next day, you are marrying Moonbutt
  55. >Anon is confused
  56. ##
  57. >Boop an evil wizard
  58. >The evil wizard suddenly smiles and becomes a good wizard
  59. >Celestia noticed all of this, and turns you into a prince with majestic wings
  60. >Anon is confused
  61. ##
  62. >Boop Fluttershy
  63. >Fluttershy squeaks and flies away, Rainbow Dash speed
  64. >Applejack sees her fleeing
  65. >Attacks you for scaring her friend
  66. >Fluttershy comes back blushing and boops you back
  67. >Anon is confused
  68. ##
  69. >Boop Discord
  70. >The finger goes straight through him acting like a portal, appearing in your rectum
  71. >Anon isn't that surprised really
  72. ##
  73. >Boop Celestia
  74. >Guards tackle you
  75. >Celestia calls them off
  76. >They back away slowly, spears still pointed in your direction
  77. >You stand up and face her
  78. >Everyone is quiet
  79. >She smiles and gently returns your boop
  80. >Evidently, royal boops can be overwhelming
  81. >You die in the hospital from boop overdose
  82. >Equestria mourns your death
  83. >Anon is confused
  84. ##
  85. >Boop meat
  86. >Meat just sits there
  87. >Anon is confused
  88. ##
  89. >go to the park
  90. >see derpy and dinky playing on the grass
  91. >walk over and boop derpy greeting her
  92. >she giggles and dinky gasps
  93. >she blushes and boops you back
  94. >dinky is babbling like a kid about a new parent
  95. >go to derpy's house for dinner
  96. >have a pleasant date
  97. >marry derpy
  98. >live out your days happily with new wife
  99. >Anon is confused
  101. boops are magic
  102. ##
  103. >Dash lies on the grass reading the latest Daring Do novel, oblivious to your malicious intent
  104. >You flick her tail upwards, as she swivels her head around.
  105. >"Oh, hey Anon."
  106. >You ignore her and flick her tail again, which swishes from side to side.
  107. >"Hey, what do you think you're doing?"
  108. >A third flick, and Dash's face begins to flush in annoyment.
  109. >"Cut it out!"
  110. >You begin to tickle her dock, before she recoils in instinct.
  111. "Am I annoying you, Dash?" You ask with a grin.
  112. >Rainbow Dash bucks you in the face so hard you die, and lives happily ever after
  113. ##
  114. >Boop Sombra
  115. >At first, he has a look of confusion on his face
  116. >Suddenly, light starts to shoot out of his body and he screams in pain
  117. >Sombra gets disintegrated by the light and explodes
  118. >Everyone cheers at you for using the power of love to defeat the king of darkness
  119. >In honour of your courageous move, Celestia sets up a stained glass window in Canterlot depicting you booping Sombra
  120. >Anon is confused
  121. ##
  122. >Boop Twilight
  123. >She is confuse
  124. >Reads book
  125. >Asks you out next day
  126. >Anon is confuse
  127. >Twilight brings you to Canterlot to show off her new boyfriend
  128. >Celestia and Luna surprised
  129. >They have a sister meeting
  130. >Agree they are jealous
  131. >They demand boops from you
  132. >Twilight butthurt
  133. >Media gets story out
  134. >All of Equestria demand boops
  135. >Luna imprisons you
  136. >Forced to be Royal Boop Bitch
  137. >Anon is very confuse
  138. ##
  139. >scratch the tip of your nose
  140. >ponies comment how narcissistic Anon is
  141. >Anon is confuse
  142. ##
  143. >Be Anon.
  144. >Creep into Luna's Royal Bed Chambers.
  145. >Crab walk across the marble floor in order to minimise noise.
  146. >Stealth jump onto the bed.
  147. >Straddle Luna's muzzle.
  148. >Unzip dick.
  149. >Ballsack droops over her face.
  150. >Luna opens her eyes.
  151. >"Forsooth and verily, Anon, what is this?"
  152. "On Earth, we call this the Butt Boop."
  153. >To demonstrate, you boop her nose with your anus.
  154. >Luna is confused.
  155. ##
  156. Light firework
  157. Place in butt
  158. >we call this one the firework game
  159. ##
  160. >Boop mirror
  161. >Reality tears apart
  162. >Thousands of families are visible, melting and disentigrating
  163. >Anon isn't confuse
  164. ##
  165. >drink magic 'go to equestria' bleach potion
  166. >minor discomfort
  167. >leave behind a grieving family with no closure
  168. >anon is a bad person
  169. ## Cheers !!E2UYZrMaxa+
  170. >Go on stage and boop Trixie
  171. >Crowd gasps in shock
  172. >Trixie stops everything and stare through anon's soul
  173. >Trixe insult anon with every word she has in the book before calling the police
  174. >As you get taken away by the police out back she throws one of her crumpled up flyers
  175. >A kiss mark in the corner and Xs and Ox
  176. >Anon is confused
  177. ##
  178. >Boop Cadence
  179. >A snarl, a flash of green flame and two needle-like fangs sinking into your fingers.
  180. >Chrysalis leers up at you, having presumed the booping to be some form of aggression.
  181. >Chrysalis is confused.
  182. >Anon is in quite a bit of discomfort.
  183. ##
  184. >Boop Sweetie Belle for being cute
  185. >She blabs to everyone that she's no longer a virgin with her big mouth
  186. >Forced to take responsibility
  187. >Married to filly
  188. >Anon is confused
  189. >Sweetie belle now wants the dick boop
  190. >She wants the dick
  191. >She wants the boop
  192. >Bitch wants the dick
  193. >She wants the boop
  194. >This is boop
  195. ##
  196. >boop Celestia
  197. >boop!
  198. >anon is in heaven
  199. ##
  200. >Boop Mayor Mare
  201. >She boops back
  202. >Next day she's arranged the wedding
  203. >Everyone comes to watch
  204. >Mayor declares you married
  205. >Trips over dress
  206. >Breaks skull
  207. >Anon is Mayor of Ponyville
  208. >Anon is confused
  209. ##
  210. >Boop Berry Punch
  211. >Being drunk, she misses when she tries to boop you
  212. >Accidentally boops her cousin , Cherry Berry
  213. >Cherry Berry pissed
  214. >Boops you
  215. >Threesome with Berry cousins
  216. >Drunk sex
  217. >Angry sex
  218. >Anon is confused
  219. ##
  220. >See Dash talking with friends
  221. >Say hi
  222. >Begin motion to boop her
  223. >She blushes and turns around
  224. >End up booping her butt
  225. >Her butt blushes and boops you back
  226. >Marry Dash's butt next day
  227. >A heartbroken dash cries as you and her butt exchange wedding vows
  228. >Live happily with her butt for the rest of your years
  229. >Anon is confused
  230. ##
  231. >Anon sees a griffon flying over the Everfree
  232. >goes into the forest, finds where she lands
  233. >sneaks up on her
  234. >boops her on the beak
  235. >Gilda blinks in confusion
  236. >slowly leans forward with her tail raised
  237. >low, pleased purr rumbles through her
  238. >anon is confused
  239. ##
  240. >Be friends with Dash
  241. >Hanging out one day
  242. >Commence wrestling match
  243. >Accidentally boop her nipple
  244. >"I... I gotta go Anon..."
  245. >Dash leaves
  246. >Story gets out that you raped her
  247. >She chooses not to press charges
  248. >Never speaks to you again
  249. >Anon is alone
  250. ##
  251. >See Dash walking along with Scootaloo
  252. >Scootaloo talking a hundred miles a minute at her idol
  253. >Boop Scootaloo on the nose
  254. >Scootaloo doesn't see you
  255. >Scootaloo jumps around thinking Dash booped her
  256. >Scootaloo boops Dash
  257. >Dash is shocked
  258. >Dash blinks for a moment, and then flees
  259. >Scootaloo is confused
  260. >Scootaloo starts crying
  261. >Anon realises he accidentally broke Dash and Scoots' friendship
  262. >Anon is confused and alone
  263. ##
  264. >be anon at Summer Wrap Up Festival
  265. >see Fleetfoot
  266. >walk up to her and commence booping of the nose
  267. >Fleetfoot can make out Luna making out with Big Mac on the Ferris Wheel
  268. >breaks down crying before your eyes
  269. >anon is confuse
  270. ##
  271. >"Hold on, anon! I'm not ready!"
  272. "I'm coming whether you like it or not!"
  273. >"Anon, please wait!"
  274. "No!"
  275. >Dash screams in defeat as you sail over her head and slam the ball into the basketball hoop
  276. "Ha!!" you manage to say in between pants
  277. >Dash crosses her arms and huffs
  278. >"No fair! My headband was loose! Why didn't you let me fix it?"
  279. >You don't respond, only walking up to her and kneeling down, booping her on the nose
  280. >She looks at your finger cross-eyed, her frown slowly melting
  281. >She laughs a little
  282. >"Best out of three?"
  283. "You're on."
  284. ##
  285. >Be Anon
  286. >Day whatever in Equestria
  287. >Cavity from too many cupcakes
  288. >Fucking Pinkie
  289. >Visit Colgate
  290. >Colgate can't take eyes off your teeth and fingers
  291. >Ahem
  292. >Snaps out, ushers you to exam chair
  293. >Sight of cavity, lets out a gasp
  294. >Thankfully Equestria has anesthesia spells that work without needles or gas
  295. >Colgate is busy with her ministrations
  296. >Room is soon filled with drilling sounds
  297. >After 2 minutes, Anon is bored
  298. >Boop Colgate
  299. >Instantly tenses up, blushing
  300. >Loses magical grip, tooth drill sinks to gum
  301. >Blood pooling in mouth but no pain
  302. >Anon is not confused, you deserved it
  303. >She lets out a stream of tearful apology, as if it's the end of the world
  304. >Black out from blood loss
  305. >Last thing you feel is Colgate's tongue lapping at the drilled gum
  306. >Tongue in mouth
  307. >Did she just...?
  308. >Anon is confused
  309. ##
  310. >Knock on Twilight's door
  311. >She answers
  312. >"Hi Anon, what are you-"
  314. >Twilight is confused
  315. >You leave and she follows you out of curiosity.
  316. >Repeat this at every Element of Harmony's house.
  317. >Rainbow Dash asks how you're flying.
  318. "Imma boop that nose niiiiiggaaa."
  319. >They all follow you into the woods.
  320. >They keep asking you what you mean.
  321. >Knock on Zecora's hut.
  322. >She moonwalks out.
  323. >You boop her nose.
  324. >She gasps.
  325. >"Nigga boop mah nose, you see dis hos?!"
  326. >Get arrested for hate crime.
  327. >Slide metal cup on cell bars.
  329. ##
  330. >Freakshow in Equestria
  331. >All ponies scared/disgusted by you
  332. >Never speak to or look at you
  333. >Sitting on wall one day drunk
  334. >Who fucking cares
  335. >You're basically town hobo
  336. >Scootaloo scoots up beside you
  337. >You stare at her
  338. >She stares at you
  339. >You smile
  340. >She smiles
  341. *squee*
  342. >She reaches up and boops your nose
  343. >Town reacts by ostracizing her
  344. >She regrets touching you
  345. >Anon is confused and alone
  346. ##
  347. >Curious as to why ponies freak out for boops
  348. >Boop yourself while eating lunch
  349. >Ponies start throwing up
  350. >Spike walks up to you
  351. >Throws up on you
  352. >Vomit is fire
  353. >Actually is letter delivery
  354. >Scroll from Celestia
  355. >Fined for public indecency
  356. >Anon is confused
  357. ##
  358. What is the difference between a boop and a punch to the nose?
  359. -
  360. Now that I think about it, you could combine them to make aboopse.
  361. The booping would start gently, and become more forceful.
  362. >Ahaha anon, stop that!
  363. >Hey, you're being too rough
  364. >Ow. Stop, you're hurting me
  365. It continues until you're full-on punching pony in the snout.
  366. Fists connecting with delicate bones, over and over. Weeping and bleeding from the muzzle.
  367. It would take years of therapy just to stop the flinching.
  368. -
  369. >pony gets new lover
  370. >"You're so beautiful..."
  371. >goes in for a boop
  372. >"NO!"
  373. >breaks down in tears
  374. >pony is confuesd
  375. >I- I'm sorry I forgot..
  376. >Don't worry, it's my fault
  377. >I know you don't like ponies touching you there
  378. >It's okay, let's just forget about it
  379. >But why, what happened to you?
  380. >I don't want to talk about it
  381. >What, you can't even tell your own boyfriend?
  382. >Please, let's just drop the subject
  383. >You don't trust me? That's just great.
  384. >Please!
  385. >I can't even kiss you, let alone even go near your face!
  386. >Don't do this! Honey, come back to bed
  387. >You can keep your damn bed, and your secrets!
  388. Pony spends the next hour caressing her snout and crying into her sheets until she falls asleep, alone in bed.
  389. ##
  390. >boop rainbow dash
  391. >she giggles and runs off
  392. >you're confused
  393. >next day she wears makeup
  394. >looks like her first attempt to look pretty without rarara's help
  395. >also wears a dress
  396. >hangs out with you all day
  397. >she boops you too sometimes
  398. >human noses doesn't scrunch like ponies
  399. >it hurts
  400. ##
  401. >At a picnic with mane 6.
  402. >Lying on the ground with Rainbow Dash being cool
  403. >You turn to her and give her a boop on the nose
  404. >She tells you she's a lesbian, but still wants you as a friend
  405. >Anon is confused
  406. ##
  407. >ponies boop anon
  408. >cartridge isn't as flexible
  409. >flat hooves feels like bumping into a wall
  410. >take pain like man
  411. >end of day, nose is bruised and leaning left
  412. >ask Twilight to fix nose
  413. >"I don't know how to do that! What is this, a fanfic where I can pulls spells out of my-"
  414. >Twi rants while you head home, nursing your aboopsed nose
  415. >anon is in pain
  416. ##
  417. >Hanging out at Canterlot Park with Celestia.
  418. >She treats you as royalty like herself and gives you special treatment as and'endangered species'.
  419. >Shit IS pretty cash.
  420. >You're laying on the grass beside her.
  421. >"What do you think of Equestria so far, Anon?"
  422. >You rub your chin.
  423. "I have a great time every day. And you treat me so well."
  424. >You roll over and boop her muzzle.
  425. >She blinks and her head shakes.
  426. >She lets out a huge sneeze.
  427. "Oh, sorry Princess-"
  428. >Celestia jumps up and her wings extend.
  429. >Her face is flushed and her eyes are half closed like she's having the Royal Orgasm.
  430. >You watch in wonder as the Princess of the Sun starts bucking and breying all around the park.
  431. "What."
  432. >She stops and trots proudly back to you with a huge smile on her face.
  433. >"Your most precious of gifts was the most wonderful thing I have recieved in hundreds of years, Anonymous."
  434. >She presses your chest with a hoof, then wraps her long body around you; snaking her tail around your waist and down your leg.
  435. "Princess? Um?"
  436. >She nuzzles her cheek against your neck and hums.
  437. >You can feel a soothing warmth flowing from her body into yours.
  438. >You lay staring at the sky in the park with Princess Celestia wrapped around you, humming each time she breathes.
  439. >You are confused and warm.
  440. ##
  441. >Be sitting on a bench
  442. >see Rarity trot by in a fabulous dress
  443. >boop her on the nose as she passes
  444. >she turns to you in bewildered shock
  445. >blush appears on her marshmallow face
  446. >boop her again for good measure
  447. >"A-a-anon" she stutters
  448. >look at her confused
  449. >press your finger into her soft, malleable face
  450. >"A-anon please. . ." she moans softly
  451. >notice her hooves shifting in a crossed fashion
  452. >lean next to her ear and whisper
  453. >"rarara smells nice"
  454. >her body shivers at your voice
  455. >"Anon. . I-I. . ."
  456. >hush her with another boop
  457. >her tail flicks upwards, displaying a dampness in her gown
  458. >anon is confuse
  459. ##
  460. >Be Anon
  461. >Relaxing on the park bench
  462. >You hear giggling behind you
  463. >Look behind you
  464. >No one there
  465. >Huh
  466. >Turn around to face you guessed it Lyra
  467. >"H-hi, Anon," she stutters.
  468. >Even though she comes off as a little creepy, you have to admit, she's kind of cute
  469. >Cute enough for a friendly boop
  470. >You reach out your hand to bestow her with the blessing of the boop gods when she suddenly grabs your hand
  471. >Then she proceeds to stick your finger in her mouth
  472. >You hardly had time to process what was going on when she began to suck on your index finger, ravaging it sloppily with her tongue.
  473. >You didn't know whether to be aroused or weirded out.
  474. Wat do?
  475. ##
  476. >run around ponyville booping all their noses
  477. >you notice the ponies start getting aggravated
  478. >they start arguing amongst themselves
  479. >soon fighting breaks out
  480. >civil war in ponyville
  481. >the conflict eventually escalates to a nationwide conflict
  482. >Luna leads one side, Celestia leads the other
  483. >bat ponies and fluffy ponies are put into deathcamps
  484. >6 million of them die
  485. >final battle
  486. >Luna and Celestia face off with their respective armies, the last of ponykind
  487. >epic fight
  488. >only Luna and Celestia survive, but so weak neither can fight
  489. >they collapse next to each other
  490. >walk up to them, kneel down and boop their noses at the same time
  491. >both summon just enough strength to kill the other
  492. >all the ponies are dead
  493. >anon is confused
  494. ##
  495. >be Anon
  496. >strolling through the market place
  497. >ponies walk past you obvious of your evil
  499. >ten minutes later, a scream is heard
  500. >the crowd gather around the origin of the sound
  501. >it's a filly
  502. >she is sobbing incontrollably
  503. >between hiccups, she said somepony had booped her
  504. >she didn't have the time to see the culprit
  505. >another filly have been aboopsed
  506. >the serial booper had struck again
  508. >be Anon again walking home
  509. >the filly's nose was so soft
  510. >this sensation is incredible
  511. >you could do that everyday
  512. >nobody can stop you
  513. ##
  514. >Hanging out with Roseluck
  515. >She grows your weed for you since you introduced it to her
  516. >Rose hands you another fat sack at no charge
  517. >To give thanks, you boop her nose
  518. >She moans and bucks
  519. "What?"
  520. >She jumps up and boops your nose
  521. >"I didn't know you felt that way about me."
  522. >You cough up blood
  523. >Rose screams
  524. >Your teeth all fall out and your intestines fall through your colon
  525. >Should have never booped in Equestria
  526. >You are not confused
  527. >You are dead.
  529. GAME OVER
  530. boop again?
  531. [YES] [NO]
  532. ##
  533. >Be Anon
  534. >Be on Earth
  535. >Boop pony on nose
  536. >Pony doesn't react
  537. >Anon is confused
  538. ##
  539. >Boop Bugbutt
  540. >She is purified into white flutterpone alicorn
  541. >Celestia is pleased
  542. >Marries you to Bugbutt
  543. >Live on happily with all the flutterpones for eternity
  544. >Anon is confused
  545. ##
  546. >pony is on earth
  547. >meets people
  548. >fish out of water hijinks
  549. >meets anon
  550. >falls for him
  551. >boops anons nose
  552. >accidentally knocks anon unconscious and breaks his nose
  553. >gets charged with assault
  554. >pony is confused
  555. ##
  556. >At Applejack's place.
  557. >She does other shit than just work.
  558. >All of her friends are there and you're all playing fetch with Winona.
  559. >She comes up to you , begging for her toy with big sparkly eyes.
  560. "Aww, you're too cut."
  561. >You bend over and press her nose.
  562. "Boop."
  563. >All of the ponies gasp.
  564. >Applejack pulls on her hat, "Anon! What ya'll doin' with Winona!?"
  565. >Rarity gags, "oh my! How FILTHY!"
  566. >Twilight looks ashamed to be your friend.
  567. >Pinkie Pie won't stop giggling.
  568. >Rainbow Dash is a cunt.
  569. >Fluttershy actually looks really turned on.
  570. >You are fucking confused.
  571. ##
  572. >Boop pone vag
  573. >Pone blushes
  574. >Try to remove hand
  575. >Finger stuck in vag
  576. >It starts pulling you in
  577. >Scream as you become devoured alive by pone vag
  578. >Pone absorbs your nutrients, storing enough energy for the coming winter
  579. >Pone away satisfied, humming a tune
  580. >No trace of you to be found
  581. >Anon is confused
  582. ##
  583. >be inna castle at night
  584. >moonbutt's court is in session
  585. >last foreign dignitary is dismissed
  586. >damn that was boring, good thing this boring job has you standing near the throne all night
  587. >moonbutt comes back from whatever ponies do at 3am
  588. >yawn loudly
  589. >Luna engages you in conversation , you get her to laugh
  590. >damn she looks cute still gigglin
  591. >think bout how you gonna mash that gabber mate, swear on me mum's life
  592. >as she is coming down from her gigglefest you slyly boop da fuk outta dat nose
  593. >pony in headlights look, batpony to your left gives you a holy shit look
  594. >keep eyes straight forward, await your destruction
  595. >20 minutes or something goes turn around and the princess is gone
  596. >Batpony tells you it was nice to serve with you
  597. >throne room doors burst open some time later
  598. >slowly moving forward are the two princesses
  599. >eyes forward mate, statesque demeanor
  600. >royal voice decrees that you are to be imprisoned
  601. >bright light flash....rub're in a bedroom
  602. >hear a soothing and familiar voice behind you, a warm breath washes across your left ear
  603. >anon is confused
  604. ##
  605. >Some day in Equestria
  606. >wandering around at night out of idle boredom
  607. >find Scootaloo sitting under some bushes
  608. >she's asleep
  609. >must have nowhere to stay
  610. >you sit down next to her, the movement wakes her
  611. >she's embarrassed, but likes the company anyway
  612. >feeling a little sad for the lost, homeless filly
  613. >you playfully boop her nose
  614. >Scootaloo blushes
  615. >her tiny wings buzz faster than you've ever seen them
  616. >the next day, she tells her friends
  617. >they tell their sisters
  618. >shotgun wedding to adorable flightless filly
  619. >spend your evenings together gently caressing her soft nose
  620. >agree nothing further until she's an adult
  621. >go to sleep every night seeing her smiling happily
  622. >anon is confused but content
  623. ##
  624. >boop Pinkie right there in Sugarcube Corner
  625. >she just bursts into laughter, doesn't even care
  626. >the Cakes see it
  627. >the customers see it
  628. >ponies are natural gossips
  629. >soon everypony knows Pinkie doesn't care if she's booped
  630. >town boopslut
  631. >pinkie is depressed by her reputation
  632. >anon is confused
  633. -
  634. Let us translate that into human terms.
  636. >Pinkie Pie is bent over a table in Sugarcube Corner.
  637. >You can't resist the temptation and get your dick out, ramming it in half-erect just right in front of everyone.
  638. >Pinkie doesn't even seem surprised. She giggles and cheers you on as your thrusts intensify.
  639. >Soon, everyone in the room is hypnotised by the rhythmical wet slapping noises emerging from your balls hitting Pinkie's marehood.
  640. >Pinkie slaps you on the ass and tells you to go faster.
  641. >You grunt and comply, and soon you spray your hot seed all over her pony ass.
  642. >Everyone saw it.
  643. >The customers did.
  644. >The cakes did.
  645. >The cake twins did.
  646. >Gossip starts to make its rounds.
  647. >Soon everypony knows that Pinkie is the biggest cumslut in town.
  648. >Pinkie is depressed by her reputation.
  649. >Anon still is confused.
  650. ##
  651. >Be Anon.
  652. >Be in Equestria because you drank the bleach.
  653. >Meet the Princesses, because you're special and shit.
  654. >Not the downs syndrome kind of special though.
  655. >Luna giggles at the occasional joke you crack while talking to them.
  656. >Boop her on the nose.
  657. >Everyone gasps
  658. >"THOU SHALT NOT BOOPETH THY PRINCESS, MORTAL" she yells in her royal Canterlot voice.
  659. "B-But I just wanted to-"
  661. "I-I am terribly sorry, Princess-"
  663. >You shrug and put a ring on it.
  664. >Anon is confused and married
  665. ##
  666. >Mane six save the day
  667. >back in Ponyville
  668. >Pinkie wants to throw a party
  669. >realizes she doesn't have her party cannon
  670. >everypony panics
  671. >Pinkie turns to you and says seriously "I need you to boop my nose."
  672. >all the other ponies watching, aghast
  673. >"BOOP ME! I NEED IT!"
  674. >boop her nose
  675. >pic related
  676. >party saved
  677. >anon is confused and hero of Ponyville
  678. ##
  679. >Walking through Ponyville
  680. >catch sight of a marshmallow flank sticking out between two houses
  681. >move a little to see what Rarity is doing
  682. >see Spike is in the little alley way
  683. >he boops her nose
  684. >she giggles in a ladylike fashion
  685. >you laugh because it's cute
  686. >laughing catches other ponies' attention
  687. >suddenly town is in an uproar
  688. >Rarity is ostracized for babybooping
  689. >Spike is taken back to Canterlot
  690. >the Mane six all hate you for calling attention to Rarity's mistakes
  691. >anon is confused
  692. -
  693. "How dare you catch a pedophile!"
  694. "We hate you, Anon!"
  695. -
  696. It's more like disrupting a little playful flirting between two of their friends that they know isn't harmful at all.
  697. -
  698. >"How could you, Anon? All he did was platonically stick his dick into her. You probably think that a friendly blowjob counts as sex, you pervert."
  699. -
  700. What are you even talking about?
  702. Anon is confused.
  703. ##
  704. >Your walking back from a lecture in the ponyville library
  705. >lecture was on how to adapt to equestrian lifestyle
  706. >you were made to go by princess moonbutt after she caught you murdering thousands of fluffy ponies in a dream
  707. >she thought it would help you be more sensitive and caring
  708. >"what does she know?"
  709. >anyways, the lecture was over...
  710. >it was about 4:50
  711. >just enough time to race home and make dinner before watching a pony version of wheel of fortune
  712. >As your walking on your somewhat decent trip home, you notice that a orange filly is following you
  713. >odd
  714. >most ponies in ponyville are downright scared of you... You know, for being the only human in equestria
  715. >you turn around to confront the filly
  716. >just as you do, she bolts to an adjacent alley
  717. >*sigh* typical....
  718. >you continue on your stroll
  719. >15min later, you notice she's on your trail again
  720. >this time you're smart
  721. >you slow your pace down enough to the point where she doesn't notice your new found proximity
  722. >with a snap of reflexes you lunge backwards and snatch the orange filly
  723. >she screams
  724. >she's screaming a lot
  725. >she's gunna atract attention
  726. >ohshit
  727. >without thinking you boop her nose
  728. >she becomes quiet
  729. >to quiet
  730. >you notice she's starting to blush
  731. Rather brightly
  732. >without a warning she bolts off again and disappears
  733. >you shrug it off and retreat to your man cave on the outside of town
  734. >your comftorably reclined on a sofa
  735. Around 11pm, slowly dozing off, when you hear a knock at the door
  736. >you get up to answer it
  737. >ohshit.....
  738. >royal gaurds with a warrant for your arrest
  739. >charges
  740. >uncocentual booping in a public location
  741. >fuck
  742. >you are detained and sentence to 3 months in the royal dungeon, no parole, as well as 6 months of more sensitivity lectures at the ponyville library
  743. >anon is angry and confused
  744. ##
  745. >Boop Rarity
  746. >She blushes
  747. >"I am flattered, Anon, but I'm afraid I don't think of you that way."
  748. "Huh?"
  749. >"Although it possibly wouldn't hurt to experiment a little. I've always been one of...exotic tastes."
  750. "That's not what I me-"
  751. >"Very well. Since you've been so bold, come pick me up tonight at 8. I assume that you already have a place in mind?"
  752. "Uhhh"
  753. >"You have such a way with words, Anon! No need for a dinner date. Follow me," she says with half-lidded eyes
  754. >She picks you up with her magic and carries you to her bedroom
  755. >"When I'm through with you, you won't be able to walk for days, darling."
  756. >Anon is confused
  757. ##
  758. >At the Grand Galloping Gala
  759. >Applejack is your date
  760. >She's very nervous and awkward with things of this nature
  761. >She has mostly been standing to the side
  762. >Trying to blend in to the background
  763. >You bring her a drink
  764. "You gotta loosen up AJ! Here, drink this and then we'll dance."
  765. >She takes the drink, "ah know Anon, I'm just not really... Girly. Ahm sorry yer not havin' a good time."
  766. >She drains the drink in one go.
  767. >You rub her ear, making her sigh and her back legs wobble.
  768. "Atta girl. And I'm having a great time."
  769. >You boop her nose.
  770. >Applejack makes an odd hiccup sound and her legs give out.
  771. "AJ!"
  772. >You bend down and see a puddle of liquid leaking from underneath her.
  773. >She blushes brightly and looks at you horrified.
  774. >She's still leaking piss on the floor and all over her dress.
  775. "I... I'm sorry Applejack! Are you okay?"
  776. >She looks down in absolute shame with her ears drooping.
  777. >"P-please git me outta here, sugarc-cube..."
  778. >You scoop her up, not caring that she's still leaking and run with her out of the Gala.
  779. >"Ahm so embarrassed..."
  780. "Don't be. I will never tell a soul."
  781. >You smile and boop her nose again.
  782. >She squeaks.
  783. "Haha, looks like you've gotten it out of your system."
  784. >She lightly hits your head and covers her face.
  785. >"Dagnabbit..."
  786. ##
  787. >Pony is staring
  788. >Looking at her reflection
  789. >She slowly lifts a hoof, and presses it to the mirror
  790. "...boop"
  791. ##
  792. >in Equestria
  793. >anon notices loving pony couples booping one another and blushing
  794. >boops his girlfriend
  795. >she's all blushy and giggly and flattered
  796. >things if finger is good, dick must be better
  797. >boops with dick
  798. >slips and presses into her nose
  799. >pony terrified
  800. >made the fatal mistake of sticking it in her booper
  801. >ostracized
  802. >anon is confused and alone
  803. ##
  804. >Be Twilight
  805. >Go through mirror to Earth
  806. >Meet Flash
  807. >Boop Flash on nose
  808. >Flash laughs
  809. >Next day, Flash didn't show up for the wedding
  810. >Twilight is confused
  811. ##
  812. >Walk into Sugarcube Corner
  813. >Get a delicious cupcake from Mrs Cake
  814. >Give her a boop in appreciation
  815. >She blushes furiously, glancing over her shoulder
  816. >Mr Cake standing there, too fucking beta to do anything about it
  817. >Marry Mrs Cake, Mr Cake thrown out into the streets
  818. >Now a parent of two baby pones and owner of pastry shop
  819. >Anon is confused

Celestia's snusnu

by PussyHitler

I want to annoy Dash a lot repeatedly

by PussyHitler

Booping ponies is considered an act of affection among ponies

by PussyHitler