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[REQUEST] Anonymous - Fake Limbs

By Nebulus
Created: 2020-12-17 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-07-03 11:07:33
Expiry: Never

  1. Originally uploaded to Pastebin: January 13th, 2013
  2. ---
  4. By the 14 dicks of Slaanesh. This one is a weird one.
  5. Got this request and spent a while thinking about how I could make it work.
  7. "I have a request:
  8. >Anon is a quadriplegic and Lyra keeps stealing his prostheses.
  9. Anon is tired of it and decides to go ask his friends to help him find suitable replacements.
  10. Rarity tries to sew new limbs for anon, AJ tells him he should use apples,...
  11. Eventually he asks Fluttershy out of desperation. She gives him dragon dildos.
  12. It's the best solution that has been offered and he goes with it.
  13. Bonus points if you make it a ponyzord story."
  16. Eventually settled on drinking a massive dosage of Mouth Wash and letting my inebriated mind handle it.
  17. Well, Anonymous. I hope you're pleased with yourself. Because I have absolutely no idea what to make of this one.
  18. Enjoy.
  19. ---
  22. >Day 90 in Equestria
  23. >You are Anon
  24. >Strutting down the road into Ponyvile
  25. >Sigh happily
  26. God damn I love being able to walk
  28. >Day - in Existence
  29. >You are God
  30. >It's so Youdamn boring up here.
  31. >Watching the other universes do their thing
  32. >Wars here
  33. >Peace there
  34. >Oh, that universe just broke reality
  35. >Watch as it sucks itself inwards because it's inhabitants amplified the gravity holding everything together
  36. >Cringe as everything condenses into the size of a grape
  37. >Pick it up
  38. >Glare at it
  39. Fuck you, Universe 4005.
  40. >Throw it in the bin
  41. >Growl and rub your temples
  42. >Decide to look at universe 7325520
  43. >One of the latest ones
  44. >Pick a random point in it and zoom in
  45. >Sit there with a bored expression on your face while you let everything just zoom in
  46. >A planet comes into view
  47. >It's a Small one
  48. >Zoom in through the clouds
  49. >Watch as a human struts down the road
  50. >First of all, he's not allowed in this universe. You'll have to correct that later on.
  51. >Ahh well. You're a bit miffed about Universe 4005. But as long as nothing else goes wrong-
  52. >"God damn I love being able to walk"
  54. >With a glare and a grunt you remove his legs
  55. >Smugly look at him screaming and trying to get back up
  56. >"OH THE PAIN... Well... At least I still have my arms..."
  57. Nah mate.
  58. >Gone.
  59. >"WHY GOD, WHY?!"
  60. Deal with it, nerd.
  62. >You are Anon
  64. >You roll around in the dirt for a few minutes
  65. Shit.
  66. >Try and waggle your way along
  67. >Manage to move your stumps and shift a few inches
  68. God Dammit...
  69. >A nearby bird takes flight and shits on you
  70. >You think you hear laughter coming from somewhere, but it might be the wind.
  71. >Lie there for about an hour, coming to terms with your new problem
  72. >The bird shit hardened, so that's some good news.
  73. >All you need to do now is scrape it o- Oh yeah. No hands.
  74. >Sigh
  75. >You someone trotting up the road
  76. >Look around and see a purple pony walking up to you
  77. >Twilight frowns and looks down at you
  78. >"Uhh. Anon? Why do you not have arms or legs?"
  79. I have absolutely no idea.
  80. >"Oh... Are you sure this isn't a human thing?"
  81. Twilight, how can this POSSIBLY benefit me in any way? What reasons can you think of that made you came to the conclusion that this is normal for a human to do?
  82. >"...Reproduction?"
  83. Please help me.
  84. >"Fine."
  85. >She levitates you onto her back
  86. >Without your arms or legs you're a squirming piece of profanity spewing meat.
  87. >An empty shell of a man
  88. >Your god is an angry and merciless god
  89. >Another bird shits on you
  90. >Twilight gets you to the hospital and unceremoniously dumps you infront of a doctor
  91. Ow.
  92. >The Doctor peers at you
  93. Heya, Doc. Any clues?
  94. >"Hmm..."
  95. >He takes a blood sample
  96. >Asks you to cough
  97. >Gives you a mental and physical endurance test
  98. >Listens to your heartbeat
  99. >Tells you about his mother's dementia
  100. >Chats up Twilight
  101. >Secures a date with Twilight
  102. >Remembers you were in the room
  103. >Prods you with a stick
  104. >Scribbles down some notes
  105. >Stands back and takes a good look at you from different angles
  106. >And finally sits back down
  107. So waddya reckon, Doc?
  108. >"I'm afraid to say, in some tragic cosmic event of unparalleled misfortune, you've lost all your limbs. I'm sorry"
  109. >Stare at him, your mood getting fouler with each second
  110. I know that... Doctor... But what can I do about it?
  111. >"Oh. Just use these."
  112. >He picks up a box that was just underneath the table you're sat on
  113. >The box is full of fake limbs
  114. >Human fake limbs
  115. Why do you even have these?
  116. >"I don't know."
  117. >You both stare at each other for a second
  118. >"Do you want some?"
  119. ...Sure
  120. >He affixes an arm to your stump and hits the joint with a shot of magic
  121. >Suddenly you can move the limb
  122. Oh my god, this is amazing!
  123. >You notice some writing on your forearm
  124. >Squint
  125. >"Say my name in vain again and I'll crucify you like I did with my deadbeat son"
  126. Woah.
  127. >10 minutes later you stroll out of hospital, grinning.
  128. >Look up at the sky
  129. Thanks, God.
  130. >A bird shits on you
  132. >Later that day you are walking around, showing off your new limbs
  133. >Pinkie Pie thinks it's the coolest thing ever
  134. >"Ohmygosh! They're like, the coolest thing ever!"
  135. Yeah, they are. And best of all, they're all mine! The Doc said I could have the box since I'm the only creature that needs them.
  136. >"Cool! Wanna eat cupcakes!"
  137. Yes. Yes I do.
  138. >You both indulge in cupcakes and laugh about your new limbs.
  139. >The door to Sugarcube Corner opens
  140. >Think nothing of it
  141. >Hear someone mouthbreathing near you
  142. >Turn around
  143. >A mint-coloured pony is staring open mouthed at you
  144. >"Are those... Fake hands?"
  145. Uhh. Yeah?
  146. >"D-do you have more?"
  147. Sure. Got a whole box of them. Why?
  148. >"Oh g-good. So you won't miss this one"
  149. >She grabs your arm with her mouth and before you can do anything, tears it off
  150. >You scream in pain, the magical link severing violently
  151. >Magical residue drips from where the arm was once stuck to, like glowing blue blood
  152. >The Mint-pone giggles with the arm in her mouth and runs out the door
  153. >Pinkie Pie is staring at your arm
  154. What was her problem?
  155. >...
  156. Pinkie Pie?
  157. >"Bluh... Blood..."
  158. It's not really blood, it's-
  159. >Pinkie Pie falls over and slams her head on the table, followed by her slumping off her chair and onto the floor
  160. ...Magic.
  161. >You sigh, pick her up, and carry her up to her room with one arm
  162. >At least fake arms don't get tired.
  163. >Rest her on her bed and stroke her mane, thinking of your lost arm
  164. >Decide that there's no point wallowing around in self-pity, and you hope that Minty has fun with the arm.
  165. >Walk back downstairs and out the door, grunting to the shocked looking Cake family on the way out
  166. >Ponies stare at where your arm should be, blue ooze trickling out from it
  167. >Oh well. Thank god you can at least walk again
  168. >You lunge to the side at that thought and watch as a bird shits in the place you once were
  169. AHA! SUCK IT, GOD!
  170. >An Eagle divebombs out of the sky and with a shriek, tears off your other arm
  171. >You stand there, drippling blue stuff out of your stumps.
  172. Yeah... I deserved that.
  173. >Walk home and use your mouth to open the door
  174. >Thankfully you didn't lock it
  175. >Walk upstairs and equip a new set of arms
  176. >Smile at yourself in the mirror
  177. >Stare at yourself, your hands on your hips
  178. >Lose the smile
  179. Wait, how the hell did I even do that?
  180. >You try and ponder this when a knock on the door sounds
  181. >Plod downstairs and open it
  182. >Minty.
  183. Uhh. Hi. Enjoying the arm?
  184. >"Yeah. I guess. But it's missing something."
  185. What?
  186. >"THE REST OF THE SET!"
  187. >Before you can stop her she runs through your legs and up the stairs
  188. >While you're trying to figure out what happened your upstairs window explodes and your box of fake-limbs falls out
  189. >Minty faceplants after it
  190. >She hastily picks herself up and gathers everything in the box
  191. >She looks back at you, breathing heavily
  192. >You're just so fucking confused you can't even speak
  193. >She runs off down the road, taking one look back at you
  194. >You're still holding the door open and staring slackjawed at her
  195. >She thinks for a second
  196. >Then you feel magic tear your left arm off
  198. >Minty runs away, cackling madly
  199. >You sigh and head back into Ponyville
  200. >Maybe Rarity can help you
  202. >"Moi? Make arms? Ahh. I suppose I can give it a shot. Though Twilight would be the better Unicorn for the job., really."
  203. >She trots off, you following her into her 'creativity' room
  204. >She takes some measurements and one musical number later has crafted a stuffed humanish looking arm
  205. >She stitched it to your stump as well
  206. >You didn't even realise it while she was singing about the "Art of Fake Limbs"
  207. >She stands back and smiles at you
  208. >"There we are, darling!"
  209. >You look at it
  210. >Try to move it
  211. >It wiggles a little
  212. >Good enough
  213. Thanks, Rarity. I appreciate it.
  214. >You walk out while Rarity carries on singing
  215. >You realise as you walk towards Applejack's farm that you are now a patchwork abomination of Flesh, Plastic and Cloth.
  216. >How horrifying.
  217. >Applejack sees you walking up her farm, looking like the bastard child of Frankenstein and Discord.
  218. >"Uhh. Anon? That you?"
  219. Yeah. You got anything to eat?
  220. >"S-sure... You want apples, right? Not pony flesh or nothin'?"
  221. Nahh. Though I haven't had meat in a while...
  222. >You pretend to think hard about it
  223. >Applejack takes a step back, a fearful look in her eye
  224. >Laugh
  225. Relax, AJ. I'm not going to eat you.
  226. >She breathes out a sigh of relief
  227. >"Whoo! Sorry, Anon. Can't be too careful. Plus ya' don't exactly look foal-friendly."
  228. I can imagine. Now how about that food?
  229. >She smiles and kicks the lid off a nearby barrel
  230. >"Apple?"
  231. >30 seconds later you're on the floor screaming in pain
  232. >Your limbs are on fire
  233. >Applejack's hat has gone missing
  234. >The corpses of a hundred slain mole-people lie around the farm
  235. >Applejack is breathing heavily, holding a bloodstained pitchfork
  237. >The general of the mole-people glares at you both
  239. >He scrambles back underground
  240. >Applejack looks down at you sorrowfully
  241. >"Ah'm so so sorry..."
  242. It's... Fine... I need help, though...
  243. >"W-where do you need to go?"
  244. Hospita-
  246. Fuck.
  247. >She picks you up and runs towards Fluttershy with you balanced precariously on her back
  248. >After a bumpy ride and several falls off Applejack's back, you're dumped at Fluttershy's feet
  249. >"FIX 'IM!"
  250. >"O-oh my..."
  251. Can you people PLEASE stop throwing me on the floor?
  252. >Fluttershy smiles down at you
  253. >"S-so what do you need help with, Anon?"
  255. >A nearby bird flies off it's perch near Fluttershy door and shits on you
  256. FUCKIN-
  257. >Fluttershy gets an idea
  258. >You can tell because her face lights up, she gasps, and she quivers slightly, followed by the sound of something splashing against the floor
  259. >"I-I'VE GOT IT!"
  260. >She flies upstairs, Applejack tries to wipe the bird shit off your face
  261. >Fluttershy returns with a box full of absolutely massive dildos
  262. >They're the size of limbs
  263. >OH GOD
  264. You must be fucking joking.
  265. >"N-now hold s-still, Anon"
  266. >She takes out some superglue and starts pouring it on the bases of the dildos
  268. >"It's fer ya' own good, Anon. I'm sorry. But you need limbs."
  269. >Fluttershy begins pressing the glue-covered dildos where your limbs were
  270. >The magical link reaches out from your stumps and grabs onto them, securing them in place
  271. >You move your foot, now a giant black stallion dick
  272. >The flat end of the dick serves as the foot
  273. >As for your arms, well, you'll have to get used to hooves.
  274. >Fluttershy stands back and admires her work
  275. >"T-there. Now why don't you try it out?"
  276. >She turns around and presents herself
  277. >Hell naw
  278. >You turn and run out that door with your new dildo limbs bending like normal limbs
  279. >They're also surprisingly bouncy
  280. >You have a natural spring to your step now
  281. >Maybe this won't be so-
  283. >By god
  284. >Bird shit hits your face
  285. >You turn around and see a legion of mole-people, along with a new army of Diamond Dogs, all carrying planks of wood with nails in them
  286. So. It's come to this, has it?
  288. >You feel the dildos pulse
  289. >Raise an arm towards them
  290. >Concentrate
  291. >And fire
  292. >The dildo fires a large stream of white hot plasma
  293. >At least you hope it's plasma
  294. >Whatever it was, it completely dissolves the Mole General
  295. >At that, both armies charge, and the battle Equestria begins
  296. >Plasma flies everwhere
  297. >Screaming and cries of "SQUAD BROKEN" fill the air
  298. >You stand on a pile of dead Diamond Dogs and Moles, blasting anything that tries to move you like some kind of erotic Doom ripoff.
  299. >You punch a Dog in the face, the dildo going straight through his skull
  300. >You quiver at the sensation and more plasma shoots out of the arm that went though, melting the Mole behind the now dead Dog
  301. >Watch as the armies scatter and run before you, fleeing to their holes and filling them before you can go down there and purge them like the filth that they are.
  302. >Raise a limb to the sky
  303. VICTORY!
  304. >Ponies cheer and clap
  305. >Fluttershy hugs you
  306. >"Oh Anon! You saved us! How can we ever repay you?"
  307. Just doing my duty, Fluttershy.
  308. >With that, the dildos speak to you
  309. >"We are ready"
  310. >Nodding, you point your arms at the floor, a steady stream of white stuff propelling you skyward
  311. >You soar through the clouds and towards the stratosphere
  312. >You leave the planet's orbit and drift through space, searching for another planet to liberate from the forces of evil
  313. >Your duty is fulfilled, and the cycle is complete
  315. >Back on the ground, Applejack takes off her hat and tearfully watches you leave for outer-space
  316. >"God bless you, Anon."
  317. >Bird shit hits her in the face
  319. The End
  320. ---
  321. Fucking Requests.

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