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>Another busy evening in Batlingburg. The streets are occupied by a moderate amount of ponies who are enjoying the night.
>But you are working as usual at this time of night. This fabric is easy enough to manipulate into dress uniforms. The order came in a few days ago from the quartermaster of the royal guard.
>You are Night Stitch the Seamstress. You enjoy your work, as your cutiemark illustrates. Stitch by stitch and seam by seam. Using your wings and fangs as precision tools to accomplish your tasks. You also have your trusty sewing machine too.
>The guard appreciates your abilities to tailor uniforms that do not give off any magical residue. Something about being easily detected by some creatures if their uniforms were made by unicorns. Not that you mind at all, its more business for you!
>Now these uniforms will be ready at the end of the week. All 20 of them.
>Finishing up a collar you take a break and head to a window.
>Taking in the cool night air with the sounds of clopping hooves below. You spy a few gregarious ponies leaving a cafe down the street.
>The earth mare with the blue tail is all over the unicorn stallion with the brown mane. They must be lovers.
>You sigh and turn back into your shop.
>It would be great if you had somepony like she did. Somepony to talk to, to cuddle with, to be with you when you needed it.
>Maybe in a few days you will meet him as you turn in these uniforms at the Batlingburg barracks. What if....
>With the uniforms on your back you trot inside the armory and unload them with the quartermaster. When you are just about to leave a dashing Stallion fresh from the fight comes to you in need of your services. His uniform is torn in all the right places showing off his rippling muscles. You tell him where your shop is and that you will be expecting him...The door to your shop slams open. He charges through with a mighty piece dangling between his legs....
>Twenty minutes later you are back at your sewing tables with clean hooves and a quenched fire between your legs.
>That morning you are fast asleep dreaming of swimming in a lake of pure chocolate and ants. Ooh this is so great. You bat paddle around with an open mouth and a slowly satiating hunger. Getting your fill you spot Princess Luna floating on a tube sipping on some drink. She waves to you as you dream slowly starts to disappear
>*knock knock knock*
>You open your eyes. The sun’s rays beat down through the cracks in your window shade. You can taste what you had for breakfast as you smack your lips sluggishly getting out of bed. You forgot to brush before you went to bed again.
> A minute later you are down the stairs heading towards the door when you hear the knocking again
“Almost there”
>You yawn out loud, opening the door. Ooh you must look disheveled. In front of you is a..a.. night guard by the looks of him. Wearing tatters and looking scratched up. Ooh he is tall and not a pony.
>The sleep is shaken from your eyes and a wing goes up to smooth over your hair.
>??? “Hi I was sent over from the barracks to get this uniform repaired. Im sorry about how I look”
>He puts a (hand?) against his neck and laughs a little in embarrassment. You can see some sweat on his forehead and smell what is probably some dried blood.
“That is what I am here for, come in come in. My name is Night Stich by the way what is yours”
>He wipes his shoes on your doormat before coming in and closing the door behind him. You lead him forward into the shop.
>”Im Anon, and I am pretty new in town. I used to be in Canterlot but was transferred here a week ago. Wow it’s a nice shop you have here what are your hours”
>You turn the corner on your front desk with a little sway in your step and give him a nice smile.
>”Well A-Non my hours are usually at night Monday through Friday but I think I could make a special case for you”
>There he goes with a nervous laugh again. He is kinda cute for whatever he is.
>”Oh well thanks and how much do I owe you”
>You put a hoof to your chin at tap it a few times
“Well just put that uniform on the table and lets see what needs to be done”
>He looks around for a second. Then proceeds to remove the cloth uniform top….woh look at those muscles. Your tail swishes behind you.
>He places the top on the table and you can’t help but stare at him…at his chest.
“I um I what are you anyways”
>You draw your eyes down to the table and look at the tailoring that needs to be accomplished. Not too much.
>”A human. I get that a lot though and yes in case you were going to ask we got in a scuffle this morning with a griffon raiding party in the early hours”
>Your eyes shoot back up with a wing covering your mouth as you catch your surprised breath.
“Oh are you ok, you don’t look to bad but those Griffons are a nasty bunch”
>He turns around showing his back to you. Mare keep that tail down.
>There is a set of three cuts across his back about a hoofs in length. Blood seems to have dried.
>”We were ambushed patrolling the forest. The first bird got me in the back and slashed me a few times in front as I fell before Frosty Flanks could react and beat him down. I had tumbled into the ground and came up right as another bird had a sword aimed going for my throat. But ..”
>He turns around flexing his arm and flashing a nervous smile. Oh are you dreaming again?
“I never let my spear drop. Thrusting into him with my might, and he was down. Frosty had taken care of the other bird which left two who fled when they saw what happened to the others”
>Your leaning over the table really close to him. Catching yourself you pull back to your chair and flash your eyes at him.
“Why that was brave of you Mr. Anon and after telling me that story I think I could patch this up no problem by tomorrow night for only eight bits”
>Anon frowns as his digs in his pockets
>”Im sorry Ms. Stich but I only have four bits on me.. maybe there is some other way I can pay you.
>You look sideways to the wall. Your eyebrows jostle up and down. You look back to him with a predatory glint in your eyes.
“Oh I’m sure there is something we can work out here”.
by Batbooper
by Batbooper
by Batbooper
by Batbooper
by Batbooper