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Giving a fair shake to G%

By Batbooper
Created: 2022-09-02 20:21:24
Updated: 2022-11-07 00:08:12
Expiry: Never

  1. Current as of 26OCT2022
  3. >You are Anon and boy did that magical potion work that you found under your sink. But this aint your G4, still here you are next to your Boss Hitch.
  4. >When you arrived in Maretime Bay you were quickly corralled into the sheriff station. Hitch had a mastery of using his critters to maneuver ponies and you. After some questioning, and begging on your part, Hitch offered you a position as a deputy.
  5. >That was a week ago. Now you are on the beat with Hitch. You and him are wearing matching uniforms with batons, cuffs, megaphones, and shades.
  6. >There are a few tourist Pegasi and Unicorns on the streets but the majority are Earthies, as you like to call them.
  7. >It’s the last days of summer and boy it is a hot one. On the sidewalks foals consume chilled beverages and snacks. Mares fan themselves with magazines and fans. Stallions , the few that there are, gossip loudly while bemoaning the conditions.
  8. >Hitch gets the occasional whistle by mares as you pass by.
  9. >Hitch looks up at you while walking “Don’t worry Deputy, today will be exciting I know it. Why look just over there a mare dropped a can on the ground”
  10. >Hitch rushes over to a storefront to get the mare to correct her litteringness.
  11. >A strong breeze comes off the bay and with it a much desired reduction in the heat.
  12. >Hitch is busy picking up the can and tossing it in the trash can while the mare sneaks a peak under his tail.
  13. >You shake your head and look near the dockside. There is a smoothie stand setup with an orange Earthie handing out cold treats. And there is a purple unicorn with a stand next to hers selling trinkets and gadgets.
  15. >Be Izzy
  16. >Today is going great. Sunny let you setup shop next to hers a few days ago and you have been pedaling your unicycling. You mostly get foals buying toys that you have made but you do get some Mares that come by and buy your more interesting wares.
  17. >Why just yesterday Posey was walking by when she saw something she had to have.
  18. >You made a diorama of what looked like earth ponies with torches and pitchforks chasing some weird striped kinda ponies [spoiler] she called them ziggers[/spoiler] through town. It came to you in a dream so you had to make it. And Posey loved it, you think she warmed up to you because she hugged you.
  19. >Yeah Sunny was shocked too. You didn’t tell her that when Posey looked in love with it you cut the price in half. Ooh well you came to Maretime Bay to make friends, just as Sunny’s letter told you, and you sure are making them.
  20. >Speaking of making friends who is this tall guy.
  21. >Sunny pokes out of her Smoothie shack and waves at him “Hi Anon, have you seen Hitch around?”
  22. >So his name is Anon…weird name.
  23. >Anon greets her and points down by the bookstore Vagabond Plus. You can see Hitch backpedaling a little bit from a Mare being a little forward. Colt he sure gets that sometimes.
  24. >Sunny leaps out of her shack into a gallop going to join her old friend Hitch, who she desperately wants to be with.
  25. “Uh hey I haven’t seen you around before”
  27. >
  28. > “You must be Anon, Sherriff Hitch’s new deputy. I have heard a lot about you, but have you heard about me?” She says energetically.
  29. >You shake your head
  30. “I’m sorry but Hitch really doesn’t tell me much about his friends”
  31. >Izzy sidesteps around her booth in front of you. “I am Izzy M-o-o-n-b-ow” She really stretched out her last name with pressed lips and leaping eyebrows.
  32. “Well its nice to meet you Ms. Moonbow”
  33. >She giggles with a hoof in front of her muzzle. “Just call me Izzy, all my friends do”
  34. >Izzy extends her hoof out. Oh crap uh what did the Sheriff tell you to when a Mare did this
  35. **In Memory. Hitch instructs Anon to be a proper Stallion and to..uh do the Macarena
  36. >Your memory is terrible
  37. >With a waiting hoof you fall back on your own manners. You unzip your pants and put your balls on her hoof**
  39. >Ok stop daydreaming
  40. >Her hoof is there and she is looking at you coyly. You cup her hoof with your hands. Her purplish face turns red. Uh abort abort.
  41. >You uncup her hoof and put a hand behind your neck and laugh awkwardly. As you look away you see Hitch and Sunny walking back towards you and the shared workspace.
  42. >You look back to Izzy who is currently twirling her blue curls with a hoof.
  43. >Izzy “That was wow, I should tell Sunny. “
  44. >Hitch taps you in the midsection “Come on deputy there are more good deeds to do in our fair city. We’ll see you fillies later”
  45. >Sunny waves goodbye to Hitch
  46. >Izzy “I will see you around Anon” She waves at you and you wave back.
  47. >You take one last look as Hitch and you walk away, seeing Izzy dragging Sunny into the Smoothie Shack.
  48. >Hitch draws your attention forward “So Anon I see you met Izzy, she is an interesting mare”
  49. >You nod your head in agreement “yeah she certainly is and” you feel something on your wrist
  50. >Bringing your arm up you see there is a handmade bracelet on it, how did that get there?
  52. >Sunny grabs you by the shoulders “He did WHAT!??!”
  53. >You nuzzle Sunny to calm her down and back up a hoof or two.
  54. >”Ooh he just held my hoof” You dramatically close the distance back up to her “for a good minute”
  55. >Sunny places her hooves on both sides of her face in shock “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh Izzy , this is serious”
  56. >You smile and trot in a small circle then face her again with a Cheshire grin “I know and Sunny I want to help you get the same way with Hitch’
  57. >Sunnies’ alicorn appendages pop out of no where in a spectacular blond light show that always amazes you.
  58. >Sunny whinnies “EEEEEEEEEEEEE” and grabs you in a hug wrapping her ethereal wings around you . “Izzy you’re the best and my best friend”
  59. >You return the hug “I know and your my best friend to Sunny and we need to get you Hitched”
  60. >Sunny whinnies again…in your ear
  67. >Back to the present. The sheriff and you were responding to a 14-88 , that’s code for lighthouse incident.
  68. >Arriving at the light house you were greeted by Sunny the alicornish and Izzy the dumpster princess.
  69. >Hitch " Hey Mares...Um...whatcha got there?
  70. >Sunny and Izzy are looking ecstatic as they present a smoothie.
  71. >Sunny " A smoothie! Hitch you should try it
  72. >Hitch "Is this some special recipe?"
  73. >Hitch is visibly nervous. His tail is erratically beating around and his hooves are bracing in the dirt. Your boss is preparing to flee. What is going on here? Usually he is full of bravado.
  74. >Sunny and Izzy look to each other sharing a giggle
  75. >Sunny "Its very special Hitch, you could say we put a little bit of love in it"
  76. >Sweat is building on Hitch's forehead. Two critter seagulls are looking up at the sheriff warbling in concern, waving their wings trying to get his attention.
  77. >Izzy looks at you giving you a wink. Sunny on the other hand is hyper focused on Hitch. Her hoof is pressing forward with the smoothie. Hitch is fully wide eyed and places a rear hoof back.
  78. >Well Anon time to show your Boss what you are made off.
  79. >Summoning all your cunning, your arm shoots out grabbing the smoothie from Sunny's grasp. [spoiler]Seriously how do they grasp things with their hooves? [/spoiler]
  80. >Sunny doesn’t notice this and continues her slow movement forward towards the sheriff. Hitch has one eye on Sunny and on eye on you. The critters are now on Hitch's back. One points at you, the other does a chugging motion
  81. >You look at the smoothie. It consistency looks a little different than normal. It smells a little off.
  82. >Izzy has taken the opportunity of your distraction to slink up to you. She is right next to you. You can feel the warmth of her mane as it brushes your arm. Her breath sweeps across your ear as she whispers for you to try it.
  83. >Well if the trash panda queen tells you to do something maybe you should do it.
  84. >You raise the smoothie to your lips tossing the straw behind you.
  85. >A critter squirrel behind you grabs the straw and shoves it into is gaping squirrel maw. It proceeds to choke on it like you wish some mares would choke on…
  86. >Izzy " Im glad its you Anon"
  87. >She tells you this as you begin to drink. The taste is of blueberries, poppy seeds, and bananas. There is a musky aftertaste on your tongue and there is a hoof stroking your arm.
  88. >You go take another drink. As you raise the cup back to your lips you notice Sunny and Hitch are both facing you.
  89. >Hitch looks more relaxed now and you don’t think he will bolt. Sunny though looks to be in shock.
  90. >Sunny" Anon...t.that w.w.was for Hitch. "
  91. >Sunny watches you take another drink going slack jawed.
  92. "Hey hitch you want some of this?"
  93. >Hitch thinks it over with a hoof to his chin “Nah you got this deputy, chug chug chug”
  94. >Izzy joins in “Chug chug” She laughs as you down it.
  95. >Sunny slumps onto her rear haunches as you finish off the smoothie. Damn that was good.
  96. >Izzy’s wide smile shrinks as she looks over at Sunny. Izzy snaps back to you. She takes a step back from and inhales a breath. “Why don’t you and Hitch go on a double date with Sunny and I tomorrow night?”
  97. >Izzy’s tail swings back and forth sweat droplets begin to appear on her brow.
  98. >Hitch “I don’t..”
  99. >You throw a hand over his muzzle
  100. “We’ll do it, name the time and place”
  101. >Izzy lets out a breath and her natural smile returns “How about Marechino’s at 6?”
  102. >Hitch swats your arm off “hey I was..”
  103. >You throw your hand back onto his muzzle
  104. “Sounds good see you there”
  105. >You drag Hitch away , but with your hand free from his muzzle you start receiving his wrath
  106. >Hitch begins hoof slapping you on the leg as you walk away “Im the Sherriff , I make the calls Deputy” his tone lowers and he stops hoof slapping you “Anon I’ve known her all my life, she is a little crazy”
  107. >You pat him on the head, to which he shakes your hand off blasting out air through his nose with a snort.
  108. “Yeah crazy for you, listen don’t ruin this for me or you. Quick question….
  111. >You jump onto your bed, the hanging ropes tense and relax as your body stretches out over all the comfy pillows
  112. >Looking to your side your best friend is looking down. Ooh now you are to.
  113. >You fall off the bed and go sit by Sunny, wrapping a hoof around her shoulder and pulling her in to a hug. She throws both hooves around your neck sniffling and mumbling out some words that sound like Hitch.
  114. >Ok that stunt earlier didn’t go so well for her BUT you did get her something that will make her feel better.
  115. >Izzy “Sunny look at me it’s going to be all right”
  116. >She lifts her head with tears at the corner of her eyes, stray hairs blooming out of her ponytail. “I just can’t Izzy, he has been with me my whole life and still he doesn’t want to BE WITH ME. “
  117. >You are trying to hide a smile but it starts creeping out “Sunny don’t you have a date with him tomorrow? Seems to me you still have a good chance here, you just need a little helping hoof on what to do”
  118. >She blinks away the tears, a small smile forming. “I guess you are right we do have dates tomorrow, oooh but what do I do Izzy I can’t mess this up.”
  119. >Off in the corner Pipp is lying on her bed making smooching sounds at her phone, Zipp pops her head up from her own bed and stretches out. “You fillies have dates tomorrow? That’s kinda cool”
  120. >Zipp walks over shaking her wings out as she goes “Any stallion I know?”
  121. >Izzy “Yeah its Anon and mph mph”.
  122. >Sunny had put her hoof in your mouth. She laughs until you remove it. “and Hitch”
  123. >Zipp puffs up with her coat bristling and wings spread out. Pipp stops her kissing noises.
  124. >Zipp “I was just warming up to Hitch what is the big deal”. Zipp looks around the room and folds her wings back. She sighs “I don’t want to stop you but I haven’t had the best luck out her in Maretime Bay”
  125. >Zipp plops onto Sunny’s bed and boops her on the snout. Sunny scrunches up, while Zipp and you laugh.
  126. >Zipp “So whos this Anon colt? Is that the new deputy”
  127. >You nod your head and rub your hooves “You got that right and he is really into Unicorns”
  128. >Zipp laughs “Of course he is you are the best unicorn I know”
  129. >Pipp pipes up from her bed “Zipp if you are having problems finding a stallion why don’t you check out my channel PippChads. There are plenty on there from Zephy heights and there are a few in Maretime Bay right now."
  130. >Zipp swivels around and ruffles her wings. “Really hey Pipp why don’t you send out a message for me, I will be out tomorrow afternoon looking for real daredevils near the pier”
  131. >Pipp focuses on her hoof phone “You heard that from the source PippChads, my sister will be there waiting for you”
  132. >Numerous oinking sounds come from the phone in succession. Pipp looks happy “Looks like you are going to have a few visitors tomorrow Zipp"
  133. >Zipp leaps into the air and sails into her sister in a diving hug, they laugh it out
  134. >Sunny is smiling again “Sooo Izzy you were going to tell me how I could do a little better?”
  135. >You roll off the bed onto your hooves striking a pose “Im going to show you right now”
  136. >You trot in place with glee plastered on your face. “Sunny you got it all but all you need is are a few new mooves, listen to Izzy to get your groove”
  137. >You twirl in place then do some fancy hoofwork “As a unicorn I know how to get a mate, but this is to help Sunny with her date.”
  138. >You go back to trotting in place . You catch a pair of sunglasses that Zipp threw to you and put them on. Moonwalking over to Sunny you take her hoof and drag her off the bed and onto the floor. “Come on now Sunny and move those hooves, its time to show you how a unicorn would”
  139. >”This is how a unicorn shakes” You shake your rump with your tail flying with the motion, Sunny laughs and copies your move
  140. >“this is how a unicorn dates”. You hook Sunny’s leg and prance around the beds, Sunny closes her eyes prancing in tune with you. Pipp claps her hooves together on her bed, Zipp stomps her hoofs on the mattress.
  141. >”this is how a unicorn ma….
  146. The next evening.
  147. >At the Sherrif’s Office
  148. >Hitch is standing before a mirror wearing a suit shirt. Critters are all around him adjusting pieces to it and inspecting their work.
  149. >Hitch ”Come on critters the suit is fine” . Hitch gets smacked on the hoof by a critter crab. “Ow stop it I look fine”. He gets smacked again
  150. >Two critter songbirds are busy tieing his tie while Hitch fidgets in place.
  151. >You dress is shirt and pants , and if Hitch had his way he would be as relaxed for this shindig as you were.
  152. “Looking good Boss, just let them finish up and then we can head out”
  153. >Hitch turns his head at you “Its not too late we can say we were sick or OW come on crab stop hitting me”.
  154. >The critter crab folds its claws over eachother shaking its shell in the negative.
  155. “After being around you so much Sherriff I think I might be able to tell what they are saying. And its you need to get laid..big time”
  156. >Hitch “What???? No they don’t mean that”
  157. >The critters all jabber at Hitch
  158. >Hitch ”You are all full of it, I am fine the way I am. I am a strong independent Stallion who don’t need no Mare. OW OW not you too critter chipmunks”.
  159. >Two critter chipmunks are throwing acorns at him while chittering at him
  160. “I bet they are saying you are getting it tonight or else”
  161. >Hitch “Anon the critters would never…OW OW OW OW OW “
  162. >All the critters are now jabbering at him and lightly striking him with claws and beaks.
  163. >Hitch “Ok ok I’ll go on the date but Anon you have extra duty starting Monday for a week because all this”
  164. >The critters calm down and return to fixing his suit and mane
  165. >You grumble out some non niceties and get an acorn to the face…these critters are getting on your nerves
  167. >A little later at the front Marechino’s
  168. >Sunny and Izzy stand around the front of the Restaurant.
  169. >Izzy looks at her best friend who is full of nerves and wearing a blue gown.
  170. >Izzzy “Come on Sunny you got this in the bag. Just talk to him like you normally do, you aren’t nervous then. “
  171. >Sunny looks at Izzy worry plastered on her face “But what if he treats this as just another friend outing and not a , you know something closer together”
  172. >You saddle up to her and blow in her ear. Sunny shakes her head and blows out breath through her nose rearing up on her hooves and then back down to all fours. She looks less nervous now and more focused on you
  173. >Sunny “Izzy don’t do that. It makes me want to.. “
  174. >Izzy “Want to put your hooves to use and look you aren’t shaking anymore”
  175. >Sunny taps a hoof on the ground and smiles. “You’re right Izzy…that really tickled in a weird way”
  176. >Izzy “Yup, hey look here they come. Hitch looks nice”
  177. >Sunny “Did Anon roll out of bed” Sunny looks over to Izzy “How into this guy are you?”
  178. >Izzy looks questiongly at Sunny “We’ll see after tonight how much he is into me” Izzy winks at Sunny
  179. >Sunny rolls her eyes than pats Izzy on the side indicating the arrival of their dates.
  180. >The critter escort peals away as Hitch and Anon arrive at the restaurant exchanging greetings.
  182. >”The great Hoofdini welcomes you to Marechino’s, where only the most magical of nights await”
  183. >Izzy Pops up front “Table for four please”
  184. >HD “Oooh my magic only works so much we are out of our 4 pony tables, but we have 2 tables for 2 that are open if you do not want to wait… hour”
  185. >Sunny is tugging on Izzy’s tail and Hitch looks at you shaking his head
  186. >Izzy and you at the same time “2 it is”
  187. >A set of groans are head in the group before the waiter seats you in two different booths.
  188. >Izzy holds out a seat for you, being the smooth operator you are almost fallout of the seat as soon as you make contact with it but you right yourself quickly.
  189. >Izzy giggles to herself as she rounds the table and plops down into her seat.
  190. >You open the menu seeing quite a few different menu items
  191. “So Izzy have you ever been here before”
  192. >Izzy has her snootle buried in her menu “Nope but I heard good things from Jazz about this place and their pastas”
  193. >She looks up from the menu smiling “So what are you thinking about”
  194. “I was uh you know the uhmm maybe the .. something without hay”
  195. >Izzy looks at her menu for a minute “oh that number eight would do you good”
  196. “Yeah the maresagna does sound good I’ll get that”
  197. >”And I’m getting the squash soup tonight…I mean for dinner the soup special”
  198. >HD rises from the floor [spoiler] Is this guy some sort of magician?[/spoiler]. “I heard what you liked and I will get it to your shortly, would you like anything to drink”
  199. >Izzy ”Bring a bottle of your Stallionay”
  200. >HD bows “ah very good” Pulling the bottle from his sleeve, he pops the cork with his teeth and pours you both a glass before leaving the bottle at the table and disappearing through the kitchen doors.
  201. >Izzy takes a drink from her glass then clinks her glass with yours and you take a drink as well. Wow what is it with these musky flavored drinks…not bad though.
  202. >”Soooooo” Izzy rolls her lips and leans forward from her chair “I heard how you met Hitch but how did you get to Maretime Bay anyways?”. Her tail twitches from side to side, eyebrows arched.
  203. >You take another drink from the Stallionay
  204. “Well it all started when I was at my house one day. There I was in front of my mirror flexing and pumping myself up for going into town when I touched the mirror and fell through it. But when I stood up from the fall I turned around and I was someplace completely different. I was inside of a shop that had an almost duplicate mirror that I had back home. I touched the mirror and it broke, much to the dismay and rage of the shop keep mare working there who chased me out and down the street right into Hitch…and that is it”
  205. >Izzy “Wow that is neat” She taps a hoof to her chin in thought
  206. “Yeah so that’s how I did but how did you since this used to be an Earthie town”
  207. >Izzy giggles at your totally maybe racist term
  208. >”Welllll” Izzy rolls her neck moving her long mane behind it “When I was but a Filly one day there was this message that reached me through the air from Maretime Bay all the way to my home. It told me to come here and make friends. I so wanted to do it but my parents would not let me. I begged and begged but they never did. Sooo after quite a few years and “Izzy trails off and looks down for a second then looks back up resuming her smile “I was able to walk right into Maretime bay and meet my bestfriend Sunny and the rest is history”
  209. >Izzy places a hoof on the table “It was the best decision I have made in a long time. I’ve made a lot of friends and really pushed forward with my business. Its just something always seems like it has been missing” Her ears flop down “And I have always been hoping that maybe I could find it one day. Her ears flip back up and orient forward.
  210. >”Yeah I know what you..
  211. >HD pops over at your table delivering your plates of food “If there is anything else you nice couple needs don’t be afraid to ask”. And just like that he is gone… to another table. You swear you hear Sunny and Hitch laughing about something.
  212. >You are halfway done with your maresagna and Izzy has demolished her soup, a glass of wine , and is working on her second.
  213. >By the time you have finished Sunny and Hitch pop by.
  214. >Hitch looks like his balance is off “Hey there Anon thanks and we will see you two later”
  215. >Sunny is saddled up to Hitch with a bright smile
  216. >Izzy leans over and whispers into Sunny’s ear
  217. >Sunny goes beet red “Oooh uh Hitch we better go, bye”
  218. “So what did you tell her”
  219. >Izzy laughs “oh just some things that would broaden her friendship” speaking of which, Izzy puts a number of bits on the table “Would you like to go for a walk, I know of a great place just outside of town”
  220. >Izzy gives you a grin with a nodding motion
  221. “Sounds great ooh hey I better finish off this wine though”
  222. >Izzy clops her hooves “Ok” and downs hers as well.
  225. >As you are walking down the street with Izzy you see Dahlia packing up her flower cart.
  226. >You race ahead and get close to Dahlia.
  227. >Dahlia turns around and leaps in place letting out an “eeek” she catches her breath putting a hoof to her chest “Oh its just you deputy what do you need”
  228. “I need flowers quick”
  229. >You slip her eight bits
  230. >Dahlia sees Izzy walking your way with her head tilted looking questiongly. Dahlia rummages through her cart producing a bouquet that looks nice. “Thanks Anon and” she whispers this next part “That mare needs a good time don’t mess this up” before folding up her cart and towing it away.
  231. >With the bouquet in hand you spin around just in time for Izzy to approach you, and you present it to her.
  232. >The sun sets behind you dipping below the bay.
  233. “So I thought you would like these on this wonderful ni…”
  234. >Izzy munches down on the bouquet with a satisfied look on her face. You can make out ..”ooh gph good nmph”
  235. >There is a single flower left with Purple flowers with a blue center that you snatch away before it is devoured.
  236. >Izzy finishes her grazing “That hit the spot Anon I was still a little hungry after Dinner”
  237. >Now let me tell you something, did not expect her to eat those, should have thought that out.
  238. >Izzy comes in and hugs you with her head against your chest, long flowing hair brushes against you to the knees, smelling of berries and flowers. “Thank you” After a minute she steps back and you have a flower in hand.
  239. >Before she gets the idea to eat that as well you reach over and tie the flower up into her hair by her ear.
  240. >Izzy watches this and giggles as you did take a while to tie it. You think you felt a wondering hoof while you were busy. You step back to admire your work. Yup you have your date bright eyed with a tinge of red on her face.
  241. “Hey so want to show me that place now”
  242. >Izzy snaps out of her trance, hoofs all tapping on the ground. “Oh yeah yeah come on Anon” She begins to hop forward “Try to catch me”
  243. >You run after her down the streets, the giggling blue haired purple menace keeping just a tad bit ahead of you. Just a few feet more and you could grab her tail. Unfortunately you were not one of those cardio guys so she has you at a disadvantage.
  244. >As the cobblestones disappear, the road turns into dirt. The moon begins its rise.
  245. >Izzy slows down, thankfully because you need to stop for a breath. Izzy stops hopping and looks back a few hooves at you. Bent over breathing a little hard.
  246. >You hear her clop over and grab your sleeve with her mouth “mpht a mphle farthmph”
  247. >You get the idea and a second later your sleeve is released and you follow her while slowly gaining your stamina back.
  248. >She leads you through short grass going forward through a small thicket of trees to a carved out log with an open view to the valley. She plops down on the left side and pats beside her. You take a seat next to her.
  249. >Wow the night sky is fantastic out here.
  250. “Look at all the stars and constellations it is beautiful out here”
  251. >Izzy scooches against you “I found this place after coming to Maretime Bay a few weeks ago. I always thought it would be a great place to share with somepony.” She lays her head against your shoulder.
  252. >You wrap your right arm around her and she sighs.
  253. >For the next hour you watch the sky in silence. Stars fill the sky, and Izzy points out a meteor.
  254. “Hey Izzy make a wish”
  255. >Izzy turns her head towards you and bats her eyelids, raising a hoof to your chest. You lean over and kiss her. You don’t know how long the kiss lasts but Izzy pulls away and gets to her hooves. “Its getting late we should be getting back”
  256. >You stand up and stretch, Izzy stretches as well with her front hooves half leaning forward and her rear upwards.
  257. >Izzy and you walk back to town together, you place a hand on her back and keep it there. This does feel natural.
  258. >Izzy directs you to the lighthouse and puts her back to the front door “I had a good time tonight Anon…” She pecks you on the lips, opens the door and peeks out quickly “I wouldn’t mind doing this again”
  259. “Yeah you too”
  260. >The smile never left her face as she closes the door.
  261. >The walk back to the Sherriff’s office is uneventful. You think Hitch would be busy so you crash on the couch in the office instead of going to your shared apartment.
  267. >The next afternoon at Cock Pump Castle
  268. >Sunny walks out of the shower with a towel over her mane.
  269. >Zipp is busy tossing a ball against the wall , catching it, and tossing it back. She looks over at Sunny
  270. >Zipp “Are you ok Sunny? You are walking kinda funny”
  271. >Sunny stops bow legged walking to her bed and places the towel over her hindquarters. “Uh yeah just a little sore Zipp. You know one of those really stressful friendship problems occurred and Hitch helped me out with it. Sunny sidesteps over to her bed and lays on her side with a dopey smile.
  272. >Zipp wears a confused look on her face “ uh ok Sunny “then goes back to the wall ball game.
  273. >Pipp and Izzy pop into the room.
  274. >Pipp is slowly flapping her way in “So that’s how I got all those subs”
  275. >Izzy nods her head “Oh yeah that sounds like something only you could do Pipp”
  276. >Pipp sing songedly “Naturallly”. Pipp flaps over to her bed , does a loop de loop and lands in a crouched position with her hoof phone out. “Zipp how were the PippChads?”
  277. >Zipp stops throwing the ball “Oh they were ok….do you have any pictures of Storm Cloud”
  278. >Pipp “Do I? Sis come over here and take a look”
  279. >Zipp stands up, jumps against the wall, and wall jumps onto Pipps bed sitting next to her Sister “Woh Pipp that colt is…how did you get these pictures?”
  280. >Pipp tutts at her
  281. >Izzy walks over to her hanging bed and leaps into and disappears into her pillows. A few seconds later she pops her head out. “So ooo ooo Sunny how did last night go? You seemed ecstatic when you left with Hitch”
  282. >Sunny flips over to her other side and presses her hooves to her cheeks smooshing them and giggling.
  283. >Izzy “That good huh?
  284. >Sunny “It was everything I wanted Izzy, and I have you to thank for it. I would come over there and hug you but I kinda just want to lay here for a while”
  285. >Izzy smirks and disappears into her pillows. Sunny closes her eyes, and reopens them seeing the fast shadow of Izzy leaping upon her. “IZZ-oof”
  286. >Sunny grimaces and slowly comes to a smile leaning into her friend’s embrace. Izzy lets go of the hug and lays next to Sunny
  287. >Sunny takes the hint “So what about you and Anon, how did that go?
  288. >Izzy shakes her head from side to side, twitching her tail in the same motion. “Well I don’t want to brag but I think we do have something special”
  289. >Sunny knickers “I’m happy for you Izzy , so do you think you might get serious with him. You know like um Hitch and I are.” Sunny is covered by a blush, and a light blush appears on Izzy’s cheeks.
  290. >Izzy “I think I might Sunny, my heart was beating fast when he kissed me last night…I might not have minded if he went further than that”
  291. >Sunny laughs “Don’t be afraid to take your time Izzy since you barely know him”
  292. >Izzy pokes Sunny in the rump making Sunny squeak out in discomfort “Izzy im still a little sore back there”
  293. >Izzy “Yeah I bet” Izzy whispers in her ear “so how big was he”
  294. >Sunny whacks Izzy in the face with a pillow “IZZY”
  295. >Izzy leaps off the bed and her horn alights, two pillows fly off from her bed “PILLOW FIGHT”
  296. >Multiple pillows go flying through the bedroom as four mares laugh and get collectively pummeled by feather filled objects
  297. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  298. Meanwhile at the Sherrif’s Station
  299. >Hitch is reclined in his chair with his head back
  300. >You are at the deputy table looking at the recent complaints. Huh these seem a little more light hearted than usual. You look at one that talks about how the pastry shop in downtown stopped making the super deluxe diabet-tastical. Well that really doesn’t seem like you need to intervene
  301. >You look over to Hitch. He is relaxing more than you ever seen him, hair is a mess and he don’t care.
  302. “Hey Boss so how did last night go”
  303. >Hitch pivots an ear towards you and he sighs with a dopey grin on his face. “Let me tell you deputy, last night was something I should have done a long time ago. “ He looks over at you and lazily attempts to shift his chair to face you but that doesn’t work. He waves his hoof in a meh fashion.
  304. >”I have you to thank for it though, no matter how much I protested you were there to push me in the right direction. In thanks you don’t have extra duty anymore”
  305. >Frick yeah you didn’t want to waste the weekend here especially since it is Friday.
  306. “Thanks boss”
  307. >”No problem and can you get me another ice pack, I think this one is done”
  308. >You walk over and take the warm pack away from him and go to the freezer. Once you open it a critter penguin squawks at you.
  309. “This one isn’t cold anymore can I trade you”
  310. >The critter penguin nods and holds out a flipper, you place the warm pack in his flipper, he dumps that one near the mini iceberg and flippers you a nice cold one.
  311. “Thanks little guy”
  312. >You think he gave you the equivalent of a thumbs up..or you read it wrong and it was the middle finger equivalent. Oh well you close the fridge and walk back to Hitch and hand him the cold pack. He takes it and places it on his thighs.
  313. >”Oh yeah I needed that”
  314. >You go back to your chair.
  315. “Hey Boss I don’t meant to pry more but this would help me a little bit with Izzy”
  316. >”Oh yeah how did your date with her go”
  317. “It went well we ended up watching the stars andmaking out but nothing more”
  318. >“Uh huh uh huh, say Anon I think you should really get to know Izzy. She has her quirks that you need to know about” Hitch adjusts himself in his chair. “but I think you and her would make a good couple. So my advice would be go do some fun things with her.”
  319. >You ponder what fun things you could do that both you and her would enjoy…you are a little light on details on what she likes.
  320. “Uh ok so what does she do for fun.”
  321. >Hitch looks like he wants to get out of his chair but fails to do so “She loves to craft and if you know how to make anything Im sure she would enjoy that”
  322. “You ok over there”
  323. >Hitch looks like he is adjusting something an awful lot “Yeah just ok there. Deputy if you are going to engage in a large amount of vigorous activity makes sure your stretch out before and after. I think Sunny may have sprained my pelvis“
  324. >You sit up and grab the phone. “Hey whats the number for the doctor”
  325. >Hitch waves you off “Don’t bother I already went to the doc. He told me to keep icing it every hour and I should be fine”
  326. >You hang up the receiver.
  327. “I tell you what Boss how about I help you home and we will call it a night”
  328. >”Ow ooo ok come over here, tonight only though lets close early”
  329. >And so you helped Hitch back to your shared apartment. It’s a two bedroom flat with a decent sized kitchen and front room. Also the first time since you have been here since before the date.
  330. >It friggin reeks, you open the windows and let it air out. Hitch limps into his room and you can hear him collapse onto his bed. Looking at the couch you can only surmise what was done on it.
  331. >You cook yourself something quick and toss another cold pack to Hitch before heading out.
  334. >You are walking down the pier. The waves cascade against the beach below, critter sea gulls shriek above, and ponies are out enjoying the last few hours of daylight. A group of fillies nearly crash into you as they chase each other and two stallions gossip on the corner about a group of mares bragging about themselves quite loudly.
  335. >You pass by the bridge nearing the edge of town. A white Pegasus leaps off and commits to a varied set of aerial acrobatics. She finishes off with an upside down aerial spin and then lands back on the bridge. Ponies that were watching clap. This is followed by a blue Pegasus leaps up and makes his own impressive aerial display.
  336. >As you are watching this you hear a familiar “YEAHHHHH” by the stairs to the bridge.
  337. >Why if it isn’t your favorite unicorn [spoiler] You have only seen about twelve of them and a ton of pegasi[/spoiler] watching the show
  338. >Trying to make not a lot of noise you sneak over to her. She is busy cheering on the Pegasi. She gives off “yeahs” lifting her front half of the ground and landing with a double hoof tap. After she does this twice you wait for her to rear up. As she does you strike. You take your hands and attempt to tickle her sides as she is reared.
  339. >Izzy instantly lets out an “EEP” followed by laughing “EHEHEHEHE”. She loses her balance and tumbles back into you. You think she spotted you as she was falling.
  340. >You were not prepared for this and fall backwards with her back pressed to your chest. You and her are laughing as you strike, the definitely not soft, cobblestones. Oooh your back and there is something familiar giggling on top of you, blue hair obscures your view.
  341. >You feel the form shift around and the hair leaves your face leaving a view of Izzy smiling widely above you. She is sitting on your waist. She bends bends down at the chest with her face coming close to yours “Hello coltfriend”. She gives you a quick kiss on the lips and then steps off you.
  342. >You hear a magic tingle and you are assisted up with the aid of a purple aura.
  343. >Izzy saddles up to you “I knew I would find you if I went into town”
  344. >You lay a hand on her back “You sure did and Im glad I found you Izzy”
  345. >She looks up and smiles at you “My friend Zipp is out here showing off some great moves with her friends”
  346. >Izzy waves at the bridge “HEY ZIPP”
  347. >You see the white Pegasus look over the bridge and down at Izzy and then waves back
  348. >”Izzy and I live with her sister Pipp and Sunny at the lighthouse. Say ..” Izzy looks around “would you like to come over after they finish up, its Frift day…crafyday…it’s a work in progress”
  349. >You wink at her “Sure sounds good”
  350. >Izzy does a prance in place with a “all right” tied in there then focuses on the aerial show.
  351. >The pegasi went on for another half an hour before finishing up. They flew off as a group and you followed Izzy up the path to the light house.
  353. >Truth be told the only crafting you have done is chopping wood and carving mostly sticks. But you were going to try for her.
  354. >She leads you into a room of its own. Four tables are set up along with a fireplace , a spinning wheel, and a large array of tools and parts.
  355. >First up was a game of sorts. Izzy had a box of assorted parts that she used as a scrap pile. The object of the game was after the box was poured on the table you both had five minutes to make something useable.
  356. >Izzy is the master at this and you are the lowly apprentice. She has beat you 5 out of 5 times. But you need to win at least once. The box has only parts not used still in it.
  357. >”I know you can do this Anon just use your imagination as you see the parts it will come to you”
  358. You nod your head and she dumps the box.
  359. >You see springs, rods, buts, bolts, wood, metal, nails. The image of a plant box pops into your head and you are off. You grab the wood and nails and a hammer that was off to the side and proceed to make the box in just three minutes. You signal to Izzy that you are complete and she congratulates you.
  360. >It was best out of six so you at least won one round. You help Izzy put the remaining pieces back into the box.
  361. >“I’m glad you got the hang of that one, and we got two more to go. This craft is easier we are going to make a collage out of some photos of my friends and I”.
  362. >You see on this table there is a photo album. Izzy takes an envelope and dumps out the photos. As you assist her with arraigning them in a good order she explains to you what happened in relation to every photo. You learned about a fishing trip they took, the skate course and ensuing cool tricks and little injuries, a trip to the local malt shop.
  363. >”And this is the last one a photo of Sunny and I at the top of the lighthouse watching a sunset, we like to do that on Sunday evenings. Sunny told me a story that there used to be Rulers of all Equestria and that one used to move the Sun and the other moved the Moon”
  364. “So what happened to them”
  365. >Izzy places the photo in the book and closes it. She looks at you without a smile “Legend has it that one stayed in Maretime Bay and the other stayed in Bridlewood after the tribes separated. They disappeared many years ago before Sunny and I were born. Set off to fix a problem and never returned.”
  366. >”But maybe one day they will return”
  367. “Maybe we could meet them”
  368. >Izzy’s smiles reforms “That would be great, ooh I would want to introduce us as Izzy Moonbow and her husband…I mean Human coltfriend Anon” She laughs a little awkwardly and avoids eye contact. Her hooves scuffle around on the table top.
  369. >Her cheeks are red as she turns to you “So we have one final craft its pottery making”
  370. “I have never done that before”
  371. >Izzy gets off the bench seat and in the process batters your face with her tail, she giggles as she walks over to the spinning wheel. There is a chair next to it that she pats for you so you sit. Izzy uses her magic to light up the fireplace and also magics over some clay onto the wheel.
  372. >She is right behind you know. “All you need to do is keep your hooves or hands on the clay and slowly spin the wheel.
  373. >Feel around with your shoe and find a pedal. Testing it makes the wheel move.
  374. >”Now do it slowly so we don’t get covered in clay”
  375. >You do as she says and give the pedal a little bit of pressure. You use your hands to slowly form the clay into how you think a pot should look like. You form the base and rise the rest up into it kinda looks how you wanted.
  376. >”That’s really good for your first time Anon, here go wash your hands and you can do another. You get up and wash in the sink and then sit back down.
  378. >Izzy yawns behind you. “Ok maybe we will just paint a few dried pieces then”
  379. >You move over to the bench closest to Izzy. She is seated at a table with a paint brush in her mouth “mpve p mpat”.
  380. >You sit next to her as she colors in a flower motif on a medium sized bowel.
  381. >There is a large cup in front of you. Looking at it you can picture a large tree with a sapling at each side. You take a paint brush and looking at the groves of the cup paint the base of the tree and make quite a few branches that strike upward and diagonal. Then you do the same but at a smaller scale for the saplings.
  382. >Once that is done you soak your brush in water to remove the brown and look over at the bowel. It is looking like a field of flowers. Izzy is focused on making quite a few small flower petals. You can tell she is getting tired as her eyelids are ½ way down.
  383. >You get back to painting the tree greenery. Since you are not a true artist you decide to rough in green patches instead of leaves. You make an outline for the saplings and then the tree. After that is done your color it in.
  384. >Once you have completed that you sit back and look at your work, not to shabby if you do say so.
  385. “Hey Izzy what do you think”….”Izzy”
  386. >Her brush is on the table and her head is rocking back and forth. You better help your fillyfriend out.
  387. >The second you put an arm around her shoulders she falls against your chest. Her hooves, at a snails pace, reach out and latch onto your sides. She rubs her mane against your chest.
  388. >It really is getting late isn’t it?
  389. >The room looks like you could just leave it except for the fireplace/kiln. You can’t leave that burning by itself, but you don’t want to leave Izzy as she is getting more comfortable by the second.
  390. >You whisper into her ear “Izz I need to put the fire out I will be right back.
  391. >Her hooves tighten around you “non sec..I…colt..”
  392. >Her horn lights up and the flames dim then go out.
  393. >”dere…nm..mere” Her hooves loosen a little, her head slowly climbs up your chest and she nuzzles under your chin. That horn of hers is resting on your chin up to your cheek by your eye.
  394. >Ok you need to get her to bed.
  395. “Izz your going to bed”
  396. >You reach under her plot with both hands getting a firm tight grip
  397. >”mmmmm ow ur lking”
  398. >Bracing your feet on the ground you slowly rise with Izzy now firmly attached to your chest as her rear legs pin against your hips. Oof you thought ponies would be lighter she has to be at least 100 hundred pounds.
  399. >Slowly slowly you make your way around the tables and nudge open the door with your foot.
  400. >Its dark in the main room and hallways with the light from the moon shining down inside illuminating enough for you to reach the stairs.
  401. >Ok focus one stair at a time and we will get up to the second floor to where you think her room is.
  402. >One stair, two stair, three stair……………
  403. >Three stairs left, two stairs left, ugh you take a breather.
  404. >She plants a kiss on your neck
  405. ”Izz you awake”
  406. >”nuh”
  407. >ok two stair, one stair, landing. Thank you Jesus.
  408. >Oh no there are three doors. Screw it center door.
  409. >You walk over with your mare still latched onto you and knee open the door.
  410. >Just like outside it is dark in here.
  411. >You can make out three beds and a hanging one.
  412. >You see a little bit of orange , white, and pink in those beds which means as you slowly walk forward
  413. >You try not to make noise around what you hope are sleeping ponies
  414. >On the sides you hear “of course I want to meet your parents” “why can’t I find somepony like that” and “mom pippchads is educational”
  415. >Ok you made it now to get her in. You bend at the knees and lean forward until she is backed against some pillows
  416. “Time to let go Izzy”
  417. >Her horn lights up and you fall forward with pillows impacting your face and sides
  418. >Few seconds later you shake your head free of the cushions and are now on your side with Izzy’s face next to yours, her mane laid behind her and her legs curled up against your waist.
  419. >You could try so sneak out of here, and a yawn escapes your mouth.
  420. >A hoof of hers slides up off your chest to your cheek. You see her smile in her sleep, she makes kissing motions with her mouth.
  421. >Your eyes are getting heavy, you plant your lips against hers. And wrap your arms around her.
  422. >With your last bits of consciousness you feel her nuzzle the top of your head.
  440. >You hear her horn light up and the door lock.
  441. >Izzy has pressed herself against your back. You can feel her breath against your neck and her hooves on your obliques. She kisses your neck and few times and tries to raise your shirt with her hooves. “Oof come on”. Your shirt is encased in magic and moved onto one of the tables.
  442. >You can feel her front laying against your back, her mane moves up and down your sides in motion with her head. She kisses up your neck and nibbles on your ear. Her hooves wander on your back and chest.
  443. >She whispers between nibbles “I like a stallion who is good with their hooves” She giggles “or hands” and resumes nibbling. You reach back and get a good firm squeeze on her plot. “Why don’t you turn around now hoofsome”
  444. >She comes off your back and you spin that chair around to fast falling forward onto Izzy with her being the one on her back on the ground. With the fireplace roaring in front of you.
  445. >Izzy gives you the bedroom eyes and you dive in locking lips with her. Letting your hands roam up and down her body, her hooves doing the same with yours.
  447. >Izzy’s hooves drag against your back as you continually press into her. She moans into your ear things she wanted you to do and so you did. Harder and faster as she comes closer and so do you. Nearing your end you try to warn her but she wraps her back legs around you and locks you in. You are in bliss and so is she as you both ride out the culmination of you passion for each other.
  448. >Sweat drips from your skin and sweat/froth comes off her. After she has laid there in bliss she gives you a passionate kiss and lets you lay on your side with her facing you. Her hoof is pressed against your chest.
  449. >Izzy leans and whispers in your ear “Im glad your my first”.
  450. >You wrap your arms around her and hold her tight and she does the same. Sharing breath under the light of the fire, bodies intertwined.
  454. >Your eyes shoot open. Oh that was just a dream. You yawn and rest your face down on something very comfortable. Your hands feel full on somethings a little pliant and soft.
  456. >In your ear “mmmm “
  457. >You look down. You’re back in Izzy’s bed and it is still dark . Your shirt is off and her legs are all moving in slow motion. Your hands are down below , you give a squeeze. “uhhmph”
  458. >Izzy is kissing your cheek multiple times , her hips are gyrating against your side.
  459. >She makes contact with your mouth and proceeds to invade your mouth with her tongue. While she is doing this she has rolled you onto your back and her hips are now on top of yours.
  460. >You are rock hard and she is gyrating on little anon.
  461. >Your hands make their way her to her plot and grab on.
  462. >One of her eyes opens and then the other. She stops gyrating and her tongue stops its domination of your mouth. For countless seconds she stares in your eyes.
  463. >You see hearts form in her eyes and everything continues.
  464. >She relents on the one way French battle and kisses up to your ear. She whispers “Anon “ she nibbles on your ear and whispers again “take off those pants”
  465. >You don’ t need to be told twice. They go flying off with the full force of your hands and probably magic. She giggles as you feel her wetness on your bare Adonis belt.
  466. >A hoof of hers runs up to your chin , she leans over and resumes kissing you with only light tongue play.
  467. >Her hips gyrate against yours. You feel little anon kiss the tip of her flower multiple times.
  468. >Your hands reach up one planted upon her plot and the other grabbing her dock. You need this, she needs this. You pull up on her dock , and press down on her plot. You feel contact and the kiss goes stagnant as she stares into your eyes.
  469. >She moves her mouth up to your ear and tries to whisper “Make me Your Mare”[spoiler] TM copyrighted[/spoiler]
  470. >You feel bliss as she descends and eventually entombs your soldier. She stays like that breathing heavily into your ear, her mane drooped against her face and yours , her tail covering a knee of yours. Your hands both back on her plot.
  471. >And then you remember where you fully are. There are three other mares in this room with you.
  472. >Izzy slowly gyrates against your member. Breath catching and quick nibbling on your ear.
  473. >You look around and think you are in the clear.
  474. >In a good cadence you give little thrusts into her. She responds by latching onto your ear and slamming down onto you repeatedly in tandem.
  475. >She lets go of your ear, moaning loudly in it instead. You throw a hand up covering her mouth and in the process roll her over onto her back.
  476. >Her eyes go wide and she replaces your hand with two of her hooves. She nods vigorously for you to continue.
  477. >Your arms are placed behind her head and you drop down in a deep thrust. Her moan is muffled and you repeat the process. Over and over your give deep thrusts. Her eyes are closed and you feel a rising pressure.
  478. >You repay her favor latching onto her ear , and do a series of fast shallow thrusts into her. She is moaning like crazy and you think her hooves are slipping but you can’t, no you wont stop. Oooh your close.
  479. >You let her ear go and tell her your almost there. She wraps her back legs around your back giving you the answer and you give her all you’ve got. Her hooves slip and you reconnect your lips . She is moaning into your mouth and you into hers.
  480. >And just like that a gushing feeling is felt from her as she wraps her forelegs around your neck holding on for dear life. You can’t take it anymore and unleash inside her. You press as far in as you can and hold it there.
  481. >As you feel her shaking stop you break the kiss. And rest your forehead against hers. And then slump down beside her.
  482. >She wears a dopey grin and you are sure you do as well. She mouths three words to you and you mouth them back.
  483. >She flips over with her back to your front and presses against you. You wrap your arms back around her and drift back to sleep.
  486. >Ahh its sooo bright, you try to cover your eyes but one hand is trapped…oh no
  487. >Your eyelids shoot open and you look around there are three ponies quickly exiting the room.
  488. >A nuzzling on your chest brings your attention back to your marefriend who is now yawning and smacking her lips.
  489. >She peers around the room like you did “I think we may have gone a little too far in here”
  490. “Yeah….but I don’t regret it”
  491. >Her messed up mane and head pop into your view again and she gives you a deep kiss then breaks it off
  492. >“me too but I’m a little scared of what the fillies are going to say”
  493. “Lets think about that after a shower”
  494. >Her magic opens up the windows and you spy the bathroom past her bed. You pat her on the rump and get up. Your muscle are sore right now. Oh yeah carrying her up here.
  495. >You stretch out as she crawls sluggishly out of her hanging bed.
  496. >She nudges you with her nose to get moving and so you do to the bathroom.
  497. >Now let me tell you something sharing a shower with a mare is a little difficult. First she is long and you are tall. Second all they have is shampoo.
  498. >After some maneuvering you both get cleaned and toweled off. She snickers about parts of your body she hasn’t seen in daylight to which you smack her on the rear earning an “eep” out of her and red cheeks.

Tribes Researcher

by Batbooper

Derp at your Door

by Batbooper

Hidden Strike

by Batbooper

2 Bats 1 Human

by Batbooper

Unit V

by Batbooper