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Honey Pot - Chapter 2

By Wand_of_Inferno
Created: 2022-09-17 17:04:08
Updated: 2022-09-22 06:17:48
Expiry: Never

  1. >You found yourself in a dark alley, alone and without a sense of direction.
  2. >You have no idea as to why you're here or how you got here in the first place.
  3. >The last thing you remember was you walking to school and... nothing else.
  4. "Hello? Is anypony here?"
  5. >Behind you, you could hear steps echoing and slowly coming your way from the dark alley.
  6. "Who 's there?"
  7. >"Anon..." A voice you don't recognize echoes.
  8. "Who are you?!"
  9. >The voice was getting closer, and so were the steps.
  10. >As scared as you were, you decide to turn in the direction of the sound and confront whoever is coming.
  11. "D-don't get close to me! I-I know magic and I'm not afraid of using it!"
  12. >For a fraction of a second you spot two red eyes glowing in the dark alley.
  13. >Then they were gone.
  14. >The wind hollows as you seem to be alone once again in this dark alley.
  15. >Or so you thought.
  16. >Unexpected to you, someone whispering behind you.
  17. >"Mr. Anon, wake up."
  18. "Gah!"
  20. >You were in your classroom, everypony was looking at you and giggling and the teacher looked disappointed.
  21. >"Was my lesson so boring you decided to sleep, Mr. Anon? This isn't like you."
  22. >You don't know when you fell asleep, but you were drooling a bit from it.
  23. "I'm sorry, I am tired... I was studying overnight and I couldn't sleep that much... it won't happen again, I promise."
  24. >"It's good you like studying so much magic, Mr. Anon, but please do it preferably when it's not late at night. So help me Luna if you fall asleep one more time, I will make you give the next class of teleportation and I won't help you explain it."
  25. "Sorry teacher."
  26. >He raised an eyebrow.
  27. "...Sorry Mr. Dawn Tea."
  28. >"That's more like it. Moving on, please open your math book on page 342."
  29. >The teacher, Dawn Tea, was a strict but kind teacher in your class. Last year he was your teacher and you had the luck to have him again, so it was odd for him to discover you falling asleep.
  30. >You blame yourself, as last night you were too scared to sleep.
  31. >Sometimes you think you're starting to become a kid, a colt, as this wouldn't have happened before.
  32. >Maybe the age regression had this effect? Will you become a colt in mind too?
  33. >...Whatever, as long as you are happy in this place, you have no problem dealing with that later.
  34. >"Psst!"
  35. >Snake Eyes calls your attention.
  36. >"This time they got you good, dude. Ya didn't have enough sleep thinking about that filly?" He was whispering so the teacher wouldn't hear him.
  37. "Shut up. It didn't go that way." You whisper back.
  38. >Snake Eyes smirks at you and puts his hooves beside his eyes, making his eyes look tiny.
  39. >"Oh Anon I love you so muuuch, you are my world!"
  40. >That caught you off guard so much that you had to put your hoof on your mouth and snigger about it.
  41. >A piece of chalk hits Snake Eyes on the forehead.
  42. >"Ow!"
  43. >"You two will be levitating buckets full of water if you keep distracting the class."
  44. >Both of you apologized to Dawn Tea and he resumed the class.
  46. >After class, you two started walking home.
  47. "Ugh, I could barely pay attention in class today..."
  48. >"So, why couldn't you sleep dude? Did that filly say something that made you think about her last night?" He giggled. "She must have said something big to leave you like that. Did she confess or something?"
  49. >You look at the other side of the road as Snake Eyes asked you that.
  50. "Pretty much."
  51. >"Wait? Did you know her from somewhere? Or was it love at first sight?"
  52. "Buddy, you have no idea..."
  53. >You proceed to explain your last night's contact with Honey Drop, Snake Eyes listens thoughtfully.
  54. >"Wow, she must be crazy for you. I wish that that happened to me."
  55. "I don't think you'd like it... What's worse is, I think she also stalked me in front of my house as I went to sleep last night."
  56. >Snake Eyes' expression was so surprising, he couldn't believe what you told him.
  57. >"For real?"
  58. >You nod your head.
  59. >"Wow."
  60. >You two stop talking about Honey Drop, you think Snake Eyes probably didn't feel like continuing to ask about her as it was too creepy of a topic.
  61. >"Oh... speaking of Hades."
  62. "Oh boy."
  63. >Yup, like yesterday, Honey Drop was at the crossroads that separated Snake Eyes and you.
  64. >"Hey Anon, if you want, I can stay over at your place tonight... tomorrow's Saturday anyway." Snake Eyes says close to you so Honey Drop couldn't hear.
  65. >You ignore Snake Eyes for a bit and walk to confront Honey Drop.
  66. "What do you want?"
  67. >Honey Drop's expression was melancholy as if she was regretting doing something immoral.
  68. >"I... want to apologize for yesterday."
  69. >She wasn't making eye contact with you, her voice sounded all stuttering like yesterday before Snake Eyes left you two.
  70. "Really? After saying you stalk me and probably following me home?"
  71. >Honey Drop was surprised by that last bit of information you dropped on her.
  72. >"I-I didn't..."
  73. "I know it was you. You followed me home, didn't you?"
  74. >She looks at you and then looks at the ground. She slightly nods.
  75. "Why?"
  76. >"I... my heart wasn't in the right place."
  77. >Honey Drop finally raises her head and looks at you.
  78. >"I was so happy to speak with you that I didn't realize my words were wrong. I did follow you since you didn't say an answer, you rather..."
  79. >You told her to leave you alone, which was the most obvious reply at the time.
  80. >But why are you feeling guilty now? She's the stalker... you did nothing wrong here.
  81. "I don't know you, and yes, your words weren't right. I don't think I can love a filly that comes out of nowhere and asks me to be his coltfriend."
  82. >You just need to make her see reality.
  83. >"I never said you had to be my coltfriend! If you don't love me, it's fine... just let me be by your side. Is it possible?"
  84. >Now that's better.
  85. >You look back at Snake Eyes, if he could give you a thumbs up, he would.
  86. "Yeah, let's start as friends and see what happens next, shall we?"
  87. >Her ears perked up and a tiny smile replaced the sad expression she had.
  88. >"I-I like that!"
  89. "Atta girl."
  90. >"I also like you..."
  91. >You blush a bit. Snake Eyes whistles.
  92. >"Well guess that's settled, I'll be heading home. Oh right, tomorrow is blackjack Saturday! You can come if you want, Honey." Snake Eyes raises his hoof to present himself to Honey Drop. "The name's Snake Eyes and I'm Anon's friend! If ya need any help with this silly goose, you let me know."
  93. >Although he was giving his hoof to greet her, Honey Drop didn't move an inch but nodded at him.
  94. >"Oh... well, guess I'll be going home. You two take care."
  96. >And so you two were alone once again, you started walking home and Honey Drop followed behind.
  97. >There was no conversation so you might as well start one to break the ice.
  98. "So... where do you live? I have never seen someone as... Uhm, how can I say this... peculiar as you before in Canterlot."
  99. >You don't know if it'll be rude to call out that she looks like a panda, so you won't comment about it.
  100. >"Oh, in the outskirts of town! I just come inside the citadel to browse some stores, walk around... maybe look out for you a bit."
  101. >There she goes again.
  102. >Also, did her voice change again?
  103. "Can I ask you, why do you like me?"
  104. >"Oh I don't like you. I love you!"
  105. >That made you blush again, ugh...
  106. "Just... answer me, I just never seen you before and you caught me off guard yesterday. When was the first time you saw me?"
  107. >Honey Drop stares at the night sky, thinking for a few seconds.
  108. >"Ummm, 11 months, 24 days, 5 hours, 25 minutes, and 4 seconds if I recall correctly."
  109. >That's... oddly specific.
  110. "Wow. Do you have a calculator inside your head or do you have notes of when you saw me last year?"
  111. >"I'm pretty much a self-proclaimed scientist! I must record everything that catches my attention! And you were among the things that wanted me to remember dates as correctly as possible."
  112. "Self-proclaimed scientist? What's that about? Are you planning to become one?"
  113. >"Oh just my hobby, it runs in my family! Although my family doesn't talk that much at home. So, that's why I rather roam around Canterlot!"
  114. "And where do you study? You look my age."
  115. >"My family taught me so I don't need schools."
  116. >Man, if she started like this instead of... the maniac of yesterday that started going crazy, you would have liked her.
  117. >Still, for some reason, your brain is telling you to be cautious around her.
  118. "Guess you don't need to ask anything about me?"
  119. >"Oh no, I know everything about you! If you want I can tell you anything about me so we're square!"
  120. >That's... not how it works.
  121. "Forget it, I'm starting to not care about you knowing my daily schedule."
  122. >Besides, what's the worst a filly could do to you? Sure it creeps you out, but that's about it.
  123. >Ain't nothing wrong or bad happening.
  125. >When you arrived at your home, Honey Drop didn't look like she wanted to say goodbye, though.
  126. "Uh... talk to you tomorrow? You can visit Snake Eyes and me in his treehouse." You look both ways and come closer to her. "Just don't say anything about it not being a treehouse... it's more like... a bushhouse."
  127. >Honey Drop seems happy you were close whispering to her and blushed about it.
  128. >"S-Sure."
  129. >Oh boy, you shouldn't have done that.
  130. "A-Anyway, have a good ni-"
  131. >As you were going to say goodbye to her, the door of your house opens and Colgate surprises you both.
  132. >"Oh Anon, just in time." She giggles. "I was going to the store and- Oh? What do we have here? We got company!~"
  133. >Destiny today hates you for sure.
  134. "Eh... she's just a friend from... school."
  135. >Colgate stares at Honey Drop from top to bottom.
  136. >"You can't fool your mother like that Anon, she is not a unicorn! Unless she knows other types of magic that I'm not aware of!"
  137. "She is just..."
  138. >"Your fillyfriend?" Colgate jokingly asks as she giggles.
  139. "No!"
  140. >"Yes!"
  141. >Honey Drop replies at the same time as you do.
  142. "Wait whah?"
  143. >Why would she say such a thing!?
  144. >"Oooh! My Anon got his first fillyfriend! What a delightful surprise! Why won't you come in and have dinner with us? I have so many things to ask you two!"
  145. >No no no no, no!
  146. >You started panicking and waving your hooves as if to say no to your mother.
  147. >"Thank you for the invitation but... I have to go."
  148. >Huh? She's declining?
  149. >"Well, you're welcome anytime you want! I can't wait to tell your dad about this news, Anon!"
  150. "It's not like that, mom..."
  151. >"Oh please, don't be shy. Isn't she a beauty?"
  152. >You still don't like her.
  153. "She is... unique."
  154. >Honey Drop took that as a compliment and yelped a bit of embarrassment.
  156. >Honey Drop said goodbye and, hopefully, this time she went home and isn't going to stalk you again like last night.
  157. >Your father was working in Ponyville at this time so you had dinner with your mother, went to your room, and changed into your pajamas.
  158. >You still had some time before going to bed, as it wasn't too late, so you decided to read some of your Daring Do books.
  159. >You lie on your bed and begin reading Daring Do and The market thief of Marapore.
  160. "Hopefully I finish this book today..."
  161. >Just two pages in you fell asleep from your lack of sleep from last night.
  162. >At least you could sleep tonight.
  164. >In the middle of the night, the lock from your window prays open and the window slowly opens.
  165. >Somepony sneaks inside your room without your knowledge.
  166. >They take the book that was lying on your head and put it beside you.
  167. >They take a second to stare at you and then leave by the window, closing it again from outside but leaving the lock open.
  170. Diary of Anon
  171. I had an odd dream.
  172. Dawn Tea got angry since I fell asleep in his class.
  173. Honey Drop said she was sorry for how she confessed her love yesterday. She still says she loves me and seems crazy.
  174. Mom got the wrong idea and now thinks Honey Drop is my fillyfriend.
  175. Luckily dad wasn't home, but mom will tell him about this.

Anon in Saddle Arabia's pony prison - Prologue

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Anon in Saddle Arabia's pony prison, chapter 1

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Anon in Saddle Arabia's pony prison, chapter 2

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Police Anon in Manehattan

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Anon in Saddle Arabia's pony prison, chapter 3

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